Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1887, p. 2

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And Items etolen fromoOur Exchaugeàî1 Agrcuittral prSoses are good in' this loomUty.-, There is great .soarcity of bouses bo rent lis !$evoai. Tho~ building for the batton fackiry is ocempleted,- sud $8000 wortit of machlnery has beeu put in. Mlr' lac. Short, license inspecter for West Victoria le te have theBu st alse. With Col. Deacon sas police magistrale, bail vhiekey will b. baniah. -ed frem ltse land. Mfr. A.dam Doran is .cw fully am. barked mn the manufacture cf cigare at the. shop on Wilharaa et. Tii. article made as an excellent sample aud le giving g.cd satiefactiosi among smok. ens. 0*11lte beat and pureit leaf là used and; lte stock as fuily equal te te beat broughtit lova, Those who are curions te eolte prooes of manufacture viii fiud ,Mî. Doran ready to afford 1h. opportunity of seeing the procedure. Makiýtg cigare le ofe lte thiage net yet livaded by ma"Oitry and manual doxtenity oçunts' for a goed deaL mrkaog A subje@ot M feuon i rkU greiug cil una le lai lbe pomat bug as favorably ocarce Ibis yeià!. Poesibly hie-lbe bug's-uselulness le gone. Probably he b.d worked the torritory over for aIl il i. vortit and le desirous cf finding pture-pelalo paaîue-new. We have doue eut boit tu mako hisestay exiting and ho bua been the recipiont cf numbenleseat-. tentions, and ho za oommondod te public cf somovitero oie s a àbrilliant aud stripod exampleocf what ability and proeerance can accmplisi. . A poition la in circulation te whicit namesar as ked prayîng Itit e coun- cil do net pan a bylav ge prevont cal- tle-from r uning aI large, and thatt1he by-law et prosent in force restrioling cattie from being aI largo at night be onforced insiesd. Il le learly a que.- tien as te vihther people who improvo and beautify thoir propenlies are te do m s t th.enisk of having lte vontof yoars deslroyed in on. nigittor viielier lte oonvaene o f ralepayers vitekeep cova 1mtobeb. onsulied . Tii. cuve-at pruenet-have neo"te. In lte malter, but are able te make up for ltaI .defi. ciency in elier vays. Il 5inn. li'tai pastur. As not as itand in a&Uceso, but lit ahould not ovenide aIl other con- olderatioûe. The ael damage oansed by vagrant oom isle vry large and mosl aneying. Gommons nov looked on savailable posture ground aitould b. f.noed and made use of in a rigiti vay, and itl l oltleremombenltai il je nostqjvsys lte poor man'a cow that ofiends. Ae long aselte omilboy vii peariut n aking te banks of tite river and loge anA scqve lying along aitereIse playgrourad üliaman. boy vii oscontne se furish from veek to veek, items of înteresi for Ibis paper la reoounllng bis prosmsbly narnow eecape from drowu. Zn. On Monday a 11111. fellow, sou o! Mr. N. Lamentevile eponllng on a boom "&t'lte river belov Mr. W. Me- Donner' asupuseod lie oth~e vater by a playmate namod Eddie Powens. Lambnle bid a-bard and meut trying, time cf il, for before itelp could ta. brougitl t.i tespot ho had gene under q>hmn for thetiird lime. Forlunately frame cf Rebson'a laaneny' building von. able te gel about and ai consider- able permonal isk btougitithlie 1 fellev ashore, vitere heovas nolléd ovor rcs»& otue* >n ebave the i Tiete eimwbaumy halaove: 100 been completed. A voman vas seen drmin a a ote-l @bod lte olter day. $700 vili be, spent Ibis summe? by lte Grand Trunk inl repairing ita ivbarf. A. boy vent te vorl inlaTiompson's ehingle miii on Monday vel, and iad hie thumb and hand divonce<l bY nO" by a saw. A cman in ttis lowwn gavo hon eigitteen #~Onthge Cid chuld laudanum tle quiet il cüit l i sti in dealh. The parents are almost hoart-broklln On Tuesday last e runay occn[rredl on West s"Mtelhbujuet oulsido ithe tevu. Il wus ajarmers' nig and la il voe.the fermer, hie vif. and baby. The. tçeam etOWWeon lterune te man tried te guidàO"hus#ýit be. ikSnue lte vermua'mp 1ed ount ut the ditlil vas 9tôPWb aa sriNge Lesy a ont vas burt, Md uothug cfa"Y account damaged or boken-S amr escape- 8cme good-alzed boys, in feot Young men, put 1k a taull-ime Tuesday nigitt, puiling. eash etier &round lte Ieading street a aa cildga express 'vagon. Thoy alec .mado a 11111. more noise titan is considered ailowublo on cther days, btntWO suppose ltat sbouling on titis gloriona occasion vas nothing more Iban e symptom cf lOY&ItY. Humer says liai 1here WU.as a 1111 "enronkt in lte case. W. don't doubt il. Loyalty and crenk often go baud in band. Tite people cf OniWliawere more than sitooked lait evening viteo neya vas brougitl te tevu liat oun voll knevn citizene Dr. J. A.. ardegi, ha" been threvn oul o! & nig sud killed. Thte neye vas tee true, sMd th» iufated decten'e body vas brougitl hO ievn. Tii. pantfculsare as follova: Mn Geo.. Thompsou and lte doclor wve oyor n ate township of Dalton drivlag tegethen. Mr. Thgmpeon bcd occason te visit eome mon at vert in lte bush sud requesleA lte doclor te drive Ou sud hoe vold meet hlm futiter &long te rosA. Tii. as dons, but vitea Mn. Thompeon emerged (rom tis voods aI thiespot viene deoaed vas 10 ait for itim, lte team eenld net b. seeu. He vaiked on and found thte Ouhion,. vbip, Iyng on lte groundsud aI lut the herses cropping tbe grase &long lie roadeide. Re drove napidly back, sud viten ne« ~tii. spot h.ho aillefs lie deeton, fou"d him lying face dOvuva au the roadaide vali a bruise upon lte temple. Lifit adýfied. It leeuPPOSéd ta Idecmeaboia iberna seIed Î 1 fi--& malady be vas eubl.cl &e- sud wviila inil feUllud wvas tubA by lte fmi. H. vua s gaduate cf MOGRi Connee, MontreasiMadas extnemely popular ameng lhe poorer classeste vhom ho vas apoeoaay genorouLa.Re vau eue of ou best knovn reaidont# anA viii ie gnesay miased. The funoral takespi.plu n Pniday, stl2 p-m. Mis Fanny Tait brigitiened Toronto vilihonerpresence for a fev daye luit weeli. Tii. smement cf the Lords& Supper vas admýinistened l inte Mellodial charcit, Sundty evenlng, f4r the finst lime a e. veral menthe, lte'service We ing geoerally performed sI Mrkham. Tig-e n2River bad pii on Immml- auni aro..'Bïîai iwo paes. -- At 1.80 o1eleck Ibis a! ýîo=.W front o! Minsa Bndonaeatstoue--" e,-e wagon tlievaaue g machine. TI%. hers, a ellê beiefigitene4 Vn ltaI ieé iAe, flowoff' Ils beL- attemPi vu asmde te step ,-âl faled, aAtle herse l arted up (*e b set et a ttenufiforte. Il r» au c -g vay bofone it vwus ppUtmo was*lhnown eut anA bdly broken,, but no luàhtr damage îwdonqî .'ýI- William H.Lliorten, an employa. cf i MoCGeès flour Sili, Port Ho»eIelft hie home Tuesday monning te go to e r-I Ho bad been M t he d&y bln~ Tu.sday morning cemplained of- acit&snd dizzlaess. 'iter bru ho. 1.11 lie, honse, anA vas netm ,s.e o ".. 1111 Wodneedby -ev4ni, vi a ibat hie alneas, frenta vieldae',tiliu~ahi ho bcd reovoedt i. nt et uned and ltai lie unfoninnate ma n i. nov ln ac sade cf lempcrary sud hariesm On Tauday worning lest, one of lie section mon dimovored liai lie imbens of a pilie bridge on lte Grand Junchien Reilvey, about seven miles* vest of Campitollford, aya lite HWW4 ,bcd sunu some incites and lovered' the rail vit it i. The reguar , train traom Peterbore had passed ovor lte bridge' cnly a short lime before, sud efidenîly te place ited become dofective about ltaIt lime. Rad il net been noticed tli e couple cf' heurs lbeo, lte freigit follovlng lte pessogen'train nigiti bavo met vitit su accident equal te lia ie tctoccurred lut, veet. Friday nigittoien cuncilior, vite itcd been aîlending lteé midnigit session o! thbt rencvned civil body, on entornen hie itouse about on. Woock !onnd lie bact doors open. Hie vifé on being qusaioned, said se itad caefnuly taitoned tem before retiring. On making, e tour o! inspection il vas foun d lta bold bunlers more or- lmi, bcd prisA uplite titciten "vindov sud effecleA an outrance ttehbouse, leav- ing asmalt block underltheeaah te b.e rsady for instant eiit la oas.e! emergency. Thotenhe Accru ver. al opéed ready for operehiona, sud Wa lte gentleman beau a 11111e laier a -burglery veuld have bena commilted. He evadently dropW inl on tem before titey iad cdoueno nybln a soarci oven lie premises faillag te discoven a=y furlten trame cot§.woul-b.$Jlu Moral : teep your doors sud WIô eecurery f aitened at aigit, boue lie valoh-dog, 1usd lth. blundorbusa, anA sleep vatoe eoyo open. The. race tract i. a geod oee Iis teaon. Tii. boys are ape.dlag nage, upon il. Thte tracli i. to be vidoned sud improved. Mn. A.. J. Sinclair, benrister, of Ibis place vas on board. lte train et ithe cllision at Stoufflville laut veeL. Tite teva hbubeen lafeileA vitit life imaurance agents fer a couple cf veets. Theo valle cf the nov lovu ha»l com. menced to bmd ont Lest eeli. Fing -Phara«hs T.omb. TES SECRET 0F TU IDMGPLAOI OF TIE XUMI<T OP RANESES Ir. FI- laalinooftombe-boyoutlite Bam- esseuna lii'. four atury Arabe nained AbA-er-Rauoul, mscys a uintaheb cemfrvo, heliug o! lit. dlcvery of Pbanaota' tnto. -Tlaesppleuide .,le aîh i ntef 'h"aa AgalAa mn'i debris:W àýn lb. ot ,6.âop 4 ba4t- *a iesoltd ubsràzeupaiage1 vasteà,d vhleh ran weiïtýVrd some l~eny.for ot and thon tilrned, dî hbout of the montain straight exoopI- vhare broken for aboeut t by ae abçstirw~.The passage termi- natd--ü ametuary h obr abouti thirteui by twenty-th'ee foot ln extent -and, bàroly six feet ini height, There' vas foundihe mummny of Ring Phara- Oh ofte Oppression, with nearly forty others of kinga, queens, prices. and Thi -Respon8ibilty of teEng- liah Ohurch. Establishment«ha. its-dutios as weiI as its nightrî. The. clergy of a-sdate Churoit enjoy many advantae over thoso of unpiivUleged and unendowed religiou- ýreiios, but th.y lie un4der a cerreWile O ripnsibiIity te . iaàis ~p&1 evwy'medibor efthe body polii. muâ arnne av 'ethaaY 0"rdn attaches1w 0 sermons. If preaohers etray boyond lte doctrinal limites9stý, by lay lavyers, lteé Puivy Concil viiiss b it; and, if tey think fit to use their pulpits for thje promulgation of literary, or historical, or ecientiflo errors, it ie flot only 1he right, but the. duty, oi the bumblest layoean, wbo may happen to b% botter iuformed, to correct the. evil efféots of snob perversion of the oppor- tunities vhici thle state affords them 'and snob -misusae of the. authority wich ilssuprt lendf them., Whatever ele il ma slim to b., ini its relations with the States lte Establiahed Churoii is. a branct of lie civil service: and, for hhose vite repudiate the eelpilial authority of lbe olergy, they ad merely civil servante, as mutoi responsible to the English people for lte proper performance of their duties as any oters.-From "Science anid Pseu*do- Science." by IPnoFssssoRt T. H. .Hux.zr, in Popular Science Montl&ly for June. a. a.1E. Stoed the Tert. 44L trled overy known remedy 1 could thinà of for rhumatiam, vithout IM me i6y relief, nuil I tied Burdock 11ooi *Bitters, vhich remedy I can higblv roc- coommend to ail affiited sas I waa." Ilenry Smith, Milverton, Ont. O'Brien's mission to Canada i8 strongly condemined by Camion M'Caul. Pain-Killor i» cur Crampe or Paine in any pari of the system. Anti-tith iète tapnivaiin Wales. Use <4Maud S."Conditïon Powders for Hose, Cattle, Shoep, Hogeansd Poultry. Ifinera and lndiana in Al1saka are fighting. Hiolloway's Coru Cure degtroys aIl kindi o! cornsanmd verts, root and branch. Who thon would endure them wiih sucb a cheap and effectuai romedy wiihij ree. murdo.. Do not delJy in gelting relief for the. l1111e folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minal»r la a pleasanud suxe cure. If you love lyour obild wby do you lot il sulier vhen a retn.dy in so netr ai baud?, On Friday a terrible fatal exp>losion %took place in a coal pitat Glasgow. Unable toeuloep iii bed, unatile to work, unable te tako ordinany exeoise from lte offets ci Aslhm<iWffntil using gouthorn Astbma Cure. AÀBample package rélieved titre. packages p.ruaanontly curod. >wSE.-T o e 4 b tlwrougkly, -4 go eFUI.. Bi4imucewtlldde glt For Censtlpaqt Ocr CoOUIVrneSSRO re ted e n fective as ÂTER'5 PILL5. Tliey Immur regulardalY action, and r.- .1ore te bowels te a bealthy conditon. Por Indigestion, or DyspepsIa, AYER' PILLS ate invalUAble, and a sure cure.) Haeart-bumu, Loi.s eof Appetite, Foul Stoumc, Flatuleucyg, Diezineo., Head-_ ache, Numbuesi, Nausea, are ail relieved ..nd cured by ÂYER'B PJLLS. lunI.iver (Jomplaint, Bilions Diserders, and Jaundico, AyER'5 pu shSbUl be g;veu ln d oses large enougb to excite the liver and bowels, and remove constipation. As a cleansiiîg tedicine in U16 Spring, t.hcs PiLLs are unequîalled- Wnrtàtq, catteed bY a morbid condition of tue bowels, are expelled by those PtILLa Eruptions, Skmn Diseases, and Piles> tiie resit cf InIgestIir or Constipation, are curcd by the use of A yLit's PILL'S. For Col ds, take AvEVS PTLLS to open the pores, remove InfIanimatorý-8ecretions, aa aav te Lever. For Dîitrrbr-àanad Dy-sontery, cau8ed by snAk liicOl4S. indig-eStibiC fOuxietS.. .AYEIR'S PILIM Fare the true remedy. F.heuluat ignm. Gout. NenraIl-ia, and ti,ate.iitutf te, resuittfroia digestive derange- meut, or coius, and disappear ou removirg th,-,causce by tie use Of AYER'S PILLS. Wumfors, Droprzy, Kicisey Complainto, and oiber disorders oaused by debulity or obstruction, are cared by AYERL'5 PILLA. kiupprestdon, arid Painful Menstrua- tion, bave a safe anld ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS. Funl dirctlons, ln varions 1axigu4es, ac- oompany each package. PEEPÂRVD By Sold by aU flrugglsts. NO 13NGLISR 8TAELE 18 CON8IREED COMlSlETE WIHOUT È> ELiÂMAN*ý ~ BROGATIOU 103 BE ]MmeXN, mEE5, 0à"»BiLlETSW »l ""M Cu"1, »Mme l DP 103 EHRXÂINSMl E HORSS.; 103a MOe EraTS thDWof RDEEZA 103oit OEOIZIaKEEa, Lee.SE , 1MDROK. inED talAes. 1i -uvr UfL is missng. ouoad Cash. Weir, Klngston Hrefdahire, I "ulld Dec. 3&dIM'8 P. B. MaoNsma,dry goode meroLiani, Brockville, Ont., gaye-Aa an instant relief for cold in lte beasd A-atn asal BaIs n iuqu&Ued Tits offeet noticed as U Moon as aused. A nev gold ielit reported At Vsneouven. P. M. MarteU, Weit Jeildore, N. 8., ý'nto: rititeormoottood weunuls fDr; Toas cisle 011.I 1, h orbese so.elastiat b. cDM oua- lyvwaikthleltroubl.as u Ite kue.; sad' W6. or ltres applicatons-cnpe~ cured' The vutnikesamqng,,laborers a 'Belgian mines arenouessing 1 n»tt Redl Rtate Mbrtgago aI Lo'w Bat., Apraoise for the Canada Loaut sud Savings. Co., and agent for t.he Weistern Âssurîmee Go. OpFFCE-ý-Over G-Ekrie's Block, VWhitby Suitable for wrapping purposes, laying under carpets, oe., 25 cents per hundred. Apply to t!. TRIS OFFICE. Hon -by Dr. th le CATALOQU"SFE LIVERY andl SALE STABLES, DUNDAS-ST" WITBY. CRA WFOJTH & DEVERELL, PIRST - OLASS TUIRN-OUTS Furnizhed on Shortest Notice. Commercial Traveiklre liberal4z aeaut with. PAIXE 1R1035. 'HOMEST DEALIXG. -717ORTHJ.ESS IMITATIONqS As there are -many iferor tcIcorded witb, jute, et ctoffrean sold 58 ôrlie by oe n Pkicipled merhner In ethe reputation ci our geudiasComilas, wwrnthe ladiesagfainst suob imaposition by draw- lnug tbeif attention to the nEFCesetyo01 eeing thatthe -MOUGITON, GORSET 00.' la8àï "tnion nersiaéeo1ainCora1lnegoo0d% WIthout wbi&h none ar e gnuine. For Bronchitis anddaatbma, try Âilen's, Lung Balsain the beet cough prescription known. -By purehtwing an Ixnprovea WHITE- SEWINO MAOKI#ÀGN1E§. Specia S ale it opbyýSuon L. FAIRBANETS5 àre, anc W]* Dr. Mai oDg end 5E Ë[inieens-, ght lu 1a mabie, o! ton"reaticu Table," by Proï son and. Dr. Li vniters. -Pastc er!-]&eeting TW Dre. DiX, 3e . tera; -and- a fui editonial-w' *lteé. nnimber, -x al. Pnýebliehai 18 anA.20 AM 1& 0.'Per y04 number. Hie! ory vih a on IFnederic lu contillatiom sketches c-f t in e, AIse -AgonI for N.' ceXba Ardui Sowlng MacblneQi TI a m f L f.. no" RIGS. GOOD HORSESO For icoem ln My 1 ton 1-2

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