d"Plos. bu>' some oreasà ,a ny jut; You'U l ike lemn if yon wWIl Thon 1, oan buy an orange, sir, F'or Uttle brother Bill. 'oYou seo we're &aoi on, now, l'Ir, Far father'. gone away, And mother shels ina Heaven, 'air,- Leats o the folks aIl say. "Anti Bih, he seeme so tired fixe now, Hisjips sa hot andi dry, And i f you'd eOO'eni handeofaisi, 'Twould almosi meke yon cry. "<And when I lof t this mornin' air, Ho looked o0 tired and white, I vowed I'à get an orange Sir, If for it I'd ta fight. "They cosi a big five cents, yon ueo I'd liko to get Mîm two; I'y. nover made a cent to-day, I don't know whet l'II do. «l knocks me aJilta pieces, air, To ueo him lyîu' there, Hie -eyea, like mothor'., big andi bright Bat, oh 1 mo deniphie hair. 8£It's im la Idbeen ta See mnow, l'in sure he'f feol roal bad, For when I l.ft this mornin' 'deed A ormat wu il ho had. "I gathered theso thMu mornin', air, They're niae and fresh yan see ; 1 coverodthem wîth tUis wet moue, And stood beneath the troc. "Yon'il teke tbem ail? Oh, thank youi-sir 1 How Bilhy' eoye. will shine, Theom orangea wiIl be more ta him, Than any big gold minle. ««Gome hanse with me ? ye, if Vou like, Thore ain't much though, ta 500, A broken chair and Uittle bcd It just boldo Bill andi me. "W6e1188 the chair sa table, andi TPhe bcd je good enough; For standia' round like thîse, yan know, Il makes a fellow tongh. Peck's Bad Boy. GIVES Rais PA TUE 0P1&ND BUMpuR ]DE- GRNE. ~Sa>' are you a Maman or s noti- 1.11ev, or auythiug ?" skodtheLb.b.d boy ai tise greceryman. 61Wby yes ; of Course I ai#." "WeII do tise geste bout vion; yen nisbiete a ireeaisca- didate?"b No; af course no&. Tise goals are cheap eues, tUai bave no ie, sud vi moueie e anti put pillove ove: liseir heas so, 0lie>' can'b burt anybody, saidtheb greeeryîau, as he vinked ti A e ilov nodfeliov, vise vas sealt on, a suger berrel, lookiug mysterieus. "But wby do yen- amk?" "O0,noîblu', ouI>'I vieS, me and My cbum Sad mazzled ou: goal vilS e pillov. Pa voulti bave oujoyet iei TOe Oseo, Pa bcd beon bemuig boy mucS goodth ie Mesone antiOddfelovs' titi, aud sit ve ougist tt r>'anti graw op goot ss vi oculti jine tise lotiget] vhen vo gel big. sud I asked ýPs if it would de au>' hurs for us le have a pla>' botigoi i >' roimn sd pretendt te niabiati, ai d Pasassd il wculdn'î do au>' burt. Hilsad il vould umprove ou: mintis anti emr us te bo min. Sa an>' ciuinanti me borrovet a goal Ihat liret ia utiselaver>' stableu. Tou mie, My Cham n sdmn. bai lta Carrythe goat np le in>' room vison pa sud me asuoitrdiugr, anti iseblatted to v. bati telie a a ntkerobief arounti bis nase, ant ibie et matie so, mes noise on lbe fi oea tisaI e put soin. baby'i soCe uon is (feet. Gesis, bow frawy> a goal moUse dou't it? I shoniti thiuk jon Musons muet bave slreng stumaxiz. Well; sir, an>' ouin antime t rastise ti wlbIht goal until ho coulti bota plina. éof s goal ove:>' lime. W. borreved a bock bei: sigu iroa saloon in, anti hung it ou tUe back of e Chair, sud tUe goal veulti bit il ever>' lime. TisaI nlgbt pa wâautolakuov viss vie vers doing-up tM my roam, sud 1 tld hlm vs ver. playing lotige sud improving ou: mimde,,anti pa saidtta vwas igbt, Ibore vas nathing Ibal diti boys hait se mucis gooti as te imiat. men sud store b>' useful knovhedge. Thon me -obuin asked Ps if ho tiidn'î vautttlase up andti ake tUe grand bumpor tiogree, anti Ps laffeti anti sit ho - didn'l came if ho tilt, jetlIQ encour. agilb. boy. in innocent Pastitue tisaI va.seoImpeavinf la ou: intellet. Wo b.d sisul tb. goal p np a aclouel uin>'y reaux, eunI ho us ti aIove: blalling, se v. took off. lbe. Uandkeb*t, anti ho wu btigallngmoin f My>'per collars W. vent-up olairs andti ld pa lb came up prst>' setau sd Rive-lUi,.. ditnc apa,, Mid whon vs tek hum who'vsm Sere ho tansî>, "Ay, iapilgai vU atetejoin 'ur AuCient Ortie: anti ride lise ,gaaê'I WéIIl, vs golail flzod, sua Pa rappiti, aüd wvoelobila, lu, su laid mIn 4hemust bu. blinti- toldoct,ant ieUsgel ou hie haes alaffing, an t ied s-lovai arounti hie 0e-es, sud Iben I tIrrui hm touiudd madie big gel duvu on bis' baudw s'Ie. -m, t h.. C!6«4~D«' o 90S55I$soUUnuossineo>l for ltheoousequenues, 1 répos$A" t me the. fllovWgà :-Briug -forth the roYaI buinperau4lt im buoep P r.p.aledtle. wordo, i M4 my hum opîiukled tle. kyan popper. ou-lb. goali moustache, aud h. mueesod -ouoandsu looked saasy an&i thon ho sois the lsget boor roaring up, and ho slArled for ai 'jupti 1k. a covoaleher and blslted. Po is rosI fat, bat ho knew hgjot hit and grunted, snd aaid Uell'a fire!1 whel yon boys doig ?" and thon 1he goal gave him eaoibe dpgroo, and pe pulletioff the lowoel and goI up sud atarteti for lbe stairs, sud se didthelb.goal, andi ma was st 1h. bottoan of 1he stairs liètoniug sand *heu I looketi over th. banutaters pe uan a and the goal woro al luna heap, and p. vasyelliug murder, sud me vas soroaming'fire, and the goat' wuva blattithg and aneezing andi buuting; jandth te bired girl came into1h. hall, andtle-goat Iook afier ber, and se Iorosoeti berseif juet as the goat- slruok Iber; sud'ga.d, 'Howly Mother, proteel met' anti veut dowu otiie 1he va>' ve boys lildo down bill, wiîb bauds on borsoîf, sud tb. goal reared up andi blatteti, aud p&.a anMa vont jute thoir room andi sht -the deor, sud thon my obuman sd me opeaedthelb.front door #nd drove the goal eut. A Velocipede -for Ten Riders. A NOVEL MULTICTOLE TRAT MAY PLAY AN IMPORTA"t PART IN MILITAET MANREUVRES. People lu nsu>' Landau tharougis. lares must have been ooueià erably astonimhed yeeterdayby ltho appeara. oi a alrange iookiug veisicle speediug ovitti>' propelleti by ton rider., wvisestl ail iu a rov ike lise crew etfsunsen- gateti Univeruity' rowing boat. This noveit>' iinsans ai locootion vas O ils va>' toa lderahal, viere, b>' eulhc*." ity aiflise War Office, il yull be temteti vils a viiv ta iiit adoption for militar>' eperatiens. Il s ele L. Itsadaptation ai lise 1four-in.-hund" quadribycle, aud iltia inteudeti far tie rapiti transport ai infanî'tra rmanc point ta anoiber. Wben fu>' ineuneti il carrnes Ivelve men, vise cen tae. ils tisem, if order. eti, s ligisl baggsge cari or amumunifion wagan. Tise ativeniages ai inuning Mouk lUs n usingle file int;teat ai tva ar four abreasi are, irei ai aIl, thaltishe machine i. -;'More menageabie ; and, second, tisat, paver for paver, is prebonts leu isurface te a atrong iseati vinti, oeeoaitLb.obstacle staidfficui fa: cycliste s b evereome. Tbe speodti tisan aube gaIot ao sueis à acehine b>' leu or ivelve moderato riders la quit. aurpriug. Ton miles au bont voulti b. sonsidereti a low aeorage rate, and suIse have been-esi ocomplished. Ihis asaidt t b. affectle o iSsu an>' aIse: veloci- ped. b>' au>'raugnsueailu lie lisorougb - lares, anti Il passes ave: nevîy.inetlled* bits af roati vilS comparativWeusae. Ail tislires are vireti ou the Otto priuaipie, sou biaI bUe>' cannaI be grestly damagoti b>'ente frein sharp atone. Fer mou MOUtDiliu, tUer. i., ai coaurse, s cousidereblesaeving lu labor, anti probebi>' ailer advantagea migisi be claimeti iroa m iilitsr>' point of viev. Tbese, hovever, are pelnas hat wili be fuly testei st Aidereisot duriog tbe neit yack a: se. Yeulerdey a machine mauned b>' ten ridiera, vise did uo&take tiseir baggage van vilh them, setout frai Miesrs. Sing. er's varebouse on Haîeborne Viaduot aï 1 a'eleok, vison the currenis af trafflo wore runaiug alvang iu opposite direc- tions. The vholoe ontrol ant i erng of lb. mochine lu lu lhe bauds ai on. inst, anti bq yestertiay had no apparent dîffleulty intq msnaginig it, ovin vhen tise tborougisiare vas mail dinuely orovded. It turneti oaily esugh lu lo,," spaetan s bauson vouiti have usodoti, sud Ibreaded ils vay smong numinerleas vobiclea vithoni misbsp, though tise driversaiofeabs anti amui- buses negleateti Ibeir ovu business la gaze s astsrangî apparition as Il sed patt Iein. TUe cew nv lcearge of Ibis mulloyoeiare al Iraineti valun- leers, vho vfiiibe abi.le- oexeaulo an>' milita:>' movomeul tUaI me>' be de- msuded sf them vitU intelligence, anti allagether tb. experimens lu oue iu wbich milita:>' min lake a lively in- terout. Tho latelt noveil>' in veloci- pedes bas net yet been subanitledti l tbe agents aifsu>' continental power, sud viii be subjealti e i raIpracticai trial for milita:>' purposes at Alderebot. Queen's Jubile in Iucdia. ,uov TEDAY vAs COELRBRATED IN BUTf- Folbavlug la auie"tract from i a ette: receivet b>' a rosideul af Tarate, de- irit'IGlit, vasM è1,r.îe"lu dis i~ ~ ô ouebyop uoed, beas1agë , ïo, ain thu lu d4, thon 1Mr. G-sandy a selfseaied 0ou'otber elephaub vill a 3 baud on eltUer aide of us sud, hundrëds o floôro6es, etc., thon sean éo pre bt peau., 4ud laslly au e4#ormous orowd, ri of natives, lu Ibis manner vo znaich. I eti through lb. lown for a mites wlieft i 1fr G--- 1I1 lof a attend -s dinner given at iejutiges buswe.v Sesat down-214-gropeans in all.' ThIs rwasstb. largesl dinner party gtven -in. à Tanjore for ver>' many yeara. Aller dinuer, about 10.15 -p.m*, we Ial weut aofltte Palace Darber hall, b wheroespeohes ver. Imade sud an 1atidrosa 101th? Quien carrieti with scola. b«ý1malien. Tis vas followedby asulh dance anti some more flreworke. Ai 1he.noufaithe dmnco au enor- mous garland aof fowers vas put &round the uek af eaco he iEuroepros- eut, sud roso.vater was spriuklod ail overunet' W. thon .rolurued le the Judge'si bouse, wbore ve dauceti sud sang until 2 p.ma., when th. ladies retired, but 1he gentlemen kept il up tli 4.80. Alto- gether il vas the o mslt riug tiythat I*ver spoul in my 1f.. I gel nolht.g te est from breakfaeî, ta 10.80 a&m.9 until vo est devu le dmuner at 8.4à P.m. Tho sarn day 140 prisouers ve»r .- leas.d trom the goal, aul Ihouuda of peer people -vere 1.8 sud olotheti. Enougis mouey, soine £5,«O or 6,00, vas "Im oahîeoted ta bufilt orne pe.- manIaLOUmemerial af the day. On the following de>', whioh day aiea vas s public holiday. 1 gol np at 8 a. in. sud drove inte Vallan, about seven miles disanats vbore 1Mr. G-an4 I were workiag bard aIl day making preparatlous for a big dÎnuer whioh he vas gxvang tisaI evouiug la 1h.euprasin of Tonjore, sone 80 in al, in houer et tise Jubile,. Tboy turueti up, tegether vils tbe palaces éléphante sud eemels, about 5 p.oe., anti vo he b.Most camical dinnar ai sevon Ihat I had ever wu&nesed. Many of Ihem nenver hav- ing aecu a iablecoetb, mueis legsa Dapkin, in tlieir lives!1 After dinner, duriûg vhioh lise baud vas playiug, vo toassed tise Qusen sud 5ug the National A.ntbocr,. We thson veut oui andi sey a very flue displa>' of firi- works, Borne excell&nt eeujuring sud mimior>', wiicisended tia baut 10.80, after wiis vs starteti eur guocie off for Tan jore. à roqUesi cama ta us frai the besti village officiala af Villaru that tlb.Col. leoc,r sud I waould go dov nid"leaver with aur Présence" Ibeir tameshe iu hoor ai lbe Jubile. Se off w. wont lu eveniug dressansd ver. met. by Dnulci girle, elepbantâ, bauds, torah- boarera, etc., and escorted bo a Pandal vhore ve vicuesseti, inlise firai place a uantoh dance, aud Iben soens sords anti acrobbtie portormauaes. At 12.30 a.w. vo coulai net ait up an>' ion gerand bai>gged te b. ozone-, e8. But beforé w, lofs, eiii large: garlautis than those Dit thepre!ionm ulgUl were Bang arauùnd us, bottlt' rose vater vere peureti ove: u9, sud andaI perfume rubbed ou ou: bauds. W. siart..d off for aur bungalow witit tise nauteh girls vralking baekvards jaet iu front of uoi, one mass ai jevels aud golden ornement., lorbeuouna&U aides, elophanis anti omals lu front, a baud bobinai, aud about 4,000 natives aJIl round. A e were geing the wbole "ee, the.: garlad. aouuour-Dnea su r Boy. J. Bel-Cox, ef LAverpool, bas bee imprisoneti for ritualiatie praclie, Wlslle out s1ating hast visiter, G. *Vardae, af Brandon, Man.; gelhfot b st frôzesi. Ho rubbsd them wlth mev, and *thon appliedH'gyard'i Yolov 011, vhlohs a - il> cureà ti ermatisaved "lmiront bea A Londone é udent believes lbatKL'. Parneil bas ancer of, tbe sleomaoh CONSIMPTION OURfL>.i having Éa llaéoealiia bdtêL î But ladi. missieasrythe termUls-Wmi ivegetablo rometi>'for tbe apeody and pe , ml annt ure -of« Chusumption, IIZjý Affectionas, aise e a nitlve antr4a- % tarNervous Deb'tsiy andi au el ' pIaints,'*Iter bsving t1sptel to --,wne <ustve powers in tho a d 'Oé , -bi toit- il bis Lut> ' 'lemake W 1kaow-10obis sufferngIfetlows. 1Aotu t s mtïv and a dà strêrliève l wm Bond fra. Mdi1-a 4j-i-mh. i n Éle Itt II 0 gavesaction,. WflM 0eau bDO mloe fair, and neeê 'yen u «er any loge? with -great, oeremony'. St rattord opened tsuthoue on, Monday. Cure por Inli ambýtory Procure froma yonr drug *st a battie of *EgadsYellow Oil and ue according todtreetione. J. D -.C9meron, of Westlake, MuiCape Breton, wae oured by this je- moday a11 other treaiment hati failoti. -It my be taken internally for cangUe, colda, 9OrQ throat, etc., ete.* Six election petitions and cross petitions were faled at Osgoode Hall Monday. y OUNG MIEN sufferin g froin the effecte of and oxhaustoti; also MrDDLE AGEID anid OLD ME, who are broken down from the effeots of abuse qur aver-work, andtinl advanced 111e teed thie conse enes of yagthful excese, senti for andticAD MV. Lubon's Treatmse on Disoasos of Men. The book will be sent seaiedti t any addrese on receipt of two 3c stanipe. Âddress IL. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St. B., Toronto, ter PERUY DAVIS' PAlNmKI LLER 15' EEOMMEIWED Phciar&, MtfnWmer, Mmwwonrwes, Han"egr.9 o!f -actries, Work-shop, Plantations, Àurse in Hospials, -in Mort, everM.body everytohere WhOlAm ever giren it atrii. TÂKEn INTERNALLY MIXED WJTH à WINE GLA&S0F HOT MILK AND SUGAR, IT WILL BE POUND A NEVER FAILING CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CHLLS, CON- GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN TIIE STÈOMACII, SUM- MER AND BOWEL COMPLAINTS, SO() E T II ROA T &c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, £Xf'FRIE'qCEF RAI; PRCOVEq IT TEE MOST EFFECTIVE AND I3RST LINIMENT ON EARTH 1S< REMOVING TUSE PAIN ARISING PROM SPRAINS, BRU-ISFJS, EHEUMA- TISM1, NEURALGIA, SWELLED FACE, TOOTHACIE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cs. ,Per J3ottle. w Beware of IriitatQns&~ CALMPBELL'S TONIO ELIXIR Thîs areeabl yet p ten repa* and cure of,! a atUa es.o qrde attendant 1 rwonna low or reduced stae efse fs< and usnally accompanseç - bfytPal orýý Weakness and Palpitatior of thse Heart. Prompt result.9 wii. follow is use ti cases of Sudder. E-'x. haustion arisi- fromn Losa of llnodi, Acute or Chromec Jiseases, wnd iii tLe weakness tisai isvariably accon; 'awes tJà e reroyery froua Wasîing Feve~r. N remedy will give more speedy rel"ef in 1>yspepsia or Indigestion, it8 acuioss o01 thse stomacis belng tUaI of a gentle andi harmless tomec, exciti gthe rgns of digestion to action. a:diths a2o dine immediate and permauýent relief Tise carminative properiea of thse differeni aromatias which the Elixir contains render it usefal iu Flatulent Dyspepasl;. It is a valuable' remedy for Atonie Dyspepsia, which ta apita a ccur in mprôons af a gouty character. For Impoverished Blood, Loss of A ppetite, Despondeucy, andin nil cases where an effective and certain stimu- lant la requireti; the Ehizir will be fonnd invaluable. In Foyers oi a Malaria Type, and lhe various evil reà nlta following expo- su r to tise cahieor *et weatber, it will pie a valuable restorativeas the conibination ai Cinchona Calisya and Serpentaria ame universally recognized s. specifie for the abovenamed disor. dora. Seld by aU Djeaièrs in PamiIl Medici ne& .Lrice, $1 >er Boulte, or' ixBotitesfor P.- Davl & Awreuoe Co. (Llmited) 8OLX £GENTo, IMM"~ .Q Lf1 n8urancc AT COST. Mutual Rteserve Ptmd Life Assur- anice of New York, Candie ('veornxnent depoa" Ace cmula p.ieosove fund8ver) Nov business, laIt8 mas.4188 816e,000 479,900 15, 00,000 Twenty-ffve per cent. af I lasseosmente axe deposited witix the Central Trust Com- pany ai New York, as truBtees of thé Be- serve Fund. -1 Lite Isnsurance -at- les. than one-hali the ordinary rates, and security perfect.. Only 17 asséessments made in 1881;,1882, 1888, and 1884, and in no case can they be more tro- quent than every alternate month. Annuel expenses of management, &o.3 limilted ta, $2 per $1,000. An active agent wanted in every unrepre- senteti locelity2 tta whom a liberel commis- bion wil be lowed. Applications solicitod and ful particular furnsbaed by the under- signed. IL GORDON, Agent for the County of Ontario. May 8,1885. Port Perry, Ont. £Urwnutciriu T HE WESTENBANK 0F WHI2'BY, - - ONTABIO. THOMÂS DOW, Manager, Whitby, Nov. 7th, 1M8. Iy-47 MONEY TO LOAN! 0100--000 FUR INVESTJIENT. ON RMAL ETATE SEOUBITY. At Iowest living rates afIintereot. Money seanred withiln 10 days of ap. plication. Apply ta JOHIN FÂBQtTHABSON Whllby, February 16th, 1880. 9- $5OO1OOO 10LOAN. At 6 per cent. yeeirty. 'Tensaifrepey mont oaIprincipal madt e it borrowerse First and second mortgeges bought. Ad- vancos madie on second mortgages and ta purchase farine. No caeseircurred inl making applications ta mefor money ; no aqent's tees; no delay. Parties paying higher rates on mortgagea should epply ta me aI once for lower rates andi save mono>'. WrIte or eaUl immodlately for particulars. Z~. B. REYNOLDS, ly2 20 Adelalde StroetZEst Toronto. WALLAIIE TRUE BLUE L.O.L. No. 168 moots in Unitedi Workmen Lotige rooro, Smith's Block, fixai Wednesday ini eaoh Mot .SAXUEL HAMEA, A few hundred Bushels of dlean1, Seed Oats of a superior kind. Good ]Rol1'lour at $P.00. Best brands of FLOUR, ROLLED QÂTS, and CORN MEÂL. Thorley Food. kanitoba 011 Cake. Rock 8alt, Ground Fiax, &o., &a. W. B. PIN GLE, W] itby. Dominipn Wood Works, WVIITBY. Geo. Cormnack -the,. norlhea8t corna barbor leremVO s sOu Mfr. Gouigie vite va time imo ainefor A.ne c0nitablein th. dfiscar Wueà ,rreiteai lest Thuret îug le p sy lte e ç.- Sià dri ithe, amaunt. Blantaýn vaseugsgot sl od, lb. axe yUl which vas etretobeti se glaneti off lb.elin. anti dowu upon hie hoati, s0rlaous voiiid frani yUl ylb. coufinoti b bed I but uder le profession Olaie, iii neotouWBc s - TUe steamer Nersemâ on Tridas' marnig on gnti vJaenuin umu i went vroug vith ne ai et;lb. engine., vhenlthe' »bout slip, and l te -bis -for FartI Hope, visere oie afternoon sud wl overbauleti. We comm * ai Clp. Crawiord l port rathier tiss u n tt atleud tb. passengers hi iu coutmning the jou lsko. W. believe, the. mrionsdantihlise mie Ibis port ou regular zuerniug,. . 1 (>rgmulzd wilh a fausiltaff ot 1IOI Experienced sudd SkIlfui IhCag snd Surgeons fer the Ireatanent et OUR FIELDO0F SUCCESSU. Clironie Nasal Catarrh, Thrent and - ]Lung Diseuse, Li-er and ti ï7 Dises,.., Diaddor. Diseages, DigeasQ of Women_*fllood Diseuses and Ne.,: one Affeetions curoti- hore or at hon wlth or wltiouî seng thse patient. Comaeý fe us, or sendti tn cents lu stanin for Ou Invaitis' Guide Dooksy"w'hc j all partlculars.Sevn blt Nervos B YI! OIJUATE and a r"y . ourifos ausod, by Youtitfui lEai.6 UIES.les aud Pernicious soli, ad permanentlyr curei,= JRuptureg or Breach, r&lj RuPun. cured, Withsout thse kfë RUPTRL wt ou deendence upoa EED ~trusaseLand-- witU very ist<a l tm pain. Book sent for ton cee s PILE TUVIRS aud STEICTITlt trosted i vtiste greatest sucees. Baok fien for ten cents'ilu stampe, Atdreas Wortrjg DispENSRy MEDIOAL A2scunop, M6 Mai .Stree Buffalo, Xl. Y. W ~Thse tresiment af msma Gisuu 0Fthausas o f cases af thffl, WGMEIN I l t EM SurgIcal Thetitute, hs af- fordeti large experience iu edapting remeà % for ilseir cure, andi DRa ' .-E' Favorite Prescription Ma the rosuit of tUfs vast experlence. ILt la a awruRestorative ot and Nervinelmpsatlor and strçongt nsj bent cution., fallnng 0 e uterse ,1,,vaZaacg auteversion, retroverl on, bearing. down sensations, ehroffle congea. tionIhnflanunatioaj sand uleeratlen of litewonab, Inflammation, palsq and tenderness lu ovaries, interIM heatand "6female weaknes.ýy It romtl reiees ndcures Naumea aind 'weaknese ofStaacsqIndigos. tion, flBloating, Nervous Prostration, and Sleepleaunooc, lu either sex. PRC $.O B lOTTLES7 Soid by Bruggists every where. Senti ton cents ln stampa for Dr. Pierce's large Treatise ou Dlseaes aof Women, illusta'ted. Worl's Dispenaary Modical Association, ICK-HEADACHE, -Jlzp, t1IfJ tion e -indIgestion prornptly cureti by Dr. Pleycees Plesu-ant -Pu -rgsýtIve Pellets. 26 cents a viai, by Druggisla. JU-HNSO-N ln Deuerell'a Block, for gour FLIR#ITRE! DRAW>ING ROOM SUXTS, DNNQ 'ROOM S- MITÉ, laEDR:OOM ýSUITS, - 1C'1CliaxsuiT At -Pric~tbatht Oety ompefitiol Corenen, C<reaian> forYorlvs - ?E.J. No catiel or herse the.-streoti. -Mr. W. F. Coaeula- f -- addition talùs rîmidene Jonathan Porter 's 100k firet prize at Wl ville anti Oshava faire i Meumrs, Gbuld & Moe peti 850 iseati ai cattie t epring, sud bave 200 -n DIBTÈIOTI Stayner bas -a night.1 Bra spten is ,talking Uxbritige mu-st bonus etrlle. -Mïiditolebore foi 42000 lasts. 200 asessmenl app i nr w-t4ayfe tiv à i aa r sohome vante only N6 Mr. FI. Widdilfield, * -1500 lbi. cf sugar Ibisi Orangevilho as, a bý aud dowu il lthe boys I guntisys.- Brantfoatiwoni' si itauti on tleseIet In The baker. ai BeU ei e t léraise lb. ýpricu oe. . e,,lest TU. 0-P. B. 'bote] JOHN~ re ý)f O-&-r.,r. CDMW