Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1887, p. 1

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Printed vordI, gmot thotights, end un*lrng cake , P...P gr.». Cowedo j'M Erotherhood. 'roo Vell assorte4 'e righàt. -We have tion I s directedbto MUý1ins, La wnst, ,cular Pillow pab1e Linens, Tow- a special at- eason, latest styles. Jubilee and V.e the nobbiest pat- ÀLL the GO. ents' Collars, &Co. ,surance (Co. (mto, Ont. [oRIuS, JoîII L. BLÂLun.,3sqI.i of Policy-Holders mived, upôn whîch vere; issus 11d 7 policies for $16.360, Wh"u 'is is a. volume of new baslne and 60 per cent. ii ezoeos o is ilstory. AILANCE SHEET. 6 194,298M ,OêL643 ~ 107,74w 94f * . - 667,iU goBS - - - 8M,466 9go )[HUM PLAN ehould death opour ï,rÃŽor lo tbe Àume8 ths.t May have been pald 'lioy-thLls sec0""n. adivid" ur dnrlng said perMo. bave taken *out large pollue nd for reliable li. insurua% iutes the overpaymentu e-t be but exfisis amoxigît ail classet ging Dirociorï Toronio, or" TON get, Whitby. Woùnd9, Bores Au4Ulvcers rl8, OOUOHS, (3OLDBÇ 't; for contrs.cte d s tif jolte 'RW8TUEn>.LONDON, =4nd U nd Ste, JLndoii, thsy are OPurtous CATA sold Il BAY FI - Nai pu"s TO-USE. to théetbn ectoftIon cssed by Catgrth celpt of price,,60c. and $1. à o1) Fa H SAL -AT- ýCormack'E YABD, - VOL* &XXXI, EStUblihed 1856. [bc Leadinq WeekIlyIn Ontario County1 BUBSORIPTION RATES. il peruannlF luadvenc"-1.6O other. Wilse. SbsoiUn are always payab>le at the ofiCO 01 puliloation. BOOt Jd'[O liUII andbut furn"sed Book aalob piu"g lant inu Essie quturio, capable of oxecuingail lasuesef work from teIi*lag.poster tte i. maos handbffl. SpeCOl mention in made of the. unsurpassed prose facilitios of Tm Oxuox- Ios.u, with is oelebraie4 N. Y. Ootrell cyllzde reros and other modern conveni- Bivery order receivos prompt, care- 1u stientiOn. - TERMS 0F AVRIIG Firet insertion, por Une, 10 cents; esoh sabssqueOft insertion, 5 colis.. Dusplayed Advertluementa are moaurod by & scale o! îolid Nonpareil, and charged àkoordlngly. Aàdveriisemieflts sent wlthout viten instructionsu inseried unhil !orbidden, sud shasrged for full time. Orders for discontiuuing advertisemsnis mutai nywriting, otherwlae the publiali- ens wili not b. meiponsible. à liberal discount for coniraci advertlso- menti by the year. opy for changes o! eontraot advertisemontus hould b. handed in not laSer ihan Wednesday ; sud netine of any intended change sihould b. given bel ome Tuesday noon. Othor advertise- menta reoeived up to Thursday noon. Business notices in local or news olumne Five cents per Une weekly. Locale, 10 clu. Per line veekly. aorrespondence solicited from, aB parts cf the County or nelghboring townships. Oorrespondontu are requested to send lu iheir communicions sai prompily es possible, HENDERSON G * M 3OHN ST ANTON, Poreos pup't Meohanjoal Dep't. jonN E. F&REWELL, LL.D., BSTBRCouty Crwn ttmey wing, Court House, Whntby -48 JAMES RUTLEI>GE, B ABRISTBR, &o. Offioo formorly o0.- en p led by Farewefl & Riiledge, nei o Rogyal otel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORIRISTON, B.&.9 TTORNB!-ÂT-LÂW, SOLICITOR IN A Ohaneery, Gonvoyancer, &o. Oflfice, iniMcMillan's Block, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YOUNG SEKITBI L L. B., &BRBTE1 o.,&o-Monoy te Loua Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (ti-s5 JOHN BA.LL DOW, B RITB -ASOLIOlTOB Oto-DevoilWu Block., Brook Stoot, Whztby. KONET TO LENqD-Prfrato uNmda - in sums up te $M000,st a 1ev rate of Iu- LYMÂN EN MIGLISH3, L L. B,, ees Street, Oshawa. burgh>, &o. O021ce houri, a te '10 &.M., 2 q 14 end 7to 9p.M. No. et THE "TE3BRACnp,"BYRON-ST., Wm.! f WHITY. »D9mat*e Vre 13QMAL I40DON 'B WII-ITBYOTRO RIGGS & IWRY, S.B. cor. King sud YrongeBt. Toroh. BEST TEETH, #$8 on mbber. BOefluloild $10. Gold, $M. Ha.V exotraoteà the heth from Thousandcllf peons,absolutely puAnl, by the use of vitlizodl h48 &te vith Langley, Laioy h Burke, Ironte,);. A RCHITE CT. DevIgns for Ohurohes, VWaa sud ct- tages a epeollty. Drawingé prepared for remnodellng existing structures. Ornou-Flret fiait over Howse'u Drug store. PO o 0,TY SEIBERT 1BROS09 LIVERY and SALE STABLES, ]BROOK STREET, WITBY. Good Rîgà and Good Horse... Terme rea sonable. 19 SEBR? BROS. Aru PlomanLt t ke. Cna»lurw Purgative, lea a ute, sa=o, . aud OeWUC d..t*uw .1 Wors i n Chidran orÂdà&" BAKINO POWDER TNE COOKS BEST F RIENO MRSI, CROSBY HRU muci Wadni show âouliig Lat >OAP I- CHfEmiBT and DRUOIST Lu juet reoeived a large as- sortment of rOILET SOAPe Whioh ho lB selling a Ivery c I H I i a b SAVONA, TE RGRBA T Miso for. sale by N'EW GOOD8!1 W.. R. HROWSE, OHEMIBT AND DRUOGGIST, Hason baud a vrY largean sdeose& ei Chais gooda, compxlslug Ladie8' Work Boxe8, Whi8k -HoIder8, Odor -0888t Mirror8 in PIua8h, Toilet. 08888, Larige Va888j DAYV MAY 6, 1887. NEWS LETTRS. Tii. Cuncil ng Mna NEWS LETERSIý epei t iT. meetngonlecter e resporepndne. tie r .L.Kr oletrÃ" -- Tim 0. L. O. nnai concert luin th Musie Hanl on Wednesday Delto May m, et -the Brookliluhôtel, 19 MA&v foshion uheets now resdï. y: fatut. H. lu net ep¶tdEvoybcy we o6one. (aU on A. Hollidïy ha, comnpýoiod outp stu ithe-,ho Brillai- 'BusineuCssClee. Ip'sirmonon 'Temporanuce"O ay e$nlng brougit ont au nrova te hear it. The ev. a, dia the ubjeci-tfljustice. Ifeleves had a very ploasant eI' lu their iedRe-room lsm' i. The evenng wus spent uibren and theïu hives and koiing, drinklng, ape"gi~ t0. Mnoi met lust Moudafy. a loi ant business wua aoompizeh- IL. Meen vas appomtéd tau The. <ouneiliappeicted as ste visit alimb ci the Iaw te vbe had te psy theoue îst vasheut in front et Jue: ail.Dorinig ,the.lat. stom aynight the. mili-rsees open- îu , sside and lot -the. ater lb.h oad vhemo il oSi a canai tfoot vide and of irregular rO6, four ho- six test. Bobson. Doni muet fi il. Ceuncài mya muit spond some Uf is 'fIîour ffe $han ses. lfrnised onetfToreuio's »Men,-la tbe poen etfThos. Esq . Tom la iikely tin ake musoffieer sud, I #uppose, vii duy v ith anycf our beys vhe a" to fall-inte bs hie toes. maus, ifes u oa iréehae in, beésuesho lai.t;llUet, n lhe Dominion, exempt a or Who halsfrem, Oion. * sno verdant plac. j! ÃŽU ithe rage. aeg.hllug woon su ii É, us tb.ewoauber boi boon blé on the vhole J. vMeMoanf Port Ferry e bore lu lb. e »byleisuo t Bab"s ,May9ti cev sbop.Thtosdin maL by ML ýTiues. $arsou boat .vgetatun àa tmrtlg, 'sud the" land is getting lu botter condition for uoedlng Mr. Win. Bichardson - aiied for i Seotiaud two weeks ine with tues yiw ot making another importatIon,1 notvithstinding bis great losa in herses ý ,tb. paut yer ho intendu .trysng. again. Tim progmammeefomtbeoonoert given' by lb. ladies oftIheooelege, are tlb. bandiomest w. have turued cul for a' long lime. And lb. programme te be given 18 he bost, Wednesday next MayC 111h in the. Musio Hall.1 ' U. P. H. Fraya our etomed black- smith la Moving ho Solina. Mr. Wm., Marshall bas los.d bis sbop end com- menced businoesthis vook. IL in said Mr. 4- Becketvho bas bitherto been iu lhe employ ef Mr.. Frayn bas leased the old uchool boume- aud suende ereot- lug a forge lu il and runing opposition, to hum. By thé eseser mturus for the" tovnship of East Whutby tiers are 81,816acreset laud luinbte township wiib a valuation ou rosi property et $4,640.790 ou poîsenal proParty of -t129,65-making a total et j1lf770848 as ai bade Ofetutaxatioith a populatio'n of 8,107 keepiug'280 dogs and 14 bices 8,$20 head ofetle 818 sbeep 972 he sud 19522 boises, sthow. belug'85 bulbhe andSi deaths duuing lthe y¶ar being an moeres.eo six births sud j six death over the previous y.., sud thora ie but ai acres, of fan' vheat. Tiiere àw a gisat many Ohu1dren siok withthe m sues l in hs Vicny. NO. 21. W~TEVAL~ Inspectr MoBrien psid bis meri- anul visit to our usool astwoek anêgave the boys a half-bolUday. A failny f gipsies, wiffi thoir umul relmu 6 if dogà sd -raggo 1d obild n ,p onoaxnped bore lutweek. bût did o 4 aemious vaah.-ut on ltheinMM4acM ocoutred duduigthe eni aoru, de- srying liepipes laiole ver-« wh.eli uhelb.wmaw Isd takin aa lb. embaukm.u s audiTi.a- aglsetimated f.1*100. The Gweu RBiver. co'rrospmfent cf, thei .Nw#spoake cf our-lailig bis w. amks. W. vouid sdvlaoiim I. go s - stop fuither sud keunel is -41pu"'; vo may thon oxpeelte thheàr lb. aIrius f lbe dogs.ology wafiod on lb. .voiuàgý gir by hou far.famod ýbad.' Boyau couverti; atlb. rèet fit t m.vivàl -servioos --heid by Bey. Mr." Fmeed aih. Baphist hu"ciduiug 1h. visiter, vere baptizod 1maISundayFý moning. Thoe y vas flue, but the vator vWs cold sud muddy. 85111 thoy'- stoad lie ordoal veil. A largo revwd; gatbomed te v' itese lb. ceromouy, lu A very succoastl .pafIer .mocial vas held ai the rsidnce oitBv. 1 W. Wilkiuson, Moday oveuing, il havlug, been pospoed thb. pm.viône Friday on s1oeunt et lie raim. Au excellent te&, çovedly he Iadmieisda Wair Mt. Tb 4ioshot lieu ,for 1h. epoullionof 1"GM.! fDite et uhe vomk te b. e he.o Day. ý Steulvill o ope know 11 iew ho priswto. good anucsi ,sumav al ec our~ ~ ~ ~ý biasbudto ii .obralliou th. QUesus bMirhdy- T", beys pl .d ai -StouffvMIe'sksting-wink annug of-" le ast vinter, sud b>y li.ir ex lent muai. sud good behaviour capt të te b ïilse of th&% plaéi. Tihie ebof <if be , uand 1u - -Milu 5.C. CA7O$Iu BON Gaduahe of the Omdeau tus Dr. Bogat'uuDu H.1 unau .1 WIUi caim m 7- LOW PRICES. Oum an Brothirhood. dogon 1

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