Whitby Chronicle, 3 Jun 1887, p. 7

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acomn rI flot% omo r s*tm .yo ýrt. ail clitseti , trvd by this >i v ýritI i-~ne .rç Llipl(lly heul urido*i ýally hmAst mnixtee Tetter, Bose *si Ior oLyclS I CIP, itend EiiIiitgO4QI n s3tiuîpbt'or a hiege iares, on' Siin Dlsel t fer a treatisn on croi [E 1LOOD *8 ,110111111cU tlal udt ttesta le Serot ulons D!se s, Is prouiptly andi cer1 rt by tlîts Go-given rfuo the Iaâtstamges ofthe disea..l Its womderul prer over.t u lseaoe, wben tlo fferlng tM LI remedy toi the publieiD terousiy ofcling t hi Mion Cme,"9but bndone limited or azia ine whlcà Etu1 cobination oil tonte, org ýentlve, or blood-c eansng au 4 .and nutiive prjperttes,Ii ly as a reraedy faut comei but. for aili Or THM or, B1ood,landli ,u tee! diii!. drow~ deblUtu kolor of skin, or y lowl&h-br ýor body, frequer t beadachu t] tetlntr ou th, iternâi hem uIng wth- bot la heM oygÇ boîebodlngs. Irrlua~ thela s 41%toms re pi iJy for ail guch cm ~~i agiar Workis ae $0 ftu o f tbaàt men -bave ta work over dot$ qb, N.2a fit.hli cf bis tovuoiugh ~ ~ the! ulght sudlbueud $0 outbe b.24th there bâd notbena hore during May. Vegetation " e ta thrlve, but vasher- ,»n vers ali reat iu900DVODlenoe. The Beform lAssociation Booms *sugbt are last veek, sud the Star sys th, e effeot of piling s number of Ilploeile speechêe together lu menu-. goriPts anacomb ustion St in. , TwO1euian noblemen, asooopsuied itar, sttenipted w p gve au exhibi- liThuradaY morng, but OChief c.ni ouldn't bear it. They left jOlD by#,,be baok rosd. The 00eiUO work ou the whsrf hi bocgrOtedV If th. mines sme work- e vr il probsbiy b.e melt.d ber., iaaio shipped. Sème portions ,vinl b.oW, sud 111. bslauoo used se jwevty very fine hase voue takout BaRoheéter Thurodsv mavnhug by the steae Noreman. They were pur. Cbgéd by Mu. Bantell of that oity, scd vêe çery fine sanial. The prOPriet0e of the Dunhsm h6use -ise bad a number of cedar trees plant- ed ini large tubs, sud elst rund the bolet yard. The effec e iver 1p1eashng. Heo scys by keepirig them wllwatered lhey will rernain beauliful sud green ail the sumlmer. The Mayor, CounS. Bath suad bMo Ollum drave rip la Part Hope, on Wednesday night, ta inupeet thatlu=-m lot nnder th1e glare of the eleotrio light. W. underat&iid they vote favorablIp impressed vith lhe lighit, but have oeau- cluded ta lv. in Cobourg yet a whilc. Chief Douglas is entitied to a great deal of oredit for working up the caue and omsing 1he arreet cf F. MeInloali, vho saine lime &go burglarized the clothing store of Stevenson, Part Hope. The prisoner pleaded guilty snd wil spend four yesus in gsol. am ou h109" 1 un 0 reàtSu,~gD COughs, C QUmUMpt1ou a afections, It le soverelk~ -ten cents ilu stapnae-for Dr. l= k onsuxnptlon. 89là by Dwugg$0 'a Dspeuary Madisal Anu %tu romprietors, 063 Main St,, 11w11L<,, Zi ~ LITTL Y 'BL Q 5 ad ILLRI y Bruggite. 251 cents aeM $50REWAR ta off ered by the propre of D=g's Catarha -cannot cure. a Il yen lbave a eschag the nosOfesive a o-ern.weakeyid e cases termilnalteu consumption. gue'a CÂARRU R'xrr curéesthe fcatatrrh ýCoId lthue 119= iarrhai headoche. 40 cenM& Deuerell'8 Bloek ,for goUr 114NG ' ROON SUITS, 1ZNNO ROOM S UITS, BEDROOM SUITS, KI1CHEN $1711 mces thal Oety Compotitie e One, Corne all, and so for Yourselves. J.-'JOHNSQN () VER J0UHN FERGU8O)xý Wthng Bslabllshmnt, Dundg: -' (Mqohouri troam9 &.m. loi12 mi l.80'to 6, P. M . Rehdence-O7 ~n aud Olbrîsitreeti Sdverimumg Agent, 41Pa Iuew Buiildling), New ou îzed tu cou tract for sdverM RE Kh HOIL t SALTO The tore iu eaunect.iou vith Cl&sru' waolen rmille osugbt fit. on Friday week. Thé amenI cf emakewuse uolioed in thie tatory a long limn. beipre the, frs eouid b. located. 66000Wothh Of gooadavers slnloit oi.troyed by fOr., sîeam or vater. Thé insurance ie # 4000, aud covOnsthe laie. DISTRICT ITEM. Penietang refoiuuatau'y bas 190 baya. Excursoniiseare 5131547-hesdiu ,for Mtuskoka. Additions-are being made tb he . Q T. B. shaps Lu Linduay. The coat of inflîcting s 02 fine iu Shoîburne, Lu 68.20. Orangevll' population Le 8,219, increas of 400 aveu laut year. i Oolinigwood'harbor gale ea$10,000 grant tram Ottava Ibls y.ar. Tva Orillia nmen hsd a Jamboree sud paid 66.10 escb to a siufy the Msyor. A business college iota b. îtarted i Barrie by one Ssvyer, cf Peterborg Shelburue ih raoked wilh exoitemes over th. el@ndtof à 5 hool truitEi iu ro. De. A Brantford veathar profit forelold zainevery otheq day -during.the mouth. of m ay. 'The Britiah aruij offio.rs bougbl o«97 thee. herssin Aurais and two 'lu» Ire sc eool sceommodaticu l lnooessary fou Midia.d'e erap of clive Hlesvy bush flueis are raging inuthe. narth cfTiny, imd rnuch damage bas! beau done. Hsggso Bo.'mufeuri tb iishmuetat Dusida, came usezr bong burn Uti et iSweOe Thoraois tlk, of rOliug uP t.h* ruivY track betveea Begrerton u dl Ooiug- Wood aud storiz* it sway.1 Newmarket will oiû ksawell wfth a -Vlew w obwaniug vaSer fordomestie, sud fit. prlotive purpobet. Pe.an eke tIoreeovsr $800 bonuusgrated os 0grW udgmille-.'V4 failed tb corn p $0 agrmeut.,Î ....fll L..~.*n mIo.*fr fuit. m.iawuiz U5W &mau Iau~Ms ,only tonbut oesda.. by kuooked undor ailer botua out 24 boums jlzg cau easSeG- . B. - and Judge Milel*t atMOD&Osquuis him WO~OW481S1t ob t -fi# yesrs. Oolugwooo téwutublD fome" m-Il ihefr oiti. by livé. wgt ,ui4 before wSabg te tb94I Um tU and Bsii su8j the wster ih.y cou. B. sud J. gorrmsand Btdpt-GibsouL buen golng osý fer yess noir a-fi fore rooa MLn. Id 70i on sou Bal eu 4.peui stt o f lOeii man orns XL th& OakvilI. t4r. :It,Ieu 8that ablog :Party frOm Milton - arlg rotie their huoh,"euteued-,the sut. ni oif a Nsuagweya uchàOoI asd wblle orosuiug a field Sosa uelghbot's Frtldaypiaoad ber.pp i u er pocket. rdresi osuglit fiue, sud whou found > tlotis sud hair veto buned 'Off b er fIesh burued tla s p. -She mot Survive. U5 the Bruce asesizes, Robert KOYes, il keper cf Burgoyue,ý sud Henry shugý th. desth, by negbeét Of Riar"d buater, théeOhicagomilîlonitare, wve iteuoed ho tht.. sud tvo yers in the ihtontiary respeotively. On Tuesdsy W & KIecahd, V. S. of Bothwell, remove-d fi-rmthe juglar vein cf s îhotoughtbred cou of MMur. Gesry Brai., s lumor vehghng 56pounds 101 ouncest, after the matter vas laken from it. Lt sd benu grawlug for over s yesr asud <omplelely oovetod thé' velu. 8h. in doing voa. Uibridge Meobanios' Institut. le #780 in dabI. 40 moembers are payiuïtg tv dollarq' yesnly sud s total membet;hhp lass ýesr vas nearly 200. There are nesriy 8,900 volumes iu the librsty, sud s resdfiagroom is ton Lu ooneo- lion at su expenue lait yesr of aver $150, exclusive of rent. For monumental oheek a Pslmer< itou lswyer takes s ban. The tavýr conucil of thst place bad eugaged tiis lavysu la concluet lhoiix agitation for couny tovu sud 1h. otber dsybe te- ceived from the clerk af the Legislature a disque for thé $90, being refuuded on # 100 deposit made by the Palmner- stan council ta carry tbrougb Ibeir eoubty tovu bill. On reoeivhug Ihie3 obeque thp lawyer paid himiclf $87.88 sud psid the balance cf 62.12 over to, Ibm conucil. EHis action, vil b. luves- îlgated by a committeel of 1he councli. Statistici. There arn ove: 20,000,000 vidowa iu Iudia ; 2,000,000 of them beloug tW castea which pi-selice ohi1d-maunige snd insiste ou lhe. celibscy cf Iheir widova. Tbirty yeaus &go the proportion of suicides in Pranocevws ou* in 10,000 cf the population ; nov Ï& ha jut double. Out cf lhe 7,572 suicides iu 1886 assih ooouured iu Parisansd the suburba. Bach émigrant front Qermany oowputed to carry svsy vith hlm a capital, £200. Il Ibies uppositioni correct, ifollovu that thé semai erni- gralion tram Germauy belveen De- cember, 1880, snd December, 18%,, sutahled upon Geumsny su sgguegate lkm cç,eaphlal of £170,800000. The quantity cf flirz fibre suuually iuuported litoGi-cal Britaiu averagem about 85,000 toue, vorth nearly £8,- 500,000 sterling. The flsxseed (liusced) sunua][ly irnported amntus twome 20,000,000 bushela, _-worthblu round figures £5,000 sterling; whilé thé linuoed-oil sud lius.ed-cske asually imporled are vortb prohabiy suother £2,000,000. It js only 26 yesrs "00 ethe OlCnOY of Queensland started on itsa a e counu, haviug boen s, epsated tram New Soutb Waleâ. in 1859. Il slarted vith au orcs cf some 670.000 square miles, a lit11e more than lwc,tfrds the size cf South Aetualilansdsà population cf ouly 20,000. Now il bas a populo- 4ion cf 820,000, about 8,000 more Ihan South AUatr&iaýIts stock- thon nulu- bered 28,500 borses, 482,890 cattie, sud 8,167,000 sh.ep. No* its borsesnum - ber 258,116, jts costlO 4,266,000, sd its sheep 9,404.000. àazzoào n (ÂTLic » Pm.-Tbe Chicago market Lu the- ohief centre of the catlle trade iu the Uuiled 1Stales the stockyard ooveriug 870.a&res, snd employiug dSriug the vinter from 20.- 000 la 25,0» men. $a1886 those ptook ysrds eeiv eiÏi < 0,O000 cf,20 truol.,perdiemn. Next $0O hios- go, ebere about 0,000,000 #Wmves kihlais Ja ar th kp-ud pl entres of pork.psci «~ Kna iyOnhl ati, Godwr 04pée, tLoule., tndlsufr pole, ud oeaawWthh kiU about cfP tihea b.U to tat «On The -.Wo, Ts our Rio)iost X .e Wed for t Rat, bote ave' moi] lin,1 -Tl niri day- oWn m tit Roi hot Fni Chi day unt :oring, f or ti trick's > BaseJ stabule et i r unday. -us bote?!, H ylandOréeeh, îé on;Jeffrey Brou' noeu sud returuhomie perty of Oameron & Sbaiid, Âshburn. Uday-rnceed ta Cbilimn's h6te4, Brook. noon ; John Shand's at night. Tuesday 7ho.. Wilbur'si ,?.lrlington, for the il, Wednosday --, te ,no Igson'a botl, Raqlan t- night. Thurs- -Frank Brown s, ktyrtie.faon - bis a gtable, Asbburn% et night. Friday- L. Gardner'@, -noon; bis own stable at iM. Saturdaï-J. A-. Dimney'ff Wost ituy, noon ; nie own stable until Menday ,Ming. )perty of Gameron 84 Shànd, Âmbburn.- )nday afternaon-prcoed te Dafoe's hotet, Ïos and romain ait negt. Tuesdby- l's -hotel, Manichester, neon ; -St. Charles be, Port Perry, at niht -Wtdnesd&y ,rnoun-proceed te Hdgo's bolet rIlan, and remainover 'igt. Tbur&y- ~ohn Hepburn's and romain al nibt. iday-Wiloox's hotél, Celumbus, non; tinn's hotol, Brooklin, at night. Satur- y-return to- hie own stable, ÂAhburri IiI Monday. ' - Pheuomeuofl, (Cleveland Bay) property of Major Hcdg- sou, Myrtie, ont. Monwiay -pass Ibrougi Mytie sud Asbburn te Utica, aud tomaim ail night.- Tuesday-pass through Epsom, to Port Ferry, 'noon ; and through Man. chester tn bis own stable for the xightý Wednesday-pais through Raglan to Colm us, noon; and through ?rookliù tebis oçn stable for the nirght. Thursday-all day a hie own Ptable. Friday-Ray's hotol, Oshawa,- noen; and Ray's Holel, Wii;tb5 at nighit. Saturday afternoon return t4 his own stable ani romain tili Monday. Pr( Irei jWC foi roperty of Major Hodjeon, Myrtie , ¶kiI ,main at hie own stable evory day in 1hi ,ek excepting ThursdaT, on whicb day ho ill ho at Jno. Martin s , let con., Reacl r a noor. stand. property cf John Anson, Balai. Monda -prece»ed hoDLafoo's hotel, Utica for th nih.Tuesday-to McGremor'iî, 9thbcol Becfor toniRht. Wedneady-I Rose'e botl, Greeubank, for the nighý Thursay-,te McQuay's o l, -Port Pern fer the nigbt. Friday-to Hodgseon' bote Raglan, for the night. Satntday-l-o h own stable aud remamn<until ,ioudsy. properly of John Aition, lsa"m Monda -poceed te Dafue shiql, Utica, for tI nibh Tesayto icàGreffor a9th coi -f o- Èe £nt. ednesday-1 Roee's botl, Greenbank, for the,- igi Thursdy-te Mc9uay's botl, Part For for tbhe aigt, Frîday--to Hodgaen's bote Raglan, for thé nighh. Satuday-te i owu1'stable sud romain until Munday. property 6f Wmn.Rîcbardsoii & Sou, Coli bus, Ont. Monday-will proceed teo hin boe>Brooktin, for the night. Tue"a to Dwckoon% Xyrti., uoou,; mi tom~ botl, Manchester, snd reinain everWi n" ~ nilTuudymrIug urad botleTh rw g1anmorn ; sd o-n saeothl e ut dnoa- t T owi le f'a or7theonDinglonsud terTh( ailbra nighcou.atry-tonJan. emr auneon su t hieown table ntil Mon morning. ýTo sCUiw GQOD ,TWEE'D-S- A GodSuit mt deerfr$20,000 6t le e he e t. hie od. it.. An la; Sambleonian) property of Whitney sud y htl ont. Monday-ieave bis ove stale, Quený'e bote] Wlutbýy sud prceed4 Cbinn'i bote], Brookin, noon; sud t. W"l- son's botl, Ashhnrn for the nigbt. Tues- d&.Y-Deruaha's bhotlt laroîont, noon; Pipher's botet, Brougliam for the nigbt, NVedneedy-to Willcox'a botel, Box Groeé noon; and te the Wellington bolt4, Mark- brin, for the negt, Tbursdy-to BOW bctO. Wobutn, nooi ; and to Mooueê bote, His:wdCreek fer the night. Frd4y--to Gordan' hôtel, Piçkerng1 sund remain ml negt. S8atnrd4ay-to lus own stable, Whxtby, and remain il Monday. BULL&. retyf Wz. Has, MMle6Ot. c(J" .sb!Z, nu, brEd by m M.ern an$! .Asc7 m Wb*t s truiy beaulhfI warid vo lve1 Natumej* m un grndeur of -mouid gl»Looest»b sud tiopuauda cf mu of oujoyment. W* eau deire ns- bel uwhenineotliltJi iabuthol'cte. aima I c r large- stock,éec., t o, rl; ndise1 anc T from.im l ortý Speciai Une of HEÂVY TrWEED8 from 50 to 75 cents per yafd, suitabie forBusines( Suits or Boys' wear. FUJLL- STOCK 0F GIROCIERIES ALWÂYS ON HAND. HE.qi/est market price paid for Butter -and Eggs. JE 0o WIE NT BBOOKLIN, ONT. Ciottage or Castie, PRIQES. WHIOH WIL L A 8TONISH YOU.' OALL ON WM, IIAIJLT, BROOKLIN. -_000- I '1 ¶oj tireitns ! Mot-ntaI igh-waro b low tacontinue t-mosat W anled d ulerate, beco u g V «7 jStops the iteblng and bleedlng. ýf._%heâlà ulcetio!I. ad, ý ~4 O MANKOOD' Lu "Funerals Fully. Suple ýjHwLot ew OtO p-p lie .-1jýw L sipulh, o v W-bi(oby Wooller-n -Mi, Midway between'Brooklin and Columbus, on the 7tJi Conce8non. - We are now prepared to make al (Goodls, suoh as Tweeds, Full Cloth, Mheeting, Shirtings, Ail-wo9l bed Blankets, and. Yarns m- àail varieties Knitted Goods kept ini stock for' the -Patrons. Hge$prie paid for aDy quantity Ail orders promptly flEd, W., De Bo WERMA N 1 ScIiooI BooR.KEE; indsof ,Wooilen Union .Flaunels, Blankets, Horse an&lal kinds, of accomÉmodation of. Of WooJ. d ON, ?i1Yue~l t bapsathe Menetalor se consequeuoi cured;- -cii whhevery a. oeyo cen ts ori;lv AROAtE-TORONTO. mheogbIy, quippea -for Business- PEI sea for cire I 1 ý.1, m i 1 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 - 1 Auchtertool, icq»Y ldfe.-,

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