Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1887, p. 5

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N]FjW sr *Go oils.' rail ini al Our ,xolusive onth, Joaings and buy, and , absolutely prices. We -01aini um. ~ mna' Oolunn. entie Spring, Ie mildireas,coni yparnifigt4f r you. o see your wondorful gres pore, anid tasle the aw.elu ,asud hear the joyenisou0nda attend you. We vent-you bsw uociety ot i ttIi nialter, ïand sharne it hil buytnga o honor to your prenCoe. our lîfe-giviug ÃŽufIuenoo le sB u bactivity, and indreas r new stylesi in Boolaoos So please hurry on, almagi fFLtTNCE 0F BEAUýTY. uty is a joy boroyer ; nraeac it will neyer n gnesa; but stili 1WlUkeep for n, and a .Ieep reams, and bealth, and quiel vexy urrow are we wreathing to bind us to the earth, dce, of the inhurnndeaxlh ,es. of tho glooroy daya, mlthy and o'er-darkeped vayu iarchig ; yeu, in epite ef iii, beauty rmes away the pag rk spirîts. inry objecte oi beauy, ve e attention cothla& i and laoed walking boots. d littersanad -firat-eais la A bottie of french soe.» lrown ini With ever>'par rom $1.75 up, the 19.50 lbms and lace ahoesah»is duerv ned on account eft heir 2hmgio> of Monitreal, hao supplies-us. No ousiri&Uo a at clouer primes haa v n baîhd the stars; ike golden bars, ancape geen, wsrowntbetween. te the river gieame, er dreanis er effver bow uadowa low. 4i1l night as this, ,nion witb a king,- p.lng in the grave. 1 lotf ler love. es, unasked, uusought, 'f but IL. not bouaht : or Son-4 betrays mpssaioned gaze. beautfu, the free, I bnmanty,- tnd alne élected ono. gh, wlo se uhadowi dep on, the esoul'a sleep,ý e losed eyes 0 slumberng lies; 10 eO lumbering eyeo I l, whQse destin$es twith fear san& pain. bvad.again!i useib y fate, ly desoato, arIt QçUgi uknown, to Me aOWn.' f, wfth unsenvnu i te sa qelg tl ut thon tayeda 0Long ? t Lnflev's contai'> mu&i eIy bachelors but If the» tcmrfrlïid woo i Sudià- alionIdeji buyaela >glace boots. Prlou iang he88 styles belag Ji-, enâtion liaI vs haw tilt, «aepleyd, aud mUii oro= omupt attetion. Osupàj Soos a a Shi mu The .8 WA TCH A With the Ne coar be fotin in 30Z. E se Bi.D BROOK APRIL LOCAL BUDGET OF LIV favorabi>' fera Tum cricketc aIBaye hotel Tua Wiby vihb beisd8 lve One.. mer Qabav dack abooting TWO me'> Docker Ibis Jerome sScott on-les8 more Theo kocha extensive Tro, oxpeots te M TanuisVn& '>sam this tow rigit again. eure if he dol If the feUl leive oi vwi under the i st baud, vill of somethini The undi .0onaiderably fine dîys. daose net mec rouageis apring eircmd No more figure as OUS i n bis1 baqve oui>' ayildon siprewion bave decid, ro ifortlb Dr. J.1 domn ua sud ait P hlm ter opinion4 h tl~~~UU.1Il th ew*h têou 1d #0p00.~~ia acrevof beggalY lookiug reaitinf bo' fr h bavs wnaèred? kcejw ID cimed b*h * OroýnâZu for onie 7eal iùoýbyM. L I u . Ali ez hange offers ysi a bs crp t e prea i proprelQ r nu -oit F A C E ~ io freeto the fagmer *who wiu:11 Is .kn theg io r asi,i berlh buggil gg ~nlt edtorzaIl table. . w . o àaymn ~tk h~p alwayi undentood that Lewis worethie ha f. î.8 î That'as wiut 0.17thiugi that oouId lyeg.I îh.y .1MI, running *lalpen s W 1oU' b<uite a OWlwriitklê Ilr amonte,,Whenil CorùeS b doigsTo 1wo u mk nm u Iy~e~ biowing and bouat iw. r igbt BARTLETT on thedto1Alb ' here vsry lime with b01 i labn. Wa bhavealiad baaded :i 100« lbo. Two çaeting8 of tlbWbsbUc nams f lithe "manerloei swin" bave be.> nnuinOêd aMd no attend. T0' swun ton wO' its» ane. heoroubletogeiber.-there ty WfO VEM uvi, arunt&rournau a i'Unchnroh anco e. Tetrouble is thîl Iber gazing st oach lady wFho cornes out. sI B o 0b. only One MethOd loft Of EUab 24 Thor.araubout enough, Dames 8 1 fil I holding a meetýing,. and that je th an- 3w 24hour die.1 two columna n d when télist it lucoin- 1 Donnesa it for San.iay -afterD0oo and plasew shall publieh it. There are sit holdit in front of ilowi' drm store, Ld 11 stoc, at few boyslu town who are not yet dowu juil afler the. aMy cesses holding f id instoc, at on the Hliansd 1h08. had botter file îéfrt1>.ý Tbe* would be no trouble ln out of oharci like sensible people tnd aeeudring over ude oa ted ho gabout their business or tiey m&y gel, anc. thore. ,4 00, * nl.ls.Onu tovu co0uncil Migil have been Tac aanueal meeting of th. Whitby botter, employed on Konday night wbOD Méok, miSs'1 Instilute le receivelb. il passe8 its resoltitolureport con ilreaurerf an8 ibaia' eportsstable Mo4ulÃŽffo to the an oondn7 n nîy b.noh 3ilver Cases. &ad election cf ficers for theéemDig f msgistlrate8.'Mr. Mc& boneha yeBar viiib. halaon Wedneaiday,?May,.borxàe menta1 peculiarittes mhich maY 411>. As the library conitjIle i. 5a- ,onsiderçdaIstlimes diasutefUal or I~1IT R»lecîing Dow books to b. added tote amusing, according as oeeay fbel ~~ library, mexubers vi lisgieaUtdisposed le eV maîlesbuth.b No le th. Librariail of anv book or books been for a loýg lime a public Ã"&ee _ IT., W ITBY. the purohase of wbich maY be deemed tu Ibis coannlynd bas periape diciaig - desirabie. To inoresse lhe member- ed his édu * th as muci credilte ship, new memberi viii bc r.ceived for hiniseif abi4average constîble or the. remaider et 1887 for 50 cents. conoilier. H is nov becoûiing an ________Tait lutI cf 1he. anninglon ihlicil miliar faceand compee"I ounstable ,~, ~etili cas eame Off boeson Friday in the ,. t courts, s"d vs trust lh. UJ.con Whou i. y. Smih, hotel.kespe? vas benoci of magistrates may not take IJLJIU445tried for his suppose8 part of il. The sncb action as vouid. cause ie dismiesi evidence made Il perfectiy plain Ihstal m .In the meantime lb. tovu cou'>- _____________ miti'i holel vas tb. r.ndezvou5 oftcilvouiado deasif credit by reoUsider. j 2d, 1887. the wbole gang, and t<be ait the 'ng ils iI.advised and hasîY action. supiUs semed to e b.nlutore. The _____________ NOT quithe diiy.daly- LAC NIS. 8tbeiu nteeemd ha" .uabled iag style in whlcb htown couiiil is LACO Iledefes ne sludy o ont a e a iformliiitusîf regau'ding tbe condition Of doons. for smîlb e. 1.Mecf>of te nengins. bysaskiug a 1ew M MU 00 AROUNO TOWN-A kilt, oid Ur. HeLesu sud Wilsu onbd peoe on the sIrae1, v aïked Mr. IELY LOCAL NEWS GLEA1IEO beau .ouyicedbut bohIhle -fOrmuUb1jor Harper on Wedneiday nigh&te tOIOLE REPORTERS had turued Que.'a o vidonoë. This visit 1he lire hall and-se. iat vas loft tie burde'> of the puaLMenl le 1.11 wrong. lHedid so sud gave lie engiii$ sangy..takn nte, upen Wilson sud Smith if boti vers as lbo"ug'<-_an inspection s eh oY,e'il n pr n otes. couvlced. If Smih ve s ieued oniy oircutmula oUld permit-. "WeIl" r bers sat ILp g pe poor Wilson vould b. 101. Il wuvassid bMr. Harper, vohe h bd cooud' Fers"Y he prig Oen$a pretty cloue uhave but Smith Rel off .d bis inspecion. is'm nos a bettiDg hgreat fruit od anHs RHor gave Wilson $100 sud mnu.bult i versI von18 ager a good club lu to hold à meeting eus mont1> of bard laher in Deokoes i uni lia I Ieau take ontlà liaI engins on TLeaay ight doWe-aund make ilthrow twe. elremen over ou Tesda nigl. dmicie.the biggest block in lown." The engine su&d ButsItWhiby Show aéb rea A COUPLI cf men eome hhso hesy, vouid be attor of a litis ovr- et OlsigàaaoTuu Tueadaýy, su>d on îieir perambaistiont iauling, but lie oly Ihing vrong i.s rine list u Olflpoien ltried b, Bell seinsquanllties of postage liasoim@ste105 ecapes nov, sud lii etm : Il Via epetblaItithY "i mmt euIra shovel-ful cf tu yer/ýoJd boy nsmed ise tried le dispose of a qIantheief -- drownad aIHLâl'i marabi, aamps aI Oshawa. Tii ui>rte ..adliaie etybor Iuie 0of r on Momay lat wbii versnci~ilbd, ud 1)Ot'Ãœdv Ro ers@ il dWi't belieVe iu the iaiy o be on, Ifhppne e o ee îteo nengineers 10 judge cf the vorking 9. wh baflasd O b$porseit s.of liai englue. a compotent ver sel o letCashle lime. rocslled te mmnd 9burgiar Ot min froni elmeviers iheuld be breigl w,.ok for lnnacy sudaulaipsi aINswmarkOl, -et vhicb Pl"cebers. t aye be could anmd a vag- tisse fellow. esaid thsy gel fileir ilamps. metllwi » aeWalbos cf luatîulabiward. one of hbé, mmavsimidael wuStas111viwm iind boule, 0 suflnaisMd jaode8a the lieir maeof, il sud su abéseit-inddpoinlap wrdsom Store ie ondergoing DeteiMves Sebel*Bd RgrsB09rMl.sm iOhtéie b pbea glane. ~and s subeing trsed Someviera eu% thlb.omtury uirti h nolie lunet reeeso o r l M or i 'Iet peint. Mr. jameen -bersgi v dtcieScthk hi o>d et ho élit -e ndrw Move mbt i in laa 1ev days.. ne u rs t aî>Oh but favorable oirooinitons5.A li Wateor, gays iL?. Hallett, iad nel sPeed enougi. Rogers 'sma. me- at bad. On ora7 evsi Ourabout rI by a thresbing enu'Ileporteil te bave seul a bullet aflrhi 'lc b rpiter of orblgiy îFo 1at<all glig I hieb breugit oue biood trorn eue, esteeied eotera.paused bIumisdly along Is lea sMnost niiraciiloiibut vu bave uo"tiig everify lie froto slarsd vie'>harruve"'lu 'os. report. The is in jail bore hs being fotfBafod&Omak s udlalii oyvepersuaded ns aa iotmvapeur 'until evidense Oan b. ment seizd-on le a pm-hielW~. u uter ovroh I nesloa ad regadi'>g lhe borgi'iy aI Nev- apparenlly qaits uncOnconcfiS inpr osioflIat cupmw v a rks, or vismever ilt tok plâce. 5sufron0ings made seuu'daI t al reuudbuvii ea A m>'h.us'>frinou 1w' cn'-speed. Whem ihadilgene aboUt 4Q_ à- ro a es.med suddenly te aake te& [.Kergan ofDetroit, Mici. lu md. Ioc.n mle blo oin- Ã"le 0f k obt id ivits hs4remd, ptients mon Wk , tshe. moisii mi.or o l uul.vil >k ierscf is Snetio vepuode bat people iMay bave liu' <ijwbon li - a lb persoikilaliterview, iaaBlatoi bo ida roglîis a e WIê, 1 cf liew j %rg, or ~ cld limîe jubiles O00¶ wieh -1 -1 lt troubles -d..l.g__is- Zuo1%1u lia meuh;-# Per 8, t. 01rles ator8a>'- sudBundi&YO Avril SOU. maut q . Wbilbyp, oya lHolel, lMondabMa> 2ad. Osar, central Rolip omdil May Brd. sud BVi~?1P 11l@ Hous, "Wednssday* K-My 41h.¾in la Krganli*Mxau oflra" bilit'a i professin udadervedl' PopiIJ vh lis C"naian poople b>' vicur bisa nov largely pmtronlzed inar bis rival; epeelils 4is ýibid. Gv Tffl caseoSFWbert KCa&Ula> ,of the townsblp of R&mia, bregIL ,dovu to e e.about a a si le>' ven&tIe intiOb % lm* the vinîsi.. 6or$ liquors.lothé ans cf $b0e I Making St 'ck vry attractive ôrth omig season.* .dy he ehieVthe -LargestSoko ew and ei~' Dres, Godâiài Cân4da, and are offeinýg mauy- leading lines at, popularpre. -dyy al o hw aStock of Prinitswhich frvre style, vý.le ana excellence is unsurpassed' Their Hioisery, Glove) Ribbont Parasol, »irdahy and Faficy (3oods ])epartments are welI siiPplied with ail the Leading lio- yeltisof the Season, to whioch they -Wonld direct the attention of eiery buyer, ehave in, Stock an exceptionailly large. assortment of )c Worsted Trowserings', choice Worsted- Suitinge, ehoiçe Scotch Suiting, and, Over- coatings. jiýe Ordered Olothing ini the latest styles, .a specialty.ý -.~'OfEO IPORTER ANDMNUFAOTURER 4IEW SPRING NOýW * GOODS ARRI.VIN G Acomplete range of desirable goods, 'and rHELA~RG-ST STOO~ See ou re New Table Linen - at Per Yard. EXTAORINAYVLJ~ ANDRElv I'1&'miIï, t - -jUST TO- ÂD 8~ Day. 1887. '801? h- Staff ort DB E 'S BLOCK3 RIELL WELITBY., BIROCK STIREET, We have ever showm,

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