Whitby Chronicle, 20 May 1887, p. 7

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ALL HUM ORSy' .Âs rfu 4trS- o. ur:fIngm m-WS initer ls lottigu tnftuou lt illanifsstti its potenu la .nome' Rasih Be s, aur., E> ouE "tr4kUiuns Sores- il~ L ~i tJolint D eae. #IlîgqFOitrte,or Tbiel il argl'd <laildm. Sendteu ,h li* a klirge trtatîs., ithb col n Sk-iintittteusoir tht, -aa !tutit- 4)u 'lit 1i isAîrtio ;iWl t 11N liiv .tiOrI. Pl e es lietiD.cso>,to go4 L ïxxir aili soîî pm... cel0. ti tl ots i tdueus. o ofistulusDiseusle of th. rwotaîl wlînd atîtlvîrresed lîfs îî.jîA .td if taene (rilt power ov or thîs tx'rribly -'bi f lttottrritîg lAits now cl.. ly to> t.. )Utbic, iDr. ~LERC1E itsl> o elt iug iV t hie Cou.. tii," 1baiindoneiid thaS naine for a nietdieine which, froin ts ,ibnation of tonte, or sen bten- or biolevniganti-biCls iutritive liropertie, 1 unequasied emoyirconsumpt.ton of the al INIC DISEASES VilT<L2 - Ulood, and Lu ngs. dudrow-sy. debttttated, havis 6idn. o)r ye ltowish-brown ~e ,Iv-, treqtjrit headache ordi là iinttti ub ittrisf beat or Chll ýth hot titiîlses ow spiite ud ir-flrelr appette.u ,>ou ire tPtii lering fro nkii ffltu utiTcrpid Liver., tt,." lu utlany cases only ailtsh cite.' U. Pione. dicai fliscovery lbasDn .un OepSittliaa1or DIoodt cl 'rt'tli uruchitte, gho, cofîaumptiou, smd 4mit, it- le a isovertign remnd its in tlps for Dr. 1>,=c~ mptIon. Sold by Druggiss, ensary Medical AssocIallou O~ ~ IVER 101 S and CATIRTIC. gglets. :Z ocentâa -auL. ~$500 REWARD leoeidb> the propnietors uf i r. Shages Catarrh Remdy for a caste or caturrh which thiy cannot cure. If you have s difcharge frmi the nues, oliensive or- other-. Wise, psriatl loSeof mnei test%, -or iieîrtng, weak--eym duýtipaît eao ave Otar -l'o ertinate ln c.-numptton. TAIHREÎMEDY CUres the vorst rrh "6Cold l-Sihe Hcad" ali heaitacia.. 60 cent&. ALJ L MJ011>- NSON- reII's Bloch for your 1V/TUBEI JSTTIS. VER JOHN FERGUBONpli igotabliahment, Dundâas-at, use haurs rom g s.m. te 12 nM., t6, P. Mu. ReaIdpnce-Çem- 1 GibertqtreetF H. AE, ewpo tusîg Age at, 41 Parik flsilding), New York, te 1) contract ot- adveneS. RE KA !ýweolnesu, snd FYsvot lu Un- o qualied. [y -inprove -your ind CHEESE. 'ustern Canada- BlUT'B 4 rs Jersey Dairy IIL1TON, ONT. -WLE]R, AGENTe i ToROUTOS LOYALIST5 »OIU QYSE ON SATUEDAY. Te prctesgainit &uy -oult belug e:ffsred Lthe Gov.-Geuerel, ho do wbioh, 0eemeto be lb. object of bit. W.. iy]3rien'b vieit lu Canada. 15,000 cil zone cf Toronto hold a me eting- in %b Qaoc' Park there on Saturday t5.,trnoon Ils$t. Mayor Rowland est lu tb. chair sud lie talking end vas kept np by the Biehopp cf Torento snd Algomfa. Prof. Goldvin Smith, J. H. Hughes, Boy. Dr. PolIs, H. B. Clarke,, M. P. P., and othors. Tue Bishop cf Algearnoved the firat roeolution. Be said ho bad ino doubt some cf the newepapers would print atricturoe on the oiorgy for taking auy part in the O'Brien centroveray, but tbougb hoi was a munster cf the Uo5pel, be had not eurr.ndered. RIS RtGHTS AS A MAN, tnd wben ho saW any violation ef right1 or public deeency going on hoe wouid 'î not keep bis lips oloeed. Rie vas net thero Vo stir np strife, or rather te pro- test againat eue who vas corang for t hat piirpooe--(cueers) ta proteestagaiset aà greset public wrong, an nnblusbing aecency, an audacioas impertinence wthioh was about to be exiacted. Ro %vould absk Lheîn all te se endors. the resointione wbiob would be aubrnilted to the meeting as ho show acrosastbe seas; that tbe beart cf tLii great Do. Immn s tili b)eate true Vo the miother wùo bore ber; te shiow %bat Oauada is net the home of rebels sud maloutent8, bus t ntoufkt, lovai, law-abitting mon. Hie thon reade the first rosolution, as follows That this meeting reprobates the action ef William 0,drien in visi"ug that city for thc purpose cf exciting hostile feeling against Hie Eioellenoy tie Geovernor-Gentral, on soconst o diflerencoR between Hlie Excelloney and Lis tenants in Ireland, and expresses te enhire andd nabated confidence in the.higi character cf Bis Exoeelency she Marquis cf Lmnî.owne, sud in bis tnesa repreaent Ber Msjesty in le bad but )iLle toeasy t hbis. Be, for eue, protested againet O'Bnien's advent for any sncb purpose, beosuse it vas an mnutIte the Governer-lien- oral, which aIl Canadiass bould jein in refnting, more paieularly se Lb. people of Toronto, whose guesetLb. G3overner-'Jlenerai new la. Be oulogiz- ed Vhs Governor-General sud Lady Lansdowne st serne lengLh, befere saying that &Dy insuit te Lhe people cf Toronto. A voice-We'll shoot th. maan thal offers ia. Bishop Sullivan-No, I hope yen won'L do that, but I bope yen viii aIl nunit. in one vigoreus proteît against O'Brien sud bis vieiL. Thiis corning cf O'Brious snd hie ah- tacis on ths Governor-Geucral, hie weut on te uay, were FlOUlNDKD oN HUMBUG AND HYPOCRIsy. The accusatiena O'Brien rmade were fases, sud O'Brien knew Lbey were. Ble bad sent bis diotumn over Lb.essa, *6I amn comiug 1" sud Ile! ho bad orne, but b. (the speaker), hoped Lbey, (Lb. people), would convinoe bim, (O'Brien), that in orning he had rmade s mietake. O'Brien had net corne &lotie. Thero vas another invader witb im-s Mr. Kilbnide. (Laughter.) Mr. ilbride "No.") If ho doe gel a* bsring, ho bas ne ight te proacb treason, aud if oue vend je utlered oaloulated ho pro- voke a breacb of tb. peso., or insull TIUE MLTO0F TIE LAW, lot the suthorities see to it. Lott leoe maake bim agues of Troto, and in a ,goverimnt bous., tee;1 though net i the @mre govertmenl boue.@viiere -lie G3overor-General is. (Choors.) Mr. iK. E. Clarke, M.P.P., s.ecnded lie r.eolution4(ad sald ov.ry Briten vas loyal, sud Yéroutoe asBniion te, the core. The loyal peopie of tlis itiy conulinoltelersie ithe lioesac spec under vhioh COBrien proposed te gpve utterance 10 bis indecont and unjusi charges. O'Brien »an- is 'Mende sboul4dnrsaad liaI vien an jaunit àe offered te a uepresenlative of lis Qneen ne mmn omeffe t ilsafolinluthe cihy cf Toronto. Ira Starting ' !bié eruo esde agasl Lord Lansdowne# O'Brien vas onteriugou a dangorous cours aun id uat kmov ýwbril vili oend. no vau ,olterio* f5t-brands la vould hum sdboaVUld arou p"ssio8 Ibat sbould b. .Do*ed,,t outam Une' dietutbed in~ a Mmlzed emuiysncb s Ibis. TiismetDfiàg ps Torontois ansver to O'Brlien adi oÊsiUld tae. notice sud Ise frho& *likovhse gavera tbemselves scordingly. lutiouhl of Irish fonds vas nOl wsuts. Oauadý had einugh of ber oWn.' Bisbop Sweatrwt apke t hle van. ltion.Hoave&tlrio tlght te fres speob, suy atteut o prevent Wbh"bvastmuttp@1ma10 sud O'Brien sbouliibe titrSSt -4 lh ora ltion, calmueso aud den u leave hi.» letlion "69,wani -W le hins. ftbs , hèiw»- eus fuarnsd the ho 40 u t mmALL ig ht el% ~The kye'ppdlorw Nov, lheni, ru put tbe resolullea. in 1a10r of Itl beId upyou.rbonda."9- Up rose a perfeot forest 'of bandeansd bats. , ýThon thé Mayer ",ild'f0? a show ï1 handi agawnst the rosolutlon. Net mor than a score reuponded. The MatYOr deelawed tbe rosolution carried snd tbre. hearty eheers wero given. THZ SECOND REBSOLUTIoN. Prof. Goldwin Smnith moved the sec- ond resolution: Thst Ibis meeting looks with perfect confidence te the Parliameut cf tbe United Kingdorn fer a vise sud just settiernent of ali questions relating to Ireland. "ëtW1hY sbould we net," said he, &'trust he Parliarnent cf Englsud te moIttie Ibis question ? Iieland bas a full, fair share et representatives there. 5h. bas asgpester reprosontation than Scotland. Why cen se.net de as the Scotch do, presont their grievancea properly ? England bas been caring for Irelaud for yesrs pasi. It abolisbod the ostablished charoh, it amnends the land act, il gave tenante privileges which tenants enjoy nowhere else. Uleter je onnected with parfiarnontary enacimrnta. There are sorne thinga whioh parliarnent cannot change. It cannot change the effeet cf the Catholie religion upon tb. peopàt3. Il cannot muakis the climats dry, kW that wheat c.àn grow. To wisorn shou.ld Ireland bt, given in cose. of beparation ? To the Loague, whoeo stops are âogged with crime ? Axe pou going toeegnd iL back te a sysern snob as that calledl Grat- tan's Parliament!1 Canadilans h ave ti,;thing te do with the Iriah troubles. W.' @tand bore for the independonce cf tho Dominion as weit as Great Britain. I amn willing that Catholicas&houlId have religions and political froe.ior but I waut to Se this TRUCELING TO TUE IRISH CATHOLIC V'OTE in Canada cesse. rhere are good, kind landiords in Irelsnd, arnýng them Lord Lansdowne. But agitatore, with a purpose cf thoir owu, stir up etrife. They abuse Lord Lansdowne, and they bave abused Gladstone when h. vas not on their aide. Mr. O'Briqn bas sornewhst iowered hk ltoues sincehe carne te Canada snd found what tb. feeling vas ber,. He bas net rnet Lord Lansdownie at his palace gale in Ottawa, as ho prorniaed. Lord Lans- downe cazinot speak, but vo do. We propose to, taket bis record £romn bis history and net frorn "pens steeped in venor n d lips farniliar vitbnuntruthe." lu seonding the resolusion, Dr. Potta saii : -I am glad that I amn in accord wîth Bishop Lynch sud Father L)owd, cf Montreal, n regretting Win. O'Briou's preseno. in Canada. My accord with Lhorn gees ne fartber. Il the Marquis cf Lansdowne wore net the Governor- General cf Canada h. veuld not deign te anuver William O'Brien. Au mnunît te -Lansdowne e saninsut ll te .Queeu. We are netbers ho disouas the question of Horne Bute. (A voice--To bell with HBee Rle.") There are differ- ences auong îhe people &bout Home Rule, but noue &bout the opposition te O'Brieu's eong. Gladstone eaid the. resourees ef civilisation b.d net been exbausted in the effort teo eIL!. the Irish question. (Gladstene booted.) Neither -tbe Fenians in the United Shahes or Canada wil b. perrnitted to settie this question. It rnuât b. settled by tb. Britisb (o.rnrnt sud by that bodyasie.. Mayor Rowland put the resolotien people sud ehot nai hem, b.d OUTRAGE» ALL »EOENCT, sud badadot; besited te baek up their othor crimes with murder ? Who but the very .peo$e. ropresented by tho men vise."ootarenov pIated on Ciana"dinoeil sua vho haïve eome bore ho imt anada"? Hâ would bave il lé ay fairminded mon "ta il au lt.elouaalry, nol tb. laudiords wbo have vkIoltod oeverymoral, prin- e4fr. OleuI.n " ,i.I oàbadï, ho sai wus ' o lbaow duuhintheeoyuo f PeO- pie.Ti..yslo. obe t l M " «b4"»- >--l%. 130pco f I*Os (ril e o mone> Causefor lie.-ii thoa ilo labo Anât vice 910 tae. hb, U Km.J.L. uget Ofop ".yoJeffrey Broa., h,*b. ZfOR a-4X. Giills, Frn pod oon; :Peter McDormïbid's, 2înd bon, ?soi~atnaight. 'TuosdàySecaor'Hotel, Pickering InoonM Holborn'a hotel, PRoufge RullI Atnigit. Wedneaday-Moon'a hotel, BylandO<reek,' for the nigbt. Tbursday--Gordon'u heol, Pickering, for the night. Priday-Geo. Hatrick's, Base Lino, noon;, Jofe Bros' own stable at nigbt. Saturdy-Ray's botol Wbitby, until noen aud returu home ovor hunday.t property of Cameron & Shand, Ashburn. fonday-proceed to Chinn'à hotel, "Brook- lin, noon; John Shand's at night. Tuesday -Thos. Wilbur's, Darlington, for the nicrbt. Wednesday - to-, noon ; liodgson's botel, Raçîsu, at night.' Thurs- day-Frank Brown s, Myrtle, noon - his own stable, Ashburn, at night. Pridiay- Wm. G;ardner's, noon ; hie own stable at nigbt. Saturday-J. A. Disney's, West WVhitby, noon; bis owu stable until Monday morning. anuahlu~ Srerty of Cameron & Shand, Aahburn. f *neday afteroon-proceed oDafoe'abotel, Utica and remnain ail night. Tuesday- HoIt's botel, Manchester, noon ; St. Charles botel, Port Perry, at night. Wednesdar atternqon-ýproceed Vo Hodgson'a bote, RaglIan. and remain over nigbt. Thuraday- Vo John Hepburx,'s and rermain aIl nigbt. Friday-Wîlcox's botel, Columbus, noon; Chinna bhotel, Brooklin, at nigbt. Satur- day-return Vo his ovwn stable, Ashburn until Monday. Phenomenn. (Cleveland Bay) prnperty of Major Hcdg son, Myrtle, Ont. Monday -pass througèh Myrtie and Ashburu ro Utica, and remnain ail nigbt. Tuesdiay-las through E psom to Po~rt P.-rry, n6on . ad through My;n- ches.ter to bi& own stable for the night. Wednesday-pass thruughi Raglan Vo Coïlun- bus, no",n ;sad tbrougb Brooklin to bis own stable fir the nîght. Thursday-all day at his own stable. Friday- Ray's hotel, (>ehawa, noxn; and Ray's intel, Whitby at niglît. Saturday afternoon retura Vo Ilus 4)wI stable ani rernain tifl Monday. Young Abby PrInoe, property of Major Hodgson, Myrtle, will renlain at bis own stable every day in the week exceptiug Thursday, on whicà day ho wiIl be at Jno. Martin s, lst con., Reach for a no>on stand. atsman, property of John Anson, Balsamn. Monday -proceed Vo Dafoe's hotel, Utica for the nigbt. Tiuesday-Vo McGreggor's' 9tb cen. Reach, for the night. Wadnesday -Vo R<,se's hotel, Greenbank, for the night. Thursday-to McQuay's botel, Port Perr for the nigbt.Friday-Vo Iodgson'a boteT Raglan, f or'Vhe. nigh. Satuiday-to bis own stable aud romin until Monday. property of John An@on, Balsam. Monday -proceod Vo Dafoe'. hotel, Utica, for the, nigbV. Tueada-Vo MeGreggor'ê U9tb con. Reacb, for the night. Wednesday-to Roso'a hot.el, GIreenbank, for the uight. Tburaday-to MeQusy's hotel, Port P"rr for thes uigbt. Friday-Vo Hodgson's bote, Raglan, for the nigbt. Saturday-te bis own stable and remain until Monday. Lavera Baron Gordon, property of Wm. Ricbardson & Son, Colume- bus, Ont. Monday-will proceed Vo Chinn's hotel, Brooklin, for the nigbt. Tuesdy- Vo Dickisona,4 Myrtle, noon; an-1 te Holt's botel, Manchester, sud romai ever Wed- nosdayutil-Thureday morniug. Tuaa -Hedgson's bhotel, Raglan noen ; and te bus own stable for the nigbt. 'Fiday-to Thos. Wilb)ur's, sth con. D arlington, snd romain ail night. Saturday-to Jno. Hopburn8,' noon ; and Vo his own stable until Mionday uuorning. Robert Bonner, Jr., (Hambleonin) property of Whitney sud FoyI Whitby, ont. Monda%-leave bu. own stable, Queons bote! WÇhit y snd proceed Chn 's botel, Brouidin, noon; sud t. Wil- when in perfech heàltb; but hov othe do temajoriîy ci odl Ukovlng itl np ,diheatend, uraea na em u ot viii diseas, v he i. l11neocon fox ibis feeling, as eveny ufferer«a eeiy obtal «U sfactory pmoi, . ihat Grwaa Augutfflow.r will make theanfri Se ri disease, as viien boni. Dysppsie and LiverCemp am th éi.dbielCauses et sovoiy.ve e ontetIncb maladies as a of tAie Had, PAlp#tUn of ithe Heàrt, sudt cîberdistumsiqug ptona. Thre doses et Augssst ZPZowewm iiprovoêtor vouoruiGolBasompe blw 0e*s TO SEOUBE - 1 ý-GOOD TWEED SUIT AT PRIORU NxRVER BEPOE BÂOHD 1niTHTBÂDE. A Good. Suit made to Order for $12,00. A large estock of Scotch, English and (Janadfian Tweeds, Black Wersteds, etc., te select froni. A Spocial Uineofet HAVY TWEEDS freom 50 te 75 cents per yard, smitable fer Business Suits or Beys' wear. A FUJLL STOCK 0F GIROCIERJES ÂLWAYS ON RAND. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs. Ioe 0 T BROORLIN. ONT. F-URNIFORRE Cottage or Castie, -T- PR/CES WHICH WILL ASTONISH YOU, CALL -ON W ,] A L , BROORLIN. ~I7 Funerals Fully S ýp p1ied@y" =j Whùi(by Woollcn Mil, Midwayq between Brooklin and CJolumbus, on th&e 7tli co(ncesion. We are now prepared to make'ail kinds of Wooilen Goods, such as Tweeds, Fuil Cloth, Union Flannels, Sheeting, Shirtings, AI1-wool bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, and Yarns in ail varieties and ail kinds of Knitted Gooda kept ini stock for the accommodation* of patrons. Dyigiiail colors done to order. Highest prioe paid for ary quantity of Wool, Ail orders promptly flied. W. D# BO WLRMA-N d 8ON11 ARCADE, TORONTO. A Sohool Thoroughly Equipped for Business Training.- BOOK-K.EEPING, PENMANSHIP, BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE- BUSINESS AÂBITHMETIO, COMMERCIAL- LW, SHOELHÂND AND. TYPE-WBITING PBÂCTIOCAMY TÂUGHT. - FIN EST ROOMS IN'CN A. Bond for Circular.Âdrs > q Im p" ~t aS ntght-worse byýC ~Iacbng-very distreeing. <aowed Vo continue tumôrs forni whic Coften bleed and uioerate, becoming'veryO ,NSWAYME99 OINTMENT Stops the Itcbng aud b1eedtn,4ý heals ulceraion, sdi~ many cases rernoçefe MANHOIOD!R How lost, How Rostorol! J Ca pbiahed, a new edition lf a. OULVEIRWELL'5 CEZ- BÂTED Ess.ÂY* on the ra4iéal cure SpERXÂTOMEBHOeor Seminal Weakaesu, Involuntary SomiILosse, IXPoTBNOT, Mental' ad Phyuika1 IncapacitY, Impedi- menti4 to Marriage, etc.; aIBO, OoNOuxMToN# EPl>Etpsy &ad Fira, indùced by self-indul- gecor seins' extravagance, &o., Thle celebrated author, lini1s admirable e8say, olearly demonatrates ffom a thirtY ýrears' successful practice, that the alamn consequences of seW.bumeânav-erdisl ced dinti3g -ont a mode -et cur.,e nc simple, certai, rdefcti 01, bY meaus whscb every suflererio omalter 'ha-hi condition may be, inay cure himself cheap- ly, privately andradical4i. IW This lecture should 1 e in the hanU of evezy youth and every man in the land. Sent nder mal, iu a plain tnee, te any address, posfrpaid, on ir eit o-0ou cents or-two postage etampeo. Â Adress, The CUL VER WELL NEDICAL 0. Peut Offieé Box 450. lyll DR. ýDOl C. O'DEÂ, 8ecretar~J.~ min. bi mnvonerunlieset rovin. botb ama te tiI là 1

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