Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1887, p. 4

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L~AJJIE GALL AND GET P. FE SÂAeLIE OP OUR Baking -Powdor. PURITY eUARANTEEO. G. E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Il oo PER ANNUM. Whitby, Friday, April 1, 1887 Wmut the province of Quebêe.makes a demand upon the Dominiot treaaury for more money th. other provinces of oWuederation May w.!! open their oye. 16la 1 vident 10 Bfl70D0 Who eaumoe. utruight thmt Quebte ile mot abe o,0psy eue dollar inéolt. Dominion troasury for every five il vil! ask t10take out. The. other povncs»reoomparatively tre. from b un which are of a kiud ocult.d 10mbarram lhem. For U M-tance, oburoh qusteunee i f tb. other provinces Put totether dos mot ost mçch more than S5,OOO,OOO a yoar, while ln Qoobee Bloue h oeils »eaay $11,00,000. The Dominion -ovevmeiýt May bave mde lh.boit the M b rgaiu %t oontod«atlonv bugt »e %dvsntages oouid e of &an, se- ouni 1 a pioiinoeburdened 1k. Que. bec. The grealeet curse. thal ever befel the prunch-canadiens vas Whou France slipulat.d that England should preserve th. institutions of that ta.. in Canada. Fn. on. thing it toi1 th. Freuoh-Oaua- disu people a burdon whioh uow yearly oosie lhem S10»UU,000. This la pmid tolheobarcb, and as hait as mach as the whols Dominion pays la revenues. Thon lhera le the olst of Provincial and Dominion Iegislation 10 pay. The pro. vioc. is bankrupi. snd ther. ino cher Vray of expresaug il. Everytiig con- n.otsd vît itiseaffaira i s rotten aud un- suivoEV. The burdeus of ils local -and ohurob expOflIs5 il far more thau even Ontario coonld psy, vithout paying sa dollar tb 1h. Dominion, aud ils reve- nues &Moot to very littho. Ilte linaa terrible bad way, financially. 40Twe Grand îury," maye Tira CHEoNIOLE, le .the. Ceuty Coni, V&7yexpensive sud ighy bllegood.» W. thiuk the. vhlojuy inopen to question.- And so, do w.There may he o me «etcptioni takbn t101h. graudjury sys. têtu on 1h. score of uselesanoes; but tia. maay of lb.hetit tjury .iniom. potence.. W. are by no uieans opposaid to, juntes. They are, perbaps, sanoes- ary toca euot lai as parliameéat are 1aoeau#thon., but oui .7.10w of vorking, them is msnifely vîong.. The granO jury, il smome a o4 usbabouts JIasu>vargumenta ata s «mmy 1nid- fiaavzià bmak <t 'mn mat ha**: the so miy e:prse oulýtr VIOWI. Thne M je fally in sympalhy vwiti lb.eacome, als4 peintseout mauy &avantages- uat: caàïttbut iull tem lie -tinatiop>, cfLU ssolluncb as intendeti'b the. roolullen,.but il laye, "Thoe o l jaeto eposciblo danger t10 b.sfesred fro m lie lioposeil sehoeme, usamoly, thait tvoeatbave -h.eoffeet et making- political influence s premineultfactor lu lia loction of sohool trut...." If that b. th.e uly danger t0thlispeces- fi working', oetheb. sobmo, thon v. maà' eselZ lokfer ts-uitlmte suoceas. The san.. dinger bouts lhe delibera- tiens of the Law Society, lihe colloge ef Physiciea- SBurgeons, the couuty coanoealla tevon ef parilaent lIsait, sud yet aUil are willing te o.aknovisige that eagh of tlie. PUaYS au important part in dir.otiug the logielation ofthle country. EVený th t boe' ,associa 110e bas ils Legislative committe. sud ne serions objectioncu bben raised te ils ontinunuon tie score et polies. The assoistion et sebool Iruatees ceiu h. muads s most effective medium lireugi whiei lie doutres cf the people eau b. made kueva 10 lb. siccative, snd vo bave ne doubt il vil! prove ef valcable service even ,tea execulive ilseif. Tii. majenity ef eut legiélaters, hoeerreli inforomet hey may ha on. municipal lawi sud Iaws iu general are indfiffereot s. e b.hesebool lav, banc. lb. necepsity of Saob an alisociation as foreshadoved in lie above resolution. Tie next meeting et our Board vill ne doubt threw more ligit on liesurb- jeot. Town Locals. Market pnce paid for (arim produce Nscw goode in every departimeut at lia nsv store. W. G. Walte-rs, Odd- 1.11ev.' Blook. BEAuTIuL braidet oasmmere jersies for $1, $1.25, 81.50, sud 81.75 et lb. baubrupt store. Cueroauof the Royal hotel barber @hop say ths vork doua e sequal 10 auy- lbing doue iu Toronto.1 Our osudies are botter than éer nov, epeclallb.hecroameand cioco- lates. Ë. Broywn, Dundas-at The proprietor'e of th. e mmersia sud ef tb. Brook bouse, Omhawa, ver. «Oc Û0n04 50 aud sosIe lutst o. Uibruaoe sd prizesa a s. Allia Wbitby Bock sud mubio tre. "COheuts," Ils lt.esam@ oidt ory. Our Nov Dr... Goode sud PriaIs aae by fer tie moat haudsome in lova sud li re.are lover, Ross Bros Dry God aporium. Weare nov eioving son..spocWaly NewPatterni in Bloansd Brown Worsled Coating, every mauin nee eo &Saltof 410oi« hosabudila jatlea 1 bimséeitose.cr eu no tck.CB r"B-o Dry Goode £mpotiim. Wuwrxa"eyo geiug to doa*bout it ThCEýÜkrap& Store viii poezlivoly Close in 10 days..Have yen laid in gooda eneugi foe the Doxitsix menthe ? If net make a B lia for thse Banbropt Store quick. It te c.rlaialy the cheaptît spot on eartb. " Do yoï knO7w vior. lh. procee are s go ?" "Proesets af vias%?" "Why, cf the elocution neital Montay nigilt, April 4the in lh. Town Hal, Wbilby.' -",No. Do yen ?" "Te.. Every Cent ias 10 go 10 lie Bandsy Library tùnd. Wb"t do yeu hbinb et lia'? " "Wiy, I think il'. a capital ides." "SBo do L Get our tiokets aI' 19 te refreshing le &nov a rosi goot Opera is eoming alen«Bf ter snobhalong blank.-MoDovella are ho b. linlise muele hall hore on Thoa-rsday eveuiug naît Apnil 7&b. Of lhsm tbe Mail say:-"Our Bagiment" vas repro- dueed aS lia Grand lumt ovening, vien s large audience vas proeut.. Appîsase vas generoaely but net un' servedly bostovet, and the perfoizu- suce- vas again proconncetly sacesa . M.McDo*ell bas indeed secareti a firia-l-iCseompany, sud thi. moitset oaci mruaber ef the organisation eem 10 obtain a bfuldisclesaro lu, "Oui Begi- meonnaetflise brîgileut- omaodies yet prosfed ineth isCity.Roser, »&Uaet aI ovees drag store. Prices 25 85 iud 50. Pàm~nu soten ssk ns vi>' tii. sud tbsI la not l ite Omusoas. We. . vays reply th it t lu tise. Ti trou.- hIeé -ot nt eeeug itenüms cones ienp..-ý pie readlug lies.papota viici ae »Il palont-type vili.theb. - oxo*on f a couple or thre pagea. Yn o » e v Mry$ glausmws., nOItm4 ug uuos eau, st Ompbetis'. Sm W,.-G. a r'f no as -i .,Witl, Md grée otIonlsihe.tiolg, shirt., Do"- iorat-t 01Mr. A.. W. 00ope lies etbankrupl dernier- oies.. bis: Whilby branchInlu10 tisys. Pe Dr. Dorenweud'î Greait Germau fIlair Magie for bàldness, gray hàir.i for sale by ail drnggisk.' The choiceet stock of cigari: mnê tobaccos 10, be found oulside- of the bily, are tobe bad et B. Brown's., CallaI Campbeill' if yoa are in *ut of à soit ti.eprinR. Their styles -wl pies.. you as welt as their pricée. Largeet variety ef phetograpi al- buins sud plomb goode suer epeue<l te Wbithy et Mrs. Aluin., Whisby book and musie store. I. Brown bas lhe largest stock et creame, chocolates,_ mîzed candies, grapes, fige, »., ever showrn la town.- Eloped.-Another pretly gihas gone with s beau-tîfui dres patte=u sleeled fram ont cheice spring stoek. Rome Broe Dry (*oods Emnporium. Doî'v forget ta, attend lia eûltaiin- -panst o-ulght <Priday) la 1hé. ?xO Reasding Boom at 8 0o010Loo 'A good programme vill ho providsd. Admis.- sion 1e For new printe, ginghame, wite offlons, grey ollons, seermnekore, cottonades, tiokiogai, caü ti u ampbella', they effert hem oheaper than ever offèed befoe in Witiby. Y Y U5 R I CU B Y Y2p»aswsvin tooking for spriug Bargains la Dros. Goode, Trimmings, Prince &o. Rose Bros Dry Goods Emporum. POWELL & Oo's pring mtllinfty openog corn on Wednesday, Thote. day aud Sturday of nent week, Sth, 7tb, sud 9tb April. Their nov abaver-' tisement luin other columu gilc particulars. Bear la mid tie dates. Raussoes you eau buy ladies button sud cordovau boots for #I, ladies finest kid boots baud woredi button bol.. for 0 1.50, boys or girls etroug eaff boots foi 65c., meus fin. osîf boots for $1.50, at the Bankropt Store. ]tourie aoddsu, imentionat lait veek as having robbed bis grasadmother in Uxbridg. to*ushlp l inoder 10 gel money for hie v.dding tour ta Mark- hem, wuas reeaseu Tuaeday- mon- ing. Dnriàg lu$ e eo .viole 10 bis bride suclooiug a Mise sud aebiug ber ta, write toi bimaeneloeiug son., mouey te cake hlmhome vien hiesojonre vitb Gov. Docker voaId end. Tues- day morning ho altended -il lbe post. offie sud eagerly avsited lhe diotrbu- lion ofet b.mlii. Money or nom»»»I --",& vas the--question. IRis fmc beoame bililiaut lfuahsd vith 'doliht on learning chic, a registeret toIle vas bobinil the vicket, vbioh ho te- ceivetiinoebange for bi u h Bleeulapped Ie iatter lto bis amat efor th. door, enpu"d lb. nesrest railvsy 03900onand" a ,b.. lins for il vithout .nqui.ing viaither tbere vas any trainsfor tihe rost of lb. day et not. Wbat did ho car@ for trains viîti mou.y in bis pock- et and bis bride oftavre.k ettheeithèr sud ot bis jouruey ? ne voult i»tea special. At »nY rate he bad soonaiâl bo villi-*ver vaut -10 ý seoet Whitby or any other tova pomeseiug a jali. Tim'Jubile. singer. muaI have toit highly flalleredBKt ie eplnacod but ve .haveont rdoubms.W. do pot preteadt 10 b4 ch alis sàustcal oeitl. butsacledtofçueieo ahave yet o take s bao em atsd v. bavesnsh 9a uit r.eoll.ctieu of lt.eOriginal Fiek Jubile -inger, that vo feeo nedai. lion l iay nlbylead lie processon. The laie troupe la vonlhy c onfdec au& volvorthi hearin and wvo iui , .ousrervocees utai A GREAT Brighi gWhitby Dry DEAL Goods -F TAST-E Good.s.. Superior Attractions- and Graceful Styles prevail iii ail our immense variety of MENS' AND BOYS' CLOTHINO, CENTS FUR-NISH-iNO COODS. More New Features, More Exclus ive Styles than ever. New York Fashions received every month. Our Tweeds, Coatings, Suitings, Wo.rsted. Coatings and Overcoatinge are the finest that enterpnise can diseover or money buy, and absolutely correct in style.- Suite made to order in first-clase style, 'at bottom prices. We ola, Bnperiorïty- in the clothing-,Une and leave the verdict with the people.,- ,Empori.um.. Co Corne, gentie Spring, Ethereal milduema, cerne1 W..,,. luestyearuing.ioryou. mauleenc t eo e.your'*é mote nemore, snd taule he-'seteus of ýur breath, sudliear ieheyoluseuils ofg vhioh attend -you« 1W. vint ye: te core neud lhaw Society ent oe ts isulue sud overshoes, sud shame il lie obuying Oa new drema se do houer 10 your p resseso. We vaut -your lIe-ging lafineuce-te. quickeu busiesa ltb activity, sud increame the demaud for new styles in Beods lbeem4 aud guierL 8egoplease hurry ou, utralgit tbingof beosuty fra jo . foreer, Passinto-nothingn'ea-,butostil wM - keep A bever.quiet, for n, isud a ee PÛUll o ieet dreama snd -heii aud quiot S breathïug.,m .woiin 'A fiewerybaudý-to d-i% -tolb ar NOW OPENED. -o- The. :Lag.8tand ]Best AÂ.sortmfeut NEW DESIGNS,' New Coloring, LOW PIRJCES.' A. C. W ILSON By'Law No. A Dy-Law for th# purpoae of efing thse.portions of Toronto and Pond Srsta i theTowns of- UmbrWcge, is.r.tofore C&Wlosp 1b y D.I*W No. Wiereae by By-law No. 189, those por- tiens et Torouto sud Pond Siteets - in~ the Town et Uxbridge bereafler partiouiarly descrihet vere eooe ud dstopped Up. And whereas ilta sdesirous that the portion bere*nater desribed ibonît b. convsyedtoethe Exeautoris of ths LasI WiU and Testament efthle LaIe Joseph Genld, Esquire, la order liaI lthe sMme May b te-couv esd tle acorporation of lb. safd TOIv. e 1 Uzbridge.lu purmsuce ot he provison couSsnê-in whissaid Will sud teterredt telu sid By-law. Andvwereas notieset-Ib-is By-law have hân postedlup and publiahecas orequiret 1 v. Therefore the Municipal Conil ofthe tporat ofethle 'l!'n of Uxbridge enacta as -tlovu: Thq1tichemaid corporation et Shc Tow- ot-'Jîbîidge rnay sud -ie bsrehy outhotizeil to metl sud oouvey liaI portion ot laud situat. in the spnoe ]ingtboecu 5h.tb esteulirnit oetPoni1ri an sd tia western lUmît cf Toroûfto .-Street, ila the. Townu f Uxbridge, l inte Oouuly eto Ontario, closet Up as sioressa taznd ýdesri*b- -et as followa,-thmI luSe osay:(omnme U . ng aI a polton lha Sou-h itde -ot Brok Strt -Sa alin. viti 41s front oet Lots -numbred9, 10# ,1 ud .12 inB>ok -F'. s 'apoemrUPOUýtb.Plan othtissaiT own of Uxbridge,,sud Northi 74 degrees, East 514. foot, itemthe NorthtiEast Angle et store- ssid Lote-1; liece Sothl 2 doguees, West 11lt; et théeo 8uth I8 degrees; BamI 27-test; -then 08 .'n 2 Sdegreès, Easl 67 fe ienne Nqâù ereit AWn. WoI t loand eu be atted bo tushestin ,iu conversion mOi ýmodern reme . HiraI eut te auy Âme BROOK ST., PIL l1 LOCAL-J WlIAT 4 19 48 G ON lm sUDGET OF UVEILY L sy Of[ROINIOL fias bornes rtm -h l*. Montres1 zuarb - -Have yen hougi> sour»e YOea r Soma have IbOug malter, vbelher lia <-wauàkinufront etflà ...magitrate tlimbe- ha opno arodu mueqepui a Moudày 4tW et API date 1 prsy 0 f arautdihaI -yeD promutelè lioe aeni thé Act. -Bo' fisbeen displayed in the selection of ou~r Array olfpro - I~/o8s

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