Whitby Chronicle, 1 Apr 1887, p. 5

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FASTE -ÃŽoodiý vai n ail our «Ixclusîve- Coôatings and rbuy, and absolutely uprices. We claizi um. ~ ~Ur=, ' Oolnn geLtl, Spri SYearnng for you. to eynnir wonêaffgoe more, sud tîate the =w . hf, and heai' týe joyans souu4a at.tend yon We waat you hw soriety fout of itsa Mr 4~ an>d ehamoi it ito baying a dliotior to your preseno.. 1ynr iftýgiv ugifluence ** Ji888 into âotr, ity,and incoei Ir new estyle~ in Boots, shO.sý So please b n'y on, -stratgh# auty Isa ajoy lorver; incroases; it iU nover ii 11088 ;but oti1IWU1 keep toif ua, aud a î4lee, tireunis, and 4eesi , and qui ývery inorro'! are we wrosthiag l ta id us to the esrtb adenceof thi tenhuman dai 08, of the gl=my ayir tithiv and o'or-dsrkoed ways ear,rcblug; V", lu spte 01 au, Ibeauty ,î,ov-s away the p*» !uary oI,C4B nI b<eauty. wu* 'e attt< utiou(ý Of theleste ,aad lace dIwalkiug boots. od fittterm aidfirut-elis ;ÃŽaa .A bottie, a i fench sho.. thowr, iu 'With every pair. fL0LU 81-75 the $2.50 Iunui dy uîce. 4 ri 214 IACdljoes &]go defferve Tinrpan f Montres!, the r, supplie@ us. No one retaâo - 1b & tuîe ,px attiau Wb KND MION, )ula huibd thsq ttan, "lke golden tars, iLndacapo groon. ws brawn be twesn. tu the river g4earnu lier <raians ler silver bor ead$s low. îuingtas ibs, inlaS wtb a i k, ixg lu tho g ave, I liaioailier lo've. ise, unaiked, if, but ij, nat1 ar i0und b&i qasioved ga MI alarme 1clectd -- bu, wboli eh Il, tho saulea le elItied oye ) 8luxbering 'l 0 luxuberli jWLnOSU detit witb tsar ani îuved aein tLfltiught. bouaih: wiffl ug yest :ýpain, -y indtesolp ta heôin u hou a yod me long? loy biwhele11ubt ift nt cocuort, 011;wol -sa kxud esac71bey 4, iace hOst Plomî <ha 4881sa'eibeùa&-, iozxllou hhat, we havé Sernplyd, 'and &Il o p! ttBuL. tc.Our rep ," ustkx g u j ha" -l 4 o 14 411*5. ________Aille_ O n s a k w e eBth ew0* 0 ,qo t h to sunoipio4 iutev olnoti"ftOM, frm the. polles magistratte s4mlftea A nued'on uearly aut watohus bit peouliar ies.oopi1 .z* Ms aaots. yodtobe d6feotiveO and *Iily put A? leastone womnuvote4 in tâe Laj.CL lbî.c h 5hWs afor these rossons mieenI Doiimx loio.;l o*Durh&m sud -West -r nd Sprng Ope ing of Mtlin ryt"l f ie grades of Amnerioru ing from the. municipal l..luNbiIbsya cmlts 6m1 h eêsl oos0o!Oxfod Ithe Came of auInuo"kp woman i the oiblia*.nactive milit. «Bne, 'at rd d<1 dto take Ithe rellable k.j o t. Riding lot, and was 1866 the veterau CÃ"olonel 'bausom .1e o riaka. lncoa8ed OIP1ovelolod yboth est thle Courts manded tb. 45tbo..Col Boun».<Ma te S owRof8,tie d heeerrad iieitva a!c Rwo. She ad- ber right b (Cobourg, alec complotes hait a ce aturyho lad he eer a v 6n in m v t, n dd v te u Her M ajeety's service with Ibisyear. 610 d u5,a"bi a ve iaide th edstem votDd a ou odte. ot b h w lu 187 ho organized tb fam b trooj, T H SA N AUDY df,îuble ad g e 0 e~rmm f lb.recits!, Joues? " the -"1odýtrgDragoons." noelq su péd cftii. Whieh', Brown?2" "Why the ctue Tais karLadies' College i.jehT . li oniy J a bout uefre.htdgyof tis;t1.eIo»iy Ladios' Collage lunOnitario under- ~î.Wbile elperieflOe bas ovor- 1<. eal eb ugmasi asgt give a full elocution course ~e 0juig ects in the attac»monts otume. 8omething quit. ue, Ibis incuh au l gioin luthe Philadoîphia or ~E ~~E.~1 h & h 40esin nido siY ha ahee lorton rotaeYe. Let's IBoston sohools of oratory. The elocu. t imprtat ivenionsu vohav go" "et'."ExdAwt Brown sud tion reoital auuouuoed for Monday ove. dualeadmai!acoy îaixeîJonea. rigArl4hi i ouhall, hon the display of NOVELTIES wil1 be more tha 81lyatatie .ms or acory aglhmnfytasY .C.1.e SMrweou Whitby, la tbe firsi sntertainmeut opon s au be fad ta os iahv pkn fo eusa v.un .0 uli ie b stbib~ tc DOW toudethe -puBlnaed ireenst., wduathey hod Bot0erty iniitation 18 extnded to all the Ladies to corne a d se te In e S o k o o b sd e d owtb r lal ut ue t iY.l uS P.5. oer0y-AsoI igth icnes iotfo tek0 in haveburch. n f ri ne YOe l gp r tuf i s cous . W Bote st e yore o atH. 19 v XOfI.H.isprpsedl&na ti.Sukmn ohe er Gneft oCdtat ofreP.M.Hape o Tesayev %deri wid ern Aet h uitîli a h t ish Wbrioa aik Mr.opp osit e s r utro e. fo atsc u re~t ny eiome ov ecet, of lat. a du Soial" n 2 t.nu< or e! bovlîofsow ff ide P& tiiaoBdea oMg rie uLii tl as i. evide , 1h deeant a hscnesonfo h e ies! arr u n wth stidn progismye IR " ueia êormn eeai ht IRC O TRA ANUFCURR BR O O K BT.. WforBthe occasin. ' rd i q o t a 1 n D t. A uiff cant n UPB R C T E E , H T Y fiftynd feotve te e tuei lslP att entooiMthoftibfe P.M.hat he ereon Tet asd He - o , E E E L S B O K movment n isprpara o ft whe oale 10a hrc f hi cunt . ae orpDrot soeineir oues! sude-8 - Ibis in nyImrianMstitthe B vr share fllysuffiion TaeMoofthia1wpromissomfe hàîhp cleg riet R ht tlataig h oienete eeSPtsD RTIN GPOR MPORTATION Itjith 03~tO7h1CITo wrsre ard ofo public iu lid suport qu!ota suot sbesd ocomouiiy ITipom reod ymo th s u ffrrfom D toie o nife srgrd ri - - -- - - îird egg te eeogg.deles by 1mw nary people te Mayor thinka Ley APRiL ht, 187. --te înce KBtoDo of iyznupctn e..chb sonit uhovel the 500w off Ihoir aide-H L APRIL Is, 1887. ga offeid foIsal. Snoba alw would valks, acoertiig tla&w ; sud ho aveun I L I AY S E P R ____________otail & a vut amena!of worlk upoli goos se far as te uay lia! Doeeoive let rg paeomk yuSleins H LACONICS. ho eRgseller, a ho vuld have te Mohnhiffe muot take off bis efficiel cea osh igtpt et mk our s el eons.Hssokl ag adwi sotdi tub off the olti dates sud insceonw anti wrestie witî he Lb. ShOat ud 1"tie various departmenîs, and lehsnwaddayNvlissei.l o i pigTae euCsLoaACONIoS t , in order te keep hlm broughî up biere tii. magistrate. Beie8 my ohoice articles in Dry Goo4e ehsancesloino 7 NTl'618O I N RUO TW - i gsa re ans el 1m lwslv. This the. notle deteclive rofnaod to dot GONQONIKAN AOMOTOK- bs gg 0 re '11 WareantM very properiy. tee. It je bad THE BEST QUADRUPILE - PL TD SLVR A E BUNIET OF UVELY LOCAL NEw8 BLEANED ON Tbursday last, Dr. Wrea- eog omk h omnbr b 81 C~1ONlOL REPOTERS 1.1.8by Dre. Wrighî, Friei, onthbolenougbt k o .ma@eu rdo. snperfermfded oft ma.kin oStbls hump round andi Co(mprng five and six-bottle Castors, Cake BaEts utrCoes ikeDs e4A ahiei'a amang ye., kin actes, Most difficll ioperatiens lu litbotomy k g ceulas t jim OduthNaknPgsKie ndFr, @e c m lse inthis viouni!v. Thi o. he -lws.1!ltiearlas t r le a k n Rj g ,K iv s a d Fo k ,P"t d SoYs o An, ait hal pwitIL ofnything sabout -the millt rb a eeusi 1 S IP eN rs dffeo patient ie a seul Of Mr$. o lu . * a T i . del qe s otv a rens n ol y t layG 'C E R y 1 MRMTPL CTO hpeuafo Te Adl and i 8 li o tbs I i R CE h E ARen ~ fieboe rom O oaou hi s eScond to Of e arise Out of the Mayor's arbl!rary a&0 Lb. Montrei mark.!.kiud tii. Ir. bas saeofllY un"dernt. If aIi the cases, go on ,ashI le vel filed with ohoice fresh Grocoies setdesealyfrheSinTrd h e ytenbouMar ert oelfr tho take n l & ifee months. We onupa detotive bas piotured hem ut, the You will flnd ln stock choico 110w ValenciasSeis udL yrEa.sucoc reia 'Or rather yonr fwlceta, for cf late bisaiuPon bis s"'""'l lavyers viii faboihen te . ovu.Ne urt8Lmo0-dCrnP6 reia -?om aethua.ta I a so ser O Ibiso n d ishe arme rm- biiig pril Pools'dy rominde e urns e o n irnPo lS ie falkn s o n ucurse yen are Osergoing. Ma. and blsvme Is [rer onullugodofBv.Rnr sL mtoJr Rve tho ttholsrit lb. aide. orheses-s! ea"l hey at 1k. ft. usof ago lr et fBe.Ruysieh xrcto h etq aiyC n e odO sos aukul ronbtfhertir lots rac!.the Onide-dYers'eru o e ied tie »b Ward Ce .be ms!peopise a are Fi.nnan Haddies, OrangeL m nFg,& . c ma i otra thoi lf. r ot a he bis front c f baVe rug5on a odw M» tht ai?. Beecher neyer epend th. opinion bi prodod severandve'. nid.Th obo istfront oe lie pos! eniuelOpos enelosing bis pulpit queutions Chaice Tea8 and Coffees' of the lietvaealajntok for abhorse-power sud profeeded te o u it asrld Ib overDeA H", aLve yen bougbt the littIe ticket YOU round snd round it, Do&tak"ing imb ao-thlka &ientil wof . ile hyer t onn- ,-, rT-T'AgB ?~O X I mu& puas iu at telielciet, on lie sutth fc iIIere vua a uItertaeavntgofIsaamryug- -' ', bionilay 41b of April ? Don'! forge! the unthfa tst asotf duae wrole "April Pool " acros a larg dae p o f courue I take for biteed&tethera. f1'er. vas a bsr .ieet ofpper, eo se1 ! l t na alarge granlo t l a s ye Un k o w ea b se t 'is sm asb-up o T oeuvelop e and l i 1 n m r. eeber' waut.8 by àaloen diffrent peopls se WÉILLiAM Dix crbr' wnsbipl, a.à onua BndâY oorrliC Apfrlet-. Pou erry bas ne Temaperancecf his brcther, ;Ohn Dix, ho a prom. î'&M ÃŽ eet &Cà re eagecn Sco>cfany- kind. After li.y bai lasr> note f«r 012o on May' 141h, 188,1L tnts. After a moment'$ refleellon h. Socuis asg lsSetyIoAct ayablesix uiqnhs after date le Wm. ai:"This le a si"jular communlea- thoc'ai vth e s ir otee S c ttf Ate Isi, WaU cemmîtted for trial a! tien-an ,xraordlnau!y eue, ila estL frindeof o lque trffl teonfrcethe Court-hous, yester!ay mcrning, b>' aM»in roaipt of -thenundu cf letter$ fresofcthe iBoWmare tafft)e4%. r. Wingfield, J.P. Wrn. Hartley, a during tbe course cf a year. BorneT Tr 1 IA r T T' I~ i them. LEowT?, cfie Sal st kenmanf abut 75 Years cf g, cageiguheir names lo helr leOetto vceI J y 4NT VEOL MIL pousesslol f li fam usmantof vii aviag set fi ors t e .barn cf Dr. se Many ohèredo Dot. It àleane un posi n o f. th e Blire ea cpit altOaI hne narkel, w ua 4180ec 0mcrn- usuel opourrence for a Man te write Me fermer -nti. jpo e aeva ia l o-,Mitlod for trial b>' lhe.Reevé cf li a later ad glet tu aigu bis iname, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ qlierndtii. ilctr i tale t lb! ov. Boicses wiil coma before the but Ibis le the fOral ins"eta inl wbleb sa bal n odyeveing, vs tblnk lbe publishu>d 0oeutaslDoGmoreto'011y;s &onBUT.sî .It heosal# 1»ui t onin o in b. m uuieipalitl bailouat le vithe lie people wofItheSlut Tmm man>' tieud fM.and Mne.. it le au ,tranrdlier>'effort of the uelieopeonfthlarvle a Aorlca» wbo sou or Sons- Thora 15 ne Mnu doKa>', wbilst regrstting Ibeir imagination truil>. -Tibe eroineof e iiiimtrî;udvela hdo early tieparlure t te .Nom-West. yU« slow>'ilu lovel' qusen vastarnser' nulle ,iih tbeir Pickenlng trient' ln ber» 2000 7arsgo 6 an h ulie~~ » th tela ns ectiug ho X R Q V .I~ A W wiabng em oti-peei, na ibcom cf yonhh leist ber lover. "Miioh~.e lm eu nzl6IAe mesaurs cf eoelu hbeïr n.v home hhousand jearsn ubi or uacv ithmii vbbt ieir Irise vorth entilles themuxntil b-ei<Otadselnmt, cf lb«n p eul. ealedsue te. Our t"NoesLetter" [rom IPickei»giedlyea ullh»0vsle ehbotnm vii h ntadviiineret b>'thosî wo 644Or ralher vas Caplured l su d smash-up ocn*wd p is-----n- ver' naleleb. preent at lth eavo- brought ta e b >'ber sUbjectelaives Grand Trunk Bbilusys- eOU talting on Monda>' eeuilug luit. àch. alle t li. Thon hier. Vwu,-& on fSahw!8a7y.,A fvslgbl rcin ,mmg TaiDisrit Cntnue qtbeoug nOIi ix earnsit sud gétiei hupa goet w. -dwle4 t é,Ul0 meon'@og!nmhuÃŽeIsrPu U>hbOkasbùb eoMtbebaca1o- -osVSê4 a e bu opoe Iuonu ytbbdelae i>el a~ estc t<ua oettiht~f in, ctgp .@ ê i.Prori Rs c OOey cuoe oeiu»sud ma i th i liitw 4!0@4 a ug- grsntns ai a>'infrmaiQf o a u i d or ra4 *15in>"*1' -W- borougb. n&12h thTis@t ,«yfélRdy.t oeontp couuile op _d Ii lu at-endUw a hile eoNO, is- e *- rb*n4 obtisi Youge et - ho aIheieThe nia .- xprl tutue i suingdnsud mai.pro nd 5, s. -~ J -r- -J,-----

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