Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1887, p. 1

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With calm Printed words, grmt thoughts, and untlrug 'indusU VOL. XXXI. WHITBY, ONTARIO,, Whitbu Qflrmîic[t, Established',1856. reLeading Week4l n ontalo County, SUBSOBIPTION RATES. ~per anuum li advance-l#.50 other- vie urtions are elways payable at the office cf pblcation. Steam equipment and boit furtished Book and Job printlng plant liEaatern Ocntaneo, capable cf executing &il clamseof wcrk f rom the large poster to the. umalet haânabili. Speolal mention -4. made cf the ,nuurpasscd pneus facilitie. cf Tum ODEON. Iguu. with its celebrated N. Y. Cottrel oyvuderpreies and other modern conveni. ,ne.very order receives prompt, cane- T'RuileOPiiADVI>'TTSRTW Firot insertion, per lin., 10 cents ; each sUb8equent insertion, 6 cents. Displayed Advertisements aremeasured' by a scale cf soid Noxipareil, and changed Advertisements sent without written instructions inserted until fonbidden, and oharged for fl t ime. Ordens for discontinuing sdvcrtisemcnte jaust be in witing, othenwise the publiah- ors yul net ho nesponsible. A libenal discount for contraot advertise- mente by the y.ar. Copy for changes cf sontraot adVetisOeents should b. handed iun t later than Wednesday ; and notice cf any intended changes uhould be given before Tuesday noon. Other advertise- mente received-up to, Thunsday noon. Business notices li local or news (,olumliu Five cents per lin. weekly. Locale, 10 cli. per lin. weekly. Correepondence soicited from ail arts of the Oonnty or neighborlng t)wnslipps. Correspondenîs are nequesled to send li tteir communications as promptly as possible, RENDERSON & JOHN STANTONy GRÂHÂM,i Proprietors~ Sup't Mechanocal Dep't. JOHN B. FAREWELL, LL.B., D ARRISTER, Oounty Crown Attorney, a>nd Oounty Solictor. Office,- South wing, Court House, Whitby 48 JAMIES RUTiEDGE, I>&RRISTB, &o. Office formerly oc- 3>enpled by FareweUl& Rntledge, next o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B.&., A TTORNEY.ÂT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chanoery, Oonveyancer, &o. Orric-In the Office Pputh cf1the Post office, in McMilla'uBlok, Brook Street, Whitby. ly-lO G. YoUNG 9MIT3, IL L. B., BAnlaISTER, &o., &c.-Money to Loan oprcisSmih'aBlok, out ofMarket, Brook St., Whitby. Jan. 22,1878. (tf-61 JOHN BALL DOW, BARBISTB-ÂT-LAW. SOLIC11POR Bn ii hanoery, Coaveyanoer,&o Offce-Deveril'o Block, Brook Streel, Whitby. MONEY TO LEND-Prlvate Punda lu sumo up b $80SM, ai a low rate o! ln_- terest. (ly-62 LYMKAN ENGLIBBH, L L- Bç, B RRST T LW, SOLIOROE oce Street, Oshava. DB. MELDRUM, M.B. (TORONTO-" DUniversity,) L.B.O.P - and L.M. (EliL- bungi), &o. Office houri, 8 te 10 a.m., 2 1o 4 sud te 9 p.m. No. 8, THZ TIBC~BRN8. Wm, MOBRIENI, .*XD-., MJI.Vs.9 (UY'B ROBPITA&L, 1;0»0O,EEG.,- th le ele a. -O. R. Uh, Oshava, Ontarlo P. WARENILD., OM,(eIL w. CUTHBERTSON, M. B. (Troutoý,> omD. , .M, (mct*ofa.)JLr, pot H. CI. CR4WFJ, atteudeil en n Ofï» fice.1 esleec c G.Âyu, e polt RIGGS &IVORY, EL IL cor. King and Ycnge Ste., Toronto. B EST TEETI, $8 on rubber. .IOeluloid, $10. Gold, 880. Have extracted the teeth from Tho -and0cf prsouabsolutely painle.. by the use cf Vitale Air. 46 -A. -A-POST. sit - hLsngley t& Burke, A RCHITR CT. Deuigns for Ohurches, Villas and Cot- tages a specialty. Drawingu prepared for remodeling existing structure,. Opnicz-Firet flat over Howise'i Drug Store. P. O. Box 2M, WHrrEy. -SEBERT Q.U%.BROS., LIVERY and SALÉ STABLES, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Good Rige and Good Horsea. Tonne rea- sonable. 19 SEI3EIT BROS. 2!u 6,000,000 PEOPLE US FERRYS SEED$ D. M. FERRY & 9O !Ii1 &IUt SUSU(U 'à [PME""ld JieLWÂ' wort.I pX"OWDER9. Are ploas t to tro... Cout.,in thelr own Porgative. la a sie, suire, and effeetua *atwwyr of worma ini Children or Â4uiM iDUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FR1END 187 SRiING 8STOCK WALL- NOW OPFINED. TeLargt ýani NEW, DESIG*NS>. NéwColoring _.LOWPRFS SOAPI Iwo .IG Z CHEMiBT and DRUQOIBTj fias juet reoeived a large as- sortment of FA~TC~ TOILE T SOAPF Whioh he is selling a very LOW PRICES. SAVONA, THE GRE,&T Mlso for sale by, W. IR. IOWSE1] ezmrn! MI> T~ TTt1np NEW GOO8!1 W, R. OWSEe, CHEMIST A"ND DUGGISTO wIIITBi Has on haud a torylange sud select 8"co of Chnlstmas goodas, omprwsng Ladin' Work Boxes, Whisk Holder8, pdor Ca8e8, Mirror8 in -PIu8h, Toi/et Ca8e8, vocat. Pcalco, Proma, tKnowledge, -Brotherhooa. [DAY, A 20, 1887. NO@ 23.b NEWS LETTERS, miGL Oorreondence. won Who lefti ue last faîl « taken up heabod.6 i Xr4,Wllfred Sader sud Mr. George Ag&*baie avmde mrv enso 1hefr 4welling place.. mrvmnso ThW- houm. lately ocoupiedý by Mm Edward Ledgett lu being pamtially torm demi lo e b. bufit sud somewhat enlrgd. Mr. John Lawrence and son are do tmg the. werk. A'bud ofamateur card-playeru broke imto t" hall ued by the Methodiste cf ibis p" a. fewý nighls sino. and were diaseovÈrd engaged iu ibeir favorite patinwtas slite heur cf 1h. night. The pârk*.s are known aud te, provenu ibenxsves from figuuing in a magie. traises ouri sud iaving their names ubmited te th. public they are sdvised u9Ot te repeat lh. offence. 8ev. eoman fHolmes sud wife, of Toroutbo, vere visiiing friends lu town lust we.k. A laroenumber cf fine caille psu throughktowu on their way te tthe. G. T. B. s4gion every day. A bia.stail match le te b. plsyed on Satydajcezt, belweeu the meulders sud théOpdar Dale bail club. NextSWndy evening the. Rei. Mr. Mannlag $11 presci upon the subjeel of Las 4 1Ah. BîmoosSt Methedist Ohurci. i The sugrgtion of 1he Medosif Si. Methodai\hureh will give a garde~ pariyoD lIe afterueon cf the 24t1h0o1 May W'1h residence of Mr. D. Drew. The .sti 1Club are bnsy decorsiing the >tuM.Ie slfor Ibeir grand eoncert ou h.Q.*'s bild&y. Wien finish-.ý )euaJ. F.iemld sud 8. G. Brown tock -atri e Bowmauviile on themr whoeesY~ aflemnoon, sud esme bsck Bundsy vening, tired sud duetYp but wilioui any osualtis. Whsl lu thi.malter with "Dulci," cf the. News! le h. wind-bmoken, peor teilcw ? Penhape il lu ou amaont cf the. eever&drbught If thst lu tie cae, il lu lhe firit lime ve have heard cf a winid-.mil liaI equired wsl.r te ruai ils maehinery. iThis seemi te b.- a bad lime of the lae kuown as Bcotllsd'a 1le, oueda by Mm. Eva*t uaarmni, Vas taiken sick visouteiMdiestin sd di.d, luat Th=rdiy, ailiiplace. ,E. as a very finespeciu*mncfhose-flei, sud ,wi valumd ai 42000. IM. John Wilson vatuso ieurdueky inu loting a fine dniv- luio. v wielcis h het a$200. QU uis lk "oment vs at uiéd lait, mipbsa lrg ordb .dte, gslt hrodte 1.-. i a*uihiri. ihtuà le The principal subject ibat has engag. Stoufflle laet week. Thoir concrto ed tb. attention of tis community wcre very interesting.. during the pas$ week is the. visit of Dr. White Bros. have set out about two' MoLaren, of Knox college, Toronto, in hundred ap$le irees tii spring., Noth. conneotion with the anniversary er. ing like having lote cf fruit. vices cf Burns' church. The Bev. Dr. bed charge- of the Proi;byterian hurch ThStufie.lcoe axwl ~. . ~ ~ ~ pls tula's of,-Toronto ou 2"~,;.Sl uséera in Ahiésseaion. The niesr services wers beld on Sunday mest, sud the annual tes on the. Moniday evening following. On Sanday, three services were beld, two of which were conduot- ed by Dr. McLaren, and th. third by the. Bey. Mr. Liddy, cf Myrtie. The. Doctor delivered two cf lt.euaoet pro- fonnd sermons that we have e ver had tie pleasure of ligteningte, Aud hie plain, simple and yet forcible style cf expressing himacif. Ai th. momning service h. tock for Ie subjeot "Thc Perfect Law cf God," sud considemed it under theeixeadings : lot, The. mimmor intc whici ail men may look sud se. ihemuelves in relation te divine things; 2nd, Manner In whici th. law should be reoeived; and Brd, Blessings liai corne i.ail who rightly recoive it. We would be pleased te give you a full re- port cf al th. lesmned doctor said under the. above headinge, but w. scarcely presume to ask yon for tie space necessary. We give you but à short synopsis cf ithe several meetings, trustiug that you wxil flnd the. Whole wctby cf insertion in ycur widely-read journal. The.firsi hoadin&g cf the doc. tor's discourue gave hum su oppotunity cf displsying the. practical side cf bis nature, and he was uci slow te, avail himueif cf it. The blessings whioh -ai. tend the ight reception of th. word were placed ibefors th. audience in a wsy snob es euly oee thoroughly se- qusinted wltb tie Word cf Qed -in al its teachinge oould posuibly place thers, sud we bave ne doubi cf tiei. lasiing impressions liai -were -made onie. mindusud. hearte of a&R preseni. Were simpl!c!ty oéf antugesddeptbacf by thé . U.lt.Lddyi, fMymteé,5*bd bis subjeet w&a3 "Traveilers te Zie." Tic-Bey, gentlemaLn uade a thorougi' ly practicsial adss, sudalthe lare audience fily sppudaised Ise -ffont-. The church wasc0ewded oB uuaY eveniug, vien tieBey. Dr. MÃ"Laren' preached the last cf lie series cf set-. ,mono luonneetion vwliiiautr sary. The discourue wau .qualy as profouud -as liaI cf 'hie nomugsudif tmùsble,, more pra $I.Tie tes- meeting ou Monday evenu a e atl.nded, &sud the enterAilumunt-affoi!d' ed wuaocfasuperior order., -Th . lae cf the ougregation. had turisiemhd thb0 spréed udyou 'rytst ssed tliai lolhmg lihaï skiai Sud valli uld furisivaw»auliug te make il WOMtY ôf tie occasin. «The. chutais choir fut,- nished lie musicalPart cf the Pro." Iu former Yeatxws fou jud, nogeqesry !n'e -uImaoistane froisn glibô "u lovris ou sch sp ciaesine.. but. piled uhemusie. AEEIEONT. Mr. Evans loai s valuable impombed herse lasI w eek from congestiiencf lthe lunge. Tirce caràlords of caille wore shipped from hem. on Saturdsy .for the Oid' ceuntry Msrket. W. hope Ihst thce "odue -te lhe Old Country snd ocher places wilsen -cesse or soon eurHEamletwillhbe a mèe canotapi pmolaiming &s "Deaemied Village." Civic Holiday June lot on thai date s Union .Sundsy Scioci piculo wiil be' ield lu Mr We.te grove sdjoining lb. station wbeme it lu te b. beped, every expedieni .vil be esorled te, te pro. moto tbîe suitable enjeyment cf both old and ycung. As this lie b.'b a Union pionio. Let sociabilily reign supreme. PORT PEREy. Boating lu good. The Sais. had a pow-wo*' on Wed. nesdsy night. NotWithslanding lie by-law pmohibit- ing it, ccws may be board bawling around tie town ail night. -Itisu appa. ent tbaBi the i!ouneil commiers thié by.law onamenfl, 1k. th. Scoi t , but net te be enfomécd. As twe young amen Alecea were. gettiug ie otheir buggy to, drive swa froux hem. on Wednesday eveing, ýon., cf the. boys touehed-'off, s string, cf fIre, ,crackers sud put them ilu the rig-. A. most frlghtful exploïlit>noçcured, sud- onsof the f.ilows lu th. bugyuPsd as~~~ hig asa allon ikadelu in-te event,imoy cf Ibm.. o'oleckt lu lie frlly 1obsemved. -The vas destrcoýd lis lin reab ebil i bumul usi. -Mým. Hug Vas juilgelting s a$4( sielves, ba it il ai [hold 1ing trade. Salesh Large -Va8es,ý And an ausonimeutoffotheartile#m!ûb« for presets. CUand zmm w 8<d o r ~rooini evc1 assorted,. re right. we hevo !iton i8 directed.ta 9,, Muelins, Lawns,. L-cula>r Pillow Table Linens, Tow- a special atm:, ~oaolatest styles.' Jubilce and ve the nobbiest pat- XLL the GO. e ilt s,Collars,- 00. DOS, 1887.ê .:i'gage 1 'Choice Patterns. APE R ýFFORUf & COR MACKI, F001?A TIOM9.r 1887. Wounds, Sores and Ulcera. 8, 00U611, COLDS, for eontracted and stil! joint» RD SrREBT), LONDON, and .o14 World. 1 tcua4 London, they arc aâpurous. rHITBY STORE' ry that is ar- ý trade, ~TITE, 100,00 IEggs~ 1 rlu:l: TiEll: ?Imm 1

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