Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1887, p. 5

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X$TE ina] i oaur' 0~~8. ~ve- bings înud abso ms. We and Iutely dlairji Petont Beef 'ER.F ROU E Ti TE, 'A KNESS, ansd mlo io m it off b.d. ~f the klnd whioh >'propertrel for ~tioi l1, ea." '7- TOCK IÉED. and ent JIGNS, ing, CES. TÂSAGO 1he item WIUdie4 A uýèmén uied on nearlY SU aéle lobe. defOtivo 5and "siY fu d iws, aud for these remuonS MApY _%o .finle grades of Âmerlom~ r8scloded t te Uthi e »able key. and reIl Do rioku. Increaedepr. sud b. ever ready inventive genifis ofý ~M5I"makers hâVO inde the SIi.m ~gdu'durable as the old methode and ob.O eloqueIlI pleadiflg to ceurine. on of fthe ecoomy and iitiltv cf th. îtyle. While ezperlenoebhas er-t' Wouting defet in th. attaohmerzts in usle, neoeaity hau fathered =g iprtant invention and we have &drbead estisfaotory attachment &an hi fitted Oto watohes originally 1j. 8y wlnders. Mr. Bérnard i. pre- to furnlsh estimate of 1h eit ef Lking ta onversiloIlfrom th. key witd W js miodern, ad effective item jj 50ement. 18is preparged te fit 1h. ~omntto an>' Ametio umovemeut, t BROOK ST., WHITBY. APRLL 8th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS, ti 60IMB ON IN ANDO 50150TOWN-A UOOET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS OLEANEO 8Y (IHRONIGLE BEPORUERS "A 3hos amaffly7%takin Dotes, Au' faillihe'il preut il. nu ReBading Boom vili b. aoesd Good Friday avis. N1avigation us opeued onu'Ib. lakes the *light.hosse are tWueh off The ris. in wheàl Ibis lime came un- natol>' aflert h. ileighiug bad a&U TaE schooner Wm. 'Jammso% loft 'tby barber -yesterday vith a cargo barle>' bouud for Osvego. A stone- ker wvbucb wiuLered bore -lu aiao y for a man in tb. freah uptiug e. Heinani to-morrow night. Mus- 1I-eomedy. "Threesfo- Man>'. This banting and extreme!>' comiesi J edy wa. wrltten expreuil>' for tb. mnou, sud shows tbe company at ver>' best. ENKMBER yen eau buy ladies ballon eordovau boots for $1, ladies finesl boots baud vomked button boe. for .50, boys or girls streng caif boots for nins fine caîf boots for $1.60, at B.ukrupt Store., If there are an>' in tovu wbo have iecurod tickets -for the tes&and teraumeut ta b. given b>' Mme. ý Smith's Bible ciam, they are e-J ded tht il là to uigbt, Good Fiday. se vho bave tieket@ viii rememiber lut il ail rigbt sueugir. ai Holmane te uigbt. Opera amoud." The. momie ils tbcu me "4Erminie" played semu.ces.fully veek in Toronto,and proved a greit tu Nov York- In tb. bal e thoe is an>' amolaut of dancing. Oshawa sehool board hbaspassed motion eudorslngth -s.aceo of eur ce! board iu refereos to the forma- n cf a central Provimei board of oct trustes., aud bhm appolmted Mr. ne thircharmauai a delegate le tend any eonventlon vhieb maey be' id on the subjeot. Wrmun the last vesk tIre.bave muni up lu GobouÏrgîvo btigbtimney> . y papersthe 68eawl$Sr and lb. r7. lîlookesif tIbm vas ver>' dei n thst lowu W warrant ibis spay.et nevopaper enterpriiser buat epapemu riabi>' deserve support ud rtrue nia>'b. vell iatropoved- Ws.. b>' lb. globe'$ Montesi mâr- tl reportsi that Mr. JO&. Stone$ Of Splace, sold r. carload oifie le thoro nwdede moi lait vaestwo nue lsteers cmingo tre, years old vbieh .legbed 8580 unds. Tbe beef ,arket leseut ver> ong juil nov ito e e 5ýo being 0u k'ghest puid in. IMonteal- la thi.os hy Tox»Oaw i lé u d. t er Powell & 00,4.Minsuryoeuu W. ,wèrs pleas.d t10noliois, hat th. -*Id Indien of 1h, eu-&style 0of Irhar a goue out of existence and bee&r.plac14 by shapes not hif o brilliant 'And gaudyl but twiee as hand@oune. Mes. P. i&3o.'« millinery rooi are beauti. fally decorated wiîh lOver. and lrim- ininge and finished desigus. 0.11 on Tan qanadian Pacifie Railway Tele- grapb Go. have made Connections wîth thba ne* Preuoh Gable GCo. Gable business wiii nov b. tratemitted, by thre G. P.-.B. Telegaph Ca for points iu th. United Kiugdom; and France ag lwelve cents par word sud 10 Gerat an>' at fifteencents pet word. The competition of th. French Cible Comnpany viilmske il eceodingly livel>' for the "GCable. Pool."1 TanS is a week of opera going, sud is te wnd up wîh Ivo nighls by th. Holmans. Tihis îroup needu ne litre- d action in this Province aitheugh il 18s four or av*e yeare sunce itlutas1appsared boe. They are .111h11atatroup ueed. b. and their-epeai are performed lu the Merrieesi *lyle, always leaàviog the l>est possible impression upon the su- dience. Tbey sbould have good hou. ses both nigbts. lu aid of tb. Tabernacle fund the young ladies who Lave beanuassisting Mrs. Baruard for the past tht.. menthe have nearly bompieted their work aud iuteud offeng for sale the useful aud ornmntai articles they have nmade#-" an enterlaiument tW b. held at Mro. Biruard's houe on the aftgrucon ad evenisg of 1Sth April. Refreahmenteý yull b. provided, aud during 1h.eove- ning a muiceal programme will b.i ren- dered b>'. th. vsry best local talent. Admisson 20 ce. Tax oui>' season durlug wbieh the foll.wiug gamne ma>' b. huuted, takeu or killed te a. folloe.--D.er-5Lh October Wo 15th Depeinher. Partidge -lot September to IsîJanuar>. Wood-. cock-15th Aug. W lit Jan- suipe, Rail sd Golden PIur-laI Sept. tW lut JTan. Docks of all kind-isi Sept. Wo lot Jan. Gese-let Sept. W 1lot May'.are-lit Sept. tW 151h Mareh. Beaver, mink, muikrat, sable marten otter or fiuer-let Novl. to let May. Dx» oat readers ever Ir>' fige as an article of diet. The> are boîh eheap aud wbolesdme. We are intormed th&& god faga make a rioh, sweet table sauce, if eut in amani pisses, say is. of commen raisins, sud then iliewed Wo ,stand eight or ten heurs, ell eovered with cold valer. Or, for an extra riob sauce, utese es aler, and, before eerv- ing, add soie m ml Of course tbe richneseau be-varipd tW suit thlble b>' uig more or Joe. alt. St.ved fige, ecuber vbole or ent lu omahI piee. are ais exe.llent. If. for variety. eîher a müdc or itrofig acid ie wauted, il eau b. imparted by adoting pure 'lemon joie to the vatier luwbieh îbey îare softeaed or cooked. To avoid a bit- ter flaver ume ne other Part Of the lemon. Ouoe of the mosl singuIslarphenomeus of lb. apringlime le lb. maunet lu vhich Il effects lb. loafet, as&d smong other crotcels il pute lu bis bead il souendu hm toohureb, vh.eire obeholds lu nevesl sud Moiist#lib g" thlb -pretl>' girl . e s eulekea vllb ber mama u ranges himeehi oubsîe tire obureb door to luspeet tb. female vorsbipperain goberai, ud poebane. escrt om) borneoeaionsly. But l" trouble i. htIre b.pasil>'gil generali> regards-,traeehureb-doom gamers as dudessàmMsnob refus, tirtsprof. feraeeort, aud hiletlmid lu offeiug hie serviesl. FortInsgood a"d su- ietm4n tlb. fresb joung mm Ib ver>' w4e Msd ver>' properi>' olude Ibst sueh onduo net il. ounmmneed udI Paiun home as soon ai sil oîVer. WB oegratulatseou tmmteey Mimdo, M. F. Hovard Aunes ouus11 nlgth. position au ,dito-ia.ohil thlIe Géssette, altbough, e as > r aae Ie brillant sud pilir>' temns have eum. liveudlsPM" fe &Yom ?Piil.-wo, long elung <v. e mot cerainbut ih. word sbould b. clau) to lb. bope#liraI moued Anes »Oulé recelve eomehgb -unicipal oMoocebut itieisposin e oblef o! the Gaas taffbe yul fb. liral manner aible reonuefamore ýim- portant servise s W the tovu. .; Noi- witbnlauldi*g hie ciiefll'p of ont cu fIempor"fY v ie .stî " tg Mr. Aunes s nou eu n814*ls boulA tir~eb. qnuiope vqay.we [ON ~~'IA 5 ,U and $1.7@51 t th lHamuess oUi lin eabuUL. Nowis thre Oté's1use it. -Vail o»Je .pbip. For ew 'ros 9"anev styles sud low MGampbeils'. mua~ itsi-hanlfor t111.Rolýmaus, ai Gýb5Irds. 25 sud 85 cents. D=lait essieu ther. ver. 270,*. 000 bushoesof harle>' purchaed, iu v Wbîtby tovu and sddilng whaI vas purcbase lsewhere sud sblpped bers our towu buyers muet have haudlsd ovsr 600,000 busheise ofbarley. 87,000 bUsib4s of wbeaî were shipped boe by eut ltova dealers and 127,000 bush- .1. of blaek-eyed peaS. Ii wonuld soom from tbis lirat 1h. attention of farmers vas simost equally divided between tbe grou'th of barley- and black.syed peau. Wbeat le nowhbere in tbis vîici- uily. .Bm.ow we éir. th. names of lb. WhiI,. b>' Division No. 84. Bons of (emprauce, for April quarter. W. P. Bro. G. A. Ceanon ; M. D. W. A. Mlies J. Eumph- r>'; B. S. Mins L. Wilkinson; F. S. Pro. W. IL Beweil; Tras Bro. S. Kartin; Ghap. Brs. Wm.- Bobson; cn. Mdiss. R. Hannah ; A. 0. Min M. Mysta; 1. B. Bro. Thos. Law ; P. W. P. Bro. 9. Martin. The officae eleot wero dul>' inslalled iu office ou Monda>' evsnrng by Prov. D. G. W. P. W. H. Boelel, assisted by Bro. Roisi Jehnson au G. Geuduetor. Tu. teulsrtaiumenl givon.- in lb. Reading Boom by tb. W. 0. T. U. on Fritta> evouing lait vas weil werthy of a more liberal patronage Ihan il r.- oeived. Theebair vas abi>' 1Used-b> Mme. Hart, Who opeusi the eutertainment vith a short addrcs settiug forth lhe aiaund ud,îhsork done b>' lb. four branche. ef whioh il le eosnpoa'ed. The programme cousisted of readinga, reo- Hâstions, songe sud instrumental musie in great variety. The Ro's Barher, ýAbraham sund German delivered short sud pointed addresses sud cash express- ed a desire W e.aid the ladies in a&l vaye ibie in their work of Tempsraucs corm. Theb@ReylMr. German sug- geted thal th. sociely invite the the clsrgy te set spart eue servie. lu the ysr esh, tW b.. devoted tW lbhelun lereets of the Union. The ladies viii ne doubl foilow ont lb.esuggestion made b>' lhe, Bey. gentleman. The sale of nieful and ornmental articles was proeecuted vilb muoh vigor sud th. laises feel grately encouraged iu their eflorts tW sustain s Fiee Reading Boom3 for the bouefit of Out Young people. The Boom bau been liberali>' patronisid duriug the put vint et. Oua advertiiing commue contain a notice cf the anna meeting cf an institution yet unhbeard cf luin>'n othet part of the globe-lb. Time KiUýS*' club. Kuiumg lime I la thflb eale indusùtries of eut Qanad"ian tovusaiIbis partiuharson, sud b>' fotmiug elubu sud ~ th k.pn b hing mevlug tire siangbter eau b. kept up ailenummer. W. undlsnd min>' chomges are oun- templated lu the bylavs, on. being ta compet the parents of members to fumnib tlrem vith ample supplies ci moue>' sud cigare as veilias board sud eolhiug fieretofore supplied. The elub is net burdened vitb a>' nuemesmry asse t Wcomm»ee, tire year vit, &as ils eftfeelswover. aurrouuded sud captured b>' on. of listjoeams ereditors., This yeamit le proposed t. botrow ever>'. thiug it wisir emut b. bad ou a oredit basil. The bilhof-àarepresened te guests viii d.pend ulmot.tirelyupon the tut. diepayed b>' thre isitors lu filipg theit baskets before leavlng towu te v" eIllbelub . Theroll of menmbet. 1611p le nt fulibut te ver>' sel..t sud r oi> Pmfe uIlredeatroye»sar mow adurllted Tum O. L. O. mmod e istue.'ou Monda>' alght sud won. Neyer belote iu Il. histor>' b.d il undertiken l provide au el«oeuUmsy reciapr sd smplse, oth. e remetc Wbilby Ma C4icm, udneerbelote4W a WltIy~u4ln sow sueh rnarkd approvalu ireeftàof limqleg.ts mrlstufis p.toim wasvasshowu @4 th" " .m» ïàmii.i Thé, fà». bera G «nr-i-.ngof Mi1Iinery and, LteSh -W Roo ms, takesplacÊe TF~ RSDAY. AND .A~ERIL7thý SATU R DAY &9tho Whenthe diplay, of NOVELTIES will biù more than usually attractive. A rnost hear- ty invitation ie xeue to ail the. Ladies to corne and see the Immense Stook of ýNew Sprngan Bume Goods we are showing tIn EveryDeparment. a~u- .7 DIRECT -IMPORTER* AND MANUFACTURERI No., 1, DEVERELL'8 BLOOÇ,. SPRING BROOK STREET, WHIITBY, IMPORTATIONS. HOLUIDAY'S'EMPORIUM BROOKLINý, le *the right place tomkeyu Selections. His stock ie large and well 'assorted in' ttir aroni depatt sdh.ra now added many Noveties apecially for thre Spring ¶4ade. , eiesmany choiçe ar"ces ini Dry Goode, he lias a fieselection of THE BEST QUADRUPLE - PLATED SILVERWARE, Compr i ve and six-bottie Castors, Cake Baskets, Butter oolers, Piokie Dis hea, Napkin Rings, 1Xnives and Forks, Plated Spoons, &o., &o. TUIâE GIROC ER D E PA]R T-ME-N T- le wel You fifled with choièe fresh Groceries seleoted especiaily for -the :$pringrade wil flnd ini dock choiçe new Valencias, Seedfleess and Lay-er, Ramenç, choice New Currants, Lemon and Citron Peels, Spices of ail kinds,, xew -and, fresh, "Extraets, of the best quality, Caimed Goode, Oysters, Finnan Hladdies, Oranges, Lemùons, Fige,c, &o. T. . HOLTJlDAY ,- NfW R~QOX:LIN. SPRI NG NOWý ÂRR IVING! A' complote range of desirable- go6d s, rTHE «ARGcS s lWhave ever 8shoWfl-' s ~eOur r 'a- TRI boit kiud cf'pmalýuelaewvbenÂ.11 1 rubbeo o tiek. -A .ubtber At robin writes eucelnig bis dollar lad' ,rit CRUiOK;icLE le a ood paper and. mul wcsatisfied. He vishîeo 1i, Ms. Of Course ,¶knowthat o0« mualis limproved akd a mefttiloee pllxnnted lu digèrent va>'.. We &t.boys@l ln t loted ai lb.t th lb vsidene lu lb. o'm», te Moknlies, Who., to%w msaj5,iuit beudbi à' b amn gri r. s..ng IlSk orden forr td 'Sbtpened the. oas &0 s Choice Teas and Coffees of the best- values, a4pays -in

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