Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1887, p. 3

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Lft.rature. & Oo.~ I<rb of the Ohatat.qté. ~ fP'journial will delighî modeof roaders, for it --gives'M' bgaphv cf "4Pansy"(Ir. olarigwith anoedotot' remioceceandvalutbble for ii' ii i :roared by frre. Sarah ýojtD. jr. opkins!buines "Al, yonlng Prince of Commerce," bsthe inaseriy muauner in whioh Bogif aves hie employer' 00. C. F. floider has a most ble paper, 'lIn the Coral Con. in whioh h. proves oonolusivoly h. ora.builder is not 'la inseet,"1 woIndefttl oreaturel je popularly ee byý naturaliste Who ought ýw boter. "A Hlome-Made Rob- ore," ie a weli-prepared bit of arpentry for boys, by B. T. Now- iSearcb.Qfleetiofls in Greok r, , by Oscar Fay Adams, fur- the rigbt sort of entertainment whole family. The G;'atcsuza a is $ 1.00 a year. D. Lothrop publisbere. Boston, Mass. Dr. William A. Hammond, than ,hotu there je no botter authority, viii open the April Popular Science Mont h. ly with an able article entitled "Brain. Forcing in Childbood."ý The paper g ivjvid pioflure cf thé evils cf th. b0k.rmmîng 9process, nov no com- mnon in both public and privat. sohools, sud also contains a etrong pIeu for fewsr studios, more direct contacte witb Naturýe, and lese of th. interven- din of books. Liitell'8 Living Âge. The numbers of the Livig Âge for March 5tb and 121)h, contain the Houe. of Douglase, Edinburgh; An Old Cocuple, and About Fiotion, Conternporarg ; Robert Southey, National ; Among th. Tran- gylvonian Saxons, and Tii. Doctor . An Old Virginian Fox-hunier, Black- wood; A Loyer cf Leieure, and Wit $Bd Wits, Temple Bar; The Sevnth Earl of Shaftesbury, and An Obscure Archipeago, Lei8ure Hour; The Evan. gelical Revival of the Eigbteentb Cep. tnry, Macmillan ; The »)ead Cihiescf Jelginm, Gentleman'8; with mastai- iment@ of "lMajor snd Minor," ilThe Strange Story cf Margaret Beau- champ," "6A Secret Inheritance," and "Richard Gable," and poetry. , For fiftytvo numbers of sixty-four large pages eaoh (or moe than 8800 pages a year) tbe subecription pria.e (88) if; loy; while for 010.50 the publiebers offer to sepud'any one eof tb. American $4,00 montblies or veekiies wîth the Living Aga for a yoar, belli postpaid. Littoil & Go., Bouton, are the publiahere. The March number of lb. Canada Edzcational Monthly opens vith an atceon "«The.Teaching of Reading," by J.A.MLlaMA.- ...Di rodeor of the Teaohers' Institutes in Ontario., The artioloeià a vigerons de- nuniatioi&-ofce ortain new théories cf îeaching reading. Prof. Goodvin, cf Qneen's College, contributes an article on "A School of Science for Eastern Ontario Located at Kingston," vhich vill bb read with mucb attention. An excellent article on "'Science Teaching in -Seboola," by D. F. H. Wilkins, B. Se., Science Master in Prorcot High Seoel, and anoîber on "A Negleoted Werk in oar Education Systein" are worthy oft he'lilgh réputation cf Cana- dian leachors snd cf lbe Monthly, vbich is the forexuost educalional sud literary magazine in Canada. The -Monthly supplies ils readers vith ar. ticles origiqal snd selectoel, of lb. higheet litsrary mernt, and aiso-furnish. e many pages replet. with maltera, most useful te loachere in te lb. ca- room. Tbe happy union of these two features makee Ibis Magazine unique. We adviso a11 educators W subsoribe le Ibis excolen journal. Pickering Councl. The Council met on Monday leste pursuanl le adjeurnnaent, aIl tlb, msm- bore being presspl, lthe Reeve in lb. chair. Minutes of bail meeting read and approved. Communications ver. read freai Jas. Taylor, in re aid le Ivo obd ladies, indigelqte, eaI Whitevabe.1 Prom John Baker, constable, clafin. ing psy for burying remains of man killed et Bouge Bridge ile fali. ir, Poey gave notice thal ho viii at- veut meeting ask for basve le minro- duce a by-iaw tb licous. bagatelle, pool and bibliard tables i bie muuuopahîty. [NOTE BYREPz.-Ât lbe present t1he1 then, in ne by-la wi force in lbe muniqipalily regulating or in any way contnlling lbe opnrà'lons cf pool bagatelle or büiard reome, therefore any peoon in ab liberty -le open snob and the Counoil vould have ne coutrol over thein. To. rernedy Ibis ilteinli. touded et Deit meeting $0pBes'a by- law, fixing ltme fée. s imaI ill iipre- vent ths openig of -sueh roins or reeorts only vbie e hey. are actuahly required. This action cfilime COneil will, doubtleas, meol wi.th thb. apprevaiî cf lb. people.] Mn. Panker,- seoended by Mng. Maeo- key, aoed for louve te inlroduce a by. law te amend Md ez.tend thme pro- Yioine of by-lawl 497Î entitled "A. by. la'w toernaiÏand regult. lh. rau'. fing aI large cf doge, and le iompose a' ta, on lime ewer, osnsors or har- borers fdoge, adfor ilg oa lnnîng ab large opu*rary t 10 y- la» Byaw t'. 'irions stages l4 wt 8eme ligbtl aàêa4è. Mni. PalmzerIm ,t lir.Mmo ey, oafrmans Presnte thé report of &S S Bîndinag omnito, on enuthigpeiNIres,0oomoendiè-g os tollows :--Ththé Ib owing accants b. paid': fart & Co., fàr ausmn rolle, IItitje0 an«d guidetq, 45-65l T. W. Lamoreaux, for burial of Mrre. Grahamn, an indigent, 87; - John Baker, for brig romaine cf man killed st BogeBridire laet fait, #68; yonr eom-' milles Iwould reoomend that D. Han- son reoeive the sum of 75oe per we.k until canoelled, Fred. Woods, cen. ; alsgo payment Wo James Taylor for supplies toelire. Graham aidi Mrs. Fenton~, nine weeks, from let Jan. te, date, 89; D. Fenton, for car. of Mli. Graham during siokneeso, five weeke, $10; Win. MeKittrick, for wood t E., Bowes, an indigent, being part of. aflovance, $8.75. On motion of Mir. Mackey the report was adopted. ~Mr. Mackey, seconded by Mir. Par. ker, moved that Mr. -Ponton receive aid W Ithe extent of 75o per week from date to lst of Jn, James Taylor, cem. Mr. Perey, chairm*an, presented the report cf the'Gommittee on Roade and Bridges, rcommending s followse Thal they have had before them an account from Jas. Toinlinson, asking for 81 fox- drawing timber te Atha bridge, and afler hearing the coin- missioner s b th. liability cf the municipality for the saine, would ad- vise that the lamne b. net paid. On motion the report was adopted. On motion, Mir. George Philip, chair- man of the Board of Health, was hoard in reference to matters referred te in report of Board of Health meet- ing, s published in another column. Mir. Perey, seccnded by Mr. Maokey, ipoved that th. report of tb. BQard cf Health r. the establishmnent of a corne- tory in this munioipality be reforred te a committee cf the Council, consisting of Messrs. Monkbouse, Parker and th. mover, to report at vext meeting of Council. Carried. Mr. Perey, seoonded b! Mr. Park<tr, movsd that lh. colleetor's roll be a.- ceptcd, and that hie bonde ho canceflld. Garried. l Mr. Perey, seconded by Mr. Palmner, moved that the Reeve grant hie order on the Treasurer in favor of F. Hutchinson, for the Bum of $75, being balance due-on salary s colloctor for 1886. Garried. On moction the Couneil acjourned te Monday, April 4th, aIt 10 a.rn.-News. Haunted by His Victim TEE AWFUL VISIONS 0F A MURDERER AT SING SING. Nzw Yonx, Marck 12. -Edward Unger, who vas'ÉonIt t Sing Sing for life a monîli ago for the nuurder cf August Boble, is nov in the hospital of lbe prison. a enferer from nenrvone prostration sud almost a masniac. N. killed bis roin mate, oul him np and sent hini away in a trank, Hia phy- sical strengtb beforo hie trial vas great, sud bis steadmnese cf nerve in court vas surprieing, but bis samina îe aIl gono, sud ho bas become a iniserable, covering wreck. On hie fret menning in tb. prison he bold a keeper that b. hadl been visiled during th. nigbî by hie diemembored viclli, who had pnoceeded to reconstruet himself in the tenni.fied prisoner's prosence. 0f Ibis delusion lh. ooubd not b. disabused. H. firmly blieved il vas reality. Evry night, it came le hui, and aI th. ond cf a vek the superstitioesconvict vas deirieus. In tb. hosipital il bas been the same vith him, except wbn b, is kept under narcotie inhotunce. Every night be secs tbe wangbed pioces eof bis frieud stretin about the roin, vhere they lie awhile inauimatoly as lhey diti before b, paoked Iheminsthlb.trnnk, and threw 1h. head unIe 1he river. Thon 1he fragmente begin 10 quiver. Soon they move sevly tovard eaob cîber, untll th.y are i a ghat* hosp. Next Ihey adjuBt tbemeelves imb aàbuman fonm. But the bead is missing. At l.ngth Ibat, tee, ceaies mb lb.hereon, Wfibh ils bain dippmng with lhe vater of 1h. river in vhich il bus ain, With a horrible emil, on ils face, it p laces ilself on the shoubde's »f th.efigure, and menaces the murdener. Unger abniieke cuntuetthis point, and the. apparition vanisl4os from bis imagina- lion. Al efforts have failed le relieve him oet lb...awful visions, aud 1h. prison physician advises hie removal W lthe stale aaylumn for lunatie orim. mnals. How to Raise Xoney for Ohurch Wha ite gihwy of raiJg m oyfor! rdwiioms PurpoBe 2Is ' i:t diffoni b sy.Bome like, the 1o0'M' puýre' sud simple., Sèee ink theo scires, vith liàfunny pedohes and general .i mfolery le tret-rate. ,S8'nto like lnckyjbags. nd se on. Bnt whal cf getlzn~ a min up 'Imto lime pulpil, wilim ail iteimpudence iand slang of, a finst.olage suoioneor, 1*liokle lte- wc -lh ees asembied, lo e uqrho em pu$ dow lbhé b1iéeo uu t wnS»aruesnenisu. Nat.ir ofiedy-lE 111 iure sud emiently wiue one,4.of exPein¶ by' pro erpurgation l.the moro 'wbice cause "ra ., and Dr. Piercels Pleasant- Purgtive Pellets" are nature'a great ally "in t he ure of digestive diolurbenoes, an&-a" nfiigremed&y for cC4giatiicn sud -its pernioious effeces. The côniioil cf the Dominion Rifte Assoc- iation viilmýeot the third7 w.ek after 1h. openung of Parliament, and will appoint the commander sud adjutant of the Wim- bledon team. Prohibition and Politios. The anti-liquar question is a strong plsnk in the politioal platform, sud one safe to, iay hold of. Anl intoxicating beverageis are safest when let alone, even in medicino . Burdook Blood Bitters je not a bar bevorage, but a strictly pure medicine, reliable for dis- ease of the stomacl, liver, bovele, kidneys sud blood,sand vi# not aid in making drunk anis. - The Russian army is reported to be in a bad condition te commence a campaign. From mntobu.. In a letter from James Irvin, Boavor GOreek, Manitoba lie Baye, "«I vas taken iii lutI summer vith a very severe pain in my back. By ueing one boulie of Eiagyard's Yellov Oil Ill completelycued' Yeoo Qil also ours lumbago, rheumatismx and ail external sud internai pain. B!arthquake shooks on Friday osused a paulo lu th. Rîera and at Marseillies. Mgh Living. High living ie unquestionably bail for the liver, but whether from that or other causes, the liver becomes dersnged the best cure for liver complaint or biliouaneas, ie that standard medicine for sale by &adrug- gise, Burdook Blood Bitters: Remeinber B. B. B. is the special -trade mark of thie Medioine. Inersoil will vote March 25 on granting a $12,000 bonne for s pispo manntactory. Crlticemam. A lady in Brookville states-I was indnek to try Nasal Balm for a long standing cold in my head that pronouned Catarrh. The BaIrn gave immediato relief and permanent- ly cured me. -it wua 5 plessant and sgroe- able to use that I firat thought il "no1good."t I nov use it with my children for colda and stoppage of the nasal passages. Sam Jones realized $00by bis Ivo leo- turers ilx Hamilton. Mr. J. Leist, warehousoman for Lautz Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.., "sysie bail a Oweli-.- in uhis foot whioh ho attributed to chlii blains. Ho used Dr. Thomas'Eclectric Qil lie vas able o go to work next day. It is expected that Monaco vill be made a iabsopric at the neit Papal consistory. Geo. Dodge Sr., a well-knovn citizen of Empurium, writes that one of bis men (Sam Lewis) whilst working in the woodo so severely sprained hie a&ikle that lhe could satrcely get home, by one or two applica- tions of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Qil, ho vas able to go to work fort duy. M. de Lesseps and prince Bismarck liad a lojug interview on Saturdsy.- Azthma. Persona who have suffered for years vith Asthma will find a quick relief sud cure in thedouble troatmeait of SoutJiern Asthrna Cure. Seven liundrod troope leit Borne Satur- day for Massowah. "Blood will teil." Â faCe -adorned villi pimples, bouls, blotohes. etc., je not a.par- ticularly pleasant sigbt, and m*v"rably betokens an impure stata of the blood. Dr. Careon'. Stomacl Bitters free the systemi from ail gross humorsrendors th. blood pare and cool, aida digestion sud &ies healthy appetite- For sa.le by al =gt nlarge bo" tt 5I 0 cents. Snowstorms prevailedl throughoeit Eng- land Saturday. PROF. LOW8 BULPHUR 8041> j8 high.4îreommended for the c=ro of Rruit ion, Chafea, Chapped handa, Pimplea, Tan, etco. No ENGLiaH STABLE IB CONSIDEED COMPLETE WITHQLOUT I$1ELLMAM'~ s Mc' ~A» n'Lw" I _ ]Pola ovER>Ra"c"Es, OHAPPEmmHELS, I FOR HUMM s oRBES. om OB "HEOÂT8 A» InFLtTN. Frl O 0E RVLNS SORE 11Â05. mmR F0SUZ]wAN AN M5. MSM o" >so 0-!. A new treatmeutbhmbeen dis. oevered -wherby a permenent yearortyyears. *ximaeey business.Descrptive paxnphlo sont free on receipt of stamp by TOROnNrO,, CANADA. ISPRING SUI1T'S.L --000 J OHN FERQUSON 1SHOWLNG A SUPEBLOR STOCK OP Scotch, English and Canadian Tweeds,1 &.ud other ýfine lines of. Cloths, for Bpring suite. ,Ail garmentsl - made up in lateet style on shortest notice. Ready-made Men's and Boys' Suits, Gents-' Furnishingsahad1 '-Underclothing of ail Kindsà. fl~XESTUCTIB3LE OVERÂLLS!A 1 -H1-AIS HAIS 1 HATS-! Latest styles ini Hard and Soft FeItRHats YERY CHEÂP. JOHN FERGU SON, Dundas St., Wliitby THE NORTH A MERICA N L IFE'AS88URANCE Co# =~AD OFFICE 22 TO 28 RING BT. WEST,-TOBONTO. FUýLL.GOYERNMENT DEPOSIT. Rob. A.XknIeMP., ex-Prime Minizterof Canada,ý President. ExLeu.-Gv.of IMmtoba. VioerSidns ru a. adOea o Bofuzg ataJitmesanxous to meet the vante of the Ineuriz% f lo h aywa Ihatex- pe =4. n mt$x eomedsjdsrle, t Dfrets -S»eM& hpaflta 1find 1hàî th. omanuOoioo!=p mrvddnringth.lattêr part of-the:y ,ha en 1argI~a~rec~t.dnda=Vue&&. Tue regniar oo4. sftr flslor aCom- 88 e aIM10 fr ienses.sdutse S oS.l.5 ?«iirr o.zao nd il te.thoiz Lt je juilt the Machine for the Publie. Alvays in Order. Simple and Lagts a IMetimoe. The Dominion gig'ans and Piano: Are Better thon Any Ollier. Tiie Best Judge.s hay Is 'Ton. is 1h. BosI. Lt is bufit vith a view tb Durability and B.auty. The. Best Instrument te Buy. cali ana se. ou r Goodu. H-f. wuiFOX,> AGýENTW, WABEBOOMS: BROCX ST. - - - WHITBY. ILondon and Lanca8shire Life Company. This Gompany issues every dosirable form of Life pôlicy, and hou deposiled withheh Beaeiver - Goneral in iapprovod Ganadian securities -over $100.00 for each $100.00 cf liabiity, thue affording A.BBOLUTB. se- curity. Parties desirous of assuring. their lives wMi flnd ilte their advsutage te oeneuit the underaigned befor. assuring elbevhere.. JOHN FÂBtQURA.RSON,' General Agent Whitby,lMay 18,'88.' -ly PA TENT OANADIA t geceptents In tupUl lb.samteriS uoitizen. patent 1jfitn liia Blutes, Ih yesrs patent ;;otherwiae lin Ivwo y.au. >Total ,coot* ie Patet $80, only $20 on ils the balance oniy when pal Total coul o0f CanaiEn & y fo 1 .re, $74. On, rece Âddes#, O..si aitent Offie. 1 wi Pisse. menltion whsre yenw . 88;- O F THE DIV' COjeN1TY 0F ONTJ' Lauy :i the mu~ dy. Eîl -r

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