ai CIo~I: $ICOL ALARMB - IKELSTRIKING WAN-T 30ý-HOUR WALN UT 8-DAY The Newest Designs, The Lowest Prices, The most Durable- AND lYmekee pers. A ccyât e BARNAIRUS MARCII 4th& 1887. LOCAL LACONICSi WHAT 18 COING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUDGET 0F LIYELY LOCAL NEWS BLEANED BY CI4RONICLE REPORTERS "A abi'aamseg Ye, t1kmn otes. Au, failli heliprent il. PaSSEST prospects point te an early Tnsà pasi veek bas been the best yet -- aItich toboggan elide. It affortietfu for ail wbe bai a mind 10 go Ibete and gooti fun ai liai. U pon the wbole the *ýportousjeyed ai tie suds bas been good enongi urougieut te awpiy satisfy ite promnoters. Ther. may be tics. vbc failedti legel ive dollars werth cl amusement out cf lb. thing, but il liera are il le udor ova fouît. *Tirs argest. sale cf geoti, irported anti fine, home.bred stock wbich wilhi h iikely to t.ccnr Ibis yeer will b ha t t of Mr. Jnu. D. Hlowden, ai lot 16 le the Ythl concession cf E. Whitby, on Tues- day Mardi iSti. Mr. Howden liae spent many years ie cellecting bia magnificent bord legethet and bat exercieti great cite an iPatience in breediug a number cf splendid animnale. The weeder le liai, ifter se many yeare cf carefizi wotkiug among bis stock, he ceueow part vit tisma ia.1 TEz parier social belà ti athe residenoi ci Mr. Wm. Darnes on Tueetiay evaning wsas a grand sectsese. T'he large builti ing was thrown open to lie p ublic, and tie genial bout anti bestesetii all im iboir pover te entotain tbeir numereul gueete, Music anud song, readiogu, recitilions, anti amnsing games wert bIlrity wllwihoul number anti joyeni biaiyhelti bigi carnivs.l la everl recta. Suobisocile do more te veai off tic rougi edge cf life than a&H the other tes Meetings, festivals andi churci sociale combined. Ou ezeperience, as veli cf liat ol about seventy.ive- otiers tesident ol &bis goti olti burge teacica e usi Police Magistrat&e Harper i. ne respect. et cf persona in the tileciarge oi bis dty, for notwithsttning ig o greainese ho yanked us up viii lbt test cf them lasi year for keeping m deg witbout lie neoessary persona property qualification in way cf tag Il seeme tisse tige are 1k. votes- when yen bey thea yen oa only usg them eone year'and nezi 'year bave ti * buy sheai &gain. Andi if everybodj do'l tag iheir tiogs rigbi sway,-ai suggeoted by Chef Bryaa's ativertie ment il &adbtber' colea, tic chailce- are w. osah hear cf another ocslaugh mpon lie uususpecting dog. fanciers b: Hlie Worehip an&tihle'OhIef. A taî Only comete one dollar lu ths- bru-t place bet if iî-gýiîfli à by tlb. assistance-cf lbi polics magistrats i-n grantiag. il,i eoste 85 or $0. We poert Iieagun aoeompanied by anSy cetemenlal dis play. THERE are a fev fillowu driviag 0096 iioeaily lâot Iis noble town of Whitb,1 who bave wiist ieir f olei beatis lest * hem btb ink are fast herses, but wlzio' çoulti oarcely make î amile *in"te' Minutes even if allo*ed to break tni tkip anti skive as mua s .Ihey like Nov tisse follova Who ovu lthe, aillegodti rotting horses -fancy7 îÃi J they vork up a litt10 speed i n ,omini lutovu wnandi siakeoir*lt i1 ttle along viti thr. oiucle of bllf tie iowa people wu 6 11, suspenditiIdt messe antiroam out upo>n the.Sreet i vi OPen moutiotsec .'go - juit stand la lthé dee-W&q o 1,Omo: C - ut business ploffl' 1 haithe iqe maarks thstà » P " hetw n takeous ishisoiamU }QOds a r -cf their n5.05e being matie Public, weîI le re, by the 5ev. Mr. Abraham. -Th a essy,, whic4 ovesreaily goti andtd il a biyh order, lest nothing ibte reai ing, andti he young ladies are te t -congratulatetiaoteoly ou the ability du e playet inl preparing their, essaye, bi ýo in tbe wisdcm titslaied in theu oýboi( ly cf a reader. The audience tenadereti s beatty vote cf thanke te the differoîz e.essayios tbhkuownandi nnknowi gs for the excellent entertainmentlt etg 2t vided. ey BENNETT of the' Oshavas tation bot w as brouglit:op. liste on Wednesdi es before P. M. Htarper andti Mayor Loi e6 iharged-*iih ,.abrogation" of the wbi ikey cltase cf-thé. Scott Act. Dote tives MoAialliffe and isistaff hati mai a raid on Bennett's botel aud Corral] elevator neair'by and founti oceanfi h~nerve foodof whioh t*ey brouglil a k4 y if brandy and seversi botls cf go' id lohig hiskey sway with them. b lb. Jiearing of 1h. case -on Wednesdi )a ýBennetL swore beheua ,othlang. to,, da witb hle bar. Wbiohh 1ag boe~u i0tO a siüoe-1qth lanui' st'ton one,,Mart WB léa=thm I~Mr. Wua. jeffrae"of tul'Own 14bl ~other of hit valuahi. so ct hors. ou id*y nigbt. 1$ tdied o.01 lidigesîion. W. have no Bstimatç of the valume of th. animal. Ou Fià day nighî lut "mre Parties with a rîg, drove, ôvsr Frank, a boy twelv. ye oldg-sou ,of Mr. E. Atm- strong. -, Tho boy wu. knooked-over senseleas but not badly burt, tbough one of bisl bands wae badiy oruehed and bis face damaged in - appsaranoe. People oau't hoprà ta run fherses ini th. dark witbeut burling sumo on. Tas Beeton WorlZ le responsible for tbie item :-"About evsry wint9r ibere grows up in neariy every town an apprebenuicn about uwiall pex, andi vaccination is generaily resorted to as a preventative. We warn girls ta, b. carsini about being vaccinated witb the virus taken from tbe arm of omre adoed yonng man. A girl at Umbridgo who wras vaccinated from tbe atm of ,ber lover bas taken to swearing, chewing tobacco, sittiflg oross*-leRged, and bankers tae oke a cab pipe." Wit clip the following reference te Miss Ellen Loue, sister of the Mayor and Mr. Jas. Long of Ibis town, frem the New York Sunday Time8:-Ma- darne Clara, the prima donna, il pre- paring a young Canadian pupil for the concert room stage. She bas a de- licious contralto voice of great extent, aise rich and mellow in tons thrcugli- optý and feul of expression. 8h. i. aisé studying the method deeper wbich bas developed her own voie, in or&OF te teach ta others in Canada ibis old ltalian echool, taught by Madame Brinkerhoif 10 her pripils. An angry bouvine crested consider- abie amusement te the bystandere .1 the mearket corner on Wednesday lasi. Whether she was disaPpoiuted ini ber weight or ttng te maduseaby -lb8 taentsand jeers cf the sperts who bad bet on the tip cf the scales ig known only to ber ladysbip, but suddeniy becoming enraged with bead ere et aud tait thrown .10 tbe wind abe made a bolt down Bro9pk street ocattering the crowd ie every direction and rnopping the road for many a ted witb tbe form al tbe courageotis youtb whbo Wes lied on te th. other end of the roe. Bets werî even that 1he man wonld win but whsxi lasi heard from th. 00w was abead. MR. GEO. STeiuxY wisbeg ns te an. noence met ernpbatically that oui informant cf lias week was deoidedi off in bis references ýte hlm. ie hal ne intention cf leaving single blessed, noeste join tbe surîy eld benediots Wb( bave t~crawl in before 9 p.oe., aný tcrawl ont before 7 &.m. te beild lbg kitohen fire. George wants noue of il 1Moreover h. asys he bas no desire t( 1 upset the electien in ibis oounty. Hl 9 bas no vote and r.eived ne money fa votiug, and wbeu ho dees come iu fo a vote rnoney won't be able te buy il 0Right yen are, George. Stick te lb. )fuad yen will become a power la thb uf tate. As te the Army Mr. Store. eays that il je net the lasse. h. admire tbut raiber the prinoiplee tbey main etain. Right you are &aine, George fand if our "devil" takes advantage a ýeour proof reader again te slip anythini 3- int eut colurnne to the contrary abou isyour Pýand ce therie great questienE we will make bim a subjeet for promç *medical attendance. a THÉ'literary enterlainment given bý theb Y. P. A. of St. Andrew's cheroh 0e Mr. Fred Unelin 1sf t for Buffal ono Wed- neaday lust. Mm. Jas. Movat, 'West TorontoJaucion le vWating frieuisauti relatives la love.'- Mr. -Richard Cormsck has- been laid off vili a bal col I al yack.- iH olamre botter Mr. Wm. MoDougill, cf Toronle, anr elt Wbitby boy, speul a 1ev tisys in t-e Ibis week. Mt Richard Ricb axdeoa %ad amlly have ralerned.fnrn a Ivo montba' trip'la inte' Souliere States. Mlss Slamoy,. of Oshawa, bas been vieit- ing la tlvïflo'b. ýPuat tIvevek ieý gueasicf.UtM. J. B. Prigie. -M1r. Ueo. HRepbur, f .RBecord. DI., spent 7a few dave ia levu 1lu1 veek villu M. . L.Ebbiill,.A. Boues1u au404. W. are flow 8hoWlfg a very co mplete and Oh]oice Stock of New Fal .Dry Goods, MANTLES, -MILLINEIRY, Clothîng,, &ce Obeap aut tc bankrupt siore. 0.11 onu Oampbý»l1S' and zooe heur mrelton .ettiat 1ié and 124q par yd. £Ciaipbelse' i. lb. place. foi. men~ andi -boy'a oerooats at 1ev pric. T. best idgart andti tebacoos are to, be b.d atBr eWn' oyslsr par lor. q 0.11 on Caanpbelse' fer buffalorobss, aise black anti grey goal. ati il: Gae~.mpbelle' andi see ibeir CaloCampbell for horse biankeis CA ata the Royal Hotel barber-shop forà absave and hair-out. If 50 pet cent off ail goods ai tie bank- rupt store for the next fcw days. . Cà IX on'R. & J. Caniphei aud se tbe bargains tbey are oflering in blankets. IF yen want a silk dres or mantie yole eau save 50_pet cent ai the bank-1 rupt store. 1 W. G. WÀL'xuns, at the O'idfellowii Hall bs the fines& assortment cf geais baist n v. OsnÂwA votes tomcri ow on ils $5,000 bonues te iii. saw works it is securing from Hamilton. CUSTÃÃÃ[EU$sof lb. Royal botel barber sbop say the work doue i8 eqeal le any- thing dene iu Torento. ï se Dr. Doreuwend's Great German Ha r Magie for balduess, gray liair, le for sale by altiruggist. * S pIcuz. effare in Sunday sobool libraries aud prizes at Mrs.,&Alina. Whbby Book aud music store. MÂRÇ.H did net cerne in 1k. a lamb exactly. It came lu 1k. a thief-or ai -any rate it utole in in tbe night. R. Browu bas the largeat stock cf orsame, obocolates, mlied caudips, grapes, fige, &a., ever sbewn in teva. 1 Tasz reRular meeting cf the Baud cf Hope willi be heid ini the W. 0. T. U. readiug r-cer on Monday, Match 7Lh, at four o'olook. 1f Largeet variety of pbotograph ai- a berne and pInsb goede ever openet ini e Wbitby ai Mr@. Allens, Whitby boek a andi music store. The regelat meetings cf the W. C. T. -U.. will be beld ou lb. firet sud third ýr Friday cf evary moniL in tie Free y Reading Boom at baîf pool Iliree. * The traies froin the north due hoes *ai nie p.m. bave been lât. several 0 limes Ibis vcek-somnetzmes coming ai a mîdeight. Tbe tesson leialbey e have te voit te eonnect with othel L nortb branches cf th.ernidlaud system. o The.followinR neigbboriy word le fron elb Osbawa Viediotor.-Msoes. Pat. )rtenson & Bro. bave decided te coucan, )rcentrale Ibeir impiement manufactur Sing bueiness te Woodstock-. It is oe Spected, however, that the Wbigby worki wili pass jute other bande, ana il ii *Y bopedt tat Whiitby viii net be depri ved, cf the bensfit occerriag früm hav ing thesp works liis idai. >fIN boots andi ebees the bankrnpi Ig store certiily lakes the leati. Ladiei ~tkid tuttonati boots reduced freim S3,5( o, te1,50. Ladiet; fiaecordovan betton ed eiboots reduceti frein 61.75 te 81 Gent. flue caîf boots retinceti fren62,59 ote $1,50. Gants fiout baud mati acordevan redoced from $5 te 62,50 >UBoys gooti stroue lac, boots -tc ca ýdreduced fremn #,85 te 8ýo. Those ar lethe cheapeet boo>ts and shoes ie Canada New Dress Goods, New Hosiery and Gloves. New, Ho[usefurnishings, New Mantles and Shawls. New FbainneIs and Shirtings. New Mantle Cloths. NEW. TWEED -S1ITINGS- AND OVERCOATINGS. No trouble to'show goode. c0 F Everybody weldomee" STEWART The Great Dry Goods, Clothing and Millinexy flouse. - i;imaa HOLLUDAY'S EMPORI-UM, BROOKLIN-,_1 Is the right place to make your Se1ectiong of Christmas Goode. IRis stock is large an4c. welf assorted in the various departments, and lielias now added many Novelties speciallyr for the Christmnas Trade. Besides many choice articles in Dry Goodas,lie lias a nie seleotion of THE BESI QUADFWJPLE - PLATED SILVERWARE', Comprising five and six-bottie Castors, Cake Baskets, Butter Coolers, Piokie Dishes; Napkin Rings,.Kuives and Forks, Plated Spoons, &c., &C.e THIE GROCE-RY DEPARTMENT is well fiLUed with choice fresh Groceries selected especiaI1y for the .Christmas Trad&ý.ý You wil l ind in stock choice new Valencias, Seedese and Layer Raisins, ehoice -New Currants, Lemon and Citron Peels, Spiceès of ail kindls, new and freshi, Extrauts, of the best quality, Canned Goode, -Oys&terë, Finnan Haddies, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, &., &o. - Choice Teqcs and Coffees of the besi valuses, always in stock. ¶F. J. HOLLIDAY, ,Gra#uf Trunk Railzqay and Ocean SteamskizP UPTOWN TICKET AGENCY. Whitby to Winnipeg OnIy $21. ROUND TMIP, 15T-OLA8f3g $50. Whitby to British Columbia $50 Oce8an .Stéera ge, -only $là . "MIe' Grand Trunez m us laâm uthm liroug OhcgDetroit and Port Huron i out oaoal f cars. Daggsecked througi froin Whitt-w ho Speel al a"km"c topassengr tickets for Kaùit 1obluanidBritish 1Celfuaiby aul lhe ili Routes., ~R aINoriheru Roue inolui , oa- Mchigin Daktab, the 8Je sud rotura tickets te aulpineo Trnnk sud Great Western Dlvi- ai, 3Mca aniGrand TrunkDetroit- «rà a-i Haven and UMiwaizkes2d Inter- tar ticketht and 1rem ~ew York, PhUidelphi[a, wasbington, -Dover1 Dol. iplorlda, New, nen, u0honuau Ticket1 for Ottava otr ,Quebee, :P.w aa.tiula. Brc110e -l38sSctt, 8RQOXLI]~T. in 'thei- High OQUrt Of -justice. OnunPleas Division. Tan M.êasrR N Cuum.-Saturday, tie Ninleteeth day cf FebrUýry, l18K. Bettween ROB.aRT G. F082!, JÂMES DICKSON, JJPON THE APPLICATION 0F TE Plauutiff, Upti eaning titohcter' fortlieApplicantal±d poretiingthesWrit et Sumnanen ti lite:affd vite cf J. E. are- weil anti Abrame Smith'Jehîpson' and tic Exhibit'in lb. fornetraffidavit.referreç le.. 1. It is ordareti lihattservice upon lb. De- fenidant Jà mesl)» iéof hef iWritcf Stan- To thetPfbReo I desire thrugh ÃŽhe me caORRONIGLE 1 thank thie patronage they ihavB exti i My businùeSsdurin h, lu Ootober 1856 1 ou Whitby-and notwifthstandi upu aud downs of bùainesa many changes I bave '.ses All goodé bonght at the.lowest Cash prices in the best markets. We are now in a state with con- fidence to our many kind patrons, that neyer before in Whitby was there shown a better claëscf Dry Gooà îs 4 reliable niake, good Vaine and first quaiity. 'Yen can rely that our bébttnforts are tblways put forth to give ont patrons entire satisfaction and goode of the best qeality and value. dires. #tor8.e reby nôei d the &Sj. -to Mesrs. Solitets, before the. uexl, thelF ad'resos -acçouldt decesseet, be partira dlaims cof as mabove iinder 1h, 9-ameeti. -any part aira shah.. b is eaîd tribetioia. SON0, 1 1 1 ýG*