Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1887, p. 6

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The êYoung Wdw 81wmodsto, but net bosabfui-ý lo" Md , aybut nct ltOld;s ý.ake su apt,ripe aud meleoW-' 1 xot toc yoflzmg, *na not tOoc old; Ha1f-in«tiing, hslf-;repu1ifg- Ne dvanoiug, sud uow ehy- Ther. is îmishief in ber dimnple, The" ilu dànger la ber eYe. 8h. bas studied human nature; 8h. la schcoled linail ber arts; she bas Isiien ber diploma A&s the juistress of ail hearta. 8h.e au bell the very mrnnenit Wheu to sigb and wben to umile, Oh, a maîd lus ometimnes charming, But a widcw ail the wtii)e. Ar. yo usd*? how very'serjous WiUi ber hauduome face become 1 Are you angry ? She le wretohed, Lonely, friendigsu tearfui, dumb 1 A&re You mirthf uli ow ber laughter Silver sondlng, will ring 'Dut 1 She cmau re, snd catch and play yen, As au sugler dees the rout. Y;èId baciielors of fortY, Who have greva se. bold-and Wise- Young Amerloana cf twenty, With tue leve-looksinluyoUrý-ye- Telu May practice ail the. lesseus Taiight by Oupid since'th. Mifi But II kow lutIe wldew Who eau vin aud fool you ail. Pat Flanigan's Logic. voaljbtpfMwaoflOlI teois out toluglt e1oty. as I l id 50. I a ts sh4ttinbg up cf lb. put isud begl- nîng ag intba5SVed m-or tlet Buubeam. Tac BR*GHT 511111EAs SIEN 1 PARÂGRÂPEER. eY AL Atteg!danb (te employer> -Mistsih Smif, sih, lu buteide, sah. Emplotyer-onellb Mr. Smith liaI IefI for ualo Ibis momning. Attendsant (to Mi. Smitb)-De gem- men don. 1er fo' Buffalo dis mawuin' Mr. -Smith-kre you sure?2 I nuder- stoed Ibat hbabl postponed bis trip te Buffalo until neit veek. Âîtendat-Wefl, l'Il ix him agin, sab, but l'a. dead, sartin date wbat h. toi. me. AN UNSLTISFÂOTORY EXPLANATION. - Mr. Featborly," iuquired Bcbby, what la meaut ýy a 4'bee lin. ,' "A. 'bee lin.,'. Bobby," .xplained Feslherly, witb su air cf eruditien, 4IMe9MS lie Manne: in wbiehbee fLiles le isbive afler il bas boaded ils.!! vith Bobby's face aeganmed an expretsion cf perpiexed amasemeut. "T2hon vbat did PS uens," ho asked, 1*by sayingi hât ho neyer met yen ou bt-- méýiai éa o em o%,.'i makine a "PtikFagigan," eBaid the District temu es ai yLL.I j u 6 - -----oce- Attomney, on. day in, court, ,"stand up beUefrsm aon? sud pioad guilty or not guilty to lie- AN UNOIBTAINABLE ?BEÂSURE. charge prefeîred againet You." George-Do yen toiler skate, Mis. When Pst is.d eeplied witb the PO- Jane?2 lite requeut thue made by the offtceî cf Mise Jane-Neyer. the law, the attorney proceeded te îread George-Or bite your finger nails? froma& paper iu his baud a grhàpbic de- Miss Jane-Bow veiy absard you scription o! a certain transaction in aie, Mi. B*en Teie ICran vbich Pal b.d been engaged a few days ly no&., men Thida1Cri. betore. George (getlig excited)- One more "1Wbat say yen?2 are You gniltY -Or question, piesa. Do yen ove: make Dot guilty ?"', ick-rack ? 141'm not guilty of bal! tbem thinga Miss Jane-Net I, indeed 1 yeu've read to me," said Pst, iookiug George ,(ferventy)-Ob, Miss Jane, aI lie court, ""but I did bave a bit of a mmSy I no& hope. te vin yen for my nov laut Satuiday week ; sud I dunno vif. 2 justi whSI I did, for, yen see, I was Misa Jane-I eau ho.a fiend te yen alavin' drnkison the meaneat eorn only, Mr. Simpson. I ahail neyer wbuskey yer houer iver îasted." maîîy. "But, Patrick, ve nover teste it," dEAGNGESDOCOR. - aid the Judge, wbile a simili.* Luxked '41amn tîred cf Dr. Smith," sald à b.hind tie grave judicial conuteiiance. i15mn vbi ife. "lHe doses mei "Bure, now, don't y. thougb ?" said sicisquanin te h er rerd Pst, vith % lok et mingled surprise sud wt unn ni yei r ed incoduity Iwel, tinyo oIt tojisî ho drop off, sud it doesn't help me s incrdniiy, veil Ib, yOl ~ partioe.. I believe LII aend for Dr. De once, le, knev bey te puty a feilow that Jorme.", dou. gaSre yer beneir grants licences, "utcfidr iecare, ydee au' boy do y. know the misebief y.: "Bt $10 .iscare, yder dol' te bonesl mon like moel! n.es$10 cr.ait e cares Iar y. labo s"IdrinktnovrsudhaIbhejiharges. via be tl akes aik owand hb eb e eif. iig topsy for bis skilb" how t mkes ma beave isolf. Bo Dr. Jerome vas summaoned, sud, "Whe gave yen lb. liquor, Patrick V" sfter b carefal disguoals cf the case, b. asked lie Court. va' bsnrn, sid :~6v Well, I dunne ht' itnfomn, vhaid O'Gi im Ion graina of quinine, Pots t00 honestl ntive hurmr tvnkled eveiy four bonis. Fil ean &gain to- s' glear ocf tuenaiebmrtike orw Goday1 lu bis eye. "But I kuow 1 seed a ore. oo-dy. cuebutinu' babind the bar. Y. see, DICRENT VIEWS OF i .. Jndge I vas vonisag for the. ely, on Wife-Yon sboulda't lako sncb a the streete list cloue by, su' I vas merbid view cf lite, my dear. Leoks st lblrsly, an' il as se bondy I vint in an' poor Mr. Smilh, wilh bis smail in- took a drink liaI citent to bave burt cerne and bis vif. aievly dyiog, sud a baby, sud in tin seconde I vas crszy yet be bua s heerful imile sud a piea. drunk, au' I drempt Ibat I vas aI saut word for eveiybody. Doanybiceisffir, au' that'sael' 1 re- Husband -Is bis vif. dying2 meniben tilt nul moruing, vben I sav Wife--Yea. myeelfinluga." Hnabsud-Aud he is eheerfu.! sud "But," sayoltheCourtl, «"ye are ciang- pleussnt2 ed wiit perpetrating an agguavating Wlfe-Yes. amsai and Wstesry on Mi. S., lie flnsbaud-Well, if h. don't look onI h oteLtdoiper." be'll give himuseif say. "6W .), en lion«.. 1 sad Pat, if I did 9 CLOSEI.Y MATED. 1 olyinY lu im hSOk Val's l is îeowE Boston Ilsdy-Hatve Yen seen Our Whistl an if yeuhonor hsdu'l given Mn. Sclliv&pA janeyn h ihý hl a i ou.s Iwouldn'. 'vu been avM.-e Aa1eyuglelgl 1druais; an'if 1iadn'l ben -drunis, 1 Mr. Kniekerbeke-O)h, yes. I am vcul&a #"' 2go1 lto 11* figil, sMd hmdfin lblghigolylt vu~ut baven'suhoue ü$» or'îu'veeoin luNe o kYensd, lu My judg -I au1hov" . iment, tlifgbtnlng vms gelting vay Týht. v à sprocessof neasonng nev lb. bosicf il. te lb. -Court, sud Ii>eing -soîf-evideul, S IG Pstvasdis aued BrSial Bey-I say, jimmy, Ma'ajugt JozhBillngu'8krp-Eook- ROW mm asuu*ST KDE is IeST pauma EIWORK voit ucocas. .The latieJoab Bilflrgs 1.14 me once, USa. Ohîoco Mail vniter, thal fma fis xperine ne.oule lectue plalforro vas tka ,psklug of bhm. "6«1 ha boee vnttpg good doml," he Baia, i"d lb. staff lbs! prelty vellrecived. Âlact ItWëbght il vàas. I gel l it ed, sud asgood sblof it v55pmid fr. .I ma.- pu. ~vas~ 111. he biggst mlu Neiý York, sud cetainly the beet knay a mn outaide lie cily'except 4e.lW.. I moi$*,ade srap-bo6k o! minute charne, vhat bringe de btLtWr in no lime. Jimmy-Is il ptdbinhe i four leg's? u il 1. i sSaIt Boy-Yep. Jirnmv-Cog vbeels on de oulside, s&' #àcranis..- Small Boy-Tbat'a il.I ,Jimmy-Did th. fllet viat soMdIl toet en» bave varIe on bis ascii? soury foryou. Xia geleue pest lie il las' vei. D'ye kmcv vby I vaWnt "tain' ail-day Baturday? I b a c s f I i il ( A Forger -and aFgfie OWEN SOUJND KONETr-LENDEESDEFEAUDED OF A LAEGE 1&MoUNT. OwEN BouÈ», Mauci ll-Tbe mouey leaders cf OWon. Sound vere someviat alarmed to-dey vion il ws disoovered lboy bad ilu heir posssson a lirge urber cf forged notes. A blaeksmilh aned Alex. ,Hamillun cf tl b. lk f Rilsyth, bas been eagaged fer aurne t ime Pest lu forging notes onu i-tedo farmers lu lie township cf Deuby. ev- oral of lb. nt.. felIdue here yest.da'y ansd to-day vibec il*' as founit. the sstonisbint o!-lhe bles WtM vere vltexouled forgute& - Epq .uwrim arouud tew"see oli.ièd li tien that mairua lu lov a>au.the holden etflies.notes, rangfl gfrom si te #500 oac i ina et th"s la Hamilton bau dispcued of! icul $500 vouti. H ~iloeft for partsnu- kuow ut al edes4y,.snd so W xno abouts., On:Tnesday uliolb. scoWdas luossure: fois aPreebytoui" coeit and $110va slzd Ii u*ilt le~th lakovill hlm "Wbil y busaba u astnsdimg 'là -a he «=ae, seros anmundian ww ss mtakeà te timostwudrl f oè>d. yi r& tte gr h andsnt u Me aI tu hui tb. irritation o e bii broat ~.Palalable as mliii&su In~al dissabouli flor a'dultasuimd ,Wa a, Iarvbou1food, and medi- Bflârian t1egncy notk 10 execute ;auy nSio eof 1hre lo.- Il Ob fewgraitis of commonsense coula b. infused mb t th thick noddles of thooe who *pe*e1uaUly end alie nateIy irritate ana 'weaken îhefr utomacha snd bowels with drastio ptjzgativ.s, th.y- wôuld .use the lghly accredisted and healtbft&l laxative and tonte, lNorthirop & Lyman's Vegetable DSoovery snd Dyspeptie Oure, whioh cau- ses «good digestion to wait on appetite, and healthy on -both." Suitable for wrspplng. purposes, Isylut under carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundred. pue 1> âlti The Beovbe 1nthé, :Minuctes ladt meetin re The. iteV4 îlid4 on, thé. abl', the accemit of 3o 2n D. Bonald, of $79,.40, for repafripgfire englue, ahlsohtter ioioxhpanyifl4 11, -and *aise s'4tahl th 1u i. bad written se Mr. Arnold protest'- ung againet Mme largenesof .. se-no counts but r4,eeved no .awer. The natter was leid over until Mr. b.ruold had beenJi 4rogn. .1 . .11;ýý for 1886, cf John Hunier, Amounting,? to $8 2f), vere' remanded. On motionýîof Mr. Not,,ie follow-' Ln counts lvere ordered b be paid: -McOlng, ones & 0e.', tewn banl account, 88o.i; Ontario Bank,, strel el, 812.74; Chas. MoEenzie, lire 1. ig-*ade soconut, $2.25; Wm. Brook, 4o., 60o; Hart & Co., â1tatmonery blankÎ, 88. Mr. Millee appeared beforo the COndil statt.g -tisI b. b.d. paid the, taxes on bis iformer residence. for ist year, and no* 1h. colleelor. wis sf1.: him, &gain torilut year's taxes on bis preàent- residence. Re tbought une enougb. Thue malter vag verbalis' auranged between the collector Mit eouncil. On motîiôn of Mie WHiCOZ. the Reeve vas instrueled te grant his order on tb. Tressuro'r for the tollowing indi- gents :-Idary Orandeil, $6; Mrs. Irwin, 84; Mrs. Lewis, $4;- Mms Mikel, 84; Mis. Hanter, 84; Stewart Bruce, $8, for coal and wood -furàisbed an indigent; Mra. MoGin, $8. Mr. Major sýbas board iu reference te a dlaim. be held against tb. corporation, for expenses -in penneotion with the purchas. of the re(ad scraper and the working cf the same. Meem. Moharry and Corrigan vore hoard lu Ireference to their standing dlaims for ,supplies, etc., furnished during lbe laiefIres. SOn motion of Mr. (Gourdies, the se- ceunts cf Messi. Laing & Meharry, Corrigan, snd ail others, for ,laims ariiug eut cff ires, be. .referred to thc finance committee witb instructions te enquire int and report opon ail Cii- cumetances eonnected therewlth, te the conneil st its nemI meeting., Mr. Willcox moved "taI lbtender of E. Mundy., fer priuting sud adver- tising, for 1887, be sceopted.-Oarried on the. following division :-N&ys--Mr. Nott. Teas.-Messrs. Bruce,-Courtie, Willooz and the Reeve. On motion cf Mi. Bruce, the. cpur vas iustrneled le cause 50 copies ofte iiuditors' report t e hopuintede sud the abstract report tl e b publisbed lu the Port Perry Standard.9 On motion, cf Mr. Noîl, the engimer vas instructed ho, purchase hall a dezen ho@e keya for thb.uecf the flue bri- 1gada. - On motion et Mr. Bruce, the Beove, Mr. Courtice aud, tbe rouie: er.S p. poinled à comumitéte.lu, exàm»,the bellfry lu lbe lova hall and m if more ventilation for lhbre#4r oould not b. obtained, and if 'solto Imaies. scb alterations as .Iby may Ideero boit. The Counoil then adjourned. Mr PERRY DAVIS$ -M PAl NmKILLERý Physicians, -.JinlSter, Miasina ries, Managers of Fadtories, Work-shos, Plantautions, Nurses in Hospitals, -in short, everybody everjwhere iho er gven t a tra. TÂKEN INTERNÂLLY MIIED WITH À WINE GLASS Or HOT MiLK AND BUGÂR, IT WILL BE POUND CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CIIILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THIE STOMACHI, SUM- MER AND I3OWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE THROAT, &c. APFLIED EXTBRNÂLýLY, EXPERIENCE BAS PROVEN IT THE MOST EFFECTIVE ANDIEST LINIMENT 01<i BARTH IN REMOVING THE PAI'N ARISINO FROM SI>MAINS, BRUISES, RHIEUMA-, TISM. NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &C. * 25cts. per Bottie. $E Bewareof Imitations. % *CAMIPBELLS TOC ELIXIR hou a epecaUy da~tedforthe relief andcure 9,o!-t.hat îAss of silsorders attendant uipon a low or reduoed state of the systeni, and usua.lly a.ccompanier by Palier, Weaknesa and Palpitatior of the Ileart. »Prompt résulte wiI. follow ha use ln cases of Sudder. Ex. liaustion arisis,îg from T]bss of Biood, Acute or Chronie 1)iseases, aiid i iithe weakness that ixvariably acco1n1paiiies the rerovery f-oiWasting Foyers. No reumedy.wilI give m0ýsfpeedy relief ini Dyspepsia or Indigeàtion, it. action on the etoxnach being that of a geîitle aiîd harmius tonie, excitin<g the'o'a"s of digestion te cion, api thus sffrdinp' imédiate and perms4nent relief The carminative propertieý cf th. diffèrent aromatics which the Elixur containa renderit usefl inm Flatulent Dysapak it la a valuable remedy for Atonie Dyspepsia, whlch la apt tb occux in xiprsons of a gouty eharacter. t For Impoverished Blood, Loua of wtèe a efctv ndcr si timu- lant la reqnred, the Elixir will b. found tuvaluable. In Feyers cf a MalarlaI TYpe, sud -the varions evil resuits folopwmug expo- sure 10 lhe cold or wet *eaVer, it wil pr. - va a-valuable restoratieas.lb, combnationof Cinciiona Calisaya sud Serpentaria arenvereay recoguized, as ip ejc à csfor the abo vre .um ed disor.ý doms &U dby «U Dua.idFaml ME4cla.i Pil.,$1 erBaffle, or hzBouns for $6. L ife. e In~ùian AT -COST. Mutidai Resorve Fund Life Assur- auce of New York. Canmain Goverumeutdepuit 8 60,0 Accumutatedreservo endf(ove:) 815,1000 Death l dims paiâ durnug 1884 479,900 N1ew Ousime lut 8 mou., 1885, 15,000,000 aie deposited with th. Central Trust Comn- pany cf New York, as brstees of the Re- serve Fuud. Life Insurace at léeas han one-haif the oidinaty rates, and secnrity perfeet. Only 17 assessmeuts made iu 1881,1882, 1M8, aud 1884, and in no case au they be more fre- quent than cvcry alteruate month. Annual expenses cf management, &., linmited to $2 per §1,000. An active agent wanted j» everyilurepre- seutcd localiy, tco whom a liberal commis- sion willbe ailowed.. Applications solicited sud full particuls furnishcd by lh. uudr- signed. H. GOID(YN, Agent for tb. Couuty cf Otari. Port Perry, Ont. May 8,1885. CANADA, THOMAS DOWS Manager. Whitby, Nov. 7Ù, 1882. ly.47 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100.000 FOR INVESTiIENT. ON RIEAL ESTA.TE SECURITY. At lowest living rates e! lutereut. Money eecnîed witiin 10> days of ap- plication. Apply to JOHN FARQUHABSON Whtby, F'ebrusry 16li, 1880. O $500,OUO TO LOANV. At 6 par cent. yeaxly. Ternie o! repsy meut of prncpa tmde1 suit berrovere. Pirat sU=ecndmoilgages bongit. Ad- vances macde on second mottgages sud le purese faims. Ne coesu lcurred lu making applications te. me for money ; ne açent's fees; ne dIelay. Parties paying hîgier rates ou mertgages sbould applyboc me aI once for lower rates aud save money. Write or caUl immediately for particulaza. B . ILR. EYNOLDS, 1y2« 20 Adelsae street sti Toronto.: B3LUE L.O.L.NIo. 168 meets intUnited Workmeu Lodge room, Smith's Block, firaI Weduesday in each Mo nth. Aec'y, Wbitby. W, _B' PRJNG LE Bell. Thesbest oU Flour, The boatPstry Floar, The. best BoUed Osta, The. but Corn Meal, The. beat Cracked Wheat, The. beet Graham, The. besî Manltob& 10il Cake, sud -lb. be" si as leMarket H. sella the. Watsoi-Der"ingB ar be for uzmplieîty, ligituesàî cf-draugh r . bilty d quIty 61werksi"deZ5~Sld The. "Adisuce" Plow ,beatsa al rlialg. H. b a.large amonul cf m e t bn , i low ratisnd ilie wites » sMort- j DmiponWood Work8, WHITBY. G.êoé-orxaiauk, *rgmized wit a Slffl Staff of eIgutitce xPerionced and SkIluil, Phymicias sud Surgeons fer the treatateat cr Su chroulo Diseases. 0UR FIELDO-0F SUCCfS Chrmonlo Nasal Catarrhq Throat and LungDimesosLiver and Eidjiey »lmaou, DBa«der Disea»s s eaues of Women, fllood DisOeosand Norva ou* Affections- oured ber. or at home. wlth orwltb u engthé patient, Core nedu r seud ten cents in stampe for eux' 6ri~lids'Lo Guide Book," -wblch gives sU paMbuclars. Nqeeuvou@ eiitLme DEUGATE ad MrJ i Cndtin caused by Vothfui Fol. DIES: le..and Pex-nicions ol. DI S S. d yperaeti cured= Bpeclallsa.B" ,p s-ad icts. ln staiups. Ruptures r B .ahradi- I UrEL I wit out epemdence upo ln stampa, pam Book set for ten cents PIE TUIflORS aud STRICTIRES treabed wlth lthe greatest succes. Book Aent for ten conte im sta-us Address Womu.n's DispENSARY MEDicAL A5GAioN, 68main ,Suree, Buffalo, N. Y. The treatment of maRY 5.I Ihousauds of cases of those I DISEASES 0OF diseass peculiaié te DWMR. PIERCE' Favorite Prescription, la the resit of Ibis va atepree. It lua poerfl estorativo ere a ud N o î v n o , IIm p a t i o r s ud a r n t to 1h. syst an sd 1 reelelbyrav,me . flewinIr, pain-fui winmnstration,un ivatunal sup ROisplasso filgof to ftu, eabak antýerorsii, retroeverion, beairingu9 dowu sensation% celronieconeu tien iflammation and uleeral oia o ettowomb, inflammation, pain, and londerness in ovarios, intertnai Iseat4 and "6femabe. woakness.9) It eWly eliveansd curas Nausea, anod el69relieStomacla, Idg ~tn BIonrveus o»1ýto and Sleeplessness, lu either 'sex. PRICE $ 1.000G~TJ sold by !Druggilts eveoi7where. S'aud tan cents in stamps for Dr. Pierce's large. Treatise on Diseasés of Womeu, fllustrated. Ifords Dispen8ary lModical Association, 0MI Sree, B 0PÂà,"ElY -in PurgativPelota. ou DRÂV~TINQ * DNNG - - Came O 'f R BAIl>, N. ad irei me- lri lppd, r. J. Do buili aI: *Theit of lbe. ass îumb Zaoe Il i Dovey vi xt~Y TRIS OFFICE. tf- OP

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