Whitby Chronicle, 4 Mar 1887, p. 6

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~A a bbéi. one of you may $akêa âo.àp 6.1.WW. nita*et ineutronomy, but de man ç1ho ~ O. I PUPI.8apt on de fonce in de day timn. lookin' ,Jacu.Ile's r..ty whlewahed ui i. a'ni&star arn gine wb 4644, gowaq ,On the heightè of Boii[ogno, hungry la summer an' oold lnu ulu ,-l close- tottit).churcb of 8t JJaw "A% speerit of philosophy *M te b. ronée, the patron saint of-fûsbormon. icoesrged in aIl, but de -m'an Who sots Bgwas a yoneg wifo and-mother, dewn 'te cold 'taters an' oodfiabo an' xty, industrions, and ontente. re&aons dat il vwas le be, an' darefre i, bauY was elle met oomiug dowu from can't borry any money of me. ier homne au the beighits ta, attend -De study of natur' am to be 00w. market in tbe valley,. oui] roturning mended, but doan' git 8o enthustastio &gain ain -th eveningc arrying ber oer il dat yen a amirilfiju' l ose de bright oyed iaugbing child epon ber obildren go bar'fut in Jinuoiry fur de shouldler or in ber arme. salie of studyiu' deir ho.). an' tees. Jacquelinee hutbabnd Pierre, was a ' Prsne de study of pollytiosal econo. brave and -honest fisherman, mucb my, if yen vill, but doàn' make de dis. eider than'herieit. It was weil known kivery dat de bull subÏjook resolves te the gees@ipBOof the fiebing výIâ9e that iteoif jute seilln' your *ote fur de she would bave proeorod Pierre's werry higbest market prie. younger and har.dtorner'brother and "De science of anatowy rnay veli that Alphoeee'a poverty alone preveot. interoît ebery eue of yen, but' doan' ed him from wooing and wedding ber,. stop short in Yeur studies ai de dishiv- Pierre was known to have a lutie ery, dat au aiverage healby rman hie money, and was looked upon as a hold dowu a bard, bottom cheer for saviug, tbrivingz man,; wbile Aiphenso six straight heure vidout seriensly af- would,' if b.e conld, have spent tbree fectin' hie constitushau.f limes as xnnch as ho was able toeasen. "Seek to master de science of mecb- After the marriage it was romarkod., anisim, an' doan' ernagin dat you bey thatbe nover spokre te his brotber,if gel de ball bizness ie your pooket as ho,. coutd avoid it, and every look seon as Y a bey demonstrated to e ooie tow1arde him expreed uumistakable wornan di~' a dull ai amn botter dan a batrad. He aIon avoidê.d Jacqueline, sharp one to eplit wood wi4. and 1'apoke te others hatefiilly and con. "Brudder Shin viii pies.. ligbt bye t.mptuonfiy et ber. more-lamps, stuif an oie bat int dat Pierre aud his oweet yonng vifig, broken pane in de alley vmnder, an' vo however, lived poeoefully, bappity, wili proceed te bizness." and coht.etadly, snd sbowed Alphonse .Tovard the. close et the meeting *vey ktanes i thirpovr.after tihe current business vas transaot. One Autumu a terrible etorm raged ed, the lien. Canterbury Johnson, Whoe &long the conse, and Pierre'. boat wae bad been viggiing around on hie bencb lest noar Valtiery and ho perished. 'for some lime in an ueeapy manner,a Hie brother, who bad alhie been ent aroe. and said hoe would like to effer a iras found among the low rocks by the reoinltion. CE ss, with fragments of hie boat and ibn "Arn il a werry important docker- i oar beai'Ie bite. Be« was insensible mnent ?", asked the president. al andtaMm 'ost deail, aed the fighermen "1Yes, ssah-wevy."a -Who fouand bim in bis pont ocarried hirri "Weul, yen km eoffer it, althougb it bu te Jacqueline'% Cottage- She, -in ber arn a leLtle laIe." tl grief and dread, reooivi-d bitu witb Brother Jobnson thon sent te the dc kindues, and gave him every attention Seoretary 'e desk the foilowing: P MIi ho reoovored. Resolved, Dat it arndia sentiment of M After smie daye ho left, the cottage, dis club dat Ireland should permit wi but net bpfere ho bad sbecked the England te govern herseif, an'dlat from e widewed Jacqueline with Passionate die date, uuitil de Engliab people bev W solicitatione fpr ber love. Bue rejected seeured deir -fuit niRbîe and privieges te hlm, but &a lime rolled on, and frorn de nashun menohuued, dis club Alphonse etli pressêd ber suit. rernet- holdo ne furder intercourse wid Ire.W brance ef ber early attacbmenî for hlm taud.",fi bogan te revive, and ber maunere Bornee ofLte members baël tnrned f r towards hum softenmd. After a fow pale bofore the reading was hall fi'eieh. E menthe b. got the priest of St. Law- ed, aud atitis Conclusion thore was E roce o t intorcede for hui, ho poiuted silence îvenîy four foot deep in tbhet ont go ber tbe state ie whioli ehe vas bail. Brother Gardiner looked at Can- lofti,and the hardebips ebe bad te terbury a 101Liean ttnaid encountor te koeep berseif sud child, by "De coomitîeeofe de inlenior viiiLb selling 8mb, net torgeîting, ef course, Lake dat man te roote 'G! an' pul hise qi te urge upon ber the great love ef hoad loesoak ober nigbî in a breoad-on'. ia Alphonso, wbich ho teared, migbt lssd milk poultice!1 Hie braies &aun dewol- te eixtobing rash, if lho vero stilI Opin' altogether tee fast. De rest o e& rofused. Other fiendae econded the viii noir ing de clesin' baifad an' gotal priest, astahloitI Jacqueline gave in borne, an' il vil ho vol) futrailot yen a and vas married te Alphonse beorte:.l remember dat de umbreila wiii de pal tho boiy sItar ef St. Lawrence. q- white boue baundieeut dar in de cloak the Il iras a vory brigbt vedding. roorn beleega le me."pa Jacqueline vote a beautiful cap trite- r oeed witb 'Costly lace; lier baedker reji chiot veuld have doue ne dîseredit te The Little School Ma'am. thb the teilet et a Parisian belle;-.sud te lb.i'f h urlrgou, e short scarlet potticoat sheWipd off t "peknoe herrl oioe"said dii, perfection ber fiueiy vorked mughin an oid chap aI the eud et a bar, vbo Tb, &prou, to gay notbiug o et lb. l had trouble in raising a% glass ef beer te îivi aukie, anu e b igblshoeos and stock- hie moutb vitîhbis rigbt arm, 461 migbt sux lge. Alphonse's Ivo maiden b.trsh in&uaed le relate a leeti. adveunre ticl voes uere, looking very fatigumed, as wbich happened le me in Iuîi&UY.I" kid tbey bsid beon sittiuR up for tire. ovseroîyadie efo i nigbLe deoorsting their brothae' bouse, Conscience ot ite burdens, end, ho Con. tli vhicb ovorlooed lhe ea, with ourtins, tinued: ql K14-s1n- fire.._1hoeI ras- "-11Woll, I hati esn augn'arun à ismal lit. ah. bore, but her lithofole am.kldt chlît, Lissette, wu i comtert sud lier "Nowt, gents, vien a feller in, ragged, Ui ouly onifeit. Thé. ebilti va& si yearsbungry. sud eut o' thino, wuat dose ho torr o1di Wue nee dasy, sho meut dem t de ?1MeHoas a break, in courtse. I We Ib« beach te look for omhlei, pebbles bvaks &long fur about s mile,_ sud vise &oui and ses tplante 'Ie sel te th e EgIigh I omes te a tarrn-house miha look oeT I visitor ' on tb. pion, for in tbls wvay ceunoten& bout il I sleps inansd seko if Ce liti. isstt va soetmosabb ~ a poor man wie ha* bot, bis hull »m,~ saan sevoratl pouce, Tii. ohilti mas family lu tbe great Ohicago fate eau gis the walkiue mleng Ibo beseh uwhen a bite te est, te bises hlm up aà ho seai praintl sh cae t ii. pae.ournsys loward the ustein' sun, Thi u whin ber Poor ftlion had been found. motbejrly olti seul, et ata'Srne's l. vo w The cild istoi bopklug for stew ironîtId hv -soteuot a .squar e mal or vit) moents at th. beat and oar m 0l 1 m, but Ibat lbelle scoolmamn>vasTI tf1lay tuoe, sud lblkutt.tiers le p @nt. ,I -"beard e' ou i girout stor aud bersi fathr, miwen- yrbPon"'togethmr in lth e ét room, tîiei auddenty a roui baud caught ber and by and by tbe old' lady came baclt publi âhoffldor. shnaudrig, iti tear the sudgive me tb. bonce. &twamp asme §hila turIý.d round sud umet tii bard, bas b'bootges4 Ote .PurfesifMr fiften eu s jaffle se etflber, unebosud stepthen 3yeanrs adu't orter ftre op o-ver ulâh a leve P. u, t rile astlial,.bt it 11. it me like a blow Ibsuf *"Hark v t i," ,sala ho# "I vaut b#l e h lol, snd 1 deterÏuinecm"ou lis eoù to tako a mouss.,forme l î e-euge. ý ý 1 5 lieushe illeveilné bat -I amRn olugt ho eas 1 am tireti et fisbing. haa... MAU hov i h w«i mnt he h 1sEme ales,Mant l an# s voieo oued out,: «8uïrend.ox ilshoot 1 "11' výas thst lie oiooui' She stoodtinluthb. oot là. -er lgit. dress, a revolver poinWteui ai me, snd I ould see ber sycesblage, 1I Wde. a rush te seize be, ihen crack 1. crack 1 vent tlb. revolver, -sud on. ballet atrnckie 'in 1lbheright shouldeÈ, and another i the side. T went down a. if shotthbrougi ti.he bat and up jumpse l m ansd pils on terne 11ke a ton of brick. Tho 11111. aches).' ma'am usut dovesîsins aftèr - ee sud thon beiped lie me baud and foot4 More'n liaI, oie kept guard evét me wbile tb.e ld man vent off for an offleer, sud evory lime I feo.ed a groan se had liaI revolver Iroady te shoot. 441n conclusion, gents, permit me te rernark liat lb. court give me five years for tbe.t Iittle aifair, wmile lb plncky beltle schooirna'am toceivedti a pubjie puise oet $20M.Sornetimos l'y. fois as il il vas my dooty te bunt ber np sud tnarry her."-New York Sun. Mfarvelous Changes. WHÂT TE FUTURE WILL BE TO THOBE iHO REFU«E TO ERLIEVE. la Ibis oeunlry unoensceusiy lieder. going a vendorful change, fa the cliange eo Lake place botore vo are amiaie ci tho taet, sud mien il bas takon place wiii me monder mby vo did net 5me it bofoto il vas tee laIe?2 Thoso thst 500 tbe changes oarly avail iior.uelves eariy, sud hhereby no- cive benefit. The ahrevd itou man socs lb. mron ntereel trausforrod frein Pittsburgh knd Penusylvanis le Birmnugbam, Ais- )ama, sud in hie tar-sigbîeduseseos le> furuaces in Ponsylvania tn love sud deserteti for Ibis nov andi )roliflo fildlt. Il is claimeti by tb. itou non et Alabama liaI tho bm prieai vhicb itonu se oproducedti tire wult uvolution e oitouintenoats eftthe Poriti. Wo have seen tie grsîn-groviug cee- tre eft Iis cbueîry sbified le lie West. Ve have »cen the pork-psckieg ieda.try I& frorn Cincinnati te Chicago, taud rm tbeuce te Kansas City sud Omoaha- etbern cottou-rnills underseli New ugiauti sud Amrneican markets, sud 1sllnge lie wvend. We have seon aud are seing ail Ibis ke place betore our oyes, aud knov is cîher changes are taklug place Lnailya piomineet, anud vo vonder vow beboldti hete. Ton years &go the. isatane companies only requirod an nalysis ofet lb.ids wbeu thy wcre tkiug insurauco for very largo meuats. Te-day ne firet claa cer- eLIy wili mesure auy amouel ,uloso ey bave s rigid analysie et lie fluide teed, andi il any trac~es of certain dis- rdra are appareurt, the application i. jooteti. lu hem reporte tbey ebow ta Lbe deaîh et siîîy oet ecry 100 BOPe lein hs countryp is due ,itbsw recîiy or iedirectly toe nob dtie. ue Bromtepon Hospital fer Oonsump- vee, Loudon, EDglanti, reporta Ihat :ty et every 100 victimeetfooump en aIse have serions disorders et the luceys. &moug scientiste for lis trealmoul et î. dresti maia-y tic question is being "ls net ti disorder the res auset coumumptien ?" Ton year agothe.mierceeewua n'a office; nov ovory pbysiol au et &udlug ha. oee sud seldom. visite bis ioe vithout eatling fer a eampleofe ids for examination. Wbhy ie ail ble ? Is it Possible thal bof the prosent Seneration are to dis, f isoacausai[ by kidnsy disorett t? abafl ve masbor lhe cause by Wsr. ,etsaf macure, lbe ouly recegnizeti pe. ct anti hua remove lb. offelI esiablisheti beoent a do"bt.thmt-s ry -,largepercenlage et doalbe lu lii. ntry are traceable te dusessei d- Ys. Fer Jears tie propdeicir of arnon'a sto cure ha!. been lusing t thon. fa ne seuxuidhalhou hen h lneysare diusedt, ant h07enh iai. 01aly prose ibeir espeoiO for ui ri le disouder upen- public attentiona. Bare contiuaily hqsting ils prêlse. rils metus voudens f1 3anuet the preprietoru of t#de <test aedy, vie have boon vsrning us of. dAanger,, 1.11 us hem le svoid i- me6 Ibat, At fret le eo urnmperlsllt, 1 5oallaO1i Îe ermuation ?-, Me ta hop. againsl -hoe, andtiit -oult rro*i'd 2 hosdiNliate alaai Cufflin z alýlea. meai Daimj ve Ifvrd Pïrmmnet1y ~ 'Pie mo, tho ICI have been implioa. ted in thb. récent coonterfeiting work, have beai arrested ilu Montreal. Wwhyp. offioo heurs ýfrem 9wa.m. to 12 lu., asud from 1.80 le 8, P. M. Residouoe-Cooi$ ef Byron sud Giibeîtstieeta. Suilabie for vrapping purpoes, iayieg uxider caipots, etc., 26 conte per'huudred. Appiy o * tf- THIS OFFICE. Sâ' PIRÈY DAVIS' -If PAl NMKILLER -Physicians, inikters, Mssimaries Managers ef Fadtories, Work-slws,' Planîtations, Nurses in Hospitals, -in Mhort, eveerbody everywh£e who &Wa ever given it a trial TAKEN YFTERNALLY MJXED WITH A WVNE GLA88 0F ROT MILE AND EUGAR, TT WILL BE POUND A NEVER FAILING CURE FOR SUTDDEN-- COLDS, CUJILLS, CON- GE'STION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMýýPS, PAINS1 IN TIIE STOMACLI, SUM- SOIIE TIIROAT, &c. JPPLIED EXTERNÂLLT, EtXPEUIF'-E 1M IAPROV'ENIT TUE MOB? EFE>CTIVE ANI) BEST LINIMENT ON EARTH IN I EMOVINiG THE PAIN ÀRI$ING FROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUJMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, p B3URNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25d,3s. per Bottle. »- Beware of Imitations. CAMPBELLOS, TONUO -ELIXI R 'hia agneeable yet potent peaa lion is empeciailY d td on r.e re ie f anti cure of ht lu e iSordrs attendant upon a loir or reduced state of the systeni, and usy~l ly accompanieu by hlolr, W'ealiness and P'alpitaion~ 01t1 fl eari.. Jlrompt resuit,,4wii, f"llo)w iLs tise il' cases o!fISuîilei. Ex. la&tinarisi fr'în J4OSS of lhî;Od, Acnte or Chri.jio l)iseases, anti itheý weakness that invariabiy .atx'iIn.t.,iies the recuvery trotu Wasting X~or.o remedy will give mor-o speedy relief in l>yspepsia or Indigestion, it.s act-wi on1. the stomach beingothat et a geniltbo and harinlesa tonlo, excitiiîg the orgaî,s of digestion te action. and thus alYordinp leunediate and permanent relief Thie carminatiÎve propertie o!f the different aromatice wluich the Elixir coutales tender lb usetul le Flatulent Dyspepsik, Il. is a vinablo remedy for Moule D)yffppia, uhichl a apt te occ mu Dprsona et ageuty cliaracter.. Foi Iuipoveiished Bboed, Ixes of Appetite, Depondency, ad in ail cases 'where an effective aud certain stimu- lant la required, lie Elixir mii b. tound Inyatuable. in Foyers of a MalarWa Type, anti the varions cvii reale foilowiegcexpo. Eu t' te ecold or mcc meathor, IL iii ~.e a valuabbe restorative, as, the Couieation ot:Ciuchoua Callsa anti epetnsare nlvereally recguizeti ma epeoliS -for tic above.-amed. disor. six kltlofqr 4. Davs &Iawrenoe Co, <Llrted) Lfa Insura ncell AT CQST. MuulReservel und Lufe Assur- Canadian Govorement deposit A-cumuilafed resorve'tund(joVoi) Death claim. psu dnurlng 1884 Tvonty-ftve psrcto,t&Il assessments aie deposited i wth the Central Trst Com.- pany etfNNir York, satruistees oet ho, ne- serve Funti. Lf itelssuce ab lis uthan eue-hall tie erdiusry rates, sud security perfect. Only 17 sbs~sment8 made ie 1881, 1882, 1888, sud 1884, sud iuneocase ose they bo more tic,- quont than every alternai. moeth. Annal oxpftDses et management, &o., Imnited te #2 per #1,000. An active agent vanted'iu eveiy unrepre- seuted locatity, te whom s libersi commis- sionwmn b. allomed. Applications soliciteil sud full particulare fureirihed by the under- igueti. H. GORDON, Agent for the Ceuety of Outario. May 8,1885.Port Poi-ry, Ont. T ME WESTERN BANK 0F O50,000 815,000 1.500,00 WHITBY, Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1882. -ONTAIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. MONEY TO LOAN.!1 0100.000 FOR INVESTJIENT. ON REAÂL ESTATE SEOURrrY. AM loveet living rtes et interost. Monoy socureti iilbin 10 tisys ef ap- plicatIon. Âpply le JqHN FAIiQUHABBOIN Wbllby, Febrnary 181h, 1880. 9- $500,000 TO LOAN. At 6 per 'cent. yearly.. . Terme et repay mont cf principal ruade le suit boremers. First sud second mortgages bonght. Ad- vances mado ou seondei rortgages andti t purchase faims. Nc coots Iccurrot inl makieg applications te me for monoy ;.ne aqen's tees; ne delay. Parties paying higher rates on mortgagos aboniti spply to me at once for lever rates anti save monoy. Wite or eall immyedistely for partîculare. ly2 20 Atiolaiti. Streot Est, Toronto. Organze~ lth IfaU staff or egb"a ý s nd Surgeons for (hoet «tuýà au (lIroule Diseaf. OU8 FIELD' 0F SCE ClruneNasal Cata,-rh, ?lront and LuaigDiBoaxes, Liver and DUIses.., Bdder lisease.,s 5 1 %OILcèn, Blood Dmusas .aud iNe. Ousa Affecions ecuredbere 0, or e «PGL'dVuL&11. - . --- GEIAEteneyqNocturnal 14eý DISEASES. lies a cti ere.' %SMi sud ete el ured~ ecians& BWook postpaîd, 10 ot nsu ln stamps, pi. ksn o ten cent& ] PILE TUU01BS and STICTyUUjg treated wtb the geatest Succe. Boo k fleal for ten euts ln stamps. AddressWIJ>'g D1sPEnsARY MzDiOÂ ASBOIAIO, 68 ai StreetBuffako, S. Y. The treatasont cf in IDISEAESOFIthousauds or cases of I~ utthe Invalide' HRoteli mn. &urgicl Ilistîtute,'ha ,ý forded lârge experence u adapingreme<j, for thete cure, aud DR. PERCE1 Favorite Prescripîioi lu tho reuit oet SV"st expèerlnc Il l a pmerflRestrtvoTo snd Nvervinaje, mpre1 orsd srn teO the System, s dcrsu"3 bj afL CorreaOr .1"1whlte 1 xcîî nsursF.ppro..on, poja nO lsllin 9et he ut.ru a eoskbs suteversoun retroversion, bearin dowu eustos hroiecoo lion iuflsmaîon aud uleerai.ô ofthîe womb, iilflatmnatloit, pia sud touderneslu oaloIun< hoat, sud 6"emale weakuRés ný It emVnly rehees ad cures iNauet snd Slco plosueus, lu ecuber ex,, PHICE $t[00, kwOR" mo. Sold by> Bruggisbs evîrywher. Ber ten oentsil stanipa for Dr. Plere's Tneatiso on Dùsese ofe Womue, liustate -World': DISPOISry MdclAscain 683 Main BýStre BUPIPALO, 1N.y, ALLAnE TRUE Prem'PtlY curoti by I W BLUE L.0.L. So. 168 ]Plîîv , pelea mide r le Ueit Woke cents a via!, by Druggl firet Wednosday in each 85 Se'y, Whitby. BiPRINGLE- dU I11Ns) Sella The bost Rell Plerur, litOeoerels Block for gour The bout Pu&alr leur, The bost Holl e&Oss Tho boat Grabarn, D.WIi RO SI The boitatO)sudo atihe Hoe «s lthe Wb-IýOn-Dooi ng ldrihc for~~~~~, ofpiithbtes 'dmirbt, durs. bilt udqytork1us~~J -Tiché vuc P" ybuts aUil-vils He bas a largeamouxil-of meyte oanô aI 1ev rabms, anti ho 8; ec~Mort- 'gages, WilisLes.., Bods, &c.1 sflly4 I o ino W o-Wopkà, LUMBER MBRollA&Kw BB oattiewereahi; .lfdstation ou T»e fi0 â7 113 progrebesiug fa Sloati eof cOhinery~ -e~otd te b. fint pf neît month. ,m~~to 1h. States IbIs jé voe seme o et ti jeseen for some tix bi"u Arimy age going te, 1.ulauti sborLly. Au o~ lasi week- looking up a ,to iolati teir meetings ~elonz tc 3.~sforrly wlth W ,daày, but now vitif Jeu Shas sold in Sander ýty Ilyitbinl the ls et pi ,ansd mîthin.-the i'S tbo..b*as -altogethen soli The nMatri, llflO raze seeme te 1 strckmtraof>oui youeg men.W noueet MrIE.T. Wiltiam'e rmar leswek 5ndý at thesBaeetiteove ah have noticeti' . D. Bnothour'u xisie Msgg1i W elsh oet lbs placeq tbe saule wa ý donese quiettbsl il unnerlaili. g*ever siece thèn h ave bead-ibat il las e. W.coin tlate oui Young friands sud MayI bave- a pleasailt voyage tino li Mwror.PICKERING. 01n Sunday ovenlug- at àslaIe] oine party-or parties unknown, atbel oti le, buiglarize the di'ug store cof f.Fieldi, by honing boisthrcugb baci anti insonîieg theit baud, -couiti nol usmove the irou ban w rau across. :They more forcoit linquisi the attompi. I n ou"l le aimeettlu ibe'regr9îtod thal thoy ed, se il 5 ia;tonRhýt hey wmorei liquor, e-titiin lie flnrry of lhe Moi Ihy migbl have mtoilem bettie. IL seerus strange Ihal - cèhàrsetera cosa infeet s respectable agwitÊoai- détection. But if-1 peruiel, ihey miii yet >landtinu Rig: POIT HOPE. - Thé BRigh - Hou. Sir John. A. 1 donald, vas; tie'minner of tlie beadeti cane, bïy-a majeuily et -yctos. The ballots in lhe bau. cane conleet mono counteti lai Si day nigit at 10 e'cloek, by Moe ' B. WillamseiA.W.- Pringil Walter Caldweoll, anti more teouti la fayoofetSirJohn A:,, Mactonalti majoriîy Of 108. The caneé i ongiaveti andi sont te lite Premi ondie., Tihegrnd oltiman fa a g Wigner. The many fMonde in tIbs vi"nt Mn. Daniel Spry, P. O. Inspeeta Of, I, ii et l sprg lOt tet.,aI arrefrem typie. braie foyer.* Decesseti massIl mati oft uusualy-briflint L ta4a -gaver evonypromiseet m-"ig is lu tlb. mentid. -NàtwititandgliL" youth, ho e- nt s eueatl Nortb-mest ývitb i eT¶onk sud 8B' battation., ýW. e -nti ou hes isympatby te Mr. ,sud Mns. Spi ý their great beneave ment. Tharà- vais au - at4omptt-ai m- At Pî 1 ly-47 1 1

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