Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1887, p. 2

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An4 IloPis4>onufrom u n xcsp Maia owxmMP. F&uiwheat l Ibis -vieinity 1s80 What kwfed with the lai. froua Beed- jing s just,oýmencsd. The grou nd la very vet as y.l, but with a few dry daye il willbe in a fair condition- W. notice that Dr. Gilpiui is fast re- oovenng fronm hie injuries and sllhough thoy vers rather serions hbu not lost a day froua attendiuig tl his practios. There in lots of game in the doctor. e is no& wbippéd, sltheugli ene wing je broken. The iinplement mon are se numerofli in Brec.Iîn Ibis yoar s hougb tbis was the great centre cf lb. agrieultursi world. Any. farmor IbsI gels clesr of buying tbis yesr muet b. ironclsd. Wo hear of $ great number having been sold alroady. c Our publice chool gel s magnificent diploma sud bronze modal as the Colo- nial and Indian exhibition, London, 1886. Mr. -Gillospie sentliet June te, Mr. MoBrion, our worthy inspecter, speciinn of the pupils' penmsuehup -aud ise of their draving, etc. Neth- iug vas houird of the resuait ntil rouait-. ly. The. trustees are going te hbave the diploma hsndso,iely framed sud hung Up in th. achool. The boom bas alreaédy begun here. Quite a number*of now buildings are to be ereoted bore Ibis summor. 5MrJ. P. Foley bas led off and has alresdy a nov residenco juel about oompleted. Ho intonde putiflg ulp sevoral during the season. Mfr. Foley is bound le soc hie offopring set up f airly in business betore ho dieu. As il vas h. vbo gave th1e village its name wo hope to sec him live long amonget ne, toteueoil iuoorporatcd as a thriving tewn. Navigation opeuod lIse woek. The clorks à;nd others are agitating for esrly loing. The. lalf-day systeni bas been in- troduced in one cf tho yard uchools. School-beys for tb. past v.ek or Ivo have been playiug Iruant lu order le but suckers. A mémorial te be lot lboa upen 1the Ottava Govorment, s»king for a fev acres et publie buildings. Tbo steamer Eva 'will u a splendid trip froua bore te Blurgeen Peinl ou Saturday's l-aving bore at 9.80, &.m. The. Sale, have roplaoed the drum vhich vas bursîod in lhe receul niote viti a $95 silvor monuued on.B. It vas christened vith becemiug oeromony last veek. On Fridsy th. cases Queen V. Young sud Quesu v. Brookuesu voue included befere Judge Dean.' Wm. Young vas found guiity cf assanît vitb iutent on. bi stsepson, F. Breeknesa, sud son- teuced le Ivo years in ponilentiry. Brocknoeu sfound guilty et having -bitlon off Yeung's finger sud vas Ben. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~i Mn6 ea uO>tsl i entral prison. Duning Ibis veck hou railway em- ployees- sudthirirfamilles srrivod lu tovu,snd s general hunh for bouse room vas luatitulod. This la the ftrut ln- shalmeul t lihe. ho -are nov undor erder le remove tb Lindsay cousequnu on tbe building oet ho munnug sheds sud extension et verk ai Ibis point. Ib is underutood aà largo number nov st Peuh Hlope-baive beàun ntiflhd by the mailv'uy autherihies le be la readines te moe, o Lindsay abeul tie end of Jouno ot.- A scieme has been placed beforo the school--boaid viich bas rooeivod tho hearhy approval cf Iliat body te mras. 810,000, bufid a large additionu te th. northiyard sebool, ho o eueed su s col- levi.t institute, sud giving up le public school une" the nov bigib. coci pre- mies. Il vould -asem tiai by taking into-oaaderatiouu tb. anuunt neceived lu tho vay ot ceuntry sud gevemurent grants liaI tie yealy iepnss un ex. ceas Qf amentIs nov psld vould b. largoly detrsyed froouncb sources. Oneo ethLe piopositions 15 10 charge pupils attonding the inuilulo s tee et que dollar per menti. Tii. ciy sseasment la #919O000- The GQv.ýGenesl belda reeepIilIns on Balnrdays <uring Iavist. day sud vth £uita Sun- Nqo sherif for York coualy bas pet besu appoinled. ~!ler apeis-I. be a* pressaIpro. o peot oet isuikbeesti.uies sud iluir mea itbsoily bing seilled TPMt-oeê druùkgka vers anradOu The Peterbore baud intendu te play in lb. band competision at Bowmaan- ville on June 7tb snd BIh. Mr. S. Hatberley bad bis ebeulder diloosted last week by falling witli a capsizing load cf bsy. On Capt. Cooper'e roBignation, P. C. Adams was sppointed obief of police here. Chief Cooper wae presented with $100. Two valutora wbo were bore the other day seetling the damago donc ai a flue, msniged te starS two Cher fires from heu .;igus, vhilsltbtey uat &round cogeatiug. Anothex cutting box accident msy be sdded le, the hslf.bundrud slresy re. orted thie year, R. Lesry, of North Monaghan, bas ent off a couple cf tbe lingera cf bil rigil baud. A lady cf Ibis tewn enjoyed fer bl sn heur tlb. cher night, the pleaure co vstchiug a burglar trying te break mint a neighbor'u bouse. Wben she vsi tired watcbing him she ulioutedat bin sud h. skedaddled. Mr. D. B. MacDiuff, violinist, ekippe( from bore lbe. cher day witheut givinI bie many creditors lthe plesare o siguiug their names te receipls for,' hs ho oved them. Ro left a clans hall taugit but &Rl psid for. Mr. Josephb Gibsen, 'pesîmaster a Ingersél, lectured on lb. Soît Ac behrs u Monday week. Hoe sys thi Scott Act lu vorkiug very fairly, an, tho lomporsbce people muet net expec .toc much. Duel le flying-vitheoit vings. This lovu je building tam ide#valke largely. Soveraàl bakers vere up leasveek for selllng bread short lu veigit. The loik-up, Bayestho Time s lunluas indesenibable condition cf fith. We, are le bavo aé leâge cf lie Iu- dopendeut order et Good Template. TÉo town bas s rifle association vhiei moels mon3hbly for hargel practioe. Mr. D. M. MeKialay bas -added te bis livorv equipmout a nov back ëCotlug 11,000. Ou rau iuthie proeut local candidate from Oilla auspiring Se beom a snoh.d sounner. hr Miad si tlsoybe-tnoe su Port Hlope. Either lb. 6t. Catberiups or Wood- stock lacroms club la expeced bore le play eu tbé 24tb- Tiie nov vater sud ligbSlng syalem 1f ,or vbi ie l evu npsid #20,000 bas come ia Ibis veek. Tuleva wnbasgrest bepes et beoom. ing lhe terminus cf th.e IrondaI., Ban- croft sud Ottava railvay. Tii. Time complains liat lb. aeputy-rOtumulig officer efthle moont Dominion eleclien. bave net yet been paid up. Mossns. Kay à MoKinnon left TuLes- day for BrillishColumbia. e via!' them cuoce0M. Mr. S. Btuddy, lais of 1the lav office etMosn. KineorJ. Brook Boutouw, Ovrté baaunk. , Mv,. inhmBurnetvas in. Ibis volage -Thb » ena hae uuevcavs- oi4 Âfo6t< raoce bolveen lv. local sprint- er suu ofon Monday ai. t-eaîim grouusd sud vas von by lie Az!lo&!t othe $100 : as ap rouli orsent mentis ce daingIit lime viii baye full 0ontrôl oetthe field. The ffret ractice .match viI ,o ýpayed nexi Sluray ah 4 o'cbock. An alurm, of fine vwas uouaded on Tneedsy attemucoca-afev minutes aflor 4 o,'ook, but il did net portend any- thlng serions. A emal blaze at Mr. Watl's stable vas the cause cf the. exeitemont sud il vsepub cul vithoul tho assistance cfthie Firmeu or lie echool sebotais vie er. svarmiilg dovu shisel about liaI lIme. W. undemtand lie hbosthb officors appointed by the council decline te sct. If sncb b he!' case oSiers siould b. ah, once sppointodl. Thora la work fer them ho do. Iu cases viiemo lier. are ne local heli officers, on inefficuln one, w.unuderstaud tual conplaints eau be made le the Provincial Board sud thhy vil enfeno lie la*r at lie expee efthle muucoipalily lu viicii suy alleged .broaci efthélie thh tavmay occur. Tbi'vould bé, muci more oxpensive .Ibsu having a good local board. àm bloa i eek sta vi s biui bished sagod byasbeng«rua mi b afrighloned herse. MLr. W. Taylor liaspurehMd the famous trotter Marragun, froua Stan- bridge, que. Hie record la 2"22. Sire Rhiode Iland 2:284. Meut cf our farmers ane busy vili their seeding nov. Fal vieut le bookiag vel l ib is viciuihy . Tii. Bons oi Temperance are stili booming lu Ibis place, nev uombere being addod veekly sud stili; tbero'so room fer msny more. Mr. L. Foster sa been senioualy i11 for tb. pastlfev veeks, Ib, me Si. pleamed tlleeaun laà b& ternefý4 e , W. are pleaed ho learu that Mm. A. Il. Holliday, formemly cf Ibis place, bas p.esd his fireI year's ezamination in MedicieetaIVictoria College.' One cf ou youug mon, v. have good reasen ho believe, bas got tie mittén by the selihary mood in vhlchhe mseate be. We veuld adviehlm togel botter secnrily neit lime. Mises Mary J. Semuborgel! died, on Suuday, 14th April, et ber brothor's, Mr. O. Somuberger. Hlemr Mains we iuterred lu lie Baphiel Burying grouud usai Columbus, on the following Tuos- Mm. Wm. Willand, our enterpisin mercianl, haviug dlsposed ei bis ol1 stock et goode by anchos, ba Sot iluas e'ntîmely nov ssaornt oeping goods. Speoial attention ia direoed te rs godo, prints, mueisîe, 4t. Th*. droas makiug depsrlfluent, under thé mafage- ment et Miss Bunker, us a speclaliY. Oui eeopiing taller, Mr. . OldfleId bas moved ui ,&i lê -r més bous seti ofthle vilIge, sud M. EIUIio, oui village bîsksihm asmowd lt. Mmrý (Jeopds i onsm reoently ooupied by M. OldfieI&. Mr. Wm. Hùzelwood, jr., bas moved minoe .houséreciatly. ovnod by Mr. L. PdslWr. Messrs, Lovis Euzzelvodsud Tàb'Ig edof eftâ Ibi -place, bave botu .oblAined' mployment inte Abel WorkT0oot W . viab ou t You ng ifrieids 0," y obauend, Df ka et P P e edi ly e w uld se c o u re ; bu t ElaSe has a htned ita fange upoU Our lugi tbaI we awako eà oui follY. What folow a ielecedool 2lui net dimses- Of the Ibroat anadinge, brondhitie, atna OOf5UIpiOlatid many\ other diseusesof~ like nature. It isw,çoxse ban iadnsG b negleota6, cod, and il is folly not to have one good remody availablo for this re quent complaint. One of the Most office- clusmedicines for ail digeases of the throsl sud lnug, inBlokle's Anti- onsumPtivO Byrup. This Medicine le composed of uev- ad medieinal herbe, which exort s mo wondlerful influence in caring consuniption, aud other disese of the lungesud chest, It promotes a free ana easy expectoration, -scothes irrtation ad drives he diseso from the syptem. eqboysaie playlng ban.-ball , 'puawbetis l e ry good ouditloù Tii. couref ,revisicu le hâla&~ Imeuday Çlh e Jpe mut yel beenuretarned. The rama obias puobased li tal is vorking aplendidlY. Mn. H. 8Smpbol ibaiPu the. stock etMmJ.W.Isïc Mm.- Jue. Lauder bas siipped W W 1 hoe dunlng hie çinhel' 6500 bush0O p e ttl e s. a p r m. Adam Duif, etfMyrtle, basu- ebased Mm. W. S. Tronnce5 residllucs sud intendu te moe. bre., Old Peter Anderson -died, bor thei other day. Ho vas eility yeanu old sud for a long peiod et Yoars arSi dent oet hileloealty. The o tevu 0vby-lav liai héen ameudsd 6se as te show cowve u luur more lu tie momingsud ue, heur- a sd-a-haIt more ah nigil. Bon Wites th U«Wvbs*@È" c Fal heat is mePOrted as sîlu lib tis lecsliîy. - horus "aU eau go., t~.Plsnk's beautxfoudrlYff n,ý valued at 8500» died tb. oti FedBros.-bave lbthe a us previouely grantcd leW. J. an. The levers cf basebail han. are1 industrionaly lmying telistai up, a club. W. J. Simpson vaés flued $100 sud cee set vs eek by p. M. Homo., for selliug liquor. A gang et village cocshabbselad Borne taides hied to arreet s floock -cd-tampe Bohre lie olior day, but tailed. tThe. Glean.ar urgea lb. young people ofe tontolpair off more gsuorully inl takiug shein Sunday nighl parades Mand Barîlottie trotter la le bave heio name cbauged ho «"Mand 82' Ou a accoonulcf hem propriehors beingamed tion, that The Times' Parneli-etr vas itten by oee ichard Piggottt a man iotried te blaokmsil tb. National League. Mir. W. E. Caiger, Advertising. Agent for eToronto News, Baye--I was induoed ta FNasal Balm for a severe aud trouble- ne cota in the Head. once >sing il erally washe4 out tbe clogged secretions A lefI my head olear as a bell. L~ord SaIsbury ana M. Gosohen addresea ae olectors of the lattera constitue>cy on Dudition Powders. MeAP for brickely Hneat NettesRafor USdE ER F.tiOn, tch am al dsea îcondition-8 of the ekin. The Afgan rebels are &gain reported tc ave gaixred important suocess over 1hE mreer.' B ynd medicine. It heals the irritation of oe throat an>d longs, and giveis flesi and trengli quicker than any cther rernedy revu. Ilt isvMrypalatable, having noue ýthe disagreeabl .taste o! thecrude cil. lut Up in 50C. aud $1 sise. vi i the -try son lite sui the Sa cf: Col ed ha an: th si f P l tt :g FR VER colic, znnatzral appelite, rretfu ineas, weaknesa, and convsltiena tre some of the effects of 14'orm8 in 5hidren; deafroy thse worm-su ith Dr. bow'a Worm 8ujrup. Davis' Pain-Killer lathie best niedicinei b.i venld for ail Diseasea o! tie Bowels. i à MARVELOUS STOR! FROU THE SON: "28 ced I, New si -u.:MI fallier relstd aIGlover, Vt. So bas bee a great suffererffl ScrO- .Nansd the ilusd lettr v ll l'WbAt a marvelenaeffoot Âyer's SraaM years; but It dld mot show, except ln tie formn of a sorofulous &ore on lte wrist, until about fie years ago. Prom a fe'w spots whlch ap- peared at ltat urne, Il gradually spread so as to cover Iris entirei body. 1 assure yen lie was terribly allicted, aud au objeet ef ptty, viton ho began uslxag your mediclue. Now, there are few men of lits ago vie enjoy as good iteaflli as hoe bas. 1 ootild eauilynmarn fi! ty persona Who -ouid Seau y lt te fact iu hi& ce.& Yours'en]y, W. M. PifflLiw. a dnty for me te utate to you the bene&itI bave derived frein the uof Âyer 9s Sarsapaa'iIa humer cauaod au lucesaul sud lutolerable Ittbn&- snd tho $Un crac o s as te cause lie blood tefo*" lu msny place whenever I me XI y mo4~ n nShW ere gre at, sd m y :b eau X n Idmernccsd re useo! 1he BAmuA L* 1» April lasI, andi bave used il rqpulnlyM"uc lat lUme. My con&dîlo begau le Itoprove at once. TIre ors bave aU bealed, and 1fee" perfectlyvolu nevemy nesp.t-being rxov able le do a gooti da' v>*..alumqOil? .arotage. Manylaquie 1 -heUthertm as Iibav ezoredod llUyen,, r 83 113r= rttrfy fie-Dominion EIeotion~ 22 Pl OUTH ONTAR1IOl sud cru 'behaif -cf osadidiate at saïd Electien, held 151h sud 2ud Febrnary, A.D. 1887,, as por retumu te me by LUTEEBRBKNDALL MURTON, %anciai Agent for th. uaid Fraudes Es.. a14&8 Printiug. accounts.......... 8106 00 "Reut et Public Halls ......... 20 0 RouI and exponses Cern. Roomi 25 50 Livory acconuts............... 4 50 Bill Posting ....................8 13 $161 13 (Signed) L. «K. MURTON. Agent for abovo named Fraucis Rse. 22na--April, 1887. at the abovo mentuoned Election of a Mem- ber ta represont the ElectoralDistrict cf the South Riding cf the Conuty of Ontario in the House cf Gommons of canada, au given te me by eoid Finanoial Agent. J. HAM PERRY, Returning Officer. Dated this 26th April, A.D. 1887. CO*PLETE WITHSOUT & MBRlOCATIN FOR gPnÂDIS, crUB, A"D 5PLINT5 WREN iOn OVER-REAcHUlS, CAPI EILW GALLB. FouR RHUMATI13M Ili HORBSES. FOR SORZ TUBOATB AND DÇFLUBxZÂà. FOR REOKEIi KES, BR-UIBES, OAPPRD ROCKs. FoRl goRE SROULDERS, BOREBACRIS. FOR FOOT ROT, AND BORE MOTTEIS DIBEPR AND LAMS. FO po PRADi5s, CUT8, BRtTssIN5DOIS0. Pr I ae bte Dueo! NtLa. S~irs,-EUman5 Roya.l Embrocation is used luy my tables. I think iti very useWa. "BuTI.A"<, Master of Belvoir Hunt" "Gentlemen-' use .Royal Embrocation in my stables sud kenels, sud have found Il very serviceable. 1 have aiso nsed lIre lUnivorsal Embrocation forbirnbage sud rieumathgnifoi the laittwbye yams, aud isave snffered very Uttle slucêuslugil. "R. . PRaS.Idenl.-Col., Master of Rad- norelifre Hunt2' ELLIIIANS ROYAL EMBROCATION, Sold by Chernists, Stores, and Sadd.lers, Puice-Sa. ELU MAf BROCATIDN, S 9-RAEN S. BRUI SES. STE Fr rd ss. Soi-c TmRoAT ,......Co -. .CH EST-CO Lo0,s The Saf'st. Quickest.rnost certain remeciy 1 Fr«pard ong b [-SL UC H, E N LAN ]- AMD THBE PUBLIC. facturiug sg tmad -j ând Photogrphlàxlbur ag ud. more COMMo4 dCI=e at once tle 1usmi ovonylocal, travellings Canadtie owho e v buslueofert t cornus llbeallv rwevadIose Faâmîly Bi and OuBeatEitte monIégig st Loy ÉR *&ppreai eror lie Canad a usu an Cc-, sud agent fer lie Western Asur, bmFIOE-Over -Gcrrio's RBlck h Suitable for vrapping' purposos, laybi nder carpetis, etc., 25 conte POr hunared. Apply to If- THIS OFFIOE. CATALOGUES FREL BEJLL & Col, Guliph, ot LIVERY and SALE STABLES, CRAWFORTH & DEVERELL. FIRBT - CLUB TURN-OUTS Furnishodl on Shortest Notice. Commercial Travetiers liberally deai wif k. 3EWÂRE DF WORTHLESS IMITATIONS W As thero are many inferior :cds, corded with jute. ec., ofeéred and sold as ýraline'by some un- k prlncipled merchants Irad- ing on lte reputation of Our genuiiie (JorUne wvo faru thé ladies against sucit imposition by draw- ing thèir attention to the necessity cisoeig that the 'GROUPwwTON CORSET 0069i la eturnped on lnner side of ail Coraline goodu. -Wthout which unon regeine IBY-LÂW IÈ.--- of 1h.e emt hai;f Of LDt 88 su. 1h.- 4f h Conessuion of 'go Townsahip of-' Umbriclge. And ase te ro-opon sud re-establish liaI portion cf the original road allowamze opposite lot nuuluber 30 betwoon the f ourth' aud finl concessions, of the-sid Townshi close-d up sud! vested ýn- Charles Qloul&.,I The Mumiclpal C~ororat4m côf lhe Town- ship of ibriago enac'te as loov: lut Thal th. mosa èstablished by By-la*- No. M23of the Muni0cpality cf. the Teown- ship of 'Uxbýridge paseà4lau tho 131h day of Decomber, 1880, acrosà a portion. cf tie enêt hait cf lot anmbor 80 iu th. foùrth coueg- > sien of said- Tovzéhp sheelafo descrlbed. shah b. s-td he san i lhereby cloed unpas a publi e road sud lie land- thoroof vested lu William Osir, tée*present owuez cf ieaid lut uùumber 883s foov, Ooràemocluigon 1hâ eatem liraitcf agad lot No. *88» hibe ..oos - 85 -inks> from thC seulli e Salis~gie, oth sae. Thom FIRAN.Cis ington sobetySinu- spè the races -IMb vei on tie graud.etad SUd iplomatie cira, aeutod sud mûuy n vendeCl f polies8, thed t.turf'an&-tbu altémustes aseè obuntry home sud' aud the. Presidenit, .uerpersiug .bis att-tiwL. to th te learmi iusoon FXBRUABY, 1887- 1 PZTWJMILO. GOOD HORSESI' NEW - RIGSe' lî 1 F&IR PRIOBS. RONEST DEALING. a&GIAAN. TOLD M Two LEMM OiLiiJJAý doge, IRAE51 9 i veri j - 1 1 1 1 TIre uporionity of tbe "Royal Flavoi>4 ?zxracte" le purity sud etrengti. i.;.o n n ur perlou whoQ gave uaetii as preaoher lit P sjsff.Wheth. ritiàùma or ne ti jluat the puoture l maY on. DrT. ïtitling -w&peron f Creolr-before the- lgggest l hought for ffiu.Dr. EHo oue f Oie Tri an"husaavfube pthiot -The Sermon four feR sermonesudta 'long tbem Dr. Ha funrie f Mr. Béec by Dtfl. Jnkin, 0. F. Ev.ry other dpr$o has rahe.Tii. p aeiddadvauoe on groWInA eritg (do - inginoraegps by Funk & Wsgnsll Pis., lNew York.,$ cents per elugbe uà LitLviosg A of 2Yhe Livinzg Âge Sth ' MaY cnan ]Personificatuon of aifoDg the, Modern in I~Pful7&, Valentine Preseut Position-cf p ortrng#hily; The. rowp- Oontem&POr Norwsy, eentiema Of. thc Princose Victe The. Moated Qran Emrpetror,- à Book a word-Twisting ver ;-lofer; The Sign ernTradere, 8,~ willi Calyle, Atken flueuces, Evernug i stalmentei cf 1Major sud Miner," A- and "Richard Gable' S fifty-tvo numbers, pages eacb (or more a year)the subscri while for $10.50 the. eend te auy oeeof t -mouthlies or veebli Âge for i jour, bol! &Ce., 'Boston, aret 1 1 1 1 1

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