lliellebore, Paris Green, Inseet Powder, Slug-Shot. AL à ABAS T/NE. Owing to great demand we have been oompelled to_ order a fresh stock whioh has just arrived.' G.E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Sixoo PER ANNUMd. Wltby, Frday, May 27, 1887. IT i. b.d .ucugh te fumnisi a manu- fa.turing compauy witii mouey tw carry on business witlbeut runuing any risk of the. businées beiug a faiture frein bad mngment or look cf trade. If thisi, Hepu compauy cr .uy other oomnpauy is going tw b.it o à gced thicg te have hore let us pay thon: emmthln'g te ceine, but let them rua the. rlmk cf their business previmg à fallur.Lthe arnse ashe .rest cf us do. Taxa tbxug cf bon"~ig factorlea, vuÃŽe it pl*ys everytiiing ijuotei -baude of ui.mo nfaà uer the ii mns piec f -business that a town ooold voii go iuto. ,For instano., Uzhridgm lias bad a cabinet féotory fer year.'viloh ha. bar.ly dons a saf trade. I bas doue the <aine as ether1 note of butine* ÃŽlu that tevu and pal8 its 'vu vay. Now it demande that tbe. cher lines cf bueintes sah lmort- gag thenuolves for $10,000 and ma»ke1 aL aproemt cf the money. Why ?1 eue Peterbero, Orillia, Lindsay, sonother tevus hbaieve en eretly1 trying to bribe iLte deseri Urbridge. j Tas Geverument majority ai&i itasif1 oredit wviienILgave COurie Rykl Le uuderetand Liat he vas just a little-too- mueli-so fer the. position cf Deputy- Speaker. Wo cbi ture lie vas given an cpcrunty te deoline thé, houer, but 0hale kneva that vas but a generons *&Y cf letting hlm dovu esily. ne rnay have Mufient influence efl te mesure hiie seat in parlsmbnt, but vian ho askp bit fellcv niembers te place hlm ltu a position liaI mon cf the iiigh- ust hoor sud lut.grîty alcei eluld bi!,h paye a pmoocompliment te tiie -People a2M rps tVo. Hi-le cne cf amh eefMe memberscf lb. Houe., aud the feverthea" b. cf amcl the bit- ter for Liiie ountry.. TI Northiiet mimn u e otai- log fer .'th ame te cf four in- permmatal faimsnei héNcrthwest imgsof cf u, s oonteuaplated by thei Geverumt. -QOe for cah nMberla raLler Mûre than faU. lo thilot cf Lhe eirpmcom .Infant re alvya ty~au have »Yread e t=dbteof :1M Mo,..baby po.' vinse vil-ha*va ther 8#941uqec. Lot thom equieL Ne 4cu11,bt the but fui for-Lb. urpui lucash 41*, ToiN Coumiù-oli te examine theie w tarie cure ftuy end deide, on viol particular, luduslryla t4~ot é likuly te b. festir. e4 ndir iL, nd t*en cfer &asuffolnt bonns te lnidusà a oompany te oitali tiiemuivia her.s mshlting wcrke, ne deuiL, wvl i he.iefiret te tMOe!'the- cifeots cf ii. receut ohsages, aud capi-, Laliete viii b. meeking oppertunîtles for inveatmnet;îbut w. Liink If the lown hat gives promise cf etability under tiie enhtiug tarif, ad maie a straighit bid for it, liere voold beas greater air- tainty cf seouring vhat la vanted. SaVEEAL nev mnanfatuning indus- tries have testabl"eed themmelves at Windsor vithin theIi aitfew voeks, tiough a deslue tefûrnish the CJanadien publie viti thefr productions viticut havlng te pay the imiport duties. Tii. change in Lthe tariffias bien moat markod on iron, and will resuît, ne doubt, lu Canada being made the. field of opera. fious fer smemioftheii iron kinge cof the Uuited States. W. tarenet wiiode- velope oui ieu minius, providi * thi on be mmltdin tis oeeunl tla sidd thia morioan Optaliste ,arc onions te vion car mines, but viihte do thuir iameltla n tlu ier 'vu sountry. ,That vi net do.. If our people eau- no ept p ii full benefit cf voriing our rici deposits of iron aud otiier min- euais, thon let thosé deposits remain undevelopéd. If thi Amqrican capital- jet tries aey smci gaine, our goveru- ment lias the uem.dy, and that la, Lthe imposition cf a heaivy expert duty. The increase lu the. tariff was made for aoepecific purpoée, aud it i the duty of the/GQovernmeqt te asce Liat it dccc uot misaarry. IT i i e intention efthle Dda:niniou Geveriet toecontuibute sizty or ev' euty Lbousaud dollars tovardse ii. i periliInstitut., te b. irected lu Lon- don lu commemeration cf Heu Maes.- ty'm jubiles. Indisansd Australia have oin, dovu handsomely, but thei people cf Englaed thumulves have <allen <au short cf viat va. zpet.d cf Lhim. There seisto e b osiderable obje- ieu raieed by tii. Eegllai people te tthe moen vie areat pussent uunniog Lthe seheme, and iL la te b. ioped Canada'. Hîgi Cominilaioner, wvier or ismay b., vil! maie cuquires sud e. tiat everything la atraiglit bifere oumoncy la psi.d ovor. Thinlapenty cf rocin in vhich te quandou our meney st home vitheut aen&jng iL ahrcad. W. haveo'L uai fait in lueLic siemeSay- way, but if the otdur colonies are going te taie a bond in, ve areviliegto join Lie processio, but vo vaut sonihing to be -hovn for cen mcney besides a luinhur roi f et .Senti Keington Art Scheol. A* inD any pepe faty eOu Lieut.-Goveraor lires lu priity good style, sud &hLies nne cmte deuht tbat hie plumes are tcned toe i ihut pitci. -1t vil!bu iiighly gratifying te the. lovera cf tMr. KUbride, the peor eviated I"istenantetlo kuov liat vice ho va. on Lord Lsnsdovue'se ste lu Irlaud s .a tenant, hoe iad a ve«7 mach butter place te luiobie and ths lie voue eut abouL as many good elotliess Lardevus iiumelf. Yia, Mu. Kilbride us.d te euh-jet a good part cf bu ,touenay at figures in mauy inaumce Iice a. high a. Lansdowue cliarged hlm. Tiiose vio care te fig- un the maLter eut viii flnd tainl seci eooos Mr. Kilbride had te content huiéeif vitiabout 57J par cent cf the rnL, ilst LoO~ Lansdovne only geL 42J pa euet. cf thigcarentaiub-for IL muet b. romembercd liaI Kibridc vas allovd 15 pin, cent. reducticu. Mr. Kihirie esys he oulmdn't mai. inde Miet, Lhe w&y tiuo veregelmag. But we tuix&défLo aay-i.oliad a good deal bouer Liid Lonhi. laudlord. 3est fauy vbat a denion, Lansdovne vwouldhave been ploture tcuas bau lhe Laken possessio f tLime s b-letnge sud aiaugeda.smcii unI fouhem ais Kilhrds 14 Tan meeting liat ossecâlodat lic "co cfhLicMayor, on Tiarsdy ove* uingi, te o uulurtle report of tlic large, aMdquit. a ctis8s4.,as liai Wh"l omebI ouple cOf vicie , #o00 IL eemed Leb.lthe <ain, cf &n. UaWAUU# IUt WW6 - JýRK attend suuhy. Whil. Meiel essu edoo hce on. TXorl Md Monrial, bY colloges or the puefeestn ,f< Law bhos oaomwhà tI nomina nitsutaDiuhd souiÃs- 4 .4 fer einaidoîes fou ca miacm7lun the Kethcdlat eburo. l. Ier IL msy be remorked.ti lb.-Principal cftice Cocligeo Dr; -NoèlIs laMan becrauy, graduaI. cf Quieum UuiveumtY, sia as aIs e i.Principals cf Wyalfte KItl and Kuoxzollage, Toronto. Tiie ave- rage vork cf a univirsity course eau b. fairly wel cenduoted by a staffnuembe-. ieg several members cf reeogulsd ability. F'arday Hall, ereoted a foiv yearm ago, beais evideuce cfthe destue2 te LacliScience lu the best manner, ile its applications vould need to he 8ougit elsevhsue. -Thiror. mouly tvo sohools cf Politioal Soi 1ence, mc far a. is keevu io Liie vnituî, ilu Canada, Lieue baing eltuated lu Montres! aud Toronto. Tie eue res for its cief support upeu ]M'lJ, vi wers Noterai Science la un- dtdly.vii an ansd tii.eOhèise M deavomlng te Bolt.etander thec vlng cf th Ibo e oy f 1Toronto. Tic grovthi azd n"« oif Victoria ha,éi. bien himxted, vitbu iv wyuaus, by tii.persuasion, viLhiû sud wtthoutg that iLs situation looaly May net b. favounable fer the home cf a great lu. tiLution, and LiaI iLs oquipinent lu min sud vonk must b. ousiîdeuably extend- id lu ordur te kuep paS. viti theipcv- ing requiremeuta sud ideals cf lie eouulry, lu the. malter'cf higlier educa- ieu. ,The question et striking ite recta deeper and vider, viiero iL la, or cf inoving "lbag and boggse" te Lthe Queeu'e Park, Toronto, iiaabenana ornbaunassing eue. It ha., fer Liii pus- sent, beindcided Lisatempttioene- val if a caravan long euougii aud strong enougi for i hepurpou eauoseoobtaned. TRmm,y oLîuGz repréeinte Lie do. sire cf the Chunci cf Exaglond te, have unlversity sonecu c onduoted under Oburci auspie., sud oves IL. risc te the ebertions cf the lae Bitiop Straian &0te t end. It teck Lie place, fou certain pousons, cf - ipg's GoiMge, vi hbisa».Li Uthe l cf Toronto. Witii good aite, building., staff sud grovng reputation, iL laeithe ci. institution ceutuolled hy Lb. Chursi cf ugland in Lie veut os Biopet College, Leunczvllle1 sud King'@ College, Windsor, N. 8, arc lu thei. u IL labi en aakid, remnLy, by Lhe geverement cf, Outanl4 o, tejelu lu tiihe ic of UniversityyoPd$?%"on vhicii a. n tae Letatenulonof Lie publio for a <iv ycâ arsot, sudjvilc lia.juL benu cndiSed by lis Legisis. tu»e. Tbe usver tobi givin b lia1 LupousiÃŽ4 la,t Trimtsy la abopi te caz Ils staff. Tii. circmndanoe thLe mnmbeis Of Lie Anull~nCicilivide Liu support bflveun Trlnity Colège sud Tornto Univeruity clames, vemn the former ilu sinfluence. Bides lu Theology the atteudanc etf canidate fer holy *ordure la Partial, InaSmc s wycifeMHall vas eLd sud la up- ield by tii. Lev Chareb paity in Lie Dinceseof Tornuto. Were à totkiev Trtmîty Cellege, vicihau udoubtdyý o stuong hcld upon the. af.eitiona cf many people lu On"*arloeuld be a muai menu inlueuilal luinetu thait1à » It nov la. Neveribiem happeau te labihe Lipluei sud eiLnaitycfIL feunder, *sud Lieuseaun bu Uitiledouit' LiaI il vii soutineto e usuimpurtnt <star lu the higier eduestienal von cf Ontario. ,(To b. oUmuL A Tire, A good mauypeople vie km-ebonl yc*rdoy morulugmi claugingi fou the, if -anytli nmsiaofdc<Lic ovn b o'coek. But Lieeu ao fii sani. A yotug lady namcd 1 was pasug lmcgBrock:obtus e"anlydevtiomal ýservice.sum suioe co u p, lirougb th Dedoatd t ThughfulBuyers of FANOY DRY APLE& MENS? GENTS'e ADD POPUL&AE SELEJTIOr;S PLEA8ING PEOPLE .WELL NO UNTRUTHFULM STATEMENTS FOR HONESTY WILL TELL GOODSYl GOOBS. -l My, STOBEha à f- -afdemoae ix stl*wh[ilethisi.lu aaOf time anadlJ att6ntion -has- bain1 leotion' of -the latest: iy, Wsto4es âmnd CI b. ataconfldentii zaotifnd any bettera& Inore beautifil stock that of ti jSe 1 wà .T cmfÀER, ENGRKV BýROOK BT., Wbitb~ QJIt i1 MAY 27thq- LOCAL LAC BUDOETOF UVELI LOCAL BY OKýRONIGLE Ra AÂ amer,§ amangye, 1 n'faiti heU Prunt BiRoOKiN, Port Pe Oamnmgtou and'Ol. lie 24th. Tire ia good deal tO&tote ieffect Lhat iteîresiguiuà soatin 9 -ukluhave au ezeni 9 r~nfrômhere où- 1 lait Mrl' tc S atroyed wtii ou hQyine'ured. -Lois on nir.a. e viiiý b. given lhe, e noul 'I I AND DESIRE TO PLEÂSEI BÂCKED BY PUSH&ÂND ENERGY AND OTHER TRAITS LIXE THESE 1j STRAIGET, FAIR BUSINESS PBICIPLES WHICH GOOD INTENTIONS- SHOW AND TE OUNDÂTION 0F IT 18 PERPETUAL SUCCESS. We ask but one trialI to demonstrate our -ability to- give bargains. #:I Whitby Dry Goods Emporium," -C By ROYAL LETTERS PATEN'T. JI-toimn:h- \.~ 1iDu HNSiGNS u dBEF, Anlotber preparatioce ePFluid Beef, or Fluid Bec! Extract, &o., are tnitations of 'goe genuine, aud doa'l contain any o!flthe nutritions and' Me1 giving propertes o! be.!. liai genuln ua thenamo "Johneton'e Fluid Bec!" on the Bcd label on cadi oaa. DMOI LnouS ofRoyal Mail SUMMERR AUG3ME1T. SA1Limi GDATrR8. LIVBRPOOL SERVICE3. "Oeo............ junelOl. Montai!. ..May 241h. »zsTk SEVICE(AvIonati Dock). Pmebrom tMoreaif tiaw mi dé"fr. i. Attan, jine Royal Mail Steamers. LIVEýPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGO. DATES 0F; 8A]LN RMQUEBRC.' S~1~au - - - t Saratin -- -«-'11h. TEE IBMSSIBLU. "Man ncvcau stop the binllows'roai, Nor change lic vinùdoill: i hey blow ~ mcres Nor d;ive iruclove from a madew' door. Man cannot tell whal the future vil bring, Whiether next yoar con or cocton la king, Nor whcther hiWwealth vil quiokly take wving; e Bul man can. cve froin Povertys suife, Hi. fatherlesu ohildren sud loue, vilowed By the simple expedienis of! inuuing Ic lite, And buying his fooivear from un.?' Bey vlth cash and mae mouey. "Apenny saved luIbhis -easy ayi lo a penny saved-for araiuny day." Whe oi ooa r.em-0 ev aud 0ostylià h and< nie., How foolsiah I lenol te taieouade, 4zd «el viol yen vont asv-ry ovprice, Nov, doni yetiiux& se youae2lf outKlug- j sud lieu I AND, BOYS' CLOTHIING FURNJSIIING QÃœALITY EEIGREST NEXT COMES LATÉ- STYLES. BEST VARRTY WITHM 100 MMES