Boys reaeady balboin luthe ««ek st Osh vas saysIh Vndcciôf Mi. BÂILUy, hshe lalay'ubotlt had hit to» ,rathed on Wedà eSidIyeby r hors. whioh stepped on bis foot.o Brigade-MajorBmih sud olt. VDonovan m ade the semi.aDtlual in- spection cfi th e veral armories of the ballalions this week. Ix 01W *d7OllO8ing o@ckmi Mr. P. B. Waram calls lhe attention cf th. public, to hie painting, pape? hanging a.nd kalsminiug-busiess. Read il., TÙs firemen teeted the enginik on Weduesday eveuiug. -The grate per- formed its old Woik cf falling down, but otherwise ail vent off satisfactorily. DiD the thonghh ever strike yen 1mw muoh the lowva ows cool th. sorprsr- lieu n nniy? Toetoart with, tl4oy do more damage le the eidewaiks than al the Irafflo, bresking pisuke, et.; at this lime of the year îhey tub against th. shade trees, snd several of eur fineal Ire.. ha"e hein kitled by tbem esprlng; tihey broya. aleng th. hoekuodxing the earlh Item lh. sNu1es sud sleppi theb.waer ouss; ala ud ay, llaey brak loto gardons sud oommit smi hvoc. ,They eau'. th. expeuditure -cf -more. mu»leapsi ftudu Ihanveuld psy for tbfr pestur. aie. And lb... raids d'O th. animais aud their owners ne good. 0f course milk ie hard le gel ând go i. posture, but sa a maller cf pure eoonomy cor- porationse hculd eithêr bave the oows i sut Up or .18. fnrniab lb. pastures aI a reasonable figure and make people psy for them. Quava a large number cf people who are fond ofcf oting speckled Iront ver. attracted Io Sebert's livery stable on Wedneesa>.. There Judge Dartnell had a large eau fgirly alive with thons- suds cf Irout about three-fourtbeocf an inohmin lengtb. Tboese ho b.d oecured from Wilmot's hatcbery, Newcastle. There muet bave biien ab~out 4000 aud aIl appeared lively, aud vory frieudiy loeseah other as they played l'Omo sr- paely athietic amern, or dance, or paaeor scmetbing te pass away their lime. Tihe judge tloch Iben eut te Orson wood te deposit them in s pond, sud in about Ibree years sport will b. induiged iunaItltee xponeof lhe finu7 uîtIle foliows ItjesaMid some partieq bave a habit. cf oalohinq hheose fiai st spawning lime, and if this ie ou tie law shonld b. put ln force. The *udRo deserves tianke fer bis, trou- ble and forethougbt in foelericg Ibia sport. TPam eoer.mony ef crownlng lie May Quoeen" va@ daly petcrsned aI the Ocilegiale lusitute on Friday aset, Arbor Day, lu lie presence cf a lariro number cf vîiiors. The yeuug lady, ehosen by ber tellow studeuts as wor- lhy etlb. bigi hoor vas Mise BlLie Burus. The electic l toek Pl teo on ,. Tbursa=gor=«wg»4.d5as lasI year, gave unulerei sallsolio. Miss Burns is- nui outy a.brillissul stdenb but is posséséod ln a rare degree eft-boie qealilies vhieh are te b. found in the fiTruse Womap.'. The houer eofs>çing elected "i'ay Queen" ase undert4tooà , by tb. studeuts ot the lusîltute i. noeligit hooer sud lie pupil ehosen may veli b. excueed.for feeliôg prend et . Mr. Thos Groeuwoed vas eleeted "De:" __or leaderofethboyp, sud bis élection ptoved liaI lie boys, -as veli sieê girls, fuily 'reaiised lie importance cf th.-uiies they vere cailed cupou lu perorm. lMr. Greeuwocd has ou uev. oral occasions reeived mark.d con- sideration aI tbe bauds ot bis tellov sîuden<e but lune no nbe basl ie houer baeuri oe.dainirved t1în ini-tlb. present. The ques ua orovnsd~ by lb. Quoeu.Dovsger Mie. hïuai. Page atnd looked oevèty ii a "aen ier -- robes cf vhite. The Orova vu asmde cf a~>. nd soî ciff lie fait yenng he&4 vith greal effeot. 'The. ewly elecled queta isd *t ber disposai sev. éral:gifle le besto, en lire. cf ber f .11ev etleeuls vhom a.eho oidred le posasse lihe quilities for vbio sbe lber- sOit bad beau ohosen. The youug la- 10 o bo . thenewly .iooled qno.a vore Miss bacul. Franois oethle Third tfu, Miess Iizzie Levense i e second sud Miss Allie Holdea 4fthle fret. The Du" vas instafled by ex- Dux lir. A. T. SohoIes aesisled by Mir. 'Walter Toms.' Tihe only preoul r. csived byDu% i. s ilver badge- pin lie hooer sa. te bing coasidered suffiaieut. -Ho toc bad «(4 tet.bestcv sud hie ehoùicsJIel on lit. Walter Tome ofthle Third forin» Mr. WS. Jameson cf lt. o econd aud Massr, A.ý Butniam oft t tir io. Tio Dax bail uremaerled iug-W. JH. Plides bhop Lieu-X Oharlese fortIPerry. Gîsgowî 1qoîland. frindS ef Mi- Obas-. King, 'visit.d Wbty Wdsay They expressed their.admiratisD cf lt. ingenicue meithoda of oeanufachuring Medtca1*ZxamînXatiorts._- The remittef tbe medical exaMinstions kn ceuneotion witb tie'niversity cf Toronto wau plblisbed on Thur@day. As alwaye befere,- Whitby shows au unusual1y1d average. Our boys are to eb.cengrate on the resuit.- Below we give the marnes cf those whc passed ; FluT YiAu-L. L. Barkor teck firotoclasm honore in a&l subjects, aise tiret position in euch clam. - in addition te this hoe teck the UnivereityScholarship, valued at $120 00, and the cohol Scbolarship,valued tb.00. W. bfcGiilivraby recoived oes first clame and twc second 'clana honore. C. L. Starr cf Brooklij otained eue firet clsa sud two second c2eshonore. SecoND Y&AR-Jas. H. Colline carrnes off tbe. second Scbolarship, valued at $80.00, and takes firet cimns honore in aIl subjocte. J. T. Campbell obtaiued twc tiret ciamsand two second cams honore. R. H. Palmer, of Scarboro shows a good record in hie Il TTarr Y&u-4. A.Palmier- -sad J. xH. Eastwoà d, each of whom jüst previons le th. examînaticu llut rere taken -*lok and net shie te write, oIi eascee fuily taken their third d ou hyer; the former -receiyinog ire irgt élu'sud 1 secoud cimes honore in third y car, witb tour firet clasoaud 3 second clam hoencre in forth year; the latter receiving oue firet clanesud eue Aret and six seconde lu 1he fourlh yoar audfour second claie honore in third year. 0. F. Jones cf Balsazm ha. tabou good per centage on &il subjecte. J. Galloway of Beaverton, son cf th. Deputy R.."'. cf Thorm: bas received second scholarhe vslued aI 8M.00, aud four first clamswit tw-j second clane honore.1 FoUBTH YEAR-J. A. Palmer, M. B ; J. H - Eastwood, M. B; W. R. Walters M. B. cf Audley, 'with two fluet ciams honora. The dcga-ees will be conferred at special convocation on Saturday a fteroon. Churoh Notes. -G.t*far . lunnsrson, J'~W-L e et~ ~ ~ ~~ýlf fikrnI.zuhdWib Mies' Obert. ci Brantford, spent a&'14w dayajubown~liseek, 1h. guist oft M1u. Shef PszIon's physical condition )has chauge very 11111e during ihe poos$t~ vweeke., ~Mr. Win. Pringle, j. P. cf Teepwater, ipenît day or Itwe in tewnIbi leek vielting hienumerpurelatives. Mr. Win. Black of the RoyalAs.p - tbreugli nicely witis lmbroken 1, bt wl net b. able t elout fer corne le. Hie mauy friende kthe many heure go around Ure N. W. Brown, ex-M. P. P., cf Torouto -In luw lov Iis week vieiting hie daughter, lire. Jue. Farquharson.' lit. Broyae haî been unweil duriug part cf tbe 'ululer but je feeling ver, mucb better co*. Hefennd a frîondly P awaiting hlm bore fromVery mmny el0 fio f, Mr. 8. Broya, of Pickering, «rot year student cf 1h. Onts*le Agriontursi otllege sud Mir. B. ick ok f Bast Wbitby seconid y esatudent have eaoh oarrieïd cf blgb honore at Iheir recent examinstiotii. Bcth Young mon are weiI known slb the ocf Ivo cf cur moet enterprieing farmero suad vo cocgralislte hem on the reant of -Iheir -efforts. fThe la to lay- ""0ndllnsIn t the b.Imperial liuec uy4 11f à R eaerelly dmited Ibal Iber .auuel b.;hng more «qulmetlydelioatefr Pet n<ehasadkrehi.f lhau untsy& 'JamnsFlorida Water; but il. <rosI sud distinctive propeïty, in ils sdaptability te the uses cf 1he batI I Itheb. nly peafnme thil we know cf eepeciafly sud partmulsriy sied to se in Ibis wvy tZTh, pover il bas cf lmpartlng te the waters cf lb. bath groal scethzng, refreehing, suid inrlgcraing offeola, le pecûui elif. The Michigan Contrai sud 0. P. e. limes te London are almeet eompleled. Ailen's Luug Baleam le warranted te cure tie mont dietreseing Congh. Osuadian Blood Indians are naid le b. stealing herses over in Montana. Alieu's Luug Baiaam - bIb te gret modern remoedy for Coughs, Coldo, cou- liumption. Atirna, Oroup, sud Bronohftis. Il le recemrnended by Phygieians every- preacb ini St. J.hIu'o cbnrch momnng sud 1 usefulnes. evening nezý Snndsy. Toronto'. young Lib"oeppoeeO'Brieu's The Rev. 14r. McLaen, ot Toronto, riait. proaches in Ash'oumu on Sunday next. Use C'ampbelVe Cat.bsrtieCOompound fer The sub; sot et Rer. 1Mr. Grmansa ser- Lirer Complainte sud Bilious Dirordera mon nont Sabbath morning wil ho "Boysi' - Mr. C. E. Mackltoshiglete b. De*dnoym Righte. " In tii evening a epecial sermon successor as Liout-Gov. of. the oeth-vst vil b. preieo he mfiremen, who wi N TON L PIL aeeua attend the »rserin au sbedy.NA I AL P LS ae Wr Rev. Mr., McEWeu, Port Perry, and Rev. coated, mitd but thorough, and are J. F. Barker exchauged pulpite imt Snuday. the beat Stomach and Liver Pflla in Pair. McEwen creaffd a very favorable in- se. prsiohoe. He could scarceiy failt tu do Af 1er Wedne8day nexî, lie Il8 thui. se i&hl eanuest, nsanly style of. proa.cb- psrliament wiii stand adjouraed fer a woek. iug aud agreeable mannw. On Sun-lay evening lait the Rev. Mr. WInd theGlock. Abrahain preacbed th&' iret of scoçries cf The boit cdock noode rogalsling sud vina- sermons on the aubjecte "Dest.h," "11.1," lng when the main-spring ruaedcvi. go, "Roeaven," sud ' ntemdit State" <(f tee, when the human machiuery «ires cul, thoeeho ne). 1%. sermon on "1>eatb" bas il needa regulating sud tis msin.sprng furibed thought for ser>ions 'eflection, snd <pure bloed> neede teming. Bnrttock leed: ne deuil nîsuv new conceptions of lie Bitters viii regalete and toue a&U broken -King uf Terrerae" fotud a indganent lu the down conditions of lie system. lu pur., Imndi.of thos. whP beard tic Ioanaaed chauiug B. B. B. bovare cf cunutezfeit. discourse. Altieugi aIl theosubjecti; in th. Ma yor Rowland rotfuse* a city hat-bell. rornainder of Lt.he eeare subjects LiaI a r i puug<m1f aeai every ,persan weu.d derive a benefit f rom «yfrth pniggin fbibI heailet skufuly, hamdiv, y1>% w.'Veuture tc X&F lhi, just at lie promeut lime, tb. lait For many yeare lhe proprletore ef,1~e ene wiii h oioed forward tn with the yar<l's Yelio Oit haroeoffr.d te refunXd th. greateaft curioiy. muey te a&Il purchamer cf thsaI Medicine Ta£ Oddfellowa nssrbed in rank te t.he :Cbeoilt ailed to gire relief lu case. et pin Tabernacle ah 3 p.m., on Suuday te hear or paint ii affections, sncb as rfieuistjam, Rtev. E. S. Rowe presci the annual sermon. neurslgia<socre tieatdeafnus, berne, Mar. Rowe teck hie toit frein Jeroaia 51:brimaepai.stiff joints sud corda, sud "Run y e tee, sud fttc lrougi tie streols cf Internat or Oexternal in&aim lienO.. Jemusalem," etc. Two le"wen,. the Rev. The hande et Firslhrcok Bros.. box M a- gentleman said, were piaiuly taugit by the ers, Toronto, are on etrike. Bible. First-Thbat 1h. <ccd aal htbe te Ladies go inte ecslacies ever lthe uev' means et aecuring niercy fur the iad- Sec- perfume, "Lolur of the Nite.11 oud-.Thst we are not ail bad. luthue toit Hmlo isacm feuddsrin God doos not aay gôod mon are bad men. 10mlo a aeo hl A"n He ay :*'If, ye can ind a man,"-& fair- D. A. Lîiigatone, Pltttlsriie.(, ume y; wninded, honest mn, eue whu "executelb I haro maih pleasure in reeommeudlzrg judgmnut, liat seeketi the trutib." This Dr. Thounsa' Eloctrie 001, frein bavzng louis us te cunsidar (1> Ged'e ideal mai. <2) I ned it zyseit, snd iaring seld il for gmie The scrcity cf auci mon. (3) Their <test lune. In My ovu case I vili say fer Il tibsI worth. Grod's ideai man seSmed te b.eue it ier lh. boat preparatien I bave ever trmd Nbh s md as boat h. migil the knowiedge for rheumatism. lepu m d dcought vigilsntJly atter_____ trt.W. have net apace te follew the BIRTI 8. sermon througi. but laking God>e ideai man me being lie correct ideal ut nsanhcod, he aI 1 Lrwua-At Whitby, on tie th ti l the considerable length dilstod upors tie aub- Jno. J. Lynde of a con. jectesud asepirations ut Odd-feulow's im lead- D B A T H S. >n te thhgol. The tendency sud ut4mate reeuldtOddfellovmhlp was te o »-IWibo ossl.11 raie l. sandrd f muiod atesnear as lit, Fsnny Hood, beiored vif. of W,». posble God's ides). He finally r HOeadc 5 eaa iagly frein aotisa te show th. exteul_________________ aud vorking <of the order. Financial andiOoiieCi~ araa.tary Notes. Tiere la talk cflewfonndlad becoming Office cf Whîby EONC > imart nf th- nvuîsdeya ozay "- tm1Hn. J. J. .0. btl lias been appeinled loe ie nate snd ise le b.its leader. $1,700,000 i le ho preteet Montreal fremi is annuai epraug flooda. Mr.. C -.Cciby, M - P. for Stanstea4 lise been eleced Deputy-Speaker efthle Corn- Tii budget speech was deliirred yeater daud te diy Jamiesen moyos hie réao- la ion an tarer et prohibition. ar.MOartby s bll ooncrniug lie SoiAett&o viii Bve aSgood mny lUvera- keanna rouelieue ofet erierv. Hèo., WHITBY MMRT, PR Goos.Wboat...........O Fleur, pet ovt ....... Bariey.......... aye........ ..o Psblaok-iyea ..... ... BiPa........... < -JUST TO HAND- JEWELLERY. Nèeest dosigno la Ladies' BROOCES, PINS sund BHORrCHAINS. CLOCKS.-I and 8 Day. Pull Stock cf New. Goode, aise RN1VE 8, PORES, sud SPOONS. Tea Spoons from $1.50 per doz. Extraoîdinaîy Values Cali and Sec Ihem. Jewellery made to order. SWatches, Clooke and Jewellery Repaired and Warranted. 1* SPRIeNG GOýODS, VOL. lionolonWareroonse We have a large and well assorted Stock to -ohoose from., Our prices are right. We have bargains for everybody. Special attention is direoted to our Drees Goods, Pr.inte, Seersuokore, Muslins,- Lawnst Ginghams, &0. Have you seen our eircular Pillow J AM E S J O H N S TON, Cottons, White Cottons and Factorys, Table Linens, Tow- Praoîloal Watohmakor, BROCE-STREET - - - WHITBT ellings, &c. M..,.illinery Department a special at- IFOR MiEN ONLYSj traction, New Goods -ail through the Season, latest styles. Dr. BELL'3 UEDICAL DISOMMZY A positive and radical cure for ail hf n'a weaknsseu, however indnced. Imprudence osud excesses of yonth or clé! &go yields promptly to a bealthtul conditign, by nsing Dr. Bell% Medics.l Discovtry. Ali druggios, or by mail. PRICE (>NlCDS 4S Laboraiory, 151 29th Sfreet, New~ Yot'k. JERSEYBUL. EITHIER for Service or fot Sale. WM. 1NEWPORT, May 3rd, 1887. tf Whitby. HOUSE FOR SALE on l'O R.N T. A nice new Brick Houae with seven roome aud au acre of laLd, on Broek etreot, norhoa&erio'efoundr. The prom- ises will bo either told or rtentedl. Apply by letter to J08'IPlg ADAMS, ýWhîtby P. 0. May Srd, 1387. 41121 THE GIa<gow & Lond.on Insurance Co. of OTet Brîtaiii. CAPITAL,.82,5W,000. ;NNUAL INCOMB, $1,600,000. MARE F'arm Propoty and Dwoiling House. aSpeciaity. -veriow rates. Easy terms of payrnent.' Simple policies. No vexations conditions. Prompt settiement, cf louees witheut dieceunt. Be sare yen* do net inaure until yen know our terme and conditions. Enquire of B. R. B. HÂ&Y- WARD, our Ge.-eral Agent for South On- tarie.- Office iii Wbithy-Pert of D. Orun4s- ton's Ibaw-0ficoe. Alt lette're addressed te Loch-Box 78, Whitby P. 0., will receive prompt attention. Itesidence-Ham Cet. tage, Byren etreet, Whitby. > 21 ,Celebrate the Queen's Jubilee and Birthday in a New Sprung Suit, we, hbave the, pat- terns, lowest prices, anld good fits. OUR $l.50 HATS ARE ALL the'GO. A fine assortment of Gents' Collars, Ties, Braces, llandkerchiefs, Cuifs, -&o., &c. POWEL &Co* 18870 BORDEISI Stafford & Cormnack, l witby WAL L Low icesi Necw ikuigus1 18874' OEIL ING- CA DOS, .18870" Large -Range§ Choice. Pafteîots sT FFOBD &CORAGK, bWitIiy@ DECORA TIONSB :-18870 te£lEsta pblie $1 e annmJb plu wob.& officehblca uefck psu obpr i u«M it,oaais elf :ylindr preOs5 and -i uiati ontion. TBBMS OP? jFirai insertion, per subsequont flOOttOi2 Diaplayed Adrerui by ascaloc0fsolid N amordingly. Âdvortisomenls ns luelruclions insertai oharged for faUil ime, eiders for dieoult muet be la wriling,c oes viiinet ie resue 4 liberal disconnt- monhta by 1h.-yemr. eontract adverisemEu iunet laer Ihan We of aà ny intended cham bofore Tuesday ne meule reoeived up-to- Bus3iness naoieesIn Pvivo cents pet line à petrline weekly; Correspoudenco so cflt.eCousnty--or hi Correspondonlo are their 'cemmunicatioc possible, HENDBI 30M;- STANTON, Bnp'I meohamiôw JOHN -E. PAR Gmc, l00 oula G. YO1JKWG M ]Brock-8t, Whitbyi * ~ otfl.EW0R~ ~A.LL!'! ~t Î~: --:ooo:---- Imm=