Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1887, p. 2

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AdItems 8 tolon ftom our E:changes aatllrday foesocnauan ,igtyoar.old son of Mr. W. M. Green feiI offthe roof oEa nlghbor' shed, a dissanb. of «about *ight foot, and traek on biÉ shoulders. It 18s feared thie lad recéived internai, injuries, though no mrions cooequences are looked for. Baturday%~fternoon Patrick Km., a carter, was unloading smre goode in front of Garvsy's grocery store next the. Grand Central botl, a heavy box slipp. ed frein hie graap and feui on hie leg, breaking Wt Dr. King repaired the fracture. Frank Marina, 1he Italien wvIabsc Josoph Murphy lasI montb, recoiveï bis trial ta-day before Hie E4gnor Judgi WelUer, Whoie oteoed hum la ýwelVq menthe in the Central Prison. Mr. R, E. Woad, 0.0£., appearod for lbi Orowu and Mr. J. O'Moara defended lie prisoner. Wednesday afternoon a niao-yean.old son of Mi. Diuny, cf lie Gam Wonks, vie. playing in a neighbhr's hanse, fol dowu lthe mlais and mot vith a at imh serions accident. He was leaaing & gainlie via-Ilbet.hehead cf the glairel and beame cveihalanced, the woighttco bis bcdy falling an hie right arai, split ting one efthle bones of lie elbow joint. Drs-. King sud Haliiday vone cmlled in. The novsammong thie meîchmnt-as Shakespore bath ic- aI Pelerbora te tiaI hhoy have grava lired cf paying high insurbnce rates and Ibat a local mutual ineurance Company viii ho formod with the objeot cf lovering ratas, vbich are nov said la o, eexcesa- ivoty bigi. Prominont mon cf lie lavu mloego liaI beore tie valerworka vers huiît they vers tld by insurance campantes thâl sncb a vaton supply syoteai wouid leseen thie coeatcf insur- ance. Tho reslt, ais satod by business &nen is liaI net only do they pmy a bigb Waler rate but Ihat insurance bas been rolladcairespondingly, in ope Case frein a rate of $8t per year te $54. Saturdmy aflernoon Mi. Richard Mbncrief, of Otonabee, vas driving a spirited ocolt up George soot. At the. Cerner of Simca. it becamo unumanage. able, but ils slurdy driver akilfully rnanipuiatod the reins and vould bave suocesdo in bringing il davn, but fen 0 eoliding ini front cf lb. Golden Lion viti anolior cutter, vici sunablo t0 sel out cf lb. way. Mn.' Monoîief's vehîiolo ïvae lurned over in au instant, tbe shafta lwistod ofi', lb.enctter -mnmash.d, and hirnself landed ou bis bead, fortunately witbout injury, vile Isehoee entinued -ap lithooet.il vas calugitmEon.a longrin. Tii. athsr culter vas owned hy Mi. Lang, aime cf Otouabo., sud il vas baly hie ken np. Mn. Bimkinubas tken tbe cou. *t ote h brick verk ou Mr. Willim Lewis, bons.. Mr. Wakslinm bricks ai. going fasi Mud lhe yard vill sean ho clsaned ont, but il us lb. proprîetor's intention ta rush busintes as sol as pring opess eut sa as le meet aII demanda if peesiblo. W. vers rmach plessd teobav, a vilfiom a former resident in th. poison of Mn. -David -Tracy,.vie vas ioerlly rfeed ad bsarlily giested b b Isemmny frieudq at Greeuhank reo lives tmre dislanco norlb of Ofillia, nov. Ur. Richard Branton basbienu drav. ie brick te brickelad bis bous.. Mr. Lng, of Uxbridgo, la likeiy tô have lishen0timel. -Mi. Long bau dons mout of tho brick verk rouud bers for yensud given general satisfaction ta lrfis. viahave employed hum. Mr.. Jas. Miler vbo bas becomze oe Of lie M0s4 promient bain buildpa lu the. Provint@, hal nhilt nmof e thý -laigost sud funsaibanne lu lbis section -o1 lb. Country, bas bie banda EaU of contracta, baving larg. bains le baud for Mr. George Franklin, John MÈar mnd Othons. As a bain builder to the'eon èI 0" lia'Wte:i a etea~ future. Ou Monday roiibg lait Ibaptior MOKay dbaîgo J J. Glaliagier IhÏh- an infraction Of1.ctt 4,6t. D- fondent pleaed WiIy, and vas eider., *d to bontribuîçto, thle, ftuda of tb. county -hb. m cf $0m4 es Ou*' of lb. boat fims in- Ibis vicinity is lIaI knovu as MoPheies nemi Silver Oreok Slatibn, TbouÈb Me'. John MaPhe., tie origin&l locator i. ne mare, bis tires hrd-vorkimg sens stili manage the place, vbich 'Promnises ta ho a verilable model farim in the nemi future. Mr. J. A.. Mce he lb.dent af the tire., called at oui offie an Tuemday, aad Baye tbalthiey bave evenly acres cleared, a good brick bouse, and rasad lait, yomr,ý besicles large quantities cf grain, etc., about t20buahols of poaaoos. W. boec tb. uccees tboy demerve Mnay always attend them.*, A deapatci tram Toronto dmîed STuoiday, Marci lat,sys :-A serions accident occurred yesteiday 4 mormng ir st b~e b<King.streml railvay cnossiniz 6- The -"noise fraux a sbunling engine frigiened ithe herses e&lacbed tlaa elsîigi in vic ver. seatod Mi. H. H. -Cook, M.P., an& Mis. Cock. The herses hecamo unanageahie sud in thou fiigbt tie sleigh vas upel on the o3go of the gully -un lb. naîth West B side et the lîmeka. The occupants a voie tbrewn down lie embankinent. eMi. Cook esapod vitI a fov braimes, 1but Mis. Cook and lio coaebmaa, Robent Edwards, vers nol so laeky. Mrm. Cook *prained an ankie, vhilst Edvaidm vas picked up la an uncon-' scions condition, sud vas oonveyed to bis borne in an ambulé-ao& Ilis foaîcd ho is injuiod intoinaliy." W. bave gaod reason tor staling Ibat tbore im more than a po8sibity et another Soriptare selection squabblo agitaling oui citizêe h efare long. It i. said Ibat the action cf the différent boards of trustees in expeliing liebhock vas ilegal, and liaI if lthe Edoaials authorilios chaos., hiey eau mako IhingoUnapleasant for someody. Thers is a 1maw in Canada via pra- vides liaI lie bocks durccted hy lie dopailmoal muet ho used, sud in Ibis particular case even lie moyen et the nesolution said lhiI ho knev the action vas illogai. A privaI. citizen cf Orillia vraIe le a membor cf lhe Ontario Govornaient for information upon lie subjeet. The reply rseived vas uaita te fully support viat ve bave said re. lis iiegality cf lie course, sud tie responsihilily et lie Irustees, if tb. Goverumient drcides lu lako action. Poriapa lis boit thing tbe truteos could do, vouid - h. to reinstate viat lioy ais pi.asd I. tsrra "The Boss Bibi." vitiout dstay. Our lova ià goiug lehave a-seohing The Ba'reaa rcompiains of lb. scur- oity-ofieorsesto ;;aý iu lie lovu, vo vould suggoslthat thi ealtiy editor dive dovu inle bis peeket sud lbe vaut ,Would acon ho fiiled. Tho boys gel in their vork ou lh. occasion of Mr. Geo. Hauceck's mai- riage on Mondayof 1laI vek. Geo. vas igit royally srsnaded, as ho says,' but tbe ammiiboy spolli iviuari. rThe band serenaded hbeusvlysloeted M. P. Mn. Frank Mmdiii and voie enteitained in grand style. Mr. Mmdii rstunnd lianke-afler lie hou«ai con.r ed and prented lie baud master viti a haudome doaWdon. Many amuing incidents are bld in onusclon vili bth ale oleetiow, but lie foiioviug"takes the. cake." A f., dgiy. bofore lie seWto Wofaro f opposite politice ivià bsh- distance eut of hbes grsd te pair off sud neither voie. T"i terms o! the agis. maelnt oe Mfollovm, vis: Ifthe Gril vèledihovas le give the Tory #5 sud&I thesTory voteil he as tog vÎe éGit a pig. Eleom day cay camue and mi ià came lis lighs le bni p the. votera Teyvisited lb. Tory and- botheed hnm e ac lthela I1a , veut aud polsedIse vote..'The Grils bsanurg Of th!s iurriedly drove tthlisredisoe -cf th@. PtIai man sud trîed *by ftery bonest mesus le induce hlm leh soxge ont and vote but -ail effonle vers un. avuiling, e decided toe'alick ho hie word. uni Toryinnov minnaita p ii. iM' OamIONT guaet té Mr. johnî Mllei où Tbuit4ïy hsbyond the commOi. Parties 'intekestod lun the. bauwhi ,610 ara keginning ta -cash ab*Mthi for playeWs Uxbridgo expeeth-to hiýve tbe champion club Of ýheXi4àand-djï tniot. A Partir cf young foîke vho veut oný a pleasure *trip ta, Greenbank a Jewv daym mga, et bmdfly. bf t.They e spilled ont on lbe sid. of lb. road And. the driver, eitber freai abent.-miudé4. nées or fro.rn the effeces of Iteo rngob mmie, drove on vitbout tlqem. Xis friends wyul have occasion 'taô màui his adden decese, if th. boyis làAy banda on liai.. I-.i On .Friday th. cases of -Todd and Higgins carne up accordiag ta adj'ourn. ment. Mr. Gaoepbeil agai wish.d' for an adjonrrnent an the pie fa t be lad net boanù- able le look.în thé fflo~e, and during bie short remarke - iad" Wmon nalled for romaike abomif ou report, of- the formneramiutO of witnesaes, but va. at once sblit 4Own by lbe Bench audJ Ni. Chapple. On failure cf the defendants toi enter. the witnoms box for themr defence, th. Bench imposed on eacb a fine cf #50 aud 00818, to b. paid fortlvitb. Tbe case cf Mr. Bennoît,, cf the Rover. Houa., was gone an with, seor- al witnesees lakiag the stand, tire, cf wbom, Frank Kirby, Charles Stewart, and J. Keaaey, gave direct evidenceocf having lad liquais lier. aI différent limes. Mr. Campbell, via dofonded the case, faied in shaking the tbah. rnony af tbe witnemsos, in coecase fry. iag te impugu the evidence of on. ci them hecanse of hi. oonnectioa witb tbe arny-Mr. Roaaey. Mr. Ohapple gave tb. same vilneegréas crédit for bie icnest and straightfoîwaîd lestimony, aa;yiag il vas a rarity in Ibese cases le find on. sos ruthfuL. Some cf lb. vil- flouses, ae usuat, cnly imbibed bot vater, vith a litho msugar and ginger in -demi Bt 5 cli. a glass. A fine cf $60 and oasts vas impasod, to b. paid forth- vith. Thon. bas beon a great demI cf excite. ment in aur usually quiet village li veon amacou fthe election. The palita cf lb. Googregational churcieset Manilla and Creaveli, voe occcupied1aIst abbalih y Ibmhey. Mn. Salmon, D.D., laIeetfYaikvilo. W. are very sonry ta boar of lis departure cf Bey. Mr.. Wbyte, pastor efthîe Congregatienal cburci, for Ohio. W. beailily vial i itebbeu succees. On Sunday iss tie Oongnegatiouml eburci servioevas enunted by BRoy. Mn.ý Saluon, teimmnly ef Yorkvilm.. Beiiml imeetings In th., Metlmgdlt' cianciare still goingon. 4 Bev. Mn. Malloît, farm.rly pastor cf1 tbe Metbadist ciurob bore anlu b. village lut Tnesday... Mi. A. T. DeLary, wIa la aI pissent atteuding the. univeraity aI Toronto, vwubomne laut veek. Il l is imuoi plemro v. aunouno the. manriage cf Miss Minnie'Sunith daugiter ef Mr. Gorîge Smith o! Ibis village, le Mr. Riebard Buckiugbam,4 aism et Manilia, en Tnesday 1lai.The happy pair isti for Gehari. The bride reoiv.d many handamseseUtsfomAv ber maigy Monsde. Miy esuccean d iappilîees attend lisun.-E Of th. many amuslnag incidente, vbich ocuied dnning b.he oeut election, noue asemors e , han.orne vbicb shovwslthe remukableintelli. punce cf liaI four.foote4 Mnoucf-mam -the horse. Duiing . he geneimi oisetioné o! 188Ma a bne vhiih vas ewnod by a pranmnul'Tory, weailn no# fer frorn hi isae, vwu .mpiopd' iueairying Oousoivaîive vote onseb polae. Borne lime mgpi "bouse van punmad by à adedulof tlii.villge a alif RBeformner, u is repent eloations lb. bois eva .zpioyed ini takiun Refera»volera e bepolg sd, slrug lereaI , lepoor brut.was seen, ho veep bitteily. ls,'it &y vouden lia i 8r John 1b esuaustaiz. .d, visu maeveniebeauset teflie ldl sied atempt ta eeriïý hl? 9?e,*oU me »o 0 ïïmun 2mum ISee NOW ARRIVIN G Acomplete range -of desirable goods, and TuE LARG-EST0STOC1: ever shown. our New' Table Linen at 20C. ANDREW M. To ail who are suffering frein 1he errera and indisc.retions of youth, nervous weak- ness, early deoay, losa cf mauhood, &c., I viii Sena a 'recipe that viii cure yen, FREE 0 OFIARGE. The great romedy vas disoovered by a missioaary lu Seti America. Send a self-addressed envelope toe th. Rev. Josicru T. IxN, Station D, Newo York Gitil. The IniperialGovernment bas disaioved the. new Bait Bih passed by the. Newfound- land Legisiature. CONSUMPTION CURED. An old phymician, relired frcm praclice, having lad placedli is bauds by su East Iudia missionary the formula cf a simple regotabis remedy for the spoody and perm- anent cnre cf Cousunuption, Bionchitis, Catarrl. Asthmsrnasd a&U Iroat and Lung Affections, acs a positive sud radical cure for Nervous Debily and a&U Nervm ousm- plaiuls, mter baviug lested ils vondorful curative povens lu hhousands of Cass, I h foit h4 itdeuty le-mal. il Inovu te his sufoâling fellowu. Aolua1od by Ibis motive sud a dmufrete rHae - human sufezng, I vii r"d tbS eoliarg% tle ail vodsmr.1l uamuIis paper, W. A. Noues, 149 Pose- C. P. K hbrongli fraffie lha been inter- rupted bith. waahing away of somne, amal Do net tale pilla or pavders coutaining calomel, fou aI liy lime of lie year, the reanlmay b. serions. It' eu requiro a dose cf physia tale Dr. Carson's Stomnoli sud Consipation Bilons; il asaçouly an lhe bowelé, purifies lie blood, impuovea the circulation, stimula-tp. lie iivsr sud kidnoysasd sdiycures b1ioi~Ues headachet dyspepsia, indigestion. Sao hie drug stores tram ee end ofCoinadate the other, and yen canne-t fiud a ièedy eqaltoit. Try il sud use il luyo' familles. Sold ovérywhere lu largebaIle at 50 cent«.- Officiaisttementa plaoe vidtima etfLbheoutbquake matS on , la ah 10,000,00. the -niabeofe at 616, azýd lhe Trood for Cousuzaptlvm. Bcotta EmuWoç of Cod Lie Oi& soit/ HzpohostUa, la a mont venderful food. l net lgiveasle and increasthe fehutlhel8 lie - -of tlb ihroai and lange. P latablese Umksudla il vaalng dseaus, oulfou' -adulisi sud St ~I!Iammanle disousuiug thc questýou of intiodncingthe olechulo ligit, FREEMAIV'8 WORM p OWDBB -ur .nooetker Purgaive. \ hjare ande Om ureoi¶o femome aW vrei Twqnty mon bave beau dismniased tram the NibguCentral arui'siipa a- At.t Gene-bs sudcoeldo-if M . hà-in Am iwsd g Allan Line ROYAL .MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpoo, 5Londonderry, Glasgow. WINTERR ARRANGEMNTS. D ATES 0P SAJ:LING. Poruvian, frein Portland, Peb. 1tl." frein HaIlax, Fob. 1211. Sardinian, from Portland, Peb. 241h. from Halifamx, Feb. 2611. Polynesisu, from Portland, Mai. Srd. froin Halifax, Mar. 611. Circassimn, from Portland, Mai. lOtI. frein Halifax, Mar. 12th. Peravian, from Portland, Mai. 24th. tram Haliffm, Mai. 2811. FROX PORTLAED on RALIAI.--- GABIN $50W, and $75, Accoiding to posftiou ef Staterocm. Bettiru Tickets $10i, 8125,id $150. INTEEMBDIATE $#0. STERAGE at lowest ratu.. tetmod ansd Steonage passongers for Giasgev torvarded fiee by rail ficm AiLver- pool, or by steamer f rom, Dcnry. Passeugers takiuq lie Steamer at Porl- land Wini bave wit n the .Wednomday meruing :-ms Halifax, ou the Thunsday morning.- Partl. sseudlng for- tlieu trieuda -in lb. Old Country ceauobtain PRE PAID PAS- SAG ETiplicaTEai ntlovesl rates. Foi Tickets, sud m&Ualler informnation, mRpply te Geo BYuIo Bxprmpa01 ROSSO lIH BMOI[.OPNI I5 A POSITIVE CURE For all thum. Paiful Complaints sud Woak. nemile, so common le oui besl FEMALE POPULATION. On acoonul of ils prgven merila, il i. o. ay recommendè,d sud pnesonibad by tha boit plym inias l 1e onntry. - ti 'u ueezrlyhe vorsi foru of F lig cf tetle uuorrîoeaInrrgtda sud=Piu Menstruation, ail Ovarist troublos, Inflammation sud Ulcenaticu, Ploodings, all Dispiacornts sud thecoeu«' sequeuýt spinal veakuoman sud a opecially, adaled thle ChangeofetLite. It vildie solve2sd expel huniers tram the uterus in - an eaîly stage cf devolopment. Tho tou.ý denoy of Cancenona Humer, lier. la dck.' ed vory mpecdily by ilsue. Il nemoves faintneas, fiatulency, deatroys - all craving for stimu ants sdrelievai veakuess oet1h. stomach. - Il cures Bloaling. Hoad-schasNorvoui, Prostration, Ge62e aDebihty, leepemne Depresuion1 and !udigMtiocn. Tiat teshas For the cureOf KiduLey mii either soxi hCOM . a-h xusu'ased It dissolves cl cciooé'à hseb.CioMLa cf ih. urine, restoes lie ncrmal tunctiS ofet lixe" su d prevonts lie orgas degeiiration wvici ieads ho Brigi's Di One trial Winl qlArM andl excite. y» l md Ofpound làp oaied lu N su nid#aim pir- l, 87 Ipar do] 'pills (sugai ole)by mil 50.. per box. MME DIrT -çýoipý6» o-., h m;8tn d, Que, »ays>ý-ýbt hé ne ieu- a asOru dîmelions sud tho-ame as il -bai mmd.l up enthe. proviens cc7 The mixture coulained tinctul Omunabia Indics, a diug unceri. ite strongli and action, and Jt, over-dose .c f liaI' tingredieniý cansed lie poisoning. -- Oounty item!. ScoliAd Convictions alroady s lu Itorti Ontarie umber 51. Oz bee) qasbd. ive fines hbave paid,($250) )Tirs. of the couvi are ment and 42 bave been *pl The. muest cf a couple of menti ni*i &.1..EV.-rn 1at weekat'elm DoiinLins nIRoyal, Mail T STECAM8HIPS. LIVEEPOQL et-* chou SAILIG lÂE. ~ Sani, Ma. 17th -.Mar* 1h *Oreou.Mi. 31.1..Api..Sud lu e-Vaconvr.AV. 14h .Apr.101hCOI Saria.Âpr28h..&ur. 8,0, isIlInGý - eroualb mounts to $448. Hanuah anudyD vif thef ls eoeàaséd, la l o ýbe - i pa l 0per year -duning. ber lftipi.. Charuma Luudy, giaudmon eft-the dae"a- ed, if, p recolve tlb.'vomi on uInzdred ud tralveo t 25 in ;~Wi. We have Pe r Ya rd. EXTRAORDINAIRY VALUE. ÉÉ 4 na Sar questions w Sto.wuhip in théeDon sow tue menarefoj ne.Otouaibe.. 118roi ~jjij, been elected M., I~JI'I~V -fine the Warden'a n<Ibejoslmextibei, Mi T. BI ~em i8ocf the -township, ai Ma. j.. Bownion, Seoreîaryd Alolti .ricaltnrAl Society, ~sa4-acircular to the membersI Sooiety 1 ontiling same rallier 1jng 8totenlents as volt as à gooi of Practical commcfl-8el80 advice bey hthetownship show can b. iii .8, botUl-bY- an incroased nuail .1ezbér, and by more iterest wokby 1hos W'ho are'.members. J3w sl aom hmk the Tou with :avef 'oneý thoasand-votera $ase 125 or about i cents 'al and aisks the directors aud -moi ta rnake every effort thim year la ia j o r IýW he annual ehqw,1 ïarely -increased prize list. Tire men in Peterboroughi taken Very ili on Thuraday after th. sickiOSs being caueed -in a m] jous, manflai, though evidently1 îproduoed ,by, a. eugb mixture of % botb had, _artakeù. Mr. P. H. G, iphotogrmphe, who wau in bis ae Was trcubled by a cold, and M Hammei, alsoa photographer, hlm la lry- a congh mixture wbic hinl hie- pooket. M. Green1 Iowod môme of it from. the boule Mr. Hammeill ac did so twice.j ashort conversation Mi. , Han went.,home. .Soon after Mr. G feit unwell, and a dizziness .1 suoebded by a nurnnees inin tremities, he went morose the --troé Dr. Olarke'si office. Dr. Clarke him a restorative snd aumi-e$ed- home, and -having hoard thse,%Mrd stances b. gave 'him an emeuc, ' lie fqllowed by stimulants. Dr. ' who had beèn ment for, amoa ar and M. Green, vbo had beau low and believed he vas dying, bi tore~vive. A meumongerwas se Jai. Harnni'e«1'0 gèt the congh1 tune, but ha neturned without il, wilhlemsg h at Mr. Han was lU and wanted aphysician. File anewered the surmens, but iù mneantirne Dr. Kinamid. had hein ct and had tneated' Mr. Hammeli poîsonung. Soon both the gentle wer. ont of danger ihough loy, Green bcing espccially depisi This morning, hovever, theyi quit. receveied. The. cougli mi, vas madle- up in a tovu- drug a frorn a prescription given ta Hammoîl by lite, later Dr. Nainù Omemee.; Mr. Haznmill had nse& saine mixture for some years with ug effeet mand vithaut producing offecîs mauch se aspoda ni self and M.. Green' on=T onnlb

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