tEiIr OBUN~o*: SIR,-Permit Mtobhave atalk andrm 11510. 1 a arop9r, bcnd by voW~i love 10 Itbe churol' ofEgisa, aud net ~uf'811 0-4 oodnatume, ay, le x ~is4ie oret m bis iew c*f tiù1ng Un the rles il, Iiliberand sln4 tm ase; aud yet the artiles stand upon the Bible only ;-and -ferrateo hurchunen their explabialOf and iterprotatinof thmec*ef truiba cf holy uit Asiclm III., '<ot tbe geiug down of Chrst ie hll," in tbi~ Bible w&y of s iating*- that christ wus actually a doad p=sn (after. hauging upon tbe cross sMx heur.)Il l or wme cf ausertiflg that (Chriat'u .hunan soul was separaied from bis .body by death, as In caseof oiher-buYlmo 'beingeinluthe article cf. death. Prebably S. a., (sist.er tudontj, bas many a tune. recitod in the "Broken Otchisin, nas follows :-uWbatdo Jou mean byhel ibis article cf tbm Oreed ? Ana. T he place of departed 4piritn.» And tIb is 18deop euough for ail practical purpoies fer auy, laymaunor voman Ofb-Pusylf.Boetb thearticil i. and thee r.e restU=on Acta, IL. v. 27, 31. As we rmhwse thIbm ohSunday w"_ W e our attbhment te 1th18 tth, vii. Tat our subsitute bore real death lu eut »tead. But rosi death lucludes the separ- lion cf, teul sud body Jeans> did net oly *pparetly dxo, sudbumed,r as hereticu lu bygone am have assetmd, bu[t ho setuuly humbi utQ 1 at-urae weiiiaaby dsb NcW,'to suppoill theSaviour uudor Ibis deehumiliou thm promise wsmd toblu t h . hould rot long , b inthat a T * u sIi lt ne le y éuliù7ý nôtsufeér tih olyoe t - 10u apa Homco the wcrdlug cf the arutic md the Crééd j -unfortunate iheugh tbm wording Mnay ho.- I trust Y. L. unites wiih me sud isys-Here 18-ne speoulation, 1but cmmen seuse and, plein facts. When Y. L.- ays to S.SB.--IfH3eU is not meaut andUadOes in, why innotHEades used ?" belto repy- Becune tIbm transIstors cf or Bibt cf 1611 use the word bell. They use it for tbree different places, the grave,-hadef- place of leuishbrnt aftr itbe indment Io neo one m t10 Malhe in thm use of Ibm word; ofc aus, hinking personwbowere SchOlars kuew cf ibis uam-mis-imO-&d read the Bible accordiugl Ncw,' lu 1M81we worm given a re=rîeJ ible sud people aud churchea viii ho blame-wrrthy ahould the word "HeU& bo Periitted le romain in article, or Creed, or t.eachiug. (We kuo referma move alowly). Shouli dyen ui" upon the word «"HoUL" remainmng, whst will bo gaind? I ask whibhpl" didte <rdfs Souilu o 1?Nottheplace for the daned, fo ehre are no ioula ihore yet i The lest seuls have io stand aithe judgnt4 ithon hi seni-thithot. If yen smy devila are tber-1 &Yn.They have lo be judged as wefl s wrcked me,îtebebsent. it veto velu i devila worm there ahrm an sd net Sialkin)ù about oartb sowing doubi sud mîber tares, If F. L., mnya Jeasas seul vont te ihe grave it 18 bardly possible, for even tbe seul oi Lazarus as "carred by ange1"'lb h company cf Saints. And iheberdbilnsel told the orucified unaefacer, that b. woule meM lhlm lu Paradise. And accerding t Paul, (i. Oor. 12- 2 _ 4 comnpared& Paradis' insheaveni 1 Iask F.-L. te acecepit Qt ume, that thmeLord'.seul carried, porsonal the.emoeasd prociof cfhis owu cry uponi oru."ig ~finishmd" 1toaeve tli sud se thé ransemed sud tibm Angels, kuel cf çaliion 9 mc M',sd Ibm seul of ih rodomod EF daI quikly luil t "enor' preaence ho se oug1 for: SSe Job 17;4-5.Thus m y frimdF -Uville Uithal"iEa"being thm original word, aisIbm h botter word. May ho become "diligent atudeut" of Ibe old sud ne V«8si"ns q& Hily Srpr. HMs other r marksueed arely-MtIbm edià ermit. - (c'T-Tbrm asbeen se rach cf ibm Hellor Rades, or vhaevmr yen msY uci4h inu imumuacf the .U KIo LBlilIa sea.uuoly beingfaebmn ne iessO y vo imel cf suiphur. Wd 'wt tu te fun of su. ýimportant âalfihhmmevhat uspepuur rogion 10 live in, sumd rmss as Mîttercof fi&et, it den'imake anchi - eruico tous whether ihere ainob a Ȉ ,lacse crueot. -for*,& doinet eipeci te vist g eo- plae; bu theIb mt nonI m u nU et Il ýO4S=0,tld uy'Mr. Donald wi '« batÇ;en lua certain lown j~~u Pm nIbubeci cof "Hne," and exprm~d IM belisi b" t t»e as»n»1"e place. one cf Ibem miisstu c f Ibm Iovn kWsl m agu, butivas refuaod Itherv lm.NiSrt Wning altiertho unu v 1ud "ebbiMtsa theu Ibm l ascmposi bînuùwf toe sd, Ibis orhodoitte Mlà aMi aseocutd lm. "I b"elieyOn letured on "HOU" lui evonlag? Unbelievmr ithout Ieckpg up, "Yeu-- Qnilwdgte,"Yen ddon% w~efldej~e 13s-"Unbelever, "That 8 l,- uaI objecol- tothe pas oi My ' IluIlottn i e gene coluion liaI thé unajoi mi.It May' yelhowtver b. qi .4 h.Ihen the 1sjontl b. eut iu prb*ouuim sxu'm wo gwpm- before long diaeover Iliat the Pre@idOn tb miia nm ei t1.y huvo thuÈetabliâhe)d ta capab~le of &alghtt be bspiised mi s.~~~~~~ muh$eeplolQl~a ver Lcrd'is table,. Sllu basa n ,ntre ino hmr mlolatfl.'Tii. LS-ordcemzWude if sheý .sltuaLiÃ*eb"igt rversed tbey may-by bs ih elo o n ha'rah expenenc efi m bw uuplesaft it istobe the upmr-m»f.MA I ____________ ~ y8timt, by Sev. Ji His (»ace, Archbishep Lynb, v il towu on Wednesday audThursdaY,-Ibe guesi of- Faiher MocCauL Tho Bishop cf London vas lu town on Woduesday evening holding confirmation service in AU Saints' church. The, District Me cf the Methodist crcibai h eldiuf'rt Pc aseg te press, 1h. RoVIE.Germnan, -'cairman cf the district presdrng. Tho Bm. J. P. Bankt, pamior cf Ibm BaptistcbiC, iIpreach nexi Lord'a day, Moruiu sud';Leening. Moruluig suM~ec- "The A ocf Qed.' Eveniug subjec- 'cThe EpiablishdIO nh: A large ou , mumbled lu ihm Tabe.nuaele mu nuda yevenlug te listeuto PLav. 1uo. Abrahamsl sermon. Alw pleasing in, bis «yle ansu n c.E * ,The ngragations et Ibm Presbyterlun sà d Muthdi ouchswomh*gly krat1edlo otic e m anfoallibersity sua chriaias spiitwbo fund vent lu Ibm exchange cf pupWor raiber ofcflergmen, on Sunday A week or tve ago there vas some talk cf Bmv. J. Y. Germm mScptingchargme o some oibmr congregatioli for thm usai conforeuCo. Baquiry -boiWver, bas failmd te find suyone who could veify Ith urner, nor fer Ihai matter -a sigle memiber cf the congregatigu whe faverIbid A good msny people are begiuing 10 te- mark as an excuse for their absence ai, churJu services, ihai ibmtheather 18 toc bot in Ibo sumnier lime. Wbicb ib m re it sug- bgeseIvo idem. In tihe iritplace gpuai cars, sý hould b. taken te proporly *ontilate ont schurchea. Inîheseood placeshort semons 1sould be lu order - thât is the state of treligon. a Tbtouigh iuiexchange et pulpits betfvesn ibmheminisiors cf tib. Methodiat sud thé sPresbyteuiau congnegaiii, ibtheplecfS tAndiew'sbhad the ploastite cf ilstouiug ý 9 thm Pb". Dr.- Rare for Ibe firsi lime, on LBnuday evening lest The sermon shoeo< ecualdexable researvh ou ibm pari cf Dr. >t Il4sâe, sud vas oeelong 10 o eremembered te by ibm largo audience assmbled. Dr. Harn f Would confer a grea fayot on churcb gocrs d wero hoe te take ibmpulpit efloner than ie ýo doms. ne bu sm. 18 aw v i ity osal Ineticau ohurch closed ibis mrning. LutI nigbt tIbm whucvsfilled 10 overfloi.Ç, ibere boingy large n=mbr0cfProtestantà f rodac bere1 bear ibo addreuseegivenbë i rc b Amclbuabop cf Toronto. 1115 Graco speke1 on varie'us points te ibe peo-pl ex Ho vs atmd in tIbm eayrssdcirdeoon L two st=sngecris sasd Faiber M.cCaU M;aGracoleft t r the Palace1 iu Torouto tib inoming after hum short vmst tb ibis part f bis fI.ck hie*y pleasd viib Ibm w&y Ibey sho*ed ibeu earnest>eu sud faith in their çhurçhms snd religion. Cyjise . on veeswearo bmdhaeu &"Va 'schurch, ciuWmdudaievmnlug i Ibe presence 01f a large cnrgic.'h eishop of Torout,4asssd by Ibre .r.. ,Md,"=ieof Oshaa, Rv. A. J. Tifflor, of Lobedy, sudIbm Ro.Mr. Fidler, lucujubeul cf Ail Sait's, conunced Ibm selemu msvices. The Busbop addresed ibm c&ndidatesin app psoterru asud un- presed upon thon' the mportance cf thm solenin stop shey worm about te tske. The flvnwer e mCandidates - WMe M.aoOecrse, Bessie Hauu. Edità Grus, Lottie Gronvood, "dth ConotaM 'eiceM 41!m Miyid BrmaI Crush. Thi oin ladies wom dremd lu hÃŽtiM sd - f=me v~r~rmtygonpas aen frem Ibe body cf TheBRov. Mx. Barkmrprpacbem uimprorb uive sermon tes arge6 ougregat.Uu nh Bapiaoburob on Sunday nnis~o gnlanbssd bis reinarks on iM Cor, aIL IlEs directod attention 101th. efforts ,f ths.Apoie Paul in Ibis cbauietr e- <na.adifficulîy vbich had aUlmein -'b hum.The vomen 1usd undertà ken to nuis, sud Paul wrýts t e nmedj1 Ibe*différ- -De hsjuatall ole wrolm, neà deubi, f tom inspirau-on, sud, he admeùiahed Ibm vcoute snibmit- theunselves le. mon; but b. neyer iniemudOd that Ibmey-sbmuW b. Ibm slaves of umu. edý cmated vemn te -nd.mýôWUiel t1 brot'umbua)e T.rd Iluiib, uW4dus enSbrbm n Lt51t.ttxlad Misa Mary Ellen hllboh ny.1 HRx.an-In O.hawae,on Siturday, M& sila m, 1bMagaret Hylaid. Qbeloê daughter 01 the lie 3oseph flland.ý Thilie re tost bih rrway aua to nidayer g pt my lhoa zg goTé nu.sadt b. MUM.n& 4iumawd sudid uumta id u-put y, l lu t - as Fo B ouebi tis u sm t A s Long Balum - thebut eough prmoelplion kuown. GilUéis of Moow femi acre bo»;* e. Cwa aveidmd their cit! con thm returu-trip. Brcnemusl-ulil5u srese&, vii m m- iise ln consumptiofl. AU aixuct nav fauta§ngeure for this mplaiDt à fou nu "omn a Long Balm, wblch -eai . scf auy Drugglat, pLi0 eue lar4« bpule. Mr. Chanubedainsys thé'u- ntraof the Uevmrmeut's Irish polisyvlbe ston if they do not organise. NA TIONAL PILL8 are augar coatt4, mild but thorosigk, ansd-are, the 4est Stomach and Liver Pille in Fluanc a n ad Oo(Jl office 01 Whitby GERmONibLE, Whitby, à y 27, 1887. le IL à tc 0TOWNH SA TURDA'Y, EVE. « The Origie an WITU Oorloade GorgeoM. Gostum -JUBT, TO HAND yJEWELLERYU PNs sud SHOBar IIAIS. OLOCK8-I 1aind 8 Day. 81L VER WARE. Full Stock cf New Goods, alc WSo FORXS, sud MPONS. D m m tI 'Tea Spoons from $1. 50 per dez. EXtrýrdinaryValue ýjeweller-y-Mi GOOBS ITareruonls. ,ade to order. Mluslins, Lawns, Seersuekors, &c., 1- for' Summer WTear, Repired and* arranted dies', Girls,, Chidren,- Boys orÈ Men. ýJA E J0 HN TO cýNew.Mliltofer weelyleaing syles BRBOOK.STBEBT ---WHITBI O.rtifcate of yAjor flarper, Eaq., ci Whitby. repaired sud nsed a grest varieiy cf Sewing Machine.I have corne 10 the conclusion ibat Ibm White Mtie sold by L .Fair- banks 18 eue cf the bot made, ain my opinion 1118s a machine Ibat viilnet easily gel oui cf order, sud viii asI ranch longer thn mcii machines, as care bas& bfen itmkOn te preveni vear as much as Possible. I canl houmstly reocmxnend h t o p-irtieg vaut- inig a good and lasling sewi'.ig machine. I pwobased one cf the Whiie's sme moniba Ãgo, sud lý givreseveryaîiafacti,n. MAJOR ZARPER. -1887- Alter âve yeari use cf ibm White Sewing Machinei=n=f am,~Iy1 au fully endorme t1te ate ad _pn fully recorn. mend Ibm machine ai s family ssving umchne cousla 1maior, repaira than any machIne I bave ever had anytblug te, do witb. MAJOR ÉHARPER. SOMd cbeapas ibm chespeui, sud la ibm best cf the. boan. L. FAIRBANKS, Solo Agoni-for ibisDistrict. and lowest prices. A nice Une of Tweeds and Worsteds, for spring- and, summer suitings . and overcoats,,. made to order, in the. latest- styles@ We have a well assorted-sto'ek.of new and tasty 'gûôods, -and are prepared té give our customers the best value for their money, POWELL& 00o* Corner ot Dundasand Brook Streets 1887.BORDER8, Staff ordt &Couck WALL Larg~ i... Pattgrns, Low- - a >jimgbei.......08 * 080 Goosees.......020 *072 p'IOur, purcwt.......... 2,26* 250 ~an.e..........0 40 *0650 -y............Oo 046 Poea........02g 055 PeoblmkmYOd..... 0 70 4# 075 a&Y'.......... 100 ngli0 là al1 e 10 1ceZ5r d .. . 850 o Bad ()over mmmd......40 g500 A.ppes, pernbbl..... 1-60 g200 Potatoos, perb ....06* 7 Egg.............12 *14 Oheee............ie4go. WoCi......... 0 1,8,~! ~s4es,~eTW....... Repsirea and Wananted. - 1 1 watchpo,.