Whitby Chronicle, 18 Mar 1887, p. 8

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ThAsi. oul psedouMoui .1 DO 'ol Iles Lçmdéip Mr. Jus- Daruei aso o.Pied 6 aet >onthe Teoh he bar vaurepreollEd... y Wm. Kerr Q.07';Oob1ourg, crOewfl proie.: Outor; N .Patoereon Q.O.* Port penly; 3.E. aroel, (G. Y. Brnit4f 3.B. Dow., Jas. Rutledgê. D. Onnuston, -W. Il. Binllgo, Whltby; EL. L. Ebbells. F., 'Yartold, Port Perry ; A. IL. Rundie, IL.MoGes, J. F. Ekriorsou, Qeava; J.A. MecGilIivray, E. 0. Campbell, Uibridge; J. 'MoOullougbe G.* T. Blaoketck, Toronto. GRAND JURY. Foremnan-T. J. Holiday. Stewart Bruce, Jas Cassidy, Jno. L. Brown, H. S. Drew, Arthur Farevehi, Jne. Ritobie, Tvred Warren, Thos. Manderson, D. C. Dovney, 'L. Coryml, Fi.Fi. Cooper, Geo. Clark, Wrn. Bain, Wm. Bures, And. St. John, L. Jt>husten, W. B. Stewart, Ira Palmier, Ale% McBae, B. F. Aokermali, Pbilip Sproule, RebI. Annan. Hiec1Houer, Judg. 'Rose pvofeeed to addross the GrandJUty. -1o<sAid thb, sherif b.d repert.d te hlis Ihetre were Do p -o-ersolu th. eouuty Jain s.rlug tormts- but- there .were o mm men tbere charged vîtb crimes virose cases would orne before the jury. The Grand Jury b.d a peculiar duty te disobarge iu criminal caseinasmucb as lhoy -ouly haie t,) considroreeaide cf the. evidence. The enly evideno. talon vas Ihat cf the prosecution. Ne eidenééce vue 10b. takon inthe grand jury room for the prigoner, aud tbm Grand' Jury had really te consider whother tbore vas sufficient evideuce te pet tb. prîsoner ou bis trial. Tii. commniiy aI large muet be proteeted, sud ouly eau b. îhrougb theii.eotru- m.utatity cf the courts. Hoe poke of ,the differeet cases te coame before tb. jury sud explaiDed tbe nature of ach crime cbsrged, almo the duty cf the jury in eacheu ae. Hoeasked the jury tevieit tbe jail or auy other county buildings wbieb are meintained at the public expense, and te remark on any noticeable features in ceeneotion vitb tb. administration of justice iu tbe couuty, or.ý te crake any sugzgestions hhey vish te haie convoyed te the Attorn.yGeneral or Minister of Jus- tice. It vas tb. duty cf tb. Grand Jury, be said, te look upou tbemeelied au a necessaiy part cf thre administra. tien cf justice lu tir. country, aud he hoped Ibis juiry veu bear in nrind that upon theni te a ounsidorable extent dapend.d, 1he proper trial cf parties pharged vitb crimes. How ever tb. grand jury bas onlt to fBcd vbstber theve is anytbin« againot tbe prisonor cf-sufloient imiportance te Bond hinr loto meurt for trial. Tiri duty euds there. Tbey bave neither te convict hlm nov- punisirhier. T4ese mmntdt»isoagrele portions of tbe workinq of criminal justice fail upon otbers vbo would glaily escape suob datios if possible. 0i~vILCASER. BIUclç v Bnaey et al.-Action on a joint premnlsary noe. lu 1882 E A.. Bradsbaw, vithr Join Bes;ey a.e hacher, diaconnled paper lunBtaek & Co's bank st Uxirdge. aurontieg te mars hbaq #2,500. This amouel vas redu.ed sud rouowed- quarlerly. Tii. paper v1I eonsidered mate,,but alter a couple c years, un ncîpalica of Beasey movîng le Whitovale il vas suggested that he agsoutd placé bis namne on th. face W t he note sud save any trouble from proteste, hile ai thre same lime 'slow. ing thée note to romain lu the, beak a short tim afler maturity if deairable. Tus vont on for tv. or tire. yeairs, IIradshavbriuging tho notes regularly le the ba" sud disscuuhiug hem, tiI lu Jauay 1885 ho. brought the note IO udupon Sbortly aftliilvas discptubd Brsdsav dl.d sud bis os. ttaae realed 11111e or uolhig te iris eredtors, Bsaey "thon fsd to.-as. kuovlsdgs tht. 84410note sbeiug rmade p.rly i b hl, ud- vas suod upon il a Y.ar ago. aidjudgeoesut given eg isthm. It an rhovever Ibai îà9lmony cf ou00o lesys ituosées vus rfuu.daM l"aitrial beeause ho ira net loft tre eart vilir tho otirvit- rieusea wbvi re.odo.ldo. so- Umi Wpdsosret au.lrearing of the case vblch la tire promeut orne. Tii. cyrdenoe *« golng on muuch asbefore viren il $L -ppe.ed to leak osou f ire maDnal icbank liraI b. r. otic eu irnpru. sonted hi Brauhsv <or diso rîm e lE s t I I cbarged witii obttrncting Constable Hall, of Whbitby, ie executing a searob- warrant te searcb Daneaser's botul, Port Ferry. The prosocutien shoved that Hall eutered tbe ber te aaarcb, but va. refused permission by prip4ner, vbo vas bar.tender. Haill swore ho produced hie warrant and asked te searcir in the regular vay, and the defeece bad evideuce ie O~Position te the statement.. The jury failed toe are sud vere dismiseed, Hurdley being held ie bis ove recogrlizaocee le appear st next court.-W. Kerr, Q. C., fer thm crown; N. F. Paterson, Q. C., fer pr Te PRESENTMENT. ýo Hia Lordsh*p Ion. Mr. Justice Rose. *oTewGnd J r s ntm to a h W osi resetaovlegeenvin dedesie le yur nor for ourn oear explanton of tH lv s briug oueâ tiecaelaid oforhe lus ern onte caes ide te ortusaey. rHoe an d egiety ontu la or t. cf criedth cn ils ordteriva, amn f t c"bovo hi tn ersirders miii t byJi W.er be isiteD tie in udhers vo. ceaeiîod sd shvu tbrouRan by he ohigid nd alesud a tre ,oased 1 rer oliin ve fou d rebng easei d lueor good od e Weverige orrand ind tiraI, ordevaut cf rme h. sylumei isaeoprsona are kept eoeined in Ibe jades. W. m'trutheb.Goverumout ilI, s soon as possible, prend.e sufficiont aud suitable accommodation for tbis sadly afflieted portion cf the oormuui- ty . . Witb refereuce t10 Ibe-Cansala Tem- peomme Adt, its existence s lvw lb.h Ccuuly lu forcible indication cf thersosn- - iment of tb. people as epposed Woth evil cf iute mperauce aud aiUIt spro- duces-aud austains lih" proifie soure cf diiorder sud crime. It lu a nov lav sud osaunel have Ibat emsy applioability cf oue.halira s old sud vohi tried, sud lthftact iI l local lu ebarater pro. voulu il frem* demandiug tire respect vhieh would be shovu a gsueraI law. Wirile vo boHleve lb. lav maltes far ir«eter. sobrielysirnd hunders the opera- tien cof lbe liquor trade, ve ae per. Ettiaded thal *mucir ould b. doue 10 bpioduce botter reaulli by ameuding tbe Act sud profldiug botter oeàclîiery t sud meaus for ilis enforeomoent. We 18 are, bèover, of --tb. opinion thm1a E rirt 1mw probibitiug thirpsaufa,- -trmportation'sud sale lu Canada ih 19 th. only loswation which vil pnVî salifaelery, lu dealici-with lire ralft in laetrong 8Mbài. la tire enforcmen' of ftheA-c a diffieultjY arises m aser It >urrisdollcu cf poliosmapotrates, whist E. Spolim magistrale may ast for a parf « 'of a monti am v*4laé Mr thre14011 lork, *as a e.wng me~ the ct th buh g ,mado a great mit*ke hIeui IOamw onaeted 1,vhloh -il vaso bql oilciiould ouforce. se ouil copiesocf their preseutuOti1 warded. 10 the Att..Gen. aud M of Justice., Ho thon disobsYf jaty from fuithor atndauce.-, The iomsiuder of the repori noc biuga lover o ofbrusesuuus" sunt.Walker s $10 ýbill, but altoivaýrds :s- amàie saud aisked lb. reOtumu cft h. oeey f wbic eb hoomeurd . ô .ater, stilk Cameronrmadle, up bis mmid. Walkov *as a ciead beat and bad hlm uirreted and committod on tbe above- mnticued obarge.. Aàttheb.tial th. evidenco proved- the aboie foots, but faied le show that Walker vas-acting roderý fatespretence, uanuée il b.d net -beon provea thàt Walkor bad no-the packet of oeoney* ho olaimed te bave and Ris Lordship refused te .11ev tbe'case te go before the jury aud the prisoner was dischargod. ,,Qua% v .Peawon.-Comnuitted for trial on a charge cf uttering countorfelt money. No bill. Discbargèd. QueerI v Dobl. -Iudictmeut againet Wma. D.-blA% fur felouiouily wottuding Geo. Liclary- both parties becbg residents of the,>Àtownehip cf fBrook. The trouble leadite Io bis probecution1 arome ont ef a band to band fight ini wbich- the contestants vere the parties uamed above. Il semne obave -been 'a sort. ci dog fighl aud e61 h eowed his Antaouist'sathlflbs. aud the parie wovried aI "eseh other ubtil, McOiaty ,'as badly. dis@fiurd. Twelve' or fifteen witnoese ver. e,xaoiued show- ing that on. party wus about s-bad as- th. other, aud thb. jury brought in~ verdict of guilty of common assanit Prisoner was bound ini bis owu r. ecognizaDOoS for 110 and 'twc sjure- ies for #600 eàcb te 'appear for sentence wbencalled upon and te keep tho peace for five years. Complainaut Meolary wvacisbtound ini hie ove recoguizan3e for $500 te ke.p the pesos for five years. W. Kerr, Q.C., for the creva; J. A. McGillivray for prisOflmr. thon ordiuary f.stivity Friday mu*bt. lh. occasion beiug lu houo e ,?Mr. Wm. Mackie's, Ut.Lawrence Hall, fiftieth birtbday. I Wa'a aknovledged by mîery one pîeent tc be thre graudeat affaîr cicr seen in Fort Hope. The Opera House wbicb adjoins tb. St. Lawrence Hall diania roomu s sed for dancing and vas aIse gorgoously decoraled. The table faiîly igronedi uuder it. burden cf oecd tlimoewhichj voero rely parhaljep eL ' Smith sud Mr. -Ward M.P, nneas few eongratnlalory remnarka 10 wbleb Mr. Mackie reepon;ded givlag a short history cf bis life. 1Tke gueMtu sig sud singing "For he's a j*olly good fellow," vben ebeer three timeathirce were givon for thbm boat îsud bostles. Dancing varscomned sud countired unil 4 o'cloek. With hand, ohIu aud congratulations;, oee fthie Most sujoyablo eveniuge ever sopeut -vat brougihî te aacloseTire mugi *va supplied by Mr.. Windsors s tring baud, Bovmýnvile, 10 whicir tbocmuci praise sanuot ho glven for tlirexie- cellent musie. The »ameucf a f4W of the gueue:- His Wcrsbip M a yor Britisu Lma.l Smith, M.Wr nM. xmsyLkor Ohm.., Mr. B. H. HLan89Dr. .Cralg c0b7, Mrv. and Lire. ShepýxUd MX.-:Thos.il Ambroes., Cpt. an utdoeso Cobourg, Mv. sd 0r.O . s~mn Cobourg, Dr. 3e U . . Baird, Mr. Geo. ÙKIUUarset e4u. J. B. 3uther- tord Moutroal, Mr.* eklruse J(J.opr, .cNaetenlMMr. a. M r:Ja mu, XissB Z. Johs Wms=-O, X. M4 M Tma-M 13 st vi tr, Mr. sud, braPair- SbalnnUr.au '.J. -1. Tra qLitas Trayes. Miss JcsouINA5Wul:o Mtiss Dosbe i.hdi.. i V la , : i . riii >u nv . D o ïl . %04 Mm W-alker, bWk atkmin Mis Tempeut, white lawn ud oxinoie Mis# Birdie Tei4*sto white m inhhi ad , Miss Johstont blaek, satin suad jet " ufman, eoam satin, lace ad ,Méos Dcbler, peacock bine satin, orearn ~Mue Maukie, pink silk ad fiwer. Mis. Adamsu, orear n butinq and satin. Miss Philipapipnkzt"i's veiling and lace. Miss Porter, blak satin. Mrs. Doyeli, blak .11k sud lace. Miss Brodie, orearn euh, satin ad tule trlmrnings. Mnr. Farqubarso, blak .11k and lace. Miss Scriminaer, MachsalS, jet trirn- Mie~s Trayes, ilwor s.OU ana gamnet pluh. Lina Ohalk, lavender silk and lace. Lina Dafoe, black s11k, white ornarnents.- At Greenveod, on Mach 8th, the, wife cf H. M. Sadler f a daughter. Mr. Jacob Btater, of Oshawa, vbo about 15 years age vas a miler be#e, -was visiing bis old fieuda lat week.' The-cificere f lthé Greenwood Bab- bath Sohool have pUrohased a library for thre echooL The. cot viii b. con- siderable sud is tco b. paid by tbe proeedaeofun entertaiument le bo bheld about May 24. It le 10 be hoped ail th. friende vil hearily help -Ibis goed 0aus0. NOTES.& Two faces becomlng quite familierilu our.ecuuty courts are thome cf Mr. WS,. Kerr, Q. 0. Cobourg and lMr. 0». Tale I. Blaokstook Toronto. Judge Rose mak-es It àa praoiee have a quoruM of tb. grand Jury Core loto court vith auy pregentment or' bih cf iudidîrnent in order that 'MI may underetand vithout doubt vis -he . exact naturo of the. verdict »aendreqd, Takiug il upon thoeviole -tb. Jury suffered more lockiug up thart did aul the prisonore tried in Ibis sittlbèg4f ho assse court. onIy for tbe 'buvons- stralus cansed by mer« oe î ito justiceovertakhug s, ot h.s *e rather u*ndergo 1thepunishmst .1_4b. accusod iban thàt of the jary. acceunt of sikuem If. Prsuk Paxton idischarged tbe dutiet of sheriffnot oùIy Iwith dignity and authority, but""ls vith great ccurteey. Frank's symmot- rical and athiello figure fills ont every ,wrinkle iii tb. sheriff's unifornm and vithout doubt ho va. tbe bestloloking Man in court. 'The CORRoNLE nighthiaw âa par- ticularly s:ruok' vitb birLd texture -cf tb. trovsers woru by Mosre. Black- stock sud MoGUliary-and their mcml elaborate neck-gear toc, begoeh. These latter are adjnsted mucb after th. fasb. ion cf the ordicavy coUe but far more resemble a miniature board feuce drap- ed in whitevasb or marbie. It s hard- Iy fair for Ibm.. men of légal love from Toronto, Uxbridge aud Port Perry to corne dovu bore draped in garb cf loud- er texture than env îavyers cf this good old towu eau affrd. Mr. Wm. Mackie's Tiftieth Birthday. ovEIa 150 LADIas AND GEIETLEEN, I i s I 'I I Il E Nero fidliled when Borne vas buring. Man sy now-&adas seepi equally -- ndiflerent teodager by the manuer in which they negloct ill-halh. If taken in tirehere is Zcao1 a chronlo diseàse which Brirdock Blood Ltters wil not eradicate iby ils puxi- iylngr.gulatlns powers. MA.RRIED. m-WrnTB-Âtthe rosidence ci M. amnS White, th con. of Pikerng, and ithor fhie bride, on Maroh Led, by Re. W. Proed, M. W, W. Ideek, f Scott T'p te, JEssM. Aile.W biteof Pikring. D EAT HS I D~omnionWarronse. Conisiderable excitenent was Mani- fested on Sunday Mnorning, when it was discovered that -the large front windows of Dominion Warerooms had been broken by1 supposed« burglars. But we are glad to say that it '-wa *s only an accident, and t hat we are now showing a very large stock of New Spring Dry Good st Our New Dress Goods are the lead- ing colorn and P the cheapest in the market. A. beautiful line* otfIPrints, Muslins, Dress' and Mantle Silks,. Mervs, Satins, Trimmings, IRibbons, Splen did value in C ottons, Cottonades Shirtings, Towels, Table Linens ,&c. One of the best assortments of Ties, &c., we have ever shiown. OurGent's Furnishings are -worthy of inspection. Fuil lune of Worsteds, Nobby IPant- ings, Spring Overcoating, Tweeds and Suitings. First-class work guaranteed as to style and fit, and'lowest price8. Millinery Departtnent now open, due announcement of openingdas Winter Goods at-your own prices. Fresh -Oroceri-es. The Whitby China i7ea Store ITssi alive, but got a new name, the People have, chistened it the WHJTBY CHINA HEALL, at whioh, you wMlIfind one of theo ohbicest and largest stoçk of -Fanoy Glassware, China Téa Sets, Crockey &o. - suoli as. was neyer shown before oittsi de of Toronto, al of whioh *wil be s8old oheap. for casuh during the next-,two woks., Corne one, corne al, and -inspeot fo yourselves bof ore 'purohasing ehme-. where, whether yo'u'bay or not. Biu ýn Tnr o*s 1yOe laIe COMBI ÂIWD S Somvn.x..-A$ Brooklin, on Tuesdy1 gAlso a full stock of ohoice Grocerios of8 Andw i;rvRe Pstmâte, ge 2 Fruits, Oraing, Lernôns, Datles, Nutis, P Lrmm-8av1 nlayinet aUI knds. Oysters wholesâle aànd retail. tur et l.lI.Jhsu a ovPfiZe Essences. su-7City,, W. I. GIi 1(srohi5lhLiMary A= Aluebelorved e- é cf Jau*s Coornb, iged ,49 y7re sud 3B Stili Crri neoni 'linauoial ami O-rcumdl and Whi I 1m *1 qi B FADI don, Yer W 2sertron, 5 à.clvertien îoid Non] tients sent inserted u be re in netlater tin uw mu ot an7 untendled -changi beforè Tuesday nooâ pieuti received up.to irst inlertiGlfl&cents rl-si OLcents Per il lareeri.Five icent CorreeÈondence soli et tire Cony or neq Coxveepondenia- arez their communication possible, -- HENDBBE »UON STANTON, I JOHN E. FAJ wing Court os LL owlv e d )avi sM' ain.ihrt It net only cures h. ilis f tbe bumn f amily, but l ise 1h.th ure remody !fr herses with colle. Il bas ever beoi kow. te tati in a cure of he wrvt case.; sud for eprais, galle, &o., it ever fail-try it once. Directions accom- pany cach botl. SoId by dru5fgists gen.- ealiy.-Ke&ton County (Ky.) Democrat. Nova Scella bas a deficit ot 823,000 for th. past year. A dose or two of Dr. Smih's German Worm Remedy, or Wermerine, wiil re- ove, wormsi frose chld or aduit, and rstoro e t ealth. For bilioness or idi- gestion i boas ne equal. Ail drggists keep 1. Frice 26 cents per box. Take no other. No expedition wMl be sent to Hudson Boy tbis year. Consumptives sbould try Allen.s Lung Balsam it ose be had of sny Druggist, Bat Bruce nomination takes place on Liarch 26. Î Murry & Lanmands Florida Wster is probsbly the sinplest sud p'iret prfume ever mde, boing absolutely nothing more than the dolicieus fragrance ef rare flower, preaerved sud Imode permanent, aud it la doubtieu te Ibis puvity et composition tbat is immense populaity le in a great measure to Ib. ascried. The Pertugues. Government have lnstrhctea 1h. Govereer etfLMozambique te go te Zanibar sud reumw officiai relations wltthlb Sntian. W. ave contalxtly roceivlng testmony Ibat Dr. Carson's ats.rrh Cure is what ile name impîlis, a "Catarrh Cure." Tour lis authorised to rfund the mcney more fai, sud need yQn sufer suy longer? Thbe religions marriage ceremony bel- voeu Chri sine >Iilsson and Ceunt Vîrrda Iook place t the Madeleine Saturday.- 1 rieoner.

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