.l f NICKEL ALARMe( NICKEL STIRIKI-NG WALNUT 30-HIOUIR WALN UT 8-DAY The Newest Designs, The Lowest Prces, The most Durable A coura te_ AND) Tim ekee perse iery, lkaabue of are..Y 1? @Eiofls the look of the strtestébadly te have e bonflie, bat -th. boys mast bumu a iolte woodocsoafy 'A xAx named Wilson froimBrouga Wu s ent teojail ber. on Tussday,clag ed'with haýving stolen a robe cf semé kind. Mn. Geo. Storey requsts us te s6.6e he will b. married pubioily here in the music ball on july litt o-a yeung lady cf high standing in the salvation army ýat Barrie. À rEw of Our Young nmen attended a Party in Oshawa on Wedneiday niglit. Jndging by the noise they. made returu- ing, wé take 16 for grantéd- tbcy lied a goed time. TEm cold weathcr of Tuesdlay niglit made it necéssary for nearly every torch bearer te c"rry is own bottie of Pulmonio Syrup te prevént boarsenesas and suclà 11ke. WR, understand Pearson, the - man who was cemnuitted te th., ounty jail bore on Tuesday, on a charge passing ceunterfeit meuey, baË been bailed eut,' thé police magistrat.e t Pa.rkdale being one of bis sureties. ON Friday, March fl, Mr. Peter Héron, of Aahbum, will offer a large quantity cf liv. stock, thcrougb.bred and otherwise, implements, Pte., for sale by au-ctien and favorable terme as to credit, e. Mr. Fairbanks, auctien. éer. Ses posters. We are requsatsd net te put alaything in the paper '6%h. wesk about Mr. O'Brien, the photographeî-. Lt i. fine weather for hie business sud b.isays hé bas te jump round lively te geL Lb. work aIl doCé.Inu hi. dtean westber h. do.. ievely work. Foui thirty-four years oontinuously Mr. J. Ham Perry lias been returning offieer for this'ceunty. During that period he baB héld thirty elections. Characteristie of hig lite in ail ether respects bis officiai. duties have been performed with a serupulous fairnisa and care which does him great crédit. W. trust hé rnay be permitted te, long retain his position. TUE Singer Bros. have closedl their business in Whitby andpumposeopening business in Toronto. Mr. W. G. Walters laté of C. F. Stewart'. wili open eut in tlieir old stand lier. in a féw days uvitb a choicé new st 'ock of général dry goods. Having hadt a long expérience in tb. dry goode business aud being weil and favorably known be will ne doubt sucoeed in bic undertak- ing attoest that is oui wisILi TUE GuelphuAgricultural 00oil6g,8 issues bulletins eveny fortnigbt or se, giving ussfui information on &H1 sorts of maLtera. Most farmers are net sar. that these builetins contain in- formation which wonld be worth a goodt leal te thée, sud that th, bulletins will be sent free 0ny fariner, or any'bd body else for* that matten, wli soe int bi5 name. SBond yonr addreaa, -noei, reem& anBd gel a copy sont yen. b IN the Chatauqua neading courtes W. H. Bewell, who neeetly ebtained tl à diploos and ses for the satisfactony ti ýompletiùn cf ordinary four y.ar, and W'hite Beai eourses% bas just rooeived lis standing in the sevenat examina. t ense as foltcw. :-First year, 97 per Il iBt.; second year,,99 per cent.; thîrd tc ran, 100 per cent.; *fourth y-ar, 98 el snr cent.-or an average of 984 Par rn BARNARIYS Whitbp 4 niit *FEBRUARY 25th, 1887. LOCAL LACONIOS, WHA-T 18 GOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIVELY LÃ"CAL NEWS GLEANED BY CHRONICLE REPORTERS A chie'.s amang ye, t"knnts Au' f aith hell prent lt. WÂZ candies w-ere in great deEnand on Tuesday night. THE bfrinds of St. John's chureh wil give a social ini the uchool-bous, st the Bhay on the evening of Friday, March 41;b, a weekfrom to.-day. Uetreshment.. wili b. gîvén and a firit-clas pro- gramme-ail for 25 cents eaoh. Al go. Tnux apring grain and fat cattie show of he Whitby and East Whitby agri. enitural sbocety Win b. held st Colum- -bus on Tbursday, Mareh 8rd. Ail hindi of grain, aeede, fat stock, 'impie. -ment#, etc.$ wMilb. shown and good prised 'offere& 1! the competition i. worthy ci the prsmiume offered the show wili bêsà firet-clas. one. TaiE IRidland Division cf the Grand Trunk- Bailway, saya the Peterbero' Roview, te doing a prospérons winter trade. I6 is espeoially lively at that point. Apart from bringingin merchan- dise te supply the wante of a rapidly growing town, a considerable throngth trafflo i. being dons.- The rolling-stocok il inadequate te 6he dexnand. When thh it acres. at 6h. look io built-and opérations yl l ikely soon b. commeno'- ed on it-the passage cf freight wil b. mch faciltated. TazE'nu p al oezony uniting in inarrage Dr. Oummins cf Uzbridge and Mno. Mary H. Cochran cf this a town, a notice c1 which appearses. a- t wbers, wili b. read of with surprise by 0 cur tewn folk. The Dr. 'iha. feit the a wintry id c ity.siz w-inters wbits hie bride ha. berne 6he brMân&oetsizty. ri five. The Dr.!,was a bachelor and ha. decided te take op Iserésideno. bere. With .very appearance of viger and T satisfaction th. venerable couple went 1 through the ceremony sud with great promptue...perforrned the necessary !' salut, te ses! 6h. opnitraot. in LÂTEc on We&lnesday night as th.'5 night hawk cf the Cimomc". was mak- ni ing hi. lait fiight &round tewn t6io fres.84 and independent voter. loom.d up til comaing &long 6h. street talking. Otir Y nigthswk'e eAr wape pened ab once te t hear. "Ill tell1 yen pf a littie suboe Io have in My head, Bih," ai fd oe, à 6h "Befoe neit election I arn going to o forin a compact--to bq sigped by about au twenty or thirty felôws, pledging them B ai, toe ither charge #W0 eaoh fol their p Votes or net vote. Miht joit au wel SOsl on Oampbells tsud .ee' ,their 50Oper cent off ail goodi ati the bank tups store* Cali lanCampbell for horse blankes shaped. "iOa"k ,Luxs" 6h. pureet Iouvfe pasty. Gystesrecoived daily ai Bro*Ie' confeotionery depot. Cail O ampbelie' fer buffalo robes, alec black and grey goat. TiE bet cigare sud tobacos are to b. had at Brown'a cYster parier. Gali on Caruphells' and 'i e théir neltor- Clotho at Ilc and 124e per yd. WEDNECBDÂY wSSAsh Wednesday and cf course6he beginning of Lent. Camjbells' uo 6h. Dlacé fer -men's sud bey'. eérooat, at iew prices. Omil on B. & J. Campbell and sec 6the bargains they are'offering in l4!nketis. Use Dr. D.erenwend's Great Gemme Heur Magie for baldness, gray ui for ais by ail druggist.. y SPCU'.uouLcfers in Sunday sohoci libraries and prîzes at UMn. Ailin's -Whitby Bock and musio store. TifEi Rev. M. Westney inteedai repeating hi. Greenwood concert at Pioksring on Monday cvening neit. B. Brown bas the largest stock cf creame, ocolates, nuixoid candies, grapes, fige, &a., éver shewn in town. REMEMBziayou«-clu buyth. vemy best white cotton snd érbreidenie. for just ha*If pricest. ths bankrupî store. ONLY a féw days merte to capture th." great big bargains at' the bankrupt store, gét thèse quick Or yen will be lace. The regular meeting cf 6h. W. .0. T. U. wil bs hbeld this (Friday) afternooe in the Free Reading Boom at hall past three.4 TaUE toboggan suids continues te at. tract large parties'of piessure.ssekens svery' évening. The track is botter every day. Town CoiuiciL The Conucit met on Monday night. Members sH présent. Minutes cf former meeting read sud approved. Beevo Smith submitted 6h. firsi re- pont cf the Finance. Cemmittee,,s8 foliowo,:-That we have b.d the oliim of Mr. Jos. Stanlick ton ah.ep kilied by deg", aubmitted 60 ne sud after hearing evidence in support cf 6h. same, would recomumend that #5.83, being two-thfrds the. damnage, be paid. That the Colle,- ton'a application for an inerc&fefs al. aiy be net granted. That lb. Oolleq. or' ïcli for 1886 bas beau réturned by h. Assesson. and, beiag satisfaotory, reommeed its acceptanee. That #66 îe grauted the Collector fer bis services. Ths report wasasmended b>' allovlng h.» Collecter 04.68 for uncollectable axes sud passed. Coun.. Burns reported for tbm Pire bud Water Cemmitte., ïboommetndlng ,he payment ef a lump sZUu of #225 te be flue britade sud #4060o John Stan. on as engineer cf the brigade. The ominittee gave s ver>' complimenter>' eference te lb, effliency of the coin- any sund urged the,'Canounit give itl noper encouragemenc . The report wua dopted. Tbe Councilresuxned committe. on ho Priuîing Ooeimite.'s report s Wd ver fin mlait emetlng Mr. Bobsog- moved lhe adoption Of M o uvea luammndînent 6hst~ ié repent be auueeded b' reoommeed. tg that Mr. eewton baye lthe ocertÈ - r prunting, 0#150 au lender.d. H.4s"idt had bau sred by twc priâters le figures were net toc 1gb. . >mplained that lhe Prieuig Comit. e, bad, oued round thme tenders in lir pooe. Mr, Fol a-&"d il bqtbPl inters iid a fai show about Ibis IV Ceu, Robson said y... Mmr. Newtou-"'Thai' net -se." Several. enior..Od 1 Mr*. Robaou sali! bo bai!taken aever>'y lucs togive Mr. >Newten a fatrshow dl lid gone te him Uni. andaga* t euld Rket hlm tn ,Ide nathinu, ThV -MANTLES,, MILLINERY e Mum A&u.UT, JW li- v. aapruces imthie- best Markets. W. are noi iapsto esaewith con- to nu anykin paron, tat eve ,bfot luWhitby was there shown a better claieofDr G1d)o inake, good Value and first quality. You cen rely that oui best efforts are always put foth o i u patuibus entije satisfactio>n and gooda. of the best quality- and value. - e bing, 1N ew Dress Goodls. NewFlanes ad Sietins.New ante a Shnw .New Housefurnishinig8. NEW TWEED SUIT4NGS AND OVE.RCOATINGS" -. N o troubllo'to hoW g o s ve y*d el i é The Great Dry, Goo S ohù0cA1k1. . -- --emà L~A~ ~ILAALLLLwIy .ELOU~. i ,~ a &-4s, HOLLIDAy'8 EMPOýRIUM, BROOKLIN, Is the' right place to inake your Selections of Christmnas Goods. -Ris stock is ,largead well assorted lu thé varions dépautmentis, and hé lias now- added méay Nouveltiésec-i*fortai Christtuas Trade. Beaides many choice articles lu Dry Goodi, he lias a nie. selection cof THE. BESI QUADRUPLE -PLATED SrILVERWÀRE,' Comprising five and six-bottie Castors, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Piokie Diseés, Napkin Rings, Xnives and Forks, Plated Spoons, e, 0 T HE G OCEB ~ --~.m ~.w- . T ' N. jJ1.L- Io well filed with ohoice fresh Groceries seleoted es;peoially for, theChima You will find ini stock choîce new Valenojas, Seedeëss and LayerRaisins, cooi New Currants, Lernon and citron Peels, Spices'-of ail ki*nds, unew'an.d fresh, Extracte, of the boat quahity, Canned Gooda, Oysters, Finnan Haddies, - Orangegs Lenmons, Figs, &0.,'&C. Ohoice Teas and Coffees QIf the best values, alway& im stodk.- LanPd Tn W/iftby _ta Winnipeg OnIy $21. ROUND TRIP, lsT-CLÂSS, #50.' Wkitby ta British Columbia $50 0an steerage, -ofti; $15. m-ao Detroit snd Port HRuron withut 5L ýgp "kOed throughfrein Whitby 60 i MW epa ng rtickets for, WauIobew~iBLitishý Cwlmrus -by Ail 6h. Bal cu, 0. P. IL. and ,ortem Routes eruMicigandakta,6h S ad return.tickets te au Siteo sad imn ýad Great Western Dlvi- Mid Grand TruukDetrit ~au H a nid M llwaukee, su lIter. OoSché&p througb, sinÈN - sud re- ~UIEiOLLII~A<y- OO~LI~~ - -nk Raitway anzd Stm1v hiuuIqieI8ra o - For tu eYpOee«ncZ- December INSURANCE AND ÂNNUITY Policie M4nuities Plcie an( in orcJa. 138.20528m8,98144LW r-l f oreJ i Ris s À su m 4...18 ?s 56, ,71 &i92 Riak. T.,,, Int.rmmu4Rna bon qpv$UÃŽ - Wu aurcély large- eà On g h tà giv« rcýùùi to the iw many 4ntutio,"t 40, claftu t hg anol*o Ott pety 'li3riight, upon!..:gl ba lafor , -. ý 1 C ibi ýýb entyons 9.98;oîer' twenty-cne rn clf ages 6. Re cati, attention le' e irregularit>' iu attendano. of inu>' P tii. pupils on the; sobol registers sd n4ïù tes that it i. ulter>' impossible,.fer, bui ateecher le dojuite. ete .snobhpoapits Ibi aoooul.'Tbée soold, he con- lese ba. "la se visitors unot A; rofi i1s of the ciools,' 'Thorels .s greal.t ai of force in tis ontention. t4m ruu racilar sasaton oiflOntario Adi. )atiflgs, rtment, tors, AIL ROB- t te of the Oountyr çQ 'ILd no oefare the ixt thei cluas of Albeouns 's(If anQyl-I deoessed, i a abeve uinder 6he 9 anend.- *R le'vsd ators wtt rsny p art î4im shil r hie Mai& Salo fiim now ohowitg and Choice £IF[ h'n"f ry ÀLOp ýi