Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1887, p. 4

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oÂLri ÂI(D GBT A FReE Amp1 0p OUR Rakin7g.Powdei PURITY GUARANTEEDI j -f st Mn G.E.GIRBARI THE MEDICAL HALL, ONLY Sir ce PER ANNUM. Wltby, Frldy, April 8s 1881f ftu.Dominioni Parliament meetsa Ottava neit Wedueeday. The. condc of the local houm. i. almost over. Boit. A. S. Bamwî's bull bforteh Local Bouse respeclhog dt... fer rent sud»ax.provides ht goode exempt humi execation, by order ot any oethte eaurOs, are exempt frmditstreÈo; hat goode ou tue prenmIséessot tii. propetoy of tue tenant @hall! b. exempt; but lu eo.et selgmeult te laudlord saat b. eutitied te dîstrain for' six mnthe' »-test; ta tenant oMay set off againet Oie landlord's rect bil! sny weneye hie Isudiord may be owlug hîm. And Ohie le for taxes as vaîlas rent. A venex ur asbeen proposad lu the IoMl-Bou se Oco ake it aompo.lcoty upon Ilgh achool bearda te charge tees st the rate et notioeu thautiO par yoar for easppil. The i4ea ie a very good os'e. 1Onr publio e &OOlea mferd abus- dlaut tacitiiesfor sajou. te beceme aoielntly eduested for ordlnary bua. nee os, Oaad 1.t' those vho vaut tocgo turther psy st leait aàtrfle -extra. Bituert tua motion shouid puse or oe te divide the prevince loto high sohool districts, vhleh latter sebeme vould entail teemaoch trouble at present. Ir muet be ighly gtatilylg teo te faouty et the Ontario Ladies College 0e hoO hat one <eparmeno alone, or pnaemore properly pspekng oe .1.,cold *utertain £or an eveuiug', Ia a o agreeshe manner, au andi. musc emt>riamug the homo people o9t1 leva et otios. For &s 01w. one would uauaijsppoO h. jýtait..of Our People weUldrequiet. e b.mntivaled ~t" oettai poiet lu order 10te fly 5tb"DmienOs of' cash a bkhordrbut so oleverly sud yet e. iusarally dîd t 'Oh. gladies luterpret 9». s.yrai sce usualuo a*mdie lasdn auy eodliom ould have been oshenviée han4 delih. .W. mon. lu Osuada and',1h. SOses about l5$oO mem veut oun d.lust enay "Ipl e uMceoft Oh.="Unuin vhleh 'b"lese busbeeu odutel for yens .Pto Tests68godieu rmelved good ~ su meptalisteos .agd -a prke. 1henabled tiasin 10 dëeieotly te. 1 onon s trte bmm .c paisse sPM"ud gmsuaiiy lbe Poo suan 1< been ag à, v tit ns jdecade tas-the mn àlato-'ime, munooa suffrage is Whatst Oi. eýutry dosites »suI wbat viii b. graoted it beoe tI is msny yeare eider. Mr¶ Movat bas choya aÃŽfa&dable desite tWàieet thogrow. ing waut# efthe country inother respet sud w. trust *ho viii go Oh. whole _ýway- tu tht. matter. The. oxpeume sud peoty annoyances Obat are ineîdental tW0ail Franchise ache'mes short of manhoed suffrage- are smfoient lu themeelves to olaim.tlieeerious attfntion of parilament aud w. trust our legislatoore il! make emtrong flgb-t wben Oh. occasion Pr-menta itou!f, te do away with th.eviiole busi- anest sud devise a simple and4ipenustve insane of registration vhereby h right of votiugmay b. aoquir.d by &Il justly Wa testr Ohat in future isudiords ba, bette, assume the respoueibiity et pal ing ai taxes 4u the tirot place aud ol lent their rente lu advauoo. Bon. Ma Baordy'e bill maye rent4 aud taxes canne be distrained te a groater extent Ohmi eau eoeutions lu th. courte, sud M Gibson'. bill.aimes Oh., follevluiex orýoptiouvic i!alo tcore e4empt freirtsansd taies Who b.d, bedding sud bedsteads <ilau inacrade), inerdiary ume by the debtoi sdhi. famxly. Tie e oemsary snd or& uaywearing apparel of the* debtor sud hii tamiy. Thi e eknstove with pipes -aud turuishings, oee parier or hall steve, wiOt pipes, eone suad Its apndagfeoeu pair ci sudii-ons. eus set et oooking uten. m"l, ounepar et tougusud eshovel, eue tabe, six ehair, one washutsnd vitli nuishkt-- six tovels, eue lookiug-gsss euslia bruh, oee omb, eue bureau, one elothes press, one dlock, oeeêqaret ene cupboard, six kuives, six ferkà, six plates, di teacups six sauoer, oee mgir basin, eue, milk jug, eue teapet, six spoons, Ove Paa, ode wash- tub, eue ,arabb gbrush, on. blsoklng bruh, oe u ahboard, tht.. sieothinif irons, ail spiuuing vheels sud w Veal locmin udomieati au, -on. mevlug Machine in domesti use, thirty volumes ef booku, eue axeoeegusix frape, and suoh fBah- n2 ets sud oinesauar nta ommoxi u»e ueeS«ary fuel, meat, Biah, fleur, sud vegetables, sotually provided for lim!l~ ue, ueos more thon mufoiceuO, for the =r1 nuy ocusumption ef the debtor sud hie famfiy for - dan ansd net exoeedlng in value the Sum of ferty dollars. One 0ev, four sheep, two hoe i, Be bous, Dp te tue total value - dollars, sud. foed, et. therefor, fer thir9y day., sud eue dog. Toois sud implemêntset or ohattels ordi- narlly used in the.debtoes ecoupatien, 0e the value of - dellirs. Be.. reared sud kepo ln hi,.. te .exteut ef fitteen hiwa.. 84Ã" Roi-. Stat., 0. 96, a. 2. Tim 'Osuanton Gleunfrt akeex. option te Inspector MoBrifna inter- Pretatiou of the echeol la v relating te, the publio sohoole. Thonre oa h o question about th. wordiwg of &o .A014 whatser there rMay b tý e 'hointen- tion Of its compiler..Au the statuts reade, the lumpector, th)ough lbr1 awqdod »4 b. is eau 41fr"u' urte ment té Orustees desirous of substitut.f ÃŽng Oh.eviiolo Bible for I t R eadinoge. "8a'do.. Dot motou"May, " aud the set âây$ th@ Resdiffgs ahailbe us.d. The. Mihister ef Elucaàtiopn lat- ment cf the doit,, foroibly expressed mu muy mases, te allov of an option in th. ca4e of the. vhole Bible or the Seoripture Readingu, id *bout te make. 'the u.eusary change lu th. statut. As tOth h. OeatOhAt the Iuseoor vwoold wathhold oh. legbIsive grant,, ve must incline W oth. beilef Ot Iiith truste.eOfet »Oh, soln fered- te by' Othe Gforhave uaoeply misinterprt md th. opinion mxpreseed by' Mr. lie. Brion. Prom vhat vwe knov of that gentleman sud hie greotdeux. W ,deal fawt!7and Ilbrally violi au moetions lu hie Offert WfuI l icdotiesmd amû. th. sohool law, lu a i 10eMyu supi mations, ,vork emoetly, vw. eaumfly s»y th&% h.ou»V«ermrts teOthme «tuai mesmuffl 00o1PWuegii fby tO omer se, long se tuoe.lsa a sclbllity 0f avolding iLto Itbuas b.. o atoîao ta point oaoohe law sud Oh. possble setio oftOh. MnIers lunas" 0#freaetioix mud ve hat, ne doubt sulo vas Oh is un o r eft Oh .e a m tio s eo uv ey l Ni e oas. momplaiued of. met on Midye.ig Preaul-te Maor, -sud ooauoilots Fox, Bal6leiaynard, Noble, Bobeox, 09munoaio- ver. readasol id A. Ir. 9- 'swinoming, draiuing, etc.,0etibe tal in ering sud, a oleso wàtcii "Pt on wesk spots, Oh.-recuit might b. a -csrt '0s9 acwocient, sud sbould u eoesaq verliof t iis kind 'b.-delayed> or, a da, a faiy ntlsàb&p, with penha.pe. dros4ý fut sacrifice tb 11f. and property wontd esît. Again, what doms a «e'tien Mosu kuov about viiether Ohm e, wo la necessary or net, or is hie opinion te b.- taken ou the mutbjeco in pr»ference te Obat of 01w experleuoed engineer and4 readmaster? Nov tblsserupuloue-gen. tleman, whe, I amn informed, .'c"a neither read cor wriýte, but viiose vý tdi. pendons oraninin k.. absorbed iou-lb. period of Owe or three ooeeka àor knowldg. of railway engineering thaoi- mon who have made a lite. study of 10, pute -bis case- before Oh. public sudý, pOIes as a martyr for the salie of. hieJ religion. This imsu worked shovelllug enov, this vluter, ou a 8uuday ' Bis conscience thon, 1 presumeo, vas dmad. ened bir cla. Thé. Ralway, Company osly require Oheir mesoi -îvork on ndayluncamses of neeeaeiy. andMj tis period of ra-ilvay' msaps neo traveller vii lu d ,<suit vit4 What, le slmply a measure o felty sudPr", su- tien. When- your exlà iu a veli. 8cripture dose fnot reooeed "eVu it to its fate bemause ot la Snnday.t Tour correspoûdepo mentions the oup- tations et the Bailwayompany te break the Sabbatii. The temptations in Obis instance ver. 61 for ;a daiky .'ork. Thauking jeu for allowing me this epsc. in vour vaînable paper,I remain, Youra truty, W. B., L&2NIGAN, Mlyrtie, April 4. 8tation Agent. * Br,-Ibave ofttn tried te make out boy 104e that tOh.,. should have be.o rsnob s lrge oejoroty of votes polled lu *favor ot heCanada Temperanoeaet, m sud jet hat se fev are profess$ly lu Laver of Ite enforeent. '0u6roe, I suppose, la the. proverbial one, hat "lyoa nmver miss the vater 0111 the vol! runid-me people dids't aticf.ý pât. snot adrouth as 10 oaused. But eue particular euse for tbies sPpaUO change lu publice o alqu, snd lu you vil hbave not=.dthat ltos. tue same effeot lu euforclsg sny !sv, I don't mre vhat lav ot be.,os Oth"10 entail.s aystein cf spyiug. Informers are not manly enough teocime torWard aud'osay$bey are th.ermal oooeplainants. but cmet the onu. etfa&l Ohis upon h. Inspeetor snd magtsato. -10may b. sa.id uts espyoug sud lutormlug lu the dark t. deteotivo ork, but 1 te! iucliued go dispute auj sncb ides Ev.,7 dètetve lu Toronto msud el»-, a ma*nuer myb d o ea *O bo &,ech liylug hiainformatiome "U Manfnly proseouo ln av-br«ers Yen msy, pertoapi te! inolined toemaul My attention 0eoth.e'eetfBaud1 et Sautiasud Ohe undenhaud maner.-lu whichhob. a. entloed hi a deteov into meorinit dynamîte te detroy an officor'.lliq, but I maintaiu tuat publie symp"thy, whÃŽoh must otherylse bave been entirely agulnst Hand, w«a gen emaly turned lota sympatby-for hlum on seaat oh. dospocabi. masser lu vlo oii h.vas rsppod. lnd jeu, I don O rge hat *au ia' voltono Iav uoad o unpuulehed, but I hial Ohote lava vhioh are op.uly .ufore.d a»re ieoest respemoed, sud thei. omer ,Who tesrlesly !" Fl bg, ittrust i Iook.d apen as t g a tiof Oh. publie, wvile oh.fe rWho<dosebis vork laua pryiug4, sebkîug vay, galas, both fer husefas4 thii. evh.otries te mulooe,,* a vIle puble mumpI 1I beive, Sir, th. e lue r eno- fermsg hm Soloai.quit. ue cl su cht1 ould b. married eut.m ili botterffeet, luthéue ourse of! tOies v a"erymevegs.uîof itse cèes expead, tepuhlioma#lohsoI. elleve o urp î - pho voutd <(ya or6 bearty mP , I.1 teýb a vvliob 15 beiug entoreed 4l strlghfnr aydnan .r lui '1> Brig hi y Q Rias been displayed in the slcin'four e~V Whitby Dry Goods Emporium. ~ s TE Superior Attractions and Graoeful Styles pzÉevai1 in ail our immense variéty of MENS' AND BOYS' rCLOTHINC, 'CENTS FURNISHINO, -OD0 Eodem -sud L.Hiprej ~ore New Features, Styles than ever. New York Fashions, received every month. Our Tweeds, Coatings, Suitings, Worsted Coatings and Overooatings, are the finest that enterprise can disoover or money buy, and absolutely correct mn style. Suits made to order ini first-class style, at bottom- prices. We claim superiority iii the clothing Unme and leave the verdict witb the p9ople. Whito8Dr ByLawNo. A By-.Lauo for Lb. purposa of maing Mois portion. cof Tervï4o and Pond Shtretain La. Totonof U bi, herotofor. cloed ap by By.law o o. ~i*ofl«ori" sd pond Sre th te 2owetUxbrdge ereaiter rllary And viieresa 10lh deslraos hattOie portion hereinaft., desond sbaond b. oouved tte . xeouoors oetOhe Lut Win sud Testament efthOe Late Joseph Gould, Boquire, iu order tht Ou. mme mey b. r.oon jed ta theocorporation efthe said own, xbrigemi 'pursance of -Ohe proison oontained l in.Cuaud Wi» sud roferrd to in ssid BI-Isv. And vheresnoUe., eoft tii.By-law hass b.enpost.d up sud pamblseaa reqnirmd by law. Thueefore tues Municipai Conne! etf tue Oetorslonet h. of etUxbridgeo Thet ue aïd. oorporatiou of Oh. Towu of Uxbzdgoo oay sud is- hereby authorse tO ftl4 aud oouvey that portiU-Onfelabnd,- Bitusme iu th.es 1-e ylagbetwomn'the ese Mltoa ndStreet Sud Oh. vitturu i la îoxno£ StreoAi la h! iBnrns' olumn. Corne, genOlespring, Ethereal mildness, côee1 W. are jut yoring for yn. W. v aut te usee yonr wendérff! green alentli ne more, sund 4 theOweetzesb et yor Or aud he r tii jeou s auuds of aite whieh attend yen. -W. vaut yen te coensd thew mociety out et li l iter sund overhos sd siaer.itinte buylg a nov drea te» L honeor te your prsence. W e va t you lif-giving inllue ce le qickeubualueus (te activity, sud lucrea»e dh aeen for nev styles lu Bootssee, sud aliprro. Se pions hurry ou,sragi eA t1"of beeaty fa &-oer lu, tue eaies; 10wIlInover l'aU into nottlugneas; but fmlOllI lkoep Aboyer quiet forus, sudeR u Oul ebt . tOrpeu, sud gi , dquiet, brea'tbiog.f 90 1twr band te id mte thmearh 9nemuea, of te inhuan th ot a11 the uuhealthy d tOorw~ke e~d as Usdq lot our 9searg, yosismpfoof arl, Sôl-Bern ahofe banuWrnv,,a! F a h. ÂPRIL 8th, il 1OCAL-LACOI 801UN ON lm AND Al MOETýà 0F VELY LOCAL NE! BYCHRONIOLE REPOR1 lan' faithh.»prSent 0. usBeadiug Boom, w avigation la opnened ý lb. light.houes a2 o. ris . iiet tus 0f [Insste-mon in os By Éoyal Loiters pjten/ eth tbeA Array BRnpOS* 9-6 1 ti v 1 1 wi kc:>ss Goo-ds TOM y G-REAT F'TA 'DEAL of - spring More Exclusive

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