Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1887, p. 1

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LIVERY and SALE' STABLES, BaOCR ST1REET, WRITBIr. 11 Gooa Rip ansd Good Heorses. Terme es. souable. 19 SBEUBT 13ROS. ._~ 6,000,000 PEOPLE Uft FERRY'$SEEDS D. Mi. gFER &tS. W For I'- rgtoiaN4 I~RLEYI~ÂN'S P OWDERS. woltz Areplcaett t-tLe. Coris.u thbm 0w Pargativ'e. la a i sf e. sure. aud eàlxytasI datmwyer et worw An Cbidren or £à"1 DNNS BEAKINO POW-DER HE CO'S BEST FRIENO Gaii-:ih"- "'lu -JUST ITO HÂND- JE-WELLERY. CLOCK- 1 and- 8 Dsy. SIL VER WARE.,. I rI iii show tt Most stylish ýks.of )WERS, IRIBBON8, ever shovm,* to visit Our iiMilliney neyer more, N"eXason. >HINGCSIF iWcs and'pri- xve can suit. tepartrnents.. ~;co0 itore is- stili have christened at Which yoti gest stock of (roclery, ire ouiside old cheapý o weeks. ect for' g else- n)ot. of ail kinds. ,- Figs, Candies of ail. AloChoice ail BSON, H IA TSTORE. he War! ever to bey your E, ETC., ETC. 'e cf lOer cent, on ýnd Dinner Setts. 1Fruit Baskets, Fruit r cent. discount, ho 'cil assorted stock -as and Coffees, b- Oysters iu ng Powdçr Whitby, Ont.' *0e stoiday 8eusore bep by - o -uh WII clmPrntd oidi,1gmt oughts, sMd unthcg Jidùf VOL@ XX« XI. yjstablished 1856. WHTBY, ONTIRIO.' RIGGS& IVORY, NEW GOUD8I, B. B. cor. Ring suil Yonge Bts., Toàonto- EST TEETE, 8 on ribber. nec Leadinq Wee~iy InDOtario Icountl. B OelluIoid, $10. Gold, M. ~ SUBSRaveIPTION RATES. thfro -IOT S SUBSCRIPTION RATBS. Thouoanido of porsons, absolutoly punis é I. H o s il per anflfm lin advane-8P.60 othor- by the use of Vitalised Air. BX TAN DRG B* ,,. Subscri tiofls. re Iway% payable a HEsTtN BJGIT biê office <e>utlicatioli. - gStsm equipment and boit furnlshed st wî Lnrly Lnle Ere, «TIZ~Y Book and lob pritnfg plat ntlu atorn Torontoj »o)a' ey ag a 04ti GOmarlo, capable of ozoouling AUl olasse. of a nhn oy ag n e~h york from tho largo poster lo the salmit A R CH IT ECT.-Of obrtstmas gooa, ompulslng W.ndbill. Speolal mention in made of 1h. ,,rà» r o ai sof T= Onnox- , > , , ,. 003 wthit cleraedN. Y. COttreil Doaigna for Ohurchos, Viltuand osu d j s VVOrK Ioxe8, @Iider presu3 and other modern ocuvoul- tages a speiaty. tiwawlnge propsrod for ,Ou. içvery order reoeives prompt, este- remodeiig oxistlug structures. Id attenin Ourcu-Fint et over IHovso's Drug W ik H i es nl SOP ÂDVEtRTISING*; to e. P 0. OdoUS, Cas pirst insertion, per line, 10 cents;a I a .1,,Ant insertrono 6 cents. 4-fl9mi£ aM na i DisIE'Yod dvertlsements 6" mesui'e4- by a scab of solid Nouparoil. sud ohargut meordinizlY. n ihu rt Adver$et1iOmO *sen wtotwitn instructions5 iuserted until !orbiddou, and ohsrged for full timo. Orderu for discoOftieiig sdvertUqemeflte mueut be inii wnfg, otherwiie the publiab- ~swill not ho responaible. & liberal discount fox COntrsot adcrtlse- monts by the year. (Iopy for changea o! sontraot sdvortissmeflti uhould ho handed in not lator than Wsdussdsy; sud notic of any intended changes ahould ho given before Tuesday noon. Other advertie- mDenti receivea up tq Thuzs<lay noon. Business notices l ocal or news columna Frios cents per Unie weekly. Locals, 10 ets. per lino weekly. Oorrespondeflce solicited firoru ail parts et the County or uelghboriig towuships. (orrespoiideflte arerequeStt e o od lu thoir commuicationls ni prornptly as possible, - - - JOUX STAXiTON, Porsin sup't Mechanica DeP't. joaHq E. F&REWELL, LL.B., B ARRISTR, Couly Oown AtoreY, sud County Solicitor. Office,- Souh wing, Court Houa., Whitby 4 JAMEis IUTLED'GE,, 1> ARISER,&o. Office !ormerly 06- 13 oup led by FarWovei& Autbodgo, Uet e Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN1 Am Ohancery, Convoya=«O .. OraID-lu lie Offie Souh o! th. Poil Omfce, ju MoMillma Blook, Brook Stroot, Whitby. ly-10 G. yOUNG SMITH, L L. B., ARRSTR, o &kojjMunelt'OLoan Onces-mifIth'a Block, souti of Markeh, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. AS, 1878. johNs BALL DOW, BARRSTB.-T-LAW. SOLIOlTOR n Ohaory, oveymoerc, &o. Whitby. MONE? TO LBND-Prlt0 FuIadsk4- insgumnup t lm 80,sat asow ratoof i- toeset. (ra LYMAN INGILISMJL L- Bq' o» Street, Ohav. TI.MELDRUM, MB. (TOBONM-O D Utnivorsityj)LRCP nLM(dD bargh), &c. No. 8, TUB ~'TERRA&CE," BYUON-ST., WHITBY. W m. M0B RIEN. «-D. 9 M.R.cuo. ye B.70 H.la.. Osh&va,.Ozilo- Y. WARREN, K»., C., .il. W. CUTHBERTSON, -K. B. (Tomouhô4 ILD., O.K., (Victoria.) .flVY ICZ: BROOKLIN. ~.C.CRWOTK Saimuaeftoo b. * col-o1i57, Orders by isuor tlOPI.grephpMyI atime sed 10Of. . C i Oic, gboDaIidaeu t .A opst H. VANZANT 2v:8 t.ok 08, Toilet Cases, Large Vases, a m a ssrtment oi other artwsict"lb fer preOset. CàU and Ezamine Our Stock Bel ere PTCha4in lfg Lewh.e. LAMPS Osfl sud ueo lb. largo susortîsoul Brass and Bronzel LANPS AT k sd Dauda.Shoots. >M PRICES!1 AGENT POR TEX ZLEBRATBD Cor. Br"c SOTTC Pesos, Propoe, Kuowl.dge, 3rcthoih@@d. AYAPIUIL 8,- 1887.0 NEWS -LETTERS, postrofficewal.opened on e.Tii. building oertaly tb the towR. W. haee abi. :tii. boulfice the i tos M0 mince liaI lime han be~n gradually A. number .1 accounta ver. premsnled eitiking unlil Friday mo~nmg wien ho sud read by tii. Beeve sud laid before- quietly passod over- with tie majority. What migit have bepn a serious accident ocourred here on Sunday. While Mr. 'A. Barkoy, wau lea.ving Burton'. shed, ope runer .of tbe eutter broke through th. jce, throwing Mr. Barkey and hie motier out; -1he hon. gel away and rau u p thheroad O. 1V th. counil. Mr. Richarde presented 6o petition from Thou. Harrie sud four otherrt. payera of Whuhby township as3king the Conil b appoint- au arbitrala te I consider lhe advimability of roducing-tlb. limita of Union sohool sectiou Il.: 1. Whilby sad iokeringsud addinïlgto ritoessi x.lucl- M. ryMjracopue Y'is; jroprty on grvel road .proVent pfoer, th. Beavorton fipe, arry Brdshsw leave for Lnsas OP o w hevfrm drifting on road in win0Qr. 3n il. Il eems tlobe gaine Thorsday. M. Dobuon. Beove sud Mi. t hheoS 1w. trottere. Whthei The boys have ,lrendy begu b son- Couneillor ef -1teaeh Townuiivere a beat hir or net ve cannas gregate and sun themeivee in front ef hard as.,a oommittee from BReaoh ny rate mie didIn't gel &bre the uhop; ve may regard Ibis -a aure-70 ouncil vo improving vs4on.lovu n eo h tslime, aigu of pring. Wiitby sud Beach veut of Midlaud o. Smith# Divibion Court Tii. mimsionary cemnitteeo have Bailwsy. vith a serions accidonlulat ent heu agents on lie war.palh sud On motion of M. Wilson lieBeve fle spliting 50W0 W>Ood as report very geod resulte; of ecurse il is M. Medlaud, ad tie mover.were hoe as ju inlu tle sotset of noe duefu ing lhe dimpled beaulies. aPPO!td a commitWta l e t'u doe ai*ci ith &U Tiie boys are home frein Commercial cusi-0tiacomi *. rIn Teac au unusullY tougli 014Ck,(llege sud are prepared le purmue Township with rpfezénoe t. impv 1 11g agitupo 1h.olobesline, their aocunmoued, occupations; îieytonl.sdrerttconiaiJe tiel Ibme fuülforce, Of!the eminfnlly sstified wiîh hheir violer's. meeting. - bis boend. We are Pl@& okasrgrsboiieiicinad on motion of Mr. Medland, Mis.. ho Je able te gel about *agam, amusement- sud iutend flnibing -jieir Wlo u adrvr pone h, hie hmad veli baudagdP6 cusenî h.mstm committeo te examine a vashoion lÜ;ot- 4 bean a ieood~ Gril he nevor il ion been ouir pleamure te notice their 2.4 in 9th Coni sud - report te16, iniýl. 0 Stood lie force of tthe biow. brilliaul oareerý ve shail bld bei n su On motion of Mr. Willis Sec. byMr, re shuegenis l ou tow. afectonae ~Medlands by iaw vas inlrodnoed sud. Mla diseoveed us n ithal siféT onstdieu-r6qie a i pa su ad pasaed ils several readinge amend- pehh angceret ralplrang a T .White, Enq., oui véteran snd ing by .law No. 620 appeiin g OveiWers bbthin ger Cosof' aroodng, 1<> t tonmatarie home laut of higiways. uoie ivi. "m-u of lie S par T»OnItat k f.q Pil.t . Whi.-Man., wiere -1frOWilson g lnoi tat ei i ing sem teia L nov e l t est i -o n Mflr . .Bi *i Wher eet bas gene ta > aI neit meeting, cf,ounoil asicfor lbave ýh smewht noel,-* trck ook ter ie iteret:we believe il-is le iuîroiuce -a by--law 1taappoint. &d frein lb. cov.catchber rigil bi intetion te setle dowu in tiii collecter oftles for tiie preneu year,' " " Dralu, s i in eu I pae , wowbico i f- n-o te prme bull p. lderseçoMr.d bý Mr . W iloft' 6 bouud ta !ufl on th ie H . report he eather lier. 'fin.e and itroduced a ^bylsv 1ta uýtiouize ho w u the iIdir0Oî'qite niegy. i mela bolecmence he IeeveýandTlileaurer ta borrow mouey wbotbr lbtafiul t e n ty pring vork, uithougi ho dI s l e m o ie c re texpenses f lhe aot isa frd iohr a pWatentassrinshel mn aeds 11151 micipality said by.law pssed -its appfsd or r mt. Wsl Meso b ve actualy fnishd erseveral re@dinge ad vas adopt., ir i inanind 1 There in noli- seealng. Oumotion e!M. Willis lhé petto a bous Diok but is fOOt4 Lut Sndsy evening a large, allen-. pr.seuted by M. Richards sud ýBaster ener avlng a serious au lie asud inelligent congregaien *ý vws laid ou 1he t'able until the n i dolbodlet ohudrch, o0 SBnday ujbied, lu ticMetboffist oburob 1 meeting of council. . n janitOrw»asJùlu nthe nistes asrmon by. Ber.- W. mou motion of M. Medlud -Soc. b» Ielno.e i neirs bt5t n"aen"se ano -'c MrK. Wilson, lie Be.'.anid IMv. Clder Lithe bnbls Who ben -t he llci frvO S B aay. IH. dld -ntat voereappoinled s-a m itela exmUine »Il îa ud11 tbo e OnOOdýjavunW he laIe pysher sppr. hat' a 4rprt a qt bois 051Wro ~~..th âaaeibb.ctent of oa hua- dré dIlas~ W . tbisk Itis Ide "lie qui sitigovr okdatter fa 11111.~ ~ ~ ~ 114em tir a.nl. iw; quiz alWaJs pa dob br on auday- afsfceUi'e duuing ,ervie» o nodoubl apanie ouldhavosheel te 08suL. on YriSY of lait wvee vs a8s visi frei g>.Inland Revenue Inspe tor; sud t te i sonlbnf tOui niâgbtbthSnt be18, ouîlu amongeut escucOs hrebeors.Ie lu Ouu1~t@n Wser a ullon, sud' Bslt, e, u lirplaces,,bas for - lie, boeu"bronnb10 .I - lan-osg bess iilvuuilU. eru2 ai . eal vhi*0i opinons et commenlterolii. thedifeérent den4, mA40oMs, s hmirebss i kin rbvesi deubt torcibly ey.pressed bis ovu viciions, be, ored, hovever, lu piel ont !dividnal sud isolaled casesi lrealing hhem se geueralitiea .bel bel convîttb ies, wbo are- led -ai byÎ lie peelry of motion Ultô indulgl a wAllz, et., f iIs eri1l-endeucifli, AreBUt uaie tats, but altogetheý 'Was is Iqst sermon liaIbas'.I delirerd hbe.for soeG ime. Loi HARVEY LA-MP& w.B R OWSE;- OHEKIBT 1".D DRUGGI8T, Tes 8~oons . N-ý b - 1 y Ne - .---«Moommm 1 1 1 M; POWDERse (ti-6 1 1 - Mirrors in Flush, 1 1

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