Whitby Chronicle, 11 Mar 1887, p. 6

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W,.thie joly farmerai 'w gauhiny ana MM - us bepdor mohbauio Abda Whou the evenig oometh, W. sing the ParmoeS' ong. COOEUs-Ah, happy are we, farmne. lu winter and inaspring, lu summer and in autumn The self-same Song we aing 1 Te nethe 4#y merohant- Lookti forItis daîly bresd, The titlsd lord and lady By ne are &IBO fed. The lawyer and the statesman, A.nd ail the motley throng, Depend upon un wholly,, Thon raine the Firmers, song; CROBus.-Âh, happy aue we, eto.; The. dotor.sud their patienta, The Monarohe on their throue, AUl look to un for sutenance,- What power the furmer owns!1 W. food the poor and needy, W. feed the weak and atl!ong, And while we toil and labor, W. ulng the. Farmeru, long. 0luosu.-Âh, happy ar.w-e, eto.: Who vould not be a furmer, And cultivte the. soil ? How happy in our freedom Are we, despite our toil 1 - 'Tin we Who iguard the nation Prom tyranny and wrong,- Then join unsin usin The stnrdy Fariner'e eong. CnonuS.-Âh, happy dýre we, etc: Carlyv Day Justice. BILL NTE TELLS 0F THE S&LV'ATION 4«My 0F THE ROOKY MOUSTUiNs. (Bill Nye lu Ohieago Rambler.) Thôso Voestroubles;ome time@sý in- dOed. Âll WOOl justice in the courts vas impossible. The Vigilance oow* mitteo, or Salvation Army asgit cs.iled itlef, didn't make ranuch fau about it, but vo ail knew that the beet citizen a bolonged ta it and were in good stand.. It vs i SLewart was hot ade fra youug harder, ahd had to take np with a smient , rYVagrant, called by the Other boys "Esau."eau hadn't beon On th. ranch a weok befor, ho made trouble vith the propriotor and gel tlb. rd bot bi.ssing froin Stewart he de- orved. Thon EsOU got madder and sulked& sway down the valley among tlb. utileL sage brusih hmmooke andvwhie aikalie Mâste land te nurese bis wrath. Wheu Stewart drOVe into the corral at nigit,P frOzu tOwD, Esau raised up frosa b.. hind an old sbeep dip tenk, and vîlb- out & word exoePt wI>at rUsy ha"e ' grovled sround iu hde black hbout, ho i ralsed a leVOed 1Spencer and uhot h i Young employer dead.' Thot vas the lragedy Of tbst weelc enly. Others had oco1rred before aud - others vould Drobsbly Oocur again. D Il vas gelliog tioo prevalent for oin- th fort. 8o as oon as a quick esynse land in a boy oould get dovu ie tkvnlb. c e novaS prm.d dthe authorities began T in the ronemanuer le set th.éoId IlalM1 -e rfà'. .Sn- . n. b.d h wue *rmî rvr. They captured t& hlm but hodidsoon after, as il Vas im >Ob . me, trh lb. ect.'of opium b tabou vlth suicidai -lutent. I remoin. up ber aeeinc Essuthe negt moruig sd w iltought thero ver. signa et roplUnt, lu s. liio-eva« a purpie streak &adn twi the necit eofdeceased together viti *ê< pIlier extorual phenomena net peouli-.5 te opium, . os Bui the grand dlfficuly,lthi %thein ~sivetim AÀmy vas thst à didu'î watt rig us'otwj, 0 ionR,.eold night vide wu a -permon in hes Esu condition, *as diea7reosbei on Tvouty mii.. ef ionely rte. ahà it *dhoe< u mrieror- lu thebotton ofthe ofet t r wAgon, Io depreasugwhose of =y, U resders vho have atrid Il vi'fl agrS ý vi thtmeothli IlÜ,la"'ot mdoni euh.t tiPmaé 4auiw 1 W1 Sw Ue w goisu ism R. drovr. sron4ailu over te" Je $ugo find iithepfbisW vio gh ilsoossei. mir. Whatisy vent 'hoùu set bus. 11k.a vegetabla meklng osdly for the, parly vie Ri"o hlm a 05,000 cheok for% Netiingcooiùd b. more. dspesi te yak. up on. minu miter anoti of a seuni leOp eud invite l Coma eut te lie bug"y sud id the remains. One Man vent oz looked ai hlm. Re saïd, ho mev w ecohers toit about Il, b allovel fith nybodyviWho ul $5,000 for mci aà remains as E could flot haoe*very good liste. Gradually il erept lirdugh Whaîloy'e wool liai the sali Army had beeu working hlm, e loteau at lie engin. houesud home. On hi. ranch h. usiled large board on wicihbadl been pa iu antique characiera viti a p and tir the followiug siauza : Ke' Vigilance Oommiîlees, si tien A.rmlog, Morgues, or yonng sicians vie may have deoeased pi ou Ihoir bande, are roqueutod l t train froin conterriug them on tc underitigned. Ký»People vie contemplat. s Bling off Iheir evu or other peoj mortali oa vi l es..not do. a uhss grounils. ffl The. Salvat ion Army ofe Booky Mounlains i. esp.cially hel warued te keep off the. Grass 1 JAMKS WHATLE' The Industrlous Hen. TURYDiG OUT 800o,000000DOZECNS EGOS AND 6W0,000,000 CHICRENS A TZAR. "«If I bwued aIll tb@ins uthiacoi try," maid the marktman, as he cou ed out a dozen oggs sud put themin i custemer's basket, "sud iiad a place peaure thein in, aIl I voul ak vol b. toen years iu business, and I'd mi it very warma for Vanderbilt." "aHow's thai ?" aaked t'he reporter. "H1ovo lihai?2 Why, easy, tha '4oy. Maybe yen dou't knoW, pyou muan, that over -26,000,000 osokles, a uonncing uthe birîth oethbesain. numb pt eggs, kepi ths fariner boys bu oery day last year ogsthoring lu t effort, et over 86,000,000 heua? B they did. Weil, those effort, for 8, day. resuliel lu 9,600,000,000 sopama aud distinct egge, or 800,000,000 doze s near as I eau calculai.. Nov, took jual 750,000,000 dozens eft th.i egge te supply tie demaul 1er Toi aud Jorries, puddings, bard sud vol beiîei eggs, egg-uog, sud ban d oeg iu ti.country last pear, sud eggs i egge at lis.. I figure tbat 80 cents dozen, for 1888, vas about the averag pric.. Thirty cente a dozen for 750 000,000 dozens climbe plumb up te, lb comtertable lijtie pursel1#225,000,00( [!here's uotbing mean &bout me, sud Ibd the bandlig ef those offeringe c tho natîon'sions, Ild be satisfied vit a profil et Ivo cents ou a dozen. 6"What voul ho my littho divy Weil, if I haven'ît orgotten viat o1, )aboll dmummed lotô nmo, I mite il ou ffat wien the. old yoar dled I vouli Ig home -semetiing like 415,000,0wo iean sud slick, ahoad of the gaine Peu yeamsof liai, sud I hhink I couic îîl dovu viii lie boys sud play viii a osavy a jsckpot as slip et 'em0, ta o etb oces tual do, Ide'hei te a minute le ay 113.1lierou'lbe. m han five cents profil on *very, doken they ol . 011Daboi coin.. ag&«Minsud laye il down for à nickel. MWo ftctIhat if I ovuel sUth*h.tuS, lie oeuntry-I vould have te t4a r triPq hefrointhe *s'hopsa h. A efthe yeam, for bore -I voulil hbave Î000.000 mreepilein lthe .tiU! t. be ieil svsy sud stufféiinlutliestock- rý sudt -1,0,0 i ln for ouo$ ltaha u -o o ~crtda rtlole wiàj ~ eeoualyouedhlm, sud ofe grattudefer i, -ovu rcovsrybedoer~. utnued to devote a porlioe.ofis1fotjm, t. preadlug ils moritebetoi. [D' - - 1 D E1.Bo S - TI-l T vs end." end hsi vt; OSO"JONP]GUG 11u dndt asvored epaoi: Tofa Co D01(8o VE1ng o It&"n 'ERGUSom m- Whitby. <J e hours tram 9 a.m.to 121 ISY merciai motive; il ,scandea velu; It eado and tram 1.80 te.6, P. m. Rel4enco- iwel; but momy peoploeviii ual eliov-,e et Byron sud Gllbertatreetg. In. a fev yearm, hover, thai ma sel [Oin tamous lie world ovez, He gaveé,vn ho ai hundreil hhousaul dollars te astreno- .P A P R ýnI mical regeareh, and hie Dame beesme al frwapigpupssly e Ob a housshold word lu uearly oey Silbtnw0pigprp"a a ed1 home inu hie United stahês. unIon carpets, ete., 25 cents par hunded, liii J Hndrodeofetihousde e of ple to.Appi>. te day, ilieut resrvation, ay lhiaI to TRIS OFFICE. * thiema i nse. lis ove - heir lives. Y- If houn'non are collected togolior Ii -the-_____________ ýl chances arelthitfoueinsu inoidouially o. raeatosteWarnsm'e ste cure eevuet O le them vil be ahi. ttel01, frein their ovu sur P RY DAVIS' ' enjorince or freintheieoxpaleuceetNoEf t leoir friniedof mameolons resuiti vldh PAl mK1I.LL t lat remedy ibasvrongitJ NoWm Neb u aver basa put ou i hye iSEEOMdeN MUED ET es lemarket, vo are 1011, tth. salae ofvîîhcb Manages ofMraiaies, Qk-ý b as been se gressud kept up s0 Von-. PtantàtonsNurse.,in Hospigai, y dorfully, sud Ibis alous i. evidenc.-t.hst -in Mhort, everyybody ere utenit lu at tho bolloin otite popularity. iwlo Aus ever giveu it a triaL lu aur fies v. finI musY' auon . VO-TMME'; INTERNALLY MIXE» WITH A liseinont frein lii house.Boene people wINS G LASS OF. ROT XI LK AND bave believed, have used sud bave SUGAR, IT WILL B3E FOUZi» been cureol; ee b4hve dîsbelov.d, ÀNEYER PAILiNO h ave Dot ueed, and lied. CURE FOR The manutacturen b ave eted, as SUDDEN COLDS, CIITLS, Col;- lie resuit oft hein mosI carofut investi- GESTIONL% OR STOPPAGE 0F gatlons, liaitie condition eft ho kid. CRULT-, RMS Deys lu lie key te healti, sud ihat îîey CRCLTORMIS kuov if tie kidusys ars mainhainel lu PAINS IN TIIE STOMAÇU, SUM- beaîti by Wernerl. mate cure, ngey- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAIN'rs, iîneo per cej,>of dieeases voul dis. SORE TUROAT, &c. appoar. APPLIE!) EXTERNALLT, The. unie acid.,or vaste oet hes8ystein, I EPIEqCE nAS PROVEN IT TEE M09? left luthie bloedIý by viat may be callol EFFECTIVE AND) BEST LINIMENT ON constipahel kidusys, bloake up tie EÂRTU IX REMOVING TUE PAIX myste n sd carnies dises.. te every ARISINO FR011 ergan.SPUAINS, BRIiSES, lIHEUMA-. Ti. Uluement, inade lime snd tinte TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED again, le e otulet o es that il le nov FACE, TOOTHÀCHE, aceepied as àascienific Iuti býj - LN.> RS IE,&. surance companiee wîio rejet ma nes BRS RS IE,&. inaotiviîy o et e organe. »OrBeware of Imitations. -U The publie la lired of the wraugiei t _of _________________ ibis achool sud oet uat achool, sud it lu quiok te recoguizo anyîhing liat bas snob conceded menit, aud on tuis grounu alan.eauoin ac&ountlfor i4s extraordin- CAiYriELL'S W ADAMS iVOUNO tMEN snfferlng fron thteieffeehs af à early evl haite, the resuit et l4noranci On 1011Y, who fSud Iheinslves we&k# nons-as, ansd euia.usted; aise MIDLE AGs» sud 0. Ze IN, who are broken do-su frmei1h effect ofe abuse Un 0ver-work, and in sdvsued lite feol the caniequsacel ef youtuineresa,$Md. fer le sud aaa» M. V. Lmbonas Treatigo ou Diss... ). Of Mon- The book wiii le sont uased to -any if adess on recaiyt etvi e0tam>.-- Addr«us PrOXY-,Torcmtei a I is et th.-utmcut importanc e a on It goal hausehald remedY shoalilb. kàpt d ithin bsdy reacli lu caseoaipain sud &«Meiental injury. The mstuetut reied Yeilev Oil, tan internai snd eNtonnai use i n l u a lpain tul om p lainhs 'Semethlng pecullar about s Match. No maflter ho, you drap 1h, ilta&"aY& 4a r Ita hed-îl t lights aI sIL The, mosthu» mernsins lneDM au I happ esi l e nhve m w b as ac ot Ion hu mer SU orayobstinale humer etflthe blod, 4"s net teel Venyliveil, a1leautunotountil 1hé le cureld, vici, bLte vay, Burilek BIlid Bittons viiido lte McmltrUoublueme et blad huume.. On lthe nollg deep. i-p asenen <'WeIL lid boy, viato.u bsalne~T Second Pesenger; "-AU! ut 1the loup. » Thers are uuPefmeiovs appled ttho handkeneiîet, ia h eu sgreeable odor 'me or &u 10"ta and tiio di. a&ay, leasing onl eal~is,, ar.!Net 8e vith Murray ~lanmwo plerldr We«tbelonge it in. szpced the meedOlicae -Mid dlighIInbocomes lie À mie! vas h ovt aitich e sue ~pen ii. ae asont niding yeurdey. D. Smîth's Germai Worm 1 or Wormerine, sedlZomoe !.9 kinilsi -et vormsoloauvsee h. eelofall mmpu$. tiel% -oeebillousesud lullgesiUm.T I l. 0d>. aul drugga ro~2 etey Mmml.Rauk, lie singer, hm eeei tonbh~t engagment at mlran DR. L()WISWoRM 8f YRù)p ra- rmnôved14£pe Worm.from 15- te 30 fëe ~uinth. R alg atos i Of toorm. ot &- 3-at TONIO', ELIXIR and cmre et tut im ! 'era aUendant upon a lover redoceil etate of the steul, and nsaly acéompaniey bl 11Or, cakues.,andi Palpit-atîm, e liHieart- Prompt re$ulke wiil folio, Ita Use in cases et Sýitder. Ex. haustion anising froin 1.-soa Blood, Acine or Chronie J>IIseasesand ini tic weakuestiat invariably accom~paules t.he eeovery frOnt Wast4ng Fevers. Ne remedy will give more epeedy itiijef in Dyspepsî or Indigestionits ation oun tie Stumc being liat 0f a genule aud harmies toume, oxcitin litrh neu digestion le action, u naffordiugp imiediate anIdpermanent relief The camn#ve Properties ofthie,4lifferenlt anomalies wbicii lie Ellxzr ~tlns reiaderituseMnju l&Wnet D>ppepaL. Ill È auable remedy for Atonie DySpepia, vwich jea pt le acc= lu z#nozua ef a guty caracter. For IM lpnabed Biol esp AppUtDspndeucy autinalIoses. veeateffective sud( certain stimu- lan l nired, thie Elixir a b In Ferns 01 a Mlnii Mpesd lie varions .i-iiresulta olm ugexpo- aurMet te ecol ir we& weaher, 1 i ! Pri,ïe a vaue, reMtrals', as the QWnblation oCI CilÇona aiiëaya and Serpentaia are uiveraaIy reognzei s. sp eci ucafo r i a b v nz e dl &Ul by anl DaMn ix pb,4ji,,j eh, --phks #1peoI, KoimiwÂrc, P4 OÂKPRF~LT.'r~ 5 6 .I - - &T COt.li am ~~~1~ Canadian Govem Acoumulated re Deati edaims paid New business, lai Twe&ty-f vo per axe deqosileil witl serve Fund. Lite Ineuane1 ordinar>. rates, ani 17 aeosments Ma 1884, aud in neo c quent tien every a Annuel oxpense 'limaited te 82 per S. An active, agent1 sOitelloeaiy't and tunl pamoiulai, signeil. ý 1 Ageâ-nt tonr 19--B, Su 885 WHETBY, TI WiitbY, Nov. 7th, il MONEY 1 ON IJRÂLIES At levesi living Apy ta Whutby, Pebrmry l16 meu1Jtprincipemi vancees madie ou seco purchasse :tarme. x maklng applicatiansi aqent's tees; ne dol! Megier rates on ment1 me ah on"e for lever x Write or callimnediai £Z B wdJue nnlBsw Ef, Tenou$. TRUE W"RLUB L.O.L.No. 168 ineets, lu Uhied Workmen Lodge zeom, Smiti's B1ock, f Irt Wednesday iu ssci menti. 85 socy, Wiitby. W. B. -PRJNG LE S" ell 2.boit & lo ur, The bout Paair Plor, '2. ou R> %u4Ot n21e boi Cre"=i hit The boit Grbau Sco*, or p-rom» ta' b,.u u v unds of coe terraluae lu coSumten' cea. e CaarrUaojd lu the MeU JI'0 Àl', N - 0: htDeuerell'a Blook /or àgour ~IIIvjai9 M am '2h. bull, t Mall 'Of Cake surta- besi st-ofliemmtkelm fo 1Dpotlghnm tdaga durs.- DomiionWooëd orksk WHITBY. DRA~I~I>G I Db(NG F 'I ftPie One;, foi. A frein a CeMnuo eh o rp )f New York a. >ae-tii?' l lu short, aIl diise escaulle ' bY b i lo conquered by this powerful, OO<if-.4 - nvlgoratinirmedicine. GreatPUIifYI. , Metdejit 50,000 eerm ré Id] y lunerIt eingi', brvefun foer) 815,000 Espeodak iasj it maifebdi8P ltq J duzing 18%4 479,9<0 cur n etter, noue iah Bo :8 ms., 1885,15,a0d00 s weîîînf.,î croluIo8e05 , - ~ White elltwyoitt »jrThe r cent. et1aSU asenemnts cents lustanips for, a large treatj8e, wahI h tie Central Trust Cern- Ored plates, on Skia D -s.o r 0 rk, as -trustees oethle Pe- Smount fora treatise on iS<"coj iors to aI legs tien eue-hall thsGoden 1ieal I e iii. Piondce d seourity perfect. Ouiy digetion,ý a tin ak¶i<1>ery, n.. de lu 1881, 1882, 1888, asud tvital slreuigth.ait d i nei'- êse- eau they be more fre. CeiutltUtigu, > w e salshd ùtemnate menth. ~ l@ E U ".m go et management, &ceo., M T1)j'"ý1 g,000. whIch la Serofulous Dises.,>etlI vsuted l eer iirpre- L11,19 8promptlY and certaîJy Or whom a libe--rel - and cured by this God-given reraecdy jftr IApplications solicitel ifiOUcIetge !th . e1~ a,~r~ 'ua ailb tcune-Prom its wonderful power ever this trrn> ibl b te ndr-fatal disease wheu firet offering this no-w cê ebrated. redy te ui pubic.Dr. pu thouglit seriously of ca 'g h hbis "col, O R D O N , SUIM Ption -ure,,, but a a d n dt a n n tie County of Ontario. os too lited for a me ldethaîaanri, wonderful combiustion of tonte, or stren~ Port Perny, ont. l1it-altaratlve, or blood-cesusnning anti.b' _ _ _ _ _pectoral, sud nutrv rope ný Lugebut for au enupiàet U CHRONIÇ IEÂE - Liver, BIood ad Lungt' BANK 0F ufen el du)], drQw8y, debiltat, hm. N&DA, sallow color et 5km, or yeUew1lx..brown - ONTABIO. on face or body, fréquent beadache or HOMA8 DOW, alternating with bot flashee 1evoprtce TManagen.nm. youpyy)geunrýEfj1jjsp 882. ly-47 g@or 1y@eP1 4ad Torpid LIve, part of these mymnptome nu are es ozz4 a remedy for ail such cases, ur. Pieree% F0 LOAN I 0icvj, I Shortuens -. 01çreatti .o4 INVEST RENT. evero Coughi, Con um pton, Mu kiadred affections, It la a overea rei~ A.TEk OnEOnOUTYn.Sol bY ]Druggis,î raes o ineresi, PRICE $ 1 00 9 B TLES bin 10 lays a p- * Assoô.g ation. Èt spue7 Nid1ial soii% [N PARQUHAB8O ~ Proprieters, M68 aln St., BunIytL, , -------------- Q S ]LITTLE, TO -LOAN. . rly. Termes et nopay ~~ 4 ~ L l S tado to-ýsuit bornowers. ATIDLOS udC1.ru. c>tgages bonght. Ad- bj.»ug...£ et ii md Moniages sud ho_________ le ceaie incunred lu tce me for maoney ; ne lay. Parties -ps irg $ 0 E gages sbould appjy to la oË'eredby h catesan su ave money. etr Dr. Sgl aa-=tM kt.ly tor particulars. for aca c adtarrh whiehths ',4ii6 0ons of Tomîp %~OIg 5-i5itfrein C <t audeY yeiu1 ~2i.lea et ungpoPl vnt t4 ,lo even'uag sud cam ho eluthe ieoriig ai ju ~~ugh vsoccadsiay parti YO ai jan horo frein lie ranku - 12"1', voeselihave a large ud possibly a tew te sPâsre, - .r. xu.Brigi has recently bi ieherd ef caIlle bY Pun h'reur brd Durhsuii female É~rGO i'kiugbottm, oet i Mr . pHoe vden, oeef et. h~.ies aving leasei1 bis tari !$r tyearo, hum snnouncodà Bibloet l te wiol of et hieBorl 0atîîlaud Olysodeedal msares an st bishiisrarm lot 15, con. 7, enth, A. ,ery pleaBiug 6ent Iook Pl w.înes&&y .e'vening ot IssI wo th uniting in raatrimony of '2 ev-l emiss S. MoLe, -eldest ter of Mr*- T. -MoKee, ef Torouhi eroemonY w&o performed by tl 03. J. DobsBon, of Prince Albert. Mr. Thomas Fiods, cf Estl-1 daie4, vory- suUceuly on Bnnday à LýOthid't11WIsrentame wee lu tho Motiodisl Churoi yard, bus, enlie following Weduesds1 beresod relatives have 'il fout synipath'ofethle comn their sad-beoresveinent. SCUGOG. -Mr. DavictBtephenson, et Be moving te our village. ci T2h. tes aI lhe' Christian h eduemday was a grand succesil Dou't, forget --11w sugar. socle helinlà te Centre Oburci ou A word 'for our meorchaut :- le gotting in-a Jarge -stock vi aellmg chbeap. - Mn G. DawEuýp has purchamed of inatched general puipese ici. do credit te tie foot. Our Island eau boast eso single drivons- Autong lhe mos l'o Mr. Conklil'a -hlaok Jeunie for-style sud spool is bard te be One ovoning lasI wook vb - JosepiHeRol vas drlving souh Mr. Glasin lie sondift seui Watson1s gale. ,Mr. Gls'a sil iecontact vii Mr*. ood's cui lug il sud bneaking il bsdly. aideut, migil, have beon mers 'bad Joo. net ield aàtigiln'pc nibiions. Mr. Glass viii be - "sponeible for lite.lainagesou et ofdrivtng vitieut bols On Fniday It, while lrawMI -ef hay, Mr. Js.Stauley- I zts etou.eeVith-Sam2" cameaSpart isud t1h. oal ups.i., lug M.Stanley t. lié grlo braigtire. cf Ih ie . » -ou Sunday, aftmnocu laut, ti wero seen rollng dowu ths froi l"eàatly etsîste eof intouical nesm. ly overy night of the Wvo eue is senonùlte- itreet the 'q -- liquer. Il seents attaugo vit dminiugÉ, liaI ne oeeis. COn seilg.;.Aise àfor the Scotti'A

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