Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1887, p. 2

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And Items Stolouf*,om Ouar- zexhantes~ -W. Uandsrstînd Ibat Mr. -P. Christie 01 Manobealer oontemplates building a houa. lu Uzbridge-ad retiig boe..- The. (aeen's Jubile, r. goiuRe to b. celebraî,d iu Uzbridge on May 241h by the fir. brigade, iu whos. hande the demonsîratien isasue to e bmade suc- 'Mr. Jas. Phillips ha. sold his farm of 100 acres in th cou. cf Scott, to Mr. John Madiil for $9000 cash. Tic farrn la' a&l clear.d aud, as ils prie. denotes, ie à fiist;classe oe. Mr. Madill ha. acs lalely bought- the Harrils faim in tb. saine concession wbich i. nov ococu- pied by Mr. John Pearcon. Soin. counterfeil Bank Qf Commerce ten -dollar bil were reoeived at tb. bauke'bere met weok and promptly opottedi. The imitation would neyerr b. detiectied but by an expert; look t ont for Ibsin. The number cf lbe billej i oi aplr blue than on the genuine; !b. paper i. not se good, and the fleur- ,ast theb beginning of the word "tien" encienebes upon the coal-of-arme, -vhich la nett h. case iu the sirnon pure. OsMond&Y morig lu~ t .D,- 8 l3rowu vil. in th. sot of baraemsig one' 6f-bis boise, teo.iled àa ver kiok ùutlb. loft uiI. irornthe animlal. Mr. Browu, asa esull, us flcw -boiifud t0 1h. houa,. Maud Bàrtlett, the. propetty cf- J. ,i4 Smith 4 0e., f Ibis vinage, walked- or rather trot.d-oct with firet-pri "i in tbe 2:40 trot ati h. 0<oliugwood race, on Friday iet, wmUng'-thie. SUCaess- ive heats ont of four. B.68% lime. 2#840 On Wodnesdqy aflernogon of laut week a sparrow was disoovered bang- ing by th. ueckýýfrom a bird houee in Mr. fIy. Brandoýi's yard. *Next moro- iug the wiud ble wi i down, when Il vas fouud Ihat a piece of lbread hadl, by corne means, becorne entangled around "Ibirdiees" neok, with lb. above reeuit. A chimney ou the residenoe of Mr. Tobias Merrifield,. of Ibis place, too& ftre about lwo wveeks &go. Mis. Mer- rifield veut outeide te watch it and in turning ber bond round in tbe burry to look np, etrained a cord ini the baok ef ber neek. The effeet of thb. inry weus tic ber brain, and ch. died ia.sî rock. A brutal fight occnrrod lu Sunderland The Russell Houa, lu up for violation morne day. ago, eud a trial vas beld cf the Scott Aot. beres'ever the alTair liat veek, a anu named Gordon being eommittedl for A large flock cf vild g«» ese oeeen trial ai Whitby- for pcunding a man flying dvei tie towu on Monday lutsinl named Doble, vie vas terribly disfig. a norti.w.sterly directonc. Apparenîly ured sud cul; hie Ihumbe, aJoo, ver. lier. ver. about lifty. -This. laproba. nearly cbeved off. He had bis poto bly a more veinerons aigu cof an early grapi taken for use at the trial wben- spring than al lie boaaasnsd Wood. eveî il cornes off. We hope îcsee8 lie cucstut ever set up lun1the proguos- lav fully enferc.d in Ibis cse. Sncb tic lins. brutality lu a diegrace te civilization. Several fariner. lu liis vicinity have 1Ou Sanday mcrning last ai about 2 lod some cf theur sheep lalely, evideut. 0'clock the nighlwatciman smellcd ly by Lbefî. The folbowing cases are emoke near H. Joncs' hardware store, rcpcrled: Mi. Jue. Fyfe, 5th don., and, ou aiousiug Mr. Joues ai bis bouse Orilla, one; Mr. Wmn. Johnson, Orc, and eue or Ivo ochers, proceeded le in- eue; Mu. Wrn. McLood, Ore, one; Mi. veaîlgai..' Tic store vas found te be Jesse Pond, Oic, four. A bnndned ful cf emoke and cloner investigation Years ago sbecp-sto.iling vas a capital revealed lb. caue-a bag cf smouldei. offence. Some of ou rural friende are iug rags inu-tue cllai. Tic flue vas beginning le visi lie uood old day. lrampled eut sud danger removed. back again. The rage weue net far frein core bar- An intelligent audience lu lie shape rels cf cil and iad their been ne nigbl- cf Ivo West yard Censeuvatives attend. vaicihman on the street lie probabiliîy cd tie deliberations cf the leva concil le liai ve wold baye bad a -heallhy lest Mouday evening. Tbey evideutly fine before breakfast. The vaichinu found tb. proceedinge toc dry, and vent la paid by the principal business men cf ot-presumably..in searni cf ema- the lova. tiug more inspuritiug. W. ver. glad suNDEaLA». te Osec 11ee gentlemen I"kDg Bsemuci Boti lie Sunderland hotel-keepeis luterest iu corporation affaire, but vere ver. pnlied'on Fridîy luti. grievously dieappoinîed vihen vo vii- We hava a nev.f augled baud îere-a nesaed l i eariy mrerment frein lb. vecopion. band. Tbe instruments used fileîd. are~~~~~~~ lb lyr'bus nvliA large ameuni cf grain bas oin, te seuud frOin tie nouthisi mauipulated, tovu ibis week. The farinera Wie bave 6e as te "Milite cals, lieugihthe arti8s been holding back viii de se ne longer, suppose il la fak ir riry of bras in.-sas lb.sleighing lu getling te be a lttl slrumenle. precarieus. Wood, us gett n Jicale Il ls oui sad daty Ibis veek te chien. and net s 1ev citizen» fiud il almot ici. tie deali oftBir. Jas. McKinlay$ impossible te Procure il dry, sud bave vie' died on Monday, Maici 7th, aite% be content vith green, Wood frsbly lb. age cf 69 vesis 10 mentis and 18 cul frein tb. stem. This lu vias vo day.. The. decessed iîd been aling bave,- had to do, sud vo vould advis. for seme lime viti coeelingering di. ail Oui friends te se. liaI lhey gel sea86. H. vas an cld resident cf the enougb good dry bbeci sud maple te tovnshipof Brock and vas a iigbly lat theru ah vinter iereaftei. Uelemed citizen. -Thé fnnenal service0 va. beld lu lie Preebyterian eburci on 'The vild animailiaI âtersîvle ruade l Tuesday by theRev. Jas. Thom, B.A., their hben eu a.partse acMtau l< sud lie remaîns voie 'uterred lu 113e atetin cf T. nMeareere a s uttea-' Wick cemetery, fdilwed ibither by a at no aTmsrprtrw I.c large number of relations and frienda. ucitomorne tracka u inte nev, in lb. A Thè decessed-leave.a àlarge family to b hPart cf tti lou, hich vers di MeU=e bis le8s. The slympaîby cf thecerain ly net made &Dy dozuectie &ni. - e entire eoruunity go.. viti lb.m inmal.* Tbey ver. large sud rnay have o' tieir sad bereavemeul. been ruade by a emai! bear. Moi. as puobably liey oearked tie presence cf et COLUMBUS. s raccoon or poîcuplue in the vicinity. in Ou Tuesdîy eveuîng 8th lusi., in- As oui scribe doe ts e ptb a u cther -of the. etimot fé.- -_ et-setup te be winter course vas 'given l inte Mctio. dialebhurci ici.. The bouse.vas ful again aud èverybody deiigiîed. Tic fit part cf th. programme vas sup. plied hy tie tlent cf lb. village *da of Brookln, lie piecem rendered hy tb. latter beînmg verY- muci ippreeiated. The second part vas supphied by friende froru Oshawa, sud vas equally veil received. The admissien heiug enly 100 ssered te grive colour t. lhee stâte_ meut made by tie peastr (Mr. Pieps thal ltvas net runey lie7 ver. a 6r se mui as lie instructive enterlamn. monut oftle.'Young people cf lie ueighiborhocd. h vere. invidions te psiliculaiiz, viere ail vua segeed. TIhe memabers. cf lie Ladies' Aid nuder vies, auspices tie concert vaw ivn meemed deligiued aI the ontinued' omc..,asd at lie close supplied r,. fremimenîgstaIMrs. Hugo's for il wbo helped in . lie service, The next enterlaluneut vas snnoitnced tor lie Tneeday eveuing nearomî lb. full M tie April iriec, wvicivali rush. iv. fer lie vinter season. t- iy labooming. "The: ldesmls A. -G. badly. Hevy blcocbe on tb. C. P. &Pbut trains A irnsalng ou limaer. . The auterPrii4gburiar ubo left lais oard at BrowWs asu ot ' elue. Next limue ho vont try -aieborilng vith Mr. A. G. Piehard, aigil agent v., P. B.- bas boeu appointed- agent st Weuton. ne la auceeodd by ,Mi. W. Gailae, of Inuerklp. Mr. Lodingîames nov store'laeoin- Pleîed sud avaiting a àtenant. Tuîs vil le a splendid site fo eraonlerpr i. Rigman, ând&o fru pedi allle saucrent of natinralhidstery, 'ie canuot w Bay. -lm On Thursday eveuing lutI oue of Oui b youthful "bloode" feiljute an altercation cM vwili s local hack-msu at a dovu 5lr.el botel. It l said liaI erupîy wor&sh woie fGund not; te b. a suffiint tangi. R' ble muedium for tie circumutances ofBr tie came, aud tbey-lh. youtgergeuîîe. tu] man mre. epeialy-lndalgd.inad- vaneed calisthenio exercises aller lb. fasiion of John L. Sullian. .'&guai h diin e'f 1h..peaue vas cent for, sud 0 "àeryon Ouilla b.ad expended eerl Of-ie superfinen. energy la 'living te uPreet 'à peut, be vas peisuaded t. iccOrpany hinluhlb.direction.cf lbe WectSt. refectery. Subsequently upon Ii uomiuing gobaviour in futurehb.u» proc alloved te g. W COBOUIRG. Aller bsving suOcesfnlly ballled wiii the eleduants ever flfty yea, snd rilnessed, lu solemu silence, lhe melI. 10g avay cf aiter structures of greater 'releutiecns, lie ol -d Northi Aruricmn [lotel, duiing tie soverest gale cf lb. vinter, enlsatainedasitrescierous spak Mtl Salurday evo'olng,"vbh coul itauley UeWeI $225. -Aga hts a, l'sastrous lconflagrt natbeuaveated q' tbhpoe pue deterinatjon u uperlor ski!, of the best brigade liaI rer vanqu"sed lhe flery fou., Oný-Tiuisdsy, naorung Mus. 3no rsy, broutl road, ven't onul te abain. ard, le#avng ion twe y0ung ohibirea a. tbboumi.. Soon aie. ieadidme veazadlu iaI t direction, and, runulug iicekly tovardO- ý, Oaie fonud ber 'tue 1r OMd boy enveloped l in IýO' t, ligne ba4 Issu epultlnq gme -piper adainsi! flces cf wont isili.ibu a* qi band cf *50'over anad bov il trom thbriSent raues on-, ,Loke. This money' - - . band unýtilnexi vunter, when 1Ê, if b Tii e »bu.in lutle receai 3) b ettions bas' beïri concluded, db being reserved by »Hm Romô,'3 Welir. Mi. Demi!. rep Oci, and Mr. W. ~ or vaivek caudidate. Mi. . rnajoriîy of 58 Wini lakely b deoieascd. - Tiie Maor ha.isued 6a praosluiâua lion, lu accoîdance viiil . o. b Coundil, calliug a public mee1u* b istepayoeste disèÎus the f. ro =aio qmetion; and 10 devise Measlfeojýér- ing lhe rates.' The meeting WM h4 eId_ OU. Friday evening, lu the. <coàùmci Chamber, fol Thuraday een.,as previous1y sîated. Every pet oi iastr. ested should attend. A large number cf imechanlaS rle here ou Friday rnorning, lu cbau o, f Mi. Laugbren, to vork on the- rnt Valley Canal, and tbree sleigb1oidB c, them tarted inmediately forih at Burleigb. Mi. Goodwin14 cn tracter, i. pu8hxng on hig operat'xmg vigoicusly *liaI early lu Juns iài wiu b. able te pa8s Ibrougl w ce was Ilureigb Big Ointe. Wel."Muîhaî Me.&1a:.»,naý'as tahen ixaso paiLnerabip M-E i. âëîM Hayes, a barrister of aorne yeau eý64,.u 3ne, Who cornes highly r9eo"etle~d by Judgc Dargneil, Mr. F. D. Batwck and others. Mi. Hayes bas j«M te- ýurncd fromn Beaveiton wber. b0 vas ding as Returning.Officer for ofh )n9ario. The ncw faim vill, uo doubt, 'ceive a good "bte cf tb. legal, busi. les cf thQtowu aad coanty. Peterboro i. getling te be quit. a ource cf supply cf boise.. During tie eact monti Mr. Ted Cevanaga bas hipped six carloade, or over oeehan- ýrd herse., cuti of town te diffsient oints, but principally te Mon -teal. r ' day be shîpped 17 âin, animais te 'q ios Larn, cf Montreal. Among àem was a veiy iandscme teana par- , LasBd ou Tucsa-stya Lornevill, by tc r. Cavanagi. Tic price paid foi chiés£N >a vent veil up to 8400. Tho aVen- ge priepaîd vae 812â * Thes, 1horsesa Banly aul go t. supply tie Montreas!SI M.Sidney Biade, a votera» of lb. Canadian contimgent of Voyageuro f lie Gordon Relief Expedmlion, baes r.. ceived information frein Col. De»onn Touento, liaI lier. bas ariived for bina saclapUaarvardi for bis servic# in the batîle cf Ker-b.u.kep, eaI vb i i wili be recolleoted <joera! Egrig f,6. Mr. Blae vas lthe nly Peterboio' ruerbei cf tie Canadian contingenî vbo accompanied il as fer aA il veut, aud tie ouly eue wvieaeilpcrvdr. Poor John Sherlock vould bave been inot.bei if b, b.d liv.d. Tisse lo voluut.ered aruengt chersfor l*0 sec- ond six ruonthacf service. Mr. made wil! in a 1ev days receivebis 91&&p fat Iiaiinclion at lb. battI f a .bue On Weduesay afiemnoon; Mr. BYaýà, of Donne, put bis te=i of bouseslanlia. &kinran Hotel shed. Mr. Wna. Moier Irove up aud lied bis fd u b.. along. id.. Mi. Ryau vent up about fou~r 'dock to take bis housseut but just ebehowusabout tcdooa fend of Il alled him svay te look st Borne làeM"' 12 mucher Part of the Yard. Wiilele w me vercoeing the yard, lie seh4 ici vas ieavily loaded vIhh lu a L nev, came dovu vilih a crasi on lhe seks ofef 11. Ibshorses. They. vuý moied to lb. eaith. a nurber of leu began te remeve lb. debris andlj short lime by lie use cf axe1 au and tie boises vere Iiberated. MT 'yan's hôees ver. lititi, urtl, but.Mv, chber'. received several Pend.F'r Dalely lby vere ail fl.sb wond id under Dr. - Stepienso 's4ar.wll eu beai. Mr. Moher u"y$ tbh&b# m5ecan do n l* i comebi lessi en tir.. minute. He basu e uu y fusd M800ferbina., lis the duty- of every pensn Wic hm'! dBebI&eaGe,,.5 Br"qtolot1.1ite -d-rfl --ait-esbeknrzn, bu 44L. m I u drng CousumPhiJano svere'00 ý I C r o p , A u l i r u a , P e n u a l s d l U t c thÎ ainatsd lng dleaeso po n niue il viliont i mmeda%roo'n d eses v Ilrelie ie suy m a ase s dw e T h onryee bottle, as 80tCoo dozor bol wVene sld lat yuandncu,»case wi Il faied wm srepcnteâj. suca zuredieclut lie Gemas u ý poanci hbe v ia NOW ARRIVING A complete' range of desirable goods, an d TEEE L See I~R GE S TSTO0 We have ever sh.own. Our New Table Lînen at 20çC4 ANDREW -Mie To ailvhc arem uffcring frein the erreI and indisoretions cf youth, nerveus veak ne«,earld les. c88 f manbood, &o.,- wil Bef areoipe Ibat will cure ycl FREE OF CHARGE. Tii. grat i emed, ras disccvered by a missienary in Sont] &mericea. Send a self-sddrossod euvelej, ýOe iRey. JO5emPHT. InxjN, Station D The. prooeedinge against Palier. KdilE aid Murphy lo!Yugbal, Ireland, have b..r abandoned. De net take pille or powderg conleiin alomel, for at this time cf lie year, th esul msy b. serions. Il yole requirea [se cf physie tae. Dr. Car.ou'st Stomach id Constipation Bittera; ih sets pently ow Lo bovel., purifies tic blood, improves he circulatstOMItu theieliven and îdnoe, and wpeedily cures bilicuuan eadiehe, dyspepsia, indigestion. Seanc -. drug stores frein eend cf Canada tc sa cuber, snd yen cannot frud a îemedy nal toit. Try 1h sud use litin lurn Milies. Sold everywiere lu large bottles 50 cents. Mr.Chaberain ina speech at Bir. Linghumiurve he Ocessity of Mr. sadtone's makng cncessions on the ~hestien, lu eider te re-.unate lie VQN8UMPTION CWt3D). 1oId PhyÉsIci, retiredfripacie ring a d 7 la d fr b hin d s b y a n Hast lia uussoury lie formula 0cf& simple geable remedy for th. spee.dy sMd Penm. ont MMreOf Cousmzption, Bronchitis, tarn. Aithman su stIroat msud717n1 rctiOns, aise a Jodpesian sd rad«Ia cure Nervrous Debilaty sud a& Neivou Cern. ils, alter having ttedits venderful 'tive pover. lu Ihousanda cf cases, haa it bis duty te mak, ut knovn te bis eringiellovs. Âeliiald by Ibis motive s d'oinetle releve huzuan sbifeing, I moud bre.of charge, le on wiodesiri l ;= ï~e~n Germai French or Rngisb on l mailîbyathsae tUParW. LNyas149 Foi. Bi eut, . Y. AYER'SVPotoal di tE Id t ai Gi Ii Li ha, Iný Me a Cafi for plai suiff and Ibis Witt "am No otiher compl 'te are s0 Insidious lui tihed attackau thmaffectIng the Iliroal and lnngs: Dnn se trifted with by the nhajorfty cf suifer. '-s. The' OrdinarY cougli or cold, resuhlng Perba1,s frein a tirWfing or ineeso' usex posure, saOen bultlthe beginning ef a fatal- elekes.. AtYE'8CtaItRY PCTRouL hais vie,, proven its eficay in 'a forly years' tght wlrh ltroûand sudnng diseases, aud shonld b. Iý A Ternile Cough Caret!. É '" i I1 took a svea-e cold, 'which afected fy iins. 1bail a terrible cough, sud p'as8ed iight alter n îitiwnt s leep.- r he d,.t1. gare mniep.ibtrhed Avnu's CujinairPEcý TOa.U.,whxch reiiered - ny bingf4 Iudoed sleep and aiforded nie' the. rest necessary -fer the recovery'of ru', strengîli. By the centanuet ,üe o& lthe.,?OTORAL a permit- xicnt cure iras eifected._, 1 no-w 62 years 2old. l ai.üd h....+.. s Allan Line THlE REMEI[OMON SROYAL MAIL. STEAMSHIPS.Fr15APSTIECR Frall those Painful Complainte and Weat pe flesses se coMmon te our best ~' Livertol odner, FMAL" POPULATION. Br on necount cf its proyen menite, il ie to. Glazsgow. day ncemmended and presonibed by tht' beet phyiCians l intecouentry. Il 'WLcue eutirely tic worst form ciý g WINTER *ARRANGEMENT&S. n o h ten e!crhaIrgl o sudd Painful Menstiruation, ail Ovanis,, tieubles, Inflammation and Ulceratiocu DTS FSALN.Floodiiigs, al Dispîncementsansd lecn a Peinvîan. frour Porland, Peb. loh sequent spinal veakuese, sud lu especislly * hem HalifaxPcb. 12th. adapted te tie Change cf Lite. It viildiW ISaidinlan, frein Portiland, Peb. 241h. solve and expel tumrer from lb. nIeras in- £romn Halifax, Fe. 26th. an ennly stage cf deelpient.Tc1r Polynesian, frein Portland, Mar. Si'd. -doney cf Cancercus Hmnstee is cheek.. > ~frein HaWiax, Mai. 6h.cd very speeciily by ils use.' Circssis, fein oullndMai.iota. - It remeo'es fainlces, feltuleucy, desircs' Iroi Halifax, Mar. 121h. ail oral for stimulants, sud reieves, I' Pernvian, frein Portland. Mar. 241h. wveaes 6ftihe stemech. from Halifax, Mai. 261h. It cures Bloatifag. Hesd-acies, &ervou Prostration, encrai Debilty, Bleepessess Depreesion sud Indigestion. Tiat felin RATES 0F PASSAGE cf bea;in don, onusing pain, weig an PROU POBTLÂ&NIDOR ArFE. bakache, is always permanently cured by its use. CABIN 8P0, 8#W, sud $75, acoocdn e For lb. curetofKidney CompuMta of poulIoeuof Slsleiooi.ZtruTc elt eileisorigis e . und, in unourpwsd.n 12ofaidthe00 - u inelves al eenha e" INTERMEDIATE 830. STEERAGE ai cf hhe Unys, aster. le ni, hem Ê Zowest ratea. oftekneynwh e d ets ieh Ds Intermediati. sud Steerage passengers for eaue. G la sg o w f o r v a rd o d fre e b y ra il fre in L a e - O e t i l w l h r n t i e y u pol, or by seamer froz ein D , e- Ontrawilda ad ctey Passeugers taking lb. Steamer aI Port. laud wil bave Witby ou lie Wednesday RcLmedial Compound is -prèpared in Pi! mcining .--ai Halifax, on 1h.eTluray aud Liquid foin. $1 per boItile, 87 per dms Morning. Pilla (sugar coaled) by mail 0Oc.,per box. Parties sending for their finonda u i te R M D A C M O N - 0 014 (Jouaity esu obtain PRSPAID PAS. E~JI OP1N J. SAGE OBRTI<JTES aI lowesl rates. Derby LUne, VI., U.S., or Stanbtead, Que., For Tickets sud al cher information, Canada. appiy le RMR I LvuaiPILe (sugai ccawsd -cures Tonpidity, et the'o.LiverHedahe V,,!, Bilionsuess, t&c. Tley are qulCk, MîId, ne Gao. .. Y le, g andshoffl h.usedlih eonneêtion Express Ofilc, 2c.utire WHITI3Y, ONT 'Dui y. C. 8TOOK, FEEU AND CONDIITION POWDERS Dominion Lins of Royal -Mail Teaort - STEAMSKIPS. same ltue cofthe A ric j Sample- bag by mail 25c. luin sttmpi, LIVERPOOL SERVICE. clicaperMlulk Sold by an druggists. Âddreoà-.i!f Ru EEDL cpwn0e, SAILING DATES. Slaxistead, Pib. Quebec, Canada. 6 ROSS. .....Mar.,81t . 5a 1J1 *Vancimver.o 14h. Api,.181 .aui...... pr. 25h. Apt. 801h BRISTOL SERVICE -(Avyoujuoi àDock>. SAILIG DATES RÈmOMPOTAJ RATE or issa i ;x & PI COlilliffiQO -~ 4 TornnGl il! deligit _,-8 fr rede!5, for- il gives à 0 , hsrzjngwmth anecdotes Ucoand va1ntble for ittý. â&41 la prepared by Mi. Sarai . n. Mir, Hopkins' business 011jypngýPrince Ùf Commerce, M..~'1egabteiy manner in wvhich ee ui- tý saves bis employer* gp.. Helder bas a mcclt ïbi pper l IntheCOcrai Ceun- in lWh~ichh aprovesconclusively c$z oral.buulder la net "as insect,"1 ,,th O£e derf'1 oroatW'O la popularly ,vefl by naturaliste who cught .t y , ti 46A Home-Made Hoib- by Horse". . is a weli-prepared bit-of âasy carpentrY for' boys, by B. T. New- isSesrciý4QUestiofs in , Gîeek EiotorV, y; .Oscar '-Fay Adamse, fui- ,hes lie right sort cf entiertinent Joi lie vhilefamily. - The Clmatal4Jua Joral le 1.00 a year. D. Lcthrop & J. ublighilg. Boston, Mass3. Dr. William. A. Hammond, than Whozn Ihere je nobetter authcrity. yu1l opsn the Âpril P opular Science Mont h- 1, viti an able artiole entibled "6Bia- Porcing lu Childbood." The piper gives a Vlvid picture of -the evilg of lihe b0ok.iiajnifilig preos, 1nov secoin- mori lu boti publie aud privaI. sehools, and ise centaine a eli'ong plea for lever studies, 'more direct contacts with Nature, and legscf. the luterven- ýtien cf bocks. Littell's Living Âge. The- numbers cf the Living Âge for Mardi Sti sud 121h, containlb.the ouge cf Douglas., Efdinbû'rgh; Au Old ;Couple,- and About Fiction, Oontem.porarg; Robent Southiey, National; Amoug the. Tran- sylvanîian Baxons, and The Docter; An -UId Vfrginiau Fox-hunter, BIack- wood; A Lover cf Leisure, aud Wit, and-Wits, Temple Bar; The Seveuti Eariý of Shaftesbury, and Au Obscure Archipelago, Leiszie Hozr;-Tic Evan- gelical Revival cf lbe Elghleenti Cen- 'lury, Macmillan ; Tic Uead Cilles cf Belginm, Gent leman'8; viti instal- mente cf "Major and Minor," "IlThe Strange 8tory cf Margar et Beau- champ," "IA Secret Inierilauc9," and "fRichard Cable," snd pcetry. Foi- flfty-two- numbers cf sixîy-fqur large, pages esci, (or more than 3800 pages a year) lie subecriptien prfie ($8) is 1ev; while for $10.50 lic publishere offer le, sepd any oeeof tic Arnerican $4,00 monthîles or veekie i iitic heLiving .4ge for a yeàr, bh os Qtpaid. Littell &Ce., Bouton, arc lie publisiers. Tie Marci number cf t1h. Canada ,-EduationalMontly, opens viti -an article on "tTi. Teaciing cf Readi , g,", by J. A. MeLellan, M.A., IL.D., Di. rector cf the Teaciers' Insitutes lu Outario.'..The article je a vgoreus 4.d- 4nnneallok etputanew 'theQniea of teabing,-réadlng. Prof. Goodviui, Pf Quen'. Coiege, ontrbhees au article on "eA Scicol of Scienco, er o-Ea etern Ontario Lccaled aI -Kingstcn,"'bc willbe read vithi much attention. An -excellent article on "Science Teacing lu Sebeols," by D. F. -H. Wilkins,, B. Se., Sci*ence Master ilu Prescoîl H igi Sehool, sud anetier onu "A'Negleeted -Work ila cur ]flducationu.system" ai. North o f lhe'hlgi reputialliton cf Cana- dian"teac'ier sd cf the Âonthiy, hie il vesi-,.i are EXTRAORDINARY VALUE., *1 j LI Per Yard,' ROSSO

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