14ar fiondi-, we centene moe te ive- ontrtrbleto thedéat Thot là farnebier forme *hey lives Por whôm auors am .â» hed. ,Whi*le Springs fair coronal w. boar Li many -a garland gay, Immortal glory de theY wear Iu place.et cruxnbling daY. (Y» many a- Souther» fleId our braves Are o&lmly sleepinýg nov- Wouldtnat ourhands ould deok their graves Above eac h patriet'e brow. Dear Mother Naturels tender heart In-uiâ,n with our own, Her choiceet blooms sliall heïr impart With many an emerald strown. The birds, song-raptured on the wing, S T he aesa deep undlertone; Barthi, air and Heaven shall tribute bring Frora many a cirching zone. Ail night Hoaven's ssrrled hoste shah pass, Led .by the moon's pale siender hor»- And dwdrcps sparklingin the gras Irrdiate the mer» Spring, with flower-gemmed ingers bends solutxin J magrned 4itI jlrir6, vo'oo épeaking(remike tii.n1et ef tii. waning flamesuad thal: it eaio lb... *'I pereive lihat yon do netknow .me, and that yen. marvel what 1 arn. I arýn nt a spirit, e ithgr 'good "or 4vil; and 1 ar notobroà d te, do any oreaiture haro.. I arn a, poqr wandering bail of fiants whorn cme eall Jack-with.a.. Lanthoru,' and me IlWill-with-a..Wip.? In pastge orehave regardod me as a harmilese wanderer, and others as a inalignant spirit.. The- Gaule, afoor seeing me for rnany -centuries about* their swanýpe, called me Feu fo2ei, or Fooliah Pire; and whenovet I appoared a pon the banks ef the Tiber the Romane spoke cf tie' Ignis Fatuwa, or Deceptiveï, - Fiane. I have nover shoile te dormen harm, thoagh seretimes when blazing aboya a dangercum quag. mire the unwary traveler has eerne toward my light and perished in the, toile of tbe swawp. -I have beeri/ýn ebjeol of grave Interest te phileoohers in my day, and 1 have lerrified tie ï 4b brua dvhdW4Uve pge iiïe Séeni.- o*'tiing aïÃquier w. have placed the headtùns." ýMadame ýZel.utîgorof[, bad mai ay about, Prince Alexander. -!nevas honorable, goode An d and amia]Ùble; but bisý amiabi1ity itMay.bese0 eme80ai Madarne Zeleuogcroff, "waB carried te an extreme, wbioh effeoted au.Xd lnjured hie- position. In lhe latter ay. of bis reigu net only inany ladies -but offleors did not.-think of rieing whou th. Prince enlered or loft a roont. Ho vas some- wbaî boyisb ini biesarnuOexnent9f and" would divert hirneli with a inimber of offleers in ail manner of aeîcolboy frolie. He lest oaste by beingointirnate- wth tiose around Mirn. 'Ifadarn Zelenogoroif ebserved, vii Inn-eh sad- noms, that only a menti bofore the eleentioLn the jadgo Who sent her hnsband and friends te their fate bild dined st ber table on the occasion cf lier lirtbday. The Young widows andi families cf five of lh. officerse , eauted at Buetobuk are now bore, viz., Ouzoun- Off, Filoif, Kuigieif, Obristenikoif. They - - ~~stouteet neanse. Whnn ou Onst v nar, of course, fer lept snhéenin Abd ove tea slumbornreamst, he- ie Roman logions, lay enlaniglod in naries oft1h. Russian Goverurnont. Andf ode he» t Ihir romiee *~~thle swamp surroundod by the German Madame Zelenegoroif speaks e oi ttle The sleep ef Enalese RosI. hordep, I ligbted my lanterne svery. Bussian, but i. fairly fluent in Frseh Hosmany a suent, tuneles ongue, viere iu thé marsi ; sud v iii a and German. Tht ueùs nez praise, ner Marne, shudder lie irou.sinewed, soldier drsw_________ Oft vith 1he vitor'. triumph rang bie mande er iMa head. I have f.lt Beneti cm banors flamne. great mini vý hen tie good priosi A -Horrible Story of Frenchi came le the quagmire's rnerge vithiCie on many a.stormy field we fought candi., bell aud book, and cqenranded Theses noielcsu foot have trod ; my porturbed spirit le r0tun le ita FIENDIEIE AN4D FATAL <JRUELTY TO à CBILD The *ay cf glory bers thev eought, appeinted p lace. My 1f. is very brief, ISRMTV. They found aloe with God 1 but vie» die. mre other Jack arises YTSRLIV. 'te soare the pouaat again. My birlh- - Ah lhad lhey lingered at the hearth place is dovn in deep mines, by oburci (Paria Despateh.) When rang thc bugle's eall, yards, iu mareiy- places and ucar A rovolting caseetf.cild mar4yrdom The grandest roalrn et aH the Earth stagnant pools. I amn hydrogen gas bas been jil trisd aitbte Nancy Had hastened te its fa)]. rnixed vith phosphorons [phephareteti asizes. A grandfatberi an unce and Nov Wn th. foremeat ran kaoetmn hydrogen] and I spriug front leaves or an aunt ef 1h. juvenile martyr vore in Werahte noblor faie- animal ntatter in a state of deeay. the dock on lhe charge cf having per- We mrchWhen I escape from my pont-up birti. potraieti a slow and torluring -mordier. God grant the name "American," plac e eomesuddeniy illurninaled, Their family Dame vas Norroy. The Be ultereti nc'er with shame. aud lie people cry, "Beiold Jack-wili- eider Norroy vent hast Jnly le, Paris, And if our saintedl martyr's blood a-Latho'l in tie marI'" viere ho had a bon, the wite cf viton Four million slaves made free, Bf Ibis lime the tigil had grown so hati lately died, leaving a littie girl, Ilnedbe ltour lives make gooti feeble liaI I could soarcoly ses it; thon Marie Josiephine, aged four. 8he vas Ifa need o., iety. h gave alijîtie flatter andi expired. feteheti back te Briey, viere tb. grand- Thaldoe et aboty.A monti liter nty scence rnuter tather, uncle aud aunt 1used, aud vit- Oh, soldiers in the field of lite, and myself wval alealoe evecing in a neus s vi depoed te hon marlyrdet Marci vilh unfaitsring fot; birch inthli tl1.e eream liaI rau sa ic as a fresi faeed, liaughinig Sterm duly's path ofendiess abrite thirol4i tis marsi. and attrive child wien se.anrriet Sade in the golden street. "Let rme show yen sente emnali Jacks- ai Briey. The grantfalier said mie wili.Lanthoeus," ho said le me. aud, vas an encumbrance, snd mie muet bo MemorWa Day, 1887. iaking tie patdise ho tirustitil blad o gelrîd et, as &bey oould nos afford te inte tie bottomntheb. trsam sud bring ber np. HiU son MarcselsMd bis TEELIGT I TE BW MP qiokl viidr~ &.'Look," ho iaid, daughter Jospinue being oft-the samo' pointing te a 1ý"e bubble vic v12- rnind, liey set about ,killing tie ohid BY EDMUND OLYS gled. te uhe top, "vial follove," sd by slow dégrses. A neigibor, eue -- putling a lighteti match te lie buible, Goohard, »5w Marcel boat bie child W.- Oue eveuing during my holiday. IlI -tibm appeaà red a litbie yllow fiante cause e@ as not able te ibrasi ont vas Sittng on bis tep of lie iilupon vhici qnivored a montent sud tien sheaves oft vis i viia seavy bat. w0o u otf to n okm v ent eut. Whou aie eried, sud said se.couate vioi ouerot iag sbood sud - Dn'a te way along lbe edgs'ofethlic oit1, liets bed ber bauds te il sund ed se far avay ie ticthegîont. 0siope ve prodnood a number of aimilan slood over ber Viii a rod, with *hioi lu reput. vas Meut unoanny-bhs 11111e Jacks, sud bye boys vie iad io slruck ber visu ber sîrou Sb failed. marbes as-sud the superstitions folk ventuned out ulpou tis bil le valcie our Liot Octobor a woman namýed Teltz, round abt ot ld rnuy &tories efthle comiug, percexving bhs ligite flatter vie lived -Doit door, vas avoke at five uernatural thingesuad territyw»g upen lb. vaten, behiovedti lai vs vene o'eloek lu tie m'oruing by bis pltive liglits soon sloug ils level. Wîile I doing trafflo viii lishe il one. Any oes ries ot Marié.,eingte a viý an sd looked, lbiukiug oet tise thingea ,Iig vie vuîes temake a similar experi- goo in uaissav l eiyvt suddsul appeazet. I rnbbed -yyssMent in a utreant vie bottent con- bunei ef rode flogging tie child, vhe, tiukiog it te b. a delfiion ; but thî.e tains decaying vegetabie malter yull be Wheu ho loi ber go, rau tôthe a uai, vas ne deception. A ligiti thono vas revarded as vs vono. Jeesphine, to implore protection, but dovu in the swamp, aud il moved fit- 01 insteati et obtaining il aie resceived a foll &but, ow hdim tothe igb A Bkarm ExcutoiL viole nt kick lu the abdomen, *d vas Mud bgin letie left. At tlus moment tben iîesu ipsr thassforlie p.nd a very, uilgit draugit of air came op TERRILE SOEUc r WTNE5SE»B TaTie wIEtalez bte fenaerkeiforte i. c lis 'vailey aud 1I tit lisbreati upeu 0F ONE 0F IMITEvIcilv. Mare :1tibu, sd liTion ber Up. ml1.là e. Nosoer bidl tis itt1111 iasr er ntherousd t pgboml whid obomeed tia lb. lit began The Odessa orrespondeant et Tie'dbdbro h grm n om t 'ml' tsiyvt i u ecnsLne DiyNisvîa - ba e ld ber, szying as ho did se, "T&e dlreotlytoviard ouS cottage. bsd, during lie lasit ev days, severlnsi liai, teal ike, d loi our frid Il had a ooaiderable esuent et murai couveasaioau viti M. Gueroif, nvga te 1. udmk nîe te travers., sud I vondered if it vould -Btaaisdspoty, sud bis daugiler, report te lie mayer l'y Auotber day llkowise ooep thesleep.. Althoùgi Madame Zelenogoroff. lis widov etf b. teck ber te the pigsty sud rehlefi ber is general drc vo as lovard tie Capt4in Zelenogoroif, wv i v i git i the fi Ibtere, sud tien, aftt., Irov- hi!! upob whieo My bammeai &«mgiti elbois vas hot -altRustohuk on Feb- I!2nga basket of, cold "*sarn uber, boat movo Uti sudMa loti v ide trail ruuy'22 by eiderî of the Begents; -I brvi Tet. Aneler day lie o *ïê dancing sbadovs. ,Nov'u ne nonecorsla ~ ~ mes lhrsvber iule. srut, ai lie b"i agZ~ncid *a Iuv lb fiurement ber. mud. muet b. saken metaidouvibcrlrve et au ta~à hé ligilAt limes leonsiderable reeve. MadeanisZébu-, be tie grandiatlter wvasooming, but bis laead ,udboUlders appesred hidis.- #ogoroiy a sYoung lady'oa some îveuîy -pUsS-by SaVeu!ber front being eraslad tin.ybsd 9aaib 11i Ubgt -liai I ysars, sud et, yeoaid.rsble:psrsnil te deeti Laut viter -,@eommmd te*. esugi gliti«mpe.0otan "a*n;o'but look. atîrmellon. 8isursu! ".mo th" ttie'o taken fhem Wistore i -f»remaudpledl kng uedy, vise lii. ligil -did net .vas ni re eon v i eB usaeld, under lam pump e vas haitstaved, I w*al oonvluosd liaithelb . -hae.e etatJ ber prposuy, M& .vsbiti ii umfg sd <lovsem-sr. n rRme Mû.k. lsda warrant etfuraetagaint et ,.sdli -se outdgul-v u soneu" théimpuise cameun n sl;bat, hem wia Ilgalber, Igadsme on ber bedy. 8hà r vas oofiued M ls 'pev» i te s nd o ipnouhe sud i butZelempn ao on.reWe vashe--"fkid of pree unà der lie clairs- o1 th. 4iesuk rt otleceni my bd -1 rnevu tli ouelaos i ie ~ Tv egio i a i grev leaden-rs oot ulie22a&ê Psbmry lie of>r nIisps. e tsl>ame4 etMy covardlce..Than, toc, tadmitsu wcre amsehobl.8 labe r ou e ou tsa ssld lit er- fae se avés. ou4 ss.tosyluysn, eumysrevouly;bu-4i 0 longor ad a human. sppçqèanoe. On abeVl e fadiIet1Wiiela y e avelitonde »-v otii ;ut îe.*Iaeditd lis 21st-Noveiber lber tortu4s dect apokee? Yo-hsvs isard, sud you b.- reoIt. Madme -Zèeflgooif Biatesa ild te b. doue vi e.Jeseplibi. relessid fr#rm licou lid pter PqvOOWu riv ons, îutuu b wa uueg. $ha.Betate ie2 . ý14>l dt UWii b.veni udlensWb»e1.tre #'y=E*afe duui#-thie ib*ee dayi .' pî n i IabtOun __ 1-WIa - __ 1_Me. 1 Y5oUmey or erntal Tveve nglshpeople "were burned Iwu the Opera Comique, Parie., Wo are oonstantly .reevgtestimony- tiaI Dr. Carson's Catà rrh Cure je swhat tije name implies, a "Catarrh Cure." Your druggis .authoriied te refund the meney if ilfails te give aatisfactien. What can be more fair, and need yen suifer any longer?2 H Eon. Mr. Chapeau is spoken Di as Liieut- IGov. of Qaebec. XTOUNG MEN sufferlng from the effeets o Iearly evul habits, tho resuit of ignorance erjqolly, who ftnd themselves weakt, nervous, and exhausted; alse MiDDLE AGED and OLýD MENq, who are broken down from the effeots of abuse ur over-work, a.nd in advanced life feel the consequencea of youthful excess, send for and =AD M. V. Lubou's Treatise on Diseases of1 Men. The booftwill be sent sealed to any add*ess on receipt of two Se .sta.mps. ÂAddress -M. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St. E., Toronto. jar pEBflRY DAVMI' PAl NmKI LLER *0 1laRECOMMENE» BY P4&scians, .3muiters, Minaries, MaSnagera of Factories, Worksh»ps, Plantations, Nurses in ffopitl.s -i short, everybody everywhere -Who lias ever gime it a trial. T*XENi INTERNALLY MIXED WITIR A WINE GLASS OF IROT MILK AND SUGÂR, IT WILL BE FOUNqD ANEVER FAILIYG CURE FOR SUDDEN COLDS, CILS, CON-' GESTION OR STOPPAGE 0F CIRCULATION, CRAMPS, PAINS IN THE STOe4ACH, SUM- MER AND) BOWEL COMPLAINrS., SORE THROAT .&c. APPLIED EXTERNALLY, EXPERIENCE HAS PROVEN TT TUE MORT EFFECTIvE ANfl EEST LIXIMENT ONÇ EIRTH 1n; RE-MOVING 'EEPAIN, ARI5ING PROM SPRAINS, BRUISES, RILEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, SWIELLED FACE, TOOTIIACHE, BURNS, FROST BITES, &c., &c. 25cts. per BMW. »Mr Bewareoft Imitation& . f CAMPEBELL'S ELIXIR Tu ageeabl yet out &repmra Md enr6PUi o isordèrs attendant=upn alevr reduceti state etle7sste, anusually accompanier, by alrWeakness andi Palpitatior 0fIh Heart. Prompt resuis WiiL follow its ose in cases et Sudden --Ex- hausiin arising from Lesa ef Blooti, Acute or Chronie liseasa, aiîd lu tac weakuess that Invariably acéoinpanîeas tbe recovery froni Wasting Feyers. No remedy will give more speedy relief ia J)yspepias or Indigestion ite action on thc stomaci being liat ecia gentie and harmlese ltok, exciîh- gtèuesneof. digestion te action, anti thug-affordin imuiediate andi permicnent relief Thé carminalVOprpruies ofthle différent aromalice whicb lie Elixir centaine render it usêtul lu Flatulenti)yspepsl. il 1 à a valuable remedy for Atonie »ysepesaý, whi ls apt te, occuri n *sonsetf & gou±y character. For Iumpoverished Blood, Losu et A&ppebIte, DOspondencyand in ail cases viero an effective andi certain stimu- lant la reqgrc1 the Hlixir vill be fennd hiaahî lu Foyers et a Malarial Type, ud lie Varions cvii .resulta ,follcizg oxpo- sure-o thle colIdorvwet. eather, Il vIi pruve a valuait. reaterative, as1the, eembinalîon et Ciachons a lioaya sud B erpentarsaj% universaily rcoognized, s poinie fer Qtialeü=e-amdsr >&Z41wBowefor DsvÈ& a.weno O..(Li!nlted L ndi .f 1318 iAT COSTOe -Mutual1 Reserve Fu.d fe A-azur-, ance of New TýYork, C3anadian Govemnment dpost, Acoumulted r"serve f tund(cover) DeatI ILs paid duritng 1884 Now business, lut 8 mos.,11885, . 81,5:,00 -479,900 15,000,0001 Twenty-five per cent. of aUl asseasments, axe deposited with 'the Central Trust Cern- pany ef New York, as trastees ef the Re- serve Fund. Lie Insurance at lese than one-bajf the ordinary rates, and security perfect. Only 17 assessments made in 1881,1882, 1888, and 1884, and in nneôcase canthey be more fre- quent than every alternate month. Annual expenses cf managementi, &o., An active agent wanted in avery unrepre- sented locality, to whom a liberal commis- sion Winl be allowed. Applications golicited and full particularsfurnibhed by the under- /slgned. H. GÃ"ÉDON, Agent for the Coanty cf Ontario. Port Perry, Ont. xay 8, 1885.1 TRE WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA9 WHTY, - ONTABIO. Whltby, Nev. 7th, 1882. THOMAS -DOW, Manager. MONEY rO LOAN 1 *100.OOFORi IN'VESTMENqT. ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. At Iowe1% living rates cf interest. Money seenred within 10 days of &p. Appiy le plicatien. JORN FARQtJHABSOI; Whilby, February 16t1h, 1880. $500,000 TO LOAN.' At 6 Per cent. yearly. Termsetfrepay' ment eofprncipal made te suit borrowers. Firet and seconid mortgages bonght. Ad- veces madie on second mortga-ges and te purchase farma. Nc conta incurred in making applications te me foi meney ;.ne a"ent'à tees; ne delay. Parties paying higher rates on mertgages should applytoî me ai onco for lower ratée and save money.J lY2 *20 Adelsido Street ast., W ALL.&11B TRUE BLUE L.O.L. Nua. 16@ meetu in 'United Workmen Lodge reem, Smith's Block, fret -Wednesday in each Sec'y, Whitby. Afew hlundred Bushls of' dean Beed Oà a of >w superior 'kind. Good Rnoll Fio&r at $-2.OO Mautba Oi1 Qake.ý. Rock eait, Ground Fiax, &o.,, &c W.,B. P.INfLE; CURES -1L HUML frem a common BltcM r. ra In shortal dlsea6es caused bYbdbo> conquerd by thispowerful, p Qe a lnvigora *medicme. Great aî e sec a di el u nder Its benig n n U aý . PÀqecljal hâ îtmanifested !tg ot euring 'iOtter5 Rose Rashi 120118nie j bunele., Sore Eyes' Sero U1î0 ý) I ah: and Swell1n sq HiJoint nseO Neck ad Enlarged Glande. cents e staxnps for a large traieWt ored plates, on' Skin Disases othe amutfra treatise on ScrofuýouFjs__ "TEBLOOD 11 TRIE Thoroughly cleause t bmyuîgD.Pee, Gle edical 1) meovery, and0 digestion, a fair skln btoan its, vital strenehgan4 sou ndu,,, constitutioný,ewxl be establisbed. O Lunge, le promptly and certaini iiy and cured by this God-given rexnedy, ert M before the lest stages tif the clisessear eCn From its wendertul power over ti fatal dIsease, when firet offering thl nwi ebrated 'ýréedy te the pulic, Dr.ý theught serioôualy cf callig It bà s sumà ption Curej," but abahdoned tbanda as tee, limiteli fer a medicIne whiefl -a wendorful cemblnation of tonlc, ore Izi elteratIve, -or bleed-clesnslng, ni peetersl and nutritive Fropertles, lsu onyas a remedy CHRONIO DISESES,-* Liver, Blood, and Luns eslvolorce ski, orye owish.broe~ on face or bey rqethdahorij. atrtngwlth bhot flashes îlow sij glcom y brbodIngelegua'arpte gestion ASYUýpç Id »ma~Liver,ý armdy for ail snccs, Go ldle n Mileial I>iacoery bus1Wo ec.ea~.k LunjLf Spittind of Blo00,5 Shortucas o!roýath, oeht Severe Coug k, Cosum p itîon , kindred affections, it le a -severeiSr r~, Bond ten cèntsl t a n pSfor D.Peo bock on Consumptlen. *SOI& by Druggiset PRICE $ 1.009, Il6~ieOTTLP. World'a DlaponuM Modil-Assiclatlm , Proprieters M6 Main St., Buxrno, NT c~sLITTLE' ANTIn-BLaImOTIS aRd CATERAETMV Sold by Drugglts, 26 cents a via. - $5.00REWARO le cffcred b~y the roWe cf Dr.'Sage s Catarrh ek foracaeeof catarrhWhch twiey or, pro and c rai ln1 Deuerell'a-Block<-for 'gour 35f. Daz fine ani Theé 1dà éluntdreve up -weéduesdaY 'niglt lot iindor ic gla W.- nndersitandf iprsed viii lh -Chief Dou'glas- delof oredil for, su d usng tiea vieo - sorne ime- elotblngstoeêoet8 P iipioer, pfi -epe ferynaobi veoolen mils' osi week. -Tie suýel] in the, tsolory a - ~fle coùld bo 10o- 80048 vere alnï< etosam or wster. $4000, sud cers TR,. siops Thecocsi Bbelburneo- ly-47 1 loromo. 1 1 i. rrhi ýÊ-w ffýwuntteirue