Msure. Egr&',Goodfel161h 0, h buye'rs, are in town. W. do Blot know tbat they are ber. on business, but it is- ,robable. be eybs nogn Death bu as vr u8 âogU lately, rs. jas. McNabb, wbo expired very ouddmfly laet Saturday, makînjg the fifth vicîlmin-oyne week. Messrs. F. W. IoBae and W. M.RÀe left on. Monday, with theÙr fénous trotters,,,Mayflower" and "1Black Dia- menld," te attend theBracebridge races. The yroung 50fl cf Mr. Alex. Jamieson whem wie reported as dangerouely il last week expired on Thursday morning 105rh in8t.1 notwithstanding the Most Iîi i m,;tedicýtd attendance. The ~jaai ook place on Saturday te Glen. arLa at which Place Mrr. Janmieson pur. pose$ making hi@ future home. NI. W . J. Rii;eberough, one c u merchant taii1ero, bas given up stock. keepillg and bas gene te Sutton te dis. pose of the balance of bis goods. Wc have heard il whiepered that friend Riseberough purposes removal te, To- ronto shortly, but wc hope sncil will pgovO incorrect. Our worthy taller, Hectoi Logan, fi it,,for r. few days past, been placed in ratber a diapidated-looking condition, frointhe. cifectO cf having a pitch-ferk ran througLi hie kuce. ý-The next turne *'lleck" ventures up tbýeugh th. fourtb flat of "GIrannie'e" stable, we would adviBe him te beave the fork in charge of a &iali boy. PORT HOPE. Now that Coun. Ross' genorons at- tetxpt on &ie pittance of the firezuen is blocked, by the firin stand taken by lb. men, it beheeves hîm te husîle aro:und atter orne ether trenendous beah in the town treasury. Hlow would it b. for Cou. Rose te mecrs.. the market fees ? To be sure it wonlnet replets the ttgwn tatrong box, but it would "lb. a littie," and that, il wculd eew is rea. son enougli for any penny wise pound foolieli policy. But there je an avenue cf revenue that might be largely, in Coun. Rose' opinion increased, and witliout injury te the interofiseof the town. Lt ile the dog -tzx. Let Ceuu. Rose turu some of hie energy te a use worthy of hie endeavers. Hie might mnake a hundred and ffty dollars for the town-besides cbeap sausagos. An undying glery awaits Coun. Rose. Thie is the tide lu tb. affaire cf Coun. Rose that the peet epeake cf,'aod if taken et the fleod may leed te a deathiese fans.. TORZONTO. The Standard office, Kiug-streît weet near Bey, wae burgiarizeil on Tbursday nigit. A drawer lu lie front office wae opened and $15 lu1 postage etamps taken cut. Lu the Police Court Friday Druggists John Wood, Albert Bell, sud Henry Soiofield were oaci fiued $20 and cees for selliug iques wilionî a liosa. Mr frs,"dâtre. Geld win Simili gave a large diuner party et "The Grange" on Friday lesat lu honos cf th-eir distin- -gui8fhei gueste, Sis Frederlck sud Ladyr Middleton. 1 Archiieiop Lynch sent a elatemout le the Mayor on Friday last, sic wing thaI noue cf the prieste are in receipt cf an incomo sufficient te, rendes tiens fiable tle essesment-. Edward R. Madden cf 56 Richmond- street wost, appeared in lie Police Court on Friday lasI sud was remanded until te-day ou lie cierge of illIegally pawning a cboak wbich an instalment stereman had gît en hun semli. lHe implicates lwo otiers nameil Wallon and Fraudes. Tic promises of Tonkin & Ce., et 110 Yonge-atreet, were burglarizd Friday nigbt.- An -entrance was effected tbrough a akylight on the. second fleer; thc thieves tien bal ne -difficui&y lu breaking down lie door leadi4,g into the store. The amount of ggodè leken. by thietlieyes caunel -aI present be etimated, but they are snppesed le bave made a big haul. consisîing cf bats, woolen goodo, etc. The firm 's emfe was attaeked uuesseîfully, lie bandles, iowever, being badly batterel. Saturday efternoon aI 4 o'clock Join Devine, while uesr Yonge and Qusenj etreote, snatcied a salciel frons Mise Belle, Travers cf Basleru-avenue. Policeman Moffat, lu plain celied, wilneed lb thefi andl seon bail Devine in cusîody. At Police Headquartera be said lhe waa 28 and liaI bie home je in Bandueky, O. The police want Misse Travers le corne tbcourt tlii.morninýg and proseente. Tber- ise-consilerable diptieria lu lhe city and. severeil cases aI lie Hos- pitl. Twô were taken tiers yesterday eue beiug a young man from Sb8. Mrlcbael'a College. DISTRICT ITEMS. Amouse altizeel broke up a prayer meeting et Newmarket. Application to have Windiser orected - mb a cily will é madae ait the ap- Proaohing semion lcf tie Leglslature. Aceai faoninq tiroaes' H alifaxi,. IDlOOO the strike cf the Pioton minere, Mon suds.-Tihee cîton faeor_#,cloeed. dOWn sa ud~frwant cf fuel. WIO14I wom a , osfud ia fibhy t'RI alifsÙ on- Monday, deetituts ~Jfrriur,, f9ol1 or lolilng;frozen 1<> I4u1RY# tie ItaliaWhor ot~.hoa mea 0 in a midg4#W.Wribw 4 ~'7woak ho &bl u fi !~ g hbill14M sw uoofli , - - ý V V*#'4V Mr. Tlhona.Grieves aBed765n dld l &rdYsB i s BOfln1Brosi. douce, *%ad -concssion Wostminiotr. Dece.s04 wus ou. cf the.pioneers of MiddIesex, having eùilgrated frein Scooland te tCanada i he i. ear 1824t and settled on lot 12, cou. 2, of West. minster, where ho had reuided np to thelime of hie death. THE hotels cf Bowmanvillet saye lhe Btateaman,, are al oloeed and the hotel-keeperes eens deternsined t do. Iheir beet le make thinge unpleasant for lhe publie geucrally. W. under. stand there i.s ons. talk cf promineit temperance men forming a'joint-stock eompany, purchasing on. of tihe tel snd opening Il as a firet-elaee temper. snce houge.. Tau edjourned trials reeulting frons tic receut Salvation Army dieturbauces in Lindsay b~ave been cencluded. Bob- ert Lindsay,'Edgar Hepburn, Jennie Menaie, Berthe Smith, Lizzie Wood, end--Lilly- May, were fined. A11l but ene was committed li default cf pay. ment. The charge againet Chief cf Police Bell wae heard, vvidence taken and the case wae disrmissed. A novel case wae dispoeed of lu tie Police Court eit Belleville on Thursday moraing. à baby wae th. cause of contention. A Mrs. Keller had oared for a Clapper baby and wae te receive a certain monetary consideraticu for ber service. Mrsr. Clapper wanted 1 h. child, but was unwilling te pay the charges, $8. Mrs. Keller refused te sarreuder the child until the money wae paid, which caused Mre. Clapper te bring action te recever the infant. The magistrat. ordered the ohild te b.e eurrendered te its mether upen lb. payment cf the amount clainscd. MA.A HoDi, a fariner of Markham township, wee bôtou H. R., Wales, J.]?., et Markham village Saturday nigbt ou two separate chargea cf et- tempted bribery. -The cooeplainants are Samuel Lapp and James S. B., Malcoînsm, who muade affidavits that Hood, lu the Franklin House et Mark- bain, on Feb. 17th, asked thens te buy aIl the votes they ceuld for .lfred Boualtbee and that hoe would repay thera efter the electien. They were enjoined te purchase votes as cheaply asposi- ble, fer $5 la $10. Afler a preliuninary heariug EHood was released on 81500 bail. The introduction cf 1h. Torrene eyete,.n jute the Nortbwest bas been acceurpanied with a complote blookade cf registration in the Calgary office. To begin witb new sets cf books are required te b. open, new ferme minro. duced, and tbese o far, have :not arrivedl frein Ottawa. But even if tbey were bore they could net be ueed until aucîber difficulty je gel over. The new Act provides liaItih regietrare appointed can only take office afler an Order in Council le thal effeet has been laened, and lier. i%, il appears, ne provision made. for thee d reetrars te continue under tie new Act afler its proclamation. The necessary Order in Goncil ha. net been passeil, and business aI the office her. is at a comploe etandetil. Sincs Mr. Me. Lean went eael Mr. Harris, cf th. land office, bas been acting as regietrar ber., sud we understaud h. telegraphed te, tbe Minister of Justice asking what was to e b.dnue. Wc loern t-baltbe lrie Frank Le8lie'8 Popular Montlely for Me.seh. The. great subjecl cf tbe day for the. American peeple, i. Ithe expeei condition cf eur great eapert l naa dozen cf whiih, one-fert i t h. wealth snd resources cf _lite whole nation is aeumuieted. Destruction cf a great port wonld epread sui le al parts cf. the. ceuntry. Mr. Joseph Nimano, Jr., lu hie article. 0«Oas Unpsoi.ctd -Se. ceagI," gives a lesîon-ihat, aIL shonld resd. Leaviug lie eashori,, 1h. Pop- uWl MontYaly for'Mrci next takes ns with Chbitiau Beid fora&uide, tp #A- Fairyland-,c f cieno.," tlierioi and Casolina. To Jenow- -I.ow BuOii carryl!ng civilization mb 1h.-I he e*rtcf Asie, we eau ses in a casefulAud inter-, linoe article on "The Tsaeoasni Ballay"Mss3.,Pieire devoles soen entlu#à ialo ,pageî o te hlioSu d home of a poeat-iearled andul ll6ued wosnan, UeIo Hur*J.oeôn,(HIL ) Holder,' lbnsUsals~,telle cf "SIoe n rets," sud arlipea on "(Gardenu," on, "Yu-eta ,sud the VeaIaloo," on "Linnou. sud tlpsà la Unlvosiy," sud ýoü-ir -î.Pbigp Sidney,' wlUh van olaIevr i tMea,4, 11lk. liifeeling"", every sfeer cin .aly, obtain satlsfactory Preef, bat Grooms- AuusFlwevil ak ten ie.fMi isue as wheu. boru. Dyspepslain Liver dompiaint are 1he directcauses cf sevenlty-five per.,cent, cf sncb maladies a. Billicumnese, Indigestion' Sick H3eadachie, Costiveuesui. Nervon. Prostirations, Diszl-- ues cf lie Head, Palpitation cf thé Heart, anudcother distresuing, svmptonIe. ;Thre doses cf Msgust Flower will - p-ov itLB wonderful effect. Sample bcttlee, 10 cents, Try il. The London Tims urgés an early setîle- ment cf lie fisheries dispute. For lRieketa. mramus, and au wast- eing Diaordersetof lidren. ScOtt's Em4sion of Pu~re Ced Liver'fOu, with Hypophospkdtes, je unequalled. The1 rapidrty wth whici cildren gain flesh and strengliupon il le very wonderfui. "I have useil Sett'a Emuluion lun.cases cf Riok7etesud Maraumue cf long standing. In every case 1h. improvement wae mark- ed."1-J. M. MAxi, M. D., New York. There was an extensive fine lu port Arthur on Friday uight. "'Wben I ate, my food was like a lump cf le-ad lu my etomach. I look Burdock Blood-Bittere. The more I took the more il hilped me, i amn like a new man inow," iasys Ezra BabcociL, Cloyne P. 0., Town- ship Barrie, ont. A 1cm. cf $900,000 wsas caneed b y lb. fise ai the American Cotton Docks at Toinpkins- ville, Staten Island, on Saturday. ,Mrs,. A. Nelson, Brantford, writes: «I wus a sufferer Irons Chronic Dyspepsie for eleven yeare. Always aller ealing, an intense burning sensation lu the stemach, at limes very dielxessing, csused e drooping sund languid feeling, which would lest fer sevoral heure after eatin g. I wau recens- mnended by Dr. Popplewell, Chenst, cf aur cily, to try Northrop & Lyman'. Vege- table Discavery and Dyspeplia Cure, aud I ans lhankfnl te eay that I have nol heen better for years ; thai burniug seneatiou aud lsnguid feeling bas Ail gone, »ud food does nol lie heavy on rny stomach. Others 01 Mny fsniily have usedit wilh best resulte. Van Brant, alias "Hlappy Bob," wae con- victed cf murder aI Warsew, N. Y., ou SaIns- day anud eeuenced fo be hanged. A dilapidated physique nsay b. built up and fortified againsl disease by Ihat incom-, parable promoe.?of digestion aud fertilizer' cf tb. bloed, Northrop & Lyman's Vegetable Disoovery sud DyspeptieC'ure. Il conuler- acte Bilicusueiae sud Kidney comsplailnte, overcomes bodily aliments special wlth 1h. feebler sex, causes 1h. bowels to sot 1k. elockwork, aud lu a safeguard against malaria snd rheumatism. Adam Haod, a member cf Mr. Boullbee's oc'mmitlee, was arrest-ed et Markham ou Saturday, charged with inciting twc other men to bribe votera. Mr. Henry Harding, of Tarento, wsltes: My li111e daughtes, 7 yeare of age, hbs been a terrible enferer Ibis wlnter from rheumn- aties, being,,for weeks coaufned le ber beda with limbe drawn up, which could net be slraighteued, sud euflering greal pain lu every joint of limbe, arme snucishoulders. The-beet of Physiclane coulaD,4-> help her,. sud we were adviged te try Dr. Thema.' Ecleetrie Oil; -which we dîd, and lthe bensfit wa at once apparent; after using two bottles the pain left, her lmgasslume their nalural shape, sud lu lwo weeks ai. wau as we.U as ever. Il ha nont returnel. FOR NETTLE RASH, Itching Piles, Ringworm Rrsqtions, and al ricin diseaaes, se Prof. Lows', ulph>ur 80ap. Teegraph Office, NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS. DIRECT CONNECTIONS- The OommerpWal able Co. The ltimore & Ohio TeL Co. The Posta Telegraph Co. And aU ethler Toeraph Lin.. To secure prompt éupatob, nue ie (.P.Ry. C o. Telegraph. OFFICE lu: Biorardeon'eBlock, ne«s Market Square, Orders laken for Coal, SalI, Gypouza,: Waterimei &o.o. for The Ilatibum C. E. . LOW, y5 AGENT. A Good SUiît-made to Ordetïr f6o. $12.OO0 A- large. stock of Scotch, English and (Janadian Tweeds, B1ack Worsteds, etc., te select from. A Specia1 Une cf HEÂVY TWEEDS frcým 5te t 5 icents peryad suitable' for Business Suite or Boys' Wear., A-- FILL STOCK 0F GIROdERIEs ALWAYS ON HAND. Ilighest rmarket price paid for" Butter and Eggs. BBOOKLIN, ONT. FUR.NITURE Cottage or Castie r/ClES Wl/CH WILL ASTON/SH YO(I. CALL ON WM. HAJJLT, BIROOKIN. IJ~ Funerals Fully Supplied." WiIby Woollen Milis, Midway between Brooklin and Columbus, on the 7th Concession. We are now prepared to make al Goode, snch as Tweeds, -Feil loth, Sheeting, 'Shirtings, A]l-wool bed Blankets, and Yarnsi i ail varieties Knitted f*oods kept in stock for ýhes patrons. w, kinds of Wooilen Union Fl annels, Blankéts, Horse and ail kinds of accommodation -of Dyemin iial colors cdone to oi-der. Highest price pgd for ainy quantity of Woo1. Ail orders proxnptly flled. Du . 80OWEIiMA N d 80,Ni s- %FPtehing and lnng i moet at ng-wre by often eed and uleerate bcomlngVerymee SWAYNEPS OINTMENT Sosthe Iteblng-and bleedlnag, * hesa eulcerion, -and maiiy cases remve~ y 4 4S44 bmail fo MANKHOOD!, -How Lost, liow Res-térodlô W. have .rccentl rubished anew edition cf I O.ULVBB.E WELL'5 EEBÂE EBIon the radfical and prfermanen ue(ihu mediine of ervus I)ebiity , Mental ,and Pýhyisical Incapaoityr meiet eMr p~age, etc., resiilting 'fro-M-ecsss W-Prce, in, sealed&exivlqp, only 4 cents,.or twe pos3tage utamp.. The oelebratedauthe0r, ta ±bis admjxable Esay, clearly demenstrateo, frons thirtt- years' UCCeseful practise,, that alarnuin-g consequences may b. radically cured with. out the dai-gerons use of inte]rnai medieinsaà or the" use of the kHfe; oting Out> mode cOf cure at once simpl, ceranan effectuaby meeaf i which every unferer,, ne matrwhat hiea"ondition -ma)> Mae,my saThie Lecture, 'uoid bein the hmn4e-ý cf every ycnth, and every man rin the land.. The- CIJLYeERWÈLL MEDIOkL . 41Ann8t.,New7,9xx Peut OmeBox,4r50 y4 DRe DPORENWENt>'S ARCADE# TORONTO* A Bchool ThoroughblyEquipped for inessTraining. ]300K-KEEPING, ýPENMANBHI BUSINESS OOERESPONDEÈNOE, 8~I~HAIDAND TP-RIIGPRAOTIOALY TAUGII FINEST ROOMS 'IN, CANADAý' $end for (Âdressî. B. Day, EgAoonaaToront~o; N.Y. -AT-