Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1887, p. 7

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I1h s fuli stalffore e8$ 'eafrthe treitsueuàt et Chre l sases. ELD "OF SUCCE8.IO aa- Catarrh, Tiarout aU "On - LAver aUsi idui fad2er Dienom lm îeaig B3lood Dimoanes and Ner, ou*, curedI bere or aI. hotc t seeng the patient. -Con.e q d ten cents lIn stampe or0 Guide Bockj," which gI,# NqervoueDebillltyImp tblxcý>,NocLur;àal os oaused hy Vothflui ]Po lies andi Persniloub o]L tarwy Praecticen are and perinanenti curod" a îokpost-paid, let.' In stani Rupture, or Breach,, ta call i eti Wivthout the krill - eMUt dpelonco ul frie.anti ith very utt pain. ok ent for tt-n cem MIIOUS anti STRICIJrI 'hu gre'atet~ v'jeîi(çt m. -k Oei ln sftaxuî>s. Aitirse WORLIJ ltDIcA.L AB8ocIATIobi, 0W3 Ma The treratment of ima t4ie lnvulicb 'Ilotel g 1Stirgîe[il Insmtitaîte, linsi -)xpcriece iiiadalptIng x-cniei -and i te Prescripîie 1 tItis vagit experience. rerful Restorative Ton 4109 impin-te 'iur andi strens and ti crem, ats If by nagtc o or 6wIaftte*,ýy eïeesai IiiietiltraionI lui ,-cs.Soîéass, prolapise4 Me ute, .eakbe o, retrov eýrw oit, bearln ettons, clgronasie oise umatlo-ILis xd isueragi sib, lia flapi rnatilloupal 'iseas lit ovasrlem, Interim felnale n'eakliee.» -reiieves tatýl cures NaUn es of 1490niaclh, mdl ttsg, Nervonsa Prostratrit tsusmess.,lit cithers*ex. t00 on 6 JOTOE rfglgIts everYwlsere. Se s ùunps -for Dr. Pircees lai, lacu os f Woimen, Ilustrated ~pensary Medical Associatiai ià-Street, BuJplpALO. N. 8 1ICK - HE ADM N ilOUS Headacti -and StE lisAtta-il P)nllere& leasay Purgative Pell-eta. - eruts a iil. bY DrUggl FIN sol ei's B/o oh for gour 'NI TUBE ( ROOM SUITS, 79 ROOM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, thbat Dety Cewpetlli ile, Corne ail, and a or Yourselves. JOH.NSON, MA.EING. ÂLAtO.A Fin r.l ýADAM-5, OVRJOHN FERGUSOI îgEstablishment., Dunda* 1140e heurs f rom 9's.mn. te 12ý 80 te 6, P. iM. Roidece~-C id Gilbertatreets.. lbBATES, Nevapie Prseiug Agent, 41 es Buîlding>, Nev Ylt 1 Lu ceatrart for adverti the cIIRONiCLE autý SALT. SSweetueiss, sud Plavor 1 eqnaflod. ýtuMq5toîcu trOu'or Exchange$* ~.elBrmoucf lb. s1swew ]R ~;;aMu1P so me 1oeprovem*tot& £.n ot Ut. John Waldou et Cpt 1W tPwIed in tbe ditelh by a comrad* 4se dy and bail bis arm broken. 1.imnre-set thp% liwb and tlb. iJtl OloV jie îiproVifig., >f~john Reid, elidest son of Mr. 1. W,~ sd of Opà, wbile ochopping in th. , ld aot week vas soeriously injured tn h ba('k Sud interauily by a limb cf * ,falling On hira H s i.impro,. i nder thse care of Dr. Herriman. The siemorial frorn Lb. town counicil bas been forwarded te the local logis. i5ture prayifg that. imKprovOeentebo 5Mae about Lhe Bcugog river at Lind. :~dThOFO jà ne doubt a judicions @,Mtditiire of a respectable grant ,,,d blpt tukenavigation-bolier and sow of boats approaching mnoh Bearer the centre of the towu Iban et posent. me Master Arm Grahamu, the fourtoon. o. y#« old son of Mr. Wm. Graham, le' boandary OPOansd Mariposa, met with aIfu accident lutsi atnrday. H. mi.. 1jýriviag a young Loam with a load Mr, of weod from thse Fenelon farm ou Lhe BabesygeOfl rondad theLbhorses rau swa, îre bin ff udbroko bis gbig. Dr DeGassite e b.broken les corps of the Lindsay salvatioW eSt gry inding thoso vbo vote lecked cI's up in jail for a ime, were ai Peterbo ro atmi on Tuseday aud Look part in a meeting ai thse barracks. Capt. Smsith aud loss -Lieut. Wood spoke, both telliug of bow *tbsy lied been put in gaol at Liudsay r for praying on Lb. street. While in ad gaol ibre e ofthLb prisoners vote cou- dieu y' vrted. Tfie prison attendants were very austere st firet, but before Lbey ieft thse attendants becacne vory kind. A most serions and flagrant case of wire pulliuR oooiirred on SBaturday oecopied by Lh. lâte Mr. Rodden vau being hauled ailong Peel-st. and acroe Sthse railway traek at Victoria-ave., Lb. '. ridge of Lb. house caugbt Lb. tolegraph L. wi~re srpping the entire assortieont or off thse ioies for haif a mile along Lb. lis -Ue aud btesking &Il but one vire. eu Owisg to tbe nowstorm prevailing at thse ticue trains wisiob veto delayed mai V were stopped, as iL vwu unsafe te move without instructions, which the brokon vOt ires proventod boing despaicbed. Mr. J. Dovey bas -arranged te st ooebnild nt Linidsaty a large shingle miii. The site seetod ie on th.e out aide of Lb. river, just..djoiuing Mr. Bryaus' lumber yard, and viser. th. Zi Tisureton miii stood soute yearu ago. Mr. Dovey vent north on Wednesdayý to Kinmonnt, neer which place hie y, men are getting eut Lb. timber for Lb. miii, vhieb viii be brought Lo Lindsay by rail. The machinery vil! be ofthtie Ey lateet p atterns, -a part of whiois vill coame trons , -tA e.kuswa tm i arn- ishing v*40of, lb.Wai. Hamilton Ce. at Peterboro. Mr. Dovey expetite Ir. thave thse mili ruuning by the end cf Maynet uta. Thse onnty ocuneil railvay commit- tee met at tise court bouee on Baturday of last week. Ool. Deacon vau olected ohairman, and Messrs. Daniel, Broad, Cameron, Walker, Stabbaek, Svanton T and Dr. Cornwall were preseni. 1Mr. it bu beeu cn.tomary lecharge, vibb thse exception et tees for siraw, the weigh @oales, and for use of public premises for sales, etc. Farmers and -- tise.baving produce to elloU an nov dispose et artioles muid vares aI Lb. mnarket free et tees, aud eomfortablo j - ocommodation viii be-lutfact bas aivsys been-provided in inolemeuit weather. Our tovuspeople uhonld suake an effort tb belp build Up a g004 à àr et by making purebases durlug M- e~t bouts trom tbose efferiag. be~ts sellers sud bnyers te corne te.- ethier and good resulis wrn tfollow. As it bas always been, claimed by afUmners tisaItfees er. vexations and Oq1Slensive iL remains te b.e oen ià IbÎoiieing lisege petty taxes viii belp tO brisg about a botter iate eof &Itï. ises L. Williams. et Glen MKjor# ile 'Îliing at 1fr. J. Forrester's.;*.1fr. J. lBcrofttand tamily bave moved to <154rigbt. W. heu ibn Io lagoins > Iring tubo yeur. T4 .W.0. T. Union vIl hold their 1llmu nontbly rmeeinxg on Prlday tftrnonMar tchlb, aet Ms. Fotr- "%W&>s A.y ladies iltesutedIlu the 4P#1nce cause are ordfally iUvite& '1itu .we sh 1<> enli* 700fý M1Ipby and if possble 7Um 00'@per» ~Sià thile vork. Rer.H. ennng bas o.crnoued teovivtl sarvites ai the Bethoeda Sap. poluiàmt, adalbeh lhey v7 ere. ouI>' oolrnuoid a weekageb,-ho.ie- l already bavlig marked sooes&. Utr. Har>'Quantl loft be .fer Totonlot où Frîda>', Fébruary: 20b. balgseeured s situationlu tise = an> Msnufacturing Works. W. regret hie departure, and bea-rtily wvus tisai h.ow.>'sucoeed lu lis .nov Oetipa. tien. SorneoettLb.'people around EPsoM seoux te have a ania for -going te Uxbridge. About ever-y nigbt dnring the pust veek or two a sleigis-load bas loftI bûe.beud for Lb. Salvalion Atm>' or bthe M. H. B. Meetings. Nov we vouid sa>' Le Lbem, "1tutu yonr atten- lion te Bethesdlay." On Monday eveuing lutl several et tise yowsng people et this ueigisborbood gatisored at tise reuideuce of 1fr. H. Webster, witi tise intention et haviug a goneral "1good lime." Thse bouse isad bosu ver>' kindly placed ai Iheir dis- posaI, sud Lise party report a ver>' enjoyable evening, some tripping Lb. lighL fantastie, and Lise more scrupnlous parto th Lb ompan>' rusing merry vitis otiser innocent amnsemante.b Buralste are buey barglariuinq g Ibis bnrg. A-couple of eusses veto caugist by tb. constables. Tise News le aaked te ahludeto Liie alliteratioui. 1fre, Eliza Smiths, relicL oftIhe laIe Wm. Sanitis, passed awaà' àt ber Bon'. resireuce, lot 8, 4tb con. efthIis town- sip, on Tuesdsy lait, aitLise rip.eid age et 71 years. Doeosed wa. an old sud mucis osteeinod rosident of Piokor- ing, as vas manitested b> tise large attendauce et iser funeral on Tisursday te Salem binial ground. Tise Neiw8 ase:-We learu ae vo go te proe Ibat eur vorthy -Tird Deputy Be,"., Jas. L. Palmer, took unte hium- self a vite on Wednesday lau. in Lise person et eue et Balssrn'« Most estima- ble ladies. Unable te give partioniars Lii veek sasho neyer bold ne a word about iL. DISTRICT ITEMS. Lindsay huébaane* eieam yacht. Tise Oobourg tax collecter reports 45,000 nnpaid for 1886. A large lynx vas seen near Camp- bellford eue day last veek. Dr. O'Salhivan, Peterboro, velI and favourabl>' knowu, i. desd. 'The Port Hlope Timea ie' anxions for the. formation et a Midland base bal leegue. mat. Sierra, visile shantyazig nortis et Norvood, bad a leg broken b>' a log rolling ou IL. Gao. Beutntelhibpp.d a est l"oacf herses ai Bowrnanville laSI veek for Rocbester, N. Y. Construction verk on the Ontario Pacifie railva>' vil bo comrneneed early next mentis. 'ioe 1fr. H. A. Walker, et WefmIe Frida>' sold a load et chevet seed in Port Hope for $457. A farmer near Carnpbehhtord is suri spring i. coming, becanse iose av voodeisueis iaoke in tise snov. By s vote of 278 te il Oshawa isa psseed a bylsv grsnting $5,000 et a bonus Le a uev tactorvto teremnove WoJt.r jaÎ1ey' orvood, vas stueS 6b> e' b. shaftet ftier -on ,plittiug bus Up, ucks eqat bis t"'0h, and namrovi' .sepiqg destis. - Oun gbl lau vok ÜUt. Plokvorlb, cf Workverih, wvas bad badlesd 1b> orne rougisa.lHie aclloao lu oosnee- lion witbitheBopt# Lot is aid lo be -thse cause. , The gold.hbeaded esàe von àub> Sir Johnin" tibasebiff Oontesét At Port Hope. bas boen 1torwarded t'l U. Wadi MLP.,for Easl DarUbarn, wh viii resent il te i£gtaold - mau." Port Hope bas a ILie Kiln lub. Thse mol of etb."Ibrud eru" ilu*11Neyer bite off mmre is., >on couaw. , P. H. la learulg vl#edom a ghoit hail ~ ~ ~ -:ioý Mavaldstameml aOI 'r=rfart et -ubicA is le te D1.ontreùlý «ose, On.einet interesbed te thé Smouui oft#4j 0. Borne oreditore bav a tuei airsa tement etof'fitteen monti ago beowlng *asurplus of 14,500, aud there le nov a defleiene>ê of 4,0~ tho.ulorteMted* are naturaillyaxiu thaL tbe ineolvents sbonid.account foi shortage ot #8,000 li Lb. interim. A mEu amed Eddy, from Lakefill, or vieinit>', attended Lise'vind-uRp raOcý ou the Little LakeS. aiurday aiternoond He wuas tbalt eas over,'" and witboui the lilgistest provocation turnêd abou$ sud struok 1Mr. Robert Strain, eft6won' Who was watchjpug tise races a eouaider.' able distance off. Tlhat. gentleman now vears bis oye in deep mourning. Mr!- Straine Ome up tovu sud entered lb. City' Hotel, and vas folloveJ sehorti>' attervards by Eddy, viso &gain at+ tempted an assanît. lIbis ie v at ihvarted _by Mr. W. Glane', lise pro. prietor, viso interfereâ, and vbe vas iII Lnrn assaulted, Eddy bit ing bim in tb. cheel sud inflioting a severo wounid. Tise latter vill be mnade Lensuifer for his canuibal-hike propensities. On Monda>' George Powell and William Powell, tvo young mnntrorn Lynden, neat Esusilton.-voee barge4 by constable Rose, ofthtie Grand Trunis raiiwsy ou Jan. 22. Tiso detendante did net appear. A littie feilov nawed, Fradoricis Sohwartz evore tisat tbe detondant, George Powell, struok hlm et Lynden station wbere he wýs s'ait- ing for hie brother. Constablo Boss explÉïned tisaitiser. vwu ne charge for assanit, but that tise defeudant had no business st Lise station vison ie corn- mitted lise assanit. He said tise de- tendants beiong.ed to a crovd of boy# -wbe oalled tisemeelves tise Jesse James gang sud tisat tb. station master ah Lynden bsd ooniderable troublo viLla tison. Tise- magistrat. flned Greo. Powell $10 sud costu. The chargo againet Wus. Powell va dismissed, as tise evideoce shoved tisat tise trespass by hlm vas committed on Match 2. Ille C. P. L. Cable Scheme. IT WILL SE DISCUSSED AT TE CONFER- ENCE ON IMPERIÂL F&DERATION. OnrÂwÂ, March 12.-One of the mout important questions thàt vill corne up for discussion at tb. conferenee tbeb beld in London duringr tb. firut week in &pril Lo debate tbe question of Imperial Federation vil! b. the Canadian Paci-Do omble soheme. Sandford Fleming, O.M.G., one of the principal proinoters of th. sebeoee, sald yesterday thst l i I b. uoquieseed in by tb.e ther colonies sud tbe neoeeeary subsidies granted, Lhe work of laying tb. cabl* viii 1te cen. menoed imxuedittly. The &utralian colonies b.d alroady tbovn tbea"ee favorable i. the puojeet, reoogising tbe~ Immense benefit iL would ontfer upon them. Flrning vwiii visiL England ahortly in order to adv.nce the inteI~ cf tbe seberne, and bas little-doubt thet before neIL summer te far advanced the work of Iaying th. cable vill have coeinenced. Mr. T. C. Berchard, publie ocheol emehe, Noriand, writu : "During Lh. feUl of 1881 1 wbu much roubled with Biliomua sud Dysppi, and parteof th. ime wua un"bi Lo attend to the duLies of mny profeusurn Northrop & Lymans Veget abeDi oe* and Dyspeptie Cure was recommended $ me, snd 1 have much pleasure in astating thaL, I wu entirely cured by ~uing one bottle. I have flot lied an attmok of my old oompla. Int "os,, and bave gaiued fiftten pounda lu weigbL." WARREN LELANO,.. ,whoi Moybody kamse thg sea!n UUManaget o!the LTetHotOw nurio N ew York ou boarda àshlpgolmnodcape; iorn, ituehearly day.of erarýtlS o Cai-j Ifornia, ho learned thet eue of t4e ffleSmoi~ the vessel bal cured luinsel!, dui41sg Us voy age, of au obetixiate dinum ssbh u»e o Âyers &aaailIA Som eyears fugo»n oM3r. LEÎ,Am>s ftwa lbrrs brelaeêbis log OWitng b4.bd MMateof bis 1z1eo4auzuagiy Soou3ousl eUPip er lump up*red onthbe lUujud 1bnS, ribe tehlug oft Uceoln ith l* -*4k dartug pMM e roug e lpe mats i G')O -D ýTWEED SUIT AT rIOBs 2m3Vl BEFOIM MA M T T MUDF, A ü GodSuit -made to Order for 2.0 ÂUlrge,-.* o SoohEgls -u Canaien »Tweeds, Blak Woriteds, etc., to select frm. A Special lino 0of EÂAVY TWEEDS from 50 to 75 cents per yard, sjitable* for -Business Suits or Boysi' Wear. A FULL,- STOCK 0F GIROCEIRIES ÂLW&YS ON RAND. Uighest -market priCe paid for Butter and Elggs. BROOKLIN9 ONT. F«U-R JIT RE;, Cottage -or Castie, -AT- PIIICES WHICH WILL ASTONiSH YOUi CÂLL ON WM. HAIJLT, BBOOKLIN. -000 CiFunerals Fully Supplied."1 cdZU Whltby WoolIcn HMi1Ilý, MId&a.j beiween Brooklin and Colztmbus, On the 7th Concession. W.are 110W prepared to make alkEnds of Wooilen Goards, suéh as Tweeds, Ful Cloth, Union Flannels, BSheeting, Shirtings, A]1-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, and- Yarns in ail varieties and all kinds of Xnitted Goods kept in stock for the accommodation of patrons,- Dyem*g çu aSU colors doue to order. ~~g~h* price paid for anxy quantity of Wcol. Ail orders popyfiled. wu 1AD e BOWEIIMAN 8ON&- IFUMsE bleed and ulcerate. taecesisgyery SWAYNE'S OINTMENT iStops the ftchlsg and, bleedisg, W heab u1certion, andi <2sý-emasvcae rmm v&# m A NHOOD Bei Lest, HOR o Resed - W. bave recet>'pblisied - anov edition eof .Crva WELL' Cr.uueÂATXD ESAT On tise riadcal,'sud permanent-ocure (without medicine> etf iervôus Debiit>', Mental and W5rPrlce, ÜLs seal>d nvelIope, oni>' A cents, or Lv. postage st.amps. STisecelebrated author, u this àadmirableý .en>, olearIy demonstrates, troma 'surI>' yer'succeaesul pZactis, tisI 1arn consequences may bho radical!>' curod vith- -out Lise iangorouse»etfintqzualmelclneo or tis e ofethLb% kunifo; pôiting ou o mode of cbre aI once, àimp é, certain and effectuai, b>'meaus oet vhici everysd- erer,, no maLter visat hie'condaition Ma>be, cure JdsUMel -oheapi>', privaiel au a tY cal!>'. ffr'Tis sLecture #boula be in the haudi of ever>' youtis ude very 'ninuutise land. ThéeCULVER WELL 'MÈDIC4AL,, DR. DOREN.WENDý,ý8-, ARCADE, TORONTO. A Ichool Thoronghy Equipped for Business Training. BOOK-EeEING., PENMANBI BUSINESS CORRESPONDENOBIx BUSNES ÂITHETIC COMMERCIAL LA.W, SHORTHAND ÂND TYPEj.WB*TING PRÂQTIOÂLLY TAU, FINESI ROOMS -IN ;CAN ADA.- S~n~ for Circuler. Âddressq St, a Jossan -Z--. C . O'DEÂ, Zig., Âooowstaiui, Toroto. aval! un tien, -s'a IULL.&,' hoalo4t complot btly improva yout and CEBB AMILTONt, ONT. ýAÂWLE]R2 At h*0l - "b6-r OV.S- 1 E

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