Whitby Chronicle, 13 May 1887, p. 4

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'Ho use CIeaning.1 DON'T USE WH ITE-WASHP -OR- KÇALSOM IN E, When yoii can get ALABASTINIE,, One package oosting 50 ots., will cover 60 square yards. Two Coats waxranted not to rub off. G. E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si oo, PER ANNUM. Wbltby, Frlday, -May 13, 1887. Nov that there la no preeut danger Of ahbaif-dosen factories uvooping dowu upon us for a fev days, it migbî b. à good ides te ealmly oonsider a few tbingu connected with bouuaing. In th. firet plaoe manutacturera wbo bave sny capital, and who hve th. rights of good patenta, geenraly aére proapet. oa where they are and don't need 10 make a change. If suh a flrm muet b.e nduoed to move why ahould tbe now ove:.burdeoed ratepayore pax the repeatitthatwe believe nine out of t.n of these portable oeanufacturing firme are either rotten or e. e hams. Wam.a vs are talking se muoh &bout increaaing th. burdens of Ibis towu it might- b. au opportune lime to look into th matter of who paya the tazt a and wbether each manl paya bis proper share. It has beau lbe talk of the lown for years that rioh mon, men Who have large incomes and men who have strong eiluonce aI municipa]beiection lime, pay ln many caes les than 'baf s many taieeseasthey should. Of the trnth of thes reports w. have no doubi. Nov,, bow would il do before under- takiug large burdene, for the ta%-payera ofe to to 10corme 10 an nnderatanding that esch man sbalt pay bis rightfal char., of the taxes? By the lime tb. assesmeut rol le in shape for publica- lion. c hall b. able- t10 put our reade"s lu a Position 10 judge for them. selveel AT the liue Whltby granted th. bous.. vbioh to-day the tovn la man- fally paylug up, ther e ve.certain, lÉ- dividas vho did not loin beartily in the.craze, but vho vauted tb make mure -- t.einventment vould- b. a paylng eue. Thace men vere violently sat upen and &aud$' ad ver., looked upon as laklng in 'enterpri-a eneenisao e:t ova..Will sauone Bay to-daiy but that they vèe right aud that their objeolion sheuld have boeu con. sLdored? let at a groat coel th.eown learued t1eh. .aoins hey ought le Amse Day vus generaUly oberved4 lugabolu0 ommese 10 sY he rsiaor. iîycanelr da.net do wroug, or vta $hat Ï i lta et imhnctyranDjeat;» but w. know thst frein majoriby raie thore ln alvayc edioao&P aieà teb peope for their vtvls rmee Mau rates which lta generally aleayc lyrannloal, thiere la ne appeaL AUeth. or far 'more importnat point la thse Qinder one-man rais the h.adehip je alvays bereditéky, which hovever, dooa Dotl neoeseaily carry a;iliy vith il; bult lb.majorily have thé privilege ef picking ils man upon hi merts. WKLL a moineetthose people lu lown, vho aueca zious te grant a bonuet jusl try su~d recal a single instanoe lu vhiob the grauting ef a bonus did Ibis lovnanay good ?-yes, or sny other lovu or muuioipality in the county. W. knov eft cnly ene oase. Oshava gave the malleable trou vorks *OOO te gesrautes. permanent employmeflt te tbirty or more men. These vorka nov, emEloy Ivo hlindred. This elaheb.ouly' luatance we kuô ovt of t&bout #",O00 granted by the *diE.renl muýiioipmlitles *lu Ontarioouuty. las Dot bi euough te disceurage th. bnii ne* ? Wbitby nover vili be au large aa London, England. But il la geîting &long nioeiy aud vil b. abie te pay vhat botnuses -have already been fooliuhly grauted if vo do cot double thé ioad. Ta public meeting two weeks ago se.med to etdon lb. priaoiplu', never We imbosom or condcen anj seheme, until acquainteil with ils every detail, and il diaplayed il. viedomin ludoa; se. A bnrui child dreade the ftre, andl il is ne secret that Whitby ha. been scorcbed if not burut te the quiok lu the past, sud thbe viedoin and lb. oautiou ahe posseaes ara hem. by righî et purchase. We venture le say tbere are tew, if auj, proporty holdera lu tovu vite are unwiiling le encumber their pgselasê, if il eau b. abowa that the vhole community la te, reap a decid.d benofitt boby, but ne 'if&" or ,,buts" vili, for one moment, b. eutertsined. 'Cjie firme that appear auxieus te o JUber., vil flnd the tcvu ready and villing te doal meal liberé.lly vith thein, but there muet be a plain and simple ceulmact eut.red iet, wltb aumiclakable evideace of ability te perforin &ait cil eufor. The turuilure fsetory, or auj alter faotory viii flnd lb. lovu ready 10 Clos., with lb. offer made, and probably te go a point or tvo bolter, but lb. fine> muet shov iaeolt vortby the confidence il le seeking. M"iftet b.remarkc ltaIt el frein th. lipsetofEB-Mayor Greeuvood, vhilst addreuîsig the public meeting, on Prlday .veaing vesk ver. votby cf ceùuu refleotien aud noue et thein more se thon Ibose lu refereno. te à valer eapply for lhes towu. Itlialu a 'admitted tact, thal if lb. lowu bad vater privileges, much oetlb, difficnlty nov met vithin luthe endeavors le lu. dued manufacturera lo eatablisb tbem- selves ln th. lown, vould 6e overeome. Even lbe- prenant industries flad tho burden almost toc <nevoe.te be borne, and for that roeoin, if fer ne other, that question should receive more than a passîng titought. Il would net ceet any gmet smn for the Conoil to, gel expert opinieus ou the feasibility of bringia; a- supply et soft vater frein some oeeof the nuieroure resevoirs te the uortb et ne. If thte acheme b. at ail practicable, thon by aIl means loti thé tevu give it serieu ons ideralion. Thare ie ne doubt that the rate et insurance vould be eonaiderably lessen- ed iu conuequeuce of lb. luomeased protection thusa aforded. Sein sauj the -rate& vouldbc6e d.reaeed lv.uty. poe ent.or one-Itb, vhioh me&"s te many ofun a saving of frein ten te tveuty dollars a y.ar. If mash«» eau b. devleed by- whioh a valer up- ply may b. seeured te lhe lova, vo are ready te support ÃŽl, if il b. frei non other cpusld.ration titan thatofsustàln. lu; ourpromsit indualmies sud lover- ing ineuafce rates, aud jet tlbae w aJl!khev, are butt»vof et b.many, advantage ltaI vould resait. W. look le our lown fa*te. fr more IUght' sud ve trust they viii furnici it. The GoUileGonuer t& nAMVi oncer the . C à. zeffl .vuas id neu a chord vhhIi ýmuaaith e rsof her audece, "Andaai h - Iê eris : oe f. "Nto enoorea, ;m"t be -broken. àMia. Gordo'. inos1 vas beyoud our- meag» owers ef oriticiai, but Wu. no doubi au excellent renderlng oethle "themesud vanitionf of Mendelssohn. ln the secona purt Mmca. Bradey bail the opeming nûmberg sud achieveil a speat sue"&a..gèln. the audIence had i vW& a ' ud .h»Pn &#Oomiu' ftrough the Bye." 1&Altr ho pianoquartette th. beautil satetta vas smnt. It Wbva elysln performance lhrougbout, sud ea'b)ed mauy cf 1h. favorites aI lt.ecollage to ' fao. au ovsrjoyed audiencetf their admirera. W. cannol particuladaeof'Ibe vhele performance, sud iu facl becatue i. iuterected wi isteaing as te ovielook >aking notes# but. hesad patgcularly plealagrefDeuos Made le the igng of Mimes.. Proh, Ba>ubridge aud Percnval. Ailunitsd in extravgat praise of 1h.- choruses. The conceýrt va. a deoided aucceas lu ail respets. O u niversUes thoua eft1h. above cdais.close their anna sessions, sud take the publio inte their confidence, by l thé emeýè nt etf 'wrk dou@, degre.',ot suceesa reach - ed, aud vante felt in their upecial ephere. Doiug vomk fer.Ouaro-as iadicatod by tb. rol of gradtate- meoii, Qasen'., Vîcoria, Trluisy. and Univerity Collage, Toronto, m*y us mentioued as poaseceing an intereat for our oitizeus, la the malter of higber eduoâtion. Thia circuaislano. viii juslity a brief reterenae 1 some et their ohamacberislicsansd aima. I. McGu. UNIvEUITY, ilth ils seta lb. commercial metrepolla of -lb. Do- minion, oves itaeuistence aud ils infiu- eoceIn the earlier daje of, ils bistory to the Honorable Peter MoGili, à prosper- oua morchant, vboe ainme ilbeaua. jn Ibis matter, for tbe Protestaul- popula- tion of his Province, beatWepaledt by Very mauy y&rs, the ephendid liberaliy et the Hon. Wmn. Moiaster througb MeMaster Hall, and the nevly-ohar- ed Mobtaster University for the aap- tiaseo et b.Dominion. Pohlow.inghi example tbe Dames of other cuccessfal merobin o re tound on 1h. »Iof t er benefacers, th. Kolisoust Redpteths, Greenabilda, &o. The grevlh cf lb. institution keepa pao. viîh th. grovlh ef the oity ot Montre@&and su aîilde- pende almosl entireiy-en privaI, liber- ality for ils maintenance lu greving efflcieuoy. nov friende are net Wuting, aud tb. 8tephens and Sitha bestov tbeir libemal benefactiona ahie in lb. j sua. of education aud humaty. To Ce general publie, 1h.:mention cf M'GiUoiats op lb. uknaén, et5r WillimDweL.D=* ~qpl eminent a.as àMau of simotada praotloal educator for lb.ellst îty-t fi"v y.aransd vhoèèe bua.eltsnd- ed far beyoud lte limita et aur couu&ry. 'Heno. th. distinguiab.d bor tel te hum et 6ei.ng ohosen Preaidoul et tb. Britisb seaociation for tbe Admices- ment of Scellee, aIil. smeeting haut Yeau. Il. ' Qum*s, situated at Kingeon, a for-. mer capitalof'Canada, ovesiDs -eial- euoe.t le cdemi",etBoettish Px.sby-' teriane, lunlte Ive Provinces. le procure fer their owuýeocà. sud offer tle sous of othere, a freer edteoston titan, could st lb. lme b. had lu King%'sMIeg., Toeronto, th. pareut cf Toronto Utdver- ily, then adui*ered viii>anun*due regard ste Intereutseft lb. Aauhlu> Ohurch. -The ireaI stosfor lte ore. lieu of il veel* taken ilu-1887, sud ils firal-elm s ork vas eonduoed il* 1842. The eol.atcItroubles-of 18t in Ocetland, sud et 184, la Canada, tfel ase a severe lov on tb. infant intitu- lion. Tbat itlivodokt &Uie dgto thlb lenacily ot purpose whieb eharmter- lieu ils prometer.. Il bas occpisd ftve distinct iiitesceuhstep belng auad van.. uponic predeeesaor, foir sixéua omforL. The new ov 0cl .buiUinge sud. groundarespalo% attraitive, sud dauiidt dogm litimt"i th. adlrludsumrp ofAU arnour- mik .4u1 thea niàt j.IA .kw za.uiaa.s' sud ha. A Sucessftd TAIN III] Dedieated to Thoughtful- Buyers of STAPL E & ýMENS' FANOY DRY GOODSq AND BOYS'- CLOTMIINGx -A~TD- 4GENTS' FURNISIIING GOOBske The P. 8. WA TCH MoI With the New D~ ,an;be found ini I QUALITY HIGHEST' NEIT COllES LÂTE STYLES THEN BEST1 VARIETY WITHIN 100 MILESj ADD ilOPULÂR SELECTIONS PLEA.EING PEOPLE WELL FOR HONESTY WILL TELL In 3o.Silv( ..S'a BAM BROOK ST., 'l -i FOLLOWED BY POLITENESS EÂCKED BY PUSU AND PZNEBGY AN ITE RISLK RS MAY 131h, LOCAL ILAC WIIAT18 GOINO. ON IN AMi BUUDBET 0F LIVELT LOCAL BY CHRONIOLE RE "A ohel'a amang je, - n' f aitit bell prent Tiu factory tèver iu 1 -td a lig jh ly . , port, thoir eoeding fus - The hot veather -tb hefr-*ith a good mauy Tagrovlh oeth l been- the meat reins 7earg.- siderabi. attention j -AB.Mr. Pringle oaiF rm.antiun eaU early s they ara rt t- The streete are UB tat a IRESTING ON THE ]ROCK OFL I ?PERPETUAL SUCCESS.j We ask but one trial to demonstrate our ability to give bargains. g3j» Whitby Dry Goods Emporiu.m. a By ROYAL JOHNS ýTON '8 *FOR TE IN VA LID, Convalescent. LETTERS PATENT. FLUI iii BELL, .FOR TI h'EA L TH Y, OR THE Delica te, Burna' Colum.. TEHE IMP0S8LE "MNo ich oansoplb ýufow or,, N:cage l.wiudeý41_l-t.ybwu more, Nor drive Irus love frein maidsa'el door.ý Mau cannot tell vitlthb. fture viii bring, Whether naît year corn Ã"rctIon le king, Nor whethcr his vealli viii quiohly laeo witg; But man enu save from Pôverty's strife, HIà fathsrless ehildren and tene, wilov.d It is stimulating, refreshing, strengthenng& invigorating.jB~~Pecpdet tisrn i SOLD BY ALL DRUGGIBTS AND GROCERS. . For Cougis and Ooldi4 use Alle1n's Luns Baisan. BLOW in warianted or money re- landed. Domionlon Une o Roal M 1I SUMbM A»Â , AI«*BMRNT. LIVEMPOOI; SUBVICil BAILING DATB Prom LlvorpooLi arnla,.Msy 201h . - 0regen-May UStit.. Vauoouver.Jure 151h . - liaraia......Jane24lh.~. T~onte.lune Montreal...... .lun. 201h.. 'rmQuebe.. -âne 151h lune 81th I(Avoumout Dock>. 7~tanJ"ine Royal Mail Steamers. 1 UPVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW. DATBE 0F SAimeLiNG Pou QUEBRO. 'Pet - PTh=y May 1&àb. *,Olresanleu - - -pndsy ljune Br&. Buy wîtlb cash and save meaey. "A penny uavod lu thi; easy v'aYl haa penny savedf.or a eaiy day."' À ÈEW POINTEES. When our geodz area se zew and s. etj and nlo., -H o lolâh il le nol te eour, &dvici Anil geltal Myen vaut a v.ry:low p Nov, dent jeu tbilnk so- yourseit? W. have a lady'. cô'et uhippee à. s oimfortabie pp e".ahbOuse seofflshow ibal th. pupila ver. Det plaltet idie. on Ithst day. The benefils el, sud wi keepin; sucit hdays ae net oonined <a88471 cohool greuida atone. The puplltlb. bigb sel,recelvoeak hbonefits aç are et -te dimfoul te moasuro, &ud as lime ahane ploturi ywul bev lth. ojot louions lb#a» r p d4oH SONS FLuIBr a --- a 1- ' 1 4m

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