Mi survloe à -Prg veang ui bI, Shi lokv à rav ff fitpris-f<4e Isuoy 0o lit i ~Now, thon lNi.. Sloek- b»reaer, just -~bear in mwwd thst N.Jn.1). Hwd.u Vs0a O~LALARMS 'Propely>wluteaed stock onght teb Ing 'Ob __________a high prife. aibis seamon, How»vei Mi. iiwýdoiý fe bouud te oel hi. of a2d, au NICKEL --ýSTRIKIN ay fariner ni* y take hi.e, hances in thb oying. -ýDont forgêt Toesday nextI.ha T 30-HOUR U fqllowing are the oeues te dome WAL'U OJ~L"Jbefore -the assise court eommencing on M Moaday fext :-Qneen y. Fra-nk Pear- WALN UT 8-DAY Bo:, uttering c ounterfeil, $10 Canadiau bu Ban of Comere bll;Queen v. Rosseau, perjury; Quaon v. Walker, obtaining gooda under false pretences;S ..mam m!APNQueeu v. Doble, aaait; Queen. v. w Hurdley, obstraoting Constable white ouoouting searebt warrant for liquor in Iyo Danoaster's, botel, P. il Perry. There in Th~ wes Desgns are eeved civil suite. The ewet D si"nSi LUTBT riday nigbt the Consumers' eh S Hardware Compsiny of TeaWbito (Mr.Ith: ~yLriOs, Frank Snitb, late of tbis towon),1adj The ost uralbinge were carried off. The thieves Themot D ra le see o baveknown very 11111e' about a NDthe store, for the stuif they carried off ci AND wIL5 the very pooreet clasa of goode in C A Cuuu te imeke per.thb store. Had they reached inte the Accrat Ti ekep-esother aide cf the sno w-case, they would h ave fuund btter knives or razore orW -AT- revolvers. About #80- worlb of stuif wae taken. cn ~-'AT) TAT TXQ BEY 3.F.GRRM&N'S sermon ou gr -Gatbering Up Fragments cf Tims" j~jtNj]I~..L c~ was attentively listened 10 on Sonday Ný evenitig, though the sluehy sidowalks Ci VTE DIT Y-prevenled a good many froin ooming M~ out. Pêrbape the only part cf hie -~-~'subject whîcb Mr. German did net bz u treat upon lis bow some peeple whe 'W W ~ib[tfiru have nothing te do but galber up at _ï4r"' fragmenta eft ture are te dispose .of it _____________________wben they get lit gabered up. There t MABIIllh,187. are a good many people in Ibis and ai MARCH 1tho 187.1 ether towns wbo have a deal toc muoh a -- - ime on their hande already. a THET are having Rreat times down LOCAL LACONICSI st the bay. On Menday night th: d - cuid odnbuildingopsieI W HAT IS GOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOW-A the St- John's cburoh w.'s et fire t10b BUDGET 0F LIVEL LOCAL NEWS GLEANED and burned to the ground. On tleB By CHRONIGLE REPORTER8 saine nigbt a most shamefiil outrage - was perpetrated on a cow belonging te ohîe~s aiang~ l.~ ~Mr. Thos. Aikison. Tbe poor animal #-A hie's man YBtakn at«, bad ils tait eut off and then its tbroat An' f aith he'll prent lit-cul. The man wbo coutl find ples.sure - in such a fiendish trick muet have a W* -zare- pleased te bain that Mr. taste for crime. These Ihinge may goDe: Thos. Moody bas been appointed land- on for a lime bnt the ultintiate result ing waitsr at Liverpool Market.,t~o fil wii leho t seudl a few doWn toi Kingston. the vacaucy caused by Mi. L. O'Leary'e sEtvicaL people foin tb. sýuth ward det.have spoken 10 us sabout th.e lcoue na-t ANoNG» the Most curions and patriotie ture cf the depredationso %ommtted objecte hung ont for sale in this jubile. there, dnîing lh. past v..k . In Mr ' pear is a jubiles draes adjustor, or bus Atkinsen's cage it te asserted that ha je tle, which plays 6God Bave the Qzneen" oeeof 1he last men ini the world 10, make every limes lhe w6ar.r sits down. 1 au enemy and nothing but a viliatedt Song cf the papers have been ou- laste for wrong doing oould bavet presingtheopiion t hard limes prooepted anyone toE mutilato hie cow.f wre ingmeoreinior s bikyThe pà rties ccmplaining te Us maintain i driedkingmothan b. Scît Ad he thal if lb. pîoperty cfsB a:&man as Orilinga n thayefISott Aet- ThbardM. Atkinson je Dot safe D*otbier man'% reie aventsîuok rilli8 tafrdproperty i. and they have a dreadful e bomhga'ro fea of these depredations beÃng contin- whiekey li omngteO ed. il would be a great pity if these BlpRFORE ie Hlouer Judge Burnbau, rascals cannot b. nabbed and sent 10 on Friday last, Howard Middleton alias ]Kinguton for a few years. That would3 Abert JBurke admitled having sitolen a co hmof gold-pin and neck.lia belongiug tb Ge0- coos'by off.idnc, Cane, bolh lb. parties being residonts WR 5O&Joubnaltho' Pr ovidn e B cf Boaverten. Squire Bruce badl con-A- DilgJtrna thl oui on" frI L menteac fo evry ay t te lin. adopted for aggregating "fragments of Q; Tuesday nigbt Wm.,. Thoxupson, meney." Gatbermag up f^gmeuts of second son cf Mr. Win, Thompson, money is by fai a more popalar amuse- harnese-maker, was iteaily killed osai ment than colbecting lime, and tbere Bay's hotel. Re was riding a frations are hundreds cf people in thîs viciuily sort cf&abeast and was just in the act wbo are fiabing te know bow tc, catch of warming ils jacket a ithoe when it hold and oding ente a good deal of eapi- sbiod-on soins accounl and thîew bim tal. Il wil fait lits a flood cf ice-water off aga inot a telephone pole jilSI neai on some people'. feelings, abould the tbe galeway leading te Ray's sheds. Bey, gentlen mueisit that the frag- Ho wao carried înt the botlt-uncon- monts cf coin muet b. collecîed boumai- scieus and bloody, and a good many ly and above th.-table. 8abould Mr. expressed the -opinion that tb. boy was Gernan desire te hav e il itýdthal h. &ad;-but in about tlwenîy minuteshe pîeacbed ene, c'f tb. motpopular er- become conscioxis again. H. ls COU. mensever beard in the towii ho vii iiderably, oni on the face'aud bady Ix ijdup wltb the old ladys advices b bîuiaod., A -slugulair. coincideuce ' inber son, où bis lea"n homne1 for the connection wiîh the 'accident, i.- thit Cily: "41Make tmouey,-m.y son. Ronest- Mr. Tbixiompaon immeif was badlly hurt >ly, if yon eau ; but mAuke il,', et lbe samie place a- couple cf menthoe Tir Bell Te lephone Compauy's offi- ago, auddvau picked- up withiu IWenty 4 a say Ihal a bgreal deal of. unneoes.- lest cf th$e saie spotg . I aariy-importance has been uttached .TE. -à à ott Aet caseoef Quemu v.-(tmogbnuloadiug reports eut frein, Benuetl,ý cf Oohaw 'came np à ai il Ã"n wa),lethe lutI décision oet h. Tuesday. The coùi0abiýes were *ainm Mmnier cf Agriculture, viding lh. 'euamined showng shal Éouitt did. Blake trauinitter patent. 1Tbià $ net state lhe baivas Mâtin$ i util net au origintal patintlfor à 5tiaiittéif* aflor- the searoh wag fiuisqhed. Hie but oxtty -,tor I p emeV'it -cm Oit i1; woisblp oaid lb. éidence for the methodéf oi Ùip~@tui 6 U defonce Vas somAwbat isbyq aud o e theWU ie d y ieviewed tbe évidene-SI &mo n ,gtlioe 0 kt toe sow ieunreliable oharaeter. Ittan,_k t ~stiù-a Y$ ne, was justl a maller for the maguitatt 10by say MîAClS iff; tepbli, * mn stls whloh b beliae, 1h. f.uaul .î- and~ Mud Martin or th 1*14 0abei. O cou-wjlI EI no ê tatemneul ot-ê &jý»d cf $5 sn oI »1t*y inôftôr a M wllh LOêé .ý'W 0 "1o ~mbelle' for bufralo, robos, ,l» black and gre-y goas. WaRn otton tad embroideries very beap ab tde Ibà ukrupt- soref' 1am ,e à ,'i.the placé. for- men'â id boy vro l iievpucoe. Tabeet cýigar and to baccos are -te >hdat Bîowusoystoîýpârler.1 Cali on Oampbelli suad ,moethair aeltor. cloîhe aI lleicndl1216pei yd. C.11 on e. -& J. CJampbell and ses lb. Irgains tb.ey are offeiing lu blankela.- A good many badl boys in'town were een throwing anowbails dnring Lb. reek. IF yen want a silk dross or mandle ýon can save 50 per cent aI the ba4 k. upt store. CusToMEnS cf lb. Royal hotel barber bop eay tbe work done is equal te aüy- bing doue in Torento. Use Dr. X)erenw#end'a Great Gorman Eaur Magié for baiduesa, gray baur, is ir sale by a&l druggiet.. Pleae notice that ws psy paîticutar 4tentiou te culting and fitting beys lothos. Androw M. Boss. BPIOUL offers lu Bunday sohool ibraries an'd prizes* at Mus. AlIin's ff itby Book and music store. B. B r\w"ltbas 1he targeet stock cf ýreanas, piboelaîes, mlid candie ýrapos. fige, &c., ever abown lu town. ur pritig stock arriving daiiy, lew drs geoda, new prinIs.. new ilnadian and Sotceh tweeds. Andrew', Largesl variety cf pbotograpb ai- mnes sud IRlusb goode ever epened lu Vbitby aI Mre. Allias, Wbitby book nd music store. o& a pencil P' thon make a note of bis. Andrew M. Boss keepe the beet ascite,] stouk cf tweeds in the caunty, à nd the only place where yen eau gel afiret clase fit. Tho main that oouldn't te11 1he lifference between a mnle's ears aud a [inon can piainiy se tbe advanlage of bnying bis dry geode frein Andrew M. Ross, sfter examining bis geeda snd oearaing bis pricee. ONH cf the upsand downs cf an onor- g.110 norchanb's existence- i. le keep tbe quslity t&p and the price. down. By the way, îhey are doing il very effetually atBoa Bros.' Wbitby Dry Eleoda Emporiumn. A good -many fariner. wbo viuited town during th. past week felI a lithoe f"skeery" about going mb h oteis lest tbey thight ho brought up as witnesses in Scottl&et cases and have to corne back some cîher day. GOT a peoit ? then make a note of Ibis. Au siegant range cf Spring tweeds and suitinge, lateetst ylos in felt bats, .gents' fornishinge, etc., jouI opened st Boss Bros' Wb;itby Dry. Goode Emporim. B.TANIuG wllh reluclant feet, st th.à s cerner ot,ý the street, many signs confuse ber eyes ; donbts boet ber and oh. sigbe. But Ibero la ne occasion te foot badly, young lady; if ils dregs gooda yen want, juat step imb Boss Brou' Dry .Gooda Emporiumin ad ses their elegaul uew stock. NoBonu reads ibis witboni wondering bow we do it : 25 yards factory cotten for $1; 20 yards print for $1 ; baud- serchiefs, eolcred border, 80c. per doz- on; lace cqrtaîns, 75e. per pair. Old' maid and oid bachelor pricos. Yen Oau'i find Ihoir match. Boss Bios.' Dry.Gcpds -Emporiumn. 4 THEOuGH fty. Tickets for' Dakota, Manitoba, Galîfornia, Brillith Columbia, Oregon, Nebraaks, or te nearly aml parlaofethb. wrid (local or foreigu) rail or,, oean (wilh choie et7 mail isteamship limas) Proonable from, E. Stephenson up town teisgraph and G. T. B. ticket, office Wbiîby. Every desired information maps, lime tables etc. given. Taz pupils et Mis. J. L. Bmnith's Bibi. etaus in tue Tabernacle Banday ebool iutend holding au entertalumaeut. on Goed lriday. -Tea s be .prepared- for four hundred frein 5:80 10 8'o'clock." afier whicb the audience la te h. euterlained with --a upeially prepared programme vbich ila atready iu course ef pieparation. -Morir about the sn-: A healthy yeng blizzard eavairled aroupd lewu boe.on Sat.urday mitter. noown d ,veiuig, muah tbI he 4lsgue and ýannoY*né9e',tf pedestrians. Lt zipped and, tere aro.und lthevuwnfor several ho=, , but did litlemoe thait bovI l -bf oamîe,aud -.1 lengtb it, stole&ayl-nder cover of daîkÈteïa, 011 S-. * EWILL Do IT I :BEAUTIFUL.: SPRING,~ GOODS bined. old-time Honesty in QualiVy and Price, witli New Freai Styles. ASONAIILE 1* R . OOIISý FANCY GOODS, MJLLJNEIRY, ETC, styles the Lateit. QuaIities Excellent. - -Pr/ces Lo w, e BSANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY fIÃŽMRqIEALENS Yoneed not henitate to acceit OUR JSTATEMVENTSas W0 back them with GOODS C.5 TEWA RT, WRITBY, ONTARTO. No. 1, DIÈVERELL'S BLOCK, IMPORTATIONS. SPRING HOLLIDAY'S EMPORIUM-, BROO0KLUN,, Is the righ place to make your Selections-. Ris ELtock 18 large and well assorted ini the vritis departinents, and he lias now added many N6lvelties specially for the. Spr ing Trade. Besides many choice articles in Dry Good, lie lias a nice selection of THE' BEST QUADRUPLE - PLATED SIt.VERWARE, Comprii~ five and* six-bottie Castors, Obake Baskets, Butter CoolersJ Pickie ]DieheS,- * Napkin -Rings, Knives and Forks, Plated Spoone,&.,&. THIE GROCERY DEPA1IkTMENýtî 'j [swel fflld with ohoice fresh Groceries saeeted especiaily for the .spring Trade,. You wiil flnd in 'Stock choice new Valencias, Seedless and Layer Raisins, ohoiceý New Currants, Lemon and Citron Peels, Spices of allkinds, new and« fresh, Extracte, of the best quality, Canned Goode, Qysters,-. Finnan Haddies, Oranges, Lemons, Figs, &o*$, &o. Choice TLeas and Coffees of the- beet vmiluei, alway8 'in stock. RROOXLI1~; Tr. J. IIOILILID.A-Y, v E ster - ovet's, s TJXPECTED DAILYO - PONIE Queen.'sJubilee Speoialtie'SI -AGM in differeýpt unes, making useful an-d. tasty presèn-ts.. STI CALL AND -IN SPECT 0O I UR STOCK. i~w 8I the.'4 pieu HAVE- : COME!i 1 fi'm dit . e