E STORE lias been re-fitted saddecorated in the most rèee4 ~~I.Whie this lias taken a god delof time and thouglit, proper Wtntîon has been given to the se- lection of the lateat styles of Jewel- ry, Watches and Clooks, and it ca I)e stated confidently that you can- not find any better-arranged shop or more beautiful stock of goods than that of e je S. BARNÂRD, WATCI~IÂAKER, JEWELBe ENGRAVER. BROOK ST., WHITIBY. w"e'&itbp Ijoik MAY 27th, 1887. LOCAL LACONICS, give ms, columun. n(stop the billowsa' rean, :e winds tIlt thex blow no love from a maidcn's door. .1 what the future w!U bring, 7esr corn- or cotton isnkIng, tus #wealth wilI quickly hake ave f rom Poverty's strife,' * ,hldren and lene, wi iowed expedients of iusuring bis ifootwear from us." a94~ and savo meiney. yod in-this easy way, aved for a rainy day." .;?EW POiNTERS. as' are no new and se stylish in net te take eur advioe, ,oe, want at a vcry lew prion, thin.kse yourself? lady's.ýcarpet ilipper for sable prunella bous. aho, pranclia gaitene in tbree ra dollar -bouse ilippen la town-wortb 81.25 at bave- a lady'. polisbed worked butîon.boles, il voîl made, for 81.75. va mAkee, aI a reasanable et. sarc lb. accepted tyle coming smacu. Wo are nost elegaut mtkes ho be n Wear for:"men m»a aOeb baller assctment au e'ver befone. Womeu's #l2~ 1.0 1.65, #1.75o ont cf Lochs for infante' La nov domplete. By ool 00ots, wrranted te seige, ln différent velghtw band. add Ibat ve bave first- en empboyed, id .SU en our Prompt attenion. ins lb. niost pat#kn iI boed. RNS & Co., whItbyt - Cash Store. 0o aPain ire about you? pom A v i N -» WNAT 18 GOING ON IN AND AROUNO TOWN-A BUD8ET 0F LIVELY LOCAL NEWS OLEANEO 8V OIIRONIOLE REPORTERS "A ahieV a mang ye, takn noes, An, f sith beml prent it. BHtooKLÃŽN, Pont Penny, Uxbidg., âannington aud Oshawa jubilaWe on Ihe 24tb. Thane is a giod deal cf Ialk around town tlte e ffect tuat Deputy Burna i. to rehigu bis seat in th. lowa coun- cil. Tas Englisb cbuncb people of Bnooklin have abn excursion te Onlia starting fnom han. ou Thunsday nait, June 2nd. IN th. Oshawa fine on Sunday moru- ing Imet Marlin's stock cf hardware vasi deetroyed vitb a lois cf aven $6000; -'fnlly insured. Lois on building $2000; aie isuned. If tb. gentleman wbc told us it neyer raies an the Queen's birlbday, sud inensequence cf vhieh vo left oar umbrella at home, vu eall.at this he will b. given a privat, audience. IN the person eoflMr. C. F. Smilhens, president cf th. Bank cf lientreal. wbo died on Friday 1aI Canada loats its greatest banken. Borne ides of bis standing may b. gatbered froua the ladt that ho received a salary of 450,000 a yean. Ha vas bunied on Monday in Greenvood cemetery, New-York. MAYOR HOWLAND cf Toronto bas premised ho addneas a jubiles meeting in.towu unden th. auspices of the W. C. T. U. soinetime la July. lin. Hov. land bas played encb a preminent part belon. lhe public driring the 1mst bye ycans that ne deubt a large audience yull greet him on bis visit te Wbitby. SmeM boys who bad been ai Brcoklin oelsbrating relunad home dmunk th& othen nîgbî, and ena cf thom faIt Ibat b. could liok anylhing not manufae- tured wbolly of esla, Penhapa bad wbiskey vas te blamne, but if Police Magistrale Hoirper would infiiet a heavy fine on a 1Weûsuo ases, the whisk.y vould> Le lit alone. There la juil a suacîl dagre. cf ruffianisa n l Whitby Ibat should boiamped ont. As excellent opportumty for spending a pleasant sud profitble day lut after tha labers of aoodng bave onded la furnished by th. excurion to Onhlia onu Tbnraday nexî. The sooney mmong the islands cf tbe beatiful laIes near Onilia la nov stItIlsbea& sud lb. vrbolo eau b. enjoyed a very Ie axpense. The train lesvea Witby at 7.25 &.m. ranges from.tl.15 &kt Wbitby loSSoe. a anillarjunion. Take lb. f4"y ud jlioy a good dmy'i outlaig. sin( A fev nigha ago a drunken man, Laid to bail from Bnooklin, struck*this tovu. He.Wbansuambling gait,ad &t finit sigbt îeemod to b. weak la lb. baek, but any sort cf an investigation would be almost certain to locmte th. veakuese la bis somcvbab nlckehy legs. Aller soine unoortainty cf action h.o et ont ho paeathb.livary stable, but th. fatal flood cf cold wmler urged forth frÃ"ÙÎ? the lI At wlndow and vet hlm 1k. a drovned rat. H. à ain surveyed lb. surroundingu with dazed uncerlainty and finally rolled awmy tholth la.nd from wb.nc. ha came. IT ia very sîrange hhing that dnning el lb. oth.r semsons of the year tbe tramp is overlookpd la r6turning ver- dict altier fines, but that jual now wbile lb... vagabonds are la sprlag bloom every robbery, and fin. sud burglmry, and ev.rything .1.. of the kind. au blemed upon tbe tramp. W. do not hear cf any soeaking eiminal met being oommittad, but immedialely reports go round cf 'tramps bavizag beau es«e. - Mybe thé poar vanderers do their -shar., but vo fanoy many a ti.f and laeudiary is bot ight of la lbe attempt ta fiston the crime upon the poor tramrp. Impragnable in car pcv. erty, we romain, ini lb. metntimo, un- diaturbed by any. Tus village of Bnooklin would b. muob imâprovod in appearance, and tho Iewnebip fathens vouid snpply a long. foit vaut,,vore anaw tovu hallenectod on the site of the old Globe botel. The township is sadly la nead cf a publie hall, and we kncw, cf ne botter elle than the ono suggosterd abovo. The. vbole triangle oould b. pnrchasad at a resenabia figure, aud the>c'building se placed as ho admit of a sort cf public park b.ing laid ou& ou th. unoccpied ground. The old hall is ont cf 1he vay for oea "lg, and su eyeaore tho tha ooanmuaily for another. .Tuet a little backbonq on the part of lb. Concil and vhat la nov su unslghlly oommons would become a valumblo -placeof pub- lic proporty.. WB hava; tht. moruing hefore us samples cf Einder Twine from tho Dorlmouth Bopeworks . oc., cf Hulifax, Nova Bopiawhose advorlism tý appearsura curoclumne. These samples are grcably admir.d by experts, ad the Dartmouth 'Ivina la vithoul ,doubt koopi up its v.ll-ared reputlon"j~fl cf baing t4a bout la the nakt. The use cf 8.1* Bjuder Ba9aMahas 'wbicb ls gradnally b*»-omlg e gneral hbu oabled our faranes te hod ýtheir,- own in the faoec f snobloy jricefor I vhoate vhich veuld bi. i mlesrW er clii methoa epioyed. but' ne mauIe boy perfectt1. rehe!à in.smay bc un- l-e t Iine îs smooth, regulan d breaiMsan su*vonaan , hai t h. hIRIII vr er. jatsiaylag a rcouple cf veeksamgo Ibhat il would be an avful thing for us if a vmeancy sbould ocour la lb. tawn couneil st lresent, sud nov v. find ourselves face ta face wilb the difficulty. An alection je upon us sud ve bave nary a candidate ho cmli car ovu. AI our fnionde cf yore bave gone sud join.d the aditorial staff of tb. Duudaesîsrcet patent paper wbich gives employanent ho Ivo 'prou. tices. Tbus la lb. bour of need vo find ourselvas baîpleas la the banda cf eneanios. Lt ils, indeed, truly mor. tifying. - tinter. - If mem. ind friend vould undertake ho mediate be. tween ns and our fireI love maacdi date, 1Mr. F. Hovaird Ânn.., v. shoulti Iako it klily on our part. If It bc tru., a4 is genorally mnppoied, that he» i. the vrîter cf those unfeelig sud eontemPtible atta.ks upon Deputy Burus, vhicb appea woekly la the Gazette, b, should have somo rpvard. A porion could nI be xpectod ho de- scend to snob depths cf meaunee for notbing. Amusement Event of tho Bessol. REViVAL 0F TELE SPEOTACULAR "ELÂCK OKO"PERFOHXÂKOE IN CANADA. Mot'of Ottava's cilizoeseau remeni- ber viien Hcvard, Langriea su mle final produeed 1h. BlakCI rook i' l My 1874 a theoskating rink, as our oily did not thon produse a régala opera hanse..Althougb the veater vasn- usualy varm at that peniod, lth. uink vas fihed, forthhoir repualon had p ne- ceded thazu froan MoiptreaL 1fr lHo-- ard returned agalin la y1876,#open. ing the. ProeeulGrand opera bouse hnd o l.distîngusd dendonscrau et isEueUocy Lord Dufférin, vhoi, coutray ebis ius ualcaoa#nrmmln4 uni h urtalu feuMani thcu-ghl oaenoe cOf the aIâe Arrival, l perforuae41 lsommense u afler mîdnîgbt. ýTii. ltt1. peciple froni RiÀded u alvincel §,se uekplacure, thal bis »:Y'l.n.y. * fU be rnmem. bore& onntWue biatt dmseverat eveningîandmaLboth klad d<ela nien, !eP"esUmtVe" M Obtmvs!alb" E DAIL-y'.0ENIN G,0-OuTCASSOF w M'aking Stock very attractive for the conil G~0Û DS1 ÈiE s ~sponp Tiat'a vhat they Sa> about l.éksEaewith G.. G. (*. Bakhag Poerë. TryIyui selfan idse 8o4by G.E].go-Giîbard. IT la rabesh jte tsar, 0f a good Blaok Orook 0oom1ma'appeausin: th. Operà -honse on - aurduy, ùMy 4th., They have au adv. lraiisue. Il1r. James Dean.'. engin., i.leoff Ibis, week for repaire, after tvo years and four months' sttady ruin. W. are bold that. for lenglli cf liae, thia stretoh cf steady running bombe 1h. record 'of any engine on th. Grand Truuk railway. Good for Dean. 1, Wamrnrdid tlà deeent lbing mc far as tb. neighboring lovas are oonoered by flot doing anything on -the L4th that would detract front t'h. daye sport tbey bad arranged for. It is 10 b. hoped tbey wii reolprooale whn ah. holdo ber field day a little laber. on. On Friday lait in Troronto V. P. Humphrey died. H. vms rais.d and edtamted in Whitby, and bail been on. of th. many good uleady heade lurned out of Ibis good old tovn. H. vas -a neph.w of Mr. Moe.hoffer, one cf the. firan whlcb started lb. e EONILL Toi. Lindsay Pott, Orilli Times, Uxbridge Journal mnd ather cof our neighboringiournale strongly oommend the stand taken by the CERONICLEID i refusing ho enthuse for tbe purchase at a higb price.of rothen one-hôrae manuf.cburing eeîablisbments. W. sbould almaost feel that 1h... papers were pâying a compliment ho or good sens. ver. it mot Ibat in lb.es»me issue each of the amme papers is arging its counuailto either bribe or mnytbing sise 10o teal away factorise from rival tiovus. u.rebis and pri, St s lré. Iu Whitby Bock'.suîd mçsie store Oae"folums cf the.14oyal1hohel -barber thpam h. work *donc I. equà l lo SUy. W4n donc in Torolq$o. Use Dr. Dorenvend's Great German Efad Magie for baldi, gray haîr, là " for sae by .11 druggioib. HÂTaolemeddyed and' ro-sbaped sud satisfacMtion guaranteed l>y Mmrs.W. Hl. Piper, fint residece south of th. fair grouidu, Whitby. LangeaI varieîy p1 pbobcgraph &ai. bums and plush goqA ever opened in Wbitby aI lire. AMD@a, Whitby book and musio store. Tais regular meeting of lb. Band- of Hope v-iii b. held in the W? 0. T. U. 1readiag room on Moûday aflernoon jMay 801h at 4 oolcook.' ITim next annual session of the grand division cf temperance yull b. held in the city cf Brantford oommenolag on Tuesday 21e1 Junei. Tusz regular meeting of the. W. C. T. U. vilI bc hoîd thia (Fniday) allernoon in 1he Fre, Reading Boom, st four 0o clcck. A faUil ttendainoe is requested. W. 1G. Wà zau sba u lp reoelved a new lot of the latest 1New York styles in gents' black and colored bard hata. Ses mhem.' Prie.. low. OddfelIowo' Rail. QUREN'a JubilQe uovelties, oriental den"Ille and bretonne laces and ficune- luin awhite, cream sand beige. Fines% stocék cof laces and lace goode la hown et W. G. Walter@, Oddtellovs' HalL A VEaRY unuedal opportunity tb buy fine-grade bo»a a a ridiculously loy price, tbey are a beautiful quaity,. in black and ooloned. W. G. Walters, Oddfellcws' Hall. WB laugb, *yen laugb, lbey leugb, everybodý laugbs wbo sees the splendid bargaie n corsets, hosiery, silk and hasle thread gloves, embroiderios &c., at W. G. Walter@, Oddfelcwe' Hall. MK4ÂRSICanmd mumps" One of the beet cures for thea. common maladies is th. continned une.of light nutritions food prepar.d bv tb. help ci the G. G. G. Baking powder. Gel at G. E. Gibbard's Drug 81cre. O < ~' DIRECT IMPORTER AND'M*ANUFAOCTURER, No. 1,]EYERELL'S BLOCK, G-LASO Have decided to make a Grand, Clearance Sale of i.their Stock of Dry Gooda, consisting. of Dreýs, Goods, Black sud Colored Silks, Priuýts, Giughams, White and Grey Gûttons,. Cottouades, Re-à dy-made C(Jlothiug, lu Mens' Youths' and -Boys',ý Tweeds and CoatiugBs, au immense Stock, sud'purchU~d at very low prces. Mll Wool Carpets, Tapestry, Hlall and Floor Oil Cloths, T BROOK STREET, WUIITBY.. CALE ]Boots and Shoes lu i Mens,'Ladieà & and Childrens',i ail qualiliies. GBOCERIES----Â. full stock-.on haiid, alsoCok~y Chin, Iuwa~.Ail oods wii b ffereda tSpeciipies, t Ià t oJ I 80 as to. effect a complote clearauce, when û hag à hôb1aiswIJb iae. o' paichaà e eue doiar's Wortih until you see our goods and-'ries ARE YOu .SIGk~~ Are y'ou sick of py- ih rcsfruni >o ?DO the noisy arguments -of Some -me ieir, efforts -to .sel ,very ordinar gods. a exi r19Çe8, 4ità yu but. as, muoh as it wuùld c~O r Timnt oireu a dson of the li OntarioCOonby District Divl"s iMi.11mot be beld at MounutZion nomear 1amuon ,o Erday lune 8rd. Busines ssso & t 10.80 am.0, i2m., and publie meeting 918, p.m. . ReelGan ci ed and 1ev. Il. S. MMtuheva Grand Chap.la lain cf lb. order la the Prov ' earedr 0 peoted ho b. présent an tte,#tart l x" 8&ess eethe b.aoder vilcorne liefoxe I eting, $ud i av* .i a nd ~ tha oveny Division in the S"tuaiUw b. reensnted. York ouuîy g$istto1 kihvlaumoe at t akhana on Wed* u. kyjuna laI. 4M & Pr~m~ ciizen f 114 ltovainl sry &Pt 1. forget vhcn his qwlf sôk hn to bring home apything, bpm, -ihé The other dgyaoé i a î 'larg a % en ord arounti bis 11*1hé ovb.vau lougbia~ Ut hie vueWs shoea.$fu yand saïda. a choceWostd ros~ri0~ W~w,~OUI9i -. oCe -_ _h ~uw.g~,enoce eotl u-itings and-Over- coatings. 1:'e Ordered Olothing ini the lateat styles, a apecialty Toï'day they, exhibit'the Largest Stock of New and desira- 418 Dress Goods ini Canada, anda are -offering mnylaigiestpourpie. To-wdey they also, show a Stock Of iPrints whihfrvre di tl,'aueadeclec is unsurpassed -- Their Hloisery, Glove, Ribbon, Parasol, Haberd ansd Fancy Goods ])epartments are well Eupplied with ail the Leading NO- 'vlte8 of the Season, to which they would'direct the attention of every huyer, We' have in Stock an exceptionally large assortment of O2ODc. rooiisë- )iflity to moi 1 -- - - - -.- il ý.1.,qi1l .1 P,-R Re 4