xenigageat Lcýë' hoa 0Anais kLoin and1 é fer the Wbatu iAi ver Gad&'$ eB16oks vr ing purp00a04 1 cI. 2 ents Pehnr~ Apply te . THIS OFFPIOB, 'BELL" ZUnapproached forY Tone an~d Qualitye ýLOGU£S FREL - ffl. NEW RIGB. nd SALE STABLES, )ÂS-ST., WHITBY. RTH & -DEVERELL. 1LASS TURN-OUTS ed-on Shorteet Notice. Travollera iborally d4o. with. 8.ý BONE8T DEÂLING. lWÂREi THLESS IMITATIONS As-there are maySl~ nfror ~oudiicoded wth Ju as Coýraline by some un- fpipled merohants ira&. ,Z111., th, reput&lpnc Our menuiflC=11111014 wo wvimu the ladiesapns sncb impoiton by raw tng tbotr attention te, th noceestyo en hih PTGN CORSET cou, n innor-rido-f ail CoralInegodM, whwch none -are geumne. Ian Line0 !Wl, ýLondonderry, ARRANGEMENT&~ T1ES OP SAILINO. mn Portland April 7th. from Ilalilam, Apr. 9th. îroma Portland, Âpril 2lat. from Halifsax, Apr, 28r4. ýomt Portland -May 6th. tInin Halifax, May 7th. LTES 0F PASSAGE 1POUTL4SD'OUfHALIFAX. ),, $65, and 875 acoording .lo-. of Stateroom. !etnrn Tickets >25, and 8160. )JATE $40. STEERAGE ai a tes. à te ind- Steorage passengers for warded frèeoby ail frein Liver- teainer from Dery. SAILING DATE&S. Prom Poriland. Frim R&aa .Mar. l7th ..Mar. 3.t .Mar. Blet . Apt. Sud -.Ar. lfh..Apt. l6th .Apr. 28th . Apr. 801 ,SBBVICB (Avonm uui D ch DATES-PROM PORTLAND . Thuredy -Mar. 10h e eCabin$0,65ad$. and la I5.S c ablu *ste 0Ata M oent rat«. tamrs have 8Balcos, a lc.oroom,Sokgro P amludshlpt i *hre but fei are hauds i éy I !ýefýha , ni a fTT Trhe iMay lMagasine cf ÂmÀ>Oei is filled viii valusmlepaper 6<>ering aà wide range of topies. 'TIheL Sbt oule and ils Miemorles," by u.L=mb, jntroduc@05the. reaa.r into Mh Preiidentfl îhome and hottsehold jziqe ,Whacountry cf ouenv v, v.tk illusatà i ons cf tho houles ocnpied by prosident Wa" t ngt uNew York uidphiladeipbia, te. old Whité Roue be~,fere it was Iarnod by the Bi".h and portraits cf nearly. aIlIthe ladies who have 1preslded over tbhe eocutive man- gion, troim Matha Washington, te Mre. Cleveland. Ià is a unique production, t0uing the wheo limUe of env ohiaf rulere withifl tie oentry-a muster. piece of condenscd information. "Be.- publiesniom in Spaniah Americi," je a jhougbtfuî, antbcnitaive say, by Hon. William L. Sortiggs, laie mittister to ,Columnbia. "The Wabash Country prier te 180," by I6saac R. Strouse, is a piotures'que description cf icone and ruettgi eanly Indiana. l'Canada. Dnriflg the VialerinnEra," Pari 1., by tbe ditingflised writer, J. G. Bouritot " Clerk of the Canadian House cf Cowmone, and Hlonorary Secreiary cf the Royal Society cf Canada, is net enly tirnely but tihe boit bistorical review Onu al thoma ever pnblishod. The eddeet -zontroveroy w. h ave sean is "Whon Did Ohio Become a State 2" -the current paper ie by William Wsaddl, Jr. ; following il jes a continu- ation of the. oontroversy aibout 1he firet religions newepaper lu "A Literary (Jriosity," by Bey. D. F. Lameon, with' fio.simileocf paper, ccntributedl by Preident Eaton cf Marietta Collage. -Harvey Biroh asud the Myth cf Enoah ,Crosby," forme a notable article, by Guy Harcourt, cf Scaradale, Dr. R. B. L. Trippeit replies te Judge Johuson'a "FireslAmenicaaBebel"; "Original Documents" contain curioes data, naowboroe ue te ha found; in ihp "Notes,' an amnsing old "Guida te Politenosa" bas been. exhumsd-shcwing gemtle- mon how te taka off them h' ats; sud aIl tho miner dopartmonts are crowdod with important factoanad aboice.roading. Price, 85.00 a year in advanco. Pub- ÃM lished st 743 Broadway, New 'York City. Dazzling Fish Yaru. A ktravolien who has necantly returned from a trip tbrough British Columbia eays that one day laut Novaumber î wus posible te lay boards on top cf emal irh n a smali stream, whiôh emplies into th. Frman d pas ver, ai if on a living pontoon bridge, te the opposite bank. The fisi had beon diriven imb the straam by the back- vater cf the Fraser and wera packad together lika gèrdines in a eau. Many curieus fluli hava beau brougbt te ligbl by the arteasuwallswhich arn being snnk from lime te lima in varions parte cf Flonida. At the Peuce de Leon Wall star fish cf enu nknowu spacies wers fcjgnd at, a dspthhcf 1,000 feet, and from a well near Brooks Springs sevenal sbwt soesc varngated coloenud fine oovorad with a shaggy ceai cf hair where tbrowm up. At othar placep fisi that vene tet..ly blind were mot with ai a depti cf 600 te 1$50w feet. A hugo devil.flsb vas cspluned in Vicoreia Harber a week ago by tiree advemtureus flîbermen. The. monstai baels nounupleaeant affecte from hi abdominal visiter. Ha aven usye li he experianoas a certain pleamura ù feeling the fi grov. The rapid grcwth and bueaing quali M tes cf the Garman earp, rib i a oi the favorite ftelsfor stcaking.pends i Western Stales "0ara ûier cfsastoniat ment te flahermen. A typicai instane, cf ils fécnndity i. liaI related byj barmer nsiinmg neasaFlairfiold, Io Four years opgo-e-tarted a pend wîtt 1hz.. small earp, snd Ibis year ho ru perte bis stock st 12,000.. In the mest titra haolbas seld hundteda for sicéléin ponds un varions parts of the. 810h The fiesbhave attaiued a groat sise an ara said te ha vary lame. Their Lau, is sowewlbat like tbat cf the bufflo A': and ie raier ecarse grained for ILb tabla. Prof. Baird Pays thaoe is notbing I prevent a flsh frffm living -an Imeredibi numbar cf yeavs, sudgrovlug te sa enormous aise, sud citas luW profi tie statemant man immense pike ivic. inBRussiawbose aeadas 6ack to1t flfteath cenuaýY. Apropoa of Ibis,- wllkuovn Cosadian eaI now ï Nev 'Yorh smyets th ile.*~1hg Bnriti4hColumbla a Ife mmnleg wu Sshovu a gIgaut si js<*à was dalar.d by- .té ý*é -_O A liveadin thevtmd li -* flr i» te uhir crau~0~i M in d t - una w b h b , ù% , ncrothan a yramzùu food for severz = Th i8,w tldvtrng 1Puonuhe aw-York Sun. "Ddyen aven hear eof auybody cern. ,Miiiing suicide by u1. "akad a tel- egraplioporat at Chyanus-of aParty cf moeYoung nd delii vie ad iad"W expeiance-aI th. keya. Oua mmn ew, et a (.ev vieho haugod imsaelf vti a1 b clcuhess.ine vira, and -veral chersýP had board cf casas vere mon bail sitrnglad tiemacîves on iéograpii polos aud coes4reee, but lies. vere mot visi the speaker meant.- "Ycu dcm't catch tho point," be cen-à tiuued. "When tii. evelani via vas i nawen than il as nov, a «ceod many ô, funmy Ibings usad te happen, and soeau cf them ware net se fnnny ailier. Tii.C country vas (fl of rom ances and Ina. 0' gadies, and w. nsod te hava them ail te enneelves. Oue migit in ithe vinter cf Pl 1869-70 1 wui on duty hare .1cm.. Il f wss 4, bowling nigiit, inteusely dank sud stermy. Net muci vas geing cn, amd as I bad beaun eading a bain-lifing @tory, suddvau a ltIle nonveus snyway onm account cf the numerous crimes that had been commitad in the. neighbor- t hced, I began te fldgat. -Tii. scander vas mtili, sud- se, jusI b mais a 'tile moii, I wvt cnt sud pokad up tie f«ne. Pretly seon a prose despaici s tarted, sud vhile ii as ugeingthrougi I fait moeata esse. Tii. raille cfthie instrit-d ment, aud the oosasionial conversation belveon the ivo men whc vine send- ing sudnecoiving made soea ompauy0 for mea. Wbem this .topped, th. bowl-t ing of the wind soemed lender than ovesg. I lighted my pi pe sud bagan te walk around. - Than I pioked np My bock sud inied te naad, but a l1h1. laten I rasumed my wslk. Fiually, at aboutt 2 o'cleck in the- mcrniug, 1 settlod back lu my chair viih a feeling cfdowi mess, sud had lest myscif fersmin1a on two, perhape, wben the sounder clicked off, sharp sud quick: 4"G'ed by, boys!1 Gcod by 1"C ,II laaned fonvard, sud as I did soC scmebody dovu this lime broe in withb s ribald reask. Theo hars teck il up, sud pretty accu thora vas-a ganeral questioniug sud oross.questioming going on fer the purpoeaof fanding oui vie bad seul the message. I lelegrapbed to tan or Ivelve cf th. boys liai I had mot doe.se, sud othans bud made thoir denisîs, se 1h51 after a litile thinge bocame quiet again, I Pst ihinking for afow minutes and waq loading My pipe fer suether sanoke, feeling somewbat botter than I iad doue at fret, vian thora came net as rspidly se befere, but stili viti perfect distinctusesliahenods: "'Goed by, boys, I ssy.' "6Lanrimia broke in viti : 'Well, «ccd by. What's tho malter viti yen 2' sud sevaral otiora vican I 0oaldn'i locale «et on lis vires wrth, 'ground that vira,' 'aheese it,' 'jet me s laop',' who's calling,' 'vbat do yen say?, «laI up, viii youn?' sud euhen ne- marks. One or tvoof theboys trad to locale liae peorby aligupal i station@ slong lb. nead, but lha mIcro> waihbaving ilsoffeeton th iin ansd as nme.of lte offices vaera olosad at ighi thora vore a good mlimy tuai ôonld nct be ra3med. Âftan uastl'board pnetiing more, sud I made up my mînd biat 8cm. amant Alaok vas having a litile fun vith us. Inu lbe morning lb. man vie vas r te nelieve -me vas à a 11111e laie, sud iwilel1vwuvaiing for blnto oone in I heard lb. follcving presmessage èoing iirough f "Tvce SnMeX,W the. day oparaer ai saton cama on I la i. w n I. e a I. i g. t. g d h b i. la et 'g ta a lu lu 'Q ê t Pariaim Ohioroforimat&. SM32WD RASOALU T InFET âIW COAGES A A 111MTRAVELLING DAiIGEEOU$. The abloroforanlasas tiey mv. calld,-nre lie sristoeraey eof êbo orimimal race. Teyar ersll brekencldevis .oety mon, andi V«7r> chars Madiesi setudautO vtb.hVÃB'gpn %OG p "d feian. Il la 'pre~ witha etrong arcoie gas lie wine had .- bsenuOn th le nnluoky Iravaler la ucon- pirngad lu- a hoavy' stupor. 'Plie loformisi opons bis hia sad plsocè- [t fer & few moments nÉlder thlia csr1e of tie eleeper, 'gemtly -applying lie: nonti i .at e l ime aasheet ef fine, parohaneni kisoun, asatalier," ana' iavrug the shipe of acarnival maski it fonctions beang lie exclusionof lhe miten air. Tii. victim is accu rendered nhelly insensible by lia vapor of lia' obloneferan. The liief thnomsnà es openatioms in perfect safety. Ho lakies possession cf Lie pockelbcok sud emptiee il cf its bank notas, replsacing a few cf tl ia nalsî Values. Ha i,ýen pute ih back in thb. pookai froan ublis h. bas taku il, ramerasthie paroi.- ment anask (rom lia face cf the sla.par, and, leaviug lb. viatim's jewalry, sudý coinod moeoy nmtcehd, gaieeûourc the I rain ai lie naît settîoï. Tiiê motiva cf laaving hie -vieltinlupesses Sien of bis jevalry ud' P«oimun id a Ivo.fld. if lb.irai lronsukn - Iiag findsa tai iris v aicsdCh"liansd bla supply cf coins anaeail rigit, hao- does not usually anvestigale bis pokai- book, se tue liief bha c hanceof reanainamg undiocovod for smoral bouts - on aven daje, Ha may, tee, atnibute tlois esofIa bank notes te a pieacof' carelaisesi, or tesa mistake cmnlais cum p art. If, on lthe cihen band, softeu happons, 'he oesnot yak. ai ail, but dies frean lheeoffets cf lie nanotie and the cilonofenan, lha authorities, flnding theanselves in tie prasane cf a eorpsa pnoentiug mot the uligiasi trnse cf violence, snd with meney, papers snd valuablos apparently nndistmnbed, eau culy attribut. lia disoee10 maturai causes, ît is a starbling (sot liaI lie oses cf suddeu dost inuthe cars cf lia «rosI Franoh nsilvsys baveocf labo ha- orne singnlarly froquoni. - A coanical oxample of the use et narcotized cigare is related by M. Mmce. A eil-kuovu b4nker cf Garanuoengi vas arssted for fongery ansud asian p neud imMazse. Hie fermer frinds n. vain tb chIain hie psrdon, but aftan a month's impniscumeut ha cou- trivad te make bis escape, #nd bau aven since managed toeovade ithe nasearohas cf lie police. Iu fiel,h ha d slipped througb tiair fugers an se' adroit a fasiien liaI pesitivoly lia claver seaanp desenvad Iaescape. Duning lia ai- arammition of bis bocks and pape .tva'- policeman ware oharga viiiha et.ak cf bidnging the primonar (rom, Mazse te tbý office cf the expert sud cf guard- iug bitai 'ubilo lier.. Théeex-banken vas aouslomad te partaka, during h»r slay aI lihe office, cf a sumaptsans lunch, ubici vas brougiilte ohlm lu a basket lsy ana cf Lisformer servants. H-x ofbon offened te ashana bis dalcls vitii lie polià grn, but lieyl alusys rafsed' te aceptse80muai as lia ving of a driokara or gissof vins.' They vere lau inflexible, hoevear, lu regard te- lhe fiua cigarse i.pnisoner alusys amoked, sud during tb. returu trip, vhlihusaily teck plac e l 7 cr 8 o 'cicck in the. veniug, lioy vaeese- cutcaned te amept (roux hlm esci a aigar. One aveming tlia al>s isaal dreu np aI lhe gatas cf lie prison, but nebody gel eut. The cabman dmesed- ed from hmabox to e iraivau lie malter, sud vas grealy surprhaad te q ùnd euly Ivo passengens in bis cab inslead cf tire., and lies, lue se nud sleep liai b.o onld net »-'en ibean. Tic, prfAiIus bunker h*. Au oluphysirama, naliret raipïaote, haviug Udplmoe& in bisebande y, u ludia -nlslcà anry 1he. ruU ofrla sipl vagalabla remsay hr iS he dy aMdpns yeaororyyare Tiaremcdy bu mes.Desciptive Pamphlat sont f ree on r"o f etamp iy TORONTO, CANAS&. I.SPRING- SUI.TS. IF --000 JOHN FERQUSON 18 SHOWING À SUPERIOR STOCK 0F .P ýcotch, English and Canadian Tweeds, And other fine Unmes of Clotho, for Spring suite. AUI garments made UP in isteet style on eltortest notice. eadymade Mena ad By8'Suit8, Gente' Furnishinga -andý - Underclothiogý of ai Kinds. lllZSTREUC0TxIEL OERL -HATS 1 HATS 1 HATS! Latesi stýrIes inIl ard ana Boft Feit Hats VEBR! IEÂAP. JOHN FERGU SON, Dundas St., Whitby Itil Car.rying! on the War!11 SimoitFraeroffer8 betterîiuements tiian-ever-to.bny you'r CH1NÂ, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, ETC. ETC. w. e a opecià l iscount from the prosent low prfees oflO10rcent. on Ual apTea &otts8, Combiton a.nd Dz'nner Stte.; )ur -stock. Of Ifancy Oh i mil . n$Sera«, China Fruit Baaketo, _Ib ru Tirese 1&o have. it roemmeîd it lelii Il4 le> lb. heMachine forthe -Public. Dois all na if Svlzg.: &lways ilu Ordor. Simple sud La sLife"im. The Dominion fanà and, Pianos: Are Better lhaz4 Amy Olien. The. Besl Judges ssy lIM Tome is thc Boul. It isbuiltwiha view toDurability and - Beauy The Boeiusn, eloBy ciai msud BourGonds. H-. W. -FOX .vAG.ENT. WAREROOMS: BROOK ST. - - - WHITBY. London and-,Lanoa8hire Life Compaulye This oempany issues av e airble nlin et Lite polioy, sud ha dpouielo iih*a0 Rocaiver Generai lu sppreved anadi"ar socuiios ovor #100.00 'foeuasii$O.00 ud lisbiity, tins affording ABSOLUTK se. Parties'desominonset sning heï lvea vii aind il te Ihair advanflo teonmah the. undersignEd beoere assuring elsoviaro. JOHN -FÂRQUHAILSBON, Wbllby, May 18, W8. -ly Generai Agent,- PA lige au p atenýtl vyasrn