Whitby Chronicle, 8 Apr 1887, p. 6

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.-To. 16orwl Wu n wm Tii. po.~~r ho rpi u 1epagb*; 'rela erh.obe. The. boeèr, 'ho hole; And lthe ureechero' ho awftnUysoraught. Thelox*gwilldSd speaker, ho spoke; The. poor offce geeker, ho soke; Tihe nuner, ho rau; The. dunner, ho dman; And the ubrieker iho horribly abroke. The. fiyer, te canada flew; The. huyer, on credit ho bew; The, door, ho did; The suer, ho sid; And the. Bar (a fishèrman> , lew. The. wTte, this nonsenhe he wrote; The fighter (an editor), fote;. The. swimmer, lie sWaM; Tii he kier, ho smmm; And the biter wus hunigry, ad bote; Hgug and Their Bstory. J INJURIES RESDLTING FROM AFFECTION TOO VIGOROUBLT EXPRBSSKD. A. feu duys ago a pouns gentleman reaidlng on Polk-Street iiugged isi grandunother viti snob fervrr laI tire, of lh. old lady'@ ihs vesdis- located aami'mienov lies ig a peesari- oui coditton. Tust, I cmy add, isans unpreceented cas, says a wniter in rue Sacramento Bee. Mron have huggmd the. opposite mo% witii mach ferooity a. te endanger their lives,-bat lien the openalen was net p.rform.d ppon hein qrsndmeother. - ifeMs a 1year &go a Young man in th.esut embrpod hie sweeuiioarl, and Whoen tue hua vas oVer ho. found he vau deMi, But iii. bai long moffred Irçm, diseas of lt.heaut, sa Lao *à& only lu part remponuible for tlii melan- eboly oooarrenoo. 'Huggins le a cer-n- paratively modern institution. Ou acostora never huggod. Ti.y oalmly aud demuely embraoed. Nov, hen. I paUse to araw th.elino beleen ith. hug -id li. embrace. The. bug lunu an onott, quiok, un- pelions contraction o! tue muscles of the-iiiuiiand chutsWouven iobjeeol te b. iingged lies vithin lie cixele houai- . ed by lies. atm., vii!.theoebeel la tuet goal or linal point of thé bug. Theq waMSuh of tii e in determlined by tii. extent o! thoemuaular contracion. But the. bug im net, as somno antom- lie m met, t.rÎminahoed Whou tue objeetc i. brougbtinlu ctact viti lt.eciiest. On lie conlnry, het.sv .Eep id l butlth. shoil cf the.operatien. The karnel laenaeied viien lie spa.. botive e i ugger sud th. hugite s j maliiate, sd the Mbaise t a knm!. eculi eareely hb. inaerted betveen boti surface. This la perhape tue moet dangerous sage of tue oper*tion. A pouni, uay a 1ev ounec, of extra pnesure may remit, if net lu th. dis- placment of as nb, at les ut iih bnusting of a corset slning,<' with ithe - .. sisisi tvitble destruction of bn. monatagm n d qi eci 1k. eaie Theiïi sae f no etsuly maages lais.W attedmsi iti danger, 6" huU be as graduai as tii. el.monbary Exprossions cf angais on tue part o! the bu«»e.mày. as a rul., b. regard- si as bypocuiloal, sud shoud bave ne -effeet in lnduulg tue iinggsr $0 dimin- lai the pressure. Lu like imannor aIl danger @sig nal uregard letue "arrva otfaà-iuirdparty on lie ceeue shonli b. investiaiedby lb. psty o!f t.ete lPiait efr. esivlùg 1h. atentiontue g.«an arvai et a parent or guaMns sagi .mnsnd. -Tii). auj as doue by a q" sk<lane cvie she oulder, a»d tii rapli lauge o! lbe dlreetion of p'elc lb uatukn relat 0idlio! pesusnecmaiIf lb. wangsinl rove te b à. vulicu by fusiv. l th repoundi sdgtondl prmrbut me graduai tuai nons cf tii ulorumeu the lis non làge mayàaeUr. For thi... ttle inclietits ruffielie tmpe smd embiter the momw1o! liheopenation. The siuli amâFsluo M t h b e taus ml s coaM ll ie by lb. eslull o!fl. t bhe pu embelllmnels the mrnnghur. Seor i*U sieonlibe embrasi sud mot bugd Ti mbra.. is ta"Y ey hi.trvm nmd pra coatacten t il. aMI, viieuot *ny specllatteuthonle an objeotlvs point- An espe 701M8 604, sud-prelty m'nt my b.eespsi. sud I bave kmow LI î1~.- EngIamid'a-blg gune an. maie of bars snuob as tua at u.decnubed, coiled spir- slly, ami velded înie asmold mass by tie hammer. Tiiese red.bot tains.. ent aasiagibbar; as a vord tie doon ie siiglatly naissi, and vili hugo nîppere ils iéie as.ized by loope maie for lis purpos.. A sleam vinch drave on tue gloving mass, sud bulngs lbte oa herisénhal capetan flîsi before ithe door. A vite ho.. la lurned upon the loop, sud vile Is blackens under ti hoili a alalvart fellov, wildlmg a beavy sledgeam txes llop on à nul pojet- ing fron tue sapet&n uheeL Tien tie Machinsrevelves uli reeliaMmoce earllng lie hot mesa) round sud round on ils dram neaîly sud smootbly, sud as esiy s e oo Jordan Marai"s girls vomld vind rubbon. Bo tliS eil la foumed, vieten for the breeci pie. or theobody of theunou for ils jacket. Tuse again is ooled sud afteu awvii. la -éedofr vlagmm.,li bmmer YOD ougbîte usme this Woolvicbbain- mer. Lt veigis forty sont &sie velgit, sud vienii dropx s Wfalty féet on a blook lia ste on ples, massive ma- monny asud enormoas quantities o! itou. Bevntva swogrsat saftsis is aimer issepne1, a sO iblock, vbiei, drien omabove by Um, an sd gath- 1 izupin aifalhs dries viii a fof e!tiybn ons. A veleusu vokmn-ba harge0of "iiimassive1 bmer. suo Mrte sud duope it vitb a touao! hie liuobsudýfingor. Imwa apnface svatcb laid dovu ou lie bltisa io dnopped lb. baamnen, "a o atoped t jst nlime te break am0 tl -o" more. Th.y eau MbsMas operation oethe furma.. the Imgat bout, sud aboatevery mon- arci ibe le iu Europe bas seMnil, juil as 1did yserdsy Wile I am vondernug vialt by t1ogJ about il, th. foins.le b. . mpll.d la fianm vli impaimue. Througi lie inter. stices o!fls grest door bine, red and purpiefames are leaplng ont. A inge «ranswivng@ 1rcund a Pair of pinciers, ai lthesud et vbioi a domen Brisons 412s9«. Tie duo, rais..a 11à.,iii.ttb vhlts li*gbl bliqd -u4,-sud aithongi am a i esti tveiY yard$ avay, tue' ho"l barl My face uuoomfotubly., Water s tbnovmintô lie avfnigap sud tin ii menpeseelvethein puy.,Tic of th e «eau, a shoat fronthe min: sud ont it Ooms.alysm-of momulenous il, Tii. crme sung -*bout, sud places It ou sud Upon lie, 'anvil. Tio en bis mmeufall, uiMlg th. soli &«Ir bisati ns, -éruablug- lb. redihotmâsb"lues i4ewg as a blevi rWauum mur8yy ».»Mau ou &myu-mo-- Of ii exWtyslon.- 3js spe$euon vas the ïon, à! s clommoiz veaverie aho imf'wu loualy poor tualbis-friands vsn couage tebelle tàe cth~ se SculpturesWere. oaed ouI -lie 1vu0l nd #4luherit lthe eartii." B e -evorgot his propry johi DàvlaS fahier W",thi s of o!a osp bolier, and 1 s* ver y good sésp- boiier as tuat. fcoiiu neeu arnvsd a s malarity-died l ffin bit-h u bis mother. John Johnson was a blaoksmith. lie died. Lt wvs.published lu tue papoTe -with à head ovor il,,"Deathe." Il vas tuerefore tionghl h. died. leigain noter- iety. H. has gel au saut living tome- viiere. Up te 1h. ago o! thlrty-four, Homes Wulkerson nover had - any hoen but Home, Sweot Home, and even thec he bad il to slng himel. te e ime il vas believ.d that ho vouli have bpen farnousif 'h. beome oslebrMd e I fe died. Ho vas grestly -eseed for his =»ay vîrtnec~ Thon. vas net a -dry eye lu th. crowd wvh.n hhey plaulfed The oee orsed Furmer ,rying, ana tMomsmwrgunq on-ner £Op ]Lie tght h. woeialdalge i liub* 7Thut'ms af-ne obld you ha"eler? (He don't kuov as mnch about obiidren -se a buïkaw doe.) l'Yes, hel'afin. boyt' said tho fond notie'.- "R,&sdon't aseinvery veil b oday.", (Bfe gumsed ai tus becase tho ohlld vas go fretful.) ,"No, poor littl. fellow. He's awful fretfn!. I'm just w.arnng hlm to-day- sud it'm bard on hlm." "lYes, awfnLhard où a child," mjur- rnhred the dude, Who., by the way, Iiadn't the lesd ides what weaning i.; "bave you @ver' wemned hui before ?" "Oh, no; lisi. lathe. firot day, poor - 11111. thhng. Re takes il me bard, loo." "Whal are yen doing for the-the weaning ?", Thé woman looked ai hlm, for a mo- ment, sud thon thinklng liaI probably the dude vas henest and innocent, oald: "«Why, 1 have been ueing bitter mlio snd-and a litt!. soo. :The dude thonght ho wu as tting sloDg nloelye but thougit ho voult na&ke biaise)! more molud by taking a mtli deeper intmremt la abe. sud, go b. Lasar4.d still another question. "Aàbs, vbere do yen us. them 2 That question ws bis lust. A ehild vas dropp.d hsstily on #bto r and a raieed washboard banged dowu on lhé îead of thé. dude, sud in about à seond the celgiborm liougbl theysaW a pair of compasses flying ulp the mIrees. H.Re ie t Me bo.rdiq hôtbé nie4à.b but so bevilierea thaï heohasn'l yet maiered up courage enougb t teki gone marrl.d Man what the «Okman gel nad at.-Evavill# Arg&ê Great Gmu of England, A DBSCRIPTON 0FTr EPROOES5 0F MA"D FACTURING TEX. ne.ina seofticl;eoonomy ie hie ferle; h. yl "ae tn cents Worth o! axis gre... sud nain the. epinile o! a $70 vagon. H.Ren't " muboibe fou a nevipaper but viii bornov oeefreux iseleghbor sud forget le relunu Il. To te àtrnck by, Igtt- i day. To it onsa bnzztav inu moton on To break tie mitron your v flfe mother gave hen- Te 611 dovu etairs vili tie parler mlove on Tauday. Té spoeulsi. viii olier p.ople'm Money aMi gelteugit. To eptl n alua in t off.. of a man vie bas th. arvlng SuIfe. To cs a bill collector oven jour left sioulder on SalurIay. Te droam o!fuesaft.r driûklng eider lu a 8.011 &.l sovu. To goh wel vhep yon 611 oveboard vile boatingonTirdy- To ses és baildeg overyourlotI honi- don lu jour neisbbor' m rbant' Té b. ocf tuhurleen u tâtble vieuthis eocly foodl emougi. for six. Te calI a blen misatia youn.f bard Umne aujde~y i.e k. To my on edesA * Whovi prahotue vils en pouud dmmb-bulls. otelail our ,momsy, on a boné. vices drive basbot bis o oaoms. Toztout ailoIv al-itheapot To hiomp it mlon a 1*eair -tisaI tomie oms hbu ienoved vin7yu vers mot loeklng. e-t T. ce youn outsof geî citie 1Procue ý,ou your druggbba a bot!.of 1[fade ýTUýw Ou ana ue sccordlng tWdirmctonp. J. D.Camnoron, o! Westlale,' Mînsle, aaý Bireton, vas oured by'thua re- medaIl 41 ther treatment b.d failed It =ay be ,taken'nternally for coughs, Jr, Bore 'throat 1 etc., et. Afghan nativetribes are oombinl;g againat thi. Ameer. VOUNG EN ufferlng from the. effecte of J. eariy evil habite, tho remit- of ignorance or folly,.whol Sud themmelvos wçak, nervous, and exhiastd ; aio ma Mtz Ax»n and OL,» UnEq, who auýe broken down fram the. effectuaof abuse ur iove-work, and in advanced 111e teed tho consequéncea of youthfnl excese, send for sud nE.& M.ý V. Lubon'm Treatise on Diseases of Mien. The book vil be ment sealed ta, any address on rpept cQI tva 30 stampu. Addross M.V. LCBON, 47 WeUington St. B., Toronto., gr ']RY DAVIS, ntu PA1 NuKiLLER 78eEIOOMMEN» ETf -, .E'kyfsicians, Minister8, >Jfssionaries, Managers o! Factorie, W4lork-Msho Plantaions, Nurse in HIoMspias -in short, everybody everyoherq V49 a vrDç i« a. ~ i~t*Àti tIXBD WITT A WJ~GLABS0F BOT MXLI ANI) BUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUN», A NEYER FAILINO CURE 'OR SUDDEN COLDS, CIMLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS I'N THE STOMACH, SUM- MER AX,ýD BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SOIIE THROAT, &c. APPLIED EXTERNALLT, FXPEUIEN.%CE RAS PROVEN IT TUE MOST EFFECT>VE AND BEST LINIMENT ON EARTU IN REMOVING THE PAIN ARISING FROX SPUAINS, BRUISES, RHEtIUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTRACHE, ÈL-RNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per Bottie.' $E Bewareof lImiations. 'M CAMbPBELLS ELIXIR. TIM) *Aeb). 'ye t potent aM d i eo cssof qiporders attendantLupofn a lo or réduoed stat. of the systeul, and ugually accompaniec- by Palihr Weakness and l'ali tatior- of 4the -Ileart ,Prompt resuCts wi7. iol)ow ils use lai cages of Sud<Jee. Lx. hauastiouu ariýiîîg froîn Loge of BlooC* MAute or Cljio î.)seaàes, kIId ii the weakneàs that invaýiably accoumpaîiies the recovery frouiiasLing evers.]NO remedyF will give more speedy relief in l>)yapepela or Indigestion, its action on t.he àtoïiule1 being that o! a gentle anud hermilesâ toxulo, excitiuu the. organeSof digestion to action, aitiduns afring lmmediîtý and permanent relief. Tii. carminative ]prope-,es of the. différent aromatici wiich jk a Elixr contains lýenderiti4zefîil laent Dyapepskl.. It in, aluable relnedy for Atfflm D)yselpb4wiiich in apt teo CCUt > irrsonae1 goty character. For ~ovred Bloodl, Lo88 o! &petie epndency, ïâfflu all cases 'hr nefetve and certain atmu- lImt Jir' aired, the. Elx izil iib. In Féers of a malazl l T7pe, snd th1e varýoiia ovil resulttiovnex -si) îie to tluý cold or wvoL veatier,i- 1 11 eusiàlnof indeoa Caliasys auid 6erMentara are universaly'reogl*Md s spofsor the. above.na4d dsor.ý oW by aU DwalerinFruiljecma P jco $ ptBoul., W_ '2àBU#fr 45. AT .,COST. ance of New -York. Canadian Government depost Aocumlsto rosrvefu oer) Nov business, 1.18 mos., 1885, 8501"0 15,000.,000 Twonty.fl vo per cent. of a&l assesments aie depositec? with th. Contrai 1rat Cern- pany of Nov, York, as trustees of the. Re- serve Fnnd.* Lite Insurazico at lesu than anc-half the ordinary rates, -and secuixity perfect., Only 17 assessments made in 1881, 1882, 1883, and- 1884, and in no case can they be morefre- quent than every alternat. month. Annual -expenseBof o-managoment, &o., limited 10 #2 per #1,000. An active agent wanted in evoiry unrepre- sonted looality, to whom a libera) commis- sion vil b. allowed. Applications solicited aud full particular fumnizhed by thei. upder. ulgned. H. GORDON,' Agent for tho County of Ontarne, Fort Ferry, Ont. %gay à,]8ès. T B E WESTERN4 BANK F i CANADA, WHITBY, - ONTAÈIO. THOMAS DOW, Manager. Whltby, Nov. 7h. 1882. ly-47 MONEY TO, LOAN! 0100.000 FOR INVESTUENT. ON REAL -EBSTATE SEOU.BITY.S Atlovest living rates o!intereel. Moneseeured vituin 10 isys of &p. 1 plieution.;1 JOHN PARQ1ÛHABIO1 Whulby, ?ebruary101h, 188M. $500,000 TO LOAN. At 6 per cent. yearly., Terns f rePa mont ao! Spiialmade ho isuit' borrovr Firsiani eood mortgagos bought. Ad- vancs mde o seond mortgages and te purchas. farma. No coste icurred in makng pplcatons to me for money ; no a et's f.il; ne deasy. Parties p. il hierateso orggashoulda SPfY to me St once for lover rates and mave money.- Write or eaU immedlately frprluas 1y2- 20 Adelaide Street Baut, Toronto. wALLÂAnB TRE mete ilu United Workmen Loproom, 8nMIAs Block, fStWednsay in oaci A few hundredi Bushels of! dean Beed Gats qf I superior kind. Goôod Rolil Ilour -et $2OO OATB, and OORN MEÂL." Thoriey Food.' ýmanitoba Oit- cake. ROcM Sait, Oron F&xc4. 0 W. B. PRINGLE-) - -j B à fremiù aî% common RBlotdch, orE ý'-. 111ev vo, lm301"l"' Feve -Soïes94 Scaly 0rRaoug lu short, ail dIseises-cgueed b a conquered' by' ÙM Poweru, PînI InvJgontWgmffee. rat]E e-tter9 ta noUth buncies; Sore Eyes, SCnoiaem mnd Swell4nM4, Hîp...voint 1" te SUwell ing@u Goitée, orý Necs and Eniarged Glands. cents ln stamps for a large tetfe ored> plates, on* Sun Disae r th- sujiunt for atreatise on S"crof i OusAg *ThorouÉhly cleanse 1t by usiflglr. pî GoldenUiledieal Dlstoverysnd. digestlîon, a f ir iu bivof j lis, vital strengban& 011 consiitution, wIl b.estbse~' coNSU PTION wlulch la Scrolulonm Diseas.e 0 Lung«g, la promptly aind certanly an,, snd cured by this- God-gIven remeuly, ift before thc Isat stages of the dsma From its wonderful power over rem t fatal dIsease, viien flrst offerlng tis ebnated nemedy ta thc public, Dr, thought ser of calllng I1hbis CjD mumptI cion yunc9 ~but abandond W un t0e ltmited for a medicine vbu, frô Wonidcfui comblnation af tonie, or ta, Ing, atitZ , or bkbod-c1eansing, màné! as alt 44n1tpto Liver, Blood, ad Luni r t you feel dîulldy, debil1tate&, aalow color of abin, or Ye lowish-brw on face or body, frequent headache or' new, bad taste in mouth, Internal heat or alternatlng wlth hot Iglasheslauwspiri gloomy borebodinga, lire app,ét geatin ]Deýpe su ad Tonpid r or "Eilouanens.99 In mnny casa part of these symptams are exueren,,i a rcmedy for ailsuch cases, ri. Pie Goldlen IledicAld iseovery bc VoirWeakLugm, Spittine orIl Slortuemm et y eatht, frontoj sevene CoughmConnmiption, klndrod affections, Il l4 a saverefa x Send ten cents ln stamps for r.-i book onCos lpao. So d by Brum PRICE $.0vO itoc Pmrepnetors, M0 Maln St., Burriro, Soldby xuggmtu - 2 cote a viaL - 0 ,ýREWI le effëed iw 11epo cùf Dr.SaeaJauh foraeofecatarih ainnot cure. bDeuerell' ekoe for Yi DP.>. loieri iê mach ' 15 ali, s ibe kopti on The one horne fermer bas4 le long ambition to gain a reputatiLon for veoW- ing a iirt'y mbirl, #tne viii aSuI&M himeighbors ,by ett ing op lue hotu befone day, andithe&a it inouni aua net go te vork ill sm-up. He wllpay tbre doUsansfou a nov brile, tnlen.1tii.e al! eoewi ite t pieces bier. Sunday. Re viii gelaRiimigiborslo help iu getblng aàovw ont ef a bog, lien let ber aie for vaut of attention.. sleek viii gel lu sud deetoeoy bis arop e asplaceluth. feu.. liai ihoebae bean pntting off flxîng for six montiis. He viii epraîn is back by lifting something te shov boy etrong ho Wa He viiilu l &Runday bou& viiai b. kuove about farming, tien ride woenaitue n.ighborboed Monday hut- ing s"d potaloos. Bfe wiliqo ise hirt aleeves on a oo!d day te shov bow mach -ho can stand, lien reluru home et1 gh and ocoupy ivo thirds colf teanplace li We-11mê. Apply to

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