l'IL ~Mu I 11W I.' Houso CIoaning. DONWT USE WH ITE-WA8S4 -OR- KALSOMI1N El, When yon oan get ALABASTLNE, One paokage oosting 50 ots., wîll cover 60 square yards. Two Goats. warranted not to rtib off. (l. E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY ise PER ANNUN. Whltbyt Frdayl May 6e 1887. Two yesare&go laut Konday th. bat- t1.etfQut-Kuifo O-reek vwu fough-or rallier, mn. On Ibst day the Queen's Own'mafeh6d thirty miles, smd op a~ fel of tvsnty or thirty Indan, and ran buok lhirty -mies into Batt1efi>r wflhout bemng oaplured. Il vuia rible vitor-thalt i, a foorae-4nd the Q. O. b.d a.iucky oesepe. Tosm inlaratber el oo-mucb.Uo."# 8h. ouds ho 011mw%, tht..ont osud out, nover in doubt, supporters of lthe Ge- mysmeal, yet se.is quietly told tht unies. lber citisene taes p 810000 not one cent of Goverument &Îid sah ahe gel for this harbor upon whioh e muoh of ber prospority dopenda. HlON. OLIVER IowÂT le ouilymade oit fleeliasd bloodi the. mre s tii.rit ofna. liobas long iiad to @lave vith hlm lande te support bis baoyoed sun Fred, whiie other men,&sosns ted aI the public crili. Nov Kovoat's boy gela a show with the othoes. If 1Fred badn't got il #mem besier of a part>' poitiolsu would. Bur&iunoz la&gain houoiug op Francs vill a pols. This tirne a Prend officer »narno8hnasbele. bus besu ooaxed fso oostetue Germaà aide eft te lino0sud uabbed. Selinahesi broIe- av.>' sd jumped inlo Prendh Berrtor>', but tue Gurma offloors rau bign.lu juitthe . mre. A. rowv vs rssd sud tue prisotier rei.maed, but Ibslatter molnUâtil Bismarck ad te- mmrked thal le vas net going wteb fr5ghiencd b>' France inbo letitlug bis primoter go. Tm Governor.Generuh sd 'Lady Lansdowne vere hoaU>'mclved lu -Toronto, ou, Wodmoday »negt lait. O'Brien, sudKilbnlde are '.xpe.ted. t, tour e uhhinei Lord' Là ns- dowmes lenU7r> Ma>haïe hada 90Ir mdro . o. box b lIai 'bot, ab»»'gm hobad.Oomê te lb. Meeting ho dhmoum tiimportant Mat- ter. Whuiby là 900od eoni=ml position. firit ohms riway fac"Mute a"d vas a goentrain whioh te vomk up ~ ~ ~ " amnualu ireid. U nov vWan[tud vasbones d inou b carry on vemks. Iu ordor te o Omethisziehad beSore obviaua that w. siiould have te foilow th. example of Our neiglibors, aud demi liborally with any minulfa- lureme v. night h. luduced to eccept reasonabe induosients te centretheir workm hors. 1'For moine lime Pasl scierai otllir,, suMdth, speaker biad boou n oumunicaliofl with thoeap's M&annfacturing Company -of Toronto, sud fler conideratile discusson bad reeived a willen propositioni (rom the comupsu>', which ho «Redlodpon Reevo *rnith tftread. The Reeve nid that iu order tb have tomelbig definile ho , bring before Bthe Meeting thoy bad m.ured frein thé. Meape oompany a wriîbenstatmeatl as to the tonna upon wbicii ils establish- mont bore Mnay h. îecumed, as followsl: Aimau 27Tn, 1887. To the Mayor and. Towrn OowsoI of Whitbg. Gz*TLzxzt.-WO beg tomako th. tollow- ing proposai, espeting Uic removal of Our factory tIcycur towu. W. viiiundertake to put down vitbin- 12 menths machIner> aud plant mîficut te mun a facter>' em- ployinç about 100 bauds lu lie manufacture Of furmlture. Providlu<bolial lie tevu viii grant nsa afroc site oft&aout five aces vili a cash bonus of oee housad dollars sud rant exemption ci taation for In year. We shouldmise vaut a loan of tonülousand dollars, froc of iuterest -for a termmof ton YeOM, repayable at eue thousand; dollars par mauum, luis fic par cent for lh. unex- plred tarmnou lb. amount mc paid. Younr epeofully, HEAPS &00. Seenrilto-e h.çlven for the 810,00 (until the factory m ibuâit) te lie satisfaction of lie Mayor. Mir. BmU h eut on to say thst for yeaîuib hm ad been smrnegtation viM>ba viev-Io mubadiziug indusiea to corne boe, but nothing lad eone of il. Our position geogrphioafly offerm trong inducemenla. Wo bave vhal se man>' other fire-elaastovus hak- tbe bost of rsilvay commmuation. The ubidy asked by lb. compan>' amo"ite te à gift of probabFy $1500 towarde buding the vorks, ma les. cf 810.000 for ton yeams ovarde enabi ing the bwzsluogo ou. TheRBeve said lhad cal as ked the partiesif lthe mecumil>' f¶,m be $10.000 would ho sueh as t ooste> ut. cilizens sud epmsent. mive of te «ep oeompany had ssd lhera vouldb. ne trouble aabout th&. Howver siothe malter eofseonmlty ho oldun4etike la se>'il vould has . te b. isht or't11e. voaldbeu dosa. EB-sud the INayor la" latol3 vuai he b. ornpay luTorouto asd found everytbing b"useslike se far am tiio ould mes.N .Mr. Geo. Oommack, sr., vas called uDon, but having a vesk vois. could net a ouad distincti>'enougli t M., H.L B. Taylor said penouýalho i vua ppoeed ho bonuOng, but lb. syt.m of suboidlialng faetorles, being camried ou te sueb au oxieut at Présent, made il .eoesmamy ho eilhcr go inlo- eompelitiou wiîli other tevus lu cfeéring bqou. or else go vithout lb. lu- dufties. A&0 lieundemtda bis âpro- posaiounIthe part ýof teîleseapupeopleé vearoeilutle firs1 pi ie hem five acres of, land muaiaterwarde #1000' tovardea uting up ltse buildinginec- emm> for a faitr>. Thon vo are te lom-tue o oopany$10,000 for huton y s, te be repal îd l nuliitsmsnl cof $1000, lmoifvo eteoul. dimcunt ou ifliai seourit> 'sw.do not 1mev-At promeut. *Nov,hbis <Taylor' )Idea voold b. ho »not balud euh 1.10,000 on ceadiion.lIaIil be repaji luequs inaeuta. butI le granthe'. fader> $500 aarufée ttny.mrs. hidli ainounte ho about the m«m.tbiag, sd thon ve vont UWed«an' securl>. H. "oUI noîgo10linfor. budming tieoomi, pan>' ho eà à plo>' th.whobe buudred men ditone., bu - voul.ocpt uhi erm for. seront>' eor .lghiy. Uri laméé Osmboh sad I a a.P#l lmidea. Boviiii r elghty mon ornployed in prItueflà ari Notai. iu luture *'rhtbve a Solicitor Gesurl Mdud MhdË4St!e t rde'lsudcOm6~ b"t o mlt Mlalmlers. teEb» teW *6~hi ýFraneWsAd t ofleu ~Sud thon vs abU, know-how mucof à ainaorlt &o0tvitbsamdlng the tact 1hs1 Pxlu6i Edvard Island moudssix Libersis ote . Commons, a yearly moroese of$IW.000to its subsidy hms been addedI by the. Tory The Domilnion Goverument very jrope*h refuse any furlhergrants to Torontd hrbor until that oity sheilà ont $100000vhlch il ia behlnd lunîle abersof building ils bWu harbor Imiprovemeuts. The wiole oity et Wlnuipeg sud the S. W. Ter"torles, hieaded by G. mma sd a bruis band SýWopcd dovu upon lb.hositil oit>' on Monda>' sud lieatened -te aitis! the Goverumeult tgdeath if auy morseal. breed bUs smo dslowod. Tiei. obsus mre aI yVre M the .Geverumneut wildaUmov a< coup emore uesses- &W" v.'. City7"Upitior KcoWUlhlamsof Toroflho? major Joaveili sud. a few suher Tenteo moun 0" a ewîu1 mn lths DArthwu 4,aî are aI OÙ&*v&bloving *bout it ià u a d & k u G v ru et t e build them -a six "m0IleraUiv>'to il. The members geucral>'are of opinion liat if thé oal.. mine is as riohi as reprosented, the compaili cau aflord to build ils evu rsilay. STii. vote on the Que.n's count> malter, on Thursday laut, 0a1155d coflSi stble feeling and keen excilemeut. Thc LiberMl candidats having received a majorily of voes mf os iatvas lu houesl>' and faîriiesa-1h. stronger ride 'of thcecas By a miajorit>' of 82 of tic members prouent the matter was referrod to th. cemmitles on privileges at siections. i A good many members o rrliament are t&Wkng &bout Imperial Feaeration, com- mercial and Oustcmis Unions, Belprocity, sud everythiug mse, juil ai if puuaa needed te try torne ncw expedieut -evcry year, or oAs. perish.- Why emut Ihe>' ahul up sud jet Uic counr>' have oeeyeas pce. Iu Canada Ioda>' ne man kuowsa v filri il se t tgo imb ,business or net, saimre new.fs.ugled trade polio>' may or nu "lMt suy lime audiank bis ivestment. spomIlDE note&s. Tieca saickeleus for Eugland are te visil Whitby beo re lie>'goarcs. le Atlantic. i The second dep osi of $1000 a a"dekas beupuî*pfor lichetanlan-Gand"t race ou May i801. Toronto von the-firet gaine of lie luter- national baglue on Monda>', slg Syracuse b>' 7 te S. Hamilton did lb. noble too, beatligOsMwc<1to 2. StUllvma broken arm ge we~l but miovi', -sud Ils snob a pit>' teeaiselug 9n îa alinesl paalymed sinoce ;annoî tlake na baud Wlu. Ho n't be able te figlil for a long Uime. Lait Sanda>' night at 12 o'clock fort>' mon started aà six daym go.as-yon-pleme sit Philadephlaý. Twc-Ihlrde cf liaInumbor bave already dropped ont. Sevoral of lie men are m=in 100 miles a da>' se far. )ir. Wmu. 8eith and ;udgc Dartueil, lie estive Éïïed"ut smd Secrenr> etl, WbiIl>y odckolcluqb are aohvelep lu gltin lb.oreae re dy uother arr. augeeulsmetsfor lie summnrnor aylg After De*th WbastI i BU,-Any uttermuos, (from lie pulpil or (rom lhe publie platfori, or inithc public prem.> b statotueuts as te vhioh lire na be duerences cf opinion are alvays tair subibotsfor cigimi. 8,mOthiug liaulae"Y been said in the local psperm boutpzgly sud the cause liat gaveriscte te.A the risk cf bemg crtcîSed inu ma, 1 voCurc te allude te lie subjeel sud 1he remurki thereon. Wbilht "A Oliurchwcmsii -meero inclined sud prcpmred- te swallo the dao.- trine in toto, sud Aà bter Stndeut, irse, Z b s y v dt; e iu f a i r l y ve i l f s o x n e v b a I 7l à J Aes ne atmt ref ile tie doo- qrze ut oI..largely trous lesred vîitrs and oticrs ho prove ite orijsu. Your local ooutenlporary ofues dowu m sladge-bawmSe stle it c tihile Twenty-8.cond Artile of lb. Cuc f Eugland, t thle elméel halt te doctrine Of purgalor>' l a efond thicg alul> inveuted," sud se on, adsu liafleugnl ":A Oburchvcoma" îà uochurchobvuau, =n 4 A Sislor Student- ver>' litho better. IXin ail ver>'lnlerestng snd amuau4g 1Wbstthe teScbing cf AnU Saichrliay' bue cet knov n»« do Icar. for Ibat "MW*we thougli Lope lb.>' arc e ë Md1o. una arlioscoulmo vers>'is uot dusi"bl bue t sI vi'ahbs have? s1 s u Of lb. Bible sud Eoeiiia ilrIp isusue Oemli bs ery, crefuil>' mad hT r jmine Artices of Reigion sudmems STAýPLE. ,& MENS' GENTS' A. FANOY' lii RNISIIING DRY 'ou0s. 'I. QUALITY LÂTE'BTYLEB WITHIN 100 MILES TAIHT, PA E L I ON BNGP NOERETRUAL SUCCESS. We a~~ but o FORtria o emonstrTE oriit ogv AN TH TATÉNT 111?DQ I f,,nB(iirn STAGTeFI USNSyRÈCPE WHICH OOD ITENTIOS SHO ROYAL- PATENT. a JOHN8 TON'18 FOR TUE IN VALID, OIR T=E FL Uit) !~dOHNsTDN....... . . BLEFI hEAR THY, ETHY -elîca te, It il; stimulating, refreshing , strengtheming & invigoirating. i;OLD By ALL DBUQGIBTS AND GROGERS. 'Royal Mail Steamers. LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. me rriangçeMÇà 1à 1887 8PRINO ,-.1STOCK' GOODS, WA TOH Mo. WiththNe Ican be found Ù gý3. $14 J.8.BAIE MAY Gthj LOCAL.:L.A -UHAT la 001110 on inI SUoGET 0F UVELY 1L0U ST iilHRIGLE Au' failli hc'U lm FIE sto-ne-hooker kbberlait Bunda'.. psar. hors. té Mr., D. j'A fort0.Iine Dit. Fuzp f f iel lii xtn Pt"1101 0T0xrs * TEE IMPOB8IBLE. N4or change tb. vinds .. li te>'blov NTor drive truc love froîu s maideu's doort mmn anUot téU vialtichefuture viiibring, Whetheï next yaar cernor cotton bfikingil Nom veher ils vwali viiiquiokilaboà But man eau save tramPoets lie - Ma'lb smitrmhl xpodiul e wid"e Bu>' wituh i ndme, mous>'. ','A Penny saved in tIi. eau>' v&Y.- la a pny ave&for a main>' day.» NOW OpEb iii VhhJI~ F Dedioated to, Thoughitful .Buyer:s of AND' BOYS' CLOTHING A 1 BROOK ST-1