ALL knD SCofnr QOD 18TI'rue liu t by lUilr t'et Dl ave c, * bilrsklu baffl 111,;at Soiutnà bt' is ta iul ,ulpwer over tli -s wn ftrst offerluug, "I 1 tothepubtcDr.nq re,'" butabamicoueal ýra mredicine whbo?* ýnatoncf toute ' or rbk'od- san u be r <1nupto i», or yn3lowsbbroS1 1. eunt luadmZhor ý oih nternai Iletu ibot llfui o1w [igs, irregu sr Fou am uire3mfra epsandaitTert mpuois 43Mexer Ieol Inch caes, Dr Il Ibieosr h. Conumptiut, ýas, lt la a eveon rus s ln stanipé for Di- pttou. Soie by1brugg .Dot on 6Eo!'9 M,0 ManS. Buuo % cS LITt ous auti CATE5,I $ 50 0 REu»WuA ,ls effarait by lbe B énot cure~ the noma, ciffu" S4 e1isa, vrtl4>emort - oreïi k rit "6Coldlut $h*e INSOJ reli's. BIook for ggi VITUBE, Room suliTs, ROOM s UITES, UsEDROOM SU'ITS, e, Comne &L ,and rtAg AWatI, 41 c iling)q New t o cons tSCI (07adv*l he CU e1V lE1 REIl SALT.'è MlY lmpmr o« sud OBEEBE. 5c11f11 S Io lb pollu y. 10T.-DsrPalher.-t hsWe b.,lu W", uing f"et tmywhoe ,h. boua sdaIli asun opanons, avlug e iroulale1 d 1a& report wu do«g **U. although lheré ila u il u aadbat I wu. T1ah1suedn -;Omo"iutlflm.tgon, awqu gtbsho~ ro hohaf u ilby ofbengimplioaIed wlth -wa wad Dominh.ionMwtooflie juhes"«long atakmn. S*b1H. D- là tmanl h.dosllaof Mr~. bf:P4* ~ MoGilllv¶ suad W-' mq pouulbly km ethé .lght .o 0l, e.Mons., veho'Wl. killedlY hi. bores ~'merltbeay Mr. MGil- TkAfamouakuu ioLyn.ieb in thé, . sprimg ' of 1882, asu saraiI' O'~jgud.Mr Gray le therefore Gswih a eupudne h unembeÎr -luGrsnd Forke, I vas wlth ýSlor. 0 ourwba lb.lait aghtune. e u ~~Bà teman at the tlie in the vèteriuary à mnwbo leftbus vife bore 16 flnally .rrnated at Barrise oun hure flurge business, but flot killiug mn*u ~ b.Jusice if1the-person, or pemnoisbaid beauà puits toou cf la shurry &0 <y(j<>nor aud s jury. 'ÂA r'tasprtala e pn uI1. rtho bis outful ffetion If. oa. bd beu oeued te:Jugsthe .lory, or lie es it i., as lb.>' wére icor did t o b&i "ojet"fles Siut UeNpee ad b opo Ihat .os.vbo irugn ojUlle il, îb.>would have beeu d e sir Objete' v'e»Ylb.OzPrt@whido bette: eemCs'Vasýployed, for I nana: vau amrlibe e i. Ba wlI eth n wi ought to b. sttledmong srbotte lumy 1. ete seIdu 1 wdigwth open rl1 vpateand at B orne argument a ae nm ié ate aeIdn B.8pregentstivOi of teBâ Eloo be ben conel il vaudeoided thalst yhiug u povo ifIn ad genten Lithi (Oc. of Toronto wvers lu t Iis esoh couunsl %boula argue bis euoaud hohIvipre fIeuidou1. ,@O I»d seciired ~muhlgt 0mle.~.oiineih .. eot ordere for over 20 aeepî his Lord hi's no ntà erson or pansons, who inveuted that fora ari o due s d m 1h. repote Ivii &ase mention 1the lihw ugnst next. The price lu b teranlnsted vithoul auj vibeses belug fofloheu"amad esmtatee the are a.nigt for esobli ght. This in examrned, by 1hé Juage direotiug thea hlm udlvsi«tdtefsr dotse as &BMr. Gould offered 10 defendant 10 enter upon 1Ilerecrd Io! - Ci b reArn.lla nd Roger nec î0tmiih ligbts for, but il tbe 6 monthth h 1e Court a dialalmer co f &y intention of the gtlemAabe n oaud either o on.M îjIs essisfaator y&0,a&U aoncoered the te ineuit the lady b>' bis onUand sud o? 111e g 1ntlme e aom. jo or Pric0 Mnay bae fpeated te corne dowu. ýo psy hig ov Costas, whieh being doue, doingo mnyEdwsin el0 Dsoîs. ur Miesura. Mansfibîd & Gold have open. th. plaintif vau direoted le wlîhdraw vr'Iu>,EIi eleFy #d u~t tbeir aping stock sud beg 1th. ber cuand psy ber ovu Coita also. ostronage cf an equal amount of cfs- Il ie net oflen It vo he ave te 00 ht rrlybauiolvnov ivdu ~~owera,~ hue fasot s i mnu losing bis wsy on Natureves us -grandeur of onlis 'We are sorry te state that Mr. James Lake Oouchicbing, but snob a Case did, glens sana oceaus and thousands o! means Les~' e Lagdaedid ast oour ou Sunda> laut. As. viii b. roes cf eujoyment. 'W. eau destre no bitter Lbqs8 y u, O flg.A are r1mber dily remembered b>' &i1 Ibose vho e e. hen um perfect heélth; but bow often do. e ana l.fuserai te tue coËne- out oun btdai be leel' u hmarty ddeto&ge elIiagna worIup aT h Ped b tsuab hof mnoved rett>' bard. Iu 1he sfterou wfitthdisease: hen thers e nfo odeiieufor Le.sdThaewil royra ratl oo m îs. an uwho vorke over at Longford lefthis feelng, as every sufferer eau -a"17 Tbuae .m winlginily aee th s Io».h home for that place. As ha veut 0on obtain satlgactory proof, thât Greens Tc s .1 b . owng ai yb t e ym at bis vay ho fouud Il bard vok againt A ug iptZpor,ill make them ire. trom 61 te ownr-shelopb. e tr h.drivlag suow, sud. unéble 10 kecp a disoae, as wbeu bora. Dymppeia sud stagltLivei Oornplaintar the direct cusso! on ou r"101) ehr6 eu mr-na r etourse or eaty se s h.WaY, a ar-i e et fB c uai a chat. ela t he mlgb awbe why onhooly haufa lo»Isad euB ouu Indigestion, Sick Readache, Th *1rclibwihe fore il vas dark. The night wsi aven Costivenesa. Nervons Prostrations, Dizzl. working order in about a mouîh, tan wn vildr than the afteruoon sndud hob. nseto!the Heai, Palpitatibn o! the Heart , gon Le hrt Yeu, is il?" Marchant Could soareel>'tell the iglt vay 10 bis sud other distressiiig viuptoms- Three o ne Dot much ; but vO wiU not destination, ou aoitut cf the darnetasdoseso! Augu#t Pioncer vill Prove ils il wefor.wendentai affect. Sanaple bottias, 10 cents. mach ooal-oil a sed" ho decided tb Camp on the Islsnd f ry That ~ ~ ~ O jeal u h o f aul chae" the lgbt. *Ho msaged to make s won't ba kept 90 bus>' clesaiug chim- amail fire, sud by walkinx up sud downu Catrdial soeea rle iN Yr noea, ejîber." sU nlght long kepl hbimsîf froin (eez- ys1Y CANNINGTON. iug. jH otel,6 Leugtford al righl uoit th .-uWOKNGOdER.p Mr. George Hrnme on Weduesday morning pretty voIX piayad Ont., but "Myvhuasbandvas troublad witdyp- recive bI comisio asPolocothervise sU right- . sua fer more than foulr yeara. Twoe exer- theve is only. asiPoli" zenoed physiclanu did litaine od W Magistrats ftis oc s.£ 01 ol dîacoursged, until us read c!Burdock A. racies joer s tis illge ait Mies Rebemison sud sorearelative Bood Bittera; lie tok oui y Ivo bottles yAk preasjer dad matviloaeueo!or rinPmIFer vr.vsting over Sun. sud nov ig asveil asever, asud oiug heavy we prmdaer po the ltteOorrPrdat M. .err lo's. iiivoi'> al the liais." Mu SRichard Bous, casriage vbesuOnwiah telterHas M.Oteloo rley, Ont. B. B.- B. has cured the vomit bad te psy bou Cents eXpress rates. âMesura. A.. Baram & Son have casas of chronic dyspsa. The grain buyers a% the station boe. sold Ivo Of their imPorted draugbl Il la mid that lira. Logan bas vnilban a have since barvest, purcbasad lu th$ slsilioeite a gentleman from Mark- nevel on Washington soCiety. nelghborheod of 125,00() bushels of lise.Dontak iletPWf O Miu suinad 100o,000 pounds of pomk, sud Wednesdsy sfterneon MrS. bManuiug wDe n, o take pi or1pthersYcuthen psid ontin luah about $75,000. had a paralytioestroke aud aI one lime resait may b. mrlons. If yen r»quire 8 On Tbursday afterneo00, v bilOe .'t vas thought aswudn t ee.doeo hyi it.D.Oasni tmc removal of 1h.e ld Toompeon hotel vwu Ws are glad t10 hear, hovever, tin 1tehed (oweatapai Bi loc&s, gnlyo under va>', a large spiko 10 whioh 1the tg Dow somsvhat bettert sud vs hope -lt. crb toya , euif at th e ad, mrn Chain used for pulling the building vas for Ur spéedy reaoverY. kidneje, sud speedily .cures billougnssu attà chad, îuddeuly flev out vi1h ter- Miss Mary Anu Webster bas left haahdyspepsua, indigesotion. Sea0"e rifle force, sud pju i kamung tI.he ed Epsomn for ber "home near Se9agrane. othruganstoresfrannoeue end ada t.d o! a litûo son o! Mr. Jas. Osbornie, W. vouder if that good-iookiug YOUng lot.rdyen sunu Sudia reme struck the brick vail Of tho Que'i Mmn yulb. lu mourning nov. '&bout faquteLt T l sd uswoe ilreblu e hotel vitb suffitnt foroes temats. quit@ th.elist limne ve s»v hlm b.vas ca-st. .60 cents. au indeution. adLW theMi, o juag longiztg glances tovard the. "uer'- Thé Colonial Oonruq5 vas OPeu.d Y« Ihe -boy tgIl ~d mou Cartalnl' bav *l dy kiiled him. Ou Touday laut, sI au auclion Balas a d on l. eîst o!lb. sbaMm.ia-!,su Toai wh aesuer&1fom- rrr W. have van inventive genlus ilu Ibi village vho laies t10 have disoovei-ad & mOasgevhereby railwa>' collisions, once bi& achaeeljeadoptai!, vill b. ai thing o! th. putî. .Ho proposes 10 la>' s tracts frein Itee ooatchsi of the engine, ove: tb. top o! 1h. cars, sd dovu ove: the lait car, e Ihal bould 4ve trains alleinpt.10 Paiseash other on the same traok ou.eviii psu sIly over the other. Diek hba spoverfali> greai bosd-aud feet Mv. It lasaiùd tfilsItbe ?aith sure eau wbo vioited Omifis, resnlIy, oured Mr. Molteynolde, of West-et., of abedtteot of meelsn At the tetaeleetios libis à tovu, ont of 807 on the it, oui>' 541 votes ver. polid-Iebring -266 vbo failld le re- cord au>' opinion ditber ou the question at issue, e: the respective merlis o! lb. candidates. -1 Luspector Webber ised a net up et, the Severn River yesterda>'. K.ei.afut becomlng a terr oevildom orsd th. Domiion Gonêmumentun reoousdrg tue .dv»iaalty--of eudlng hlm te the Maritime provinces l, e mtle lb. littho international diffillut>' thons. Ou Tuuia>' Contable W. Clark, cf Omdis, sud Detective Shaua>, of -Bar- rie, captured an iiait 111 upon lis p remises o! Mr. George Montgomery., Boulh Urllis, lu lh. visinit>' e!the uevw asylum. The ocoupsul o! lbe place W" wa rested, laken to Barrie, suddvas yest.mda>' btriod. hefore Mayer Bosas, found !ulit sud s.nteuoedlto psy aà fine o!f'4100 sud outssud .&Wote ipeud a month in Barre gsol. The estimales gins #629400 ai lbe buin te be eçent on tho ev idiot aty'Im Building ootfages, $61,700; fuzuutQre, 1400: drains, &o., $M., Ths anuot estma"ed'for tho mainleneuce of -the asylue "bs par ià #29,80.' Lut Year $28,860 wvasapepl. , A largeproortion cf Ibis moue>' goga ludinacltite b Popla o! tue levu sud district, sud the bouefit. o! balug il spoul ber. isao al incalculable. A loalsulniste lit Babath Vent. for 1h. reporters in IbWis vise osaid la speaking pf &aman'.7<eMItbliSB Of iaylug as thé vrtoner odd14 Tia Uabuwxnl Ret o0% "IW bu *i nfiéý &t iithent.l 0 ~ #auwê drivlug bous. toon suddenly gave va>', preeipitatin2g sbos 50 men luto bhe rotoecllar belov. A herse standing ou the flooî aise came usai' geingdovu vabh tb. men. AUl go& eut vith oul>' a t.v bruis.. und mcatches, except Mr. Georg6E Hart, vho bai! hi. sg broken. Our vilage blaesuith l making proparsti@Dsfora sitou fguadallo uindar bis bars.' vitlng u nlbsuorlh for lb. put thre veeka, i. homo agei loeking veil. Sorne of Our >'oungmon are goig leo wemk lu Lludaay. J. H. Rani. bas goee Mr. A. Boon iite follov short>'- A mmeginot tii. BeuMogFootb#aii Inatte as h.ld bars " w vek. Offi- ceS lb. asme as a"Iyear witb WS. Grabsan sptalu. itt. Wm Sangs, vho, b bssa resdeul ber s samehie bolbood, ie.»v iug for Olorn«ia. W. vish hie mc- mas lu hie farava>' home. W Wi~.KKnIe ? The muerder o!f* .Kleuis-eo! B. Whigtieis au Oommon lopis bers. ire>'of Oui-remaensviire- member liI about six -ye.smgno Wilamlblenale, of ZBsaWbltby, mol liak"ola, taklng vi he11 herse kuovm u aiLuxaI, sud 111. so» lpokus), 1e-vwu found! desdin lu b.stable =nder tahe me. ýs l-b. boss'vas khu o e b.avielts brutele th vas ,sot lhellgbtioslmsssplut(oYfw> fi s ept as putli, lu lcm llain$besj losi>jhal one Tbomai K.May$via. vesl le PDakota- about 1bhesme ltime, vu enreelsi!for mWder, fou" gulli>' ju $alaence o! mth piess! ipeajbiliu sud Iba9lou«m eeut*bé 060- bo [y rx sud indlserelonsoy naosve- uIesa jy ar«docal, J'iS ot mai>hoot. vUuda recipe tht wvl ou»l yen, FgbfflO07CHRGE. The great remeaJ w~ dlCWovered byinuSouth 4ýmca u4a ef-d euvaloe to the Bey. Jobam uT. Iuf, Station. New. York OUq. ht l reported thal Emparr Prnai Joseph . £0go to Ugla uifg th. DR LOWS8.JLEASÂNT WORMW SBEUP- -Me agswablo, g5f. gdý effectuai emedg to romovoa4 hi eu of uoorv'. À FEW IT FOR TaEs m O ~$ DmS. - lb more the w- .1 eh p"y, 2 ta 4 Pille; ~$ thmuoghuy, 4 go Paul. Experieum reU dmâeeii1*lhe proper dom sala cIo*au. remedy ba se. effeUtie as ATEWe PILLa. The~y Ituurregalar daily aCtion, sd e- etore tâ. bowehoaistesealtlay aobditIian. Fer Iudigestiku, or DyspepIats WaYE' PiILLS a n valauble, wspa asure oua. Rfeant-.b=1rsuet !A*Pptu% , oui ftoai, FIatuuy, lseseB- ache, Numbami, hansea, *Au ilrelienei anit curaitby ÂY'8 F1145U. lnuve IiomIplit, Emioue nbordmrs, andi Jaundiis, ÂVEW& ?ILL8 elMS0i give ii. tueslargo qnougb toe asiýthe10 ~. ud- Suit made to Çrder for $200 .largo stockr of S3cotch, English and Oan4an Tweeds, Blak Worsteds, etc., te. select >f~m, kSpoia Un.e ofEÂVY. TWEEDS frern 50 te 75 cents per yard, suitable for Buesis Suits <ur Boys' wear. FUJL,STOCK 0F' GROCEIRJES ALWAYS ON HA.ND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. E~ .coe WA~I~~ ~T, BBOOKLIN, ONT. FLRONIWURE -Ty. Cottage or Castie, -AT PRICES WHICH WILL ASTONI8H YOU, CALL ON a WM. -HAILT, BBOOKLIN. TI~ Funerals Fully Supplied." W HELIJ3 W ~flPIIULI IYII1I~', Midway between Brooklin and Colttmb~s, on the 7t1& Concession. We are now prepared to -make ailidndes of Wooilen Gooda, such as Tweeds, Full Cloth,, Union Flannels, Sheetixg, Shirtings, Ail-wool bed Blankets, Hlorse Blankets, and Yarns ini al varieties anailR kinde of Knitted Goode kept in stock for the accommodation -of Dyeing ini ail colors done to order. L li~g~#~ p»ce paid for y quautity of WooI. Alorderspromptly fiile4. W#7 D. *9OWEIaMAN, dg soi q ) maos stf1 Eig by aloe ocontinue tuorso forin wbc otn bleed anu nerais, ecomflg Vfy5 S W AYNE'8 OINTrMENT Stope tbe ltchlng aud bledi# eS ulceratioR, and ~ many camC removes I thetumOrs. Sn 44 bmail oA~~ 5 0cte MANKOOD Lý, Roi Loit, BrotId th. radiceasd Permanent ur-M» tOU mnedicinel o! Nervoue Debi#tli , tsti' Phyuical Incsp&city, Im»eimuill lr niage, etc.,restiltiflg fromOxcesea. lwPlce, -lunsealed envelope; onily 6' cents, or lwe postage 84amps. The çelebtated author, l in dial )3uy, cleanly deo -rlS rmllt yeai ns'soceafuli~I18,ta lrii out the. dangerous use Of itnamdcii or 1he u»e o! 1h. kuife; os " 14iJig ou a mode o! cire ai once smple, seaudn. efeta1by means o! wiheeysuerr no malter what hbseondifiôn- mîlbesin»Y cure himsel cheaply, pnlValeély s*4 ru caly. gThis Lecture should b.eln the hand o! every youlh sud every msul l.Ià The CUiVERWELffEDIüAL ý Co.,: OR DREN ARCAE, TftNTO.- A admoo Thoroughly Eqwipped for Euis rJig BUSINB8SS OORRElSPONDENOE, BUBIIZSS BITHMTIO, oMmZbOUdlà LA.W? BHQB&THb.ý ND N]Yp-~IGPEÂOTIOALLY ,TAUGIE FINEST ROOtvNS IN, ANADA. UnRd fS ho " foua. U r ls - C. O'DEÂ, Becrary, ~. Dtsv, Baq ~ AooousSa*l, T9ro%*o. l