NextLor'a a he ev. Dr.. crke wMl apfi préac ber., sud at Brçôolin. The Bey, J. F. Bsrker " Sclled 1'0 os(b. awa on Wednemdby 10o ciaete -et fà nra service O! Mm A.lexamder, formerly a reSid- -ont cf " atown. The Ëaptbchumoli building lhr is about te bee Ireated 10 à thorough overhauling, in- sidie id eut. The Memars. Wilson are 10 do. thb, p*lntinq,ývâMnshuug, etc. This Frîday evening lbe Mission Band o! 1h. Baptist churchgive their- annual enter- taininent in te curch. The 'Rev. D. A. *MoGreMgor, former pastor, Winl be Present, , badcdreas 1h.audience. Lam ong .tinisgreeted the Rot'. D. SB. 1ýoe S tBaptit church. hast Lord'% day andwer wIl pid for istoning 10 him WhiiIe he met forth the conditioù cf man ini Christ, mit the gracious character of the Baviour. There was baptism at the- chose o! tb. evening sermon. The congregations both ýýe Tabernacle and o! St. Andrew's church\wsere rather surpriued on Sunday morning last 10 find thal their respective pastora had exchanged Plils. Both of ltheRot', gentlemen b.d large oongregatinm and tb. sermon.; deliv- ered were highly acceptable 10 thon. resc ont. A more frequent ocoirrence of the practice of iatsrchangi ng pastorm would ereate a dloser bond Of union amoag the different churches in a lown. seheel Item&. The sohool boys are beginning 10 shout u knunkie down whioh in a pretty go slga cf.approachingmepming- Thi.0 olleglte Institute Gise Club goes ïo Aridley Ie4nghI <lmday) 10 "etlainath etert.lnment gîven by the pupile cf the. publie sehoci. If the weatlier proves agre>.- &ble ne doubt cihere will taes dvantageocf th. uleghing aud drive eut. Inspoctor Sealli visitel the Coeegate Institut. on Monday andi Tuesday andf in- specteti the different depurtments. Ths new Physical apparatue wus caret nlly exain. Ined anti approved of. The inspection was =&at ilth a vlsw te asoertaining the teaob. ing o! the different members of th. staff so e c teacher wam given a faim phare o. Mr. 8eatbs' attention. Hia report ta th. Board o! Eduaat.ion will faliy set forth bis opin- ions in regard ta the above. Mn. Seath loft town on Tuesday evening, for the eant. The third regular meeting eft1he W C. I. Debatlug Club, vas held on Friday svening Feb. 18th. ln the debate,,"Resiolveti thal lhe greatucsof the British Empire je de- elinlng," the speakers on lbA affirmative aide were R. L. G.aughan andi Gordon M. Campbell. On accoant o! the values. a!lhe argumnsts brought forwamd by rthe two aides being no neanly equal te ons another, lhe chairman toit himmeif obliged to declare the debate a "draw.P At the fourth med-i inta be held the 251h nt., will b. debated, "Resolved Ibat the Dukeofo Weliingtqn was a gretter man than---the Duke cf Marlborough." Leader of the affirmative, A.T. Haight, o! lhe negative J. E. McBrady. At the fiftLh reular meeot- ing, t10 eb. hltiMarch 4th lhe subjeot, "RUesolveti tht Free Trade wo id b. more benieficial 10 Canada Iban Protection," will be discupeet. Leadbr ofthle affirmative, 'thÃôa; Nolan, cf lhe negative; F. W. Browne. 4Hl are inviteti. * The 66th regalar meeting cf tbe Whitby Celleglate Instituts Literai-y Society Wa& heiti on Wednemday lb. 22ad in Asembly HAll, atter the minutes et last meeting b.d lissa. reati and confimmed the following programme wae rsndered :-Song, Mises Bditt Connor; recitation, Magge Lintan ; * -lngBert Smith; reading, Mises Annie Goid; sang, Annie Jobaston ; chorus, Gb. C)ub. Natioriai Anthem. Debate. "Resolveti that tihe pen ta mightior tin the sword."-AMfrmative, Thos. R3. GE"en- woafi. A.ý T. Haigtat. Negative, G. M. Campbell, J. C. CampbA-l. The debate wau iecfitet i n favor of the affirmative. The next meeting will be helti nemI Wed- nemday hfternoen, Mr. White in lb. chair. The followlng programme will b. monder. eti:-&ddrss, T. H. Gmsenwood ; piano sole, Miss , Kate Andeseon; izeng, Mima Allie Holden , reading, R. Farquharson ; chorus. Girls octete , reading, Mise Mia- nie Wood; plane solo, Mise Louis Franis; rea&ng, Charles Sarney; sang, Mins Caidge; viella solo, W. Jameson. Mr. W. Robsen, of Tomnto,.pet Tuesday * Mr. 11. Powell, inedicea tudent, Teronto, vas lu town eleeien day. * Mine Gardiner of Oshawa lia been-visiting * b. MIsses KeWboen for a few <laya. npeerSaIh-us latowa on Konday aud Tnsday Iaùytiztg the Collqegl CapI. W. Hendereon coblebeo! Iofland Revenue, Oobourgo andi vIf. speut 1a few Mr. H. B. Tayýir vas reeieeted by an- elamatiZca Lejopsil of o!Grand Master of thieA.0. U. W. onThursdayiast. Mr. A. Seott, -for smre turne past wood- worker'la Win. Nevpcrt's cardage werk bqre, le t fer GCbtam on Tueadiy, te.- fil] a More lucrative Position. -m . .Palmer, Toronto, un*---lt sludeat -vashoe on Tuesday and Wsdnes. dayFb d. pamne home 10 visit iltheboyes ad sut bies vole la faveofetgodgoverumeul A number pf olti Wlitby.. boys, now res siding la Toronto, amen g vbem moï 1L LlgW.Thompsont J. Brown, Wma. Mu Gillivery, J. MeCrohien, -upent Tuesd*y in Mr. A4 . Brava,.. feerbt 0, O. F a feu Tonoirro, Feb. 21, '87.- J The pleasure cf your Comnpany le requesteud at car "As IHome" OÙ Wed- aesday slext at 125 tldiversity street. Among tbe honered guegte are, Nuts Buildings', Lawyer MOFoy, Parsop Jame~s, Hforace Greely, Bay cf Quinte, Gaeanny, Shug BoweUvaml Si Prime and ther Pen Wiper editor. Yours rosFectfully, PROP. BRGUCeRa HOTECL. IIOTEL DE BBOUCHE. 12% UN-IVEB8IT STIIEE, ToRtosro. BILLIT DE FARO. Shadow, mock herring, aponge, sock broth, cork, oversbhoe. CO0D DISHES. Mashed ice, broken ice, cold ice, raw iceberg, boiled iceberg. GAME. Old sledge, old maid, neve u u, Far&, high low Jack, polo, csno, 15 balr pool-, TONQUB LUNCH. 1. Old rnaid'a lhp, vinegar sauce, mother-in - 1mw tozigue, son-in-law uns, wagon tongue onora4ker. Ulnbrella, rain water 'saue, bsked chig non, greyback on toast, hborse blanket fricassed, boiled haïrp n larded, liard boiled billard ballea wiUi pi n- pool sauce, Buffalo robe onilet, '"Merry Xmas go3ae. VIQNTABL. Corn, corn fried, aoft corn, 1 lh bc t corn, bard corn, corn whiskey, relus Corncob McAuliff wth fut-yoUL-oall sauce, cornucopia, corner. PASTRy. Apple blossom pie, machine mrade hume- back pie, Methodizt pie, sogepecor- leg pie, suspender, saucebig mou p i ding witb a la Haà y;eed" wind siuce, air braîned pudding with ponipador, sauce, b.3xing glove pudding and clairouet suace, Brown's not.orions brindie caif niec pudding, buckwheat flet pancakes and cream. M AR I E'D. Co&D-ic.-Otn 1h.etth Feb.. at the reidence à f Richard Rich Es. Mariposa, by the Rot'. J. C. Pihkey, fvr. John Chai-les Coad ta Miss Rannah itich, al of Mariposa STr6FFINS -JAcKsoN.-At Sony on the 9th axaI-., by the Rot'. A. Currie, IA, Mr. Gea. Steffins of the township o! Brook 10 Miss Minnie Etta Jackson of Sunderland, Ont, LAWSON-SXITH.--On the 141h instant, at St. Pau's cburch, Lindsay, b y the Rot. S. Ves;tnn Jones. incuinbent, Jaçmes Mat.hew Lawsou ot Woodville, 10 Ellen Smith of Lindsay. Cu>urnsCocHRÂ.N-Ofl Thursday the 241h imit, at tha residencof et bbride, by the Itet'. J. F. Bann-er, Dr. C. J. Cummins ot Uxbridge ta Mm. Mary -Cocliran et the tova o! Whitby. RÂY-M.ACDOUC.LI-At the esidonce of the brides father, on the 8th iu..t, by the Rot'. J. B. McLaren, Della, ouly <aughter of John Macdougall, Esq., Canington, 10 Hugh Ray. Woodvill. -MCDorGALL-IN2*ES.-At the reftlence of the bride'e tathor, on tbt, 9thinst., by the Rev. A. Curtis, MA., Mr Donald Mc- Dougal f the township of! Bock, ta Miss Ellea lunes of the san-towns i p. MB1NEGHT-IIOLF --On the lOth inet., by the Rev. L. W. Hill, B.A., aI the feaidence o! Mr. HÃŽ. W. Woxdgate Stoufl ville, Mm. Thomas Moneght ta Miss Sarah Janre Hoît, baoth of the village of Columubus, Oounty o! Ontario. BiLtvT-WALU.-lY lt.heye. A. Mar- lin, aI th. residence of th. bride'. father, Feb. 111h, Mr. Thoma Henry- Exeatt oAsI Whitby, Ontamio county, 10 Missa Emma Elizabeth Walis, neoffld daughter et Emnuel Wallis o! Marip"&, Victoria counkty .1 D E A T EH8. ÂLEXAM>ERi-Ât Oshawa, on Monday Pcb. M2st, 1887, Sarah Legtfnot, beloved wife of A. Alexander, in ieïr 57th year. GUNN.-On Tuesday xnoning, Pcb.* 15th, at ber laIe residence, VWood me, Cr4n Grant, beloved wife of John Guna, late cf Beaverton, aqed 68 years... HeLonR.-At Lindsa3, Ont., on the 14th day cf February, 1, ennie, daugbter of H. Holtor!, and sister-inlaw of J. W Wallace, erma»yor cf Ià induy,. aged 21 years Be sure you gel the Genuine Ifnrry Lanmias Florida Water. There are coun- terfeite, but if yen iold a ieto the patà pb. lot which le arround each baIlle, np te 1h, liglit, yen wiil;-Uee lafant iettes, mater. marked ia-the paper, the words "Loauman & Kemp*'-NewYoik," aud when yen cannot find tht.', .yu may b. sure the' article je notgnle vaeopin e rsgari4n 4lgalaon acceu JTý bod It U &ÈUne DOUIWZ The Porlugue ehavebombardea T- u aud. sezeda vsslbeloiig bt 4 ultan~ of Zanzibar.» tis a good mie 10 acpt ,only aum medicines as, after long rial, have t6o *orthy of confidence. Thiseia% case whl other people's 1.oneMay be of service, jmm l Ias u teen e exPerlenoe of lhonsanda tht Ayer's Cherry Pectoral la 1hO but, cough, Medicine ever uued. Ç»- 11 -Ânother destructive fire oommre a nPort, Arthur Wednesday mght. For Couglis and cldit, use Aflen' Lung Balsani Relief is warranted or money refunded. Frenchi and German agents are 'buy,74 homrs at Englieli faire. No ohild or grown persanoam e1,joy p erfect health if troubled with worm . Dr. emitb'u German worm Remedy ÃŽle .mpat effective worm destroyer ini the worla, pleasant to the taste, and imafe. AkZour draggist for it, and other.- Tinancial and Commercial. Office of Whitby Cimomera, Whitbyl Feb. 250 1887. WHEITBY MARKET PRICES. pull Whet ......... #0 '78 Bpfig Wheat...........O 78 Baxey...........040 Peaublaok-eyû.....070 Biue Peu........ O50 Data ............0 w Ray.......... ....... 1200 Ahike Olover sed...4 50 Red Olover seed .......... 600 Apples, per bbl..........i 150 Tomatces " .....O .. 0 Potatoes, per bag.......O75 Eggs .0..0............020 Butter .................O0 18 Ohefee.................O010 Wood..... ......400 ýSheeosins ..............O040 .aim ........ .010 Rides, per lb............. 006 Pork, perowt............ 6 O0 Turnips ........ ........O0 16 Oelery, per dos,.........O 80 Chickens, per lb .........O0 10 Turkeys, per ib ..... .... 012 Ducha, per lb ....... ....O010 Gesse per lb ............. 007 Bacon, Fa.rmer's..... *... 0*08 B&ms, f".......O010 Wool, washed...........O0 16 Wool, unwashed..........O0 12 Pamsuxpa, per buahel . O... 40 Cabbage, per head .......O0 08 Shallotts. "64 ...O00O Beef, by, the carcase ......60 Retail-l o 10li. Mutton, by the carcase .... O0O5 Bietafi-IOc-lc. Veal, caroase 5c,7o, retal.. O008 #0 8qý 060, ýQ 60 0 7ry 0 60 6 w 2 w 065 075 22 015 660 0 Ã"Q 010 007 6 w 025' 040 010 ois 010 018 010 012 020 ois 0 W 000 ow ew 006 on ccnýý- lenders for Lumbeî and Suanulng. S*el iTenders vilil be eeived t thlb Town Clork's Office, Whiîby, up ta accu, on THURS DAY, Mai-ch ths 111h, 1887, for 1h. following qusnîtity anti description o! gooti, amnd,<marchautablo lumber anti Cedsr, to b. delivered ti t he Town Hall, Whtby, on or betore the lot day c! June, 1887, vli.:. 10,000 ft. l1 in. pins Plank, 12li m . "a'su 12 feelin alength. 12,000 fi. 1ijin. . e.o., 10 in. ivIde, de. ',000 ft. 1 j la. do. do., 8 in. wids, do. 1.000 fi. 2 lu. do. do., 12 ia.. wids, do,. 6,000 fI. 3 in. do. do., 12 in. vide, do. 85000 fit. 4x4 cedar Scantllig, 12 and 18 fI. lu length. 8,000 ft. 8 in. cedar Plank, 12 in. vide anûl' 16 Il. iu leagtb. 8,000 ft 3 in. do. do., 12 in. vida, 12 fI. do., JORN SMITH, Chdaman, Streete anti Improvemenaê DOG8, DOGS, D0686 AU ownems or harborers cf dogs l it b Town of Whllby are bereby notiûied toedo at once at the. Town Olerk'e Ofice and pr» cure Iheir dog" tag" 'for the preseaI Yeu.~ JACOB BR'YAN, Chiefonstable Whitby, Feb. 24, 1887. Ui T 0LET- Omfotabe ou" Appiy ta W. C. 5ITH9 Cubha BakeJY Brook Street, Wbltby. sou In the M lÈgh COùW toflu e Common PieUDivisio. Tisu m MtThl Cues-atraI Ninqteeulli day of f!ebm7lr, 1887. B.tween ROERRT:.G. 082!, ýità l"rlescm omulaiLn ~4 give per- MAY BROTHERSI Nurserymen, To tii. Publie-- _Idesire through tb. medium cf the OERNIOK t Ihnkthe public for the patronage tbey have extended le me la my business during tbe past tliùty jealU. lu Ocober 1861 opensd outtin Whitby and nolwithetanding the many' Upe* and ýdowne ef business life, and the rnany changes I bave accu around me du-ring theoé many years, I have à lwaym receiveti a fairmemasure cf support andi patronage anud hope le continue te receive evon in a more extensive way the support andi con- fidëeo f the public for the future. The question je now being asked hy m=uyhow is" il I amn able. le soul sa nes m ach cheaper Ihan form~er- ]y* andi put in anoli goond stock and workL Tbat je eauily ausesed. Ljeather and hardware te cash buyore ib,,opge cheaper Ihsa during the past ton yjean, sud having large experieneee sund;sufficienà t capital 1 arn enabled le buy'my leather, hardw.ýr9 and every- thiug Ibat is uaetin theb.manufacture o! hamneust tae lblwesl possible pice Ibus savinir discourit, bank intereet, reaewals, &M. In the second place rny margin of profit je placeti 50 low thât I amn satisfiedti t tiake joumnueyman'e vages, rent and taxes on cash sales, Ibis will apply alse ta rny varieti assorîrnent cf trunks, valises, whi;p1. currycombe, brunîtes, andi an enclleutn variety cf undries belnginiz te my buginees. A look thmough my ê.tabliahment by those equiring anything in cay lino cf business wilamply repasy tbem. J. B. PHILP, Saddler, Brook St., Wbitby. GREATESI PHOTOeRAPHER. W. IL O'BRIZNe WHITBY. -Wnax icxzNzà a O'Bmxr lb.e mubjecî -i o! Ibi clhi firel sw lb. ii"Ã'da;= theii 2nd cI oiession o! messL *Imulet aerth o! Boboaygeon, one aorping hu & bot ably years ao. HIa father vis a R usiman nbleman vhe vais forci Io.leaà ve bis niave lanti on acctof a! certaIn=s. i spiaclS l vbwioh lie h"t become imnpica- . 9Àt. ewu knownmsDueoOrieneff, and Iupou seullnc asar Bobosygeo out ORf thej uoff 0hise A, anti lift itasltheplie. b*o m w nvuses it. The mon Wlim or be'vas g Èeeallyhava frmm à . luunfacy evfl ç ednouus for eioto- ýflppy antid rughlng, vhbich grtifleti bis ssbnibe pmeteanMd yev em & asers tà ken te cutivîtè aIsbspenchant. At ehà ol be wm alwaiys à mawlng piobUmeýoýn blsslabe,- ma .stti urptïltiu*sly holding the=mnp fer the edifeaIlencf rItei. ctber sbeas;Iey gea.alJyoeklb. orm atifigure o! the *tbr. Toii. Isu ne asTlmellib'Titus, waaa e! peculircuisand-i aýgls rd stlW" tellêht b o! t ypung çenîn û.- r4twup bis -eniaruities a in -4,Iheir D RY, aooS DomiionWarcroos CLEARING WJNTEIR GOODS AT' GREATLY REDIJCED PRICES. STOCK TAKING SALE! ------4- W"e offerï-Ladies' Caps and Muifs, Men's Caps, Robes, &c.,w W~ AT GREAT REDUCTIONS ffl To clear out balance of stock. We have only a, few Robe8 Secure Bargains. No*w isl the time for Cheap Overcoats, WoolI Shirts, Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves, &o. Jobs in Dress Goods. Fresh Qroceries. Th e_ Whitby China Tea Store-is -stili alive, but got a 118w naine, thà e People have. ehris;tened At the WHITB YCHINA HALL, at, whih you wili flnd one of thè'ohoicest and larg est stock -of Fancy GIasÉware, China Tea Sots, Crockery, &o., such asi was neyer shown before outside of Toronto, ail of whioh'will le ëo1d oheap for cash during the ne xt t'wo wekse- Corne- one,ý corne ail and ins4ect foir yo reives before purohasing ekle.. wherel,whethexryou bay or not. -C C MJ Aý1qWD EE1. gW'lso ,a ful stock of chioice" Grocerios of 'ail kinds. Fruits,- Orangsi Louons, Dates, Np4ts,F,]igs,-Candies o 411 kinds. ,Oysters:wholesaie and. retai. Als1O C1hoe Prize Essencesi. -' W~.I nqinM-Y -xx'. shed 1856. .Uvl In Untaù iCour ýpment ana beat furnisi f) Prlnting plant li .asti 3ue-o! s xeanting aIl clamsea e large ponter to the emal] elial mention le made cf i Sose faclities o! TEE Cxi. a celebrâted N. Y. CottU ana other modern conve« order reccives prompt, om -ASOP DVERTISING. -7,lnnt insertion, par line, 10 cents; au inibeeqfeflt-lnssrtlon, ô cents. Djsgplaysd Ativerlisements are mieasm bh anocale of noliti Nenpameil,and clm AtivertiIements sent wilhout vltî Inlstructions inserted until !orbidden,u obarged fer full aime. Ordefs for discontiauing ativertiseme mfumîýbe la wrlting, otherwise lhe pubi ers yl not beg respoasible. A liberal discount for contract adverti menta by the year. Copy for changes eôutricot adirtisemontn nhould b. hani An net later lihari Wadnesdny; and uao cf any'lnteiuded- changes ebould ibegliý befôre.,Taeeday faon. Other aià &veri mentpe msceived up to Thursday neon. ]Businees notices in local or neva cala Bmest insertion 15 cents per lins .o! Non reil; -.10 .-cents per lins ecdi ubsequ- insertion. Fit', cents per lins per e*nùm - orenpondence soliciteti from ai p. cf be County or-neighhôring townshi Ceimeepoadienteare requested 10snti -their communications sa pomptly possible, * HENDERSON & GRHA 301STA4T MOhNoYDp JOHN E. ]FAREWELL LIL.B- J3 BRSTEI%, Oounty (Jrown Attori 'l r,&d.Coùnty SQicitor. -Office,- 84 wingË, court Honse, Whitby -4 DÂSTR~B,0D. Oe oineývIi Dcupied bW Fà rewell1i& tedge tu0 Royal HRotel, Brook St., Whitb>y. DAVID OR1nIsToN, B. A., A TTBNYT-ýLAW, SOLICITOE oprnez-lu.the Office soutli«Of-the office, laM*cMiflau'a Blocks Brook, St W hitby» Ir G G.YOUNG. SJiITl, -,L. L- o -RTBR &.-money 10 omwxu-Smith's Block, mouthOfM ]Brooi, St., Whulby. JAMES Ish 1ÇoIpma xo u lelt o 4 mth o! clny left in Bl'k and Grey. -t Proprio