Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1887, p. 2

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&,ad ~Itemas tolon froment Zzchangpos. Mwi BmuI.ifnsy *ulewed hebonde, ol holy marînln4oDy wifbMe 'al Oqiuntie.(dîughteof Mr. Thos. Ooute.é of t"apsue) ou WeWdnedy lat. The presuls vers numernansd eoaly sud ofrity la vlshed for The many friends o! Mr. W. J. Trouuoee, ou hesng that heovas about lo e roons rom hero, asaombl 4 M bhl place on Mcnday evening litaisd pîoeeted hlm with a besutaimi silver odlr pitoher. Ura..Trounce vas &ao made the reoipieut cf a aUnver omuet- stand àud cake basket. Mr. Paterson sud ailiers ipake very hâgly cf PMr. Troncesud eaid liai the town would suffer a greaf bas by Mn. Trounce leaving. Ho lia many varm fiends lier. vho vial i hmmueli prosperity viseremever hoe may go. Mr. A, B. Qould lias sold is entine stock cf Dry Goode etc. to Moeurs * Porman Bras. wbo vili carry on the business lu-tic marne place. The expensusent cf givlng rýeilgus intruotioua in our Public sud Htgh Sohools has been io fat suomesful. W.u belleve pupls, feadheresudLaparents are mtiufed.. Au houn esci veek hbu boon set spart, durnug viloh ivo of fthe vllaDge olergyman take fie pupils of the l.èh-8obaol in oe uso, sud the Mpupla of the- senior division of the Pl c Bhool in another room, sa diseuse with theniorne portion of the Bible. Tho pNpils vho have amy couscenetiaus objections ta takiag part in the exercises go on with the. uscai sehool vork lu another rooru vith lb. tochers. Last Tsday me b.held on. of lhe largest 55w loge that bas even been seen u i"part ai the. eountry. The tree frami which it wus taken grew on Mr. John T. Pound's fanas juil narti ai ibis village, *.nd vas blavu dowa about thre. years &go during s heavy - vand stoen. The. first fivo logieut from thbe lree measuned fifeen foot-eueh in oireumièenesud ver. oompoeed of good, sonna, cdeau, limber. Tiiey Vere, takon to Utlea tw b.eut lut. shingles. Lait Ssturday s number of our lead- igbuoinese mon met Mn. White sud rn. Machla, of th. G. T. B., to falk over lie consllruetiou cf tie Orfvigii bridge. Tii.*aviantages 10 the tevu are veil understood; but th. railvay aittionities, seeru Dot le have kuovo tut hein lntei.sts miglut aleb.pro- moted by the vcrk referredto. Mn. Ross, sud Mher gentlemen poiutod oui "iathfe large sections of! tis omshipe of Carwringht, Mauvens snd Daflinglcn vliieh migh be madeftrlbutany totfis station efthle (Y. T. B., by the conulruot- ion cf ithe bridge ve rnier te. Il vwu morm onrnueeprevious goflue on- pleflon of lii. C. P. B.; but, since the op.nlng cf the station af, Bunkoton, à Iood deal of grain sud otien produoe ru preredthtUne tote filor au o! Banketon, 'for Port Pennyla moe nearli5adjwoeut, bat 'bem"ue eanng Assoo asthese ud otier faoe vers pr.euined, Mosans. White suad Maekilu UV 1h. étsation,sMd ocoladed f. nemove fhe diffluliy as for as fie rates are eono.wo.d. And thsy also coeludi- 04 te neoomnd tie expenditure cf 41.00 tovanilatho couslruclicu cf the Oeartvnsgbt -bridg. Tis in qut. Bomé bcd>' iuug ap. ou tie door cf ' b Ii urling ,l»k *a mI i.of he gpoil d tshe alub-m5tsnedst"he i.ads d te Peterbono eluis. Some of tf i jrs vi. falled ho aps.n .16t, W'vder innelption an. te b suMapoped toài ttmpfc oti Tise prpleor of tise Gordon Hou. ibaving fieeplace re-panfd through- on in l a ver>' artsts=muer by ti. von.»uov .ineJs A.R1s aftriethe ion. appeszw sue : (lot uY tmem. tqemzade ise uàtaot poltn ovuand seoured hu releaso, hungi' sud gutama ssdvq is former -,stoi. -I pa -i', ho _ uanotleed bbee okeA l t00 curc thi.day $rParker vwtled.1h, viere h. remeisled for about a monli wifio*i fodonsterk. - If '1#* sud ýha -brute creation i.eudoiwed vifi certain lu. stinuteta 1;otposeessd- even jy fh. more intelligent clans of human beingis. but viether liei.dog tirougi instinct vas miaeavare cf lie facith 'at hie ovuer bad sdverfised for hlm2, is a malter upon vhlo w h asU nef vcàhsa(e iù opinion. The tfct remains, liowever, fluai vit hin aàshrt turne aiter the. adt,. appear.d sunLthe Newa# the do>g vas rbeovered. Bey. Mr. Toneil, oi ua levubarel>' esped* beingr kilied thse other nigluf b>' b.ing tipped oner lu a bus. vhich oollide d vit a nunaa>'hons.. Sunday nighl Tios. Gane>', o! Ami-. buriam, eSýovoer hotovu, sud-ifter a too-frequeut spplieatlýo f thee loy.. ing bovi, begin londly te -vent bise a. uberauée o1siniÏrts onthe public Mate in lauguage more foïoible fluais tbmb>'. lava of' ts ehighl>' àm oranvapermit. .C.Pidgeon gstherosd u n'l. sud on-Monday -rnorring a'fine aifS85vau imposed for havinig used protane Ian. Partick Barry, the Douro Mau via ths& Dr. Baztere. c ce vason atvoek!lu tise effort to qu.u* bres vas blowing sud it wuvait4~ hlm. thou.git impossible toe i tb .o the olÈo. or fluetadjoluing bbi"kat# shop ovued by Ur., H. McNILŽ Tii., ûnr ia supposed- ho be fteérnuülof spoufaneous combuston .eaudbe&- » ehemica ation, as ne are iad bien aou tise pr.mises for som o lime. D. A. Osmeron of Suis con. Thora vas hifciing hSm team 10 coma ti tovs l veek sud mien heh bd ul>' Ivo ,Ames hif.hed th. ions.. tarf.d off. O ater- C'au juaseb ataoh..g ab th. yi thu é u>'o<e uleigli vasa t»t4oe o liwva imps~b1 fr hlm te pe't n "p. ie ahAaog ifa- as.. Ifl »0.» uitemeeswlr frouas idô aide and ener>' instant ti.ae< t 16pset, but Cameron atuck bravely te-tie linse sud after -a. long sud daugorous ride lue manageA tobrbnug liem le a standstlll 110-lsu the verse of chair mile-a-minute gallop. on Chrisetnmlsve it viii be remen- On Tuesday Iset, Polie Magistae bered tried ta drivetise Salvation Army Dumble committed Joseph Eenham-ef off flue streete, &adA as nearly maibed Brighton, te osi on a charge o! perjnry. in Oousequence. ha. gofisirolfi mie Bail vas refuaed. anotier serai>..- SaturdAi>'night about Ojed> iaFakGa u eighi o'codk, etthle oorner of George Tos. Dondustre afnk Gr -aam a sud Sirnoe streete, io kudeked downUcss fo ilng ils. Sooli Aot. Tin.- a young blausmillu nam.ed Roberteon, havebefour onvite ctnsl o ee sud kickediin lutfe for.iead, influo. a " entu onitosint.vï iug aàn- ulgi>' vcd. Barrye.oaped Ou Saturda> laIt, COcnýusen Delany lirougi iiie erovd tisaI asembled. wu esnteneed t. Ivo mentis u > Robertson wv abdl>' urt. for obtalniug .10 from Messe. R. G. Il la bigi lime Usat some actionvas Blukiam sud Wm. Steen, of!-Port faken ho veed oundsud clo p t.he ope, for tise owuernsii>o! a boa$t fat vhiukey jointe "iaiabonn luB11quan- blongeA ho Pst Nolsu, cf Ooboung. tons o! the t10v..Tic>' have -become T@ofmero omlte là»i a regou ourse sud arn ruuing ouu- mer dreds o! boys sud youag men vie Lt..Ool. Vilers, D. A. G., hirfwilton drink -fie vilsestuiff old as liguer, bY t10he Militie Departmeaî aaklug tisa tise dive keepens. Tisàlaon. o!fiheftheocmp> o! militan>' aaafu.hlonfor great eniliecifie BoU Acf. If tie re 1867 b. -Ioeaith Kingston lu nn. epoctablo hotel rmea ver. loft édoue for neAsu d th&ia sides alluig lie StA àslixae snd an ho« nsd eanu«te.t-Bgmucfavly i.Kn asu deanor made hwo uh lhe deni, seme DunAiF,1 Btteres et"@ 4db, 451h good mgit i. aocmpllsed.-Poer- sud 47thiB ente o panipate lu ina bora Times. militai>' veur, lie rasnflt o! ex. Satundgy ifternoon -sa Enuisouspese cf fie 141h P. W. O0. Bih.,1 iarmer luformed fie polio. th"ai#98 o! 51011, flleie it san yeLigit hir lundi hail disappeanetlitou hi taln eievllL, bsud in7ê Bat uuParktandA susiionheva b. noiot o!t fe>' mi>'Join lu a grand -decu-n vas beang arrangeA, hi me sea aloPeebrob pd u n hier enterd d u ianded over thie bec- >' 91 EtrM*jssy'saccesson tolii. di.. It seieaft liste ief farmses -brone ofthe Britlih Emifal uphv yextracted ftiec mouey fim -WSfeffe9Ob EtaIeo iii.~~~ poae iledlkuga isn u File ihao.fuan sud thi.youug mau'à fatier, brother r l f~e. inwatùo.- Ao to fermer No.- 1. be.ooelg avare of if, 8000*P&" lanAtheu v1éi . -pres. lu hum teck il frôm hlm viiie ovas O -omadm wlb péet sleeping off thie ofs ci the, lquen ho Ofihe legion ci vod.r-etnuSk obesrv- bad druuk. As it vas alia tiebm n, vise, on Thuroda>' laifiook 'utock" nothiug vas doue mibth fe ligif-fiogen. lu su suaient fouli.n'-O., us ned 22 ed youtis. y.a s ago by Mn. Stanley' Hoveil, vIdi EwdTlerney fstally siet Iimsel vas cniu.ily sue«dnd (a moe th Bnrigitou' rosAdneom Trenton. Slurtly bain on thée GneraiLm-vird ,dec before 8o'ebok hoveutt ute svod- Mn Pnank ouses's Exeauge Ei shed auddls thre iecontente Of1baue mdbleesfe ii one banne asf<n i e t fiatt aW son u Mddat the youug brotton, wvierau te the ibed I *robe theï oirshpi ltebeWo sunfmd atfe, veaded mmeaul~on e is e emy, v s egop on fer breafi. Mr. W. E. Vand*rvocnu, rin lU-det dýfo fr of Belleville. drove op etahehi. ame 0I 0Pr" ho4SOOt fouI*ÇÏZi liesu auTene'brest h i l les. rOOshan d anu>uuM Mlld lt.e H. vs Ilu#u he . li <' omueroft b.rn.jard Wols. Gauao! b>' hie igit side, and lved about tuewoaosd(osl~ miaule es.Hodi aot speater Dring U5 là- Olt~.1> v tie fatal miel, Deeasds abou It----S--lO <otIW ha" ad, wu l eagwe cisqtuA bad tlaut eu à vie"les . fiat mnu"on, beau addiéfod ho flouna! tsloi "UaI-uvr s& Mqabs, drinki, vieli vas ludireeo hl> ie cus .»iry<tb> -o i cf hie Inag#virées-) <for iearI>' a quartar ofa e- EODCAOGN. in>'MdA tie 0dilous slro.ý.e*ans- Houe. movnlue t. sepopular, cee u.nIcito btron pation jnst inov, a n»vdemial Uroudolsluge a. bd wo Mme app&mWefy' belg lu progrus. N i'. a. eft isA U lieusesa". ho ici, sud redeces et ah blasA luha s ain a ILIId modrat reIaan.luduiid.Sennal.4 o unen bout, youiwu"oqeçnrp migif b. huiliAuulg he ammar, ail sd 550f b.e ar. : for P". Sevin, b viii a reasbabit euesau fcffiudinig k.Europe,» mm deoland.' MlfU"e u %M eme eul'.Tii. afin~J" bai bouaiWonthmi feovMise- prepred - 5y; D. Plaero-, lean *ffaituil î,edy faiml gesgon. ü;y drgglst. ýIh inmIgF&ùus'Who ver eu iovepl trains ufered ùno bad- *1dp boiug vlsp*o iifo uvr Sri. Alekander Ecibineon, of Exeter, in vritlug about eue of tthe . sk etpopulan articles, sud one tiiat.bons doue mr4pe -good Î flé -tht*L OUted th", May othe n mfdiine bv*durug the. shorfitimeit has been in exIstence, Usys:, four bottliks cf Northirop àkL ymmnVegetable Dlsove ý»ud dyspeptio cureasd have been cre osf Dyspepsia that'troubledl me for over 'ton yeans. Part cf that time I had it very badl,aend I vas atconsiderable expeuse tygtaget relief;ý but ths excellent med- ,c0new tfihe firat sud only relief 1 received. Apetition lias been filed aallthe retur ofai r John Maodonald in- Kingston. Asflima cured, by the double treatmseni af Southeru AstLima Cure is a common. remark.. Russa bas doollned ta ta-be suyp art in the. exhibition to b. held iu Paris lu 188g. a cottve Euwilsion of Pure - Co& lAver 011, vttypph.spbites. For Chsldenand Pukmonarrj Trouis. Dr. W. S. Roy. Paint Pleasan, W. Va.$ sys: "I have made a flhorough test witii ScotV'sEiuision7in Pulmouary Troubles sud <ieneral Debility, sud have been astouiehed, at tise good resulte ; for ohildreu vithli iok- ets or Marsmue if is unequalledl." Put up in 5wo and Si uime. An amphlfheatré disappeared in an openin& of tihe earth af Pola%.2li Austria. OBSTRUCTIONS of the. atomuch, Liver and Boweio, are promlitl! re- moped by National PiIfa. More "nntquse shocka have occunred in the. norfis of Italy. Tamarlae la thse discovery af a leading physiçian, sud alter yearnsoai experimenting it la now offered you lu perfecfedl state ai never-fail- ing cure for Coughse, Coldesud Tliroat aud Lung Complainte. It iebelieved that the ls' of-seo traok on thse Grand Trunk Baiiway from Kingston ta Montresl will ho oommenced. ahortly. CONSUMPtION CURED. An old physiolan, reflred from practice, baving iiad plsced lu bie bande by au Eut mndis mislonary the. formula ai a simple, vegetable romedy for thse speedy sud perm- auent cure o! Coneumption, Bronchitin, Catarrh, Asathma sud ail thucMAt"udLang Affectons, ls " pstiesumal" lcure forNevu Deà ity asud aIlNerveus Com- plainte, aifier ha b estod ifs voner! ai enrative povers l ia ussude o! oasi, las falit is duty te mak. If kuov fa bis auhlngfsiov. Actuated by tis motive suds asrete roee ,humai suftoningt I viiitend freeof charge, te a&U wiodftire it, flue reci iun emPeei rBsgih dietons for preparng duug -Sent by- mail by addresusng vithl stamp, namin tla paper, 'W. A. Noras, 140 Posa- Oliola la upenginsU hbe Suth 14hoee have beela muy rmanablecue et ddubeas rporto6m th*enus of Yuliov 011. The propieocf t"t.mediolue have -a large number cf suais testIonWia.jeu die raveshl emedy for pain, infla- atolamine.., sud soronesof evory de4lton, sud sorenesn of every descript- ion sud eu b. uedinteruailysud exter- A court circuler sunounces th11t Çueen Victoria viii celebrate lierbinfil- an May Tii.cli. danger fnom tskiug la it libtYhtoloaepo@0 luetlogn bWius3eu. MiafrnntiOrifia Ont. Bleod mi uear ommlittlng tiiefts across the border. Mr#. Agns .Blacr, of ,Orton, Ont..sys, "4For live pArs I tried;one bottie of BSur- <164akBIOO4itters, sUd vas* etig botter' I thon bougit fibre.more, sud t hau ured Madrid has been alarzed by the. opera- NO ENGLISH STABLE 18 CONSIDERED COMPTETE WITHOUT N (/3 ~EMBROCATIO14$j VOIR BPEADS, CU»1S, AN» IPLINTS, wiES vola cVER.ERÂON, GEPPE» HEEILS, WINT) GALLO. FOIR IREUXÂTIsm DIHRS FOR SOBE TEROATS AN» INPLUENZA. a FOR BEOKBEIKNEE, BRUIBES, OAPPE&D HOOKE. Fois BOUE SHfOULDEROa, 8Offl BAOKB. FOR FOOT ROT, AND BORE XMOUT13HS i SEE AND LAUB8. FORa IPRAINS, CUTS, BUIBES IN1)0GB. SPECIMEN TESTIMONIALS. Prom E Grace the Duke ai Rutland. "jBelvoir, Grantham, Lec. 1, 1879. «SirB,-Elliman'sI Royal Embrocation ie ueed iu my stables. I thlnk It Tory guise. "R'UTLÂAND, Master af Belvoir Runt.1' "Casile Weir, Kingston, Herefordehfre, "Dec. Srd, 1878 "'Gentlemen.-I use the Royal Embrocation in my stables -and kennele, sud have found it very servicoable. I have aiea ueed the Universal Embrocation for lumbago aud nheumatism for the ast two years, anc% have uuflered very littie aince. usng ifi. "I. H. PErCE, Lieut-CoL, Muster of Rad- norobire Hunt." ELLIMAN'8 ROYAL EMBROCATION. Sold by Chemaiete, Stores, sud -aUddiers, Prime U TheSafiesî. Quickesî most CTltdmn remedy__ ['<~OUGEN CLA ND. 18 A P OBITffE CURE For au tiiose Painful Complute sud Weak- ne««e.00 common to our beat FEMALEPOPULATION.- on socaunt optei proven menit;o, it in ta- dayreomenedand peerd ky ii bet pheysici&ss luthe c itry. u»ii cue ntrel e vonât form of CalnotIetTeru3 rnoeIregla F&Ungoetes truatin, ilOvaie troubleinfamto uleain Floodliigsail iap.cments suMd the.con- sqaent, jffina1weaknus,&ud à espe iy adaàpted toe i.Chageo! Le..14 indis-, a - ea 4»sae !developoient. Tii. teRs denc oy !Cuouvs umora t]àere je 1> ieo- ed vexy speedil by its une.. ail Vi crvn- for ulmlans u ei- ÂAppris«e for- tii. Caada Loin sud C.$ saud a6gent for tii western su, OPFIOH.-Over Gerrie'g Block, II Suitable for wrapping purposes, ai umder carpets, etc., 25 cents per hundrea i pplyt-o TRIS OPFIORE; "BE L'L - -Unapproached for TQne and Quality. CATALOGUES FREEc 1BELL & cos., Glpli, Ont, GOOD IHORSES.- NEW RIGS. LIYERY and SALE STABlES, DUJNDÂS-ST., -WHITBY. CR14WFORTH & DEVERELL. FIRST - GLASS 'TURN-OUTS Fnrnise ona Shortest Notice. Commercial Trcsvellers liberally deal* PAIR 1'E.!OE. HOSEBT DEALING. IDF WORTHLESS.IUITATIONS As-floere are menylfuferiar i aodscorded with lute, aem ~.ofremdasud sold scImoito b rav. tg hen teuflof Witbut ilsi n e geune. Allan oineaun sno Ipostin b daw = attntionto th P.aniin ro Oan Apn e~us Polyn esia nm onand Apnil Mi. 1 fro11 Inauifx, Apr2urd. (Jiroisian, fom Pe~ M ý~y 7th. [b ai b' exp. Âs8~~8vasdécide -sud lu soi]l en *ifravog5ùt desire ClaImlîd b>'the pla the siekele. À 5gotnto5 an at Toiont4 wiinvitod by a battih fiepolie.q sdpn .The -T~he noterions2 eunelime va tis cý jilme in Ccii 4ui o8usdby,b the Tenante su for,. àiOlike t1 netd.lest Ma -1 te @HgOew1t> i BÂTES 0F 1

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