Goal: ! AII . enter- Our' store; ress Goods, Fancy S&ca. anStyIià ICES. trated with a lino 1Low'est Price is liug Sok g t1~e Styles- Cash bought.i riumn.~ ,*]Burns' Oolumn - und to have a fit to-day, 'mdif ils eai- e want is pro-fi, friand, on, oeeand, lail!1 F-whal gains? wiy barqin, ce withnu sor8!ee, gains we will Show yen, frÃiad,' tîoiutouîybelieve luncloM ad plentV Of 'em2. Plesà edo0 Can ta make 'emu pletlta.' te draw your notice teo r" vipag bargains in feil boot,' ppers, and Oýershoe,,.Afe On hand, thong ou reduo-1 j _per cent. us imade à sbig em, sud Put thît, old uongin' tS go rund 1the beud; iMY overs, good-bye I Il etO em filled wîb eatisfied 1nyoveug, good-byo. littl,., there a little." 'we ;Omething en tie moot tniffiun Ladies', ge'nîleine n'a, hoa cbilduen's durable leAtber prices caleulated to acaro iDes" t deati. No one can à s. and e@Ceape the sheriff. îen with the rneek brown eýth shadow liE8 nt of evening Skies, 'ith relutaut tet,4 ier ofetreet.; news coiftuso you eyeu, yeu, and yen sigh.,' la 130 04caion te feel'hadly, îe f it's unbbers yen vaut, ilRe for ou place. Bout in 45e. peu pair. The meut Ian-in town radq a Pret .rîv SeleetiOn froin oustock * Us t0ak a pair of lvw-cai e ns75c., a imitle, sud ().Our hi rt ifq the elegani Opinieu-w'< al] know 80 is ie ce wheu thle People ren hie tidinge are jofiÀ )oosier, thi Booster, onIncing eld reesîcu, Id roostor wilh tidingv o théie rcooter hie talion ho le And the -geode thai ws s ueoaingsuddaly li-; lIc opinion, wa imov « à ia for tlb.eIotr, -incg cld Booster, ecaetr ilth tdings -le order wiU be b6.14-u*der the sapie. ___ ýf thie W. 0, T, 13. ia, the adm*g mmOI on prlBay ivibn'g prico. 1ÂApless.ba jj ~8AGO the utemu wgaing but aeienir a t-in store for aIl who eu C u~,sbmn m ea on ne a autchea md nt-ev.el l.t tnt0 w%14rr i< bwefOiVsu asl ptwilbe offered, for sais ùring ti. e ff 'W, 10 and for the" e ra5Oma1817Ing. Tiokets lôo. _1 roOf ftnsgrades oft udo TM,. 764r the Whiby umaEsi suma miMdcie o take the - rellable ksy Whibhy township show Lilm. lki 10é * u o riksIneoaed expert, b. ýheld at Oshawa. Th. sooisty itein a fori bar a ver ready inventive gantas ci hsai1tby condition fiaanciaIly and haî 5 00 ors have.adethe Stemudodcided 10 almoci double the aMount 6f J01100wkei hv aeh tmmoney given in Ith. varions primes lasiet I durable " h Odmt5d nd ia. Oeha'ièa bas corne dowu baud. 0 wq no quent pleading te couvince somely viti speoi&î primegsuad viii he dréi o01the eoonomy aud utility et the doubt do viat, je neceseary te inake V rnstyle- While experiefflO hall ever- tbe show a SUccessu.wbi Ob ~ jtxgdfodi he atachmèntl Tas resait p.f Walker's trialinl the Ha] to ,* eeiity sf.tcrdasîes here is senfiaient te teaci good- iC lwy n Ue, ncesityhu ftheed earied people tbat il lu .parfont non- me] so ioort5at invention adw. have seau. ta lend a stranger mocey on.bis c no a uble and PatisfaLctory atiachment mer. assertion ibat hisi lucide pookets. nov ,Mt~ c"' b. fitted ta vatches orîglnally are Wadded vwiii $100 bis or any lati 5sekywnders. Mr. Bârnard islr.. olhei snob siory. People shouid < fur!iiB ,h estimate cf the coeil ef remember liai tbe country il uml of shc pwto fu1. rin rm h eywn confidence men,9 and added to ti i l 1,,ging thi 00e ln iomlaA Wil nov seemu ibat a dead best is aIl rigit , jjo the most modern sud effective s e long as he dose hie work iegally. o eÃŽd L0ovement. H. i. prepared te fit thseÇk.î anyous tell «s what orvie >slG Mwhxmi5i to ny American moveinezit, Atreferred 10 la lasi wek's Port Ferry bà MopfBtan"Zrd, vien ik comas off vlth tbe' ai. following ,-",In tie Port Perry neyequ iiiiset veek's Cnaost0Lam s ibe foliow.qu BROOK ST., WHITBY. ingi -'The.tovu je fit<ed vith visiter ai cf the fair seit, among others a yoangba lady from yonr toWu wbo bas oaptur.d 1 _________thle beari ef on. of our ieading. mer- 70i chautYs sons.' We are not avare cf rui Lithheii above fact, but kuow of1a colse 9 (£hiconick.0 viere one cf car lsading rnercbaut's it ________________daugiters bas captured oe eOf Wiitby'e Ge ~~ Young business Muen." ,MARCII l8thq 1887. WBITBY Division Bous cf Temperanoe Hl - viii give a free. eniertaionent in their fol LOCL LCONCSS hall ever Hoee'e drug store ti iF. LOCAL LACO ICSS day evening. A programme of music, to - eaiaoreoitations, etc., viii b. ra-oi W1U I GONS01IN1 AND AROUNO TOWN-A dered, in vbici members of Oshava BuD6ET OF LUVEL'< LOCAL NEwS BLEANED division are czpccted te takeo part. Ad- BY HROIOL REORTRSdresses viliiho given by Rv. H. S. là i BY CIRONGLE EPORER8Matthewm cof Picke'ring. Grand Obaplain W "A 113V. mau y, tkinnots, of the Order, and ochers. A plesait A.n f.i el gy, sunte. ad profitable evening je coufidentlYOs AMI aithhallpren ILexpectod. A collection viii h. takon Pt IT e sillcol s rogibutv.ut, during tbe evsaiag, te aid in pro- E IT i effl cod ad rOghe ut e oting tamperance vorli. AUlare in- osah stand by the cierk cf the veaiher. vited. bi Wben once va pavu our overcostan sd ERT"YaMsftlciou ' agp! ainl aIt. ih oree lepidemieoad Manchester and Port a' &gi TilE Badoi oplii e.inî*Perry ai preseut. The fiit otakOi i Taz andof Upe illMetin hevas Tinas Bryant, son cf Mr. Jos. ct W. 0. T. U. Reading Boom, ou Mon- Bryat, oeeof the oldesi residont g day, M&rui 21et, ai 4 o'olook. I je farmers cf Reach. Follovmng th. expectea Be. 3-J.-J.Whyte, one cf tb. deti of tiis iclim of' tic disease Wbyte Brou., viii be proeut sud bd- closeîy, came liai cf ivo of hic ai- F diess e eMeeting, tendant& during hbis siokues.-Samuel la Tas cotd dip aftor the recent tha'w Bryant sud George Graham. The made every back yard a skating riali dises.. ie described s a sort of lug mud the beau of the. soool girl rejoiceti. fever aud je go severe tha& tics. laken The "OA Potashl" seemi lb. forrneci dcvii wtb it feel ne hope cf resovery witi the. beys, wietier fhem it.s vida from tie firai saudti more or lacs svsep r sliiOpiOIUiitY> ie O. L.< ousc»iue s iii pain, untildci vo dare tDot 857. ceres. AUl une, cf tb. deo tued < TRI& cold wave Of Mna u"Te-vi o c ~bu elisdg c i day ratier oooled off the e rpeà tatione constitutions,.sE cf a good many people *ho voue certain ALTIOUGE oola Mr. Jno. D. Hevdon r cf sjring ai once. But the veatier bad a geod-day ler hie sale on Tuesday t, lerk ie rigbi aud bad bello pas &long luet, sud rnany vent ont from bore te &l bis cold veaiber at Once and thon attend. Tii. total atiaudance cf termine vbeii sprlng corng eslt us have spriug- and cibers voie about Ou. iiouiand. fl Net~ ~ ~~t bengvuyitiai hi ise li- Tii. selliiig commeppead in geod lime e uip vs may offer au apoiogy for takÃŽng and went ou raPidiy Ibroagieut thae tie liberty of making tissie uggesticfls. day. U M. Ilowden'c stcek vas u prima ' Taa BRev. Danly Benson, vies. lac-.1'condition aud lie look of eveîytblug tare ~ ~ ~ ~ ea on"e atd aise bihly 1about te le îo seaka for lia Manage-' notîied on Saturday morniug sud Tu: Royal Templars cf Temperue vent irmsediatelinl prson to relieve cf ithe tovn o opa e tes0 ue veIlis tie poor woman's distres-. Restartid meetings in lie Town Hall ouMondai beu fine and -ingaged parties olookeck elt. The Wbyte Bues, hýhe netsd af 1er heu. evangelistie -s"aesof ParisOnt vIl,' Tic YoUug Mon" (Christian Associa- conducti-tie Meetings. On Suudà y lions of lia Peterbero' District wildeidnez& t Oi c, Roi. J. J. Whyte vili a conference £1 Port Hope, onWsdnas. 'presci- tie openlug service of the Bap-ý ~day and ThuMraay, MOrch 28ro, sudliai churai. ',,&t4 p. a.ms meetin« ~24th. A goiod'programme 'bas -beau of 1i. sunday- 800ok i>.ubin Qte 1 preparod, sua premiasunt Asociation lown viil e, baU in à lehOafiî mon rooeTeroteasd chier places arae bri o6 dres4yIs hê expeted. Delogates are ,xpeoed fwcpa and otWere; lu th. eps M . ail the âAe -oistions la b. dstriiasd W. Buchananu, Dono n -CoIl iii etO &Il Who are iuier.sted lunyug Men ashelie Bya! Temasi, vil ake scharge-. Wouk are luvîted -te b. proesat.Tihe of tie rog3lk-StYriO »I inte ýXt Port Hope Associationi viii enterisin offist churob, sud thei. WbYi4e &ceý ail Who aiiepd, if- usmes *re seut le vin gir. slsohtis of scti ;sqpq#, Mu. Henry ]Ean1y out .'Hope befere asssted by the uboir cf lb. *r-1 'Kilt Marci- AsuWVmlby-r. lu inbis The opening meâting o1 W.iv*k'& district lieue ciould hb »lu!)p F0ont sens# wi' 4>eai, h -or IU bers. ?louday eavêOirvg.Musi'0 Wm bave ilevari complaints e hy edbyl.W1t *Om subsoribers vie do uol Uobaa wll$boit'l* Paper iegnisuly. If asasibrtl dont, 3eà au uer. e ieuoi.tb w ongte4 __ Mer vienve vmiud QU h "ispaper !tr inmé. 1#6l4 ' meand ùtrtUie M JIUSMf a s,.M. XuUMp. ja, rown1* bas eefed réni.. ma",s the Ira of the eson. afl1ýon Campbelli'for buffao obu4 bi.uk and gtey goal. 0 .1vr goode arriviug d»i at, W. IG.. lier., Q4or.IowiEaU HAVE ,vour orderjyith J. B. Philp W per cent off il goode at the bank- )toe for the next few days. ý 3li on Oampbells' and 5,. iheir in, goode. W. G. Walters i. offeriag a good tcotton 2ûyde. for $1. Oddfellowi; Calo ouCampbelic' and ne iheir itorn olothe ai lic and 1240 par Id. Dur candies anre btter than ever %i, espeoially the creame and Ooco. i.s. R. Brown, Dandae.ut. 3uBTOX]ERs Of ihe Royal hotel barber op eay th. work don. is equal té,' any. ng don. in Toronto. Au« the station agent if vo havon'i 4the jambo stook. Rone Brou> Dry »de Emeporium.> FRAT, large etook of single harneu"ý J. R. Phulp's takes th. cake for st7t and price. EJali on R. & J. CIampbell and 809 th. krgaine they are offering in blazkete. IF you want a silk drs or mantie )u oaa cave 50 per cent ai the bank. ipt store. in Oaci drives a close bargain ; vo use vben vs huy. Roua Bics.' Dry Gode' Emporium. Use Dr. Dcrenvend's Great Gorman [air Magie for haldee, gpsy bair, le or sais by all druggisft.. Tii. cinicesi stock cf cigare and bacoos to ho foand cuiside of tie itare te ho had il R. Brovn'. gPEOL L ffére lu Sauday scooi brarieganad prizes aI Mis. Auill'sa !iîy Book and musc store. "HEB.x Rza utile, thon. a lutile," vwe bve yen sornathlng ou the Most triffing ruciase. Rois Bros.' Dry Gooda Pumporum. LargeaI vauiety cf pictogi-spi al- urne and plamb geode ever oponed in Wbilhy ai Mis. Allins. Whiihy bock ýnd masc store. B. Brovn bas lbe langeai stock cof ireare, chocola".rnizedt esuadiés, rap.., fige, &oi., sier ciovu au td-vn. Tii. regulan meetings cf tb. W. C. T. J'. will b. hcld on tie fie and Ibird. 'niday cf every menthin luthe Fiee Reading Boom at bail pstire. IN boots sud shoas lie bankuupt itors certîainly lakos tlie Jemd. Ladies kid buîioed boots redaced frein$8,50 ýo 10. Lade finue oordovan battea- >d boots rgdd4roua #XJ 1 'le0$IL lents fine ealf boots ieduW d hem $20 ýo $1.50. Gants e st baud made ordovan redoced from $5 le $2,50. Boys god strenir lace boots t«e csp redueed fuom. 81,85 te 85c. Tiîs. are i.e cieesat boots sud eboas lu Oasda. A sery bus gone arouud ths oountry rmm soma nkuovu source te, lie, edot liai Messie J. & R. Weifendea, narbie, culIors cf tiisplace, ver., &bout te' clos. business a inteïr lina bene. We are reqnasted by thli irm te say thaltibre is no feundatien viat., ever feu an>' snob stery-ibt hi,>!î Devez even contomplated snob' su ides. Tie ides thay bave as te ithe sutieu- dity cf ths repert le tbat il muet bave beau cttMd by tia unsciapuloasi agents of rital frme'lu the. business W. simu te be sntSr .iu l. sca. n baugaini, suecepfl n jadging your ceede, rici in legal tender for cern- manding the. bosithei marketa a31d uifomly'loy inu r Prime. Whether vo baveibi tie mark. Ibis sprmug« or net, yen, ef courue, do net kuow; but s ouriIntentions ar. net ouly tair,- but libeas, tovard every buyeî, il s'Omo a tiong itil oald hé ratier unegleilg your oua inteiset te ( i 0tj ste eau sîsiaus, sud if va do Dot pie yen s pisasaut surprise lu tire malter .c puime, oui ideaa&e, ludaad, vida cf lie -mark. Try us. Bosse iq.'Dry G-code' Emponumn. TIM saiius iuquiry qf the. ýOulifui mlud s! tar.n kovedge.,is muc«a moe geusi au tiseletcrabeu observer as Pte EUTIFUL : SPRING -: -GOOD-S good. »a argeins and - ÀA-VE :COME! -ld.fashloned honesty is rare, therefore, yen viii be pleased to see -how vo ihâve cerm. 'bined old-time Honesty ini Quality and Price, ivith NewEresh Styles SO0N ABLE . DRY s!. GOOIJS FANCI GOODS, MJLLINEIRY, ETC.. Style8 the Late8t-1 4 mo -:- rice8 Low. grl2 BUYERB, CANNOT PUT THEIR MONEY IN MORE IBERAL RANDS.~ Yo14 need no hesitate. to accept O 0UR STAà TEMENTS le we back .themgw'ith,: «00DB .0. F ,No, 1, DEYERELfl'S-BLOCK, SRING STWA-RT WHITBY, ONTARIO. IMPORTATIONS.- HOLLUDAY'S EMPORIUM, BR.OOKLIN, JE the riglit place to inake your Selections. Hie stock- is large and welf assorted in thevarious departrnts, and ho has new added niany Novelties specialy for the Spning Trade. Besides rnany à hoice articles in Dry Goode, ho has a nice seleution. ef YHkiE BEST QUADRUPLE -P .LATED- SILVERWARE,,., Comnprising fivead six-bottie Castors, Cake Baskets, Butter Cooters, Pickle Dishles, Na in ]Rings, Knives and Forks, Plated Spoons, &o., &c. TUE GIROCERY DEPA.RTMEN.T Lewell filled with choice fresh- Groceries selected eepecially 'for the pring Trade. You will flnd in stock choice 'new Valencias, Seediess and Layer IRaisins,î choice- New Currants, Lemon and Citron Peels, Spices of ail kinds, new aüid, fresh, ]Kxtractse of thé best quality, Canned Goode, Oysters, Finnan Haddies, Oranges, Lemons, is &à & Choie Teas and Coffees of the best values, always in stock. O&urch notes& The sibled -et Ithe 3ev. le. G.rms's sermon, n" a.bbéth moraîug viiibel X&V. O. z. Âtchio, et Wyoc ou et- * prssibl uobitnltsd evening sai 1 Jobu' chmxel (Bai), on Saday nezi. 'Te0 c hboe. viiib. ve-open- ea net 'aD&Y.Bibi.esohool at 10 a. m.; il a.m., à grand servika ci gong vm i b.Suductsd oy ifie Rai. J. J. Wbyto, oue of the-oebrqtd IlWhyte lBrc," Who are n ,tavorbly knovu ltbrougbout the country ms soupicri. At 7 p.m. %bore will b. ie.biz#aud et theclose a number of on t!rsdayvening lasi four rinks of cour lais veint tbBowanville ahd ced vwat viii most. Iikeiy prove the. luti m t haseacon wiih th. following resuit. il Bon HGrabam 0. JPion , ELB . P«y, kip- 7 0. BoblinELio p D. Balli' L. Sext ,N. 8.Touüguekp 9B.Ârzitirong kipo 22 k U.D&ydson F. sa1eh _ skip-l1. LLNE 0B' NVelte DAILY* Q en's Jubilee S inà different uines, makir -tasty peseni CÂLLAN she zb Sendaà vor le vin bye. Qualities, *Excellent. 1~TICE Easter EXPECTED 1 ý.