Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1887, p. 4

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j-m. OALL ie GEBT" AFRE SM OP' OUR . Bakig Po wék PURIIY GUARANJEED. THE -MEDICAL HALL, ONLY Siroo, PER ANNUM. Whltby, Fiiday, Mareh 18, 188 Taelectfous in the. Territorieso .Weduesday al vent Tory, sud thu 8fr Johu's chances of another terta a etillfortiier inore*aed. Ho nov laim a msjority cf 48, made up s follows : Ontario 16 ; Qusbec 9 ; Nova Sootia 7 Nev Brunswick 4; Maitoba 8; Ter- ritories 4 ; leaviug British Golumbia t( offset Prince Edvard Island. Th( longer tho delay in aeaemnbling pauhia. ment, the. more certain la at that the Quebec boitera viii find that the Riel question is nov a dead issue, sud tbal their retura te their old pasturea grosn, viii be greatly te thoir intereat. They Wiin nov forum the tail end of a party ratier &han the. head and front as in duys of yore. Traiy- the vays cf the boodier are muci more pleasant thaz the.e.ays of the boiter. Pçùît. oid Nawfoundland"boas a-hard mc ow hos in dealing siugIe-handed and alon4 viti Unele Bain. -The.Domnin stande ready te etrike a blov in dofeuce of the. ooaat fisheries of Nova Scotia; bat vbo cames about Nevfouudland 2 At oeetirne as v as aIl in &Hil te prider country, but the bigh*biown. lid o er Ood-fiab, Arisbcraey that led hbem te @paru an alliance with the. Oonferated Provinces, -bas brought about the naturai result. Tihe Domin. ion siee t ah em futile efforts to mm. proe Jonathan vith a sense cf the. wongs ber ûrîhermen suifer, sud the. ear of thoeboome govermrent is toc deaf to bd avakenod by the vails of snob a wé4king. The. ait bill bats been dis. alioved, qnd the p9or litilo isiaud is al forlorun. IB race up, sister 1 and corne mnd join the. Union. IT seezu that as so0n as.a petit juror b4las mcquired enough ireperieno te disoharge his dmtes s a petit juror vith proficiency, ho la protuoted te tii.. grand jurym. Nov, thia is just oxactiy vromg end to. The grand jury beiug a body of doubtful ukefnlnoss, vo siiould say it vouild dispiay'greater wiedom n the part cf Iav.maàkems ti make it the. training sobool for petit juries, on the. rosuit cf viiose o ck justice, and lifé, sud liberty depelid. The grand jury le a sort of fogey-institationand lts vomk1 Ia se ,h edged min on aII, aides by 'magie. trates,- oounty attorneys. iudgos snd other .jumies, tha,'t -if' 's -great blunder ver6 maeIeby «reon bauds eo possible- burin could foldv, -vwilethe wôrh 01 minau sboumd gt tb.r obligtionms an4 Ilbç'tbparties V3éi04 Puicho 4Ïtci la for tie st*08ýUq I»ost'-kovq neo aaom2CL#be of ouÙî*. àl an d lav becognises-no botting. sariiY accPt& Dy m*nabaUd o Woe-Mot interoated. Lot th ma&aa Vieva b. fc*< OUM b ig privileges ln hheuêa s.I le AT the recent meeting cf the Gând a"e juil lb.eBame, and, s jà av LE Lodge A. 0. 1ù. W. lu T.-Ontèt, Gr wuland tht-i Master H. B,, Taylor, forv&aud, od e is> e eme ibe bl bevt8 Heu Majesty Qusen Victoria a nesgieu fvt coDgrattng lier upon her 5fty yeams ruaig-.et lb. Bmftisii Mpire "oseu. TbOSro PB »b7. GîtreIioü* day Mu. Taylor vas favcred vith the. folloving gracions replyEdtrO oNLuj TO ithe Grand M roimeOtro Da is. Grand Lodge of as./,Anciet Order &llov me a fev uemarks . . aboi-$* of f.United Workmel, foponto. In ycoeur reepedeneec sti~e' Sum :-I have the- b ou 1 issue, twc cf the.. speakers can0 n n cf he igh Hoourble oh.seorctamy cf for uuoeitigated puais., the cther for Stat. for the. colonies, to inform ou tbat saine kind cf hiatus. I anqiso-te the. telegram t e i.Quentnering te tain tiai neither cf them viii b. edl Her Majesty th. congratulations oftheii. *jly Grand Lodge cf Ontarlo cf th. Ancient boa Aiea or depressed by the. atricýoue Order of United Workrnen, on the occasion ped upon tii.mn. Mu. Abrakham ' gade you e of Hem M ajety s entering th tii O iye oam f good sp e h u w ic e ga o d Hge m R egn, huasbeen re oivd. 1 a rn c ern- ieuRid " a l " ad i edue ~ c manded to convey te yon, and threugh ye vou ldhae dioe.ull Tf r a teli. emers forther and Log ser amnu, sud coutidlb.ood.for, tliatany Qu.e's hana fr heirsudyour ce"- lima, aud tlii is aIl the. Moore edhJablo I hâve the honer to h., Sir, te it. Nov, vithout a»y lutiop te fp5 You Obdiet srvît, belittle &bis address, vo thinl yorîcor- UewW Your ObediVéryntt Serin -th W z are toldho Uane.der it » b.t ait bé naeeIos te .speaker hiiseif s Weil W» are ol iithéPoopleocf Uxbridge au $0 rnany of your r.adon tatuad 'snob andvicnit auMainga geateffrtelaggerated "smt'oft" npou vhat vas and iciiîy u. skin a reateffrt imply a good eudinary somrée addross, de te secure a Pardon frcrn the. Maultem fui] cf plain tru$ii Weil atated. cf Justice fou the, Davis hro#hers, sonti How about Mr. Miligan f He l tbre yeas t Kinstonpentoutsr au adled vitheut glovo. Ho 1goalied tieàerst igte eltutayB th 1v ilia. Everybody a; T l the 1last fail assizes hoee for etealing disaippitdo avyl &.WT t M-pork.* W. teck occasion ag liaI time .>>*~ eiy c . foa, te, comment editoriaily upen the se ver- air, f there vasl disappoiînot ad 'ty f te 90te66 wichwe egadedlevity, thon Mr. M. wa. asply clasting seiîy efcsenten theii vore o fedpeamîs beforeMille, W. heg to douy it «M as ihen fr sboyond rime. emocfMoet emPîaticmUy that thoeu a u punishnent or loc a crme. W itvy in Mm. M., or disappeinîmeunt are net infavor cf alloving BD7 rim. hua audience. Hie speech vas moe ma t eoaa uusmenî, but feit atbiliaateMefut the. lime thalt tios, poor foîlowe ver. cf teiione$peintsof ud Extendij baing unmrnccifully pouislied fôr whsat bpyut.Bs e rks on Bain Joues 7. cannot ho rcgarded as a very great uisersîotincod bt e e dl qit. eeutsi crime oither lun-b.he yes of liie iaw ou tisasne ee outd ho mel u eat I'h = of society. We thougit tire. or six.recail uDguored ods than o. £usýt'O Mn methe wGuld have beau qnite sufi.bea nt Mm. L tii.rigt teho.Bis T h e as oient, sud v. hope the. misguidod me ou o r .tergtt i W May nov beo ccnsidored by thb.iinis. epDlunWaa ho net voioing tlb.#ean. !Otem as faY u i l ndb etre imouts cof a largo numbor of even Mr. L'a le hboir familiesI, vho, w. understaud, Jns thatsDd ont ién -are geatly distressed in Many-ays n l eveuing a raudoin social talk, and ~ )~~ aocputof hei inamatao'ny. &Ysor'insncb, public speakers efien saythlng r-9 ost f hhnaeir ing eai on Il 'y athat ane ne socuer said hanuogrîted.9 mcs nuortnae tingin onectmon It apimoars to me, asir, t<bat h eg. eonad- withi lb.punialimont of brimiunaltha a agced man>' vmen and peor itto eratmenas,>if dui.>' vighed,wviiiaIt oast in cntoulduen have toesuifer mn te peec oi ha t fa c m te quein somie instance@ five limes ltheunie Yuram*uspcude t nde m n e mnt ud iagacelia fais 0 ti. ot lecture thi.e orgy on lbiser tes-meeting o f husbands sud fathers vie commit t tho ries speeches. He speakefer ever7yo s veiW61 as himsolft He speaka cf beingg: Y' TE Grand Jury la 1k. thie CeunI>' ifltd.1Wh"at lie y Cenuc0ilf, very expansive sud naiity " 0ry 1Perhaàpa a litte lmeue duoigssn a higt wyo diversion on hupudeno."ud lf. ntrg a o Ile good. Liko the. cunt>' cohucîl It eenceîî wouid net hurt Ibs anel uf.ati. sud onq als rnade up cf gocd mon-ueprebata. tuted arbiter cf tes.-meeting adreos.us ive men, but thoy are net in a position Wiat an iatelctulai troat il vord to prfom aY vl"be wrk.Théba if hoeajred bis abiieon thé là Rditor Cauc te ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~om pfoian'aibevok Th 'iNo oee vuld tho e 4b.4u z-W 1 csswiiico eobefo e sgrand jury ed;,- the .oeis rbigncl lise tneim iav &aIal beon onumidsued hy justas vudhe eth.Yu, - fe rds&i good Mon-by magùstrt.. viioe af Vd i business iite luîveehigatelsncb mat-FAEP Y. stectiu ters and viio have natural quailatiens refer your rem sud aoquired exparienoe un voigisicg Foýr 1Farmers windows, vii tie evidence cf mou sCcus.d cf crime. the bamning ci Tics. inagistrates bave *xarnined tie ITEM ABOUT SEEDINO, ET. Bnotbou, lIseb sameevioibe lmDow ome beore dijr Cx NII.3as evidence of te anovd jr n bavecornes bofohe Bù¶iC.ommz.are sub>ated1 igansd foruralud he ectnt up11 SmBut.-My sttention lias beon Called Isa>' lie.midz alosed fou uta. Thei and 8a0sVara tlimes durung tii Puet year te * vulado but tlb imoaladolvays guet s a b>'grn malter conuecledvii tiithesale cf bat~. vich, i Ibie jurie, sudoven ien 118 nthier. e >']vhiii ol o&go ds~o tpe.I SuINscaCOilg tii. attenti on cf poullzry nAeic ie suaîever $0gel u80e«verkaive teu D o ob oîc w h at0vas te g eiv e teab e breoders te lb. advantages cf ferming s markets. I uish $0 snggoet atchTii. t Pofflîr>' Associationfor te outy', ofaMriner. balt tey had better slot-fluet and secndc bav ueeivd sveul pblcatonsalgeo den alwple of lthe cil ýix.r tb. lait héla u barve su lb.> vii 'vsdlull Osstral Oommuiî*i Claiming te leach mou.' about bhu- ef pthoir grain at. marketing t," ofetthe-ebove grad ship. tisAu àknovn te thieheu iberself. lbe have amado e metke Wdo ot rs.ma heu"nr erdo ve -Yot, oc ul" <4 ufr ich fli~mamm ..m.d Y - - Fa:hianahla md Popular Dry )ye is oaughit and your senses overwhelmed, when y1bu enter our store) îh immense range of Ho0nest',Iligh Grade, New Style Drees Goods, Fancy Goods, Prints, Sateens, Ribbons, Laces, &o., &o. iYoods àfirrikig OàiIy Ou' Stock iy Fresýh, ieow and styie flcr'O r~rsSmMUNEY-SAyING PRICES. GOODS n sae OLe ad yAT PeOPL te PLeAs",isdmNG PraiC you ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~wi aa uanmnyadyeeeuetebet sdmn.a1.41 IBARGXAINSI -g froin the force whioh a Of. Front to the rear door. Hlonest Quality and Lowest Price is t] gives live and motion to our Fre-sh, Ever-Changing Stock. best Assortment 1 Ail the Leading styles sh and examine our Elegant New Stock. Cash bough Low Prices will seil i.t., WhiRy,088 - ~~~~'~J W h t y D yA & .L 11 id healtby grain, makes it FfrBrs oun Oing ared vintir vie&Sarm orSale,.U ,01 n cunt>' deterioratea its val- The uuderigue.j wold 1k. o el à We're houud tb bavesa fit te-day, Sentih Vf of Lots 18 and 1 i heSeen W. donh mind if its email- Osîcîs of P,'okerm'g.-Ou lise promises 'The fit-ww&É snîlapro-fis,,friand,- YOU ermt a &dYhroùh ae &'fflbrk nced , a hïbain Se ook-yoiruend Ahi! y'o u p e r it l a d y h h r u g h b u ill o v o r « c ed a to n e St aI u,&abd~q u ~ - a ? w 1 > u p if Tirs aoswra ie a bard, giod fersceand veiçïats.r.<LII frnd n reférentioe eprésent s firsi-olasi fArm ont aud ont. Ternis de -rin s ai &e Bs>' I need enly kr'Owli OniiPPlicatjon ode juit 'glan -e iti u e t'oe., ' aders o e e reakiug of 1 l.DAVID BOYER, Bncih augains ve-wifi sho!w yen, frioz ici lia lovu paid for, te Olarelî ont P.O.,, nt. As neer voue seen efore. o f e ue b o u s e ., th o fi m lg cf a e .W n c î n o u î h e e e l u c brutal maimmug cf catlle, ACîO. a ciinoiniilyblev'n >f the reigu cf lerrou ve profitsand plenty cf 'ain. Plea -eO ho allihe Ba>'. I do net FRmAY, MARca 25TH, 18W, TEMBE yul yenou eau te make 'arn plentif naigh î hor ors eau h o pr - F w ill b aao d ;F ubI u i o nLot W a t t r w y n otice fe c oer. are diheu annoyances No. 3 in th se8Uaeounj<>, of Scott, &bout iiouey-osviug br lusi felitboo k, eau, sude eiw un hoStock, cOnSisting cf Horucé, Thorough.bradpar iionbutogio odf Bfer ~ ~ 11 tats o nn nsd Grade Durham CatIl,Osold Slaep in catm e on band tokmaurdo c ra tohd the.>'are o t sow., sud Betkaiirslig, o~eirtvli Im!P*ie. obel. "é cn. a -ae S s f h e t ev u; tialre fss m ent, Ti uber, L u zbe , sueWr inTi. lu he m, sud , pu t ol dc l song emn te et, and Itilm . n- prpor.l>'01 &BRAHAM1B,& A Hw"rî.Our m eutis:' ep tiern frein dostroyiug Slaah ok. Lunch aà non.14 neem at o'on i od and if the. Mayor wvcuid -S , - Geo.1-h>',uovoreî,.good-bye 1 lish lav, be vii coufler a êifl.ti1) GI Aj . Ttmo>re&ailof 'ue1sdvl atsfii tpon e "i.r dents f tii me [nais»>, asow me te sa>' if !The subacriber lmabout 200buh.Iu cf God-J>Ye, MYpieregcpd-bye.- k t d o n , v s . 1 3 . 1 1 h a v e R ( > < d . e l e a a i G os o W l a a o r s a- le e c d e e a l î l e r e a 1 1 1 . " re pert>' sud leavo lbt ue frintaesor an>' cîer ruibàai.- Aise save yeu, sor eibing on théO-a < et i, 14 yours, "On~cet 800 buehela eof, goed whute estefor pnurhaýso. L d6'ý o rf , ouseed. &pply le-.eiië28. îy >I5HE RTErfIY Wor.az. THO . HOD~ o , girle snd ch udren j J ~iOolIteuus. 8n1-L ot 8 0,00- ,W itby . c 'ai m e . $ )oaIl clubs auahen undereell us sn ueope the Shefiff. tisrougionî Ibio strdl DO ROT ZÉeGLÉT TO BREAI etatn tot eïj tu. iî ~Oh a iden vil 1. uee m m ut siabjec s em raz ed i b lup b g a fj à o - e or grades Àansd -B viiiHo be vol.4NO. 8for Mar1h. Like lb. tint. fieit ûý skie%, 255h, sud 80ib, cf April. IT t!ON!rAINS Sadng ihr1ëàn e viil b. is.l& on Salurds'-portrail cf M.- Thîsrs, Protispiece EBU- At: tl cr îd sîre ,herseug agad su= re ular gs»evd frein t el nie a , --b > :v o n r ~ ~ r ê < - - E-oii R08" ,cold yave eof N ieooldoff' cd üniai>'peopli a rialit s-ad hàcd liaI a li. vol -Li -L Mi hstem winaing be1>.déféôtivo sud eaaiy PU f-ý47or the"se ZoBIns my 'o û ý grades, cf ero a.cid.a le take 1h. reiable'ke>y aýr nins. Increaàed experi ,&Iïave«,ready inventive genins of ~rc MiaEers have madîe thse %tM àwm sÀrble sa h..old method, and é.an loquent pleadmgti onio 0a.ofet$he ecenomýy and utility cf th. er tyle. Wio xeriencela vr ~-5iting aiecus-lu lthe attachrnta y- iu ueneoacLcssity hla thered ot1. important invention aud we have a dnrablo and ïalisfactery atlachment Ieau b. fltteil te walches originally ksy wW'dOrs. Mr. Barnard in pue- ~rdte fmmniah ostimate of. the cost-cf >ahing 1h15 -coersionfroni lhe. e>'wind to the Most, mode= sud effective item lLmov*DieUt.-Hoe inprepÈred ho -it ho. hscmentho any, Amoriosu movemeut, at ]MRO B.,WHTBY.- 11ji"tbl . ejronick. MÂRCH l8th, 1887. .LOCAL LACONIýCSiU HAT -18 '8019 ON IN AND AROUMD. TOWN-A *BUDGET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS GLEANED - BY CHRONIOLE REPORTERSA "A ohieI' amaug ye, taktin notes, .,&n' f aithhbell preut ut. Iv is mtliicola and riougi, but voe il .Stand by theclark cf the..weather.. in once we pavu onu evercoat sud výýe ibould net vish teredeem- h pan! titi faILi Tî Band of Hope lil meetin t1he 1. 0. T., U.. Badiug Boom, -en Mon. by, -Maruii 21s1, aI 4 o!ciook. *Il isf pected- Rev. J. J. Wiyte, oeaof tho hyte Bues., Avili h. present asud*-ad- sess 1lie meeting.- Nsm cola, dip aflertlie uccent -thav ad. everyý-hack yard--& -skating rink d'lthe heart of lie' echool -girl rejeiceth. f, le "O* Potai" seenis aie feremost a :id Dry . Bou -- wu nt J. --- --- lois Il nos-

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