Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1887, p. 1

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Wtp bQronicIt, r, Established 1856. Mc Ledlog Weeklï 'ln nta&lo Coupty1 St&m quiptnet and tbet fnrnished 0 ksd o rinting plant in' 1hatern ,oe Ontario, capable of executing ail clasBes af work from the large poster te the sxallept bandbill. SPecÎal mention is Made ai the ansurpaiaêd Presfacilitiea af THE OimiN. g551. witb its celebrated N. Y. Cottrel 0Ylinder press and other modern conveni- once veiy order receives prompt, care- »Mrflb Mm6m :-M - w M116 Wlth cal=n Prînted words, greu tboughts, and untlrlng industrye WHITBY, ONTAIRIOS FI RIGOGS &IVORYI, S. B. cor. Ring and Yonge Ste., Toronto. DBEST TEBEH. 8 an rubber. ECellulaid, $10. Gold, $80. Hlave extracted the teeth from Thausande ai persons, absolutely painleas by the use of Vitalized Mir. - ý 46 A. -&. POST, ate with Langley, Langley & Bturke, Toronta,) ARCHITECT. Designis for Churches, Vifll an d cot- tages aspecialty. Drawings prepared for TegRmS 0F &DVERTISING. Oprwxz-FPiret #at oer Howso'e Drug Piret insertion, per line, 10 cents; eah P Store.2 WrT3 gubsequOfltt iuset.'Ofl, 5 cpknts.P . o 0, HTY DisPlSYOd Advertaements are rneasuredl by &sae oti f olîd Nonpareil, snd chargod SIEEER T BR OS., 500ordinigly. Advert.etflonts sent without written instructionsins iartod until forbiddeln, anid LI VERY 4nd SALE STABLES, obarged for tuili ime. -Ordern for dirýcoati'muing advertiaoemente BROCK"WVREET, WHITIBY. met be ini wr.ting, othprwise the pubiîsh- Goad Riga and Good Homes. Terme rosg- ern wifl Liot be respotiablo. sonableï à liberal discount fur contract advertise-M Ments by the year. Copy for changea of 19 SEBE1 T BROS. eontrat advrtisomnente should be banded in net later than Wddreday ; and neta<' e '6 ,#NfN,0rIfPEOPLE USE 01 any intended changes sbould bo gîvon befor.' Tumaday znoon. Other advertiso. R Y S E D Menta received up ta Thuraday noan. F R Y S *E D Business notices in local or newe colmm D M. FERRY & CO. frt inaertion 15 beuta per line of Nunpa- ne- LaIBtedtSUSeUh ol; 10 conta iper lino each subsequent in M.he wRRY& O' insertion. Fivqetconta per lino per anuu.0.MFER&CO Correspondence *ïolicited from ail parts .utmdt16 cf theCounty cor neghhariniz townships. peàPiS Correpondenti; are roqneated ta asnd in SEEDANNUAL their communications as promptly as Mbnu 1 Posible,FREtag HENDERSON & GRAHAMapint n Proprietors. . wltaor. IOHIN STANTON, drn t Sup't Mechani'cal Dep't. JOHN E. FAREWELL, LL.B., B &RRISTER, Caunty Orown Attorney, and County Solicitor. office,- South wing, Court Houas, Whitby -48 JAMES RUTLEIXGE, .j ARRISTER. k. .Ofice tormerly oo- I~ou pitd by Farewell & Rutledge, next tu Royal Hlotel, J.rock St., Whitny. DAVID ORIISTON, .. A TTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chs.ncery, Conveyanoer, &o. Or'icz-Ln the Office south of the Post Office, in MoMWias Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SMITU, L L. B., BARRISTRI &o., &o.-Money ta, Loan BIssuer ni arriage Licenses. Oipvcz-Smith's Block, south of Market, BTcck St., Whîtby. & (11-51 JOHN BALL»ýOW, B ARRISTERAT-LAW, SOLIOlTOR in Chaiicer, Convoyancer, &o. Offie--Deverii's Block. Brook Street, Whitby. MONEY TO LBND-Private Punds- tn sumosup te 1800, at a low rate of in- LYMAN ENGLIBU, L L. B.9 B> ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN .LPhuncery, Convoyauoor, &O., &o. siln_ ece Street, Oshawa. R. MELDRUM, MK.B. tOROINTO D.U niversity,) L.R.C.P. and L.Pi. (Edin- burgh)>, &o. so. , RH tg TERRA.OE," BYZON-BT., WIRITBY. wne.DIlOBhIEN. 1DM..,. G- UTS IOSPITAL, LONDON, BNG.p M he eye B. 0. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario, .Dr#.WRRNtOTTBRS , Y. WrARREN, .DCM,(McGULl) W. CUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Toronto,) iLD., C.fr., (Victoria.> OFICE: BROOKLIN. Si. C. CRÂW FORtTHl VBTERINÂB SEGON %mauaI. offthe' Ontarlo Vetérinar7, col- loge, Toront9 Orders by mail o « l.rphtempl ètend.d te. Offie at resideince of G. yeepsl Dr. Bogart#s, Dandaa t, Wii.hltb ArepX~ ~.t t t~e.Contain thêr own Purgut ~i lc: , sjý ure, sud effecùaa> destroyer of worma in Cbaidren or ÂduUm. DUNN'S POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND Go1t~miIi: SPECIA L EIII' BA RGA INS1 -OFFERED IN- Silverw are, Watches, AND Jewellery NEW GOOD8 W. R. HIOWSE, OHEMIST- AND DRUGGIST, wIITY Hu on band a veny large sud select stoc of Chrietmnas goadu, coxnprlsing Ladies' Work Boxes, Whisk Holders, * Odor Cases, Mirrors in Plush, Toi/et Cases, Large Vases, And an assortinent of other articles suitable for preseflts. CaU and Ex~mine Our Stock Befoe Purchasing E!sewheres. LAMP'S Cau sudases h'go largo ssorhmoul Brass and Bronze I# OIAG LAIRSI -AT Cor. Brook sud Dandua Streets. BOTTàM P RIC0ES!1 SOLE AGENT POU THE CELEBBATED HAlR VE Y LA MP. W.9 ýR.IIOWS]E, CHEMIST AND DRIUGGISTO j Ocate Pepce, Progres, Kuow1odgeil BrotherhoO4.& AY, MAIICII41,i 1887.e NO* 2 N.IWS LETTEBSO incIClE Correspondeuce. ,m. Hezzelwocd- je very ick. a day was the busy part of éer le about le relire froin 'icur And, ho jegoiDg le make ~with ou, merobhant Mn. T. rento<, noe Reg U ider when the neit great Iisturb socal circlea. mon Lawton ef Dakota bha. farin on the 6rb at a band. re, to a gentleman frein Son- Oviü ,lt b.eenlerpnise cf 1he boys at eobW, suother football le being pro. cured»1- Yeu did smm. 1.11playieg lest mummsèr, boys- koep il;n p, sud succesa to yeu Treindous oxcitemenî lu Utios on electiou dey. It even commeeced be- fore &iay.haight sud continued tili-woîl, it ie just begioing te simmer docn nov. Did snycue noticesa cattie-dealer in tow.a on Ibat day?2 Mn. Oreali,:. fermer much respec- led neighbor, vam viaiting fi jeede bers lately... Mn. D. W. McDonald, cf Brooklinoslios a flyiung vieil to thie plaequit. otten. W. are aIl 2lad te ses yen, Dav, e s ofto se possible.. Mn. Win. Flevoîl, cf Vivian, aleng wiîb seotber-,geutleman, vas seen in, towvu for a -short wbilo lstely ...MiseBag- sbaw la Vieitiug as Mrs. souley's, at presont.....Mr. Albert John Allie and bride pssuoJ lbroug bebre où Iheirs vedding tour, stsying a short lime widuh4onds. Nazi! Lait Thursday eveeicg veek Ms'. Csmpbell, ondes' the auApices of C. P. S. 8.,îClsremonL, gae bis ielereoting and istructive lecture ou "Loudon" ta a lsrge.and apprecietivo audience. Hi. leetufe >we-ý beantifnlly illustratedl by London 4cenel diiplayed on canvika.. Os y~ êenicg of l. Osainweeçk' the S.O? i.Ne. 107 gave a froe entértaiument in the public hall. The entertîîmemeut wv am sely sttended sodsppsreutly enjoyed by aIL. The foloving lint sihow. thé order cf menit cf the finet.tbree, in thoir ropeo- liv. lsso tbe senior deparîment of the. Olarment publie Lsohool ;-Piftb cosen, net reportedl. Bs'. Poortfi cliem- Jas. Patersen, Jennie Scott sud E'he) Sinpson, Jue. Fongle. Jr. FP'ourtb olams -Tinie Birreli, Aile. Burgess, Luther Boves sud Chat. Msenab., 1 Br. Third oIs-Mary Scott sud -Ao,*ie Porgie,* Hmnny Aetnidge, Frnk Ravecu.- Jr. Third clane-Walter MoParlane, Rich- ard Miller and John Pennies', John On Thursdy moruing of last-week happened anu1cous'rénoe vbicb breat- eeiit bhavfe a Iregie endi Wbile a inuby thbusinéof Greene se éniploy e. 'on lbi C. P. B., ws eugaged lu tb. performance et hie daty lu a brwndiug i.uoweiorn,hevas s'on dovu Iby Ibe,-lO. 80 J14. pesoagwstnruig &bout 80nïclles per bous'. - Wlbeu fireI obnnved by t hé 'ongnee-s' ot thé, train,' h. Was lying up agalits t.hae lainl th. front cf théenjgins, fiensibiov, wîthý ae Rfu ash on &he 'top 'ofhte besd. !. *4s plse.d lu helb bgeag& osebý sd tabou h Olté muonIelalob' sud fro& theuôa. te thé <s'uerai hoptal, tUronto. -Âfter sévirai days Incessant gare: and walohing lb. phyuicolsu gave hopé,_ of bis ýultiraate reeevery. Mre. Gren, wh& visonteulfou, bas SinO. IOSHlawA. Elections being over everytbing je quiet andaive hèar no more political argum'enta. 1 The vote pn tbe by.law grantfng a bonus ho It4 Hamiltonnsaw fsctory will take place cm Saturday feu Maroh 5&h. The Mes'is. Singer Brou, have sold out their bu inese te, a gentleman frein Port Perry,37and purpose cpening huai. negs in Toro nto. h1ave secum ré là 'ses L. Hugbes,, Inispecto.r of -publi c ohoole Toronto, te give a lecture in lb. chapel cf tbe collei o on Priday evobnimg. The cys;er supper given. by the Salvation &rmy on Moeday evening laut vasl a grand succes fai exceeding -the expocîà iens cf Ibose ietereeted. The Bowinville baud' btîng preeeut made the mieeting mare enjoyable by nenderng spine eboice selectione. -The proceede go tovards building a -nov barrcks. MisMoWain lormes'ly cf Ibis Iown wbilp out dniving eortb of Bovmanville st Fniday evening wus throvn frein the sleigh and lighitieg on the hack et ber head vas knoched eeneelese, She! s'emaineâ lu that, etate for uearly twonty four heburs. Althouigb ber systein reoeived a very seveno sbock as e lewly rnoveriniz. Mr. Gee. Kerr, tram Derby, vioited hie brother Androv lut week. Hickinsghotom's sale IltPriday vas largeiy atteuded, and thinge vent obeap, il i. said. Mmm. Wm. Stephens in, vs ans glad te gay, impreving a geod deai, altbough sîll coufied to b.d. Ms'. Johxý Davidien bas gene eauIte o near Brockýnile ith sns herses, sold te Wm. MdNiab, cf Lyn, Ont. Mr. John Berce latoly lest sa ve ry valuable yonng mare.- Brain foyer vas the asigned causeecf death. Ms'. Cassis han moved en to tbe Blair fartn, now oved y Mr. James 1. Dav!deoýù, iutendin-g to, work il ou shares. Ms'. Dunpan; a.sncoessful iud, veIL huowu sýock-ralàor frein Missouri,, U. 8.,9laleel vieited Mr'. J. I. Davideon sud bough 1-soesstock freim . Mucb a4toniebiment vas expressed over elecllcà rEtàrus.- Mr. Wm. 8mith baid a majornty cf fine héer b vs,.al- 'moî invsniasbIy a Reforin majority bas bien given. - Ms'. James Ormiston, laIe _of th. Kitchen fab'rin, bas rentod 200 Soie', back norîla near Beavertonj, and i. nov movlng hi eoffsets. Héasuad family have been stoppiug villa Mr. Gardiner ail vîntes'. Mr. Pétte ronl',al. tomeei 0oÉ netsFriday. 4,tht. " Tie-fsoeîly lu- tend toviùlg ,eut 10 Dakota esnly- in Apnil. Mnd:. 4rt?îhus' Jotuen'ir-brother igeiug towork the plae for hum -Ibis Smith tbankod bis supporters for the liberal mnanner in whioh lhey ha, supported him., A number cf- cur .ycung peopl.p on Friday evening Iaset ook 'adrantage 01 the beautiful condiýion cf the roade and wended-their way baok 10 Mr. Win. Foster5s, wbere they vers every hon. pitabiy entertained hy the good people cf the bouee. -On the return -trip heis bark howeviàr, iucumbed tle-lbh massive waves and had il ol,.ýbeen for the'4 carefal piloîing;. of., olptain.,Dan- in orîder 'of menrt). Fourth iJiséB-v Lizzie Doîen, iHarvey '-Ferrier' Ànni, Deten, Eddie Burton. Third er.-ýJohn Ferrier. B. Doten, 0. Burton, F. Hoo-. ver E. Micheli. Ansen Hoover, 01lara, Hloover, N. Moîntyre. Second OlaS- F.- Burton, T. Micbell, Magge Speuce, Maria Hopkins. Firet Part. 2-Johin S ovart, Russel Burton, John Fenton, Lillie I3rLon. Firét Part 1-Chau. Wurto, Ernest Burton, and Arthur Milne, equsi Willio Pinnok.-S. Gý. .Brown leacher. 1. .11 GREENWOOD. Caýpt. Wm. Hendenson vas here lant, Mrs, Fisher bas beau quit. ill Ibis week. Mr. James 081vert has movsd mbo or village.- Mie Moran,, cf or village, i. visftitug friends in Breohin., Mise MoKay, cf- Port .Coiberne, -*Io bas. been viaiting ber mnoîber, Iiiforà ber home Ibist eek.* Mise Briguai), daughter, cf Wm. Briguail, - cf Breugham, died at thé, residence cf, Joseph -Bnrgualion.the' 21.4 met. Deýre.d'vas ou a vieilt a ber unele aI I1W lime. Thé funeral teck place on, Friday to-lb.h B. 0. cerne. tery, th COLUMU&I Tory Hili wae ah aàflàwe.on Tuosday night and' fou galorepevaýil:ed at the, resldence cf orbhighly'reépected neigh- bor Mr. . Wm.- Brown. .-Tbo hospital- ity of lèr. and Mnh Brown are . o wîdely âu4 ezteuivly,knevu thatlb. meje anno nocemont -6f îheir intent7.on tle n. ei thee w a PUbleae-pl socilwae suefcientcrwork. up . wholecountry*round and one w"nl4 have lhought from Lb. athsnring lhat . tck place. Ibat Master Fred ba>di tah~ thimesoli awife, aud had-iuvîtet.d lb .wbole ,towxehbip 10 nejoco. withl. Ne printesink vas ueeded 10 bïiùgi t)>. ultitde.. rotm ,eariy uV-, the afturnodu te laie iai>te Ïveni*a'og1 a.u caefrein the eastànd< tba W'*ei*, frôtuV: the nàorth and' the uouth aù&fill.&a,th THORLI -PREVIOUS TO- STOCK TAKING. JAMS. OEHSTONP H. VANZj 1Iiisiu..of the lat# 'eil Iwas e oind 4lîf owbloh 'j lE :1w T VOL. XA xx'. Jan. 22,1878. "s' .o! oice Oh 'v . . -4 r ý»Tý 1 lýwsll:

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