Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1887, p. 2

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Pour carloadaetofbrick have-b»n ohlpped ftom here teOshliva. Atvo.yarcld son of 1Mr. Michael Foi of OpefSlltramB swjnthe » other da , ndfactued on$ of hie legs. fiat éhîLfoot.. Boyashould louve swing 11the égils. On-Monda>' moraing whie splitting nmre firewood Mr. Wellingtonl Britton vau unfortuuiatie eough te ont hie li foot badly, the. axe severing Ithe upper and part of the ole of th1e ue. The. out vii lake nmre lime to heil up. à deliberate attempt ham been made by smone .unknown tle have the oven cf 1Mr. A. B, Terry's bakeshop deAtroyl- od. Shortly after the. oven had been fired a succession of explosions orcurred vithin it, and i veas evident lhaïI mre cf 1h. Wood had been charged with powder with 1the intention cf biowing the oven up. Thore Were tbree reports, and lad th. charges gone off irnultane- ously 1the c'en vould undoubtedly have hein wreckod. As ut vas the darnage vau confined te the breakig-of norne brioks, but the' manner in whidh th. buvning Wood Wall blowa ont o! the ovea door oaused Mr, Milan, the baker, to think that Old KIick was, at work. A couple cf young beau cube ver. reoiead sltie-eprOss officeOn Tueeday frem the slalom addresaed le a party lu Haliburton. Theoacba were boxed up and left lu lie effice over nighl. Early Wednesday morning Mr. Taylor, lie express agent, vas awailed on at his resideuce b>' a deputation in lhe shape of the. office boy, who imp!àrlcd lie tartllng intelligence liai lier. vwu "Ivwo bears in lie office," aud tha& he bad bear.ly eacaped vili bis ife.. Mr. Taylor hurriedly dreased, sud arming himsilf with a Winchester or two repair- ed'to lie office. . On arrivai h. feuud tusl duriug tie dark heurs cf lie night tie>' iad managedgoecal their va>' cul and tangod about 1h. promises looklug for tlolgraphie riturua, cable despatches sud ocher etcetera. Borne littie sport vas had lu roplacing the cuba lu lie box. On BatnrdLy a boy uarned Thomnas Camnpbell bail a thrilling experionce. Ho vas groping for inceri above the dam sud tnmhled in, or ratier anoihor boy-assisted bli b ,do se. Campbell- vas oarried ovor lie dam aud lossed about lu th, ovoll belew. DE. Couler, vhô vas iérosing 1the bridge, env 1the boy truggling lu tie valet. Tii. doctor ruahed dovu tho gsngway, graspod a fisipolo item a terror.etruok looker-on sud tlrev the lins b îlte boy, via vas juil Siving up tle struugge for life. Portunalel>' 11e lin. tain>' lasmoed tie boy, taking liold round hic ncok. B>' careful hsudllng Dr. Coulter drev lhe ho y oqt cf the. eddy and laded bim belov th. platiorm. -Il vas skilfully don. and vas a orodibable example of prosonce of mmnd, mua is lhe second rescue offeoted b>' Dr. Couller aI Ilis po'nt. A medal siould ho Ïres'nted hum as lie Paul Boyuben cf Lindeay'. PORT inmuY. Seugog.18 overng. Tie baud serenedes lie bown aveu>' Prida>' r»git. Meus. S. Jeffer>' sud Tics. (%ultice bave enlered a pargnuusip in haruoea making. The clorss iflie seneral business place are agitaling a six o'ebock cles- -img of lie stores. Mr. M. G' Bobson, J.P., vas sezed witi heut disesue en Wednesda lut. IL* i beotrnovw., An effert 18 being made ho,, te de awui>' viii ith cer vho drives caI- lle -toç,oaad ou lb. pies liaI lb. by-law à8 toc bard -ou-th. poor. Mu. D. Bobb- li m cets «Y ou' iti a $"aentn publiclied ltii week's Standard lu vhichlho showvs iaI laut year 110 head vier. lipoudoed. -iOfieue 10 belong- ed to parties aseued over q4O00; 16 bo paàrtmisrngig belven 2000 sd $40; 40 te part- ranging bitween #100W, sud $2009; 24 tlepartiesrain botwven $500 sd $00;7 tb parties uangiug hoîveen 800sud 600; 18 tW parties- assnsed leus tien$800. This ýows tie ricli aue puliing lu ou. word for the. poorand ive for Ilepiselves. Thone were fine cases-tied at the les itt*ige 0o!the DivisionCourt, lu Canningicu, btouglt-by tie Art Pub- "Dbig C.'>', aginal fanants lu Brock et! th. vork. The evidomae for lhp de- feuce ehowed a ieaicconsf The i4th of MmuyLà to be cmebted Wgantoe- the vorut- wfy-4 3ubile oelebrmioa. A frelIi-train ie4aele to lier. it veek The ltbewptc oere 11.early Aneitcrïiebeing. m2ao t0 orrna cricket club, lb. jacrouse club boing nov defunol. Bcotty MoLsan ip lier.*gaini. Fer. haps e hmray ho ahl. te again work u«p a lacrose. club. Judge D&Winell, N. F. Patertion,Q.. and J. A. MoGillivray veto ut the. divi- sion court th. other day. When théi e. cf Simooe went quI tiu spring anciher suice was carried from 1the wharf. It výil soon ho aIl 1fr. Jamiescu, of Thorah, sold from his stables lie allier day te Halle>', lie bulcier, cf. Orllia sixtoon iead cf catlle weighing 18.460 pounde. Inu ordor to avoid a fev dollars outlay 1h. l3eaverton couuoil lias deoided net te publiel an auditors report 1118 year. Parties vanlig My Infrmation about lut yea:'5 acouanýi*ut gobi h. edon. The licences teo el l iquor on tbe Island are al eout off tii. year.e Mr. Fred, Mowat, sou cf the Premier, has been appoiuted sieriff of Toronto. Tiare is'tlu cf Premier Mevat te- tiring sud Hou. 1Mr. Hlardy takiug ies place. There is every likelihood of a&l lhe etoemasonesud carpenters in the city geing ou etrike. isîs quit their liceused business on Bal- urda>' lest. There iis a great vail about il Ibis week. Those refusod licenmea will be allowed Un iAUg. lut te dispose of Iheir stocks. The personal property o! lie bae SieriffJarvia le valued at $45.000 and lie real estate at $280.000. After a scodule cf bequeste are provided for, amougot vliol i. $4.000 le Wycliff OWiege, a -period of five yeam 18 te, ebapmPr4hsn jb ostate viii ho divided (unlesthe oxeculors siould decide te make an sarlier division) ahare sud share ai. among th1e ohildr.n. M us. Jaunis is left thb.Mi.lusrano of $16. 000 sud an iuceme of $8.000 and tho bousehold fnuiture. Hie children are &U1 boit annuibies, and hicsonu George Ramilton Jarvis tie lous. h. resided GLEN MAJOR. Mi"seha J. Spencer is ver>' ill. Business bt"s..- ara-êes ilH ue> seeding. Mr. P. Thonmpaon cf Clausmoul, paid lia friondu a fiying vieil houe lamt vegi. Meurs. Pilke>'- sud Harper paid their friendi a riat hoe on aunda>'. Mir. W. S. BollilI, loil a valuahie 2- year.old oleer IamV week; inflamalon., Ont frieud Mr. T. Hopinsua bs tarled in lb. peultr>' busine; le bas a fine stock. Mru. E. Joeo, vihasu esu ill for lie pas1 three veeku is tweeoeing sBovly. Mus. J. Vanlunan is viitlag at 1er father's heu. and ve are gbadtb e. 1ber locklug "se eh. days heu. at heu daugt.r's, Mus. Bd. Joules', duriug heu illues. Wonder viai takea se man>'of ou young mento bBlseam se ofien thucugi lie weik. Boys, I would os>' br.ug heu up bcre aSpin. Bonv. Mu. Keam rn uaed an sbcquent sermon hbrs on Sunda>'lest te a large eougregaticu; glad le beau IhatOu choir las secuued *6 nev basa singer sud "alsnev lady' singerI; vo expeot te iear sornoihing pust>' zX1c. nettîBunda>'. EPSOU. The taymn in lu is violait>' arejust getlingtrled vith their spring work. Mu. sud Mis Cota Bailli have loft )he parsouag for thoir home ln uirie. Mrn. Ackuey, osu., s 48îymoning mb thée bouse Istol>' ooupfMeb>' Mus. John On Buda>' lad,Wvitle nisibing ot Mu, J. Wobbeî','lss .maggieCoutelo vas 4taken seriouul>' il; .bowver, vs are gËlad to beutliabeshois nov evls cent su v op tac boe e M.J. W. Jonem ba hs engaPda bo skeepertulb p ns u f ua EûB Iat. ml'ôa ha ha. nethss0foimln hou y~0Orl,~the, gn c lie IE uhpe . no oranbae vi heir res_ ceon Tm daye ihemo are- ý2.0paîlimastere, 6 misoeero, 2.4 fenceevievorls.oi poundlkeepersluib tis 'IouÏns Brook. - Mr. Keenan, on. cof car impit agents, sold lh. $'Harim'>binder h. had on exhibition st the d(onu spring show. A.n ry cf athietos is belngi haoe; or at leasi w. shotild jud irte luist liaI th1i bhoyW nigîti>' practiaig ai the sh4uldei and ot athilie pastimea.- Abig lime 18 exsceliu 24111 cf May. In" the aiternoon auto bhld ia heriirn in th. evernug th. Keeo dï*i an en.ta ne1 ite Ur. 13. T. William», ~a1 vet., last vsek succeoded 14 fin 111he nostil cf a hbm a- stock eue balf inchinlu ircumi, bud tvelve inobes un lengli. A : cf vels seuIl cf lere lad endeavx do se, but had failed. ne yedie oont mii ateat bforabu sng et blesso.dnTss im fr. W. Brado sudgle ilss Mas ie r.,W andorn sud Jmess Maybier Ma>' thcsusofn o!. ames and roupenit'oeubie ilory hapresead ih erUlliv s tey togelier vali lil!.'.patîvay-' à -meeting of th. cricket club and Driving Park Joint Steak Company' vas held on Thunda>' veek for lis purpose oi maklug smre arrangement in reference tu th. sodding ci lhe park. Il is 10 be loped the compan>' viiitec ils va>' clear ta have 111. park sodd.d for b>' so doing il wili be maieniai> asiaing tle crioketets lu gaining profi. cieno'lu inih old sud reliable game. - A $500 fit.eangine lia beeupuroha8 ed for tbis village. Mr. W. B. Gillespie, son' àtiquire Gillespie, lia takon bis degrea",, . D. A miare belonging W 1Mr. J. ,Uuuton had Ivine on Thundy week-ý.Bolli died. On Wedmesday night cf lust week Hugli Currie, vue iiunder the. influence cf "Monoe," foui he i river neath1e euth Laidlaw oest bridge, sadd is nos beau for bis "imly rame by another man vould probably have floated imb etemnity. Police e MgitalE Hotu cf tI8s vilage lad tSigioott hodm ru befors hlm-l Umbulde-lait v . Saunden, Thos. Beaueti, ob andY F.Webb. a&B oi-DUzbMkg- guilt>', aud as they veto aulseomnd offencas a fine of 41W00 and 00.1 Su irnpoied ilu oi cae. C. A. Sextoun of Udora, W. 14. Presser, Zejihyrs, ami ý. Huthien, township ot Uxbniîdgd, voe »ohc fined 850 and oeils.The came againot W. M. Motre, cf LoueMaie vus dioulsed. On 8aturday nightlulat Peter Camp- bell of Eldon vus brouglil bofore D). 8. Browa, J. P., on a charge of cb desertion. Prom the evidence té appe rM liat 'on ithe 20t11 mat.0 Oampbell, la oompany Viti Christina An* Oarnphoil drove te tthe farm of 1Mr. Hugl MeKa>', vhere the. illegilirate chUld of Miss Campbell, vli<se fthler wv a legpd 10 ho Hugli MoKa>, sa son cf 1Mr. Hugli McKaye, Mi, vas dopositeild ka.fau the veranda inlu pte cf 1h. pro6omis o! th1e MeKAy bfmi>. Anueffort wus 151 moade to bave the baby -in 1h.e toù#e, but Mr Mm Kae'pieked il up ad,4-put ibaok imboCarnpbell'a buggy.The- latter, liovever, put t hfl oun thé verandah aa,,iluComrpany w itil motheur, vii.by.1h.-way,,isi pse droe of. Ti.nfant vasshonliwlr- wardi taken int 111. bouseç-Au, infrmtio vswu beffqueutlylaid --sud ise arrest of!âamphellau, u made ou Bam. ,TuUlice Broya eommtteêbtm for trial, but he-ýwae suboniuy i ogy vas efrel iit eblidren in 1h. WrightL ffa this uedl &ré ily. the Houses are soaroo hors. The Bpeigit xuanufactnriaig compsny toavet okovertime te fil their iiany The West Durban sud Darlington spring faitwu s eld lu Bovinanville y e s ,or a n s d le e th e r b e in g aotbequit. a nuzuber cf visitors ver. atttaoted te town. The gale recelpis veto 069.85. The show aifliorses vas vory fine sud competition keen, the avarde berng given tins:- Iinporled Draught. lot, Wm. Pal- baren'. "11,Oliver Twist ;"- 2nd, Jona- than Portet's "4Goldiuder g' Brd, B. Bel1h' 61Roger.". Canadien Drangît: lot, Wm. Palier. soutes $Highland Chie!;" 2nd, Chesler Powers' "Chanceleor;" Bud, Young & Perey'e "6Defiauce." Boadimr or Coach: LI, Porter & BeilI'e «"3osh Bilhingg;" 2ad, Peroey & -Yonng's l'Bîideavay;" Brd, Jas. ,William's "Volunteer." 0fhuale sud fat catlle lieeu a nol a ver>' good varity, but lb. qualit>' vas muoli admired. Puizos vere placed s folovo: Durham, 3 yôars sud over: lot, sud sweepstakes, Sanl: Allen'a "Bit Athur" Durham. 2 years old: lot, H. C. Hoat's ,,Ilvànhoe ;'I 2nd, Beuj. Asbbn's ÉBnerBy ;" 2nd', Wm.Wer' "Iieutenanst;" 8rd, Jas. Leask's "Baron liohhschild." Hereford: let,, E. Blepheus' "ecu- rit>'."I Pal eIser: lat, Win. Werry ; 2nd, W. R. Cavker. Judgea: -on heavy herses, Andrev Rosa, Jacoh BqLlard, Jas Calville; liglit horses, R. Mo mb, M&ex. Bosis, Jas. Heallie; bulle and fat cattlo John Spenoot, John Turner, John àu8sell. "Heanen la not reacbhed a asingle bound."1 aua Dr. Hoblndansd lie smre mu>' be sa.d of hoalli. But many a aloi permon would mû.e rapid atrides lu lie direction of comnplt. leall i h yuuing Dr. B... V. Plorce's "Golden Medical Disoover'." Ila a oen 'iîpremedy feu al forma o! seeuosdieases, king's evil, tumors, vhito-swelhlngs fever-sores, mooflouismore eya weU as for ocher blooà,d sikin Bsie.olno eereevscn. eualçd oahHazmxlteon nSunda>'. Fou Cougis sud- Ce, uneaUMen'. Luug Balstam. Relief is warranted ou mene>' ne- Bimhop Blin.', cf Ným Scella, died, en -'Wbe cannolt est frein Autima troblsSotheor- Aithma cure vmai at once roiv Double troalmeut luneaoh ,~ago. i D the PavoduteHRomeiO ouâa, o!fne .&merlea u aIles eireywhre, sd i in Cinclatsl ve> il sdTri tory e! ýthe Vnion. Ilmay be- !oùud on Neya-Sta n u veylrge City.- Th& Vas bo(dy cf ils bsrbers arePeople o! ,weilIh sud qiultre No cther Daily publishid lu New York Cily .ba.se large A Mail Cirulation. THE WEEKLY GRAP}IIC There la hardly -a Peut-office l in he' United Sttes where aI least a e" copies are net reoeived esach week by suboribers. Il embraces the BesI Peatures cf THs DAILY GEÂpHX, picorial -and literary, for the. preoeding six days. 1t is the largeet firt-olaes fustrated Weekly issued, in sold for hait the price of its rivais, contains lie latent news and mr ket reports, sand is acquiring a phenomenal iroulation. TEBRE 18 NO BETTER MEDIUM FOR ADVERTISINO, Prom time to time- we issue Specis.l Editions i1lustrating Ithe industries snd bu»iness oppoernties of cities, towns and Locaîlitles Ihrcughout the. oontrY. At psent, we -are* préparing a a0iornia E dti on cf OW0 00c pi s . Agents wanted te canvafis for subsorip- tiens lu evei-y part of the world, te whom a large commission wili b. paid. Send for ss.mple copy.- For rates and other information addxes TU1E -AMEBICAN GRAP11IC -COI 36 & 41 Park-Place, N. Y. NO ENGLISH STALLE 18 CONSIDERED COMPLETE WITHOUT ~E Li "A.SFIN nom w. ~i&{~~ h 1~.. Pola îsPEAS, OUEDS, LA" SPLINT5 WREN YOEUMqIG. j poO VX3-EEÂOKU, CHAPPEZD EELS, WIND GALLS. l a R ffHu luT o I N I e ES. ola BR TROT13 AD INFLUIMIZÂ. pOR MROKEN ME5, 5RtISRS, OAPPED ROCK. oR BonZs HOULDERS, BORE EAOK5. PO O oT ROT, L&DBORE moUTUS IN S8E oRa SPELIN, OUTS, ERUIEu5 NrDOOS. - SPECIMEN TEBTIMONIALS. Prom Hia Grace tihe Duke ef Rutland.. "ýBelvoir, Grantham, Leec. 1, 1879. "is1rs,-Ellimauï'sBoytIEmbroORtîon is aUsed n my stables. I tink t very usefuL "BuTLÂND, Mauter ef Beiroir Hunt." "Caste Welr, Kington, Herefordshire, "Dec. Srd, 187. tGentlemmnuthle Royal Embrocation in my stables ad kennels, ad have found itr a.wfoobl.1 have.'ie used the. Evgirj mbrocation for lumbago ad nheumatlsmfor the lasItwo yeas, andhave sufierd very littie ince slng il. «.H. Pmcz., Lieut.-4JOL, Muster of BM- norshfre Hunt." 1LLIA2NIS ROYAL EMBROCATION, àold by Chemista, Stores, and gaddlers, Price 2s. RELUMAISM IJMBROATO. SP» RAà%a P4S. BR usases . 3,-oFart4Ess. SOst rm ROAT .-.- .CO0 i. CmESTrCO LO0S- T'heSaI'est. Qui ckest.most 14 certai n 'e medy Y- - i [9-ýLo U CK. ENC LA, MDJ w.,j A"NI TRWE PBLIC. 1*On Il &M- A1MOST, A-4ppralefi othe Canada Loan and Bai Ce., diagentfor lie western Assu, Suitable for wrapping purpese, laying under cat-pets, etc., 25 cenitâ per hun&rèc, Apply to . > If- TRIS OFFICE. BIELL & -CO 8,5Gileliont-., LIVERY and SALE STABLES,ý DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. CRA WFORTH & DEVERELL. FIROT - OLÂSS TURN-OUTS. F'urnhed on Shorlest Notice. Commercial Travellera hberally deaf t with. BEWÂRE- 0F WORTHLESS IMITATIONS -~ oodscorded with jute. as oraline by some un- prncipled merchants trad- xng on the rOIuation of we warn the ladies against suai imposition by draw- Iug .heir attention te lie nec of yeseeiflg hsk thhe- OPTGN GORSET 008' fi~~~é atpdnnrie ofU CoralieO90d1% Vithout viweh non. are genuise A1an Line noYiLt MAiuLn STEAISUlPlSîci Liverpool, Londonderry, Glasgow. WINTECR ARRANGEMENTS. .1DATS OF SAILING . Paria infremPortland April 7th. 1 a~i tm from Halifax, Apr. 9Mk Polynian, frein PorIland, ÀAprily2ït1.. Circa~uian fro tm Hahifax, Apr, 2ft4. Cirm dn, romPerllaud, May M6. frein Halifax, Ma>' 7h. BAýTES 0 F PASSAGE Il WPORTLAND OOR [IyX I'okBINli8gw, f25, sud $75 - wob in t Ip çsion o! Stterom.- t ickets 812, sud$160 no rv jià£z , Tii.' Lidsdovne Wollen Millulie of.Oolumbus, are compelled te increase oapacit>' by their irnproved cardera. The M arkham Lacrossg Club hlia menbershin cf neari>'150ahôltilfitY cf vhom are lenorauy lady meMbers. Tie club vil comme»nce practice noît Tii. maixed'train Saturda>' morning runoff th1e Irack ai Miller'a grade, about lirée. miles nortli cf Markham, oom- plelely vreckiiôg several cars, and delaying frafflo soveral heurs, danse abgeken axle., The, passenger cars did n e bave i rak. Mrs. Moses 'Olçndening of the 9111 Con. Markliarn met vîwtlh a painful accident Sunday aflerucon. Si. sud hou husband veto driving Up the 9Mi vien 1h. herse became frighienedaIa a dog. 'LI atternptixig 10 hold tbe herse thieliues broke in -Mr. Clendening'e bande sud the herse tan ava>'. Mrs. Cleiidening jumped eut sud-feli viii ber atm tcross a rail and broie il a fev luches baby Ihbe shoulder. Dr. Kul was hastil>' surmened and set lie limb, whichwas verymrnch swoee. West Durham -Pair. tra abn rchi' Bays4at -luIen day passble le "la>' fi lun amaiRmab lul e ie raser ai a living poubon i wSi.i. efi IÏ tie satm by th Fraser sud. waee omardinea aeau. ýMan>' curionsfa le lightl b>' lie a&t beixig uni fritem-i parts of . Ficrda. eo, q.- Springso siaggycq At: cher1 le 1-3500 A iuge adventur veigbe& mneamuret - TSwas ta Mn. B. Brou ocoupiL -JL 1 goi 1 1 ý, 1 1 1 1 1 -th. ourrent p Waddles J1.; ol atien c!-lie contra religo"ýns nwspal oCuriosiiy, by Bel president EBon - . "arvey Birch lif Crosby," formeas GUY Harcaulof Documents".ou DOAcyre cie là ôbo -au arnuaing old hmbi been exhnm, k. t un-ho'v le take < .-the- mluor depai vuthimponitantfac Price, $5.00 a yeaw liihid mi 743 Bi CÏ ity'. * Dazzlixi 1 e-, )ne. - --NEW RIGS. GOODI HOBBES. FAIRiPRIOBS-. HONEST DEALING. CANNMGTON. T-0

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