Whitby Chronicle, 6 May 1887, p. 8

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?rhiabipoi of OntièkoLais olge Iautoiiùd i.leetlrs baiore lâ Ol '.t Cobourg onTsdane. Tîn tovE onmoil met On Monday lagt ut.no busainess of publio Impor- tac asiriice.A omate wuS appelnod oosisi!g of the Pire sud Water oommitle. and the Mayor, Reeve, Conilori Fox and Noble, te narnoe sguneers for 1h. fir. brigade. Màxeoa Long has a oommanStlOD fromn a voolien factory cf Toronto, who asks our best terme for a ooncern employieg lwenly or thîriy banda. This nuisanue'.of bonnsing humselottth eounbry wlld. The several towns, sand even te villages sud litile hamiets, have beecome perfectly insane lu their crase for fatorie, and are reàdy te pledge every dollar that eau be raised for decades te corne in eider te gel hold of som.p lndustry which smUels of decsy afreadj', sud every one.horssd faobory lu ihe cUnniY le Up i aUctien sendlug ofroulars around tle lry and iske'morne bowu iùm If oar.-ample dlctionmty, cf baw.bin kM4 oonoettISare, y8looklng for suokers.* Jusl viii a je., or tvo sud hmea r*th ývilthral iibe ralse vtn nine ot of' ion cf ihese bonusedeonoesrc, built on'te tx payera hache, tlumble',over lu a massof tain sud d.ciy, Il viii 6e found ihai eaoh tovu lu the counnry hau finsac.ally exploded a s'outh.sea bubble foited apcn ite confidfing people by a gang cf aluarpers. W. donf'l isb te b.e loeked upon as eranke, and are willing te go as faru inte inlereste cf lte town towarde advineenei s i.ise, bul viit te &Mount cf foolisit, insane Oooopelition' nov exieting among tevus, ve Wbnk Whilby hid botter ho rnighty earefu. West Wbitby QonniL. Condil cf mu]nicipaliiy cf Wbiiby tov- ehip met, ptirouani le adjournuotenion, l'Tnesday last.Ail lb. members present. Reeve lu tbe chair. Minutes cf hat meetng reatianîd _sýppnov- ed, communications from Wm. Mfanuel, John Rice, aud Henry Meene »sking te be appoinied collecter. fer 1887 Sund a number oacounts ver. read by th. Reeve sud lâid b.! ore lb. counefl. Mr. Wm. Oke vas beard by cenucil villi referenQe temroeving vaten f rom tleva une vilb Pick * g.Mn. Hidi vas beard re comphaint cof dsm»ge by vater te hie propenty cuWe by overflcw of mil-race Mr.. Wm. Nichels pnesented petilicu asking for leavo te erect vine 1ernpe on noad ahiowanco utider lb. provisions cf mn &et respectiug lin. tences. A commàunicaton frcïm G. Y. Smtb ne elaxm ef Jerome Scott vas laid on t.able until nert meeting cf council focr furiher mfermaticn. Ou motion ef Mn. Willb. heClent vas iuiberized te purchaso feur rcad acrM, On motion cf Mn. Wilia econded<,b MKedlsud a by-la' asw u ireducg sad pas ed isoeurilradings appoiiiii Il ery Meucollecter cf taxes for 1887. onummmlot fMr Wofi u& caeib n Caider a byls« u s ntroduced sudcrd -lrubIls severslI readinge amending - Iav Na. 6M0 ppelutiug oversensc waye, a&e On motion cf Mn. Calder secended by Mn. Willie lb. Reeve, Deputy Reeve, sud Mr. Rundie ver appote commmiacuns te obtain legai advise r.e vflfov cf vaien, from mili-race sud te ct lu acendance vil ativice reived. On inoWon cf Mn. WMlis seonded by Mn. Medlsud G. Y. Smihb Eq. vas appornted arbitralor for Wbitby tovnship ne alterin lb. limite of Sci osetion Union No.i On motion of Mr. Oalder seconded ky 1 Wllis a by liv vas passed allovlng M~ Nicbolalobtuil a vire fane. six foit cn rod allovance belveen lots ?8 sud 29 lu Gbh Cou. under provisions cf au aut nespouaiff mmcv Letouese. Oui motion cf Mn. W"illis th. Reve sud clent ver. sppoluted commieianer' te cause brick vont cf tewn baIl te be repsire&i -Ou motion a! Mr. M.dlsud secondcd by Mn. WiMe it iwvas esolved te psy Henry Sonley tveuiy live cent per ted fer buildinog 130 rode cf vire fonenou4lb cen. 4bOBOve wu authorizd te grant bie onde on the Treasure for a number af aceouats IaMOiigmlual te P86L60. Mr. WBlis& oned by Mn. Caider moves listaIhis cneldo nov idjouru admmd d of reviion «ad fou bibher purpeses. D. HOLIDAY. li. Bobi., M» hesbas emoved tram bis lité esideuce le a bhnne. a 11111e Mnr..aoob Datre, ha juat ftniuited hW labona as asommer fdr Beach. . There le csîderable o kalached teil, tïand »e ditubs ho bac p.rferrned il v«7y &Ï, wm. rchjà6 ads tli daughler Jase A a ban ia âevai vereSilack g, Drden, f qreubuk,Iv- ti.ntowatlwk -ut. W n. Bbma-reeof cumc vsiureonuamurday. 1 Mr. Cha. »Ptingle, som of Mr. Ja. u gle, ýis homeonua short vieit. 1fMr. W. -OC. Heard, earriàge maker, Man- cheste, vw"int6wn Wednday.' - 1fr. Hardiore. lite book.kee" to Mr. Oco. Cormack;, bas sechrdaitaini Toronto. 1Mr. ÂIex.,Browa,'of ibis o01eeamd, 1fr. Alex. Sceti, cf Newport's carniage factory, left hero for Michigan on Monday nkiht.-. Mr. Thes. Meedy bas bencu azotfed as landingz-wster sai'Pickering barber. Hie many friends bere are bigbly pleased with hie appointment. Mr. Taylor formerly of Tay1or & Haiet, cof tbis Place, bunt new of Welland, sgent s fov dayri i town tbis week accompanied by his bride. They were tbe gueste of Bey. J Y. Barkcr. Mr. L. E. Embroe, B. Â., of the Whitby Colleiate Institue, bas been siosi unani- meusly re-elected as representative 'b tbe sonate cf Toronto Univereiy, by the head- masters of Ontanio. .Mr. E. O. Grabam, cf tbe fium et Camp. bell & Graham,. nurserymen, Rechester, vas a i tcwn on' Turesday, locking af 1er spring de- liveries. Mr. Graham expeote te b.engsg«ed several:day. in lte ncrth end cf ibis sud ad- L m cuatiisasbheïrsles in the Mid- ha= ve been Most extensve Mr. e. Y. 1Oampbefl Isapatner, le îlow1y teover-ngfrom tbe serions illinus under û i -ay f i n e lu I b i s c o i t y W in i h o Pleaeieh in sentire recovery. OuetNoies. vice in te tabernacle on Sunday. SI. Johna, Whitby. Suuday, May 7th. Subjects of semone-nuurniu,: Building framn tb. bottom ;»eveniug:- 'Sin arainet th. Hoaï Gbosi. The district meeting of tb. Methodist cbuncb, for lb. WbIitby district, vii com- menceat Port Perryon te 26tb i. Lay delegates are expec:ted te preset on. lb. foilowingday.A sca tes, is te b. given jyhee or e ycongregatien on th. even- ing of Tbursday, 26tb. W. underatanti, on good suthority, ltat th. Bey. Mn. McCiellaud, e! Asbburn, has been e01e6ed à cali frein 1h. conpregation ef Keniville, N. S.; salary Sm00asd a manie. adr. MoCieIIsud préedti ibre oee 5b. bath laist YJe .(s Jittie befere Dr. Aroiti. bald's inducton) vhen lie vas lunte Lover Provinces. Atlb.e lut meeting of lb. Mission Baud iu conneclion villi th. Baptist Stinday echeel, a very interostngpregramine vas gven by th. membene cf lb. band ; atler vbi Mr&. Dvideo f Boston, forerny cf t ova, gave su -atidreas cn the vont cf lbe Kinderganten achools vitit vhich ah, is c.nnecied l intai ciiy. be address vas in- terestiug and instructive te bobh old sud Young. The tabernacle vas more bhan crovded on Sunday evening,ýto hear lb. service of sesig. The Bey. Mr. (terman presched in bis usual diean sud forcible style upon lb. aubjeci cf "4Trapo." EH. deaIt viltiithemany eares vhicb ire sel by emisanies cf Satan, toean- trap the unwary. Tihe oorrupting influence. cf evil lbougbt4i sud cf evil associations, vere dvell upon ai conaidenable loe. He par. formed a ràimple chemicai expenimeul shov- ing lb. effecte of chornical actioà, snd de- duced a lessen (rom il whicb f.v cf bis biear- ers viiiforlgel Aller bbthegquW servie a baif-ba s spesinluslnglngzThe chair, ffout*%"uhedse 1ifin. ine.. M»lu 1-of wbich tbe lairge congregétioe beanly jciaed Miss Ida Hatel and hies Frenitchi"sang a solo, ais did alec Mr. Jeveil. The vitole service vas must impressive. Wben lte lange audience aideti ils 1. ~pover teb Io nous meledy of lb. choir g a inguodt cid familian hym!àa, the building vas made te ring vitb music, sud lb. sound could b. beard lbrougbout lb. tevu. Mies Lod, M. &UL, cetihe coliege, presided ai the organ. Staff-InspeettrAtUbald o!flte Toronto ipoli.e i agapl temperance sputer . Toronto la le vote ensa $100000 by.lmv te meelihe Dominion Oovernmenl's appro.. rtion for iita nj3uore. La&nddowne in le have s al u nToronto, Lut oxder thît Tarate'. bemàuty may be Lnuspecb.d in undrese apparel-iflithtibe ltýe vay teexprees il. .Carvens sud ted carniers have struCkI & Chicago, nupholsterers, brick-layer ansdcar- penlets SelTcroute, prunters at H-ulieu ecttoï-haudeat iMerion, brick-liÏsrs asu crpntenç'at London. 3 Win. o'Hni., editor o! Uimi. rekd%4 Ein stipresent on lte AllaniC o, kng bis vîy ici Canada. Imncpd1tely upon his a rial ft Ï& el.td te (1v. 3enralvii 11y for te Wosuda saend atail iree Liord Lansovnesn suitebs ave signadOb latter aerliying te bls kindmea as à land- Meplisur o! bsbbng, itseamlu-~ creffsedb miixl nlthe tub or oven a ouster tm of tmutry & Lmain ~le*daWatr. ustanily *0e viol. aimaspieeof ltae bal-rOOm le eat far as a loamn fwer tdon, the mlndabe- ~paesbouau, a -te body éemegs mlesloondà lu chiamuai be«reifte buava .puoporteomthem evu Govera- rient. meu~ofibeJ ... 070' Barley.........t0...O40 Pesa ...t*seséu...do Pt",blaok.yed........ 070 Bluecas....... .00,ý H~................ 10,_5 Apples, per bbl.. .... i60l Tomatoe'........... 0, potaboes, per bag ......... 05OS Bustter................ Olt- Wod.n................010 Hldos, perlb.......006 Porks perowl ...........6«o0 W Turnipa.............4,6-0 13 Oelezy, prdcls......080 Ture, uer b. ,.e.....O Deu Du IeL..b...........01 BeAepa Frlb.. ... ...... 00 Woolvsb&.- 016 wool, uewigà*.....0 12 runipaiperbuseL.... 040, Boetby Ibo estes.. *O o 0 Peail-lO. te lie. Mutionb hecrse.. 0 Ieiai--.e 20 0,60 010 007 825 026 040 010 010 018 000 ,ô 00 006 ÂYER'S HaîrýVigort restores, wlhU teglose and freshncss oi youth, faded or gray hair to s nateral, rlcb brovu coler, or deep black, as may bedeslred. By Its une ligbt or red liair mnay b. darkeued, thin hair tîickened, snd balducas eften, tbcugh not always, cured. It checks falling of the hair, and tiuhtu- lste% a weak andti .ckly growth to v1gor. . h prevents snd cures seurf andi dandruff, aud healoi uearly every di-seasce pecullar to the "eslp. As a Ladies* Hair Dr-ebsiuÇ, the, V s lOiRla equttile(t.it hcontains nelther cil n,îr tyet, renders th air scf t, glossy. anti i;ikt-it in apptm8r , uCCteti iparts a .elicate. ~.i aule îd las8tt.g jertumle. . . cn&P.BRCRE ri tes f romnKtrby 0. i,' , lr': *- ut atl u uy haïr coinruce fâ.îi;g ont, and In uasshort tinte 1 becaine uearly bald. i useti prt of -a hotu of AYEu't i it YîeuÏ, wrich &loppdte fal- ing of the hal; suad starteil a new grevtb. 1 have now a fu'11 head of bair growlng vigor- outmly, and amn convinet that but for the use cf your preparation 1 abouldi ha". been eutirely batd2' J1. W. Blivz, proprietor of lte Merur ?a mosi exceilenC preparation for théi hair. 1 speait of It from my own experlenee. Ita use prodmotes the growtb of nov baIr, and *nakes It glossy and meft. The ViDtooki also sa sure cure for dandruif. Net Wthiti y knowledge bas the prepsratlu «eter- RiC to give entire satisfatIonp.- MP. Ânova Âra 1iu 06&édr cf Iie eslebred " Farb.Irp Fasaily o4f. 1880:- 'Ier snce mybairbgêfto gsil.-u veryevidenceof tii he a e unsc Urneprooireth, 1 bave ustiAyaa'5 lIAI Viooa, a"no he a"e been able te unabntïtn akeerqunce cto Ineesflltttoe tors, etoen, and tac it every oee vlo Ilves iù tht @es of thte publie." Mus. Ã". A. PRKSOTT, vrltIng fromit la St. Càa<wLeatowan., April 14, M, " uys:- = ïll;,Iosagabout twbrdaof 3my air e orl;% nedvery rapdly, mgs ud a fut trowtng bald. Onua ing Arasa Hais -V- -intbefahlgt 5pd and a nv»u~W, commenosti, andi aout a meni x et Was cornpletely coveroti vitit short bgàr .It hma coutfined, to grovi, and la nomas gocti as before ItoiM.I 1r.guliarly ued butone botie cf thé ViGoc, but nov une it ooeauiosy a a driumlng.» W. bave hundretis of similabtimcalal to te ooay of Ayxa'e HAIE VxOeu. It ueeda but a trial te convince tite mosb sitepti. cmi Of ievalue. SM dby &U Drulsis JERSEY BULL 1Tffm forSel6ofoSa. May 8ri,1887- if Wbltby. no$ parivi rnc. whLhj EOST. r.OT RIG ANNUÂL niNOmE, 0,6000M M&N arn ri.t sdDeln Houlesa -&Syoaity. Verlvrté.Es erma Of paymnent. simple policies. 1No of loues vithout dsont 5rYoii de Dot, lusur. uùntil ou ka ou r tenu mn conditions. , IL acf . E.B.B-ffy WABt' u rnea gn for South On- brio. Or01100.li Whtby-Purt of D). Ormis- ton'oLav-OJRne. 4U ettorn sddresed b LoitBoz 78, Whitby P. O., viiireceive prompt attention.- Eesienoe--'Ham Cot- tage B.yron mreet, Whltby. 1 PUBLIC SOROOL TEACHERS, rumnHe ut Szaminulion- f Public Sohool -1 Tachers Second and Third Citas NON-PROPESSIONAL willieheld at the Whutby Collegisie Insitute, Port Perry Higb sohoo,9 Ubridge Hh Bobool, Oommecfnàfonday, Juiy 4, And for TMrdl-Mastaith. same places eommnolg TgsnrTuLir1n, st 9 o1élock am i-shold nilfy iCby nspcdatese atr than lt 5h e Many Iscftrint lter n ftrebing heofMmeafotr nexan- tion. BIank fourni of application fot firei and second clams may be obtained by applylng toe h.Inâpector. JAS. MoBRIEN, oennty Inspector. Whitby, April 12, 1887. IBY-LÂW NO.-- :à By-law (o oloao up and digpose of the estalUahed road acros a portion of th.e mst haif of Lot 88 in (h. 4h Ooeceaio-u of (h. Townhip of Uobridge. Portien ofthbie original road allovance opposite lot numben 88 betveen he f ourtit sud fiflb concessions, cf tb. said Township osed up sud vestei in Obarles Qould. The Muiciwpal Corporation ef the Town- ship o!1tlxbnidge enacle as fulevu: Jai That the road estabUished by B -iiv No. 828 cf lb. Mumicipshity -cf t.ev- shjp cf Uxbnidge passedau tbc iBl dtay o! December 1880, acroas a portion f lb.ecast hai f ot inumber 88 in lte feuntitconces- sien o! sud (Tovueiase hereinatter described. sliall b. sud lb. manee itereby closed up as s public mil sud 1h. land thereof vestediluWilliam Oint, lteprosent auea cf sad lot linaber 88 as Ieva, vis: Ccaaencing oü ltecasteru limite!falil lotiNo. 88, tbree chiains 85 links from the aoubh eut angle o! lb. sane-Titane. Noatht42 degrees80 minutes voaicht s Thence Norlb 58 degrees 80 mInutes West 8 ohin;. Titane. North8U degmes Wst 8 obamins, sud 80 links; Thence Nertht 8 Mogrêles *45*nleEaicmn 1fliniisOrêa1ô~ ani z cmllullo sal4IeN88, opint SentItlder 'w0ïnùt*in But a,£chias 82 Unks from lb. Boreh Rasi anglecf sid latINe. MI; Thte line esibi elg tbe sad road vllb a perp.ndlubreadth of 60 links onnetub aide ibereoontiditlug by adeasuremeut oe e ce Aud81110D cfanuacre 2üd Titatiportion o! th. Stit con- cesion line opposio lot. 88 hereinafler daecribedviticit vas Olosed up sud vested lu Citas Gould by By-lav Nô. - M pueed on tite 121h De.mbr 1880 hsii be sud, the sarne is hereby teopeneâ sud reesab- lbeem a spublie blghvsy, vis-:-AU ltai pei'tlonf lte nid 56 concession line NoathtHast angleoe! bit. eme. TAKE NOTIOE- Tbebove l~a àbruecopy efaptapsed By.law viicit as rsd saltea ud secord lime by bi.Mni#lConail etlte Tovnsitpo01Ubnldgeon lte.lOtt day o ÂApe 1887. mîtd vii b. taen jute conelder- ilion fr tb. final slâg thereef ubeiith. sare shh havehad}fo r éitons a th. judiaill~7te iýrbyandvho> pailionsr to u e w, an = y ons >i't mugma -bisama pplication te eneof MazUieslv'o SupriiCouirts uwi" n*- ~1-1W i N SýPRN GOOD Binion Warcrooli0 Wo have a large and well; assoi bargains forôé evorb O ur ripe -a r ten-tio sdiet for. e rints, Seroka teornMsirect( oui Dress Goodo, -Ginghams,"&C. Have you seen our circular PilIow Cottons, White Cottons and Faotorys, Table Linens, Tow. eflinge, &o. Millinery Department a special -at- traction, New Goode ail through the Season, lateitEstyles. Celebrate the Queen's Jubilée and Birthd ay' in a New Spring Suit, we have, the nobbiest pat- teons, lowest prices, and good fits. OLJR $1.50 RIATS AIRE ALL the GO.-î A fine a-rtetof Gents'. CoUari Ties, BraceB, Handkerohiefs, Cuifs, &o., &o. ÇALL~ AT THEWIB CHIýNA T-EA S'TOR] And see the New. Crockery thalt is a] riving for th. Sprin rid, e'ealythe new patternSoùf ~ WÂT~D,10000 Doz. (ood F reshEges. wu-, Je- GtI$B8QtL Wxx Le adifiî WCeakIlbR. par nn uadvai ,~bsnptien âe aquuxent sad- U.-POEcif :ýliqirffland other: f ssl atte3itr rl. - - TERMS 0F ADYD opu1siin,yper .unes ouboeq ûoflnt-eÀrtion, 6 ou by a sie êýo! moUd NoAI 50Coiùlagy. Adverlisemeits sent lnitiiOtiOuS ,inserted-unt, ahaie.for full ti.ms. Orders for dislicnuin muust b. Ïlwiting, other, eni vii net b. responsibli A liboral discount for 0< ýmeuis by the year. C4jp cOu-nt tadveriements a iu net later than Wsdues cfl anlylntended changes. befere Truesday noon. mOLnts rtcivêd up tethnr - Business notices lu locaý ,,]m. cents par lUne veekil P«er li.eekly.. acrïespeudencseliciu octhhe County or neigÉti 3orreàpoândente are reqic their communications possible, JfOHIN STAIMTN, Sup't mach anicl D1e: JOR FB - y- DAVID 0O Batmi-100-no. vea4 «r«» 60,709 re".. 0 Prints, Seersuckors, Muslins, I

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