Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1887, p. 5

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N]JWFACE, The P. S. BARTLETT WA TCH MO VEMEN Tl Withl the New 24 hiour dial can bo fou.nJ stock, at In 3oz. Silvor Cases. S4 8.BARNARD, BROOK ST., WHITBY. 5 MAY 6thp -i )ili ty to givo lm. * rua' Oolnmn. 0~ winds 1111 teb. blov lo've froin a maiden'a door, Ill what tha future ulU brlug, year corn or ootlon te u&n hîi woslth illl quiokly tak" rnve from'Povorty's sîinUs; ohildren sud lone, viowsd expod ients- of in@raning bis' s footwear fzom uni." ,ash and save Moaey. 64e in t Ibis é way 9 e.vd for a raine day." FE* POINTERS. 4âu are sa nsw and gsa tyloi t in mot ta tae our advloe, you watt at a Very bu Prime, t hink sa ybunslt? blady's carpel eipper fo« Ciame prunelle bous esho. prunelle gai4ri in-bre. Inn dollar hpoxse ilippur fls ntown-Worth 61.25 et haro a lady'm polishad t., worked button,.bQleot and weli m6de, for #1.7f. vair makes, st a reasonable ont,. Se are th. scosptcti style aýecomiug-soasoa. W. anu mont elegaut makes tO b@. oeu Wear for menu-sud have, a botter esonlmeut4 han even before. -Women'S #1.25, 681.40, $1.65o, 11.76 n$ u t otsfor intente Si nov compiste. BV bhool 'boots, varrenteti *0I ~h seige, in différent vIgw t band. tadd :hsî Ws bave fir.1" ûme employsd, sud Ai ~vs ourprompt t.tetiô*lo' fil tb. Most panatkig hboýd. UIÉN8 &CO., W bllby, Cash Stome *W* VfBIU 1887. LOCAL LACONICSI w4gAI 18 G ON 1 1%ANDO AROUNO TOWX- BUDGET 0F UVELY LOCAL MMW8 LEANEO ST ClICLE REPORTERS TA hie's ameug y%,takin note,4 An' failih eil prot it. FPm iton. hock." ver. lu Wbitl baàrbor lutI Buuday. Tuaîi is a «rosI lot of lamberd tb. barber wvhenve le bippe tiI -A bfy bis M& L. Sebert lias sold bis fiue smcml horse to, Mr. D. J. Adamus, Port Perry, for 6800. It 18 one cf the faueslcoach hersesin thus section o!fconlry. Dit. VitiLa, o! Pickering, bas sold out bis extensive practice o! medicine le, Drs. Batemali & Ray. two young mon. We know u.tblug o! Dr. Boy, but Dr. Bateman basui'ý>t returneti trou the =ret ospilsi. tovus o! Bngmand sud "'TîcuTsB4ail or ocean." Bay aIl raiy or ocsu tickets- local or for- elgu from E. Stephenson uptown G.T. R. ticket aud Telegrapli office. Whitby gamnteed aI offliil '14rockbottom rates." Choicescf 7 Royal mail ocesu sesmship lines by vay of Quebea, Boston, Nev York or Philadoipbia. Tana being lb. first open veek for .atohing speckled tront, several o! our lovusmea have drovasti vormi vitb good ç1!cot. As high as thiýty.bive ibh bave besa reported ase lb.resait o! s flsbing expedition. We trusttheb.lru figuresmay net ;ircite cayone to slretch tb. trulli &bout tb. resulte cf future bhuis. Ti ex.mnations for the Canadien Civil Service commences neit Tuesdhyl ais the ueu*l place at 9 o'elock &.m. If there are sny la Ibis town vii. as- pire to fat Goverument oituations, îhey should bear Ibis lu mid sud if tb:y M lb. examluations they eol gin et once te court -1h. good offea of a inember of Parliemueutor two. Wî ozlgra"lte Mr. D. Y. EHqe.- mma of Manchester upon the triple addition 10 bis familye moned by our Manchester correspondent iu another oolurnu. UufortouMsely HR Majuty ha. bomme quit.ec«onornolce lately or 1he.*happy niother of 4b... bo.beç would have beau entitled 10 lthe usual diasinction for so unusel su* osourronse. W. tmu.t the D=omiio Goverumeut MAY take the alter in band andait laai ofeai aMSmuah on.ý *our*gemo#t tob bis lnustry ai the Institute on woe.d m 4ut.raed . e'pupill-for, about sa hour star th. close of!-the sebool pia number of! steoptlcan vIewo. Thei assombly, roomu van dorenod by thi 41d of hoavy blindeansd a. rogulia &atinee vasbeal Thé liglt used wgu ~romean tordipary Iemup, RIO diaDeic produoe tb. offet desired. The vi.wi vers - mostly, bigoriqc1. ýad t.he PM did whathe ecould to throvore ligh ou th6m by -d.llverng salecture ot *ach. About sévouty 7pupits ps.Ir#ed Sm Go. 80xaiaz# pr?,iièt of t lePB.ian dmlx "#*thIug:Ib lu really good i h-* ' iee Ho husr a odt-l ô* a bas about sas û vorthy toWA8MUiU4 0 Kvr. shrape,& s:Iuý toW.H. ti" se. 1h.'.owdgof thé -mieQIuesu."ý C.a bon e ocoouut forth. baggrd- look - h".l o oaoso f onsa' coutenneaafar sau a feV ehap. Miad avalion srany emptnba r.lumusd orith a now lieutonant and affairseare bracmng ûp sround the. barrioa" "TM nighta they a" moousy, And the Young folksithsy are spooney,"' I. &Rl vs auglit o! th. liatsprlng- poomUI a t i fltred grofully towarda our vasle-paper basket.- 1 PAsra 1h18 lu your -hall Great juabiles celobratlon at Port Perry, on lbe central fair «rounds, Ou« th. public jubiles holiday la Jone. 'Arrange 10 go sud eothe fu. TRI adjourned snnal meeting e! members of 1h. Whitby , Mechanios Insot in etlu llbrry 'rcomus vill b. hsld on Konday e0ening et 8 p.M. May 9th for eleolion of cificere ana reasiuing repoits. Tm annual sermon lu conscion vllb he -. ova lotig o f edd-fellevm Win h. preaobed on Sunday aflernoon next st three o'olock by Rer. E. 8. Bows, Special music bas been promised by lhe choir. Young ladies of th. college comos ex. aotly iu season. Thon. hae been uoth- ing elîber- musical or dramatio for a long lime sud our people will b. gWa tW have a gloniona evening's entertaili ment. Taz programme of thé . . L0'1 annual 0cocert la the Music Hall ben on Wedneiday noit, Màsy 111h, is tlb béeern prepared lu that institution Ie ample lougth '.11precludo lthe ne osssty or possibility ef encor» and it seleclion is me rsried as te test th euterlaining qualities cf 1h. youci ladies. d: i ri i lu. G.E. f j iooi:~ ae le B. Dg A oom many dulosvWho form.dtbem. *Ires lu lins on Sundby met lafter nrvice astheb. eet, door of the tabar- maole, for lb. purpose e! iuspoctig bs ladies iu Iheir iprlnq pnb, voe isappointSt e lt i dIhalfor m uuu- I hingthb north deor had opeeta h"t orner msudhIbeldes emoapsd uuuning th. gauntiet of tuspeetièn..* Nov tbal theéfane enins busbeen Bat uponmS mohe and thal Its meniti or demerîts ouly exist lu people@mia s tb.y may tesl. disposed te look et natter, hou would il do,- tobring it out »nd let us ailms has t i .Worth P No differee o! opinion aboulai be allove t leexist for amy lengfth ! ie as to wbal it -cendo. If thers ans those Who donuÀ bolier. il eu do t. work pu*f.oty tbey have a pefeci rxght le demand, "taItheir fearsb. put a4 rest. Thesdry lime la.oomlenmasu as aImsobperiodo asu nginsésoula b. lu readinees to Ibrova#à eWam lu ten or, filteen Minutes a et rery MOst. The qàution juil no* i. uhether lb. tovu engins oouild o:pand Ils laboa properly on snob short notie.ThSe tovu aldermen donl seem ief*side. oidedes to uhîoe hbeenginenon thiS englueifiielhher,- s lucapable. Tesi tieu ail, gentlemen,$ test themi A&»» Dmr aI hIbe luîne. LasM yvear a someviiet norel eel.bralion o Arbor Day wuvashla ti thelb.ollegiat Instiute sud v"sreoeired, vIti sue favor liaI Il viii b. repeatet bis ysam The girls eleeas " 64Qusen o! May," th Qe vboza urey consider bout qualifie for snob onor. Th. e m o! Sui being nellberbigh non «rosI voltl nov eron extensive knovledge, but thi exhibition of Ibosqualitiovhieh mma the tru. voman. Fr lbe boy wubo hu f&ovn $rue mauly quàalilsthéel manme o! "1Dux" bahma.. ravIv41 being olece l in **emur li l boys o! lb. sobool. The el..ted mu bc saafe iet .tbe i.hoe mmsaI .sud lbey diotribuIs glfts o! books- Ibtoso o! 1h.ir folAov.ppls vbem lbî cousider b oisses M-tise; quailu vhicb h lby lbeme4von. rchose TIS.gifleae uulhdl' niui !I sebol. r%=lgellm 'l a alreay, xpwemseda th g~u 1 e tribut.; gny-othenWho are dwsinr contffibuing ea moud terboet rolao atr lbirbekiIO Im 1 ng. Th eoorouateio luetUiIoi.ti XpIa'tlgp etc6, viii taeplace 0u Pnid Ifmol U a't S oeclook, sI lhe IMMit A»azm Iths*.& h va pnw mha lot alua ontinuatlincf the dlsbtumoii a fina. onto o!menfh5i0S #ub1 m fk m sd se I. W t lof 94e lot ro eu st Wboy'. rat atiàe it loodfis mne pant ea.y aersis O<ldfellows EHal HÂTS olsaned, dyed sud ne-shaped and satisfactio guaranteod u>y Mrs. W. H. Piper, firet residence south o! the fair groqudu, Whitby., o! priaIs, zephyr elothi, chamnbrays sud gingbsme cali at Rosi Brou., dry gootis emporium. Langesi vari.ty of pbolognaph al- bums sud plush goodserer opensti lu Whitby at Mmn. Aina, Wbltby book sud musie store. TA«E notice, you cau buy asuil o! elothes or a pair cf pauis from W. G. Wallons for th. prises pti for making elsevhere. Oddfellov's Hsil. Wa take 1h. coin, th. customers testhei.bargaius, sud 1he barguins testhe cake, tbst's lb. vay business is dons rigbt aloag afndrev M. Boss. W. G. W"as lhas jn.fi rceiretià nov lot of sb. latest Nov York styles inuena géIs lak and colored bard hale. Se. them. Prises loy. Odtifellovi' Waux you gel upsoin. morm nigud flnd the #un rising ii- taeWoIu tat viii b. th. dsy vhen'Audr.vM. Boss th. dry goode man vii b. undersold on suite. Aà Pms olass fit sud good vorkman. àlip tells tbetai. * W. comnmenced Ibis vsek vithcordèesfcr 26 suit.eant 15 pairs cf pacte. Loar. your mo0asue witb &ndrev M.RUs«& i TE 'w- SP RN GOODS MaigStoc, k very attractive for the omin sesn ay they exhibit, the Largest. Stock of New, and desira- Dress Gooda in- 0Canada, and are offering many leadfing limes at popular prices.. To-rday they also slbow a Stock of Prints whicëh for varie- ty, Btyl0O, value, and exceileume is unsurpassed Their Hoisery, Glove, Ribbons- Parasol, aberdashery ana Fancy. Goods Departments are well -supplied with ail the Leading No-. velties of the Season, to whioh they would direct the attention of every buyer., We. "have in. Stock an exceptionally large assortment of oiWè^worsted Trowaerings, choice Worsted Suitings, choice, Scotch Suitinge and Over- coatings. cee Ordered Qjothing h the latest styles, a ép&iay sp~~a â. Walppe! ~all *alpaprlI cbapBafiord à& Oormaok, W Vhy For nev drees goode, uav styles sudà loy priee,eaU i sOem:pbelt' BeurGNTDow range of dresgoode, sud tweeds. Ândrev X. Boss 8au B oss Broa- suite made 10 order for 118-the boat value lu theo ounty. Oeil as Oampbells' if you e u ant of a sait tbis spriog. Thoestyles vii ploaseyen as vell as Ior pries. SPECOZL offéein lu BuuIy 809001 librariesand prizes ail'Mrs. Alinas Wbitby Book sud muio eloro. Ouiroxusof 1h. Royal hotel barber shop say the vork doue i. equal $o any- thiug doue lu Torouto.ý Use Dr. Dorenvend4i (Great German Rair Maglo for balditees, grsy hair, à. for sale by ail druggist ,. ,, ' For grooeries, china les cete, erook- ory, glasavare, fild aud garden seeds. ealu as Oampbells. OMM rs titeatsD ow lot, latet styles juil reoeived at Rose Bros. dry goods omporîum. WÂLL papsr.-All piper bought fromx ns wiii b. put ou your vang at loweet rates, if you desire il s0ý Stafford Cormack. Snuz W. G. Walters' fine casortment o f Dreas Goodeinl greys, browus, tant &o. Quslity fine. Prices low. Odd. fellove Hall. cottoiO,4groy cotIons, smueokori, oonados, tiokioge, oMU at Camphelse', e they ofer Ihem obsapor Ibm ever offered bdfore in Wbitby.- Bome"thig b. radi, rmomberad sud aeed upon. Homeskeepers vould do Wel1 1 fladout th. advantagssof 1- "MM nsfor vw"isbafos u ing bfte- « wash or kalomine. il Uat G. - I Glbb&adg s utore aamPles sd fld pertlotlais Tamx'a my aa sp Mmui U! foublemen lb. ,olher day but il. saldoni ï vrbavesmocfitskMn&iReHa bd jueot ou*ippd a dollsrbecinto !b pooket pmtoo Audow noît -h. loy puised eothiar. -l ýà.nfm adant >wi *" bafel iMu.1, o1,DEYERELL"S BLOOK, NEW SPRING- NOW WHiTBYf ARRI VIN G A comleterange of desirable goods, and- TaELIARGKJ8T See our New Table Linen.at Yards Per EXTRAORDINARY VYALUE.ý ÂNDREWI .. lai': la TO Stafford on awàirw, Ibis seau IN ~OId N GOOD~ We have ever shown. STOCX 2Car LL 1 ljmL»ý DIRECT IMPORTER AND MANUFACTURER, 1 BROOK STREETe ý 1 Wbttbu (Eblromoctte

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