,b Canada Lmu am t forth tiiWtern 'ver Gennlo'm Block, wbAb4 wrapplng pumpoae, laa et*., 25 cet. per liunid7- Apply bo TRIS OeFIC136 'B ELL"ý Unpptoached for LOQUES -FRELd NEW RIOS, id SALE STABLES# 'AS-ST., WEIITDY. RTH & DEVERELL. ASS TURN-OUTS ud on Sherteal Netice.' ravellen liberally deait -wft/î. HONEST DEALINO. WRE k-LESS' IMITATIONS As -thearcr ianyinterior aliip, e(t.,QfferMd and ii as (io'alineî by soins un- prluciîîflenuercluazte tradi. ing5 on1 the replitation et aur ae'uu int, e. <ense, we waril tho laifles againet suicli impositin by draw. ing tlieir attention te the neessity of teeing that lhe UO COMMET 0081 iin-er rîde of all Coralinegeoda, ~hich none are gentilnie ,nLine lLondonderry, G/asçow. ARRANGEBMENT8. .S 0F SAILINO. ortind April 7th. froin lialifax, Api'. tl. mPortland, April 21et. Irlnu llîalîarr Apr, 28rd. ePortland, May 6th. lmomn liauîfai, May 7th. oBe YuIVoi Express Office, - WEITBY, ONT ne of, Royal mMil OOL SE RVICE. iNG DATES.' Pôrtland. From Halifax. Mm. l7th .,Mai'. lOthl Mar. 31st . Apr'. 2ad Ar. l4th ..Apr. ltI AP. 28th ..Apr. 801h :E (Avonmouth Doe.4 9 FROM POBTLAN -Thurday, Mar'. 10h BnIez riaeitPou=T*m5» on 60, 16b and $70. RE#uI 150. second Qabin P<'s rage A 1aI tri#. ns bh*ve Bloons, et&"-. mtipu, a-ore l 1 0 adaml Csam au' s1itbç Eit»ioC &Co*$ -~I" iftbt* be' jilo BM $h mou' 3115-4in prîio cly 180 oalI- t hst liai'Prisidet j euix'g aueih BUMD 4 qO bi*ilt t wýoW##k awee tone.- t" no aeegolee. 'This, hg . By# -r f>oe*Sr er reoteiiO4O #Otbigi>g o1own:eteaeh one of notl Itii oie.. -,Mr. Cleveland veigbs ýdliii i.îbode of aeomplieibg thie $g.. Ibm whex' h. rais, ampe teWaab resultiî awleh bt. theb... remost eoxia. iitotei â: 6Theoo(>îiof H<" inglon ad lukeu s Mirnie sftis asmon ix' b.beiocfooieî.y,Inauly toll ay1*uthor cf "Dors Thorno;" Moiti Mont, lH. doec.0et' w*1k &bonl îpped laIyôi WCi n. ehid- "by f Bics em," by Jeunie 8. "tegi stii of th l. itYt, but blie 1ks bbs oiqo bLoveou0 h. afoa. ave ion laewhiere instesd cff eoming > ÀJO Blir, byJudeon HC. Taylor; noon whon the veather Dermite- Thon to me. Blair"b'ede ?" by Wil,ý*- the Colonel snggestî wysteniooely tuà t $ T'Who ead Wailer," b>' y. W. thé Preident ha sprivats gyoenasium Q16À Besson for Game ini Collin "Rival Qusene," by a POP-.ilu mre 00mevet. l.ite WhitLe Hou".e Ontsrio. Bo uther Al cf lhe atories are -whicb the wenltl knews nol cf? It j,1aur. tpwt adome me os.At anY rate 0ol. Lamont Grouse, Pheasants, Prairie Pcv1, ,.eîott - ogah oer-isa ad.eys be keepe himaelf in' gond eondition Pirtridues-Elhall Det be bunted, takoxi> soi ored frontispieCe, printed in by pbysical exeoise and thsti ur or kliled between the.1tlJain. ýd l.I ceolore. ThiseboseDOW O'aim: no occasion for apprehensiox' in regard 1sept. 81 o i uld a (and witb justice) ta hygvemr o qbealtà iOcc-hl.ntb utd a e.du msir for the Money than an3Y The national drill- wbieh will cer- ýn or kiliod botween lot Jan. and 15th othsr peblieher 'n tbe United States. rmence in tbis cit>' nîb.281Ma, il ~eromnd' our readeri te buy tbe end on the Bt cf îhat month "Décors., upRiGle lvrSsl" book and Fe@ for tbemeee O. The lion Day," witb rnomia 1 n pe , Btel ailGolorn loer-bShaîe- prOOe je cul>' 3o cents, and ie for sale b>' parade cf the National Onardemen and' lot Ja. dlteptno iidbtef îf newsdesler@, or will be cent by mail, the' Grand Army cf the Republic. R wax'e or Geee-Shil not lie huxi ppaid, on receipt cf price, liv J. S.' There wili be 826.5(00 in cashb d1etrx-etknorkle ewDteltO oivie Ce., Publiesboes, 57 Boue buted in prises, besjdei ande cf colora, M~ a su orekjet ehteen. ltc tret, NwYr.gcld, smurer amd bronze medlsspeoial Myadl.ltSpebr mStaleedpltewtYohrk..Doks, of aIl kinds, end ail other T~ecf m.eioc% f~stry The *rouuds of the oawRP are Ibese water fowl-'S&lnet ey unt»do Mb iagazineof rmia sty lying around - -b. Washington Menu. or killod bîtween lbth Idyea, u for A&pril oen@ w itb lhe critica.l, racy ment; and tbe drilî.ground je the loveli the lit dey' cf Sept. 0ontribution cf Dr. Benjamin E. ellipse lyiuR juet southelb.hepresidenu Hames-Shal nDot lbe hunted, lahex' Manien, the well.knowu magaziraist, onl titi mauttion, kuown as hle Wbite Lot. or killod betw.'en lSth Maroh an'd lot, "TeTastion Period ef the Aioian Thiis level plain, Wbii ci]n baif mil9 Sept. ikMatn ,)oa"Whieb peied the intelligent je ircomferonoEtW Il ho f,82e n e- ait Sad ae ter, Mmbr -Mnk ani t, taudas ufficient te @est from 80,000 Sblue, Oteor Fillbe eeInet b eader need net be old wue about the j5OWwui hob. r.cted. The grounde May td thN OrV.d ewe begiiifg cf tiiscentury. The leading weIre Rr8flld by the Seoretary Of Wan Ma>' -Sud 1.1No.ebntd ano ediori weme tien Iargely Enropean on approval cf Gên. Sheridan-, and te ib e d been tlihe t . eyb01 Deo , and exiles, whc gleriod in tbe opporlunit>' ooeoitteo bave given bonds fer their thle 1 b ewynlof luhdaOocDc.au S glew land cf free speech afforded, and returu iu perfect ord.-r after the drill. tb e s da f Ocot.e aov themr ehanacters and metbods are D«iiy conteîl. Wil bore ho îeid Au nson an anis cf ire bo eD sketcbed wih &soute discrimination in prove tlie ,o.salonce cf the citizen Bol- nîportionibma inorhirdpsesorn tbia honest, searcbix'g, du.passiieiate diery- snd infantr>', artillery, cavalryporin themeBa, i thiipoesesiihe study. The paper il elegaly illus, amd zouave tactes.Cg- adet corps Of dns andhpeclsescs x', jeilabl te Ate trated. h te f-cldwed by lbe villerot iSmlîtar>' scîccie wlll drill for rîzei *sefinesapt a tes impcsbed b>'heA fo nd weu.told 51cm>' cf Goveror spots* weli as lb. champion companies frow elepf itn y oeaft er txpcosed fer wood's flUoseshoe CamPaiu 6 a i thmtry six.statos. aud bande and à um onsal or ieen w af c tfo r ceee- rel.ted toe cRomance Of Csthay," by corps wjl bein atteudatice frc'm Etso n cose s ortina>ho ee@ he p o pnaf Edward lugle, an accoilut of Early Seti and West. Each eveniig tieeen useobuth inlie orcascie proof c Virginia Exploration liaI ieseas fscin- wîll b. a grand dresparade, sud on sesse f i l ing otn ha ating to ncadsas il is usoful te nuder. Gevernor'o Daysud on Mmeurial Day be by the Party in POsssin stand. The third ciapler of Ibis the entire smm> corps from Camp dThe eu cf aDY cf the above.rnention- superb magazineijieta brief tnibute by George Waabington wiîî parade ou ib6 Nbds rep et len ents or ex' the editor to 4"Henry'Ward Beecber," bh&o.daspisît svenuea of the oity. No atere@,al sucnen poruknIe orn wgefine crayon portrait us lie ap- roiRitas, sel oru.Dor lakY ixgan> propriate frootispieCo te lie nomber.Notaernts@ilb@tfrth Tic seversl papeni lia fI fow>are Billn No prape or eknets Gane b. met fo DYh gingnlarly brigit, readable, and insInuc- Nytspupet c ai~Gm id Ia> live..Fredenlo G. Matien writes of - rp@stîoumtbig&D f h ",Tb iFrst Constitution cf lh@ Blate cf To Get Rid cf a Maie Intruder MWbo ao>'trpmeto e alcbmIi n>'rf be New York," a timel>' aud refresitig Fnabovel me-Srike. (lcidntî o ene animI odr bpd paper; Judge William A. Wood pres Frcithel OV.tICCR îclodse fer bniDSYaniae) ýodni cuti in "The Hcatherly Wam" -a curions -P ti&U oseeathnteu nia'b etrc> D bis pictuneocf oee ignifioant feature cf nZ ADVOCATILS TRE SM&LL BEOTHER, bnoiv teue wtoulbsiuu.nsyla early Western life; Charlea H. Peck SAD MUSIC AND FINALLY A FIîNCE- FINES- Offpeeaagà il l te Acl cenlibuleg bis Ibird and oonlndiog o&D-RAPCE.tht opuibd OXOmsl c" ?&aPOT on "John «Van Buron; A Stody *BADORAPCET bil hn#o uinbormatpon oanlnmai'>'oo m Bygone Politicit," wbereiu lie efoetau. nuticeformtion on c&S olaif itining evonte -of the decade prier l eoe utcec h Ps. s ,1w 185 ae hi' tmaLd . . h.man, To MLR.WIILUM xN E: Wiîî oee- 18M.8 w&Te b cf "ad;T. aJe- Feh I eojoy ail your 1. In the came cf Deen, by a fine net Duqeue"ina cevr udpleaiiing writiuge over go mmci, sud ncîîcing exoeeditig $50, non los t tsue0.su Dusty e Ch acHlloker s eud edti e acRiven a great desl et ad ceaie for eaci offence. - antior, gives serne entertaiuiL1gand vice free, 1 thougt &Iient ul 2 ulecaeicf i nstor9E8tbu #a notable tacto concomniig &"rie Making wonld Sit me the b..t zx',iod cf gelI. fiitbse rol e cig $5. nt ls. hn $ of EI*c>r7 b laa,» d BdSeud B. mg nid cf 'Lan impern&entW>yong tmax ' w8bcothe f o f uriBaionitEg#. i Underwood, U. S. N.,cnnhti weeneit uci preferable le hi.§ 8 T Ien aec u oaieaia pap n f.,ncbng ntrsl tee a wb c o m empMb>' afiue net @Oe4ê iflR $25'non leus nesdona, ,ntitled, -"A Brorcf 1h.Fan Ho0pix'R Ibal Ido Dtne st mImd . .I o $5, wiof oti ton acesiofenth North." The minon deparîmentli are your valuablo lime. &em re>. 4 etasfn estio eehol et59 lie equail> full sud eugaging. Tien. je BEtLLE. e aAd, o ih ORt e b>'a n ent exeedng 25,n net an uninterestiiig page helwen lie Yen de nr ol s'wy yen w li10 el b6. hn$5, ihos ira ae r_« cevere cf thie bandeome and poptilai id cf lie youug mati2, nmd yf sat neîbcraenf i BralAre p ls poriodical. Subseriphicu prie, $5 a wiat je lie malter wit biim; 'whetion aI 011 limes b>' aepc ineall bn yeamix' aranic. ?ulishodaIKt 0 hin jeà soon couveresaiel2alist O o tee Tb@ viole <foc iosalb s The appointîrnt of Jndge 00Y@O f ey ru j'%" yen. eau take lie rigil kiud 51 ,ure, la otten but the b.giiuiig cf a a Miehpsuforsix ear, Ix B enK. a yeuuenbrother, wiIh ix'fsumslel' uîkau. AYEE'5 CHERRY PEcTO-,IUl ative -Morrison for five, and Mn. Bragg. bain sud vile oye. sivnth an b is yen preven l effialusT! e@4ae' ig etl &lagama, for ta-o >'esasas gener- Ibumba suda ess4n0Poucrachaex'l 6ieaki whtae mai C sditun deamudshu Sahi'aticipated. 1 moax' th. appoint- of bis handi, and il e rpi>'"ik a.u mlcm-3vtotdly meula wene ax'îicipsteds but the ltin» lie boy ou bis prO>' aud fasten tie door A TeMrblé Ceugli Cured. for wbicih ope gentlemnen WO» O P seounel>', yen eau orne back ln au heur il, 18.171 Itônk aasevercýbold,.whîcb sOeOt pointed cresicd surprise, fer il vas ex sud doclyîix'Ryen ianI le wthv s nyii liaI ,,dater. b e0 IX pecteil tbal Mr. Morrison venid hlen mx.Iknow tuis le le tine, gaerme hwalOAKh~ cheen for lb. leng lerm, sud Ihat lie fer I have boisa lie yo0n ma'mMY, -ToRAL, whiclu neiteved, loy lupgxin ue second iplace w6uld ho given le a Re- sifaleep anti afor4de n -bo ea"eeesSi pubican. Judge SoonmakerC>t New 1 have asue been lie boy. fer ue mcu»51nofJtA. PM çokwh wsappointed frfur Tee ro her .indiguities wbicb fjeut cure Was effected. -Z1 manouw f62 Ye >esand Mn. Wsiker of Vermout for yen mugit heap on au impudent SaA old, hale andi bearty, an'd s ai~ lttod io tire, sdnolben mgadedasposx-persistent Younge Party Who doD't knew BKn PCoR1A aat.d a WTa. x bilities, and uohedy iqý Washingtonl isd enougi lo go home. UokgbvI., juillà , Iis ever board cf the Dame of the latter lu 1 have hiabvnyouvegDieu *hoin x- <,A9hV 0onnoctiell with anyîthiiig. f 1«W a bousehh*.t wv , e loe eradicateA 'i InfIAiê0bWI*I, iuto.iyf neoijas former lav pupil ofBeualor , D wUc Vn' i mkO.Te> o I hee mO1d1ut*t x'w My Edmnds au il etaiA theIisPresi- Dtldie in'lie houpe i emcsi.oo f e woliUuot dent, hsvîx'g grownu voi'lutnyix'g tl snob mosie viii drive, a'viy tii. ' ai CuRneafn>the conetrucl a satistaitor>' Commission, bnot Yun an Wvie Vet tried- le which ws aVay k= nteuse.- snd findig il im possible le g1l s.mil-stont d0in iisii8 w 1 andIpanent ah.ltpxbis3troin MasiOisusetls, Do en ongr =ô~e sent tér th. Vermont Bonster sud,,,f eutyoar elctiui becfa ad lithZeIYPCiQM folowed bis adrice lunxDominatix'g Mrn. d Ã" 'ilsx'Ohol7 nalte, O*ii4 wlth _o Walker. The lattor vus 110 e oùd jised loirs. Sbonld üb. wa4tkQ 1 b>' Mn. Edeunudias. belug ai e a m oh 'v sd o OUI Iournlgbt If e18*U, O_ ;&1ý learned and pnsclictl, of higi easdlig 'bae a gxlokbem *.-mg blus ',e "flIaVe m aluo onde do as y olU bion Bop'bicsivalalo feit K. doiitsIn~ Bel ox'nistlom#î -îi>' a41aw1, The onokt wbié s '%-# mbra1s oeboi Ye lib ut s IIhI 4S ot Wiem fo mopica a. uslin 40 Spmrbeà kiu8*of $A.ýEd*whrmchr a kn 4l me ofIx'koitéooýFM mCSmiitV 1q tbu beso.ij aoe utïuo pou »m xuaB ofs e'wing. Alw.y ix' rder irewreatmentha ' cils- hiterto nurble a i g la ab oU& tely e âe ANIte l n,, W tbre pp4ictDi ~1~~xintîerfre withý bUsiness.Descriptive pamphle gient frm. on rocipt of atamp by ISPRING -SUI* JOH N ÇERCGJ is SHlOWINGà BUPEIOB ST«OCK Sc'otch, English and Canad And other fine Unes Of'(Jloths, for Bprinig suit macle, up in latest style on shortezt Rîeady4flado -Mon'e and Boys' Suits, Benti Underolothiflg of ail Kindý ioeaTRCTIBLE 019 IlAT S 1 HATS!1 Lateast yles in Ra and sont Feit Rats 1 JOHN TUE NORTH A MERICA N L IFE A "m DOFFiE 22 T6 28 XIIG ST. WBSe, The Domftln orpu~as and Flansi Are Boetter than Any Other. The Boit Judges say Its Tono ià the Boul. It la bujit with a view to Duzability and Boauty. The Best instrument bo Buy. 0.11and Se O=r Gooa. H. W. FOX, AGEN ]BOCE T. - - - WH T. P London and Lanca8hire Life Company., This (ompny issues every desîrable form of Life policy, and lias deposited -wÃŽth tbe Beceiver General in spproved- Canadian securitîes ovor $100.00for oach 8100-00 of liability, thus affording ÂBSOLUTB se- OParties desirous of assnring their live will find it tb thfkir adlvantago -to consul8 the underuigned before.asqiringeuwhexê. T S.WintbyMay 18,!86. -Wy 0FO ian' Tweeds, si. ÂAU gaments bnotice. P T ~~ 8' Furnishing8 and CANADIANS H T !patent . Il f i h tS, thùec séîig, tiwo, yearm. Total, coul of Uitta rr. JHA~. Patent b90, oiil y$20 on g p p li ti * -'rr~(NIT the balance only viieu pateon ss lOV [*FERG.UD'.nN, T" oëtal ocanaist. 6yeà x % tIlt for $15 years, $74. On recelpl t ip1 Dundlas St.. Whitby dangWt esiptioýi-l fiie'ii 8SURANCECQ, 1t!9 TOBObITO menton wiiere you . MW ti a ýtr O*marnt. FULL GOERN MENT/EPST lion. Ai kziLMP, xPie ttrof CanîdPrsdet îruifSC HO .A;rIB IX. . . . M & R ESQ. - Éei o. coTJN TY ,< Bein 54ailUme nziiiSb m et b. vntao! b, xij rifl u eb , gmi ed le finta petec adcaullon recomeli sdurb. b IreoqtorSa-eme la cemUi ai iircP, tmpZo'Ve4dwing the litior pa$ ofà he8, au anbeen . 1.rg l omirw l-tu ie The eg u Û084 oater cx'lo, for a Cora- h n&aotdD nlOOOfOYOZPOflem iaeSb 5i-5 ~5' , a réeoa, ~ ~ a tI!le s oM.t- a(ü tr 1. Wlitbyo.Q ~a-c i lIY. A -InM. u1h oiymknk1*ll inot 1.20 for a ipolioy lu n (Mf A po1 cit e ge50 j,