4 WhI Of the' -WI4tby £W>egi Noh of » ay go ipraneb s iU nte, Mi. MoLellan of Ouharn ù Aapr»d ulao0r lte village ice the and Miesa E..Elliott and Kantor Ea#ueal *eotion, ae iae oncert'of .MQnday .Obapm.a.u of Àudley, voie the iraderi etenl.g lest, girïen by ltrhends1for iii, eveningy and al dld'their parte 1. George'. oburoe. The attendanoe in à a manner -îruly -accptable, to- thb vas not se large as hau besa hoped large audienoe. The. young pBele1 for.oraet. eo"elle t; entertalun îRaglan oontrîbuled'several' dialogtu« Warrnted. -'h. programme vas much wbioh voe. trost amusiug. -Thèy thesmre as that giren in Greenwood a fairly divided the -honora witb the wsek &go and-au aeeount of which Oshba ,va friends. The- Kindergaren map laztihIe coluns of youir lest sangs by.several-,Uttle girls fcarnedl issue. Ail the friendii frein a distance nevel and ploeing Meature of the en- were pisent. The Kinsale -meuth tertalnment. The. childien had beau orgami bad-was promptly on baud sud oarefully trainedl by Mrs; Welbonrüe, dîd good service. Mr. Tho@. Devereli wife of Our bighly respeaeoil teacher. "me dashing jute town about 8 o'clock 'Afler the close of the entertainment wltb a jbtly sleigb load cf Whisby 'the friends whoboail tabou 'part ad. frisude tbm; gave good accocunt cf J journed to the reaidece of Mr. Wel. themeelves during th.e vening. Miss houne where a sumptueus tea baad Editb Murray gave two or three been providsd for them. A couple of excellent soluctions that captured the jheurs* were epent in pleasant enjoy- ,hears of tha audience and elicited meut, and il vas ý eil on, tovar the rounds cf applanse. Miss Murray wiii 'dawn of day before the last mleigb load iilvays be sure of a hearty velcome vas safuly ulajilsd on its vay home. frein a Pcering audience- Mr. yard. .jeweil je an old favorite aud je always Et beartuly weloomed hers, but his Mou. Mr. LidRstt. tiabt moe e day evening performances far eclipeed Pickeriug villa , e.abu oIvet ihifoerefrsuIbsou. e Mr. Grahamn of Claremont viuited is a ' eet ie hinzocif and we enly regret bie triends of Ibis nsighborhood on b. canuol fand lime te vieit us ofteuer. Tii. Misses Qregg did mauch to malte Sndy Ieo .enteraminoent 'a suocesej. 'heir Miss Magitie Miekiebas roovered .,inig ua of a bigh order and, wu frein her late illues au4d ie MI our mid&$ most heartilr appreclated ýby the. as hvely as ever. audience. Mies Boovet played the Mr. James Rogerswvile engaged- in accompanlmentp for Ibo Misses Gregg training herse. a few daym ago badl hie în a li'ghly oreditable msuner.Trio band badly hurt. Grèeewood trieude, Messrs. Wiener, We wonter what the membera of our Graham, Hyfleld, Clark and others, village club hasve been doiug, that filled tbeir several parts equally as Bro. Gardner ebould ueed te manu weil bers as attthe. Greenwool concert facture hemap? le the club about te and received due applanse. Mr. Clark put&ite lyncti.îaw resotion intojustice. Otîhe Pickering. Nowa gave a humer.. Mr. Briguait accepte vitb thanka the eu@ reëjding whicb was well received. sdvertisement Igiven hum by the Lime. The Bevr. t.Campron spoke bbouî i lb oreouetcateWib filteen minutes on Christian dnty, and GKiloteluHco erendehte t ad pointed eout many ways in wbicb tGazetbe. selle, eaiclysufer. christiaus miqbt help eue anothor. Hil; address vas full cf sensible advice and Mr. W. Rogers vIte i. about to leave delvsrd l snb ahumron ren tatKineale to learn the bakiaig businees it was fnlly acoepted and heartily wa o Fidyeeing preseuted witib appa'eoiated by tbe audience. On the a Bible aud Hymu Bock by the way te the Greenwood concert, the Methodist Choir cf which he is a Mcm- 11ev. gentleman- and several y'onnoR ber.t friehds who were with hum, met witb A large cempany gatbered at the' an adveuture, wbicb led ta lbetr. residerice of kMr. James Hortcp onf arrivinq aI their deatination consider. Thursday F,.b. 24tb .le viluces the ably late. TVie chairanan inqistd ounanarriage cf Miss Annie E. Blortop la au explanation.béing given the Picker. to Mr. B. W. Mow Utay. Bey. F. O. ing audiencm, and the , Rev. Mr. Keain officiated. The presents yen' Cainercnunudertook ta satiefy bia both nruaanental and ugeful sud the ènrlosity and put bis thoughtîsin tables were laden . iîh delicacies- rbyrne, vhicb ve give below:- cf every vruiety. Alter supper thb. Tii. shadeî cf ulghî vers fa'lngi fast. happy couple wcre driven te WbitbyG As tbrough cur Pickering vïIlaize. sed wherc Ibey tCk train for the vernIte À sieigh wlvfle ud wiLh ladies fait, spend that sêeuQu cf tebled delight And gentlemen frein tcwn ver. there. kuyn s the bouey alcon. Por Greenvood bonnd, ther drove &long, Ycur correspondent wiabes tuesteqte And fihied the air witîlibI an s ong, tb-ot wherea il amrn rported tbat; Mr. Âvay o'er roade bedeoked with enow, J. Murdeck -ain elactcj presideut ef de Âway o'er bilh and dais, they go. Limne Raie olub. sait! gentlem.%, tises te But preeeully the 3now-banks rose epandtd iie ie4 i Like biliows wbite, their wty b 'pose; dxpîao a ilt derit lm iç olde Thehn l eih.s.d ov bay sanb-lk honorable persitica, more cher de liigl, Whanlà exibuteddow thy Bnk. resp-et vbiob be entertsîni for Masa Thé ladies leaped item ent tbe sleigh, Gardner vI*o hab e long fil1.4 deochaîr c And c'er the fnow.bankm t.eok their way, wî rdtl ieh n oe ed Like fai~ forme, tbey cleaved the air, wt rdtýchwel n oo od Wjîh hearts nndaunaed. iree fron one club amn a conilideratjon se pevwerful an Prom bank se bank tbey Isaped in gise, te 1 proeet hbim frem a&ce pt:ug doe Anove! Sight il vas t ene sdny. ai WeBocn re oînetl thern on 1he rciad, And towari eut geai ve enward strede CN 'W" hheurts eate, viîbconrage t ' Meus.f M siolm n ed Jdhu Gillespie We onvard did eut way pursue. opened shear nov store in the Laidise Ârr veit ln Greenvood, Oh, the iglt block an Manda, -lest. They havea That didoucr eger e-Yeu iigt, larestock of dry goede, greceriep, boots8 Tables upraS vwitI heie#--oà an seeec.ai-nw.Au-1-po dors, - otle n suee bebulin ed by hot air fornaee. « Merom -i orne esou vo iy loa, Th@i OoWtitUe e tported the sobemie Le ATs hare ite ve vs act.d ýePfr, ire mpracticable, owing to, the stac$lbas Dic ls te vo es,. youth' pw& in s or, &boeois O a lu of but th "r e t.. f o t h -. el Troubes drit esel ontwsymain sever on Oà à meron etrêeti orH Bu sw. jeurney, davus th: d:r, people are boginaing l-fi3 ess Brgtegos lnb. pahes ' viit a blunder vasigad. in soe@otiug Brlghter bski.chine ersinse, scba miserablesehool mite.. TO ure Ub OPW*i, itigher snd higher, - igh parlysprtudpitciC ntli w. tmch*,!b. îà tat»., peaî, ves b.tandard by vhich Wen au à e jand l l à love. lthem312@ imporlece sdlxtdign Afierth.PtOra tev. .1,ofacomâânnîêy voefmeamrâ lwn lnu cefoc Wht o hoevi ad f b baPart m10i lreatod tu ot amuîu Tbo Be'. lir weliu lb.e to eve carne The 11v. Mn.of thi graduei ratlaedouthe eoos &hW nded bis a Ive roid Ouora miu -mqucr f erte mto raieontdisputes vot* l fro4.Aitti h b ebIsaruoS d hocah 'aoh boie M$10 &Dd f liy appreà aetC iertaroju-,,lau mm.bY the dlffirooîpsoorîey areswouan me ie"f~Wt 4é &bey suwood abquî $004 etsAre Ji among te poor of -the.-tov r~ il er wer vtzo participateS iJn1it. re T he.eleolio n w s c aie st boo& 4 g tia oels. They kept their as*,D Scontinnelly for the Ivo nighte olé yfa the electiobs suad judglng front . JnDmber of govlen had thaï mijkbI b.: 0qlu Thoerebeing no publie toboan >Ulde Mtovu,*tbe okaîing.riuk reieio.-6 gond patronage. We hbave a miaiil cent riuk and, Iii. Yougpeople mate, Rooduse et il. Curling la i npro. *gros, aihengb vitb not ascmuoh on. thuisna foimerty. j There 'have been @moe etensive buuinoeschanges, in tevu duriug ,,the- Spast veek. Messrs. H-ilyerd & Boid haro bought the dry-goodse ofMeorsO. McOlung,, Joaes & o., aud-Mrt. Joues -bas bcughî Itbe greceries cf Hiliyard- & Bjid. Mrt. Joues wiii carry on ,the business, Mrt. McOinng rtrig tThe aueiv.tuary services inu colinea. tie wih tht. Methodiet eburch of thit place veto hsld lIst Sndsy.. Serns ver. pr.scbed lu inhe rnrn, nung sd eveuieg by Ber. J. F. Ookleotc euo Tb. former pester. On coont of h. »nfavorable veather th*. attenda&*" vWas Dotas large as Ià othorwis. u**ni have boom. Onuds e *io bout fiv. ndred porseus took tee suid ample justice boiug done, retired We the body of Ihe chnrah vbero abl.e ddresee vote dolllred by Revue Dr. WiiÉ,mo snd J. P. Ocktey. Mir. Ookley iooked about lthe sarne as usel sud exprueod bziself delighted at hsviny lhe pissae cf viaitink Port Perry &aan d seeing his many frienils ber.. H. gave a verj iuteresliug account cf bis trip acres the Atlantic and aise cf the greal vork vhich hem receuî.ly been don. in Picton. Curling. If Otqha à keepu on se Il i.doing et preseul the chances are Wbiîby viii ho eutjuicated befote spriug. On Mcnay nigtî the Oâhave fellovu carde wîthîn tvo shoîs ei defesîing byoef t ur b..; rinku, sud on Tuesdsy night, hheir fretbanen defeaied cnrs by Dine eboIe. Botb scores are giron lu Ibis cebumu. Tvc Whitby rinks risiîed Qihava on.8 Mondey aigust - sud defealcd Oshaa viti the foilwiug score :- A. Wiicex, Jue. Stanton, W. REii'nn. RSnow J îsamt.lyn, W. BeiÃ99 Geo. Lie,, skip--23. Jao.Tweedie,sklp...26 W f Den, a F. Paxton' J. Gruâtjs , Sebert, t A. S)>kes, skip-18. Âratrong, skip-16 bl Majorty for Whalby-2. On Wedceiîdsý four rinku frcm Boy. usevii.e rranged le play bêeesud at )shawa& by pl*yà ng Ivo rinks bote sud weV a& 0O4beve in the afternoon sud hauging thons et nigbt s, iaI4li0 rinka viticit >lyed ut Ombava in'LU *b %iternoon oeialtitplay ber.e tg igbt and ho» rinke vbicb played boe. n th. tfiernoon at Obava a& aigbt. Theole »bevNNrL. '71BfoiNEN.i thevumyt.. It. NVLL MoRsy NO. Sal M Guacu, W. J. Gibuen, Pm rovet, J. Tv.edzo, VBrudie, aMkp-17. IL 8uev, ckip-I5. BINE No. 2, Wesl.y, Judge Darlt, 1MoRey, H. ULt1 liagu, mmuManag, C. Ray, danon kp-94. O. Jobnstemi,1 RzxNo. 8. 1141, odibel, m-7 Bmm No. 4. akk,« baotn, ýardon, sl p - . 8. e t kip-g9[ Msjority Wbitby, 15. - O nt fresmhmea veut t« s a a p î.eday uighîbs pla Iv o nke .4 ibava bogion es sd gel&laidout teè sa tua. of the folloviug >8E&WA. KNT bigle ..rbn sauesO.Sv - dam, slip-BS P alo2lp- ruoletlue W. J. Gibson wsol, slip-il I.LDilage, sllp-45 imob. WM D ,Oe, aôlmoidvua t Pm -reeTrâd voud b. mort beeflcW lr-to GausSa -tur Pire tion." 'Leiotder f the afflrmbt1ive,'Titemastfolan; c i te lngative, -P. W. &ovnop. At th. sixth meeting te b. heldthei. 11h imut., lie ^subjeol, ".Roao1vd hhat th. Rxeoution cf Chaes 1i. w~Js fiable " viiibe discussedý.,Leadercf lte effiriatire, Gerdon M. Campbell; e1 the negativo, Walton a. Hastings. The 67ch régulât, meeting cf. lie W.O.I Literery Soeiety vas iteld oi!Wednesday At ternoon lunte At'etbly Hall, Mrt, Wbite lu e chair. à fter theminut"sasuderitio'e rep Ortci0let meet!ng hâdbeen read sud oanirm d, he ollo vi g program m e vu teuddered :-Adiise., TIcs.09 H. Greeuvood; pn luesole, Miss Kaie0A, Person; sang, 281 Allie Holden ; reading, Robt. A. Far. quharson; chorus, Girls' Octcîte; tesding, -mipe M. Wood: Piano ulo, . Miss Loie Fraudce; eading, Charles Baes;.ong, Milîst.amrnidge; riolin solo, Wm.Jmsn Ths neil meeting will b. ita eldDxt Wed. nersday ,aftrxnaen; lte Preuident in the chit.- rbe O loivng programme yl b. roudered :-Song, Wi. Jameon; resding, Arthut Curtis; piano Tolo.,xie Allie KRt. chea: chnrnuo,*BeYS' Octefle: 08sa7, mies Lizia Poyer; seug, Miss M4y priDglg; recaiou, MissL"r&a gCarthy; piano mois, M'es Bessie Hani; tssding, Arýnold Gregory; bhoruts, Gi.. Club. sportlng lNote., St. John, Gandaur'a baeker, Pays lte race betveen Hani&an sd adaen viiitale place somesybere in Nev York Stato. Plais- ted viiloc .Jske'r tramner and believes hie mn vilvin. Felljames le te tra4n Gilmnoun for bis fight vith the winner ai t-h. Cari ey M cAuiffe fight for the cheînPionship ef America. ]Rebenstein, ai montreal, asud Robinleon are talking p a skating mnateh for a lrge liumand suthe. chsopinshp ai Canada. Il wviil come off ut Ottawa. GrBSai-At Greenwood, on the 23rd inal the wife cf Wan. Gibson, of a Bon. GéýnIAN-AtWhiy on Sat.urday Iat, ti wlfe Of Rev. j- F. (.+rm,n, President i t Toronto -confetence ci the Methodiut churec MAJRRIE D. Lo'rr-Lrr - (n Tuesday, Match Ist al lb. residetnce et John hott, by tbbc Rer. T. P. Barker, Mr. aeo. Henry Lott, tp Misi M ary Jan e -W a en L t - I f l t & v W bitby. ý-nLtaio h è* HÂANNI-KIN-uA..Âîthe reidence oi the rade's fathet, enu lte 2rd, uit., tiy Rer, Jrio. Abrahsam, 1,r. Samtuel Ranosh-, tu M sti Mary Roeà , daugbter ot Mr. J. L. en, cf this tvai. "B-tend vii 1.11." A face sdorne1 vîîh impl *s« boîs, blotch . etc., is nd u~ par. icuisriy pisant sighl, sd 1in'ib1 betokens uimpure taataiofthb. bod. [W Csrson's Stomnacit Bitters fre. the fsemitm ail greshamoru, tenders thé 3eo d parc nd ceai, aide digestion sd lires a healîby sppelite- For "ie by ail 1ruggiala in large bottles ut 60 cents. Bisinseku opponents sAvept Berlin in thi. tcond balloting6yesterdsy. W. eo constanuly receiving t ecîimeuy bt Di'. Carson's Calarrit Cure-is inwat ils ,âmte Implies, a "Caa-rh Car.." Your ruggis u uîoized te refucc lte mnoney ile tul bgr.stasscîien. Wbsî cn be bor fir sd eed yen .mas2r any lengert. F aciaà and Ooznmerciai. Office cf Whitby CaitraNCLE, Wbitby, Match 4, 1887. It., be be I b, j =.078 Wleur p -.............O070 Piar er ewt.........25 a7..........40 018 Pisr, ................ 00 .......s.............20 AlsikeOloversed . j B.ad CIover , .......... OU0 APppt., per bbl ...... 150 PTate.-.fi..............00 poaopeS hag...0....aoa 75 am ......................040 O3eaI 4 & ...e ...010 o'ies ...l..... ...lOS Tunipa........> 010 Oeky . ..o......... 0 0 12 D*ékà u per lb'.. ....01 -Gt PrlbU..-. ..eu# 00 bl, dr -h dr ~if VVL 'I s i S080 0 60 @ 060 @ 06bu (0 060 @0800 @ 900 » 065 1* 076 @ 29* a iO 1 a 0 07 .@ «600 * 0-25 a 0.101 4,a AOc Ilo-ýininion Warcroouns,- SPIiING GOOS Comfng to Hand,, New Dress Coods New Jersey Jackets New Jet Trimânngs, Panellings, New Laces, Ribbone, Em broideries, Prints, Cretonnes, Shirtings, Collara, Table Linens, Towels, Towelling, &o. One of the Best Assorted Stocks for this Spring's NEW, FRE'SH AND LEADING STYLES.. Fuil Lines in Gents' Furnishings. Abeautiful ranq.e of-$r>n Worsteds, Pan tings, &,o. Nobby Spring Ti- Sudtings IL'MILLINERY IN ABOUT 10 DAYS. GOODS WINTER GOODS AT COST. ýPOWEL Co. The Whitby China Tea -Store is. SÛRl alive, but grot a new naine, the People have christened it the WHITB Y CHINA HALL, at whioh- you will fid one of the choicest and ags stock of Fancy Glassware, Chin*a Teaý-Set8;, Crotkery, &c., sucli as wasneyer shpwn before outside of Toronto, ail of which wil be sold cheap, for,' cath' during the neît' two weaks., Cômne onie,> corne ail and im8peot -for yourselves before pureihasing eIseý where ,vwhether yq b ayor uo. IWVAlSO fafl StOo f ohoie Grocerjes of el kirdg Fruits, Oranges, Lexnýns, D)ate', NUtS>ig, ai :dieé oI%, ail kinds. Qysters wholesl ', AIoý k i Pr.ize Essences,.ae-nc eal. UoCo j. XXXI. Es.tablished 1856.. ,Ihe LeadlngWekly In Ontario Coiint E;»esqulpisnl sud bos ut îi e Jbpiting plant lu Ees Ontario, cpaleeteecuting aIl classes o «k, - from lie large poster ta lte ulis badbl.Spcial mention ie made eof ,osmurpsd a sfacilities ef TEz Cimon. *it 1Wi l celebrated N. Y., 00"eI TEBMS OF ÂDVEBTISING. Plrtinertion, pet Une, 10 cents; esci Ow.bsquenizminertion, 5 cents. I>lsplýyed Advertisements are measuned bys sosIe et soid Noupareil, and charged Adverlisements sent withoütl wrt ton instructions inserled unlil farbidden, and airged for fuill lime. Orders for diuoontinuing adverlis.menls ainstbe in wriling, otherwiso lte publish. st ii bt be respdnsible. A liberal discount for conîraot adveèIis menuwby lbe year. Capy for changes of sontract advertisements sbould lie hsùidc in net laler-than Wadnesday; suad notie cfý any intended changes sbould egie before Tuesday noon. Other sadvpre -:--monte received -np le Thuzsday noon., Business notices in local or neye columnis fisii insertion 16 cents per lUne -of Noupa- ?ou; 10 cents pet Uine each . subsequeht insertian. Five -dents per Uine pet snnum. Correspondeuce solicits& fre i , alparls eft he Oounty or neighboriug lovahp * Crrepedet ae reste t en liRN tmmnitons s mplya Sap't Meohanical-Dep't. wlmg, Court Hou&e-Whitby -e JAXU RiILEDGE9 'ARMIST &o. Office formnerly ocs oRoyaHotel, Brook &-Rutldge, ne DkVID OREMISTON, B.,. OrËiex-ml ths Office south of hie Pc. G.YOUNG SEiTHi, Ezool St., Wbitbyl u. B., w j. Stili IT-Ti New -jersél Feésh,; .p es 'l 1 1- GRAHAM Proprîetoze.