Wltb Caim 1Printed words,,gettahsml tiugIds a~voatePeac, Pogres, nowledge, Brotherhooa. Irosini and good iii ekors, &CO, ar. lats, for Lame rs or men, ,is week. ~: eading StylaICI nd Worsteds, suiings a'd in the latest stock of n&w prepared^,to ýest value for ro-k Streêëts. DOS# 18S~7. La~ Ran~ge1 ~hoice Palleîn~, >APE. 'AFFH9D Wbitby. >ECOIIA TIBNSI' td Wà unds, Soras sud U1ýu. a;for -contracted sud stiff ar truel, London, tbey areP HVITBY ~STOHR ~ery that isj ng- trade, neW VOL. XX.WHITBY,-ONTAR'iLO.* E9stablished 189é. fie Leadlng WeekIlyln' Onhtro Coupty1, SUBSORIPTION RATES. $1 pet auuum in advauoe-41.50 other- f ise. Subeoriptions are always payable st the office cf publication. Steam equipment' sud but furniuhed Book aud- Job prlutlng plant ln Eustern Ontario, capable Qi exeozting ail jass.of work from th e M poster tte h.snllet bandblll. 8peal rmntion lismade o! -*a. nsmusd prées. faolitles of Twa Ouuo*. ICL.E, with lis celebrated N. Y. cotta»ef cylluder proses-sud other modern cenveni- oinces. Rvery order receives prompt, care- fui attention. TERIM O F ADVEBTISING. Firet insertion, par une, 10 cents; là oh subeequent insertion, 5 cents. Displayed Advertisementu are measr.d by s sosie cf uolid Nonpareil, snd charged scoording1y. Aa eenuts tsent without wrltten' instructions iuserted until forbiddeu, sud charged for fulil ime. Orderui for discontiuuing advertiaemeuts muet b. lu writing, otherwiue tIýe publish- ers wll net be reeponsible. A liberal discount for coutract adventice- mente by the year. Copy for changes cf aontract advertisements s ould bo ha.ndod inu not later than Wednssday ; sud notice cf anyintended changes should ho given bel ore Tuesday noon. Other advertiae- ments received up te Thuraday ucon. Business noticelu local or newu ;celumus Five cents per Unme weekly. Locals, 10 ots. perrline weekly. Correspeudence solicited from al p arts of the County or nolghboring to=Ps. Correspondent. are requcsted totenmod ln their communications .as prOMPtlY As, possible, HENDERSON & ,iRAHÂM, Proprietors- "~HN STÂNTON, Sup't Mechanical Dep't. JOHN -B. FAREWELL, LL.B., B ABLUBTERI Couuty Crown Attorney, sud County Solicitor. Office,- South wing, Court Hou.., Wbitby . *-0. JAMESII UTLED(,ýE, ' T) ARISTBR, &c. Office foxmerly oc- i>oupied by Farewell & Rutledge, ne=t o Royal Hotel, Brook St., Whitby. DAVID ORMISTON, B. A., ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, SOWJCITOB ml AChaceonveyaner, 1" Whitby. ly-l0 G. YOUNG SMITH, L L- B., BÂssuer farraeLi e Loa Oiouc-Smlith'a Block, south of Market, Brook St., Whitby.-a Jan. 22,1879. (tf-b JOUX BALL DOW, B RRISTER-AT-LAWl SOLICITOR Jin Ohanoery, Convoyancer, "o Offe-Deverill's Bkok, Brook Street, Whitby. MONET TO LEND-Prlvats Pund'- ln sumo up te P$0M, at a low rate cf fi- tercet.(Iy-69 LYMAN aUGLISRg L L. B.,, i) nivrsiy.)L.B.O.P. anêL.M.(]3din- bwqrgh), &o. Oie hbourm,, 8te 10 &.m.,-2 to & sud 7 to 9P.m. Ne. 8, THE "TBRÂGE," BYBeN-ST., WUITBY9. RIGOS &IOY S. Fi. cor. King aud Yng ts., Toronto. B DST TÉEETH, $8 on rabber. .L>Oeflnloid, 810. God., $80. Zgave extracted 1h. teeth from Thoussans:t ersnu absolutely paines byteueo itaiized Mr. 46 mte with Lag4ey, Langley& Burke, A R C H ITBCT. Deuignu for Oburebes, VianasudCot- tages a sp.clalty. Irawlngs prspared for remodeling existing structures. Oicu-Firet flat over Howse's Drug Store. P. O. Box M0, WrnrnF. SEBBERT BIROË0 LIVERY and SALE STABLES, BROCE STREET, WHITBY. Good Rigu sund Good Hrones. Terins rea- 19 SEBBRT BUOS. 3~~EL~IAW8 wO0RaP!i POWDERSO Am plcsnt toi- ke CGutlu their own PUrgaUà v. lu sa tmfe Emre Ilund efiefaa jeaeaE70r et worm, lu Childrae d"l~ POWDER THECDOOK'SBESFRIEND SOAP I N OHEMfi8t andDRUtîgIST. Has just received a large as'. sortment of IrOILET solp Which hýis selling a very LOW PRICESO BAVO-NA, THE GREAT Alsofor .baIe by W, . R.IOWSE,- NEW GOOD8! W. IR. HOWSE, H..s on n a e lraudolesoc Lais>Work Boxes, Whisk Ho/dore, Odor oasi T Leae Vas Andin t s ortn f other artilles sit Cand -Ezaminô Our Stok e J r4*u IuAse LNEWS.-LUTTI- pomoiz Coirrespondence. ÈRS, ,ecte.fr be coing crop lui la good. Thi.potate beetie On the *fenewatpbng for a te corne -UP. [on, are bel« » a4le for tii. at 10, s.m., smd h. to6 for lb. ation of hie remoirks 'P*eed z-my s,"and preached a very abppropri-- mmon. lu thoe venlng ah M6.80 OV. il. M. Manuiuk,.pasto f the h, ooeupled the pulpit. Ou Tuée.- 40.24*9 ,the. chair -was te bave 4akes *t' 2, but ow0u-to the. prit à 9a . taken unti nearly 4, a programm e consitn of chois. ebythe Juvenile choir, recitations escbolars of thoeool-anda speech 9 Bev. H.LM. Mauilng -This hIt the. afleroon service te a close. iii w&W«erved in the shed afler ka gr and concert wus given by r-famed -Greenbank~ choir.. W. th"t the officiais Ãmade a very hôîoeý in securing ethe. 'service cf ri splendid choir, a&ec peeches by av. iddly, cf Myrtle -and 0. J. DÉ cf Prince Albert.- A social place en Thureday te est up the. -he iiotel.keepers are sumnmoned gag s uid il lb te be boped they vili b. 6i~alad Iis ime. eJho new bsrraeks iefiaisied sud s pn"d banquet le toe b hed Mu il te d47. Numbers of red-ooated men aie sen' aa iiez, jmueh stir lu town. "lqWdnesdsy bier. le te be i ."ruie*, ' themakeand ivlereported th"l taGod pro ramme -may b.expéec. e,ma4 next uonday thé. Preebyterian -aPo2pm Io 8give o onoert bat OÙ h hoouh.# f >.y by ai lange Irade procflein llb.themomai wuva go"ý, espeMulslyMr. Brodiee, ms* .Gouldu ui o udUise ieo qpared, mo troublot- rush.il succeU.Lu ii alenon ie vers le b.l gaines al kiuds -but tiese ver spoil.d lb7 h. nopa wiiich ehes. liaI momfl for a dcviipour. Tbiowd lien repalred teti. ircÙ& ulbail. Ilba .elgaoncr a ie nudr ie uspcesfth. fir. brigade. Tih a ae sevenal solections alec tii. ozsw s. Tbre."o- me r 39', 1887,. PORT PBMT. The town le te hbave B nightý-watch. Mns. T. Corrigan je off on a tour torlad The town wae the -rendezvous of BUl lthe..Methodist clergymen in.the district i week. The.Standard mai dose net walk alon. now. Che Grey Grizzly cf the. mail car je sfter liioe sdtbreatene te knock 'Amble., i'end ( congregatien of the mith a fine bell., chnrcb Anewï plossure yacht bas been- put on tie i.lke hrs-tii. "Express." Il ha. capacity- for carrying flften or. twenty exoursionisesansud la beb.kept bers for liai purpose alone. Au auimated coutrcversy i. going ou in the st andard bore betwen Messrs. Wm. B*~man, ez-reeve cf Scugog, aud W. B. HlIm, the. pesent reeve, regard- ing tii. condition cf tiie Sougog bridge. The people cf Ibis towu wcre very] mucii gnîeved te ihau cf the deai i nJ Australia cf Mn. Ankland Benson, nec Mise Mary Grahamn cf -Scgog. Before ber marriage Mre. Beneoný was very popuar bere. Mr.. Gl enny, cf tb. Ontaido-Bank$ bas been prooeoted te lthe ageu.cy ah- Port Artiiurjwiere tbe bauk has a large staff. Se short waethi.notice that Mr. Glenny W"' fortunste enough t eape thie cstemary "farewsll supper." Attii. Scott Ast trial 'ou Mcnday Mr. Paterson raied au objection -t. the magistrate'e jurdicticu h. claimedà tiaI Mr. Horne vas net- Police Magi - trate for the. viol, eounty and. there- for.eoculd ici sot. Tii.cose. loto b. appealed' BSmo. lien we notice that Nhe Véry enezitay lii.local cabinet met lu Torcnto sud appointead Mr. fHone" fer th. viols couuty under the sot cf luet session. -WhouWin the Iast cf lhe objections b r.scébed- NO. healtbh, Emc mnch m tbat ehe i. g oing back agBin in' anether week or se in order if posaible tc, fully re-establish' ber etrengthb a helt. Mr. Thoq.- Horne, a Wefl.to-do- far- mer cf liiiB plà îée bas departed for Eng- lanpd in order ta s e e is native -place. and te Sec the worlas it is, generally., H. teck rail to .Mà ntreal->and -e-pow riding on thé. wavee tte 1i > od At the beginning cfthe. week ,ýtber. eMr Bobt. C"flies vlle'p near the, shores cf Lake. uperior bad the -, mis- fortune -te brea bis lég jusf-ov tieý ankie. Wbue -ei A ese man- who waswoking où the. roof-f a.buildlngs, he wae ascendingia ladder vhieli. gave wsy sud Mr. Gillies was pr.cipità ted te ttc und with a ýgood hlal of violence. S 'Beudtthe principal- injury lie b.d a verygenoealbad ehak- ing up. Tic. limbe *,ts set- sud iù a day or 'gs'eiiid tI$fortitudle-te strlke--- fonbome. 1After utiniga, ImmenseJ. amount of painbeho reached -home . on, Saturday nighï. 9,-ze ,ver.y' slowly imýproving frein lhi bad accident.q' B P. 0Colo, cf Montreal, l iting MM. N. epinstaUll ft on Tuesdaýr set for Brandon,Xan., via the . OP. B. lake route1 Sh. yW41 >. gene 811 mm-_ The firat etrswbez'ry and ice-cream-j social cOf tii. ....oî viU-be',given b h ladies îcf:St.- 1iebrgeay oborol lun-thes eohohlhouse sud tîou*ide onu Jirsday The - Oshiwâ' crickêl club vent tir BOIFrn"nriile to -play a fMendly garne1 lwi* thle olub 61of 'iaItewn, oni Prl.Y hast, but cwng te -'the' rein,_tii. game was postined.- Tii. ,seond Rame cf i b Osiiswa Geai-oue, but, nic earying ou.buinmess 0 barber aob6e, delivel ,7 rkWdof Satur Ibaqppw WUu. MoB RIZN.M..,M. Il~ Ji~,. W CRA7 Graduate M. UNIT. f I 'o J ~IDÀY9JIJNE a'I.nw os"ie Dré Bo$ H. Grsdu Q~o