Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1887, p. 4

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Purity OA 9ANTEE .Hellebore, Paris Green, Inseot Powder, Slug- Shot. -00- AL#IBASTIIIE. Owiug to great demand we have been oompelled to order a fresh stock whioh has just arrived. G. E. GIBBA RD. THE MEDICAL HALL. ONLY Si ou PER ANNUM. Wbltby, Friday, -1mre3, L8%7. TmS Balrd-King eonlrverty in lhe Dominion Parliainent, as te vie llee oil for Qa«nt O LonltyN. B., mtll !gosa cousud trdin prssnt appearano 1Mr. Baird vil! keep bis seat. Parliamet bas hauded lhe malter over te the courts, sud as Mr. King docliaes le figil lbe malter eut in thus vay, il mut end soon. Hon. John Beverly Robinson bas played bise1111e role and steppod in sdd onl, and bas bee a eoeeded by Sir. Aloxander Campieli, a gentleman vie no doubl vil!prove imueIf hfuly capableocf disciargulie dulies et bis higi position ,vili equslly as good -grace as did Ie predecessor. BETURMNO Office Dunu u sbàre thoHone te anaver t% t h. charge cf crookednusinlarelnuig Bairdtle dofoated candidate for Qnesn's N. B. over bis opponent. By rmkMiu fencing b. escsped lmpubcslig himaoli 10 aMy stent but h. did nol mako it clear vhy bo da nuo1 declare Baird ,lecte& by accamaioninstead of wailiug tie reuit cf th. pol!ing. Had i. telleved lhiai ooursc -Baird voulA bÏ aile to holà hbim seat vît litige botter gise. thanhi' dose ai présent. PAr a aaalàbolus eoufled. bMes- o uts. asènWlxusuasd -Bsn. - Butter- W orthiê»are dpuislio (roui Un. Samuel têoeoolte tair lady. Tiey are - oomag o" bore teeorber to pio nie" 6uring the preseut -monti snd hav ope Wmk Ofl .ofespoons. Thre Globesud it Alelong onsidera- -dom bave dided liaI th. Lady il&"ad laportlonouberliIabilitios in -tiri Idems belug lu eceSw îd - er aguets, sud hbsysemub IbnktIeooMer cho is niaçrld ff ov iebolIer, matebea Of ai5B01 f th. moral B91b<>rer"of Toronto. If a dosea bIghbail nëYoung mon engage quartera sud fit -thom ap in o stylet vilh accommtodaion' for bi M andcarda lbey ar e ligble for- incogoratiea a Îcluband oaast u a bar sansiali*Qur b. teoOhborésu their friiiea, -if -the dozen og men are notS onspienous for wealt or high tenta conueuticu lble aIo t inip'uib0efor Iheza tho-persuadé the authoýos sule ad the. temperance people cf Toronto $baltbeiy deuirs b iforai -a club snd btenjoy tbe rlght te -8.11 ous another ilquor. The varlous clubs liat bave beeu denounoed lalelyarths with ne pretensicus te ' ealtWh sud. Influence. Thereaadosèn clubs lun Torento selling tiquerwithoulia Ues liaI lie muthoritieso psie egImt and their only r iun r eonslderlng thom suelàini. Iir diplyo(wealtb la the furnuisiu f the rapartuients. W. say aboliÉb a&U club bars or impose the smre licenee e ai upon ordinary saose. Mu. TROxU Coxstof Cihava4U«, i prelly Wall flzed forrcash. He was forlimato enougb 10 . ebora vwith a bit sler spoon la bis mouti, but unfortu- nats enough tob bebora on tie vrong Bide cf polilies. Hence, vitibism fat bank account sud fine mansion adoru- ad wilh olassio paint, friend CeuaI je inmiliated at always finding himueif on the "under .ide" in lie political figit. During tie 1leoleclion for 1h. Dominion Houa. he may or may flot bave beauene eof Ibose vie, kept their monîba s hut about the National POocy for feqr cf losing loyal votes; but nov liaI hie elecliona are ever and votes are not lu requisitien, he may cnt hlm- sel looss, se te sPeak, sud talk a 11111e annexalion under lhe name, aid guise of Commercial Union wllh lb.etStates. li. thinks if vo had commercial union fruit woold s»I botter. He bas a large orqhard. gui if ho vers a pooir man &a bod ne orciard ho would fain b.- liev" fruit sella migily voll in Canada nov. Thé belief is becoming chronie liat Mr. Consât desparsof ever gel- ting John A. turned out sud for Ibis reasona at@ tWse@sth. country 1"buat- ed up." John Ale' luck seema 10, blet ont ail bopes et anyoue ever reading à speech made te the other ciamber by BousIer Conaut. Howeveri a fov agitato"rsn a acountrY do a dea! of geod, for tbey compel tbe people te study their intereste. Tizz Dominion Parliameut has de- clared in favor of disallowance, but Premier Norquay, et Manitoba bas goS Ise Frenoi up, aud buau nouodIse intention cf buil4lug a ral»wY tethe Unitei l Sates boundary or" ut" Coau-federation. HElaI Mhave le tai bis ingonnily Io the utSoi osîMMarrthe support ai Winnipeg againsi lie liroats of Blepien snd th. blaOis fensi8r John. Stepion bas nctified MauItoba sud thb. Nerlivesl liaI Si . C.P. a. runs lic country, sud lic.. vie don't lii. il may'WoveAcrossthe lino. Ner- qnay audIsa foltovers 'do some lond talk vica aI hoine but they iccome meek as suekingt doses vicu ýthey visi Ollva.The deputation liaI vaie«on iegoverameut vihi bloodl lu their eycs, returned-te Manitoba witi a clearor vIsion, by means cf vbich tiey' plainly 'w bai-I loyalîy te party vas tiu sole duty et à politicien. Tic romaiuing provinec easfeord le saa4 calmy -by and valci tie -unsicu, figi , Mimitoba no doubt is sadly lu- noed pi incroses.d rMtiîay aocmmod tien, but se long »s ber.public, mou prove by Iheir actions to b. insuoero se long vil! aul ber sycapathzers vibi- hola sitive saBpport. 'Blephiu heb" th. key- b lthesituation sud i. weUinl yieldit unlit hoefluds ift cbîe advaamgg té de sq. x4ultoba1IW. sympathise, but doul onlbase vorhacel Tire Miniter cf Education bas -made' provision vberiby tsbr-alanu aI lb. Model Sohoolshail»odele sc insbrucUou lun$ée pàbjeetc- mui. et wà Ëmàk hia hunté nili a iukes the pis»o Ouur seuo.t CCirriouý nuu ow boId by thi. traaental tbi. Tii. repdrit eucet Axt Ewl- ~iati«os arut, but nos l i theli Art. scool adis Ci e ud Me.' .hanlqs'. Insuitues r p orted lu' detail, but- a 0 laynlya rtalrPort of the oefloïteo takhen, by lb. candi- dates for lzb. CoUe * le Institutenansd Hlgh sobool& ",ce papila <1! âhe Whitby Colqate Imüttuii took oer ,ne -ude cr9ti loae ,six ot whiéli wezegranted la tfii. Aor Advrooae1 course. Below ve give lb. report o fa nsroeived. Advaced oure.-Mss nnier Dryden, Â&aodPpectp-eu, "dvae aisé. ýmOtry, Idfstril. De . Mr.' Tios. Power.-Bhainrom 110atDrawlng trom Plowpro, hntllDesiu Tuhe s'oes Ulcnddate in 1h. ourse aire not reported nP tOeoU iug e po itI kn iown hovever that -m.H14to 1h. whole five ertificates ln 1h, B course and was * cloue competitor wlth-:Týxo. Lennoz of Woodstock for the. Bronze Modal. ONT"» OLAMIES'CoOLLzGE., tmiac.oertj a.for prmuary drwln %lrince Clewortli, Preehand, (ecmetry, PpectveMde;MayOomck roc. han, me ;Âlce Oh 1hhn Pr. reotivemod1; ;1&&lAÂdams. Gometry; mBlanchad Geme' ry;g ory, Bella MoLennan, heci *<ifanoed Drawing.-4J. S. Barnard, ori~menat esign, oshadl (rom uit: uhadng rom oun ng m foers%; Wlnnic MeGee, ÂnnIa Shields, ontline frin round, shading from roual; Mande Musassnhadin' (rom flat, shading (om round;,il lkr Mramana eiu shading (rom rounÏ, Bertha Camebell, ornamental design. Mechanicul Drawlng.-J. S. Iflarnardtu- dnst.rll design,, building construction, advanced pcrsqctive, machine drawmng; Berta..Campbél, dvaeedperqmetive. Painting# ilOÙo00rs.-Maude Masson, Wlnnie MeGec, B l alker, Florence Wilson ; Pauitng, Wer Color.-Anaie Shiulds. Methodist District Meeting. The &annual May district meeting cf Wbilby district of lie Keliodiui cburcb vas held aI Port Perry en Thuresa sud Friday "as. TIEUR5IDY. Prosent-Rev. J. F. German, M. A,, ciairman; Be,. J. J. Reddît, financial secreary; sud Beys. N. R. Willougbby, C. J. Debson, Maddeu, B. C. Phulp, or., Gêo.. Walker, NI. E. ScoIl, W. O. Wash- Ington, M. A, J. Liddy, L. Pielpa, C. Aà. Simpson, I. B. Matheve, F. Kean, F. Woodger, MX. B. Conren, R. G. Davey, E. 8. Boys, B. MoKee, F. E. Bugley, and W. Andrews. Lay representatives vers net pressaI on Thursdy, litatday ,bezug cet aparl fer oma porely afélgee~ work. - Anae devotienal. servicesB«i. C. J. Dobeon vas elected, eoary of the Tie wiole cf the day vas taken up viti ozamination lIte mnstra character sud la questioning proba tioners upon doctrinal mattera. Bevds. F. E. Barlcy, W. Andrevs sud F. Woodger vers recomminded te Cdon.- fereo for ordination ; Beide. R. G. Ievey sud B. 8., Rowç vers outinud, lupouiomi, sud Ser.-Pcr a reeommended te b. accepted on proba. lion. AUl the clergymen cf yestcrday ver. r etasud tb. meeting vaessWoed yàliko unibr of laymen. lu tic m'rornng, aller deoio, circuit sobedules were rena hw b extent cf work promdl b i fient *branches of l. wit's la6or, sud aller some dsuso b figure ver. oèrdered W ,ho cesablaod tu tabul*t -d fornm sdforvarded'to0 the Toroabo finsumq, eec., the figurai ere PouIi stisfactory sud showed a bealthy in. orsau luail spleê.U Dominion hue of Royal Mi SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. SAILING DATESl. LIVERPOOL SERVICE. *Vancouvèr ............ June Lnd. 5arnia...... .......... June 101h. O0regon .. . June 16t r. PromM1ntreal BRISTOL SERVICE (Avon =ioath D»ok>O, Quebec.................. May 9th. Domniuon........... Ouai............... .. Juie.. ,-'aaegorseau iàùb at, aMontre-li IhojVAdsrie-S R&ra o PSSGEEY MILS #kMn .4 Doc lWe Want the, Earth? Oh, no: lits the.- Toronto m erchants want that. RýOSS BROS 0 9 Want a littie ready money j*ust'as soon as it ecin be gather-m ed in from willing buyers, and. will- give in exehauge - for a Iimited amount of the same,ý STAPLE.& Dress . Gyoods, Trimming' Plushes, Clothiug, and Gents' FANOY D-RY GOODS, Black. Cashimeres, Jersey Cloths, Dress Silks, Prints, Sateens, Ginghams, Cottons, Mens', and Boysj Fui nishing Goods.1 - We are offering the produet of the best manufacturers, and in quality and excellence you will admit. THEY ARE When we add to this a met. The Lowest Price. the attention of every shrewd buyer. IO 88 -#:I Whitby- Dry efUlan Eline LI.VERPOOL, LONDONDERRY$ GLASGOW. Z umrnaer Arrangçements DATHS OF 8h.ILINGS PROM QUBBO. M oy eI an - Pldy, g ay 13h. Prisien - . -, Thr"dy, " l19h. Saraaie - 4'« 11th. *Crssa. . . FrIdall. Joe rd. Bza sestoÙrs. Sone.eof 44o abovo cary caIlle, sheep or pigo. BATEBWOF PAS3SAU PRO X QUBECl vJmx5o, 10 d m , accordig INDEED THE FINEST., ittraction, that feature of great We. feel that we have offered something worthy of os lEmporium. JUNE 1,LOCAýL I BUDGETOFUVELI, s chil amai County GSoni TEfre"ueit Ii 8treSW haa-the' dudeý Two rnarnagli neu. fl uro aof., eloag Ehopea of s Burus' Oolumnn. "iman nover eau stop the billows' roar, Nor change the vin-as 111 they blow no Nor drive tme lWve rom a malden's door. Mau cannot tbU wbàt ýhe- futurewillbring, Whother nozt year cern-or cen la kinidg, Nor whether- his wealth. wiilqjick ly t'ako But maPa ~e( o Loyrly's-ife,' Rhiraterles - oblidron sud lone, wii0wod, By the simplee cedienta cf iz.uzing bis. lite, And bnFing bis footweur 1z0m i. «A peny saved la this qý&Y sy IBaPcnny saved oreArinyda When Ouuoodsaesi*a&s tls thu BI~ Gootis

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