Whitby Chronicle, 22 Apr 1887, p. 6

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""a id bot tdelay sud dsiiger,ti Anti. the "roal wAY ta, taks lt,'» Anti legel l. olen appleo, Yeu mua iithe tise. and shako 1." But this question, sà two.sÃŽldedb And 1he.two aides ehoulti b. given; Where i. 1h. other Party, Wheu the Mau is haif mn Heaven ? If $e kiset man and womau trae anesd leving- kiss, Van the man by patent right Monopolise that heavenly bilas 1 Cam he Bay he loves that Heaven; That hi. heart with rapture glows; If h. makea il common practice, Elising every one he knows? Th.re isneo pleasure lu the act 0f kissmng axiyne- The bla s l from the spirit In which the act je doue. It 'Uia man that bas th.blilas And nonet1he woman, pray Finti me 1he noble woman that * At suob a gaine. woulti play, But et the Ivo, 'tis certain, Andi .verybody knoýws, She lbas 1h. Most enjoyment, At lber iez nâture shows. If true lov, b. the. motive, Yen May becaaured oft Iis, That thonre laslittle -beaven Iu the token oft a kisas. But if the motive lie for ill, It better were for th.., Thatvith a mill-stone te your neck Yen were cas intae the ses. TVhe lips vers madie for kissingb tlse whence tibm fond desire -ThsaI prompts us aIl toesteal lnsm FreinthlIse awe mosî admire? AU thinga of earth santI Heaven- Al the works cf Ged-reveal, That love i. our firat nature, A kise its holy seal. THE RUNAWÂYS. "Your sun& Ivan. aud your cousin Minus, wiIl b. here by tl.e next train, Beubeui," said Mr. Maloombe go bis. nephew Tom. "Yen liai betýter go snd meet &hem." aI susrry to e ay I cînnot, se I artn going awsy imysieif." "Yuare ?" reepondeci lie old gorille- man, regarding bis nepbew with an air of isurpiieaud consternation. V'Yep, ir; EHaroldi Masnytiba in-lu viteti me te aspenti s few weeks with hlm., aud I thonglit I miglit as welI go III think it s very strange lime te, go. Your untua and cousin will prebuâbly eonsideu' il a persoual effence." " Itj ianet inteuded ssuch-tlough, tý tellthe. trutb, eonsideriug tbe -objeet et Miùnus'svîsit, I should prefer te b. absent, su-d I muet ssy liaI 1 tiink ah. 'Would hbave ahewn more eommnon meese sud delicsey if she hat reinaineti at "1Your cousin je a beautifal RirI sud viii net lia likeiy le go beRging." III do net deubit in thle leasl. But for al liaI se will net b. s suilable wiife for me." "*How de yen, mev, yen coneoiteti Young fellow, Whou yon have neveu' @eau ber ?" inuired lte irahe old man, buinging bis cane devis upen lie floor viitsu'#lring empliasis. "Gemmeis sens. tesohes me tbat a ded good,,humorMedy tle hie -nele, se ho pssa, thé lattert'tarins ulhtr hlm ln gpeohes rage. "lie shan' b, ave a Penny, net a Peuy " .gu'vled, siuklng bsok iu Wolachirî.11- ,wbaiste .malter nov. r" said th. gentiw voices ef hie ifs, who hati jusl euleu'ed lie rMOI "M~star 8ougbI Boboubasm goe <#'a~, l aoid uisslng big cousin. briighl, dark eyss, vIsich j sant a Swift bevitdening glane. mb' hhm, vhieb vogré A sutiden jolting cf!lie coach- seul some efthle, lady's parcels frour tie seat of Iho fleer, anud gave Boubou su oppor- tnnity te speak, as io roturucdtiIem. Prom Ibis they fell into conversation; and ti l as curions boy sociable tiey beesme. Tioy Isîketi of theb. iantiful scenry hrouhviich hhey vere peso- lia;-o teneveat books anti latest Jmagazines.. Tic lady invsrdly Ibougit ber companion te be th. meot enter- tsining sud egrecable young mai s se iad ever mcl; sud as for Renions, ho etîcu lest tic tircati et bis coversation in ludmiring lie rcd, dimpled lips, sud lie pearly leeti thcy discleseti visu. ever aie spoke or' urileti. "1Wiere do yeunat le lie loft, sir 2 inquimedth le cosebussu, as ho ?ntered the village. "At Haroldi Mssmytb's on lhe corner., Do yen kuev vioêre il is ?" replieti Reuben, puttiug bis bead eut et Lb.' window. "OoCrtainlv I de, sir. Take yenu ighl tbcu'inajiffy." $, "Why, ltaI at mmlus--vere I larn go- ing 1" 6xclaimcd lis yonng lady, -OPen- iug vide ber cys. "Elan-Mu'. Mais- myti's vite-jo my most parficular iriand." "Andi lI-arold Measmylhi la y meut particular frieud, antioeeof tie fineet fellows on earti." î4flev very etrapge 1" "Elov very tortunate 1" exciaimoti Reuben, viti a ineauiog gîsuce et bis faim compassion.iC "M&i*hl I taie tise liberty of enquir- ing-" AI liaI moment tie stage sbopped at the gal 'e et Woodbiue Lotige. Iu a tcv mi nutes more Renben v as saiig bauds w'ith Mr. MusyLb, vinle bis ceupanion rusheti into lie arme cftlic astouishoi d ndiligiteti ",WbaI a happy surprise, Minus t" sic sait, vhen1 lbey bad reachet heu' recm. «"I bail given np ail hbeof seciug yen Ibis ummer." III hatine idea cf ceming, until jusl liofore I starteti. Yen sec, usy stop. nimbier vws geing te Unele Maleornbe'e, snd iusisted on 'my acempanying ber, le vieisiaI âthaletai, disgreeable eou- sin cf mine liaItiey are @o deterusiued I shall marry. goe viii.mamusa vas iusy packiug, I put on usy tlis.e anti left, laavisg a nota te expiais my ab- @ence, vau net liaI a gooti te .2" 1161siculti thini se," repiieti Alleu, witi a huat cf marrimaut tir leader lieu tise occasion' seemedti lewarrant. "4Wien I ssv vho your cempanicu vas, I thougit yen vers cul on yoau' v.ddinR leur." "No, indced ; neveu' mev hlm before. Bal, reelly, i. le a hantisome yeang man anti se agreeable 1I-. Who ilu b. P" "Ob, l'il introduce yen vien yen coma devis glaira. Yen viii have only lime to dresa. Be sure sud look yonr .prettiesî 1" andti viiasroeb ii haie cf ber finger et ber frieud, Elles ras swsy le ses aieut supper.1 Mians looei ivery icauliful' ae abs onleredtihIe supper-rocus, in s sofl mas- lin, the aimplicily cf which vas relieveà liy tie rose colorcdibeons in Lb. bain sud aI lie Ibroal. Tic pause wbich followeti Minnass cutrance wua broken by Mr@s. Mss- myti, vbo, iu respenete s mcaning glance.troua hie vite, said :1 -F'rank, shlow m e le introduce yen le MtissMontagne; Mies Montane,- H voies lrembled, but se. mamRd !0 reply, ilu&slow wlpr:"LLos -box, my beerl is yonr;iï ant Il old gla4ygrive 7onl hopé; blta1 am au'edy engsg.d, nt»t fuy ovu tço.w9tlbut by m la h. la.-desirous of a reti ribbons, entendt. "i bo yeu-pardn, Idiii net knoW' b:-mv14readed cousin, OF, am I ag 1 Befont s e h hd ime.le. rsply',lte deor &gain openeti, sud Mu'. Maloruibe ented andi saii: "Bonne, Ibis1W yeur cousin, Minua Ivan; MiÙnus, your, cousin Reuben Malecombe."1 'II uadersstadit Ilal, new,"7ex'olaim. eti Rouben, I"onu' riend& Mn. ILlamyti bas plsyedla joie on né. But w. wkil have car revenge by asking 'heu' le the weddiug. Shalh we net, Minnas?" Her reply may easity b. irnaginied, as aielie, nucle's deliglit aI Lb. sucegs cf bis plans, anti a iearty laughi.,ihey all enjoyeti wheu Reuben repeatedth le story. Where the Old Maicis Core nel. "Do yeu know air," enquired.- an Ameriesu lourisl et biseompa4zn yuile deing Engisuti. "anti eau yen iuformn me the resson for the fresi beailtiul appearauce cf the Eugli.'b -eople ? Thei r oplexionîiè far super- ieu' te ours ou' ou' cuntrynien everthie hierring pond." "*Well, I know wiat ProfersserHux. -Anti wist reason does hoéstivauco 2 "1WelI, Huxley gays is is ail owiug te the olti maidà." - 1 "«Owing le olti maide 1 Ton surprise me."$ -"Fact, Huxley figures il eut lun this *&sy. Now, you know the Baglisi are very fond et resat beef.' "But viat bas tiaI te de viti old maids P'" "Go slow. This gnnine Englisi beef is thie best andi meat nutritions beef in thse vend sud it impartsas beau- tiful complexion. The excellence of -tbis Engliah beef in due ezclusively te roi cloyer. Thii.red cdoyen je .uuicied sweelened sud tructified iy humble bets. Tic ouly enemy to, th. humble bec is the field menue." "'But viat have rosat beef, red eo- ver, humble becs aud fildit uice. gelte do witi eltimaides? "Wiy, yen muaetlie vory obtus@. Dou't yo eprceiejytsaItihelices Wealdi b. exterusinateti by tie fieldi mico if il were net for tb.este, sud tiecoli maideofetOlti Englauti keep th.e oun- lry lberongbly'astoceai op vili cals, sud se wc eau direelly trace lie effect ef u'osy Euglish eomplexion le lieelie. niga ease ef Enlilsi olti maitis; st lese 9t iî'e *bat Huxley maya a&bout il, sud tbst's jus& vier, tIse old malts eeme in. Science makes clear many mysterieus thingo.", A fable About a Boy. A bit.oet-a boyobretlisw$r curling ber' hair arount epoera n whbeha ss ber golden ringloeeuri op like Gergis pin shavinge, vhat he cousidereti au over.,.brigit ides struck bim.% 6"Tie folke nexî doou' sy Ibeir png le botter thaonu'rbull deg, becanse ite taau curie over ilis bacie tiglil. I sus juit geiug te curl ou' bull deg's tail nov, andi run him op anti dowu in front et their dog's bouse, andti lea maybe &boy won'$ teed se big." Se he lirougit the dog 1lu, sud beatd lb.h poker ountil il becaîne reti bot in order, Se get a gooti eurl. Qrasping 1he dogla lau, h. quiïckly v onat isitaroa t lie Prour frinycur dugssboitte'- et H&kYrdtil -Yollo;W,011 aàùd -use,,acecoringý le directions.- J. D.Camereu, et Wesllake Alunie, Cajie Breton,, vas oureti ytusre- -moedy il ,otier realment lhatifailet.,i' t] may b.takon in4,rxýally for ceajgis, oitis, $ore-Ibroat, se., cIte. BmPeror William viii sojeuru -et 'Ems duiniugseart et June and July. VOUNG MEN sufferlng frei thea effectp et iL eariy evil habite, tho resait cf ignorance L r fofly, who fLnd themeelves weak,, nervous, sd exhausted ; alse MMpDLE ÂGic aad OL, MERp who are breken doWn frcm 1th. affects of abuse ur over-'werk, and in, advanced 111e teed lthe conssenes ée youthlui axceag, send for and nawmà,. V. Lubon's Treatise off Discases of Men. Thse bock vii be sent aealed le any addrcss on receipt o!t Vwo 3c stampa. Address M. V. LLTBON, 47 Wellington> St. E., Toronto. W~PEIRY DAVI9 PrAl NKI LLER .Managers of Factories, Worksp, Plantations, Nurses l Hspt is -in short, everybody everywhere who kas ever given it a trial TAREN; INTERNALLT MIXED WITH A., WINE GLASS 0F HOT MILK AND EUGAR, IT WILL BE FOUSID A NEYER FAILING CURE FOI% SUDDEN COLDS, CHILLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F' CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN TI-uE STOMACIX1, SUm- AER ND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SORE TII ROAT , &c. APPLIED EXTE«ÂLLY, EXI>FRIENCE FrAf PROVLN IT TH'E MOST EFFECTIVE AND DEST )LINIMENT ON EARTII IN REMOVîNG THE PAIN ARISINO PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTTIACRE, BUTRNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c, 25dts. per Bottie. M- Beware of Imitation& . "f CAMPBÈLL'S ELIXIR 1'le agreeable yet potent prepara- lion la especially adaptéd for E relief andi cure ef th"t cîass of aisorclers attendant -upon,,&low -o;rreduced state of 1h. systent, and usually accompa'rier boy Pallor, Weaknesa and IPalpittior ofthe Il eart. Prompt re.suits wi1.l ftilow its use îiii'ça.ses of Sitd(lei;-.. ýhaîstiiarisiiig froin ]Loss of Wood, -Aoute or Clirutijo l)iseases, liiid1 i i ý*aknes9 that iiivari-ably &CCoii q iaîî.tea the reeovery froni Wasting lFevetrs. No rtenàedy wifH give more speedy relief iii 1yspepsia or Indigestion, ts actqi on the stomach being that of a geutie and liarlius toloe, exciting t.le ormgexî of digestion te action, mid thus afiording immnedis.te and permanentirelief 'Plie caruîinative properties of the différent armatics wbich.tii. ElWxr contamns reuder ituseful in Flatulent Dyspepski It la a valuable renxedy for Atoio Dyspepsia, vhich la apt tb occux uM wmrs ofa e sgouty character. For Ilmpoverished fllood, ss of Affltit, De8podeùeyai lcases whPO,'u'eëdeyandetin stmu lant in requlred, the Elixir viii be ieund luveluble. In Fevers oft'a MalarlalType, andi tbe varions evil nresf ol mg4expo. au e- o e .celtiorvwet veather, iL viR pi ea 'valuble restorative ta lhe £oixbWiWn ot Chibbona Calii4a and Serpeutaria'are universtlly recogni"e SIBpiloefe l.abovonameti diao, i>rîcBe4 lePer AT COST Xuu1Xerçzv Ã"7uudi te Auar- ance of NXew York. OasaisuGoverninent depesit-ý Accumulatd regerve f antilever) Dealh aim pad uring 188 New *bsielt 8 mes., 1885, - f- 50,00p, 815,000 479,900 15,000,00 Twenty-five per cent. oft aoaseements aie depouiteti with the Central Trusit Com- pany of Nev York, lm trustees ofthe .Ree serve Fund. Lite Ineuranoe ab les. tha n e-half the ,ordinary rates, aud security perfect. Only 17 asseesments mde in 1881, 1882, 1888, and 1884, and in no case can they lie more tro- quent than every alternate monîli. Annual expenses of mnauagement, &o.9 limited to $2 per $1,000. .An active agent wanted iu every iuirepre- sènted looaiity, te whom a liberai commis- sion vinl be allowdd. Applications solicited and full particulars funihed by the under- signed.- H. GORDON, Agent lo er 1, ouity Ot Ontario$ Port Perry, Ont., May 8, 1885. THE WESTERN. BANK 0F WHI'B Y, - ONTABIO. THOMAS DOW, - Manager. Whltby, Nov. 71a, lm8. ly-47 MONEV TO LOANI $10.000 FUR 1I4VESTJIENT. ON REAL EBTÂTE SEOUBITY. At levest living rates ot interest. Money secureti vithin 10 daye of ap- plication; Apply to JOHN FAHQuBÂB8ao!r Wbltby, Februtry 161h, 1880. 09. $i500,000 Ta LOAN. At 6 per cent. yeariy. Terma of repay ment of principal made to suit borrowers. Firet ana second mortg«ages beught. Ad- vancea madie on second mortigages andto purchase farmsa. Nc coïs î curred iu making application s te me for nioney; -ne açent'. tees; no delay. Parties payuxg bsgher rates on mortgages shouldapply to me at once for lover rates sud save mouey. Write -or eaUl immediately fer particulars. B. B. BYNOLDSI Iy2 20 A4easide. Street Esat, Torute. W ALLAnE TRtJE BLUE L.O.Afo. 16,4 meets in United Workmen Lodgelrôm, Smith's Block, firt Wednesday lu esch ik ? SAMUEL IJAEIiR, 85Sacoy, Whîtby.' SP»GRAIN. A foi, hundred BushelB .-of dlean Seed Oasaof a superior kind. Gýood R~oll Flùtx 'at $2.OO. Best brande et MLOUBU, BOLLLID, OATS, and OGEN MEÂL Thorley Food. Ji'ook Sait, I3round Fiax, 4. e W. B.«RNGE in1 Ploi all oeàSCaufed bY bad bl od conque)red by: Ibis -pewerfui, -pifiiï,lng invigoratl n edicine. Gm eat Et t eOrs ralfy heaL under Its ben ' llgtU' pcialIj bau Iiimauifetd Its flee-O -crr ettOr, Rso Rmamis, Bflu,, buulmee,'Sore. Eycu.,Serofasieus aud Swelli»g9,HIP - Joint i»SOreç Wi-te Swelllnga, Go itr.-o Wock 'sud Eularged Glauds&. cents tia stampa for f arge treatise, With oreti plates, ou 8km Diseases orth ameunIfera treatise on Seretuiious.Agfe,~ 06TUE BlOOD IS1 TU Thorug ceauseIt b usi lIr.]Peýe4 digestion, a fair-kin -yan do lil,vital atreugthanà mo<.? eeë conutitutiony m- be establishedlu e Lungo, la promplly ansd cerlainly arre sud cnreti by Ibis Goti-given remedy, u ta before tIse last fftagts ot tise diseue are reac Frem Ils. onderful power over thie era. fatal diseas, when firet efferlng tbis nwf cbrated remcdy .to tIse public, Dr. p« thought BerleueyPt'linMlhi _" à susuPtioxa Cure,' butlabandoneti tba nam& as tee llmilted fer a medicine wbich,, fiesu it& wenderfùl cembluation of Ioule, or te êa lng, alteraiveor blooi-cleans onent pectormand nutritive properties,zs uneqi<~ nelt cnly as n remedy f or consumptiofetlb. jRONIa DISBEASES 0F TUE Lîver4 Blood, and Lungs, Ifynte l, dryebteiav on face or body rqent headache or'=~ nes ad last l mntsInternai eat or Ii. Ulenatingwth hot ilashes1 low spirits su glomygbeding, I^~gu aa ptte, aud cote lngeYen.reaufering frm Nndi1 gestio>n9 ypesan d Torpid ILIVe, or ~ ~ i "-lIuus. umany cases enl part cf these sympois e eerlenced. A a ,remedy for Pail shcases, ercels Ioldn IlIedical Igleovery bas nO eiWeak Lg 0fi iti 1oo4i Shortisu uen 01 BSPthla îu Severe <Joughs, <Jonsu ion , klndred affections, -Itle a sovereî 1em1 Sen- encetelnstalmys for Dr. PeV' boo onConumptin. o by]DruggUas PRICE A$1cia0on Worid's DlspsnsaryModicai soca Proprietors,'66 Main St., BUNTAIO, N.Y. ANTI-BILIrOUS su&- CATHIARTZC. Sold by Bruggists. 25 cent& a vial. W ~$500.RWR le effered by tIse Pr%=ieo ef Dr. Sagle e atarnhBeed foracaseotcatarrhwslchg. caunot cure._ If yen havea dlscbaye frein »the noie, offensive or othos vls4,peartlal lesefsmen - taste, manda o easeeotermidatelin m- ùtien. Dr. sae .8 cases of Catawwk aCoId -In the 11ea41' sud Catarrhal headachWe. bolcenta. ln Deduereli'8s lock for, gour bai stili to tire. cm K. limisa i snU igi 1 'A on.")ftiir -Soho 8e-' home.' A -Newzùsrkel lic 1veIv'p-ut as bâIl Bu.day before lust y h &'W onils way seic LeHohati cï Oanni5RteX tum e 1. vl~e fthe fi lino. Aiman asud j-iled np lu tie ra4 ca jtôeead.f her Aport Ha6pe mi a Imrriageicense, - -xedy for thse kuât girl dissovèrei- ti 0 boume, gel heu' back on hum. Tiec handelier, -juat atter *ervl 'chanci. Tise bel] aud tie peoplee os thie Ère. Thia v a teiperanos sor &lItougl h lii parî'y lately givië ladies vere' mnvii mian viti heu'. ., ty eftht-e ides lthe A boy calleti htea s stoeoin ' veok, and, Carme H. wsa sretedl theft, but ho e0capetrn eouslsble..- -Tan prepeilll< Leleotticitly mmdi sonne11le fiftl nDise eut '-sndMo FUIilTUEI DRAWING I DNNGF 31 FITs,

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