Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1887, p. 3

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iie Canada Looà %bd E Sfur the Westeru AAi ver Gerrle's Blook, Whtb wr&ippw»g purposes, la7tiSw etc., 2lS ýiots per hnndr.4." Apply to THIS 0FF105R. BE LL2 DOO N Unappraached for . Toue sud Quafity. *ALOGUES FRELà &q GO, uelpiiont SE130 NEWS.s Ëd SALE STABLES,9' )IiTH &DEVERELL. JLASS TURN-OUTB Lt d on Sliortetst Notioe. 1Tra-v lier8 iiberqll e&.Leý1 AWRE 'HLESS IMITATIONS A4t dibre are mrnyy luferler gotiil. corded w 11h jut a~s çoralig by saine -un- principled merchante lrad- wg or the. roputatian of our peniiufe tiSiBlIb w. wftrnthelî ladies aVaUnst sileh Jxnpilo.tlion by draw- ing tficir ttten to lheL nocesaty of bOOiU5 hat the 1TON %fiGRSET 00.'q ,1lnkier sidiI cf aIl Coralhuogooda -which noue are ge=U"n LAW NO.- io clo8e up and dimpoe of lîshed road acros a portiom axrt haif -of Loi 88 în 1h. ýeion of the Town.hip of, »- po u.. .. e-a&hl*h ltkb IL'. original road al.lowsnc. number 33 between the f ourli iceasionsi of tbli said Ton'nshlp Ad vesLed ini Charles Gould. ,Mp aI Corporation of th. Ton'p. id g. enactB as folléo': 1e noad etablimhed by B y -ian e Municipality of th. Town- Lidge "psssed on th. 1eth day cf 80, across a portion ofthoeoeut %imben 83 in the fonrth coucus- d Township as herezutter no&li b. and oeh mre ià hereby sâ a publie road and :the lianS 4d i. William Csrr, lteh rosent .id lot number 3 as folion's, u#g on the eseteru limitaifuai& iree cbainB 35 links from tlbo angle oi the omre. Thonco rrees 130 minutes n'osh 8 chains; KE -NOTICE. la si. truno py cf a propesed cI n'as read a fInitsund second LeMunicipal Council cf lhs f Uxbridge ou the 121h day of- ënd will b. talcen into ceusider- Sfinal pasmlng thoref'wbch le ive had four insertions in lie îONICLE cf which meeting dUo te given wlýen said caunoil n'I rAn whome lsnd rnay bepre- rectos thereby andn'ho ptillss nd, anS any persann wisg 1 cation ta qn'ash sald BVy-l bim saiS application le eu» Of tes Supenlor CeurIs wihbl a» îe date af snob-Anal passiug. 0e is givenl. in coçordano, wlth -6 Victoria, Cap 18, Section No. E..H. HILBORN, ae e Tonship lerk ~prll 2nd, -1887. archaslig an Imprgved SEWING8 ýMACI e- for lhe Holiday Beau sale clieup by t ton Ny's eebs. >!neOh te1,~ cOuot Lftorallïu'e., Frank LetlUe isBadaqj Magasine for June oupletos th. îweaty-. first volume OaiO h10uh otfmed family visiter. ,' h. nurx.ber lu full Of interesting conti ibutionq, and isas,~ usua, beaatifuily ilinstrsted. Amnonr 1h. important articles -je pue entitlod:. 'A visit te the Azores," n'hioh is ae- coorpanied by ten iI!uelratians. 8t. George Mivat's article, "1A Viilta Soin. Austrian Monasleries," i. ex. ceedingly intencstiug sud profuseiy illustrat'td. Dr. Talmage'ii sermon je on "The Flying Yeans," and in tbe editonial departinent ho disouess "Non. vons People" Pointe cu& saine 6"heen. ive2 Signe" and put. iu a goed word for "hiisoane." Tii. juvenile stany, "-Net Found Ont," is conclucled in Ibis nuinier. "Bis Banner Ovor Me", reaches an excitiug point, and "Iln Exchange for a Seul," bogins ta iu- dicate important Prablerne la be soived. Théte are sevenal very excllent poeme, one of wlîich: "The Vigil of 'Venus," i@ a translation frein a Latin classie; and there ie a patrsit and 8Ê81otheflb Bev. Dr. Horatius Bonar, tbe weil known Scotch pool and bymu writor; wbile att ho other end cf tie magazine is found a portrait and sketch of th. Rer. Dr. Ray Palmer, oquaely colo. r brated &asan Atneniofl ared poeelsud articles af monit help te make np a number wih egitt le bwnelooimed heartily everywbcne. Washington Letter. fFrom our regxilan correspondent.) WA5R;INC-TON, May lSt.-For the paet fen' days Washington has beeu alive with botel propnieters, medical mon aud old goldions cf the Army of th. Cumbeland. Eschc ases mentioned bas been holding a conventieu bore The surgeons attendoS etriotly Le busi- utbut the Beniaoe, n'bo represent- ed ail b. leaSing cities and the. leaSing botels in lbe United States, wbule 'macoh onr-pbeaimne bant," n'on ual pomtsesped of frugal propnieloirs in a manner befittiug preieséional epieurf s, sud were taken ta Mount Vernuen, alec to Peeethe Preeident, to se. lhe eigbte af the Capital sud tletlee heston by Lhe public "4mine bast@" cf tilteCity, sud 1: reqiiired s good luttle enm ai money la pay the carrnage bine alon. for twe hundred visitons. The ciief eveut of the. reanion ai the Army of the Cumberland n'astii. unveiling cf the. bronze statue cf Gar field, erected by bis a!d ocanades in arme. Thi e remanies took place au Thansday. The. day n'asone ai May's most perfect specimene, tb. cnon'd in attendance very lange, and ovory de- tail cf lie pregramme eucesfülly carneSd eut. The tirêe. erviviug ai lie five commandena wbo sueceeded oe anatier authelbead of lb. Army ai the * Cumberland wene presenl-Gens.:Shon. mnu, Bueli sud Rosecrnansd rode lu scanriaetoRether ii lbe panade n'itb Gen. BienS.., lie preadent tf Us scciety of the Amy cf tLe Cumberland. Thoe rama, wbich is ta b. one cf the alraltioue arrangeS by the mansir. ing committe. ian Driln'eek, ta being erected on tie Drui grounde. It ne- quires a frontage of about nine huindred foot, sud il n'ili b. siewn.nly et nigite. Il n'ill repressent lbe naval battle in Hamipton Boauds n'hic endeS n'ilb th. memraiabte conteel between the. Monitor and the Merrirna.. Un- 1k. a panorama lb. inen-clade wiil b. roui veseelu, maSe acoordingly to lie originale, aud n'ill -b. ueo» xnoviug- about, the. perspective being mach th&& tbey uppean to b.eof full ize. The. illusion lu ansi liaI lb. spectatar n'ill appuar ta b. standing ou tie shore o f Ilsmptou Boude. He sees lie n'aler stretching ont befere hlm, a ligithouse witi s revolving light lu lutnodueod for pictureeqas effect, aud lu lhe distance ie Fartres. Monroe sud a nuruber of ve@eelof thle Federai boet unchored near by. The druma opens by thé appearance ai lie Cumberland, whi cames in undon fullt mail, sud drops sncor. The Menimue lien uppearse sud th. werk of desînuetion beginu, endiug wih tb. batlle belweeu lie Mrnes. sud Monitor, ih whici tb. former ss.burnod. The veouls are n'arked by sorevu sud sevrns!mon ese oinlagel badly burned in -tie ecrimmage. Tii. guns are made ai thin ion plates, but lbey have col- Ian. nt lie uuzzlee n'hiohm ako tie look thiek sud solid. Appurenly red- bol miel!ansu hot are- fred, n'hioh, wbon tisey strike lie ulde cf a Vesse), explodo sudl<nake a brimlaut show, During"'oaci exhibition 8500 uqi bombse mfred, ocher vessels une bu=e- .5 sud thse hisnillmug sueos in Hampton Roade are 'Wivisy portrayed. One of the, minefethle luit (oogrosu due sithor taoioeeparng or la lb. blundoesofi lhe rush ofiaseloPing ses wasa the failule sakà"e protison fon lie lghîiu tiseWauilngtou Xen l sud nuuuting lth e ao.A utin TieLinù iXh lib. "Iwoulda- inonnie . y>~ou" MM Brother Gardner us lhe meeting oped "des de', very, very IlouoaabIe Guy Wallinibnoke,, ofi bw Olàs r Wfttin'iu de aouVr45m le ddregf nus on de subiio t1i "l rots of -,Fila How te Ciure ,nmtl ie o mmittee will bnlng hlm lu, au' l1t1 nebody blow lais nouewhiodo roat an is wruslin' wid hie addrese."s à TERRI LE l'AlLURE. When the ocdmmittee retnrned with the visitor it W&e seen that he n'as con- eiderably afioctedl by 'drink. There n'as a suspicious weaknoss in bis knees, a sort of loosenees ta bis whole body, and il n'as only with a great effort that lie managed ta ban' toeider Toats and tu, ask Wbalebone Hen'ken, as ho wnn up lbe aisie, if bis pa sud ima wene as weil s ould be expected under the eircnmetsnoesi. When ho reaehed 1th. plalforin ho bowed so oto te e audience-that Waydown Bebee bail to holp êfraxghten Jin up. Thon ho began bie addnee: "Fit.. En Fite. 'S'more fit.. Whaz- zar ft.? Mi siubjiot is or fita. WhQz- zor g't fite? Eh? Like 'or see 'or niggon wha km 'rosI me 1 " n'asu plain that lhe very', very Honorable Guy Wallingbnoke was dnunk, and Brother Gardner signalled te 1h. committle o 1removo Jin. When the. door of 1h. ante-room had closed bohind bhlm lh. President mid: -I dean' kn9n' wbal bis cure fur fits ar', but I'ze gwine to try on. of my on'n. Brudder Joues, take hum down de aUey eta'rs an' apply the ehoe-levitheX cure V' In the connse cf two or tire. minutes il becÉe apparent Ihal lbe remedy was being applied. Tbc windows nuttled, the relies in tho musonai lhnoat.ened te fall off tii. shelves, and yolls cf terrer fioated np froni the alley. When Brother Joues reînruod and took his seat 1h. President suid : "Doenieetin' wil now go on, de saine as if it bad ual been inîerrupted by fits. If any cf you sbonld meel de very, very Honorable Mis'r Wullingbroko te- merrer or next day, sdvise him te quit do lotur' field an' l'arn de couper.a trade." TOO PREVIOUS. The SL-cretary announced a coin. munication frein Griffin, Ga., .igned by auxteen obored residonts cf the place, offening the~ Lime-Kiln Club a lot in wbicb Lo bury the Rev. Pée.tock at hie desth. The Prf.Piit1.n- w-.9 about to ietrnet the S.ceî-.îary ta notni the thaànko of îthe club sud accept the kiiad eiTer wtien Penstock Pprang te bit; feet and eictiuied: "Mifs'r Preeident, I praîec., 1 I look upon dut comm iunication as a deliberate intit I ' "Sboo 1 Brndder Penbtock, what*'. do mater P?' "Dat cciuflhriicaîîi n ure de matter, @ai l" "lDean you Griffu P" "No, eau 1" "Dean' you "No. ah 1" w'unIta ho buried in wnt ho accept de lot ? 44Very vel, Brudlden l.enstack. De offen mpy ber bh a elle 10e previaus, but I an' eatiefied Sal it n'as maS.en'id de kiudemt lhenebous. W. vil susn'er Sal.you can't aceept, ou aecount ai s previaus engagement." BQUKLCRED. A communication frein Gneenvitie, S. C., unuouuoed lh&& Prof. Abooluse Smith, fci atlia 11, n'oud leur. ior Detroitvitbilu s couple of weeks ho Iay belon. tie Lime. Kilu Club bis uen' lheory ou lie zuavemeut <of lie ourti from north to souli. Aller eonvioliug tb. club of ils hnthfnlnusu ho vould Seliven a senis.of ect uues lirougieul the 81a1., sud auy mauey n'hiebh. mighl be obliged te bonron' of memberu of l'h. club wontd bu nelurned as @cou su possble. -116&msy b. dut doairti un' mcvi»' frein norîli t. eouli," sMd Brohâr Gardner us ho hbougitfulY contemplaI- .d auew enakite, . m if so w. dean' want'i-o ko, ee su&d well-kuown umovement bfreinoaI le n'est an' good 'nuf ifur us. De Bock- rotary vil! wrile le de Purfessondul voe hevno use fur himhbea, an' dat if ha shows up mue' rmn de nus aiofbel»' sent ta de Work Housema ssuspîshus cbanacter. IÇOT ALARUBD. EIder Uunstiactory Johnson seeered lhe floor to mak, au inguiry. H. bad reaà i luhe .papers liaI tise Adventiate had predioted lie ending up .1 liewnortd ou lie 281h of Ms;y. Il n'asa' imalter n'bich ade hlm a l!tle -anzionu. He dîdn& eue.Itii. e r. aller lis. venu had euded up. He bedouse' c<bts te coll80t ln, sud -he wuned 4é reàove biso famaly aroes.imb 1tlausda befone tise oulmit oeurnd. fl ieclub b.d suy otgçWsi nformsuos oi« n'ould -b. gmetly, bgii. "-Bmuddew Jobumon, do'yot hov by-lan'slo. 278 ruade?, «Wallo il moud.1an "'Y1 dis cluib Whise oeveà dat du gwlueto eaud up lin be a menuiser et sward - âm Deaineus ea~t out.d by Nasal Calarni la qui. y OtumO 1Emigration tram, Greai Britulu toO(3809- ,46 là asEnming large dimensians;ý. ""For two yea.s I was not able to ýVork,' heing tronbled with dyýspepula. One bot. of Burdock Blood Bitters reltived me ~ three botties ured me s el-. vi" JohnA. Bappell, of FarmersvMfe, Leeds0o.# Ont. Nineteen persans bave been poisoned- in Harlem by impure rnilk. P. M. Viakefl, West Jeddore,NRïa., wrltés: 1 wish ta inform yon of the.*wondorful qualities of Dr Thomas' Bolectrio OiL . I had a horse so lame that he could searely walk; the trouble was ini th. knee;an two or three. applications oaampletely cured him." An Englieh member of Parliament sae.. cate s the establishment of a universal penny post. Mr. R. C Wlnlow, Taronto, wrltes: '<Nortirep & Lymanls Vegetable Disco"vr i. a valuabie medicine toa ai wha are trou- bled with indigestion. 1 tried a bottie of it ai ter snffering for smre ton years, and the. rosuits are certainiy beyond my expocta- tions It assiste 1digestion -wonderfafly. 1 digest my f ood with no apparent. effort, sand amn now enllrely free frorn ual sensa- tion, which overy dyspeptie well kiiows, cf unpleasant lbes afler each moal."1 Quebec was visited by another lire on Satnrday, causing lasses ta lhe arnount af For Bronchitis and asîhna, try ÂIlen'e Lung Balsar; the besl oough prescription knowii. A polored ch ild picking bernies near Baton Bouge on Thurday was torn te peoces by a panther. No onoe an describe the saflerungu caused by As thma ezeept those troublod wlth th. complint. One package cf Southern A sth- mia Cure will relieve any Case. Double treatment ini esol package. The. choiera is etillUespreading in South America. The most exquisite handkerchief perfurne -"Lotus af the Nile," The steamer Empire Stato wus bnrne* aI the railway wharf at Bristol, R. I., Satur- day. An open Leotton. Mesrs. T.Milburn & o., Nov. 251h, 1886 I w1,4h I had nned B. B.- B. sooner, which would have saved me years of sufferung wi..h eryip4..s, fraie which I could get ne relief until I tried B. B. B. which soon cleared away the. itching, burning, rash that had -Bo long dastressed me. Mrs. Edwurd Rornkey.Eastern, Passage, Halax, N.S. The. American National Bdncation Asso- ciation wiil meet mn Chicago on July 12. Useftl te Knew. Mm John Siddell, cf Orlon, Ont., wus afflicted for years with contraction efthle branchial pipes and tightness cf the chest. The. Wallirng miii aM Millbury, Maso., was bnrned on Satnrday morning. Sudden Dsp.ra. "'My face was covered with sorus, anis.. ing frein bad blood. B y the use efthIro. botties of Burdeck Blood Bitters I wau crn- ulietoly cured. " R. S. Sinclar, of Port nrwell, Ont. Stowè's distiilery at Eaumad, mnd., wua destroved bv lire on Sataiday. To a&U who are suage roe hoerrers and indiscretions of :FO%$ nenvous weak-' ness, earl ydecay, bs cf manbaed, &c., I wiil seue3 a roc ipe that wW ICure Ye11, FREE OF CHLARGE. The greal remedy wua disoovered by a missionarMiiisenti Amonica Send a self-addsd envolope te the Bey. Joai T. lux"u, Station ZD, New York Oitto The Missîssipîislamkýa, new chenue! near Vicksburg. THE HEC TIC PL U$H, pale )soZ- in fapor, and spread Its lame and usefulnus te every quarter of the globe. Itsunpaa- lèled succes can be attributed te lbutoee cause: the mgUre fu(flment of Ïts promuea, l'e Wprietors bave oftoen been snrpnlsod aI the receipt cf orders front remet Suwms tries, n'here theyliad ermdsefele its introduction. mi1e Use for a short t os f HAL'a UàI RENEwEWIronderiffly Improves the 1 pr mmsmenSpaac. ht clemoeele 6alptfro '4'. A o'treament hua boon< din- is aealutay ectand hi frousm to t hrmapicaios -no.matterwhether standing n bu!inem. Descriptive pamphlet sent ire on neceipt of atamp hy A. ILBIMON& ZSU, 305 IN 8W.IDT, TORONTOe OARAAO ISPRING SUITS. -000 JOHNM FERCUSON 15 SHOWING A SUPEBIOR STOCK 0F Scotch, English and~ Canadian Tweeds Ândiother fine lines of Cloths, for Spring suite. ÂII garments made up in latest style on shortest notiee. Ready-made Men's and Boys' Suits, Gents' Furnishinga, and Underclothing of ail Kinds. Latest styles i lird and Soft Feit Hate VEBY (JHEAP. JOHN FERGUSOIN, Dundas St., Whitby. Stili Carrying on,'tx'he War!. Bimon Fraser offers better inducemente than ever, to -buy yonr CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASS WARE, ETC., EC. W. give a specia dizconut from the present low priýee of 10 per @nt. ýOP. TâbZe Lamps, Tea Sett8, Com pntion and, Dinner Set4a Oiir stock of fancy China Cupe and Saucert- -China Fruit , Ësketg. Fruit ýPlates, Dessert Plates, etc.,.must b. sold ai 20 per cènt. disooni, to mnake room for 8pring-0oods, A large ana weil assorteê stock of choice famfly groceres, sqeeialvalue' in Ta adCoes seasonable fritsant -reduced. prieFreeh Oysters 1lu- bulk anacaun. The- famoujs. Luise ]3akîng Powder taes the lemi againet ail comnpetitors; put up ipund- cans at 80 oentg.per lb. Don't~ forget to see our -goQd& and prices be- fore puro)iein elewhere. * SIMON FRASEB ]DeYAr',s BlockBek t. mtbr ru sko PielPr is at I theb.Greal: hlod.ls T bse Who have ilt eoOmmend Il le Iheir It ià just the Machine for the Publie. 'DesilK-Indos Sn. Always in Order. 8iýnp1e and Lasîs a Lifelime. faRo i t The Domijnion Organs and Piano: Are Botter than Any Olher. The Bout Judgee say Its Toue ile oBout. Il la built with a view ta Durabililt' and Beauly. The Bout Instrument ta Buy. He'. W. FOX, AGENT. WABEBOOMS1 BROOK ST. - - IHITBY. L ndon and- Lancashire Life Com pany. This Comnpany lines- every desirabloiform "iLt oiy and bas deposited wlth b i B'eeiver t"Geyteral in appreved Canadian socurities ever 8100-00 for oach #100.00 ci liabilily, tins affordhng ABSOLUTE se- curity. Parties desireus ofaiarhng- heir liv. n'ill find ilta their advanlage te consel the undersignbd before assuring elsowhee. JOHN FA1ËQUHARSONY, Whiitby,ýMay 18,1'86. lty General AgonIt PAT ENTS eau secure Pl WY, inl tho saineternu s' Cillie patentfI#eltneliS tsates, yearspaloiit 1,.otberwil In'p yoars., Total <geat PatentsÇ0,ly 20 ci z Telal sit of Gansadi&" fan 16 1years$74. Onim drawug idzdesCriptiol Opste 1M } Sc Messe mention *benyu 811TIM 8 '0F THE! M CtoUSTY, OF ONI no. tiousi butl rem Ils use &,a"ut US11la.many of t14 aU ~ f«W tsud çoà izy"04D»IAe6.. atdedtoa~ Pd 08li Dil * 111b 5vsç 99 Poteclioi îe ,rsc

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