Whitby Chronicle, 27 May 1887, p. 3

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:Eus for the' ver Gerrl'e Block, WI etc.,2 cents per ii4îe -Applylto BELL2 Uiiipproacd tfo' Tçine aud QUiit ALIOGuES FRIE & coO j Guelph, Oi Is. N'EW laa ed SALE STABE DAS-ST., WIIITBY. ,1RTH & EVERELL 8L ~ TURN-Ot!T ied on Shortest Notice. Travellers liberaUly de.gi, ith. S. HONEST DE&LlING. WÂRE ~HL.ESS IMITATIOIS - oe are maflil.$oye f Oods, :eorded wlt u eii.etc.,otycred and $old as Coralilte by smine Uni jr1ucip1eud merchantu treed. igonthe reputatlonofe Our gnu' t or&U, wo warn the ladiesaals Aluch Impositioni by r- log th.(ir attetmi o t h. noceaity o1 beei Umht the nale 'TON CORSET 0081 rilnler slida af ail CoralinegooMa which noue are getnuiri AÂW NO.-m Iý 70e UIj and dtapae of ih.ed road. acroas a portion ;( hlaf of Lot 33 in the 18LQll of the Township of ho li riinal rosi aUova nmber 33 between the. oZ= egsionsà, of the said Towm.ahip .veâted in Charles Gauld. i ýj-fai orporation of the Town. go genacts as followa: e roaid eatabliahedi by Dy-iaw MuniipalitY Of the Tovu- Jge passed mi the l2th day of 4,acroAsa portion af the sait ý"ber 38 in the fonrth commoe. ITowbshîp as hereinafter nll be aind the saie is hereby à 'Publie. road andI the land il in WîlliÀlm Carre the rent 1 lot tIuibier 33 1so1v1 ~on the easteru limit af said ree chains 35 links froin the b9,10e of the samie. TIence. 'eii- 30) minutes West 3 chaine; -53 dogmzes 30 miînutas West. îeacrý NÇrth 36 uegr&es Wes# 8' l inkcs; Tiience North 8 t3 chains 18 linka; Thence etrs 15 minutes East 6i chaîne ior les a th e catitemu umit et to a Po(int South 12 degre ast 2 chaintq 82 liDk,; iroin thiê ug le ai fiaitd lot No. 33; The,- Ibiug the saîd road with ri tbreedth i f06oiinks on oaci Intainifig by admeasurement 'lIfl of0aian acre. ,bt portion ai the th cou~- Opoielot 38 hereinàfteoè weCiomed o p sud vested .d lby 1y-law No. 623 passe Secember 1880, shailhe ansd irebY re-OPened and re-estab- jbii h» '" Way, riz .-Au that e. said th concession hue.ý 3lynzbetween a p oint 4. linksfÏrom the SouthBéast (et a I 1 i n e, a-C bainofrein ie agIe ai the saine. NE NOTIC.0E.- is a true copy ai a propesed wu read a 4rgt and second rmunicipal Council of thô' Lxbridge on the l6th day of d W11 oii b. aken m cenulstee ýýKE IHEM HAI ;hasng au lpapreved ,or th. Holiday SOase aate i6heap by sol. A& ,r 1Nye's celelral.d te11 l' aa Joue. Warm dn ston 1us cd approaob' jug sommer, asud an4artîilehat lahos ne1 te b.Wood5s md MOUDSi b« i aau làsti0e' appeambXfO. Mr. 'Ohar1os r Bacon obihiiel us .AU te fcllow bs kec ,..051P.Li.fe AMrOUR the. Whise lMOie" jn Frav&k L,,h& a PUpdrMonthiY for JUDO. mies Lily 114Iggn tous soma- thing obeut the "IJubilee of Quesu .i oit' r. 0. W. Bigge, delving n the oetom honso snd wirshpuse wrjîes a ciispter whih iohabne* snd ipe;igte Maily, 6"The Ceffée, Trade of New York" vhieh ib, give zeet to a genfliDe ctp ef Moeoa. "Porcy Bysuhe Shelley,,, one ef the meet markod literary figures of on, century, je sketch. oit in hie whole career ashah. s net hithoite been donuê in any magazine. Mr.' Tyrrel carties yen graphically tbrough the poete life and tii,. pictures of the spots associated wth hie memory li'vOl ail the reader eau desire. Colonel Che, iel Long than whem neus better able, telle ef "The Kbedivo'e Expoditien to Zanzibar aud tho Juba." 'Tii. Arch. duchsese Ferdinand of Anstria, jea ebarifliTg sketch et weman, loely lu face and oharacter whe won ber way jute a royal family. "Marseillee," and its attraotioe fille a pleasant utot f pages, snd in the days wviie wimming îg ajoyable w. road, if w. cannet umitate, "A Voritable Mermau, Borne A&dveolre fliOa Cptain Paul Beyalou," Wben the. bell rings for dinnor oui readers rnay net stop te peins. Rober-t Wilen's article on "unger," but proc'ed te supprese the sensation. t znay b. read, penhaps, after dinner witi more cemfert, and yen rnay puzzle yourself te find eut just eltactly vhat bunger is. The. articles are veil illus. trated, and the tories, six in number, are ver-y clever sud werth resding. Tii. whole number ie most attractive in matter aud picturesque sifeel. "ýThe Route cf the. Wild Irishuisu" ig the singular titie of au interestiflg article by W. H. Rîdeing lu Harper"s Magazine for June. Travellers heom London te Dublin sud Qeuetovu by way ef Holyhead will reoegnizo tiie "Wild Iishrnan" as lie fait train along that route vhich ocaries tie Amer-ban mails, and i. a favorite mode ef conveyanco vitb Americans beooms. ef t is pedd. Mr. Ridoing dveli ou the pictureqfe phases efthIis section, particule.rly tie jourey ubrougi North bbovvr, ulî h e. lii t ltllué-ied teý1 mskà mthe ippoiutruout fro mbs OaIbio.t "iei, as vas -et firit -suppomed hë would, but tuaI beoibe'apit tocon-, fin e bimbeifte the .iafit, -adaappoint .nrne *minent Botheru lsqyer. Theý Presideut bas an eztertaiplng lori.ty ot peopls to uaaibis romep- tions sornelimes. At a receni hazd. ehaking, th. finit mnan reoeiveil by Mr-. Cleveland congratnlaeed him upen the sucenucf Ihie administration. ,Thon a voroan vie o ed liko a member of nmre good soiety asked hlm te carry ber boit respecte te "lyen! vite, snd tell bon bow ber ever-y astot efortae ur seuls." Nexi carne a mun with a' emnall boy, viiose band ho placed lu liai cf 1h. Chiet Mamgsttale. 'Ho vis. pered sometbing te 1h. Preaidout, vie strokod the. boy' ,hesad in a kindly vay. "Ho May noeor vote for yen, Mr. Président, but hie father did, sud wyll Main." "lt ia good stock," aid Mr. Cleveland, an lhe Ivo pasoi on. A tiny girl iad a lithoe speech wbicb se -lied te make té tlb. President, but ho coula not catch ils import, altbough ho graoped hoersam sud bout bis hesd 1ev te, listen. Anotier Uitile girl brougit her communioation lu a big ouvolopus vhioh h e h tbrito t h. Preeldout'e baud.,~ Many -people give hlm theur carde, asud many announoe lhiu reiationship te someo e bis former frienda; but th. griatest speechmakers by far are the, vonin. With thal fine senne et lb. unfiluegs et thinge, ihey ofIeu take &avantage tee efthle situa- tien te do serions sud earnesl lobbying for favors of smre sort. anway Notes. Buaglars "Craoked" lieestfecf lie (3entrel Ontario railvay offce in Tren. ton lait Ssturday morning and Ret $1,600 in Standard bank $5 and 810. Lt is supposed that thora voro tour in the. pary. The annunal report efthle Canadien' Pacifie rail"sy company sboys liaI th. company bus dieébs.rged lu full ail it(; obliigations te the gaver-rne u-t. Tei. erations etftth. past year, ai ter Paymemtî of orkiug expeuuse% snd fixted chares show a ounrpli ef $685, 44-4, and th. compauny hta a noemionl purplus of aee over liabuities; of $109. 805,719. The. îôtvdruileageof tthe Waloa, passing Giadslone'l' reîidenco systern is 4,641 miles. at Havarden, Flint Caslle, builtl- by The following additionabl particulièue Edvard 1. aud figuning lu Bhakespearehv enrcî. r~riguesah "Richard II.," Oonway Fortresa, one bv enrcie eadn h mîh ofet tho, great cailles by viici ni> whîch ocourred at wosk on the Edvard 1. maintained hie conquest ef Grand jonction linoecithle Midlaod. tiie Welsh, Mena. lie lait refuge of lb. The. train vas ranniug st noual apeed Engisi Druide, Anglesey, the home cf sud geing round a curve,. vb is t aIl t tii fende etlieTndrs1sudlloy-once the locomotive loft the. traci. Be-i iead, the. point from whih aliîthe ing iu a cut, lbe front part otfithe engins Channel steamxers are signaled. Heur-y osugit lthe bank sud vas tirowu scrous Sandiam coutributos fiv.etriking illus. lie track sud six cas. wore piled up 0f1 trations, lber vithin lie lae of twIo cars.c Thuegineer W. Mallociasd fireman J. Taylor-, iluci I. th4ir .ts smd Waahingtoui Letter. ver-e bnried under lie debrs 1?e --ver. reeoued sud taken id Oarpb.ll-, (Frein our regliar crrespondent-i tord aI once. Engineor Malloci bas bis lofti leg broken above the suite, boli boues, sud is ont on th. side of WÂSÎrn4GTON, May 20*, 1887.- face sud head. Hi. iog wia ecagil Washington seemo k.ouiy CDionsif by lie faiug cab sud piuned him fut. liaI the eeg osf Rhode Island sna FiremanTaylor- bas nternai injurias Deioware, te gay netiiu of lie romain- about lie leftI ido sud sionider, arge ing Baees sud Territonies, wyul be oul eztendlug earound lie back part seeurely rivetod upon ber for the re- cf lus bond$ about four uches, sud a msinder et lbe menti, sud Oery tiuy deep cul over tie loftioye. Boti leaffet aud blade cf grass 18 doiug 115 ar- doing uioely nov. The for-yard buit te riz. e tiehg groat emergenoY. brakeman, vie vas in tie oab, jurnpod Tii. qusenliest city of lhe countr-y, »a. s tha le angine leftIlie traci sud wiila i. e nder snd .uvy 0ethle eoped unhuit. ocduer- Way vas tourists, the pridietfdlilgit oethle sligbâtly injured. The engineer states resideute, îjest ils boit nov, and Iborn lai ho vas on biseseat, bis band ou gsad et îi for -lie caietflie thocusd lesver sud iookîicg abead ont et tbe of United Stateu citizens vie vill vieil eab vindov vien the engin. vont off. il belveen nov sud tbo-firstet fJUUe Tii. angine jsecousidered by ltrain" But thons ai. li ter Indications tliaI hadoeas uuklyo aving geneOOff lu tbe novel entertainuuet-"ihe National a aîielar manuer about a ye ansd a Drill, viioh forme tie attraction et lie hait &go nom Keene. veek-is upon us. Tii." dr-ti ground 18 ready for- the competitûrs . tie gran nedvngi ul. ool stand i rady for lb. spectatere, tb. exprese, Ooming oust Ir"as earing cap rondi. ready for lie solàlîer, BéouffvillO a bad ocllision -oSVmrrd. campen d hmhav l-Thi isdfe of Slouffvilleomr n r e su b uuayngi i s xoead aIbeug si.d. e& The t"alubacd& mae ail bt 1h.competni comi i epecios vii ii. vat z. kuovu in raway bernuas a.à &U of te eolompetsr oniessVbeIg fflying shunt" etfoui. parioclar car qteri i caum penL. the a iauc toadêd vii luaber aud square timber. tnoent.As the cau appro&a hodle idiîng lhe voer the rette uiv.in itn cse train baud r.idzýed that lie car bad wiaI theyiit arve ampe le Ote 00tee, muci speed msud*weuld prébâbly- r-em frein Iheir long joqCney befonee ho run e the sldtug ndi . hejs ff beginning Oftheb. onh.sl. A.ang them hejoug,' themin swieb, seumngle ca vere the. Louieana Riflesthie Baun lu lemi us.jupdo Antonio Rifles, the Louis, Billes, oetîimuklng te put on ie break.There Mobile, lie Vicksburg Botirens.theas D ra k ou lie ddo an oetu vââe,u Mufcaine Rifles, et Iova, the. Behknap no p7 ilitent evu a stopodrai'hh Rifes sud - otiers. To.morrew lie ~ omuiye eu ip. ui Monmouh Rifles, et1IIl, viiirallulv-.Ti îre oigsi here, sud en. BundaY -lie Neaiy Uiflss, mO'lth, Ocar nuar Slouffvnie. ,,The car et Bt. PaUl sud lie (3usten Guan tviihed mnfillieni cm pe e.raut Inliaitportion Ofethle drill groni-it The d.voted 1te iSPOrnSms, vrkz. » lm engieasb amasi.- .1o~en ini propOs., but l'esthiisietter reshe er. dCIrven îto Iho blilert, rlui ut yen tbe pyroecbei dpgua npreitot- o gau ;"-,1tttng thé e ansd ing lbe naval batlla in lauapten-RBoids a"M e. . Th, emoke.laokbelle vill hava issu ,îibubited ou.1las dosud el tier trinuna'a ofetth» sud tie -drill viiibave comrnenced- engin, er-e seutl$g. Forluu»isly The mochanial.- arffogenete for lie th - oefl fihe - ee nis epeut spcaceaesmch -fiat vîbe p i îs on the egiqe, tii. ot the,: tii. is puêsented it l iihae Oaf vnetullu- ng damige4 te a&DY X t ' ive -chararsoetrsud 7tarythiUg ,viii p"6c"remivae4a * à- -,ýp bave a ver-y r-aiete appeaOU s ,j>sto nd4 I-viê The am'ofiêsappoluted te. las The te 1!Ml an tie Judg he tcvarieuis onipetwt em 'WOI5yafe ofet l « ribave pr-.psred fiiaIs F0- »a gramme, but lhsl, 0f eOfuOSS4 155p»l4 1Ie WLIOeg Of; bock ais.preseal. 1IEii .m » a 'May ss, 1U uni*h&ý lto b. ignorant of theý m -' ¼tYb reqed to rerm .outl'l $à*I thé* drîi Lground for c maai*uD iici$ in. w ili ho infe:mned by the mgs site*, -wé 1*aN* bà aluialIst osalt0%L -ëw1 - -.mvetigàtiàn rosultod lu-oin-1lof rnediawey peesed. 8hort,;ý' att., zàýý 11, ~upbefore an adobe Wall ma à f iÎ eldote einee 'disattc, yard te th. bodies, put. A revlveér -coe. ta e»oh head, sand1>ew ont their- brain s.' The. corpues Iay fer. morne lime wher. they feU, a waruing against train- wreoking, aud voe buried near the scene oft be wrook-. 0. T. IR. TUI-TABLE. ueInGo WEBT. Duo i Due-at Whitby. Toronto., Ilb. 4 Express 6.47 a.n - -8 .m 8 SLocal - 8.41 fi- - 10" - 6 Express <dees net stop at whitby.) -11 '16 Mixed 4.25 p.m. U6.0 p.' " 2 Express 846'" 10. 10 C <3OflNO AST., No. 1 Express 8.25 &.m. .'- 7.15'ar. et 5 (deesunot"o sta Wiltby> 8e lé 15 Mixed 2.52 p.m. 100Lw m "7 Local 6.5041 5.80" si 8 Expreus 9.156 - 8.0W ' Whitby, May lôti, 1887. The. Syn1od ofthle Diocese of Niagr vill meet in 11amilton on Tuesday. Au open Letter. Mesurs. T.Mibun & Ce., Nov. 2th, 1886 1 1 isk I had nsed B. B. B. seener, wbieh would have ssved me yearset sufferiug vith eryspohas, fr-cm wilch I could get ne relief until I tri.d B. B. B. wichseen clearodaayaï the itching, buruing, rasi liaI hall se long dxtressed me, Mis. Edward Romkcy Basteru, Passage. Halieax, N. Mie. Everett, an oid lady living lu Mon- treal, basbeeum-isugforeor a veek frem her home. Sudden »sppearauee. «'My tace vas covered viti ores, aris- ing frein b.d bleod. B y the, ueet tires botîles et Bnrdock ElodBitters I vas ce.. pletely cured. " R. S. S inclar, et Port Burvoîl, Ont. Work has commenced ou lie nov Custom House, Port Celborue, lie dimensions of whioh wilh ho 40z40.- Useful te KmUO. Mrs John Siddell, et Orlon, Ont., vas afiicted for years iti contraction efthle brenchia pipes sud tighlrmess efthle ciesi. 8h. vws cured by the. exterual une et Hag- yardsa Yellow OÙ. This rezuedy cure rhelimatism,,nenralgie, inflammation. congestion, sd&Il oxternal sud intraI pains. The cigar tsctory o! Mr. Brunot, Mon- treel, vas daruagod by fire on Fnîday aeu- iug loe ettent et $1000, 1 0) omt Ire on recept of stamp by7 SPRING SUITS.L JOH N FERC U-8ON 18 SHOWLNG A SUPEBIOR STOCK, 0F scotche E nglish and Canadian Tweeds,1 And other fine inos ot Clotho, for Bpring suite. AUl gar-mentà made np in latest style on shortesi notice. Tho. mest exquisile handkerchie ftmeIaf-aeMn, ad1Bp utOn8 unsi n -Liotuseofthle Nue.," p eI-dymd e' dBy'SilVI-t8-Furnshina an Mr. aind Mms.Jne. Biggine,.Oxford Contre, celebrated the uixtieti mnniversary et the&r vIeddinghatTsd. To &U vho ae u fe ifrom leerr and indiscretious qet ye= , nervous avek- nous, eariy deoay, lm f tmauieodte., I viii @oud a recipe vL iiicure yen, FREB 0F OHARQE. Tii. gram d vas- diseevered by a lu 8outh Amerlo&S. Bnd a self-ad raaenvulepe te ie Bo. Jeusa T. Ixxî.s, BUsPÂm D, &es York Oity. mesua. On & Co., beot sud- mie. ma- ufact=uor stHamilton, are »ouldrln th advisbWhty et removing te Toronto.eth THE HEC TIC FLUSH, po2O hoi. low cheekeanavd procanosê. ape, indioato worma. Freeosn 'a -o. Powderewtiquickly ansd effech&ly! remove them. A FEWU HINTS «Nom-DOS.-To mom da e he C-U aWl~sy, 2 ta 4 PM;la , 9 hoosgly, 4 gto FaIte .For ConsUpatieu, or Vostivmasss, ne renxedy 18se oeffective as ATEE'5 Pila Tliey mr rnW rdaily actiotn, a»4 îr..7 store tie beveis to, a heaithy endtden. Fer I"dgest*en, eor peas AE' PîU amareinvahuable. sud a sure cure. ileart-bamu, Losu of Âppett@, loni aud cured bVýYiWB '8PILLS. IuIAvrVomp5nt,3l1'11510bl l Unaeeotrnng of ait irnis. It io ju$ tic Machine for li. Publie. Dees ail Kinda et Bowhg. - Âlvays in Order.. Simple sud Lue- a Litethue. The Dominion Oîgaos- and Piano: Are Retter lion Any Olier. Tic Best Judgos aay Ito Toue is the Bout. It isbut vith -a view te Dursbility sud- Beauty. Tii. Boit Instrument te Buy. OeilansudSe Our Geds., -H. --ýW -. 1 OX,",;-NU BOOK ST. - - - WHITBY. - London and Lancashire Life Com pany. ThisCoempany issues .verydoiaeom et Lite pclicy, asdd bu deposited, vIli lhe Becoiver General ini approed -Cganadien securities ever $100.00 foeuhc. 000of liability, thus affording ABSOLUýTEsoe- Parties deuirons et assuring their lives Wini find ilt t ier sdvstape"té conuilt lie underaigned booro suigolehn JOHN FÂRQUHÂRBON, Whitby/May 18,1'86. -ly Goneral Agoni PAT.,'El I~r»E~RCTILBL OVRLS HATS 1 HATS!1 HATS! - LBtOSI stylee in Ha?4 anud Soft Feit Rate VEBY OEÂP.- P1 JOHN' FEBGUSONe tw Dunas st., Whitby ~~ StliCarrying on the -War! O~uli~B.} -Ploasezuenlion vit tlsement. Simon Fraser'offers better inducements than ever- to buy yonz_____ CHINAI* CROCKERY, GLASS WÀRE, ETC.,TCSIINSF COIUNTY W. give a apecial discount from the pr-osent loir priMe of 10 per cet. on, _ Table- Lamp8, Tea iSett8, Gombinaticrn.ami DinneSi hi, ' Oux stock of fancy Clàna Canps and, S~Acor-s, C0hns FFrit ýBakets,. Fr-uit 2. Plstes, Dessert Plaes, etc., musi be sold.ai20 Per cent. discount, te o mYoo umke rout for Spring .Goode. Â largo ana vol assoted stock -1 IIP# of choice hfmily, groce', pecial a i Teàs aud lfe, S O n -x seaenalefruts ai oe&prssFrai ysiersn .~ovre~ -bulk and eaD. TecfaJÛons, LouiseBialdng .jtPoirder - ' *S<' takes tIi lea4 againsi all conipetitors; put-up -- ini poqpxdcas ai, 80 conte per lb., I)oný't- fQrgeýto seeTorgboos aadrioes be- . --m---r-ODO - lb

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